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You always want to make the right decision in order to subsequently find yourself in the labor market without any problems. Moreover, you need to think strategically for several years ahead, because it takes time to get an education, change qualifications and acquire new skills.

The biggest difficulties arise if a person has no personal preferences. In such situations, it is customary to focus on market conditions, which is not entirely true. After all, work should be fun.

Popular and always needed specialties

There are professions that are in demand regardless of the historical period, fashion and other factors. These are the types of activities that help to realize the social function of the state. These positions include:

  • doctors and medical workers;
  • pharmacists;
  • teachers and lecturers;
  • firefighters;
  • policemen;
  • workers employed in the sphere of housing and communal services.

The most demanded professions are not always highly paid. In recent years, government policy has been structured in such a way that people employed in these areas receive a decent income. Having made a choice in favor of such professions, there is no doubt that you will find an application in the labor market.

Latest trends

In order to make a decision about joining a profession, you can study the results of labor market research. Sociological data show that the TOP options among the vacancies posted by the employer include the following specialties:

  • Engineers and specialists in technical professions, which are usually needed for companies and organizations engaged in construction, high technology industries, and in industry. In recent years, they are the highest paid.
  • IT-specialists whose knowledge is needed both for organizing the work of offices, and for building an Internet business, and for promoting a company.
  • Ecologists and specialists in the field of labor protection. From the side of the state, the requirements for conducting activities that may cause potential harm to the environment or the health of workers are increasing. In order not to pay huge fines and build the right internal activities, organizations need appropriate specialists. It is useful to know which enterprises in the city have already attracted young employees in order to understand whether it is worth retraining.
  • Teachers and kindergarten teachers. Basically, the low demand from applicants for these positions is associated with low salary. But few people know that when building a career in this system, you can quickly move to a new level. This will allow you to get more than, for example, in trade. If we recall the pleasant bonus from the legislation on an almost two-month paid annual leave, it becomes clear why such positions are increasingly in demand among young people.
  • Medical staff. These are far from highly paid positions, but they are necessary for organizing the treatment process. Such positions are suitable for those who have no education, who want to have social guarantees and do good deeds to a certain extent.
  • Chemists and physicists who can perform applied or fundamental tasks. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself. After all fundamental research lead to the acquisition of completely new knowledge, which is then in demand in many areas of activity. Having such experience, a specialist will easily find a job in the market.
  • Logisticians who allow you to optimize storage space, transportation of goods and goods, so that the organization receives a higher profitability of its activities.

Jobs that are in danger of disappearing

Specialists involved in the study of the processes of the personnel market are making forecasts regarding which professions may soon disappear altogether. Even from the job classifier.

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives in its forecasts sees no point in focusing on such positions:

  • Notaries, since most of the processes are transferred online, and distribution digital signature makes their work irrelevant.
  • Postmen, who can be partially replaced courier services. It is customary to write letters more via the Internet, so soon this profession will only be read or heard on excursions.
  • Cashiers. It is believed that their work functions will be able to perform computer systems, and the transition to bank cards will make it possible to do without such specialists. But you need to understand that this will not happen soon. After all, the proportion of those who like to pay in cash is still too high.
  • Printers and printers. The most unique specialists in the field of printing due to low demand for printed editions forced to retrain. Advances in technology make it possible to manufacture products with fewer employees. The abundance of online books has also led to the fact that highly paid specialists in the past are forced to find other uses for their strengths.
  • Travel agents also entered the TOP of irrelevant professions in the future. It is believed that with the help of online booking systems, customers will be able to work directly with tour operators or with market participants in the hospitality industry. The need for intermediaries will disappear by itself.

Who is needed in the future?

Seeing the future is not as difficult as it seems. Quite easily, specialists conducting research on employment issues can determine where the departure of personnel due to age will occur, create relationships between the development of the economy and the market. What professions will be popular in five or ten years?

The most non-standard and popular among them:

  • Urbanists. These are specialists who are busy creating the urban look and infrastructure.
  • Biotechnologists and bioengineers who will be responsible for finding means to prolong life, remove harmful substances from the body, rejuvenate, fight cancer, etc.
  • Engineers in the field of non-traditional energy. There will be fewer and fewer sources of energy, and in order to save humanity, you need to learn how to use alternatives.
  • Workers in the security sector, including information. The availability of digital data and the ease of penetrating foreign territory increase the demand for countermeasures. Such specialists will find application both in the field of company security, and in the development of household appliances and protection schemes.

