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Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 330,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 119,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 380,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 4 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will make detailed business plan services for the repair of apartments with calculations.

Service description

The company is engaged in apartment renovation. Services are provided for the decoration of the apartment, overhaul. The organization does work of different levels, but mainly focuses on the middle class. Please note that this business plan is not designed to big company but for start-up entrepreneurs.

Market analysis

Services for the provision of apartment repairs is a fairly profitable enterprise. In many cities, the niche is not crowded, and the entrance to it is free. This opens up excellent prospects in this business. First, the costs will be reduced to wages, because the client can buy raw materials on his own or pay separately. To these expenses, you can add funds for advertising. The remaining categories of costs can be considered insignificant.

In this business, it is very important to understand what you are working with. The ideal option would be if a private entrepreneur worked in this business area, knows the prices, required quality and the sequence of work, understands how the service needs to be promoted.

Most often, such enterprises are opened by former workers who decided to try their hand at independent swimming.

Remember that the two most important criteria are the quality of the services provided and advertising. Moreover, the second aspect has no less effect on success.

Even in developed cities, there are no large repair organizations. More precisely, there are very few of them. Benefit from large enterprise possible, only costs rise and often reduce profitability. Therefore, small firms will be the main competitors. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is quite difficult to assess their impact on the market. Many today work in the gray segment of the market, their activities cannot be traced in any way. Needless to say, many do not even have their own offices.

How can you win the market? Quality and promotion of services. Active advertising will become the main engine, but more on that later.

It is quite difficult to draw up a specific portrait of the buyer. Today, many use the services of such repair teams. These are not necessarily wealthy people. Although, large orders can be obtained from them. Therefore, it is worth building your work in such a way as to attract the attention of people with an average and high level of income.

If we talk about age, then most often people under the age of 45-55 apply to such offices. The older generation, as a rule, makes repairs on their own. Pensioners often simply do not have enough money to use such services.

SWOT analysis

By creating own organization, it is necessary to evaluate the internal and external factors affecting the operation of the business. The impact of the external environment cannot be changed, but many consequences can be avoided, and opportunities can be used for good. External factors include:

  1. Capabilities
  • Free entry to the market.
  • different price categories.
  • Mobility of own production facilities.
  • Opportunity to optimize own production.
  • The possibility of applying favorable tax regimes (STS, UTII).
  • Great opportunity to expand your own business.
  1. Threats
  • Average level of investment (due to the high cost of professional tools).
  • The service is not a commodity.
  • Lack of guarantees of a constant level of demand.
  • Inconstancy of orders (blockages are possible or, conversely, the absence of objects).
  • High level of competition.

It is possible and necessary to work with internal factors. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Providing quality service.
  • Providing guarantees for the work performed.
  • Acceptable cost of work.
  • Qualified personnel.
  • Quality tools.
  • Short terms of work.
  • Providing a wide range of services.
  • Developed marketing and pricing strategy.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Inexperience.
  • Lack of customer base.
  • Zero business reputation.
  • Difficulty in finding qualified personnel.
  • Lack of staff training programs.

Based on the analysis of internal factors, the organization can follow one of the following paths:

  1. Strengthen your own capabilities through positive aspects, use them as a competitive advantage.
  2. Try to deal with weaknesses.
  3. Minimize the consequences arising from the presence of weaknesses.

Opportunity Assessment

Demand in this industry is difficult to estimate. Its peak is from April to October. But the rest of the time, the value of demand does not fluctuate much. You can reduce its influence with the help of a good advertising company and a permanent customer base.

Work will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Total: 58 hours per week. Per month: 252 hours.

Remember that according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee cannot work more than 40 hours a week. In order not to hire additional people, you can arrange each of them for a part-time job, so that according to the papers everything complies with the law. Then each employee (namely, finishers and tilers) will have 1.45 rates. If this option does not suit you, you can arrange overtime or work on a day off.

Thus, there will be only one shift. You do not have to break the work into several teams. This will improve the quality of work and increase the level of responsibility.

After developing a client base, you can think about expanding, increasing the number of teams. It will also be possible to hire a foreman, rather than doing these things yourself. Soon it is worth thinking about a secretary or deputy who will be engaged in the selection of clients, phone calls, and advertising. The foreman can take on the responsibility of checking the work, coordinating the plan of services provided with the client. Additionally, you can offer a service for the purchase and delivery of materials, having previously agreed with any organization on the wholesale supply of raw materials.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. or . OKVED codes that can be used:
  • 45.25.5 - Production of stone works;
  • 45.31 - Production of electrical work;
  • 45.32 - Production of insulation works;
  • 45.33 - Production of sanitary works;
  • 45.42 - Production of joinery and carpentry;
  • 45.43 - Installation of floor coverings and wall cladding;
  • 45.44 - Production of painting and glass works;
  • 45.44.2 - Production of painting works;
  • 45.45 - Production of other finishing and finishing works.

