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Sometimes, the ability to view IP-TV through a computer is very, very handy. Now, with the development of fiber optic networks, you can connect up to three set-top boxes at the same time, but the relevance of the method does not fall from this. Before starting the process, on the advice of the author, you need to check the curvature of your hands, the method is not simple, if only because it requires an additional device - a hub ...

I also want to clarify that the method is artisanal, and therefore it is not worth interrupting the provider's technical support hotlines - they are not required to set up "left" schemes. By the way, hotline you can organize it yourself, because federal numbers can be purchased from providers such as ZebraTelecom. Moreover, you can not only buy a phone 8800, but also keep statistics in the "non-stop" mode. Free testing is also implemented for both individuals and legal entities.

Let's go back to the settings:

1) We connect to the modem, to the port on which we have configured IPTV (LAN port 4), a hub.

2) We connect STB to the hub and turn it on.

3) We are waiting for IPTV to start on the TV, go to the STB settings (using the "Menu" button, if anyone has forgotten) and rewrite it on a piece of paper:

STB IP address, mask, gateway, DNS server, MAC address

4) We connect the computer to the hub and go to the properties of the network adapter and fill them one-on-one with the IP address, mask, gateway, DNS server that we copied from the set-top box. STB DO NOT TURN OFF! We also do not pay attention to the fact that the IP addresses of the PC and STB are the same.

5) Now we need to change the MAC address of the network card to the one that the STB has, for this we go to the device manager - network cards - properties of our network card - further options are possible, but usually the tab we need is called ADDITIONAL. In it we find the network address parameter and instead of AUTOMATICALLY select it manually and enter the MAC address of our STB WITHOUT a colon and in capital letters.

6) Download the program IP-TV player (Google to the rescue)

7) We launch the program, go to the settings and turn on the advanced mode.

8) We find the parameter where you need to specify the path to the file with the list of channels. Playlist with Rostelecom channels -. Or download from here - For your city, you can search here -

« Playlist may vary depending on where you live. »

9) Now we can watch channels on the computer and STB at the same time and at the same time they are different. For example, STS is watched on STB, and Discovery is on PC.

Viewing sometimes does not show anything, then you have to wait a couple of minutes and select another channel in the list after this time, or the one that is spinning on STB. After the channels have earned STB, you can turn it off and watch it on your computer.

IPTV connection is a novelty that has great potential and allows Rostelecom subscribers to get access to regular and HD TV channels via broadband Internet broadcasting. This connection allows you to watch TV channels both on the TV and on the computer, as well as other devices with Internet access. In this article, we will look at the competitive advantages of IPTV set-top boxes, as well as ways to connect and configure IPTV from Rostelecom on various devices.

The main advantage of this connection is the ability to access TV channels with high image quality not only with a set-top box, but also through any other device connected to the Internet.

Ways to connect IPTV Rostelecom

There are only three such ways:

  • Through the IPTV set-top box to the TV.

  • Using a special IPTV player - to a computer.

  • Directly in the browser, using the Rostelecom service.
  • Now let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

    TV set-top box

    IPTV set-top box Rostelecom has a number of competitive advantage which make it easy to use.

    One of them is the ability to watch TV programs, as well as record your favorite programs. Another plus is that the recorded files can be stored not on external drives, but in a “cloud” server with a capacity of 30 GB. There you can also upload personal video files from a USB drive, which can be easily connected to the set-top box. In addition to a flash drive, you can connect an external hard drive and a keyboard from a PC to the set-top box.

    Among other things, the set-top box has the function of rewinding programs and stopping for a pause. There is also a video catalog with films, divided into categories, where for a small fee you can buy and watch a film you like according to the description and a short trailer. New movies appear in the catalog pretty quickly.

    The prefix also provides access to basic information on social networks.

    As an added bonus - compact size and convenient location of connectors, as well as a beautiful ergonomic remote control.

    However, in order to fully enjoy all the benefits of such a set-top box, you need to properly configure your Internet router.

    Configuring the Router

    To properly set up your router, follow the instructions given below. It will be described here general scheme settings, since in most routers it happens the same way.

  • First of all, we check the presence of the IGMP function, without which the set-top box simply will not work. If it is, you can go directly to the settings.

  • To do this, enter the menu of the router. Enter the numeric combination "" in the browser line.

  • After that, you need to enter your username and password in the authorization form. If you have not changed the settings, then the login-password pair is standard - admin-admin.

