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The IPTV service from Rostelecom is a digital television that you can watch on a TV or computer. The service works via the TCP/IP protocol and has a lot of advantages, including good image and sound quality, the ability to stop browsing, record transmissions, and other useful features.

Nowadays, digital television is available both on the TV and on the computer.

To install IP television at home, you will need a special set-top box provided by the Rostelecom provider, and a router. We will look at how to properly set up and connect both devices.

First of all, make sure that the router supports the IGMP function - without it, you will not be able to connect IP television from Rostelecom. After that, we proceed directly to the installation process, which is performed on one of the TP-Link routers - models of this brand are the most common among users. In general, the whole process looks almost the same for models of other router companies.

To configure, follow these steps:

  • Connect the equipment to the computer and log in to any browser.
  • In the address bar, type in the IP address of your device - most often it is a combination of If this set of numbers does not fit, you can find out the correct address using the following methods:
    • take a look at the back of the device - the desired address can be indicated here;
    • the combination is often indicated in the contract from the provider or in the documents for the router;
    • go through the Control Panel, section "Network and Internet" to the parameters of your Internet connection, look at the properties of the item Internet Protocol 4 - if a static IP address is specified, rewrite its value in the address bar.
  • To enter the settings, enter your login and password (both fields are filled in as Admin).
  • Through the Network or Network section, go to the IPTV tab and make the following changes to the parameters:
    1. Set the first IGMP Proxy field to Enable.
    2. In the next line, select the "Bridge" mode.
    3. Then select the port to which the IPTV set-top box will be connected - the default value is LAN-4.
    4. Save the entered data.

The router setup is completed, it remains to connect it to the set-top box and connect the equipment to the TV.

Installing an IPTV set-top box

There is no need to set parameters in this device - all data is entered by the Rostelecom provider, and you only need to connect it to the router, connect it to the TV and log in. To connect the set-top box to the router, it is advisable to use the connector that you specified in the settings. Now decide how you will connect the device to the TV - via AV output or HDMI cable.

What is the difference? Connecting in the first way provides you with normal picture quality. For connection, a cord is used, one end of which is inserted into the AV jack, the other three - as a rule, these are yellow, red and white plugs - are connected to the TV in the corresponding color connectors.

If you want to have high quality image (this is especially important for large-screen TVs), connect the set-top box via an HDMI cable.

Do not forget to connect the power supply, and now you can proceed to authorization. To do this, do the following:

  • Turn on AV or Input mode on your TV.
  • In the menu that opens, enter the login and password of your account - they are specified in the agreement with Rostelecom.
  • If a window for entering a PIN code appears, enter 0000 or 1111. Did these combinations work? Call the provider and find out what combination you need to enter in this field.

In addition to the system settings that do not need to be changed, there are personal user settings. In them, you can set parental controls and other restrictions, set up broadcasting “for yourself”. IPTV has many functions: recording programs, stopping and rewinding videos, renting movies and installing useful services (maps, exchange rates, weather, etc.).

Installing IPTV for a computer

You can watch digital TV using a computer - this service is a bonus to IPTV from Rostelecom and will not cost you a penny. You can use the service through a special player or using online access.

Installing a player for IPTV

To watch your favorite shows on your PC, follow these instructions:

  • Download the installation file of the IP-TV player and run it.
  • Choose a full installation or stop at the parameter settings item if you do not want Yandex Browser and its components to appear on your computer along with the player.
  • Click "Install", when the process is completed, launch the player and select your city with the specified Rostelecom provider.

That's all - you have full access to digital television. If the image does not appear, the channels are not working, there is a reason for that.

Problems with the image in the IPTV player

IPTV on a computer may not work for the following reasons:

  • Windows Firewall or antivirus program mistakenly recognizes TV traffic as malicious, and therefore blocks it. To find out if this is actually the case, turn off these features one by one and check if the image appears. If the player started working with the antivirus or firewall turned off, go to the properties desired service through the Control Panel and change the settings so that it does not block IPTV traffic.
  • Wrong network interface selected. If the computer has several network cards, for example, a router with a Wi-Fi point and wired Internet, equipment with Internet access is selected for the player to work. For the player to recognize the active network card, go to the general settings through the menu item in the form of a gear at the bottom of the player, select the required IP address.
  • Issues with DirectX. This graphics library sometimes does not work correctly, so change it to the OpenGL library - click on the settings icon in the form of a gear, select "Advanced" and in the third column check the box "Use OpenGL instead of DirectX ...".