Remember that one main OKVED code must be selected, the rest must also be indicated.

  1. This type of activity no need to license.
  2. Apartment renovation by OKUN ( All-Russian classifier services to the population) - household service. Therefore, an entrepreneur can use not only, but also. Please note that UTII is provided only for the provision of services to individuals. If you will be engaged in the repair of apartments transferred to commercial real estate, for legal entities, then you will need to switch to USN. You can also get a patent and get certain benefits and privileges. But this will increase the initial cost. You can use the STS "Income" 6% or the STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. No permits are required. It is very important to take care in advance of drawing up contracts, acceptance certificates and other documentation that will not only confirm income, but also protect you from unscrupulous customers.
  4. Make a detailed price list that will help the customer navigate.
  5. It is better to get a seal, especially since today there are many online programs that allow you to track and manage funds in your bank account.

Marketing Plan

Pricing strategy: Do not underestimate the cost of work. First, it can reduce the profitability of the enterprise to nothing. Secondly, such a move can completely frighten potential clients. In this business, most often people associate the price of services with their quality. It is worth considering setting an average market price. If you are sure that there will be customers in a higher price segment, and the quality of work is at a level, then you can make the price higher than the average.

"Don't put your eggs in all the baskets at the same time." Firstly, this approach will cost a pretty penny. Secondly, the advertising company in the field of repair services has its own specifics. It is worth studying this market in more detail and choosing those types of advertising that have the greatest impact on potential consumers. These include:

This species is considered the most effective way attracting customers. If possible, they can be pasted throughout the city. It is especially necessary to bypass new buildings or objects under construction. Mostly such announcements need to be pasted directly on the entrances or inside them.

  • Advertisements in newspapers.

It is worth placing them in all the famous city newspapers. The cost of such advertising is low. Here it is very important to flash in the newspapers regularly. Weekly announcements will remain in memory, if necessary, a person will look in the newspaper and find the right phone.

  • Internet advertising.

This can include maintaining your own site (better). And you need to fill it to the maximum. Make a price list, talk about your masters, show examples of work (preferably with video and customer reviews).

  • Word of mouth radio.

This is a free form of advertising. They cannot be controlled directly. But the quality of your work will ensure the receipt of new orders. Satisfied clients You can also hand out your business cards. This type of advertising begins to act, as a rule, after the first 5-10 orders. Unless, of course, the quality of your work is on highest level. Even if something is done wrong, you need to try to correct the shortcomings, to satisfy the customer's requests as much as possible.

Do not forget that the most important thing is the systematic and correct focus of your advertising.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

As such, no space is required for work. At first, you can meet on the territory of the customer, all the more you still have to evaluate the apartment, draw up a plan and estimate. As a last resort, you can always take advantage of renting a room. Of course, when the organization becomes famous, has a client base and the entrepreneur wants to expand, it makes sense to consider renting your own office, as well as hiring a designer. All this will increase the range of services offered, and improve the reputation of the company.

You can rent a small room for overexposure of inventory. There is no need to make repairs.

Thus, you do not have to spend money on repairs and furniture. But here the tools will require serious costs. Our organization will employ two teams of finishers (two people each) and one tiler. They all need their own tools and supplies.

You will have to spend a lot on tools for 5 people. This includes various drills, screwdrivers, mixers, levels, goats, grinders and much more. Of course, it is better to buy a quality instrument right away.

AT expendable materials does not include the cost of raw materials needed for repairs. This is paid by the client and provides everything necessary.

It is worth buying uniforms for workers. Firstly, it will add respectability, and secondly, they will have everything necessary for work. This will provide them with comfort.

Salary will be calculated as follows:

Take better people with work experience, not necessarily with education.

When calculating, the amount is indicated “dirty”, that is, personal income tax and contributions are not deducted from the salary.

organizational plan

Financial plan

Monthly income 330,000 rubles
Rent 6 000 rubles
Expendable materials 5 000 rubles
Wage 165 000 rubles
Advertising 20 000 rubles
Outsourcing (services of electricians, telecom operators, locksmiths) 8 000 rubles
Office expenses 2 000 rubles
Total costs: 206 000 rubles
Profit before tax 124 000 rubles
Tax 5 000 rubles
Net profit 119 000 rubles
Profitability (net profit / income) 36,06%
Payback (Initial cost / Net profit) from 4 months

We took the UTII tax, as it turned out to be more profitable in this case. In your particular case, it may happen that the USN will be more profitable. The amount was given per month. Remember that UTII is paid once a quarter. That is, for the quarter, the entrepreneur pays a tax of 15,000 rubles.


It is important for preparatory stage take everything into account possible risks. They are usually divided into internal and external. The latter include the following risks:

  1. Decreased income of the population.

This can lead to a sharp decrease in demand for services. To fight it's worth strengthening advertising company and, if necessary, reduce prices. These actions will help reduce losses and reduce downtime.

