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When a person loses his job, you want to find a new one as soon as possible. And sometimes you have to look for a job for a long time. But an unemployed person cannot secure a livelihood. Therefore, I want to find a good and high paying job as soon as possible. How to find a job quickly, how to find a good place in a short time?

Temporary or permanent job

Of course, everyone wants to find a permanent and well-paid job. However, if the financial situation is deplorable, then in some cases it is worth considering a temporary job, just in order to have a livelihood while looking for a permanent one. As a rule, temporary work does not pay very well, but at the same time it allows you to earn money while looking for a more suitable job. Therefore, do not refuse offers of temporary work. You just need to understand that this is temporary and that's it. free time devote to finding a better job.

Where to look for a job?

Currently, mostly job vacancies are posted on the Internet. As a rule, it is on the Internet that most of the vacancies are located on this moment. Such advertisements can often help to get Good work, but at the same time they can be a simple fraud and this should not be forgotten. If an employer or potential customer asks to pay for something - no matter what - expendable materials, documents, forwarding, etc., then you should be very careful about offers of this kind. As a rule, in this case it is just about making money on you.
However, do not forget about acquaintances and friends. Quite often it is acquaintances and relatives who can recommend you to a good place. Therefore, if you have lost your job, call all your friends and tell them about the situation. Perhaps it is your friends who will offer a good job.

Resume - necessary or not?

It is very important to write a resume correctly and not be afraid to send it to all the vacancies that interest you. A resume is the first impression you make with a potential employer. When looking for a job, send out a well-written resume wherever possible. Of course, in most cases they will not answer you for sure, but there is always a chance that it is your resume that will interest the employer and he will invite you for an interview. And there it all depends on you.

Employment service - register

Currently, the employment service offers certain vacancies. Of course, as a rule, there are not very many suitable vacancies, but the salary is not high either. However, unemployment benefits, despite the minimum amount, in very difficult situations, can still act as material support for a while, while you are looking for a permanent job. But more importantly, when registering with the employment service, you get the opportunity to receive absolutely free new profession. And this is an opportunity to get a new job.

Your active job search

To find a good high-paying job, you need to be active. No one will come and bring a gift good vacancy. It is your activity that will help you quickly find a job.
What is required from the applicant? Have a ready-made resume, where all his skills, abilities and positive qualities are indicated quite honestly and objectively.
Next - the constant browsing of sites with a job offer. And also posting your ad on a job search site. Perhaps the employer will find you on your resume. But you should not hope for this - it is you who must actively work to find a job for yourself.
As a rule, how successfully you get a job depends only on you.

Don't despair - never!

It was not possible to find a job with a swoop - quickly? Sadly, this is not a tragedy and it is worth continuing to search further. You can find a job quickly, but a job quickly found is not always the best option. But in this case, it is worth continuing to work at a temporary place for the time being and look for a job that suits your requirements better. You should not refuse not the most successful place of temporary work until you find the best option. Just be sure to keep looking for more suitable job For you. And sooner or later you will find it, but at the same time you will have, if not the best, but still a job. It is important to understand that temporary work is only temporary work.

Despite the revival in the labor market, job seekers do not have to count on concessions when applying for a job. They continue to go through a tough selection. The correspondent of "Moskovsky Komsomolets" found out what awaits the graduate of the crisis year at the interview, and what is the overall situation on the labor market.

The status of a graduate of a prestigious university with a red diploma and work experience in the specialty is not a pass to a highly paid job. Refusal of a place can even be motivated by the fact that the applicant has the "wrong zodiac sign." With marital status, too, not everything is simple. In some companies, a girl with an unsettled personal life may be refused because she has "wind in her head." Married but childless are "rejected" because "the crisis is not best time keep employees on maternity leave.

AT recruiting agency, where the journalist came for an interview for the vacancy of a legal assistant, the girl was given to fill out a questionnaire, asked in detail about thesis and tested knowledge of English language. Moreover, it was proposed not only to speak it, but also to write an essay on a legal issue using specific terms and turns. Without work experience, the skills turned out to be useless - the “applicant” was standardly promised to “call”.

