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The rapidly developing outdoor advertising market is becoming more and more advanced in terms of technology. Now ordinary billboards and signboards do not surprise anyone - advertising must be original, unusual, surprising every passerby. To provide information, each advertising agency seeks to create a structure that will become a kind of city landmark. It will be noticed not only by passers-by, but also by the media, which means that not only advertising will be effective, but also its creator will become famous.

From 26 to 29 September 2017, the 25th international specialized exhibition"Reklama-2017", which will present many new items and modern technologies in the field of creation and positioning of advertising.

3D technologies in outdoor advertising

The creation of multi-level structures has become a real breakthrough in the field advertising business.

Agree, embossed, expressive shields, on which life-size objects flaunt instead of photographs, can attract much more attention.

When creating 3D effects, it is used:

  • computer graphics;
  • projection advertising;
  • holographic installations;
  • optical illusions;
  • design and artistic developments.

Each type can be safely called art, because in order to create such an advertisement, it is necessary to spend more than one hour on implementation, but even more on developing an idea.

It is very profitable to support it with the same technologies, making out, for example:

  • shop windows;
  • foyers and lobbies of entertainment, cultural, shopping centers;
  • signs for shops and offices, restaurants and cafes;
  • sidewalks, driveways and floors in crowded, high traffic areas.

Even souvenirs are created with interactive elements or 3D effects. Volumetric images sometimes seem unreal, so skillfully they are made.

The process of creating 3D structures is quite complicated, so not all advertisers want to use it. However, if you want to draw attention to your products or organization, then this way of presenting information will definitely be noticed.

floor advertising

Another expressive and memorable way of informing was floor advertising, which is increasingly used in major cities, both indoors and outdoors.

Large images, placed right under the feet of passers-by, are simply not able to go unnoticed, they are somehow embarrassing to step on, especially if they depict depressions, hills, or objects that you can stumble on.

And it's not just footprints or signs that lead in the right direction. With the help of 3D graphics, it became possible to draw so naturally that it seems as if there is a cliff, abyss or other insurmountable obstacle ahead. Such installations cause delight, surprise, they are photographed against their background, which means that advertising is distributed through all possible channels.

The floor of the elevator was also designed as an entrance to the pool, forcing all visitors to involuntarily stop and withdraw their foot in fear. Needless to say, such advertising is remembered for a long time, it is discussed, shared on social networks.

LED advertising

  • extend the life of any structure:
  • significantly save energy costs;
  • the abundance of shades of LED strips allows you to convey the smallest details of images;
  • such designs are not afraid of voltage drops and do not need to be replaced for many months;
  • do not fade or fade in the sun, like paper banners or paper;
  • work at humidity up to 90%;
  • do not fail at temperatures from -45 to +50 degrees C.

Electronic screens broadcast not only textual information, but also video clips, advertising films, product presentations, animated images, running lines.

With the help of video screens, sports competitions and festive events are often shown, which attract a large number of spectators. In the intervals between impressions, advertising blocks are broadcast.

Another type of projection broadcast is laser advertising. Watch a video of what the show looks like:

Projection advertising

A great way to use the empty walls of high-rise buildings is to broadcast advertisements using a projector.

Any flat surface can be used to display advertisements, commercials, informational texts or images.

This technology is very easy to install. With the help of the projector it is possible to transmit messages to the facades of buildings, any vertical surfaces. The scale of the projection is not limited by the size of the billboard, which means that the display will be clear, noticeable from afar, and impressive. Advantages of projection advertising:

  • the ability to display in places that are not available for familiar species advertising;
  • the facade of the building is actually not involved, which means that it will not collapse from the accumulation of moisture, from the severity of the advertising structure;
  • although the permission of the building owner is required for design, it is much easier to obtain it than if it is necessary to install a heavy metal frame for mounting a billboard;
  • advertising messages can be changed as often as the advertiser wants.

See what a showcase equipped with a projector might look like:

Methods for installing projection equipment

There are two ways to mount the projector:

  • Fixed, in which it is necessary to install a protective installation that prevents moisture and other precipitation from getting inside the projector.
  • A truck with a gas generator is used to supply power to the projector.

International exhibition "Advertising 2017"

All kinds of new technological developments in the field of advertising will be presented on international exhibition in September 2017 on Krasnaya Presnya at the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

Specialists are invited here not only from our country, but also representatives of the advertising business from the countries of near and far abroad.

The exhibition will include:

  • representatives of advertising and marketing agencies;
  • manufacturers and creators of novelties in the field of advertising;
  • suppliers Supplies and equipment;
  • representatives of printing companies and printing houses;
  • journalists, correspondents, television operators and other media representatives;
  • customers and advertisers interested in placing their advertising messages using new technologies.

Exhibition theme

The following types of advertising areas will be presented at the exhibition:

  • services in the development, creation, design and promotion of advertising;
  • visual technologies;
  • POS materials;
  • souvenir products.

Every day of the exhibition will be held:

  • presentations of new products in the field of advertising;
  • discussion of pressing issues in the field of advertising business;
  • seminars and conferences;
  • master classes on the creation and operation of new types of advertising media;
  • impressions latest developments in advertising and marketing.