  1. Increasing competition in the industry.

To avoid this risk, it is necessary to offer customers only high-quality services. Be sure to be able to present yourself, your employees and the company. Become recognizable in your city, increase your business reputation, respectability. By the way, lowering the price here can help, but not much.

  1. Customer dishonesty.

All contracts must be formalized. You can work after prepayment. Consider risk insurance. If necessary, you will have to go to court to demand payment of the debt.

The probability of occurrence is medium.

Internal risks will include:

  1. Low level of personnel qualification.

It is worth more carefully approaching the selection of personnel. Consider ways to test skills, develop acts and other documentation that allows quality control. Register new employees for a trial period.

The probability of occurrence is medium.

  1. Downtime due to breakdowns of the equipment used, as well as a decrease in quality, slow work.

It is necessary to check the condition of the tools used in a timely manner. It is worth thinking about purchasing additional units of equipment. The quality of the purchased equipment should be given special attention. These must be reliable tools. One of the most popular companies is HILTI (Germany).

The probability of occurrence is high.

  1. Lack of staff.

It is worth thinking about ways to attract employees and motivate them for further fruitful cooperation. The search should be done not only through newspapers and television, it is worth using the Internet.

Probability of occurrence is low.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

Beginning office it is worth registering an IP and choose as many OKVED codes as possible. Almost every type of work has its own code.

Therefore, choose almost all subsections from the following groups: 43.2 – “Production of electrical, sanitary and other construction and installation works”, 43.3 - "Construction finishing works", 43.9 – “Other specialized construction works”.

For renovations and renovations can do without a special license.

Service list

The most profitable types of repairs- cosmetic and economy class, this segment has the most customers. Common and popular types of services:

  • Repair and finishing (laying tiles, tiles, wallpapering, plastering and painting, etc.);
  • redevelopment;
  • Electrical installation;
  • Plumbing works;
  • Installation of windows and doors.

It is beneficial to provide the client with a full range of services and offer turnkey repairs and finishing. Pay special attention to deadlines: Delay is subject to fines.

Therefore, when drawing up a contract with the owner of the property, leave “in reserve” at least a couple of days in excess of the norm.

What kind of office do you need

For meetings with customers, a small office of 20 sq. m in one of the central districts of the city. Separate warehouse small company is not required, the office can be equipped with racks for storing tools. Renting a room will require an investment of $ 200 per month.

Search for employees

The best and cheapest option is to hire expatriate workers. Good reviews are received by the work of Tajiks and Uzbeks. An important condition is that the repairmen have a work permit.

Piecework payment - a percentage of the completed order. You will need to form a team of four people, and you will become a foreman.

The best ways to find workers

  1. Announcements on the Internet (websites: remontnik.rf,,,,, etc.) You can study the proposals of employees and post your ad. Then you will have to take calls and hold meetings with candidates to assess their qualifications;
  2. Posting job advertisements. Placing them all over the city is impractical. But near the FMS, for example, it is quite logical.

You should look for masters of different directions. Ideally, the team should include finishers, an electrician, and a plumber. In the priority of the master, capable of performing several functions at once.

Advertising and customer search

Word of mouth works best, customers often choose performers based on reviews. But the client base is accumulated over the years, for this the team needs to fulfill orders in a quality and timely manner.

The best ways to find clients

  • Creation of a website on the Internet and its promotion, order paid advertising in search engines. It is important for the site to develop a portfolio with examples of completed orders;
  • Establishing contacts with developers. For a certain percentage, they themselves will recommend your apartment to buyers. And each new apartment requires repair and decoration. Another option for cooperation is accommodation banner advertising on construction site fences;
  • Partnership with private housing management companies. So you can receive several large orders on the territory of one object. This will eliminate the cost of transporting workers and equipment;
  • Cooperation with stores selling building materials, windows, doors. For example, they may recommend you to install purchased doors, give you a discount on materials (a bonus for your customers), or simply place your advertisement in the store;
  • For the VIP segment, an agreement with interior designers is suitable. When developing a design, they work through everything to the smallest detail, up to who is better to entrust the repair and decoration of the premises.

Costs and profits

Investments will be approximately 7-8 thousand dollars. This includes registering a company, renting an office for three months in advance, buying tools and a spacious car (a Gazelle, for example), and advertising.

Repairing 2-3 turnkey apartments per month, the team will earn $6000-8000, building materials are purchased by the customer separately. After paying salaries, the "net" profit of the company will be $ 2000-3000.

To flourish monitor the quality of services and constantly look for new partners. Such works are most in demand in large cities with active development and real estate market. Successful company often has a schedule planned several months in advance.

  • (185)
  • (102)

The necessary engineering systems (plumbing, kitchen equipment, electrical wiring and electrical equipment) are also arranged.