According to personnel officers, an applicant without experience needs to include in the questionnaire at least recommendations from the supervisor and the organization where he did his internship. Career-oriented people start working in their specialty already at the 4th or 5th year, albeit for a penny, recruiters say. Of the foreign languages, English is more valued, while German and French will cost half as much on the labor market.

Work experience is of interest only in the specialty. The employer wants to see a young specialist who, while still studying at the university, began to immerse himself in the corporate environment. He will say this and appearance. Few employers make allowances for the non-standard appearance of the applicant.

Some managers are only interested in employed workers, and only by luring them away for a lot of money, the company will consider that it has acquired a valuable staff. Large companies, even experiencing financial difficulties, have not abandoned the days open doors and invite students from leading universities for internships. Others flatly refuse to recruit young specialists. At a break in labor activity the employer will be more satisfied if the applicant did not just wait for a suitable vacancy, but completed some courses or traveled with the accumulated money. But if a person jumped every year from company to company, then this is more likely to alert.

The employer will not like the retrained applicant either. According to personnel officers, other specialties are mastered mainly by unskilled workers. The employer may think that you were not successful in the first profession, which means that you will not succeed in the second.

Recruiters call an ideal employee a woman 30-35 years old, who graduated from a prestigious university, with experience in large multinational companies. She must speak business English, have the connections to help the business, live close to the office, and be a single mother with one child. school age. The male candidate must have the same qualities, but be married or, in extreme cases, a hardened bachelor with high credit.

However, personnel officers console that a decent job can be found by being just a good specialist, fluent in the language and with a personal life that has taken place.

How to find a job? And not just a place of employment, but a well-paid job that would allow you to live as it should, as you want? This is the question facing most adults today. And graduates of institutes, and working for a small salary, and people of retirement age who feel the strength not to sit at home, but to earn. But, despite the search, the fact remains: there is a lot of work, but it is cheap, and it’s not easy to find a worthwhile, good, well-paid job.

When I was a student, I heard that sales managers live and work best. Among the students, who, by the way, had never worked in this area and knew about it, only, in theory, there was an opinion that this work was easy, highly paid, good and pleasant, in short, not dusty.

And it is not surprising that almost every one of us, after graduation, toiled with his newfound profession (I had a native language teacher, but it doesn’t matter - it’s just as hard for an engineer or a botanist to get a job, especially for a young specialist - and if you get a job , then on a beggarly salary), went to sales managers or sellers. And then, and today, only in this area need people with higher education no matter what specialty and no work experience. What to sell is how lucky someone is. But despite the variety of products, from teapots to advertisements in the accounting journal, it turned out that the sales manager was not such a highly paid job. You have to make a bunch of calls, go to people with absolutely unnecessary things for them, impose, call, persuade, even lie - and at the end - the salary is lower than in the specialty. How can this happen if it seems like good commissions were promised? I even admit that, according to my calculations, I was thinking of buying myself a good car after only six months of work as a cosmetics sales manager in a small wholesale company.

Needless to say, I just hated this job? She did not bring me any pleasure, as a way of making money, she also could not be considered. After spending a year at this job, I, like many of my other fellow students, decided never to do this business again.

Fate turned out in such a way that I found a job to my liking - akin to my specialty - a journalist and began to move further in this area. It was surprising to me that some, a minority, but remained to work as managers. And, despite the fact that I didn’t succeed, they made good money and even really bought both cars and apartments. Others, who also remained sales managers, vegetate with $ 300 a month, fiercely hating both work and the office and all the people in the world. It's amazing how it can be that one and the same job becomes highly paid for some, and quite the opposite for others?

Where can you find a high paying job?

If we analyze fate successful people who have already found a high-paying job for a long time, and are happy to work in it, then we will find that they all like their work. They realize in it their innate properties that nature endowed them with.