  • Now in the router menu we open the "network" section (network), then - IPTV. Here we enable the IGMP proxy option and the bridge mode.

  • Below we select the port number for the router. The default is usually LAN. You can leave it like that, or you can select a different port.

  • Now click the "save" button and close the settings window.
  • When choosing a port (point 5), be sure to remember its number, because the set-top box will work only if you connect it to the specified port.

    Now you can move on to setting up the console.

    Set-top box setup

    There is nothing difficult in this, since the purchased prefix already has all the necessary settings. It remains only to connect it to the router, network and TV.

    It connects to the TV using HDMI or "tulips".

    Now all that remains is to turn it on using the remote control, wait for the download, and then enter the login and password specified in the contract.

    Now the console is ready to work.

    Additional access settings are easy to set by entering the set-top box menu.

    Setting up with an IPTV player

    An IPTV player allows you to watch interactive TV on your computer, even without a TV and set-top box. Also, installing it can help out if there is only one TV at home, and it is busy.

    The IPTV player is a licensed software that can be downloaded for free here.

    The next step is installation. To do this, after waiting for the download to complete, open the downloaded file. The installation wizard will prompt you to select a disk and folder to place the program. You will also be prompted to install the components of Yandex and Yandex - browser, which is not necessary for the player to work, so if you do not need them, then simply uncheck the boxes next to these items.

    We are waiting for the installation to complete and launch the player. Now it remains only to enter your location data and specify the provider, and you can watch interactive TV on your computer.

    The IPTV player will work only if you have registered the Interactive T from Rostelecom service.

    Service from Rostelecom

    The website was developed by Rostelecom specifically for its subscribers. For users of the “Interactive T” service, the use of the site is free. Subscribers of other providers, and those who do not have this service, will have to pay to watch programs on this resource.

    To use this service, you first need to register on it. To do this, follow the instructions:

    • Follow this link - Press the "register" button;

    • Enter the address Email and password. Click on the register button and log into your email account.

    • We follow the link from the letter that came from the service.

    • Now you are already on the service as a registered user.

    detailed instructions here.

    Now, if you are a subscriber of another provider, or are a client of Rostelecom, but do not have the Interactive T service, you will be offered payment terms for using the service, where you can choose what suits you.

    If you already have an IPTV set-top box connected or an agreement for interactive television has been concluded with Rostelecom, then you just need to enter your username and password, which are specified in the agreement, in the appropriate form on the site. After that, all the features of the service will be available to you absolutely free of charge from any device with Internet access.

    Depending on your needs, you can choose the IPTV connection method that suits you.

    Many providers that provide routers for Internet access offer their customers TV as well. IPTV digital television can be connected to a TV, laptop, phone. On each device, it is enough to set up a list of channels, and you can watch your favorite programs.

    In this article we will talk about connecting digital television through a router, how to set up channels on a TV.

    What are the advantages of IPTV?

    Consider differences of this standard television from conventional terrestrial:

    • To connect, you do not need a TV tuner that is on your computer.
    • Watching your favorite movie or program can be paused at any time, a playlist with programs is loaded.
    • Digital TV can show any video. To do this, you need to drive the desired name of the video into the search bar.

    TV works through a set-top box, which is provided in the kit, or through a set-top box, which the client buys himself. In addition, television can work through a special player. In order to show all channels, you must find and enter your city, as well as the provider whose services you use. After that, the program loads the channel list (playlist) and you can view your favorite programs.

    For many users, the problem is setting up the router itself to connect digital television. It should be noted that not all routers can support this feature. If the router supports, then you need to do correct setting. Only in this case, you can easily watch TV and chat with friends on social networks.

    Setting up routers to display IPTV

    Consider several options for routers that support television. So, the first router is D - Lik Dir -615 ver.1.3. x. The first configuration option through this model is the configuration without traffic tagging. It involves connecting to the Lan port and merging with the Wan port. Thus, the set-top box will look directly into the provider's network. It will appear that the cable is connected directly to the set-top box.

    To set up you need:

    • Go to iptv settings.
    • Select and connect the port to display television. When connected, the green button on the device should light up.
    • Click on the "Change" button and save the changes.

    Setup completed. You can watch digital TV on a computer or connect stb.