The prospects for the apartment renovation business

The prospects for the apartment renovation business are due to the following factors:

  • significant savings in the time of customers for finishing the premises (self-repair often stretches for many months, and sometimes years);
  • lower repair costs, which is associated with the implementation of accurate measurements, the acquisition of quality materials in a strictly defined quantity;
  • a professional approach to home decoration, which excludes subsequent completions and alterations;
  • providing guarantees for the work performed;
  • affordable cost of professional repair services;
  • high demand for professional, high-quality and inexpensive finishing works.

Availability good materials and modern technologies make it possible to change the living space beyond recognition without resorting to major reconstruction and labor-intensive redevelopment, which has made high-quality and affordable repairs in demand among the population.

Choice of concept

It is customary to allocate apartment renovation luxury, economy, Euro and complex. Consider the option of opening a company that provides economy repair service, which is in the highest demand among the population.

Traditionally, such a company offers:

  • Ceiling finishing (plastering, painting, wallpapering, stretching, hanging),
  • Wall finishing (leveling, plasterboarding, plastering, painting, wallpapering, tiling),
  • Floor finishing (screeds, tiles, parquet, linoleum, laminate, cork, etc.),
  • Replacement of windows and doors
  • Arrangement of partitions, arches without major reconstruction (without the implementation of work that threatens the safety of the home and the entire building),
  • Assembly and installation of furniture,
  • Replacement plumbing.

A feature of the economy class repair is the use of the simplest and, accordingly, not expensive technologies and available materials.

Potential clients - exclusively private individuals. Focusing on this category of customers, large costs for opening and promotion will not be required.

Registration of an apartment renovation company

Starting from scratch and relying solely on your experience and qualifications, it makes sense to register as an individual entrepreneur. It's much faster and cheaper. It is possible to register an LLC with obligatory registration statutory documents and payment authorized capital, but for a start-up company this is a more costly option. The option with IP in this case is more preferable.

Registration of an entrepreneur is carried out by the tax office at the place of residence (official registration).

The tax inspectorate sends information to the PFR department on its own. In other funds, in the absence of employees, it is not necessary to register. And when they are hired, it is necessary to register with the FSS as an insurer.

Taxation and accounting

The best option for taxing a repair company (IP) would be the simplified tax system or PSN. Starting a business from scratch, it makes sense to immediately choose the simplified taxation option (6%). Upon reaching serious speed, you can switch to USN-15. An application for the application of simplified taxation is submitted to the tax office simultaneously with the documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

The use of a simplified system requires the purchase and registration of KKM for accepting cash for services rendered - this is a mandatory condition for this taxation regime.

It is possible to assess the profitability of the patent system only on the basis of the results of work. The cost of an annual patent for 2013 is:

  • in Moscow - 36,000 rubles,
  • in Bryansk - 6000 rubles,
  • etc. depending on the city.

As for accounting, at first the entrepreneur is able to conduct it independently. Having chosen the taxation regime of the simplified tax system, you will need to submit a declaration and a report on taxation once a year. average headcount, pay quarterly tax advances and insurance premiums. In addition, there are enough online services for bookkeeping on the Internet. For example, "My business".

Obtaining Permits and Permits

Activities in the field of home renovation are strictly regulated. The main document regulating any activity in the field of construction and reconstruction, including apartment renovation services, is the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Finishing work that does not require permits and permits

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation qualifies finishing works as construction completion services. The composition of these works is formulated in OKDP OK 004-93.

All of the above works do not require special permits, licenses and permits.

Repair work with a mandatory permit

Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of 30.12. 2009 No. 624 approved the list of works that affect the safety of the OKS. For all types of work provided for by this list (mainly major repairs and reconstruction), permits from SROs are required.

That is, if the ongoing interior decoration can affect the safety of operation of the entire building, then permission to carry out such work is mandatory. For example, the installation of wooden structures (windows, doors, partitions) does not require a permit from the SRO, but such a permit is required for antiseptic work on the same structures.


If a repair business is opened by a specialist in this field, then at first you can fulfill orders on your own, eventually picking up an assistant or hiring a team of two people.

In addition to finishers, such a company must have a professional plasterer-painter, carpenter, electrician, plumber.

When accepting specialists, at first the result of the work should be taken personally before delivery to the customer. This will allow you to adequately assess the quality and level of training of masters. Look for cheap, low-skilled labor force not worth it - it's not cost effective. For everything ready and not really able to do anything, unfortunate masters promise only losses, loss of reputation, which is decisive in business.

Search for customers

Unlike other services, apartment renovation is carried out directly at the customer's site. So there is no need for an office. But worthy advertising is needed.

