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The situation on the Russian labor market is such that many people, especially those who, for whatever reason, found themselves without education, profession, a certain length of service, or belong to the category of young professionals (graduates of universities, colleges), are faced with a situation in which they have to conduct a long job search. It takes someone months to do this, someone is eventually forced (even if there is higher education) be content with low-skilled labor, get a low-prestige job.

As a rule, employers do not want to hire people without experience - it is not profitable for them to train young specialists, “yesterday's” students, everyone wants “ready-made” professionals. If you are among the applicants without experience, but at the same time there is a serious desire to work (and not just stand on the labor exchange for a meager allowance), you should radically change the situation on your own. The main thing in this matter is not to despair, and then, with not so much effort and time, it will be possible to qualify for good vacancies with an acceptable salary and comfortable working conditions.

What to do, where to turn, how to look for ways out of this situation? Questions that concern the minds of many able-bodied citizens who cannot find work due to lack of experience are looking everywhere for help and professional advice. We offer you to familiarize yourself with some recommendations that may help you change the current state of affairs.

Who can get a job without experience in a big city?

Decide on a specialization

To begin with, it is worth deciding on a goal, specialization - to understand that you are really interested in, in what professional direction there is a desire to move through life.

It often happens that after studying at a college or institute, a young man realizes only after graduation that he has chosen a specialty by mistake, he does not like it, it does not suit him. There are other situations when people of mature age (even if there are great experience) lose their jobs for any reason, or realize that they are not interested in the field of activity in which they have been “boiled” for many years. And then some of them make a strong-willed decision for themselves - to change their profession. This will be a way out of the situation, both for a young specialist who has just completed his studies, and for an adult.

Engage in self-study

Having made an important decision for yourself related to the change of specialization, it is advisable to engage in self-study. Most available ways self-learning:
  • Internet learning. Having a computer or other gadget with Internet access at hand, you can, if you wish, find a lot of training programs, master classes (including free ones) that will help you master the skills of a particular profession.
  • Library, bookstores. Many large libraries have rooms equipped with computer technology, cozy reading rooms, where you can spend hours, completely free of charge, learning something new for yourself. There (or bookstores) you can select the necessary special literature.

Take courses

Perhaps it is worth enrolling in courses that you have long dreamed of, but put off on the back burner, or attend seminars, trainings conducted by professionals in this field. Many tempting offers can be found in different printed publications and Internet space. The opportunities that open up thanks to technology are so wide that with a true desire, you can learn from anyone, at any age, depending on the time frame and the forms of training that are convenient for you personally. There are weekly, monthly, annual courses, full-time, part-time, distance learning options.

On the Web, you can also find many virtual lecture halls - sites with a selection of courses, often accompanied by visual video materials. The main thing is to correctly make your schedule and overcome the procrastinator inside yourself.

Write a resume

Having completed retraining, having completed training in the chosen specialty, then the next important stage on the way to employment is writing a resume. If you do not know how to prepare it correctly, it will not be difficult (again via the Internet) to find samples, examples. We have already talked in more detail about the intricacies of writing a resume, and now remember the main thing: one vacancy - one resume.

How to find a job without experience and connections

Focus on your merits in your resume, try to be creative where possible - use not dry clericalism and formulaic phrases, but a more original, lively and necessarily complete (and truthful!) presentation of information about yourself.

Remember that student jobs and classes can be interpreted in terms of professional skills. Did you write term papers? You have basic copywriting skills! Developed science project with other students? Have experience of working in a team!

Where to find a job without experience

If you have already decided on a specialization, immediately go in search. You can explore suitable companies and vacancies in your city even before you graduate from university / courses. If you are still a student, try to grab any even slightly worthy offer or internship in order to increase your level of professionalism in the eyes of employers.

The best option to find a job without experience is to register at the labor exchange. There you can go training courses- free of charge or at a nominal cost. With a diploma of completion of the courses, you will be able to receive job referrals from the exchange. Also, the labor exchange is always displayed in Free access vacancy announcements. Getting a job through the exchange without experience is quite realistic, besides, their vacancies are posted here most often state enterprises which are difficult to reach from the outside. And this means a good social package and protection.