If after all these steps the player does not start working correctly, most likely the problem concerns the connection with the provider, so contact Rostelecom specialists.

Online access to IPTV

On mobile devices, the player for watching IP-TV does not work, but you can watch your favorite channels from Rostelecom online - a special website was created for this.

To get started, register on the portal: enter the address of your Email, come up with a password, check whether the area where you live is correctly determined, and check the box next to the user agreement.

Then answer the question of whether you are a client of Rostelecom.

For those who are not connected interactive television with access through a set-top box and a router, the service of online viewing of IPTV will be paid.

Since you have a set-top box, select the "Interactive TV" item, enter your username and password from the equipment (you already did this when you connected the device to the TV). Wait for the letter to your email address, follow the link indicated in it, and the registration will be completed - now you have access to IP-TV from your mobile device.

The IPTV service is notable for its high quality of image and sound, it allows you to set up the broadcast so that the broadcast is as comfortable as possible for each user. No interference, video control, the ability to watch channels through a computer and mobile devices, and other useful features - all this makes digital television the best option for home.

A rapidly growing service among our population IPTV Rostelecom in fact, it is digital television. It is available for viewing not only from a TV, but also from a laptop or any other similar device connected to the global network. The service is provided via the TCP / IP protocol, therefore it has a significant number of advantages, the main of which is the high quality of the broadcast.

It will not be difficult for any user to connect interactive television from Rostelecom if there is detailed instructions for setting up a TV set-top box provided by Rostelecom, for example, through a router or setting up and connecting interactive television provided by Rostelecom to watch regular and HD channels using a computer via broadband Internet broadcasting .

Below is step by step description about how you can connect and configure interactive TV from Rostelecom and the subscriber only has to read the instructions and choose for himself best option depending on the devices available.

How to connect IPTV?

There are only 3 methods:

  1. Using the connection of the IPTV set-top box provided by Rostelecom to the TV;
  2. Installing a special player-program "IPTV player" in a laptop or a stationary PC;
  3. Through the Internet service RTK.

Method 1: Using a set-top box provided by RTK to watch interactive TV

This is one of the most convenient ways, since the Rostelecom TV set-top box has a large number merits.

With the help of this compact device, the subscriber is given the opportunity to watch television channels and save them for re-watching in a cloud storage specially allocated to the RTK client, which allows you to store not only video recordings, but also any other user files. Provided space on the server is not less than 30 gigabytes. But even in case of a lack of this volume, it is possible to connect an external hard drive to the set-top box via a USB port.

But before you start watching high-quality broadband broadcasting on your TV, you first need to correctly connect the Rostelecom TV set-top box through the router. The following is a general guide on how to set up an Internet access point.

Router Setup Procedure

The following algorithm of actions can be successfully applied not only to the D-Link dir 300 router, which Rostelecom most often uses for its customers, but also to any other model. You must perform the following sequential steps:

How to set up a TV set-top box from Rostelecom?

It should be noted that the specialists from RTK took care of the convenience of their customers and fully provided their device with the necessary settings in advance. Since the device is already configured, the subscriber only needs to connect the device to the router with a wire and to the TV via an HDMI cable or equipped with tulip plugs. After that, you just need to turn on the power to the devices and turn them on by pressing the appropriate button on the remote control. Then, in the menu that appears, print the access code and name specified in the client's contract with Rostelecom. All! Now you can start using the service.

It should be noted that setting up and connecting Rostelecom iptv is not very difficult. If the user needs to adjust some parameters, then the iptv setting is available through the intuitive interface of the set-top box menu, so even a novice user can do this.