  • The simplest option is to submit inexpensive advertisements to newspapers such as My Reklama, Stroyka, etc. with the offer of finishing and repair services. The average cost of submitting regular ads to one publication is up to 5,000 rubles per month.
  • Posting advertisements at bus stops pedestrian crossings, at the entrances to shops, entrances and in other crowded places.
  • Use of the Internet site. This option is associated with the cost of creating a website, but it will allow you to describe services with high quality, draw up a portfolio with ready-made objects, samples of work and provide all possible contacts, including email and an online contact form.
  • And, of course, it is necessary to disseminate information among friends and acquaintances. As practice shows, a certain proportion of orders come "by acquaintance."

Although the essence of the work does not change: the organization of finishing work, the calculation and purchase of materials, the search for workers, maneuvering between the desires of the customer and their capabilities. The main difference between repair and construction is work for yourself., at your own risk under the contract. You must have your own sole proprietorship, LLC, or at least have sources of orders and a certain reputation in order to start working - let it be for starters on parole.

Your own finishing team - where to start building a business

Some new buildings are rented out with finishing, but municipal finishing, as well as landscaping, is done by the same builders on a salary, there is no way to earn a lot there. It is a completely different matter when your team is hired by a private trader with the aim of finishing a newly built empty concrete cube or repairing his apartment.

Where can a finisher get the first order?

No one starts working for themselves right away for two simple reasons:

  • you have no experience - you will not be able to do anything efficiently and on time;
  • you have no experience - just no one will give you an order for finishing.

Moreover, you can invest in advertising, constantly answer calls and not get clients - after all, they have a choice when they search for advertising. And you can make someone a good apartment once and get a constant stream of people who will contact you and listen to you with an open mouth as a specialist. A person who has a recommendation from acquaintances always receives more trust than a foreman from outside - pure professionalism may be the same or even lower. After all, the client does not understand the construction specifics, he only focuses on the sources of information available to him.

How to get the first experience?

All practicing foremen have a different answer to this question, one thing is common - experience must be practical. Private customers do not believe in education without experience, moreover, many foremen do not have specialized education! Someone got their first experience experimenting with repairs in their own apartment, then helped a neighbor, and then received their first orders through word of mouth, and there are many such superintendents. Someone started at a construction site as a laborer, grew up to a foreman and got tired of plowing for a penny “for an uncle”. Someone received a specialized education and worked as a foreman in construction, studied at the municipal finish.

To take on your first independent object , you, as a foreman-finisher, should have experience “from and to” on all fronts, both rough and fine finishes.

If you think that you can simply hire skilled workers, advertise, make an estimate for the customer, and they themselves will figure out how and what to do, you are deeply mistaken. A worker who knows what to do in a turnkey apartment from and to, is a master who will assemble his team and will not work for you, it is not profitable for him.

The workers know their area of ​​work: one is painting, plastering, priming, the other is electrical, the third is plumbing, and so on.

Your task is to check the quality of their work, and for this you need to know the right technology, and what should ideally be the “output”. Not a worker should teach you how to put beacons, but you should “poke your nose” into the curvature that the level shows. A non-worker should answer the client’s question, which wall paint is better to buy - you should know everything about the properties of the paint and give professional advice which one is better and cheaper.

You should be able to draw up an estimate on your own, give an immediate estimate of the cost, based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment and the wishes of the client, clearly explain what your duties include for this price, so that later there will be no complaints: “ And why didn’t you assemble the kitchen, and what, do I have to pay extra for installing the door?" and so on. It is better to specify all the points in detail in the contract in order to avoid disputes at the stage of accepting the work.

Foreman girl

The more understandable information you give to the client, the more options with their pluses and minuses you “chew”, the less you pull him, the more he trusts you, the fewer complaints and more positive recommendations to friends and acquaintances. And, of course, you need to do it well - after all, the apartment presents itself when a person calls friends for a housewarming party. If you do really well, your contacts will be taken even without the owner's initiative.

Business management and team management

Usually there are 3-5 people in a team. If we are talking about a super-economy repair option, then it can be one jack-of-all-trades out of boredom, usually a guest from Central Asia. At the same time, the quality can be either a blunder or a good one - it depends on his personal qualifications. As a rule, large teams are assembled when there are a lot of orders, and they start with small ones on the recommendation, often a good craftsman starts by doing all the fine and rough finishing himself.

Here it is important to capture the economic component and correctly balance

If you don't hire enough staff, you'll miss deadlines or do poorly.
If you hire a lot of people, but you can't provide them with work, they will scatter or you will go broke paying for downtime.

In a real full-fledged finishing team, where there is an electrician, plumber, plasterer and an auxiliary worker, the foreman does not do any physical work at all - he only looks for clients, purchases materials, draws up and reports on estimates and checks the quality of work. In general, the foreman here acts as project manager and not as a builder. If you are not a businessman by nature, you will not succeed in this field.

A great help will be your working car - station wagon, "heel" or Gazelle - "workhorse", you will have to carry people, goods from object to object.