But not a single exchange. Take any newspaper or Internet site, read all the ads in a row, very often you can find the postscript “you can without experience”, that is, it is assumed that the employer wants to train the employee “from scratch” to suit their needs.

Where to post a job ad

  1. Job sites. Modern personnel officers at large and small enterprises first look at sites with resumes. A well-written resume posted on a highly visited website is 90% of success.
  2. Local newspapers with ads. In each such newspaper, there is usually a coupon for a free advertisement on the last page. You need to cut it out, carefully fill it out and send it to the address of the editorial office.
  3. If you provide some services (for example, a loader, a hairdresser, a makeup artist, a tutor), do not disdain billboards on poles and at the entrances of residential buildings. Print out your tear-off phone ad and post it in your area.
  4. Contact recruitment agency. They constantly form the database of applicants, help to make a good resume.
  5. Let your friends know that you are looking for a job. The word of mouth works great. Let's say your friend's classmate shares that he needs an employee, and the friend immediately suggests your candidacy.

Prepare for the interview

The last step before the interview is preparing for it. Collect the documents that you have at your disposal:
  • the passport;
  • work book (if available);
  • diplomas;
  • course completion certificates, etc.
Scroll through the literature, notes, think about what questions a specialist can ask you personnel service mentally formulate the answers to them. Pay attention to your appearance, focus on business style in clothes.

Arriving at a meeting, discard the excitement, focus on dialogue, try to behave at ease, but at the same time collected, not cheeky. Self-control, endurance, clear answers to the questions posed will be a plus for your characterization. We understand that anxiety before an interview is normal, but try to pull yourself together. Learn in advance how to calm down in an emergency.

If you don't succeed in an interview the first time, don't treat rejection as a failure. This will good experience- another time you will be able to present yourself and your advantages more competently. Arm yourself with perseverance, and the result will not be long in coming. We invite you to find out what traits make you a valuable employee.
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Finding a job is a stressful situation for any person. Need to find the best option, With decent salary, a good team. On the way to this, you will have to go through many interviews and demonstrate your skills. Many of us, once in such a situation, do not know where to start and how to behave. They can get advice on how to find a job.

There is always work. You should not convince yourself that there is no job in your specialty on the market. It exists even in times of crisis. That is why panic and fuss should be set aside. You need to calmly think about which option is generally required and then start sending out resumes and calling desired companies. You need to understand that the place of work is the goal. Now it remains to make a list options and work them out one by one. Temporary difficulties should not become a barrier on the way. Finding a good job is a time-consuming process, and especially in times of crisis.

Do not send bulk resumes. Job seekers make one common mistake. They begin to send out their resumes to all companies in a row, posting them on thematic sites. But this can negatively affect the reputation. A potential employer will see that the employee himself does not understand what he wants and does not know the options for solving the problem. Such an employee is unlikely to be in demand.

Decide what you want. Until a person knows exactly what kind of work he is trying to find, all searches will be meaningless. It is worth answering yourself what salary you need, what work schedule suits you. Having formulated these requirements, you can start looking for a good place.

Working for pennies is a way to ruin a career. Desperate, the unemployed are ready to accept literally any offer, even with a low level of pay. But it is worth choosing those options where the salary is not less than the average in the market. If you compromise and one day accept a low-paying job, then it will be difficult to make an impressive career breakthrough in the future. Those who began to pay 15 thousand instead of the previous 30 should not count on a quick increase in salary. The employer can be understood - why pay more to those who are already ready to work for next to nothing.

Create multiple resumes. Situations vary, and so do employers. Some are interested in dry facts, others need details. But you shouldn't embellish the information, it should remain objective, it's just worth shifting the emphasis.