Method 2: How to set up iptv using a special program

A specially designed player provides convenient viewing of television channels provided by Rostelecom TV not only on a TV, but also on a computer. In this case, the need to purchase a prefix is ​​​​completely eliminated. Setting up Rostelecom television for viewing on a PC involves installing the free application "IpTvPlayer-setup.exe". The player is available for installation at the following link: "".

The Rostelecom television setup instruction consists of just a few sequential steps:

Important digression: The user will be able to watch television channels only if he has a registered service from RTK.

Method 3: Through the RTK Internet service

Setting up iptv using the official resource "" is also not difficult (RTK customers who have connected the "Interactive TV" service can use the site for free). Several steps need to be taken:

  1. Enter the above page "" through any Internet search engine or click on this link:;
  2. Then click on “register” and enter your personal email address in the appropriate field;
  3. Wait for a message with a link to arrive at the specified mailer and click on it;
  4. The main menu of the service will be displayed, in which the user will already be authorized (a more detailed guide describing all the nuances is on the page: “”);
  5. In the case when the user is not a RTK subscriber, but uses the services of a third-party Internet provider, then you will need to specify the payment method;
  6. RTK subscribers who have a contract for interactive TV services in their hands just need to dial their name and access code and they can immediately watch channels from all their gadgets connected to the World Wide Web.

The procedure for flashing the set-top box from Rostelecom

To ensure that you get the most out of your device, it is recommended that you update the software. As a rule, Rostelecom's native firmware requires an update software devices to improve functionality.

The following steps are required:

  1. Perform a factory reset of the device, for this purpose, open the “Def. Settings" and in "Set default settings" click "Ok""
  2. Next, close the interface by clicking on "Exit & Save";
  3. In the "Run" window, type "ncpa.cpl" and click "Enter";
  4. After that, a list of all connections will open, you need to call the context menu on the required connection and click on the line "Properties";
  5. Next, open the properties of the "Internet Protocol Version 4" and type the following IP: "". In the mask field, enter: "";
  6. Hold down "Win" click on the "R" button and type "cmd";
  7. In the next console that appears, type the path where the firmware program is stored on the computer and press "Enter";
  8. In the running service, click "Connect by local network”, click “Select” and specify IP “” for the first stream, and “” for the second;
  9. Click the "Start" key and in the set-top box menu (the device must be connected to the computer with a cable) sequentially press "Upgrade Tools" and then "MC Upgrade";
  10. Wait for the end of the software download process to the device and then restart it;
  11. Ready!

Ways to connect IPTV on a D-Link dir 300 router

Rostelecom often uses this router to connect its device. The whole process of connecting the DIR 300 consists in allocating any of the LAN connectors for the set-top box and linking it to the "WAN". By combining these ports into a single VLAN group without specifying a VLAN ID. It is this method that is used by the majority of RTK branches. Another way is to exclude the VLAN ID tag and traffic from the WAN is transferred to the LAN.

How to disable IPTV Rostelecom?

The company took care of the maximum complication of the procedure for disabling its services. There are two ways in total.

1 way: Through the office

If the subscriber wondered how to disable the service, then the following steps will be required:

  1. With a passport and all the documentation drawn up at the time of concluding an agreement with RTK, and a prefix (if rented), contact the office of the company's branch closest to you (the address can be found on the official resource of Rostelecom on the Internet);
  2. At the office, take two application forms for termination of the contract for termination of service;
  3. In both forms, enter all the necessary data and sign;
  4. Ask the office staff to stamp both copies and indicate the incoming number;
  5. Return the rented device and one copy of the application;
  6. Now you can leave the office with the second copy;
  7. Wait for the RTC specialists to contact you. Inform them about the firmness of their intentions to stop using interactive television from Rostelecom;
  8. Ready!

Method 2: How to disable remotely?

In the case when the client did not rent devices from RTK, then you can simply send the application specified in the first method by mail. To do this, take the following steps:

  1. By analogy with the 1st method, fill out two copies of the application (print their forms available from the official resource of Rostelecom);
  2. Send one copy by mail to the office closest to where you live;
  3. Wait for communication with people from the enterprise and confirm your desire to stop using their services (preferably in a polite manner);
  4. Meet RTK employees at home who will physically turn off interactive TV.