On practice young entrepreneur to survive in repair business, you will have to set prices lower than competitors, and do everything at a lower cost. This means that the brigade will have 1-2 guests from Central Asia, whom the brigadier will force to work seven days a week in extremely harsh conditions.

What you need to start

And you will need:

  • buy a complete set of tools;
  • make registration and a patent for the work of their guest workers;
  • pay for their arrival and arrange a meeting;
  • organize food, life, treatment and hygiene of workers;
  • to make and place advertisements, to be constantly in search of customers;
  • know all the prices of building materials in order to buy cheaper.

Orders are easy to find directly in the new building, when you have already taken one object and just chat with a bunch of owners who have just received the keys. Let's not talk about word of mouth and recommendations, let's consider a professional approach to advertising in the field of repair and decoration.

Sketching a business plan - revenue, expenses, profit

In a single article, we cannot cover all aspects of the business. The foreman as a manager and a businessman can choose different niches - economic repair, middle segment or turnkey work.

In 2015, in Moscow, prices for finishing are :

economy class finishing: from 4000 to 6000 rubles per square meter;

middle segment: 7000 - 15000 rubles per 1 m 2 ;

expensive turnkey renovation: from 15 thousand rubles and above.

Thus, the revenue from finishing a one-room apartment will be 120-270 thousand rubles in the economy segment. Two-room - 180-420 thousand. Treshki go from 250 thousand to a million rubles.

Time to work in the same apartment will take 1-4 months, depending on the professionalism of the team and the number of craftsmen.

Workers from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus ask differently. In Moscow, you can focus on 25-40 thousand rubles a month.

2 workers is a minimum of 50 thousand per month just for wages. We are not talking about any taxes, to be honest, how this is done in practice. At first, the main thing is not to “burn out”. Often it is the foreman who pays for flights (and tickets to Uzbekistan are not cheap), treatment of workers, meals for the brigade, etc.

Taking one apartment, you can not only not earn money, not “recapture” the cost of tools, but also “burn out” - as in any business. This is the hallmark of working for yourself.

If you undertook to work for the minimum price, pay the workers monthly, then your task is to take as many objects as possible to work. 2 workers will make one apartment for at least 2 months, you will give them 100 thousand rubles, it remains only for current expenses (transport, tool depreciation, food, etc.) at best. Most likely, you will go into the red, so no one works below 4,000 rubles per square meter, even with well-established business processes, it is very difficult to make a profit at such a price.

The more rooms in the apartment, the more profitable it is for the foreman of finishers. After all, payment is per square meter, and the work is of the same type and is done faster than many small different works in a small studio apartment, for example. You need to try to take several objects in one entrance, this also saves a lot of time.

How much can you earn on the decoration of apartments?

As in any business, you can earn nothing but debts and a headache, but if it comes down to it, you got recommendations and broke into the expensive segments of the apartment renovation market, you can earn from one hundred thousand to a million rubles a month, everything is individual here.

If you take a “jack of all trades” finisher who works alone and takes on everything, then to calculate his income, it is enough to divide the cost of the object by the period of work in months. Roughly speaking, this is 200-400 thousand and three to four months, that is, your salary will be 50-100 thousand per month when working in difficult conditions without days off and a sufficient number of clients.

So it is beneficial to delegate work, if there were objects. For example, a team takes 3 large apartments and rents them out in 3 months, which is a million rubles or more in the pocket of the team leader, 300 thousand a month.

Personal experience

Correspondent I.Q. Review recently completed repairs in his apartment in a new building and watched the work of the foreman from the side. There are a lot of conflicts due to misunderstandings on any basis. Mutual claims often flare up because of the quality of work, prices, necessary or unnecessary in different cases, the initiative of the parties. For example, you buy a bath while there are discounts, but there is nowhere to put it, it interferes with the work of the team. They promise to do it in two months, three months pass, you see that hardly half is done, and everyone feeds you with “breakfasts” while you pay for rented housing.

Not every team can quickly respond to emergency situations. The worker fell ill or quit, the work stops, the customer suffers, the foreman listens to all claims.

Defects in quality can be expensive - a wire forgotten under the floor or a curved wall threatens to be reworked at the expense of the foreman, which can cost more than the potential profit, because the materials are not cheap.

In general, the work is very dynamic and nervous, the results are unstable. To make money in this business, you need a well-established mechanism - a stable team, a stable influx of customers, good quality, streamlined workflow. All this comes with experience. And experience is gained by months and years of hard thankless work. Work as a foreman on the finish will work for those who really dream about it. If you dream of easy money - they are not here, despite the high price tags.

Despite financial problems, construction volumes in all cities not only do not fall, but continue to grow steadily. A person receives or buys an apartment in a new building, which means that the room has either minimal interior decoration, or housing without it at all. Statistics say that a very small percentage of people undertake to do repairs on their own: in most cases, everyone is trying to find some trusted workers.