The TOP of those who will find a use for themselves in the future also includes:

  • 3d designers;
  • marketing and promotion specialists;
  • content managers;
  • Internet developers and programmers;
  • specialists in the food industry;
  • pharmacists;
  • engineers;
  • nanotechnologies;
  • operators of automated devices, including cleaning of premises.

Where can I get information about the right specialists?

To independently conduct market research and find a job to your liking, you can use the following tools:

  • get acquainted with the materials that are provided in the public domain recruitment agencies or magazines and websites dedicated to personnel;
  • study the reports of the ministries entrusted with the functions of employment;
  • look for ratings of competitions for specialties among applicants to universities and colleges, as well as their reports on the employment of graduates;
  • analyze databases of vacancies on job portals or employment centers;
  • attend industry conferences, where they necessarily talk about the problems of personnel shortages, if any.

It must be remembered that popular and demanded vacancies may not always be of interest to a particular person. It's always better to choose what you like to do. Otherwise, psychological discomfort will arise and it will not work to stay in a working position.

It is useful to listen to the opinion of other people employed in some area, or to the older generation. Their wisdom and experience are the most invaluable sources of knowledge for decision making.

What you need to consider in order not to miscalculate with the choice of specialty?

Regardless of what forecasts are made for the future, a person must understand that people with certain qualities can always find a use in the labor market. Their development must be given attention. Then you can easily find a job.

The following employees are in demand among employers:

  • sociable;
  • able to work independently and in a team;
  • initiative;
  • honest;
  • responsible;
  • executive;
  • creative;
  • ready for change;
  • striving to achieve results;
  • thinking and analyzing.

People with these qualities will be able to stand out and start career in companies. It is not necessary to have all the characteristics from the list. The choice depends on the area in which it is supposed to continue growth and development.

There is no need to be afraid that the choice of the training program will be made incorrectly. Indeed, often people cannot find a job in their specialty, because they do not look for it or do it wrong. In any profession, you can become an excellent specialist. Then the most large companies will "hunt" for such an employee.

Also, do not think too much about the prestige of the position. After all, even working specialties allow you to earn income, sometimes much more than the position of an official in the local government system.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The modern labor market is very changeable. And according to the results of research by a well-known European company, even greater changes in the scale of demanded professions await us in the near future.

A new profession for the future: new professions in demand in the labor market

If earlier it seemed that the most popular professions among young people is managers, lawyers and financiers , now we can say for sure that very soon the demand of employers will be directed to completely different specialties.

After all, graduates of the faculties of natural sciences, specialists in the field of high technology and IT specialists.

But let's take it in order and make rating of new professions of the future.


One of the leading positions in the ranking of the professions in demand of the future is occupied by such a profession, forgotten by the younger generation, as an engineer. Already now, in a labor market crowded with economists and managers, this profession is especially valued. There is a clear shortage of technicians and professional engineers.

Concerning their wages will rise and demand will rise. If you have several formations - for example, economic, technical and legal, then you are provided with a high career in the future.

IT specialists

Of course, few of us can imagine our life without a computer. The same goes for almost any workspace. It is not surprising that IT specialists and programmers will become one of the most needed specialties of the future.

The rapidly developing progress of computer technology leads to the fact that the demand for such professions will only increase over time.

Specialists in the field of nanotechnology

Science around the world is rapidly advancing. Nanotechnology is the greatest area of ​​research that will cover almost all areas - mechanical engineering, space objects, medicine, food industry and many others. Therefore, absolutely all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand.

Nanotechnologist is one of the newest professions of the future, which will only develop over time, and the demand of employers for it will grow.

Service professions

The income of the population is growing every year. People are more likely to go on vacation, make large purchases, visit beauty salons, use the services of domestic staff, and so on.

In this regard, specialists who can provide quality service will not be left without work in the future.


It has long been known that oil reserves will last another 10 years. Therefore, in our time, research is actively being carried out to find and develop environmentally friendly energy sources. And, as a result, highly qualified chemists are required.


One of the modern and new professions that will also be in demand in the future is a logistician. This area of ​​activity covers a fairly wide range of responsibilities, such as organizing the delivery of goods from the manufacturer or supplier to the final buyer, the formation inventory, competent tracking of the entire supply process.

Therefore, in our age of trade and market relations, the profession of a logistician is still for a long time will be in demand and highly paid.


Probably, few people can argue with the fact that the environmental situation in the world is steadily deteriorating every year.

Abnormal phenomena and ozone holes, pollution problems environment and global warming will make environmentalists one of the most indispensable people to save the planet in the very near future.


The medical profession has always been in demand. Now the growing demand for certain specialists in the field of medicine is associated with research in the field of life extension.

A lot of money is being invested in them, so scientists who specialize in finding means to extend life will be in great demand in the future.