    The second option is traffic tagging setup. To do this, follow these steps:

    The second router is Dir -320. To configure, you must perform the following steps:

    • The connection needs to be removed. To do this, go to the "Network" - "Connection" tab. In the last tab, you need to select WAN. A form will open, at the bottom of which you need to click on the "Delete" button. Then we save the actions.
    • Select a Lan port. To do this, select the "Advanced" tab. Find Vlan and select Vlan lan. Select and delete one of the ports. We save the settings and wait for the device to reboot.
    • Now add WAN. To do this, go to the Advanced menu, select the Vlan wan tab. Select the desired port and click on "Add". Now let's save the changes.
    • Create connection van. You need to go to the "Network" - "Connection" - "Add" tab. We save the changes.

    We have reviewed the most popular router options that support digital TV connection.

    How to connect IPTV on TV

    A little higher, we looked at how to set up a router for television. With this setting, you can watch TV shows on any device. In order to connect a TV to IPTV, you can use a router, a TV set-top box. Consider the option wired connection to TV:

    If you do not want to lay additional wires in the apartment, then TV can be connected via internet. We will consider connection options on the most popular brands of TVs:

    Television from Rostelecom - setting up iptv by Rostelecom

    One of the most famous providers in Russian market is Rostelecom. The company provides Internet and cable TV services. Rostelecom provides customers with a television connection through a set-top box or router. First, let's figure out how to set up television from Rostelecom through a router on the example of the ZYXEL KEENETIC model. It should be noted that such a model can be configured automatically. But, if this does not happen, you need to use the following instructions:

    It is worth noting: any configuration of the router takes place using a computer and the Internet. In order to go to the router's website, you need to enter in the address bar value

    Now let's figure out how to set up Rostelecom television on the TV itself. First you need to properly assemble the device and connect it. This will be indicated by a blue button.

    Select AV or HDMI, depending on which signal source you are using. Use the TV remote to select. After that, television from Rostelecom should be loaded automatically. After the download is completed, a window for entering a username and password will appear. This data is specified in the contract that you have concluded with the provider. Also use the remote to enter.

    If you did everything right, then a playlist with channels for viewing will appear on the screen, that is, a playlist of connected channels for the service package.

    Rostelecom also offers its customers check for available channels, go to a video rental, record some kind of program or film. You can also increase the number of channels by purchasing the required package from Rostelecom.

    So, we examined the most popular models of routers that support TV connection. We talked about one of the most popular Internet and digital television providers - Rostelecom. Many devices have a special player with which television works. Television works on the device models that were described above without connecting to a set-top box. The playlist will contain channels based on your region of residence and the selected provider.

    IPTV service from the provider

    More and more Russian providers, in addition to providing Internet access services, offer the opportunity to watch standard TV. IPTV. Let's see what advantages we get from using this standard.

    Advantages of IPTV over conventional terrestrial TV

    • There is no need for a TV tuner installed on your PC.
    • Possibility to pause the playback of the channel for a certain time.
    • IPTV can provide Additional services, such as Video on Demand (VOD, Video On Demand).

    There are two ways to receive television in IPTV format - through a special set-top box provided by the provider or purchased separately. Also IPTV can be played using a software player such as IP TV Player. This application is an add-on for the popular VLC player. To display channels, specify the city and the provider providing the IPTV service. As a result, a list of channels will be loaded into the program, and you can watch the video.

    Software players for playing IPTV: VLC , IPTV Player, PC Player, etc.

    The most pressing problem for users when setting up IPTV via router- it is correct to configure this standard in the web interface of the wi-fi router for smooth operation. Not all routers are suitable for these purposes.

    Attention! List of routers with IPTV support you can find out by calling your provider or by looking at the official website. Or use .

    Routers for IPTV operation: 54 Mbps wireless routers(G series), 150 Mbps wireless routers (N series), 300 Mbps wireless routers (N series) and above.

    For distribution of IPTV by demon wired connection without a set-top box (it is possible to use such a connection only when the signal is not encoded), it is theoretically possible to use a huge number of routers, but in practice, uninterrupted operation from the router can only be achieved with alternative firmware. Netgear WNR 3500L works stably with IPTV with firmware from tomato. Asus WL520g with firmware from oleg. I draw your attention to the fact that IPTV over cable and over the air are different methods for implementing IPTV in an apartment, IPTV over the air must be able to process your router and in order to get IPTV working, you have to interfere with the firmware of the router.