How to make money on repair work: business features and pitfalls

The competition among firms that are officially engaged in the repair and decoration of premises is quite large today. However, the demand for their services remains just as great, because not only apartments in new buildings need finishing or repair work Oh. Very often, when buying housing on the secondary market, people also want to make it either a major overhaul or a minimal cosmetic finish, based on their tastes and wishes. In addition, at least a small maintenance is necessary for any apartment once every few years. So the niche of apartment renovation - as a business - is very profitable and promising in the market.

The organization of the business itself requires some preparation and knowledge, since it is always better to first study all the nuances and subtleties in order to avoid possible risks and not burn out.

You can just be a private entrepreneur and hire construction teams, but this way you will work almost illegally, which will not allow you to develop or even increase the cost of your services. Moreover, "coven" labor threatens with serious fines and other problems with public services. It is much better not to have any problems with the law, that is, to open an official company with a license to carry out certain works.

First steps or main stages of business

First of all, you will need to write a clear apartment renovation business plan. So you can distribute for yourself the main points that require timely completion, calculate possible expenses and incomes, etc.

  1. Spend marketing research or analysis existing market to understand what services are in the greatest demand, what is in short supply, how your competitors attract customers, and other important issues. After researching the market, you can also set your price category (for starters, it’s better not to overestimate prices, because it’s very important for you to develop a base. Stop at average prices, and you can increase the cost of your services after a few successful projects when they start to vying with each other to praise and invite you). Keep in mind that this work is still seasonal, that is, your services will be most in demand only in certain time year (usually from spring to autumn). In winter, you will have to survive on rare orders, pulling out business on special offers or promotions.
  2. Take care of the legal side of the matter by registering a company and obtaining a work permit. Decide on financial side: how much can you invest, where will you get these funds, etc.
  3. Choose the type of repair you will specialize in. You can, of course, provide a variety of services, but at first you simply don’t have enough working hands for this, and you can’t make mistakes.
  4. A small room may be needed to store building materials and equipment. If the volume of orders is still small, then it makes no sense to rent an additional warehouse. But about personal truck(at least a used Gazelle) is worth considering. Because you simply cannot carry everything in your hands.
  5. Purchase of equipment and professional tools. Everything will depend on the areas of your activity and the specifics of the work performed.
  6. Personnel (as in the previous paragraph).
  7. Advertising and search for customers.

As you can see, if you decide to gain a foothold in this business seriously and for a long time, then you need to prepare significantly before starting your activity. Moreover, you are not looking for one-time work, but are going to build a profitable enterprise with stable income and good prospects.

Ideally, if you yourself are a highly qualified specialist in some area. Otherwise, you will have to study on your own, since you must be well versed in all the intricacies of repair and finishing work: understand the entire technological process, know what tools are used and why during the repair, how this or that stage is carried out, etc. Since many customers want to receive a full range of services, you must “be in the know” of everything that exists on this market.

Apartment renovation business: where to start?

So that you can safely engage in the purchase of tools or equipment and look for potential customers, try to register your business officially as soon as possible. The main point in the preparation of documentation will be registration in tax office. You also need to get a license.

  1. or . The first option is easier, but it won't give you the same options as the second. In a word, if you are planning a full-scale activity with various development prospects, then it is better to register an LLC, but if you still want to start small business with the involvement of several assistants, then IP is enough.
  2. After issuing a tax registration certificate and registration, as well as paying a state duty, select a taxation system (possible or simplified). If you are thinking of conducting cashless transactions, you will also need to open a bank account.
  3. Think over and make a list of services that your company will provide. You will need to register them as activities (according to OKVED codes). Permission is issued for each of them. Among the most common works are: plastering, joinery or carpentry, glazing, painting, electrical installation, plumbing, flooring, wall decoration, design repairs, redevelopment of premises, etc. Remember that in order to obtain a license, it is necessary that the employees of your company be specialists in the main declared areas, that is, they had a higher education in construction and solid work experience.

For package design necessary documents it may take you several months. But for the next 5 years, you will work completely calmly, without fear that the relevant authorities will come to you with a check. However, if there are regular complaints about the quality of your work, then there is a risk of losing your license, so you must carefully monitor how the workers work and personally check everything. Do not forget that your good name is the key to success, in no case should you risk your reputation.

Organization of own enterprise

To run a business for the repair and decoration of apartments, you do not have to immediately rent or buy an office space. If you still have small firm, then it will be possible to deliver materials directly from the market, buying them directly after a client order. However, if there is a lot of work, then it will be more appropriate to buy everything you need in bulk and store it in a warehouse. office space with an administrator or dispatcher, you will need it only at the stage of a large business expansion, because at first (in order to save money) you can take orders yourself, and use a garage, storage room or other room to store everything you need.