Each participant will be able to find partners, suppliers of new equipment, customers of their products. No wonder this event is called created by professionals for professionals.

infobox- a new word in the presentation of information to the consumer. This small design, consisting of 24 cells, is mounted on a wall or a metal rack. Business cards of various enterprises "live" in each cell. Such displays can be located in any places with a large concentration of potential customers - in cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, business centers, hotels, car washes, railway stations, fitness centers, airports, clinics, cinemas, shopping centers and so on.

Anyone can take business card the one that interests him. Advertisers are invited to make them not just informational, but motivating, with discount coupons, with offers of some kind of action.

For an advertiser, this type of advertising is not burdensome, since the cell rental per month is very modest - from $ 20, and the effect is amazing.

It is convenient for the client - no one imposes anything on him, he is free to choose the product he needs. For many potential buyers, this an exciting activity- colored cards attract attention, but if they give some kind of relief, the likelihood of contacting the advertised company is very high.

For the business owner of these displays, the benefits are multiple. Cells can be rented to the same or different clients on a monthly basis.

This business pays off within one to two months and can become an independent business. entrepreneurial activity, and a diversification option, in addition to the main one. Investments are needed only for initial stage, to purchase display for business cards.

The first step is drawing up a business plan. Responsible event. If it is not possible to draw up such a plan on your own, it is worth contacting specialists. Most often, it is the wholesalers of equipment that can assist in this matter.

Step two - monitoring the habitats of potential customers. Above is a list of these places. First you need to carefully analyze what other advertising media are already located in these places and how appropriate the new box will be there. Then you need to start a negotiation campaign with the administration of these enterprises. Somewhere there are fixed rental rates for a particular advertising medium, somewhere this is a floating price and you can bargain.

The third step is renting a place and buying equipment. In each specific enterprise, whether it is a railway station or shopping center, display shapes may vary. What is the point of hanging a tiny display on a blank wall that will not be visible in the human whirlpool. It is from the solution of this issue that future profits will largely depend.

Step four - search for advertisers. The income from the implementation of this project will directly depend on the occupancy of the display cells. For example, 24 boxes of $20 each would generate $480 in gross revenue per box. Minus seat rental = net profit. However, this rosy picture can be spoiled by idle cells, the inability to attract customers - advertisers.

At this stage, you need to show the greatest energy. Undoubtedly, it is important and skillfully to choose a place, and competently agree on its lease, and it is profitable to buy a display, but without renting the cells, the meaning of this whole event is reduced to zero and leads to collapse.

Where to find advertisers? Since this advertising method is low-budget, it is worth paying attention to newly opened enterprises. There are hundreds of such ads in any free newspaper. All nearby hairdressers, sanatoriums, rest houses, tourist centers, pizzerias, salons, etc. will be interested in promoting their services. Suggest it to them! beautiful offer, where the main feature is a low-cost way to promote the product, it will help you find customers quickly.

Many small companies do not have marketers on staff, so even printing business cards is a problem for them. Offer them your printing option, taking into account the requirements of the client. To do this, find the most profitable proposition on the market for similar services in your city and enter into a partnership agreement - you give them customers, they give you a percentage of the order. This is how the whole civilized world works now. Everyone needs clients!

Starting your business with one or two small advertising InfoBoxes, you can put the business on stream in a year, just have time to fill the displays with new business cards!

You can buy advertising media in Ukraine at InfoBox. Their advertising media do not consume electricity and occupy less than one square meter. The company provides complete starter pack to start a business from scratch and three years warranty on the structure. Everyone can become the owner of their own business, for this special preparation is not required.

You can find out more and see the photo gallery on the InfoBox website.

Many entrepreneurs have noticed a paradoxical thing: in recent years, more money is needed to advertise products, and the result of activity is becoming more and more deplorable. What advertising media will be effective in the foreseeable future?

Pay or not?

Frankly, sometimes it begins to seem that in the near future advertising costs will be able to cover the estimated income. Every year the efficiency of paper carriers decreases.
The audience of readers of newspapers and magazines is declining, and the rates for promotion in social networks and search engines are growing by leaps and bounds. There are two old and well-known questions:

"Who is guilty?" and "What to do?".

With the answer to the first question, everything is clear. The days of scarcity are long gone.

There are more goods and services than there are real consumers.

All manufacturers have long understood the classic marketing truth:

“If you want to sell, you need to draw attention to yourself.”

Many entrepreneurs hope that all these promotional gimmicks are not directly related to their business. Their individual representatives often claim that they don't care. They believe in a powerful and time-tested thesis:

FromThis is followed by a simple conclusion - when there is a demand for advertising, the price will increase. In the foreseeable future, there are no economic factors that can stop this growth.

word of mouth- this is very good! But with a detailed study of issues related to advertising, it becomes obvious that in our time it is impossible to do nothing and just wait for customers. You have to move, move and move again. It's time to understand that not only Cell phones become obsolete with cosmic speed, but advertising media also light up and disappear like stars in the sky.