Know your worth. Before starting interview campaigns, you need to objectively assess your capabilities. To do this, you can simply analyze your previous experience, tasks to be solved, quality of results. But the main thing here is to get rid of illusions and not deceive yourself. It is worth remembering not only successes, but also failures. And after drawing up an objective picture, you can already see how much they generally pay such specialists. By comparing your talents with salary levels, you can understand how much you really cost. This approach will make it easier to negotiate a salary.

Do not be afraid of difficult tasks. When choosing new job it is better to start by considering those proposals where you have to solve more complex tasks and take on more responsibility. It is not worth moving from your previous position to exactly the same - it is better to plan your career in advance. That position and company, where everything is calm, and every day is routine, career can't speed up. On the contrary, they will lower the cost of a specialist in the market and complicate further job searches.

A startup is not the worst option. New project always scares with its risks, but it opens up excellent prospects. In a young and dynamic developing company easy to quickly make a career. It's just that you have to be careful with your choice. Before agreeing, it is worth assessing the seriousness of the selected team and the goals set for it.

Work in a comfortable place. If at the interview you noticed that the behavior of the authorities is not to your liking, you do not like internal rules, then you should not break yourself. Perhaps it will be possible to rebuild, but on a short time. Then comes apathy and decline in performance. As a result, you will have to look for work again.

Do not speak badly about former colleagues. Sometimes in interviews they ask for opinions about same place work and former colleagues. Talking badly about them, throwing mud at the boss and employees, even if they deserve it, is not worth it. A potential boss will not appreciate such behavior and will try to refuse a place. Who wants to be talked about in the same spirit later?

Talking about your successes, operate with facts. Even with many achievements, it is worth talking about those that can be confirmed. This will prove that the candidate knows the value of his word. And don't be too quick to brag. It is worth talking about successes to the point, as an answer to a specific question or as part of a narrative about the specifics of previous work. Otherwise, listing your victories will seem like boasting.

Validate your experience with examples. Often in interviews they ask, what was the previous job? As an answer, one can concrete examples. To do this, you need to try to remember what you had to do in different situations what course of action was chosen and what it led to. But you should not delve too deeply into details, so you can only confuse the interlocutor.

Forget about timidity. It is necessary to perceive the interview not as an exam, there is nothing torture in it. There is simply an equal dialogue between the two sides trying to reach an agreement. No need to feel constrained, stutter and blush. More confidence! After all, someone who knows his own worth is easier to appreciate.

Review the employment contract. Reading the employment contract is a mandatory procedure. It would be useful to study and job descriptions. And their reading is not an empty formality. The boss will then be able to manipulate you with such documents. Do not be shy to clarify all the details of your employment, the size, form and terms of payment, work schedule.

Avoid lying in interviews. Be prepared for uncomfortable questions. Most often asked about the reasons for dismissal from the previous job. And it's pointless to lie here - the deception will quickly be revealed, and this will outweigh all the pluses of the resume. Employers will understand that it is better not to mess with a liar. So it’s better to answer honestly even unpleasant questions. This will show your self-confidence and inner strength.

Use your connections. Even if it seems that the circle of acquaintances is limited and it makes no sense to use it in a job search, it is still worth telling everyone that you are looking for a job. Why not take an extra chance? Rumors and word of mouth are unpredictable and can produce unexpected results. And the offer may turn out to be a great success.

Do not settle for an incomprehensible option. It is worth continuing to search for your dream job even in times of crisis. It is clear that sometimes there is no time for reflection - the financial situation requires you to make a decision quickly. But, having compromised and expanded the search criteria, it is still worth defending main principle- the work should be such that you want to do it and have the opportunity to do it. If you neglect this advice, then there will always be discomfort, anger at yourself and others, stress. You can forget about high labor productivity.

Look appropriate for an interview. We can be infinitely smart and talented, but the first thing a potential employer sees is our appearance. It should correspond to the status of the company and its spirit, as well as the position that is of interest. If a suit is appropriate in this situation, then it would be inappropriate to come in casual and creative clothes. But even a loose approach to clothing is better than slovenliness. She will always be out of place.