With all the advantages of interactive television from Rostelecom, this service has one important feature: a router is required for its operation, moreover, configured accordingly. When connecting the TV for the first time, the setup is usually done by Rostelecom technicians. But not every subscriber has the patience to wait for the wizard, especially if the Internet has already been brought to the house and the STB set-top box has been received. If you are one of such impatient users, let's talk about how to set up iptv from Rostelecom through a router yourself. This information will also be useful to you if, for some reason, for example, due to a power failure, all settings on your equipment have been lost. Use our instructions and you won't have to wait for a wizard to restore them!

What you need to know before setting up Interactive TV

At the moment, Rostelecom has two digital television service packages:

  • Interactive TV 2.0.

The first can only work in tandem with a Rostelecom modem. For the second service, just the presence of the Internet is important, no matter from which provider. The instructions in this article only apply to setting up iptv Rostelecom through the router of this company. If you have connected the Interactive TV 2.0 package, it is better to wait for the provider's technicians to visit.

In essence, setting up a router for television by Rostelecom comes down to setting the VPI and VCI parameters in the profile of this equipment. Their values ​​depend on the region where you live. Before starting the settings, call the support service at 8-800-1000-800 and request this data from the operator. Do not forget to say that you need data to set up the TV specifically. If you enter the numbers that are used to establish an Internet connection, the service will not work.

There can be several pairs of VPI and VCI values. In this case, you will need to repeat the steps for entering them several times, creating a new row in the settings table at each step. We will now tell you more about how to do this.

And, most importantly, setting up Rostelecom television through a router makes sense if the Internet is already working through this router. Otherwise, the device will simply have nowhere to receive data for broadcasting. The detailed algorithm for making settings will depend on the model of your equipment. Below we give examples for the two most popular routers from the provider's arsenal. Experienced users based on them will be able to understand the logic of actions and set the settings on the equipment of other brands on their own.

How to connect television from Rostelecom through a Huawei router

Rostelecom insists on setting up equipment for Internet access using GPON technology only by its own specialists. But connecting iptv from Rostelecom through a router for fiber optic technologies can be any subscriber. The company's website even has instructions for some models of equipment. Therefore, holding you self settings will not cause complaints from the provider's technicians.

Rostelecom TV is configured through a router from a computer using a special web interface. To get into it, open any browser you are used to and type the combination in its address bar. Attention: do not put a dot after the last unit!

An identification window will appear in front of you. In both of its fields, enter admin and press Enter or the OK button at the bottom of the window. If this login / password pair does not work, check the data for entering the settings in the instructions for your router.

Once in the web interface, check the speed at which your router is running. This can be done in the Device Info section, in the Downstream field. It makes sense to configure iptv Rostelecom through a router only if the speed is at least 6000 Kbps. With a smaller value, TV broadcasting will constantly slow down, and you won’t be able to use the Internet in full force.

Is the speed normal? Go from the menu on the left to the Advanced Setup section. A table will open in front of you, under which there will be several buttons. To add a TV broadcast profile, you need the Add button.

In the new window, enter the numbers received from the technical support operator in the VPI and VCI fields. Press the Next key (in some variants, "Next"). On the next page with the heading "Connection Type", check the box next to the word Bridging, and click Next again. In the next window, fill in only the Service Name field. You can come up with its value yourself, but digital is best. Leave the rest of the fields unchanged, even if they are empty.

After you click the Next button at the bottom of the window, a table will appear on the screen containing all the data you entered. Check the required values ​​and click the Save button below. The system will automatically save the changes and open the already familiar Advanced Setup section for you. If, before setting up the Rostelecom TV through a router, you received from the operator technical support multiple pairs of digits for the VCI/VPI fields, repeat the steps above, entering a new pair each time. When all the numbers are entered, click the large Save / Reboot button at the bottom of the table.

How to improve the reliability of IPTV broadcasting

In principle, at this stage, setting up a Huawei router for iptv by Rostelecom can be completed. But for a more stable operation of the service, we recommend additional routing of flows. This operation is mandatory if PPPoE is registered in the router itself. Its meaning is to assign a specific port of the router to which yours is connected to the television service.