Today there is an opinion that a person who does not sell earns little. Not at all. Of course another useful work finding it is two or even three times harder, but this does not mean at all that it does not exist. It’s just harder for a person to find it, but you shouldn’t give up.

Remember that by working in a job that you don't like, you are competing with those who enjoy it, who enjoy it and enjoy it. It will be difficult for you to compare with such a person, therefore you will always be worse, you will always be the first in line for dismissal.

To find a good and well-paid job, you need to look for a job that is pleasant to do. Each of us has some innate qualities and characteristics, realizing which at work, we will be happy at the same time, and the work will be done well. For example, only people with a skin vector are born sellers, they say about them “sell ice to an Eskimo in winter”. At the moment of concluding a deal, a skin person experiences real joy from the action itself, and money acts as an additional incentive for him. Realizing himself in sales, such a person develops and achieves a lot.

All other people cannot be sellers - it disgusts them and even to some extent unpleasant. A visual person is embarrassed to sell a product, especially if he himself does not like it. A person with an anal vector is ashamed to take money for goods, even before the start of bargaining, he yields from the first word, knocks down the price, often leading the business to a loss with his inadequate discounts. Therefore, only leather workers are recommended to work in sales, it is for them that this work will become well paid. By the way, it is they who most often ask the question of where to find a highly paid job, and easily change their place of work if somewhere they offer a higher salary. This is absolutely in harmony with the skin vector, he does not experience stress from such an action or discomfort.

If a person does not have a skin vector, then he is categorically not recommended to go into trade. No matter how big interest and salary they promised him there, he will not succeed in this business, since there are no such properties. People with an anal vector will not be able to sell, but they will be good at doing any job that requires perseverance, scrupulousness and patience. Only they are able to create high-quality work - and having realized themselves in this area, they will earn much more than at the job of a sales manager. People with a visual vector must definitely be involved in areas related to beauty, art or kindness, helping the disadvantaged and orphans, and sales in the field of sales will be oppressive for them, they will feel like a bird in a cage.

Absolutely everyone can find a good, well-paid job. Only if he does not look for an answer to the question “where?”, But thinks about what he likes. And find the truthful answer to this question.

In order to really find a good, well-paid job, you first need to understand yourself, your desires and qualities. Very often, we ourselves do not understand what we want, because from childhood we were imposed general

Good day, dear friend!

We have said more than once that sending resumes through HR departments can turn into such a burden that it’s time to stock up on liters of validol.How to quickly find a job? Actimmediatelyand directly. Without intermediaries.

In a good scenario, you can agree on with the decision maker(decision maker) in one call.

If it's bad, it will take some time. But compared to the traditional way of sending resumes to HR departments or through a job site, it is still many times faster.

With direct search, the following options are possible:

  1. You have recognized the direct telephone number of the decision maker and call him.
  2. You do not have a decision maker's phone and you call the secretary, assistant or call center.

Today we will analyze the second option in detail and consider several legend scenarios.

The sequence of your actions may be something like this:

  • You find a posted vacancy on the job site that interests you. Submit your resume and cover letter.
  • Click on the company name and go to the company website.
  • You can see the phone number there.

call? Wait… first take a sheet of paper or open the file on your computer. We write it down on a board. Here we will write the results of our calls and company numbers. Otherwise, you will simply get confused, because the matter, most likely, will not be limited to one call.

Before starting a call campaign, it is not superfluous to prepare mentally.

1. Firstly, positive attitude towards the person you are talking to . If you think that the secretary or call center employee is an overdressed dropout, you will have to change your attitude. Your God knows in what ways, but it is transmitted to the interlocutor. Even on the phone.

2 . Second - readiness for unexpected and sometimes unpleasant turns . No one can predict which direction your conversation may take, so you need to be prepared for anything.

In fact, you are acting by the same methods as sales managers who are tired of everyone worse than bitter radish. “Send” you will often. And that's okay. Yes, yes, it is important to understand that the method of direct calls brings success on the principle of "the more rods - the more fish."

3. Calmness and confidence . First of all, confidence in the correctness of their actions. A calm and confident tone works flawlessly.