Use social networks. Can't ignore the opportunity social networks. VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki are not only a way to kill hours, but also a potential opportunity to find a job. Why not find possible employer and not collect information about him? It would be nice to make friends with the future bosses, learn about his life and tell about yourself. You can find already working employees, find out the specifics of work, the management style of superiors, and maybe even get some insider information.

Take the initiative. Once your resume has been sent, don't sit back and wait forever for a response. After some time, you can call the personnel department yourself and find out what the situation is with the resume, whether it has been considered and whether there is a solution. An extra statement about yourself will allow you to stand out from the crowd and be noticed. You should do the same after the interview - do not be afraid to call first and find out the final result.

Change profession. During the search, you can try to prove yourself in another area and try to become what you did not become for some reason. If you choose a new area for your activity, then you can start everything from clean slate. It will definitely change your whole life. Perhaps you will be able to find your true calling, and not drag along the trail of past mistakes and defeats.

Do not be afraid of temporary work and side jobs. Search worthwhile work may be delayed. In this case, you can take on a temporary job. It will provide additional funds and will not allow you to slide into a financial abyss. Yes, and from the routine of constant searches, calls and interviews can be distracted. At times, this can lead to a stupor. Yes, and a part-time job will allow you to stay in good shape and keep up professionally.

Start filling gaps in knowledge. In times of calm with work, it's time to educate yourself. Each specialist has his own gaps, the time of unemployment should be devoted to replenishing knowledge. It is worth reading special literature, the Internet. Then the baggage of knowledge will allow you to claim more, the specialist will approach the work prepared.

Don't be afraid of closed doors. Even when it seems that nothing will work out, you should not despair. You can get the job of your dreams if you strive for it and really want it. Even when all the doors are closed, there is a back door or, at worst, a window.

Your favorite job, which you go to with pleasure - more than 70 percent of people dream of this, getting up at the very early hours on an alarm clock, and literally “wandering” into their stuffy, disgusting offices on the machine. On the labor activity almost a third of being is gone, and it is truly terrible when you do not do what you would like to do all your life. How to find a job to your liking? What if you can't figure out what you're addicted to? If you are asking these questions, then this article is for you.

Why do we take jobs we hate?

The roots of problems, oddly enough, always begin in childhood. Parents, for the most part, take upon themselves the right to decide who their child should become in the future. Undoubtedly, they are guided only by good intentions, wanting to give the child all the best. But often they are the reason that a person gradually begins to hate his workplace.

Children are suggestible, and the advice of loved ones becomes serious instructions for them. Not everyone at a young age understands well what they would like to do in the future. And instructions from adults are taken for granted. The child goes to the university that mom or dad chose, then gets a job on their own advice, and, in fact, becomes the one whom the parents wanted to see in it. And only later, some realize that all this time they were led by relatives, and not by their desires. Yes, but changing everything is already so difficult.

Here comes fear, insecurity or banal laziness, which become an obstacle to taking life into your own hands and finally starting to act on your own.

But not everyone, realizing that they are occupying the wrong place, can understand exactly what they would like next. How to find your favorite job, and is it so important to do what you like? This is what the next chapter is about.

What threatens doing an unloved thing

Some agree to "not their place" because of a good salary or a prestigious position. Others may choose a job for a convenient schedule or location. Still others are simply led and act on the instructions of their elders. But the same fate awaits everyone: a feeling of dissatisfaction, lack of joy at the thought of work, frequent fatigue, fatigue, difficult getting up in the morning, headaches, apathy, poor sleep, a feeling of hopelessness, and as a result of everything - depression.

Psychologists say that if a business is not loved, then no benefits, whether it be a high income or a very convenient regimen, will cover the negative feelings that a person experiences while doing it. Therefore, finding a job you like is good for both psychological and physical health. When work brings pleasure, the body does not feel tired, and it seems that the energy reserves are endless. Difficulties become less significant, and stresses are easier to bear.