    Also, do not forget about the coverage of the wireless network, someone will need to optimize the network, and someone will encounter “lags” and image artifacts when the client (PC, laptop, TV) is removed from the router. In some cases, it becomes necessary to convert UDP multicast IPTV stream to TCP Unicast. This procedure is possible using a special utility UDP to HTTP, which will transform the traffic. This application must be active on a PC with IPTV connected over twisted pair, but this requires a constantly active computer (norther or network client), or choose a router that can perform traffic conversion (with support for udpxy). In this case, the stream conversion will be carried out by the router.

    UDP-to-HTTP Proxy designed to convert udp multicast IPTV traffic to tcp-unicast (specifically http) traffic. This is useful for comfortable viewing. IPTV over WiFi, NAT, on PDAs, consumer players and game consoles.

    IPTV via router

    Often for work IPTV on a computer through a wi-fi router, you do not need to configure anything on the device itself. Update the firmware version of your device and subsequently IPTV support on the router will be enabled automatically. You only need to select a device (router) with IPTV support ( IGMP protocol).

    IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)- This is a protocol for managing multicast (multicast) data transmission in networks based on the IP protocol. IGMP protocol used by routers to organize network devices into groups. Anyone who was looking for information on the forums, more than once came across the concept multicast. IGMP is used to support streaming video, which effectively affects the implementation of the IPTV stream. Immediately check if the firewall, firewall or antivirus is blocking this protocol. Multicast, usually activated with the option Enable multicast routing.

    Attention! Active multicast in some models of routers, it often “clogs” the local network, especially wi-fi.

    IPTV via set-top box

    For IPTV operation through a set-top box, it is recommended to use the function Bridge. Thus, we configure LAN ports for switching mode with WAN. Plus, we get the opportunity to connect the provider's cable not to the WAN, but to the LAN port that is combined with the WAN. Please note that not all routers support this feature. For example, in TP-LINK routers, this function is present in the menu Network-Bridge(Network - Bridge), in Asus it is called Choose WAN Bridge Port etc. For the operation of IPTV, you only need to select the LAN port that we will use to connect IPTV set-top boxes.

    For those who want to use more set-top boxes, it is possible to select two ports (For example, LAN3 and LAN4 if you have two set-top boxes). If your wi-fi router model does not support Bridge and enough support for your ISP multicast (IGMP protocol), you can watch IPTV through the set-top box.

    In order not to look for problems with the transmission of your IP television where it does not exist, check if the television works without a router. To do this, connect the computer to the provider's cable directly. If a IPTV does not give vital signs, then most likely the problem is with your provider. Contact technical support. And in the positive case of a direct connection, you should check with those. support is enough multicast for IP TV.

    Users whose router models do not support the functions Bridge, but television works intermittently (“the picture crumbles” and the sound “stutters”), you should pay attention to the workload of their routers. This is especially true for those who have a high download speed, excessive load (a large number of active torrent downloads, work in DC ++, etc.). You can solve these problems by limiting the download speed, limiting the number of simultaneous connections to 50. For those who use models without support Bridge It is recommended to connect no more than one IPTV set-top boxes. If you use two (or more) set-top boxes, and the router does not support Bridge functions, then you can use a regular switch. Switch must be installed in front of the router. Two IPTV set-top boxes will be connected to the switch, a cable from your provider, and a cable from the router to the WAN port.

    How to set up IPTV

    For example, IPTV setup on the D-Link DIR-300 router and similar models, it comes down to setting only one checkmark in the “Enable multicast streams” item:

    Personally for me, IP TV setup for a wired connection was reduced to a few steps (using the example of the Asus 520GU router):

    • You need to go to sectionwan, after activating DHCP
    • go to tab General
    • find item IPTV STB port selection- select from the list the port to which it will be connected IPTV set-top box.
    • Click Apply and all.

    Setting up IPTV on an ASUS router

    Now I will describe 2 ways to set up IPTV through the RT-G32 B router

    Attention! The described instructions for setting up IPTV can also be used on other models of Asus routers for clarity, and not only Asus in practical and theoretical use.

    1 way. Go to section LAN —> Route and check the box "Enable multicast routing" - "Yes". Save - Apply.

    In this case, a multicast stream for the VLC player will be broadcast to the local network without changes.

    The advantages of this method:
    1. None advanced settings You don't need to make a VLC player.