Working professions with increasing demand in the labor market

Also in the future some new professions that do not require higher education , but from this they do not become less paid.


Groomer provides professional care for pets. The scope of services includes a haircut, bathing, trimming, painting, cosmetic procedures, complete preparation of a pet for an exhibition.

Professional groomers are always in demand, as preparation for an exhibition is never complete without their services. And owners of non-show breeds also constantly turn to animal care specialists, which makes this profession always necessary and highly paid.


In fact, a shopper is a stylist. Higher education such a profession is not required. She is taught at image-maker courses for two to three months. Shoppers accompany the client to the shops and help him decide on the choice of clothing and style.

In this time of constant business meetings and trips, many people need to look presentable and stylish at the same time, so such assistants in the fashion industry will be highly valued in the future.

Food stylist

Many people now have professional cameras. And if you still have a creative streak and you have a rich imagination, then it is quite possible that such a new profession as a food stylist is right for you. The duties of a food stylist include such a task as photographing food beautifully, brightly and tasty.

In connection with the development information resources quality illustrations will always be required on the Internet, so professional photographers will be in increasing demand from employers in the future.

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She's a job - it's not just a pastime for the purpose of earning a livelihood. That's life. Real, seething, with discoveries and a lot of emotions (better if they are positive, but there are all sorts), from which you are madly tired by the evening, but which you already miss incredibly by morning. And by nine again you rush to your native office, workshop or class.

To give your best and still have fun, you need to love your work. Is this possible, if most modern professions are chosen with the help of a psychologist, and not the call of the heart; if the comfort of the workplace and the amount of wages are at the forefront; if the main selection criterion is the desire to get more (monetary reward) than to give (strength, knowledge and experience)?

The answer to all these questions is positive. The professions of modern society just imply comfortable conditions, convenient schedules, and decent earnings.

Popular professions in different periods

If we analyze the specialties in different periods, we can see how people's preferences changed when choosing a profession.

The labor romance of the 60s of the last century brought the professions of a high-altitude assembler, an astronaut (all the boys in the class always wanted to go into space, and even a few girls), and a geologist into a popular trend.

In the stable and calm 70s and early 80s, Soviet citizens sought to acquire intelligent specialties: a teacher, a physician (in the healthcare industry, the work of both a doctor and middle-level personnel, a nurse, was considered equally honorable). Among men, it was very popular, which gave a chance of legal temporary residence abroad.

The nineties... Professions remained, wages disappeared. The most popular specialty is the merchant in the market. The loud name "businessman", some kind of income and a huge daily risk. Unwillingly popular - there was simply no other way to survive.

The 21st century is the period when new, hitherto undeveloped specialties come to the fore. It was then that our compatriots discovered the world of modern professions and finally stopped being afraid of “wonderful” names: manager, marketer, designer, coach.

Choice of specialty and classifier of professions

All relevant modern professions are located in special list- a classifier that does not lose popularity among school graduates and their parents: after all, everyone is right in their desire to choose a specialty not only for the soul, but also for complete satisfaction all material needs.

True, the list has one huge drawback - it is presented in the form of a list and does not provide the most important information: what professions are this moment are promising and in demand?

Traditional professions: do they all need to be modified?

Since ancient times, the works of a teacher and a farmer were considered the most respected. And the most difficult. Plowing a field, sowing grain, waiting for seedlings and harvesting is very difficult for both a grain grower and a teacher.

Despite the fact that the age of technology forced professions to be somewhat modified, to acquire new methods and modern technical means, work in these areas of activity has not decreased, but has become even more. And responsibility too.

By the way, modern pedagogical professions - this is not only work at a school, kindergarten or institute, it is the activity of an animator at a hotel (a talented teacher will definitely find how to show himself in games with children) and private pedagogical activity: a tutor, a governess, a nanny (none of the parents will even come close to to his child of a person without pedagogical education and experience).

Among the existing specialties, it is difficult to find one that would not be modernized to fully meet the requirements of the time.

Is it really necessary to change? Rather yes than no. Modern factory workshops are equipped with innovative computerized machines, livestock farms equipped with professional complexes for milking and milk processing, computer system is in every tractor and harvester, clothes are sewn using innovative machines.

But with all the power of the technological progress that has swept the world, modern professions leave the traditional basic requirement: you need to put your soul into your business - only under this condition is achieved highest level skill.

Why, in the presence of many restaurants of "fast" food, a person is looking for one where the chef personally crumbles arugula into a salad, or orders for the most significant celebrations individually from a trusted master, or buys homemade cakes in small bakeries, where she truly homemade?