How to find yourself

In order for a business to bring satisfaction and joy, you need to understand well what you would like to do. But the problem is that some people like too many areas and they can’t decide, others, in general, can’t find themselves and no matter what they take on, they soon get bored. There are several ways that help answer the question “how to find your favorite job?” and better understand yourself.

  1. One of the easiest and most beautiful ways to figure out what kind of employment you would like is to do this: imagine the situation that you are very rich. You do not need to "plow" for the sake of money, and have everything you need for a prosperous life for many years to come. Now think about what you would do for your own pleasure. Ask yourself the question: “What can I do to feel satisfied?”.

Some will probably think that in this position you can not get carried away with anything. But practice shows that any person needs self-expression through any activity.

Take a closer look at the thoughts that will visit you at the moments when you visualize a similar picture. Perhaps you should seriously think about the area that presented itself to you, if you were in the intended image.

  1. Try to analyze your talents and abilities. Think about what you do best, what things are easy, what is done without much effort. Asking the question “how to find a job you like?”, just follow what your gut is striving for.

If you are serious leadership position, but your mind trembles at the sight of indoor flowers and you are ready to take care of them for hours, you should not be afraid of such thoughts, and consider that this is not at all serious. Even getting carried away indoor plants can be developed successful business, becoming a professional florist or breeding rare specimens.

Do you find it much easier to calculate with tables and numbers than finding customers for the products your company sells? Maybe consider a career as an accountant?

  1. Another good advice how to find a job you like - visit a psychologist. A competent specialist will allow you to release into the conscious those dreams, aspirations and desires that may be hidden in your subconscious. In turn, this will help you hear yourself, understand what you really want.

Also, psychologists often offer to pass special tests that determine a person's propensity for certain professions.

  1. The human psyche is so arranged that we get much more satisfaction and pleasant experiences when we do something for others than someone does for us. To try to understand what activity will bring you joy, a simple way will help - think about what you can give people. Surely you know how to do something that is in demand, what is needed, if not all, but some. Maybe you knit beautifully, and there are always those who want to buy your product, perhaps you draw beautifully or understand repairs household appliances. What services would you like to provide to others? Think seriously about the answers you receive.
  2. Remember childhood dreams. They are the very best guides that can lead you to your favorite activity. Of course, many of the dreams will seem silly and frivolous to you today, but try to highlight exactly those dreams of a profession that lasted with you the longest, and maybe they are still alive in you. Think about it.

What steps to take

It’s not enough just to sit and think about how to find a job you love. Water does not flow under a lying stone, and this is the truth. You need to start taking steps that will definitely lead you to what you are striving for.

  • Drive away any fears associated with a change of activity. Don't think about what people will say if you suddenly quit your career in the office and do garment production. Remember that this is only your life and only you have the right to decide how to act.
  • If you have a job, but you don’t like it at all, don’t rush to quit. Be like interviews, see what others have to offer, don't jump to conclusions. You can leave when, when choosing, you will have no doubt that the new proposed place is better than the present one.
  • Are you just starting your working career? Look like internships in different companies. Let you not earn money for several months, but you can feel the atmosphere of this or that activity well.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things. You won't be able to fully understand whether a job is right for you or not until you do it. Dreaming of becoming a fashion designer, sit down and cut a dress. If you want to have your own store, get a job as a seller and see if you enjoy communicating with customers.
  • Don't neglect learning. If you feel that you have enough knowledge or skills for the desired position, do not skimp on training courses. Investing in yourself is always worth it.

Remember that only your favorite thing will bring you real joy, which will spread to all areas of life.

Approach him with all seriousness. Post your resume on at least five job search sites (among them should be,, Update it every day so that it is always one of the first for the employer. Send it to all employers who, at least theoretically, may be of interest to you. Don't be afraid to be a little pushy, you need to find a job quickly. Moreover, there are always a lot of applicants for good ones.

Pay attention to your resume - keep it short but informative. List your accomplishments in past jobs additional education, internships. A resume should represent you in the best possible way.