    1. The ability to connect a computer to view IPTV only via twisted pair (Ethernet cable).
    2. Drop in Internet connection speed on other computers in local network, while playing IPTV.
    3. Heavy load on the router.
    4. Excessive multicast traffic within the network.

    2 way. You need to set up the ”IPTV UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy” function. Go to section LAN —> Routes and check the box “Enable multicast routing” - “Yes”, and in the field “IPTV UDP
    Multicast to HTTP Proxy” select an arbitrary port. For example, 2323. Save the changes - “Apply”.

    The advantages of this method:

    1. The ability to watch IPTV on a computer via WiFi connection.
    2. The rest of the computers on the local network do not experience drops in speed when connected to the Internet.
    3. The router does not reboot.
    4. Multicast traffic is not broadcast to the internal network, and the VLC player captures the video stream from the wifi router.


    1. You need to change the playlist for the media player you are using.

    Edits that need to be made to the VLC playlist when using the "IPTV UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy" function:

    Open the playlist in a text editor.
    Find lines of the form − udp://@ and delete the part I highlighted in bold. Everything needs to be changed.
    In place of the removed part udp://@ insert -, where - IP address of your wi-fi router, and 2323 - the proxy port you have chosen.
    The result will be the string −

    What you should pay attention to when connecting IPTV :

    Using IPTV set-top box:

    Option activation ChooseWANBridgeport and choice of one or more LAN ports of the router for connecting IPTV set-top boxes.

    Using PC to watch IPTV (wired and wireless connection)

    Activation of the option " enablemulticastrouting", which disables filtering multicast traffic and redirecting it to the internal subnet on LAN interfaces if necessary. Do not forget to allow the activity of the program to view IPTV in the firewall.

    For IPTV users using the wireless connection option, in order to avoid "lags" and "artifacts" need option Multicastrate(Mbps) with which you can limit the bandwidth multicast traffic sent to the wireless interface. It is recommended to set the maximum value to avoid gaps WiFi connections on other wireless clients while browsing.

    A rapidly growing service among our population IPTV Rostelecom in fact, it is digital television. It is available for viewing not only from a TV, but also from a laptop or any other similar device connected to the global network. The service is provided via the TCP / IP protocol, therefore it has a significant number of advantages, the main of which is high quality broadcasts.

    It will not be difficult for any user to connect interactive television from Rostelecom if they have detailed instructions on setting up a TV set-top box provided by Rostelecom, for example, through a router, or setting up and connecting interactive television provided by Rostelecom to watch regular and HD channels using a computer via broadband Internet broadcasting.

    Below is step by step description about how you can connect and configure interactive TV from Rostelecom and the subscriber only has to read the instructions and choose for himself best option depending on the devices available.

    How to connect IPTV?

    There are only 3 methods:

    1. Using the connection of the IPTV set-top box provided by Rostelecom to the TV;
    2. Installing a special player-program "IPTV player" in a laptop or a stationary PC;
    3. Through the Internet service RTK.

    Method 1: Using a set-top box provided by RTK to watch interactive TV

    This is one of the most convenient ways, since the Rostelecom TV set-top box has a large number merits.

    With the help of this compact device, the subscriber is given the opportunity to watch television channels and save them for re-watching in a cloud storage specially allocated to the RTK client, which allows you to store not only video recordings, but also any other user files. Provided space on the server is not less than 30 gigabytes. But even in case of a lack of this volume, it is possible to connect an external hard drive to the set-top box via a USB port.

    But before you start watching high-quality broadband broadcasting on your TV, you first need to correctly connect the Rostelecom TV set-top box through the router. The following is a general guide on how to set up an Internet access point.

    Router Setup Procedure

    The following algorithm of actions can be successfully applied not only to the D-Link dir 300 router, which Rostelecom most often uses for its customers, but also to any other model. You must perform the following sequential steps:

    How to set up a TV set-top box from Rostelecom?

    It should be noted that the specialists from RTK took care of the convenience of their customers and fully provided their device with the necessary settings in advance. Since the device is already configured, the subscriber only needs to connect the device to the router with a wire and to the TV via an HDMI cable or equipped with tulip plugs. After that, you just need to turn on the power to the devices and turn them on by pressing the appropriate button on the remote control. Then, in the menu that appears, print the access code and name specified in the client's contract with Rostelecom. All! Now you can start using the service.

    It should be noted that setting up and connecting Rostelecom iptv is not very difficult. If the user needs to adjust some parameters, then the iptv setting is available through the intuitive interface of the set-top box menu, so even a novice user can do this.