New Unusual Professions

The world is changing, constantly requiring new specialists who not only have well-known professions, but also easily learn new ones. Jobs can be found the most unexpected and quite interesting. The only question is whether there is a chance to master them.

New professions of modern society sometimes amaze the imagination with their originality.

For example, offshore specialist. A very necessary specialty with the love of most of our large entrepreneurs for opening accounts in distant foreign banks and the desire to “profit” on paying taxes.

Or trace expert. A narrow specialty that involves the study of traces and trace-forming objects. Requested by the police for the most efficient and quick collection of evidence and the disclosure of crimes.

Medicines specialist. Here comments are superfluous. The quality of some drugs is so poor that they need to be rechecked before being sold.

Chocolatier. The most positive and rare of professions. To uniqueize and improve everyone's favorite delicacy is the vocation of representatives of this wonderful narrow specialty.

IT evangelist. Religion has nothing to do with it. The specialist develops and promotes products through communication with the audience.

If the job is unsatisfactory

The world is changing by changing people. Often, change manifests itself in the desire to acquire another profession, because a person believes that he has "grown" from the previous one or he needs to improve his skills, and for this he needs to change his job or even occupation.

Modern professions for the most part provide ample opportunities for related work: a journalist can be both a successful copywriter and an equally successful editor, and a confectioner can easily be reclassified as a culinary specialist, a historian as a guide, etc.

But if the career crisis is too long, you can think about a radical change in profession, and at the same time - life.

The most affordable way - professional courses

Boost qualification level in order to find a more interesting and or change profession, specialized courses help, in a short period of study on which you can get the most useful information.

A similar way of learning is offered at universities, employment centers (in this case they are free), and many training centers are open, the most famous of which is the Academy of Modern Professions.

Blitz learning with the help of courses in our fast-paced age is becoming a necessity, since competition in the labor market is huge and requires fast and high-quality development of specialties. And employers are not accustomed to waiting for "their" best specialist for years.

Because new territories are being explored, both literally and figuratively. People are beginning to be interested in something completely different, to create other fields for creativity and, accordingly, for making money.

In this article, we will talk about the profession of the 21st century, consider where to go to study, how you can earn money without education, and also find out what futurologists are predicting for us. If you are interested in professions that have appeared in the 21st century, then this post will be of great interest to you.

Where to go to study?

Before telling you where you and your children can go to study, I would like to put special emphasis on which professions are definitely not worth mastering. So, you will waste money and, what is more offensive, years of your life if you decide to become an economist or a lawyer. The market for such specialists is currently crowded not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. Modern university graduates have to get a second higher education or another additional education to fit in anywhere. Therefore, the demanded and popular professions of the 21st century do not include these specialties in their lists.

Although, if we put the question differently - who do girls and boys most often go to study, then the answer will be connected precisely with lawyers and economists.

But in the coming decades, demand for specialists in technical professions is expected. If you have an interest or inclinations, then you can apply for engineers, electricians, technicians of various directions. You will see that immediately after receiving a diploma, you will simply be “taken away” with arms and legs. However, these tips are more advisory in nature, and in any case, you decide. Now let's talk about such a phenomenon as the profession of the 21st century. The list could be huge, but we will only touch on those options that may be of interest to the average resident of our region.

Sales and purchases

Buying and selling has been of great importance in human life since ancient times. Almost throughout history, we never get what we want. The buying-selling relationship allows you to get the product you are looking for, so it is not surprising that salespeople have entered the most popular professions of the 21st century, albeit under a more fashionable name.

Today, many companies are recruiting buyers to the team. This word is derived from the English "to buy", which means "buy". Bayer is engaged in meeting the needs of the company in the product, acquiring what is needed - food, stationery, furniture, clothing ... Such a specialist must understand the product, determine the quality "by eye", be able to find the most profitable offer. Education "merchandiser" will be enough to become a buyer.

A shopper is the same buyer, but more individual. A shopper can be hired by a wealthy family to buy everything they need - food, interior details, clothes. If in the work of a buyer you need to be an experienced person, then here, understanding of psychology plays a much greater role, what kind of thing is suitable for a particular person.

A media buyer is the same specialist, but the goods he buys are more specific. This person is engaged in the purchase of advertising space, develops a strategy promotional activities companies. Here you can not do without economic and marketing education, as well as a sense of what kind of advertising and where will bring the greatest consumer demand for the product.

Advertising and direct promotion

Today, good money can be made from advertising. A huge plus of this opportunity is that you do not need to have a special education in order to grow up to the head of the promotional department.