So, dial the company number.Your task is to find out the name of the head of the vacancy and get connected with him. Or given a contact number.

The result of your communication largely depends on the characteristics of the interlocutor and his instructions. Sometimes they will immediately connect with the leader you are interested in, sometimes they will immediately firmly refuse.

However, more often than not, the result depends on your communication style and the legends you use.Be energetic and persistent. A lot of people just give up.


No, not the Karakalpak legends of Ukum Bukiev :) Legends in our case are small stories that will help you overcome the “secretary barrier” and reach the leader you need.

1. "I forgot my name"

“I was called by the head of your company, a man ... It seems the head of the department ... of the marketing department, he introduced himself, but I forgot - it seems Ivan, I didn’t remember exactly ... please remind him of his name and patronymic”

“And if it doesn’t make it difficult to contact him, we didn’t finish…”

2. "I want to write a letter"

You ask for the geographical address of the company, then the index, then the name and patronymic of the person you need and to whom you supposedly want to write. Then specify the last name.

3. "Employee of the magazine." Pretend to be a journalist. You are writing an article on a specialized topic and want an expert opinion. Opinion of the leader you need.

4. "Continuation of contacts". Say that you have already collaborated with this person, but subsequently the contacts were lost. You would like to resume the dialogue and ask for the manager's contacts or to connect with him.

5. "Interruption of communication". Say that you talked with a person on the phone, but the connection, as luck would have it, was interrupted in the middle of the conversation. You did not have time to say the main thing and even write down his phone number.

“On the crooked goat”

So common name combined several more ways to get to the head of the vacancy. They are even simpler, because legends may not be required at all.

a) Through company departments

With the department of personnel or selection is usually connected without any questions. Ask the secretary to connect with the HR department. For example, for a job. They connect you, they say that they just made a mistake or you were connected by mistake. You need such and such a person.

Department employees, unlike secretaries, are not used to “fighting back” and will easily share contacts.

b) Through another employee of the company

Find the contact of any employee of this company. Call and ask: “Is this the marketing department?” They say "No" to you. You apologize and ask for the number of the marketing department. Along the way, find out the name of the leader you need (if you don’t know) and his phone number.

c) calling after hours . For example at 8:00 or 21:00. Some leaders are already in place or still in place, while the secretary "Mitka was spinning."

Use your brains andyou can easily come up with your own legends and ways to find out the name of the person you need and get to the “body”.

The next stage is communication with the decision maker himself (the head of the vacancy). We discussed how to communicate with him in article . Let's get back to this issue. Follow the news.

In conclusion:

The ability to call anywhere and confidently communicate with anyone is hard to overestimate. The people I consulted, who used the method of direct calls, said that they completely got rid of various complexes associated with telephone communication. And not only by phone.

Uncertainty, stiffness are a thing of the past. A habit has emerged. The ability to open those doors that most people timidly knock on, or even completely bypass. And they continue to “chew cacti”.

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Despite the serious economic crisis, in 2019 Moscow gives more chances to find a decent job than any other city in Russia or in the neighboring countries.

Below you will find some tips on how to look for an interesting and well-paid job from direct employers in Moscow.

How to find a job

Let's start with a reminder that you should not neglect the help of old acquaintances and former colleagues. Even if at the moment no one could offer you anything, the recommendation of a colleague with former place work can positively influence the decision on your candidacy.

At the beginning of the search, you need to determine the requirements for the future workplace. This will help not only to narrow the range of choice, but, most importantly, to highlight priority search sources.

For example, if you are looking for a low-skill job close to home, you might want to pay more attention to bulletin boards, local newspapers, and direct visits to potential employer. Highly qualified specialists, managers and office staff should consider vacancies on leading Internet sites.

Where not to look for a job

You can rephrase and soften the wording a bit: try not to use the services of agencies that are engaged in employment for money. All reputable agencies take money from the employer, which has significantly more opportunities to find a good employee for themselves.