To perform routing, select the WAN tab in the menu on the left, and the Port Mapping section in the submenu that opens. On the page with the sign that opens in front of you, click the Add button. A new window will appear on the screen with two columns and a drop-down list at the top. We will work in it.

Select a group name from the list. Next, use the arrow keys and the mouse to create lists in the left and right columns. On the right, you should only have the parameters necessary for the TV to work. Before connecting the Rostelecom router to the TV, check which of its ports is connected to the cable going to the set-top box.

Attention: the set-top box should only be connected to the third or fourth port. The first two connectors on Rostelecom equipment are by default intended for the Internet.

So, in the right column you should have the LAN value - “the port number where the set-top box is connected”. The nas parameters with pairs of numbers corresponding to the TV VPI and VCI you entered also remain on the right. Move the remaining rows to the left side of the table.

Important: there may be empty parameters in the right column below the list! They also need to be moved to the left side. Click in the white space below the last line of the right column. If the line is highlighted completely, move it to the left using the arrow buttons.

When you have finished transferring, click the Save/Apply button in the lower right part of the window. You will be redirected to the previous page. If another line with the name that you entered when grouping ports appeared in the table familiar to you, then you did everything right. It remains to press Save / Reboot, and the Rostelecom television setup through the router is completed!

How to set up Rostelecom television through an Intercross router

Setting up any of the Rostelecom routers to work with the interactive TV service is carried out according to the same principle. First, you create a new configuration, where you enter pairs of VPI and VCI parameters for TV, then you group the ports. Let's look at another example, this time for ADSL technologies, Intercross router.

Before you connect Rostelecom's iptv through a router of this brand, you will also have to go to its configuration web interface. To do this, type into the browser and enter your username and password in a new window (again admin / admin). Next, select the WAN item in the top menu, and you will be taken to the settings window.

Here, in the VPI and VCI fields, enter the values ​​\u200b\u200breceived from the provider. A little lower, in the line Cannel Mode, select the connection type "Bridge" (Bridging). Do not fill in the rest of the fields and do not change their values, just click the Add button at the bottom of the window. You will be redirected to the first WAN tab. If, before setting up the router for iptv, the Rostelecom operator gave you several pairs of parameters, repeat the steps described above until you have entered them all.

As a result, you should get a table in which, in addition to the Internet settings, lines with the parameters that you entered will appear. Check their number and correctness of input. If you notice an error, mark the line with a check mark in the leftmost column, delete it using the button at the bottom of the page (Delete) and enter the values ​​again.

The last stage of configuration is flow routing. Before connecting the Rostelecom TV set-top box through a router, remember the number of the connector to which you are connecting the cable. You will need it when grouping ports.

Important: if PPPoE is registered in your router itself, it is necessary to route flows!

Select the Advance tab in the top menu, then in the column on the left, click on the inscription Port Mapping. A screen will appear in front of you, in the center of which there will be three large windows with parameters. Just below the windows there will be a table already familiar to you.

Using the Add button, located between the windows with parameters, transfer all ports from the right side to the left, except for the one to which your set-top box is connected. Ports are labeled with the abbreviation LAN. In the same way, drag the rows with pairs of numbers corresponding to the VPI and VCI values ​​that you entered for the TV to the left. Click the Apply Change button.

To complete the setup and the new configuration takes effect, restart the router. To do this, go to the Admin tab in the top menu and click the Reboot button in the window that appears.

Do not try to reset by power or with a needle and a hole marked Reset on the router! This will reset all settings! After the reboot, the setup can be considered completely completed.

If you understand how to set up Rostelecom iptv through a router using these examples, you can cope with installing the desired configuration on any model of equipment. As you can see, the actions that need to be performed are of the same type, and the interfaces of the routers are in many ways similar. It will be even easier for owners of Sagemcom equipment to figure it out, since all the menus in the setup interface of this router are in Russian.

But if you have not yet become a sufficiently experienced computer user, or have any doubts about your capabilities, it is better to wait for the technicians. As a last resort, call customer support toll-free at 8-800-1000-800. The operator will dictate to you a sequence of actions designed to set up the TV specifically on your equipment model.


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