    Method 2: How to set up iptv using a special program

    A specially designed player provides convenient viewing of television channels provided by Rostelecom TV not only on a TV, but also on a computer. In this case, the need to purchase a prefix is ​​​​completely eliminated. Setting up Rostelecom television for viewing on a PC involves installing the free application "IpTvPlayer-setup.exe". The player is available for installation at the following link: "".

    The Rostelecom television setup instruction consists of just a few sequential steps:

    Important digression: The user will be able to watch television channels only if he has a registered service from RTK.

    Method 3: Through the RTK Internet service

    Setting up iptv using the official resource "" is also not difficult (RTK customers who have connected the "Interactive TV" service can use the site for free). Several steps need to be taken:

    1. Enter the above page "" through any Internet search engine or click on this link:;
    2. Then click on “register” and enter your personal email address in the appropriate field;
    3. Wait for a message with a link to arrive at the specified mailer and click on it;
    4. The main menu of the service will be displayed, in which the user will already be authorized (a more detailed guide describing all the nuances is on the page: “”);
    5. In the case when the user is not a RTK subscriber, but uses the services of a third-party Internet provider, then you will need to specify the payment method;
    6. RTK subscribers who have a contract for interactive TV services in their hands just need to dial their name and access code and they can immediately watch channels from all their gadgets connected to the World Wide Web.

    The procedure for flashing the set-top box from Rostelecom

    To ensure that you get the most out of your device, it is recommended that you update the software. As a rule, Rostelecom's native firmware requires an update software devices to improve functionality.

    The following steps are required:

    1. Perform a factory reset of the device, for this purpose, open the “Def. Settings" and in "Set default settings" click "Ok""
    2. Next, close the interface by clicking on "Exit & Save";
    3. In the "Run" window, type "ncpa.cpl" and click "Enter";
    4. After that, a list of all connections will open, you need to call the context menu on the required connection and click on the line "Properties";
    5. Next, open the properties of the "Internet Protocol Version 4" and type the following IP: "". In the mask field, enter: "";
    6. Hold down "Win" click on the "R" button and type "cmd";
    7. In the next console that appears, type the path where the firmware program is stored on the computer and press "Enter";
    8. In the running service, click "Local Area Connection", click "Select" and specify the IP "" for the first stream, and "" for the second;
    9. Click the "Start" key and in the set-top box menu (the device must be connected to the computer with a cable) sequentially press "Upgrade Tools" and then "MC Upgrade";
    10. Wait for the end of the software download process to the device and then restart it;
    11. Ready!

    Ways to connect IPTV on a D-Link dir 300 router

    Rostelecom often uses this router to connect its device. The whole process of connecting the DIR 300 consists in allocating any of the LAN connectors for the set-top box and linking it to the "WAN". By combining these ports into a single VLAN group without specifying a VLAN ID. It is this method that is used by the majority of RTC branches. Another way is to exclude the VLAN ID tag and traffic from the WAN is transferred to the LAN.

    How to disable IPTV Rostelecom?

    The company took care of the maximum complication of the procedure for disabling its services. There are two ways in total.

    1 way: Through the office

    If the subscriber wondered how to disable the service, then the following steps will be required:

    1. With a passport and all the documentation drawn up at the time of concluding an agreement with RTK, and a prefix (if rented), contact the office of the company's branch closest to you (the address can be found on the official resource of Rostelecom on the Internet);
    2. At the office, take two application forms for termination of the contract for termination of service;
    3. In both forms, enter all the necessary data and sign;
    4. Ask the office staff to stamp both copies and indicate the incoming number;
    5. Return the rented device and one copy of the application;
    6. Now you can leave the office with the second copy;
    7. Wait for the RTC specialists to contact you. Communicate to them about the firmness of their intentions to stop using interactive television from Rostelecom;
    8. Ready!

    Method 2: How to disable remotely?

    In the case when the client did not rent devices from RTK, then you can simply send the application specified in the first method by mail. To do this, take the following steps:

    1. By analogy with the 1st method, fill out two copies of the application (print their forms available from the official resource of Rostelecom);
    2. Send one copy by mail to the office closest to where you live;
    3. Wait for communication with people from the enterprise and confirm your desire to stop using their services (preferably in a polite manner);
    4. Meet RTK employees at home who will physically turn off interactive TV.


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