As mentioned above, a car is something that it will really be difficult to do without. If it is not possible to purchase it, then just rent it.

What can you offer?

Before you hire employees or purchase equipment, decide what kind of services you can provide to customers. The entire spectrum is conditionally divided into several main categories:

  • luxury repair or VIP service (for its implementation you will need specialists of the highest category). You should not immediately focus on this segment, since only really rich customers can order such an expensive repair. In addition to the work of the team, the active participation of designers and architects is expected, as well as the use of the most exclusive and expensive materials;
  • more affordable for all segments of the population and widespread is the repair, which can be attributed to the class "economy" (maybe "business class"). It is performed at a relatively inexpensive, even average price;
  • The simplest and cheapest repair option is cosmetic. During it, simple finishing work is carried out (wallpapering, plastering, tiling, etc.).

It is better to focus on the "golden mean", since it is quite difficult to predict the desires of customers. In any case, you should have the necessary minimum of various tools and special professional equipment in stock:

  • drills;
  • perforators;
  • levels;
  • screwdrivers;
  • spatulas;
  • screwdrivers;
  • hammers;
  • pliers;
  • brushes;
  • jigsaws, etc.

Maybe at first there is a reason to limit yourself to the minimum set, and buy more already in the process, based on the wishes or orders of the client. Both tools and materials are best ordered and bought in bulk.

Who to hire?

A close-knit team of real professionals is a great guarantee of the success of your business. You need to hire different specialists in your staff who would own the main construction specialties (at least one person for each type of work): painter, plasterer, electrician, plumber, tiler, etc. To control how the work is done and coordinate with client all aspects of the repair or finishing process, you will also need a foreman, and an estimator to maintain estimates. You can just work with an architect and a designer separately.

Experience shows that in this area, more popular is piece-work payment, not fixed. However, you should negotiate with the workers in advance. Remember that they must have the appropriate qualifications, which must be reaffirmed from time to time. If possible, take a few young assistants and train them in the process: this way you can “educate” good specialists in your own.

If your team works quickly, smoothly and efficiently, this will provide you with a good permanent income and an excellent reputation, which means more and more new orders. If there are enough masters, it will be possible to take on several objects at the same time, so that no one has any downtime.

Search for customers and advertising campaign

Marketing research proves that in this area of ​​business all the usual means of advertising and attracting customers are ineffective. That is, many firms advertise their activities in various newspapers, leaflets, printed publications, or stick them on poles and entrances of houses, but all this practically does not justify itself. Although, if we focus on new buildings, then it is quite possible to find a certain percentage of clients among residents who have just received their apartments in operation.

You can, of course, create a website on the Internet: to some extent, such advertising has become more effective in recent years. Also a very good step to promote your activities would be a portfolio with examples of work performed.

However, about 80% of all your customers will be those who come on the basis of good reviews or recommendations from their friends, relatives and acquaintances, to whom you have made a quality repair.

Work process

Be prepared for the fact that you yourself will have to deal with everything first and control everything. After the first call of a potential customer, try to meet with him, see the scope of work, assess the condition of the object, draw up an estimate and sign an agreement. It is better to buy materials together with the customer, so that later there are no additional problems. Then work can begin. If you plan to include any Additional services, then the estimate is redone and the price changes.

Clearly follow the deadlines for the delivery of the object: if they are spelled out in the contract, then you will face penalties. Also, if there are shortcomings in the work or obvious mistakes of the builders, you should correct the mistakes at your own expense, otherwise you will irreparably ruin your reputation.

A close-knit team can make cosmetic repairs in a one-room apartment in a couple of weeks. For overhaul in a two-room apartment - it will already take a month or two (depending on the types of work and the speed of drying of materials). Well, it can take 3-4 months for a three-room housing, especially if we are talking about designer repairs.

Of course, fulfilling quick orders is better at first glance, since you can make more of them, but consider the fact that they are cheaper. More construction firms often collaborate with large organizations and enterprises: such a repair contract will provide your company with work for a very for a long time.

Instead of a conclusion

It is not easy to assess how profitable this business is, since it all depends on what areas of repair and decoration you are engaged in. Do not forget about other factors: seasonality, number of customers, and so on. Experts say that cost-effective indicators can range from 20 to 50%.

Approximate costs

(prices are indicated in rubles)

As you can see, the minimum entry threshold can be about half a million rubles. However, you can save on office rent, and purchase materials not immediately, but only after orders and payment have appeared. It will take about a year of work for the business to pay off (during this period it will be necessary to complete at least 8-10 really successful orders). Calculate income and net profit per month it will be possible, based on your activities and services provided, and of course, on how many orders you complete (on average).

By doing high-quality repairs, you will quickly acquire a sufficient number of customers who will advertise you to everyone around. Gradually mastering this niche, you can create a stable and profitable business with good possibilities of different perspectives.


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