Think about which employers use the services of agencies that take money from job seekers. Most likely, your expectations will be deceived, at least, you will receive worse conditions than those mentioned at the beginning.

Where to look for a job

My personal experience is limited to the two largest Runet sites:


You can easily find the rest of the sites with vacancy announcements yourself. By the way, many employers post their vacancies on several sites at once. But it concerns large companies with large budgets, small ones can use the services of less "promoted" agencies and Internet sites.

Some employers post jobs directly on their own websites. And even if there are no published vacancies, no one forbids you to contact a representative of your dream company. This is exactly the case when perseverance is rewarded.

Another option for finding a job is social networks. Of course, for some activities, VKontakte and Facebook are quite suitable, but for the majority they are almost useless. For this, there are communities of professionals, such as or

We can recommend large recruitment agencies such as Kelly Services and Manpower. These agencies are engaged in the selection of qualified personnel for the most part for Western companies. There is only one minus when applying through such an agency - at least one more additional interview at the agency. By the way, they also post their vacancies and select applicants on sites like based on resumes left on them.

How to write a resume

Whatever job search method you choose, you will need to create or update your resume. Do not underestimate its importance, as you will be judged by how and what is written there. And your career may not start after a brief review of the resume by an HR specialist and then sending it to the trash.

Although writing a resume is a whole science, modern sites like have a user-friendly interface with hints, which allows you to create quite decent resumes even without much experience. Pay attention to the ability to export to different formats: PDF or Word. This is useful when sending e-mail or for quick printing on a printer.

Here we will only focus on important points in resume writing that are often overlooked:

  • The size should not be very large, it must be laid on two sheets, but the most important information, such as education and last place of work, must be on the first sheet.
  • If you still need more than two sheets to describe your qualifications, it is better to make two versions of the resume: full and abbreviated.
  • If you are going to apply for jobs in different areas, it makes sense to make different resumes, since a detailed description of experience in one area may be perceived as a lack of experience in another.
  • Carefully check the text for grammatical errors and try to avoid using dubious phraseological units. If there are errors, you will not have a chance in comparison with other resumes, even for vacancies that do not require direct work with texts.
  • Feel free to show all your merits, of course, only those that reflect success in professional activity. Beware of writing lies. If this turns out at the interview, even a minor lie can put an end to your candidacy.
  • Do not underestimate the presence of a photo in the resume, in most cases the presence of a photo will be positively perceived by the recruiter.
  • There is no need to describe in detail your hobbies at the end of the resume, few people are really interested in this and can only do harm in some cases.

Why you need to write a cover letter

To understand the importance of a cover letter, imagine yourself in the position of a person who will go through dozens of letters from job applicants and select top candidates for an interview. There is no guarantee that all resumes will be thoroughly studied first and only after that invitations for an interview will be sent. Most likely, resumes from those letters will be studied first, the text of which was more suitable for the definition of a vacancy or the recruiter simply liked it. Thus, it may simply not come to the study of your candidacy. Therefore, you should try to write cover letters not according to a single template (this will be immediately noticeable), but focusing on their merits in the light of the requirements of a particular employer.

The main task at this stage is to please and sell yourself as expensive as possible. Try to follow these simple guidelines:

  • Check your appearance, it should be neat and not defiant. They will be greeted by clothes and there may not be a second chance.
  • Show your interest. Think ahead about the questions you will be asking. The employer must be sure that the time spent communicating with you is not just spent. Disable mobile phone Don't get distracted by other things.
  • Do not show excessive ambition, they must correspond to the position for which you are applying.
  • Hold on with dignity. Feel free to ask if something is bothering you. In no case should you tearfully beg and be willing to do anything for this job, the employer, after such emotional outbursts, will most likely refuse you.

How to look for a job in a crisis

It may sound strange, but the answer of most recruiters is exactly the same as at any other time.

The main thing is not to sit idly by, not to be limited to a couple of large sites where you posted your resume. Use all available sources of information. Upgrade your skills. Try new activities. Maybe it's time to change everything. For some, the crisis opens up new opportunities.


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