Promoter - a person who promotes a product through consultation, tasting, and various "enticing" promotions. To become a promoter, you do not need to have an education, but what is definitely needed is communication skills, the ability to clearly convey your thoughts and gently convince people.

A merchandiser is one who places goods, placing products on supermarket shelves. Such specialists are not needed in small stores, whose employees can display products on their own. But if we are talking about hypermarkets that pass tons of products through themselves every day, then we cannot do without assistants from manufacturing companies. The merchandiser does not need to be able to "talk" visitors, his job is solely in. If we talk about the fact that the 21st century is popular today, then the merchandiser is one of them.

A brand manager is a person who is engaged in "promotion", maintaining the name of the product at the hearing of consumers. This is where education is needed, marketing is best. The brand manager creates and develops the conditions for trademark was in demand.

Work on the Internet

Once upon a time, the Internet was more of an intranet and was considered a military development. Today, this is an obligatory "springboard" for almost every one of us. The matter is not limited to reading the news and watching movies - we share interesting information with friends, upload photos, “check in” in order to brag about being in a pretentious place. The Internet has also given a lot of opportunities to earn money.

Of course, not all 21st centuries of the Internet are effective - some are designed simply for you to donate your funds. So, the “professions” associated with working on the stock exchanges are very doubtful. Of course, we are not talking about you if you are an expert in economics, and you “ate the dog” on the sale of currency. Otherwise, be careful - no matter how the new professions of the 21st century may deprive you of your savings. The list that we provide below will be of interest to those who want to master a profession and earn money without leaving home.

A blogger is a person who keeps a diary on the Internet. If his blog turns out to be interesting to a large number of subscribers, then he gets the opportunity to earn money from advertising, which he will place on his pages. To become a successful blogger, you need to write about what is close to you and what you are good at.

Copywriter - a person who deals with All content on the Internet is the creation of copywriters, people who write from scratch or rewrite ready-made texts. You can work without education, however, without a “sense of style” and literacy, you won’t write much.

An SEO optimizer is a person who makes websites more popular by promoting them to the top of the search engines. Those sites that the user sees on the network first are in the greatest demand. The more people visit the site, the more popular it is and the more attractive it is for the advertiser.

A web designer is a person who specializes in creating the visual content of a website. You can get such education in special courses.

Community work

An event manager is a person who organizes events, holidays. There are a lot of companies on the market today that specialize exclusively in this activity. Some companies also need to have a couple of such experts (for example, a hotel or a restaurant). The manager must come up with an entertainment program, order artists, and also discuss payment with them based on the available budget.

A PR manager is a person who deals with public relations. For many, "PR" has a negative connotation. It is worth any star to scandal or disgrace, and this trick is immediately called PR. In fact, any “message” to the people of news is the activity of a PR manager.

What is it preparing for?

We figured out what the latest professions of the 21st century are now in trend, and what kind of education you need to get in order to work successfully. And what about the near future? What will be relevant in ten or twenty years?

Futurologists predict even more noticeable improvement in telecommunications and media in the coming years. In addition, the climate and the vital needs of people will noticeably change. Let's try to predict, based on the findings of futurologists, what kind of 21st century awaits us in the foreseeable future.

Personal Trumans

Remember the movie The Truman Show?

If not, then we suggest that you remember the show "House 2". As practice shows, people like to watch the lives of their own kind, and it is better if they are real, living people, and not characters from TV shows and films. So, there is an assumption that selfie films will soon be popular, which anyone can shoot by simply attaching a camera to themselves.

Development of new lands

Futurist Stuart Brand predicts that melting ice in Antarctica will lead to climate change in our lifetimes. As a result, the newest professions of the 21st century will appear. For example, there will be a demand for “Columbuses”, people who will explore new territories, including space ones.

Building networks within corporations

It's no secret that corporations rule the world. Often, it is the desire of the management of such companies that determines the policy of countries in the external and internal markets. The corporation is a closed system, a kind of life.

And according to marketer Seth Godin, other lines will be added to new professions of the 21st century in the near future. The list will be supplemented by specialists in ensuring the vital activity of corporate structures.

So, recently the agency completed an interesting order - the development social networks for clients. Therefore, programming and Information Technology relevant as never before, if the question arises of where to go to study.

Human Perfection

James Kenton believes that all professions of the 21st century will be tied to making a person as perfect as possible. Laboratories and medical institutes will "design" animals and plants, and work to create the "ideal human". The futurist suggests that those times are not far off when it will be possible for a lonely person to come to special bank data and request contacts of people who are most DNA compatible. Couples, before having a child, will be able to “calculate” how the future baby will be born. Be that as it may, a medical education, according to Kenton, will not hurt.


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