Every time you submit your resume, be sure to include a cover letter. It is a "short summary" of your resume, because the managers do not always have time to review all the submitted resumes. The purpose of this letter is to draw attention to your resume. Therefore, in addition to a "brief retelling" of where you studied, worked and what you can do, it needs to justify why you paid attention to this particular company and want to work in it. Show your awareness, for example, if the company is foreign, write that you are attracted by a multicultural environment, that you would like to improve your knowledge of a foreign language. AT cover letter the address is very important: it is highly undesirable to start with the impersonal "dear company", it is better to mention the name of the company.

Use connections - friends and relatives. Be sure to call them and ask if the company they work for is looking for a specialist in your profile? You should not be shy, because each of us can find ourselves in a situation where he urgently needs to find a job.

Do not forget about job fairs - they are held regularly. The chance of finding a job with them is low, but worth a try, especially if there is one. free time.

You should not be limited only to job search sites. make a list successful companies where you would like to work and browse their sites. Many companies post job openings on their websites. It is also worth going to the forums where specialists in yours communicate, since vacancies are also sometimes posted there.

Prepare for every interview: at the very least, you should go to the website of the company you've been interviewed at and see what they're up to. A candidate who does not care where to work may seem uninteresting.

If the job search is still delayed, or if you were given a not very good, or even dubious offer, do not rush to agree just because of the money. In almost any field, you can earn money from home - at least for a modest living. Those who know a foreign language well can take translations home, those who write can do copywriting, etc. If you for a long time if you cannot find a suitable vacancy, it is better to take a small part-time job and look for a job further. Thus, you will have funds, and you will be able to look for a job that is right for you for some more time.

The fear of staying too long in the position of an idler and the desire to adequately provide for the family make us look for a new place as soon as possible. What scheme of action to choose in order to really quickly find a job?

Here are some really helpful tips.

Gotta hurry up slowly

You should not turn the employment process into a stressful situation. It may seem to you that excitement pushes you, helps you not to waste a single minute, but in reality everything is more complicated.

Stress mobilizes the body only at first, and then the resources are depleted, leaving only unhealthy anxiety.

If you want to find a job quickly, do not rush into battle immediately after receiving a work book in your hands. Let yourself switch. Take a break for at least a week, completely throwing thoughts about business out of your head.

AND - do not overwork running through interviews. It is better to prepare well for one prospective interview and come to it fully armed than to appear for three conversations in one day.

A positive attitude is required

Don't see the job search as a problem and don't feel like a flawed slave. Consider this stage as a stepping stone on the way to new activities, achievements, acquaintances.

Your sense of selfimportant point. People are hired by other people, and they are guided not only by rational considerations.

You need to impress the employer as a confident, prosperous person, and not a confused loser.

Everything must have a system.

Get a file on your computer "How to quickly find a job." Make a plan for yourself.

Treat your job search how to project, which you will work on daily from such and such time to such and such (including legal breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Outline for yourself the main points of the plan with specific and observable indicators of their implementation, for example:

  1. Write a solid universal resume and post it on all major job/employee search services.
  2. View the section "Work" in the city newspaper of announcements "Everything for everyone".
  3. Familiarize yourself with the vacancies available on the major sites of HeadHunter, (as well as in our resource).
  4. Post a job search ad on your social network page and ask your friends to repost it.
  5. Register with the employment center in order to receive benefits (at least for one month, the money is not superfluous) and study the electronic database of vacancies of the Employment Center.
  6. Choose 5 organizations of the city in which you would like to work, and contact them directly with an offer of your services.

Think broadly

When considering options, don't just look for what you already know. Many professions allow you to finish your studies on the go. Think about related fields.

If, for example, you worked as a Russian language teacher, try to get a job as a journalist or proofreader.

List all your hobbies in your mind. You have a great chance to combine business with pleasure.

Maybe, after thinking, you will even decide to organize a small business of your own - for the production of wooden souvenirs, sewing dresses, making interior toys ....

small own enterprise does not always require large initial investments.


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