Advertising media: Time to change

The era has come when a good word of mouth about a product is no longer passed from mouth to mouth. Now is the time for new technologies. The message about your product should spread instantly. At the same time, positive information about the product or service should be disseminated. We need a lot of various quality reviews on the Internet - that's what is now able to really advertise.

This simple truth is a big mystery to many entrepreneurs. It is enough to look at most of the websites of the selling companies. You will see the address of the business owner to customers, you will see certificates and diplomas, you will see many words and letters with stories about the company on behalf of employees, but in very rare cases you will find reviews of grateful customers. But this is word of mouth in modern conditions.

Profile groups and co

An even more effective advertising tool is various profile groups in social networks. It is there that you can ask a question related to the search for products of interest, it is there that you can find out who is a true specialist in their field.

The whole trick is that if you create such groups, become an administrator in them, then there is a great opportunity to advertise your product absolutely free of charge. Those. you will have 1001 ways to prove that your product is better than the competitors' product. After all, you will be the administrator of the group, which means you will be able to accept or remove members, ban posts that are inconvenient for you, and much more will be within your power.

You will be surprised, but many groups on social networks, which at first glance seem quite harmless and created for ordinary everyday chatter, in fact, have very serious marketing plans on the introduction of positive images of specific specialists or products. I emphasize that advertising does not stand still. Pay close attention to messengers. First of all, for their implementation in Facebook and Telegram. Pay attention to the little-known concept - “chat bots”. The sooner you start to explore new advertising areas, the more likely your business will grow and develop.

Today, in almost any large or small town, and even in a village, you can find various advertising media, such as billboards, signs or advertising banners. It should be noted that such distribution of advertising media is perceived by us quite casually, as it should be. Meanwhile, each specific advertising medium has a specific task, efficiency and is original in its own way.

Advertising activity has a number of positive qualities. Initially, advertising is useful for entrepreneurs (manufacturer, seller), who, with its help, position their services and goods on the consumer market. With the help of advertising manipulations, they significantly increase the pace of sales, receive a live influx of new customers-buyers. For the consumer of advertising, it is a source of various information, most of which is not useless, because a person learns something new about achievements in cosmetics, medicine, or there, in information technology. To some extent, advertising has a positive effect on appearance urban buildings, that is, advertising media, quite effectively hide some shortcomings in decor, finishes, and even give buildings a certain flavor, which is especially noticeable at night.

Effective types of advertising in modern society

Advertising, depending on its purposefulness, is classified into commercial advertising and social advertising.
  • Social advertisement is intended solely for non-commercial and socially useful purposes. Its function is to draw public attention to various social problems. Its main task is to influence the consciousness of people, their behavior, in order to encourage them to analyze and rethink harmful actions, irrelevant stereotypes that negatively affect their standard of living, hindering their cultural and social development. The main customers of such non-commercial advertising are non-commercial private or state organizations who are concerned about the fate of mankind and so on. It should be rightly noted that in recent years, many large commercial corporations, in particular international companies, invest financial resources in socially oriented advertising. Thus, they improve their image, create a more positive opinion of themselves in society.

  • commercial advertising- This is the most common advertising in our time, the purpose of which is to stimulate the interest of the consumer. Due to advertising, the company accelerates the pace of sales of products and services, which means it increases profitability. Thanks to the correct use of advertising, an enterprise is able not only to improve sales rates, but also to solve such strategic tasks as creating a positive image of its trademark in the consumer market. Advertising is effective tool, allowing the company to survive in the market in conditions of constant competition and war for the consumer.

Outdoor advertising

In addition to all of the above, advertising can also be classified according to the way advertising information is conveyed. On the street, for example, you can see a lot of outdoor advertising, in the form of various restaurant and shop signs, LED panels and billboards. Advertising drawings, inscriptions can be found on most types of public urban transport, such as trolleybuses, trams or shuttle buses. The advantage of such advertising is its low cost for the customer, although it is much more effective to use other types of advertising simultaneously with outdoor advertising or to combine several outdoor advertising objects. Putting information about the enterprise on a statistical billboard is a good way to attract the attention of people living and working in the area if the billboard is installed somewhere in the central part of the city. By placing such a billboard near the highway, you can attract the attention of passing motorists and visitors to the city. Experts advise for the best effect to use at least a few of these billboards, concentrated in different areas of the city.

Three-sided dynamic billboards, LED signs- are considered not so effective due to the technology used there for presenting advertising information. A person passing by a dynamic billboard is unable to grasp the essence of the advertising message as quickly as in the case of a static billboard. Therefore, you should not overload people and the carrier of advertising information, because this negatively affects the level of its assimilation by potential customers. An advertising message must meet such fundamental requirements as brevity and clarity.

Advertising on public or any other form of transport(advertising on trucks, private cars, and so on) is effective due to the mobility of the advertising medium itself, which allows attracting buyers from different regions of the country and even from abroad. The cost of such advertising is acceptable even for a company with a small advertising budget. Outdoor advertising is especially effective and effective if it is necessary to introduce a new service, product or a range of company products to the buyer, given that this is a large, well-developed and already well-known enterprise in the consumer market.

Advertising in the media

The most effective and expensive tools for an advertiser to influence consumer opinion are radio, the press, and especially television, which is especially intensively used for advertising purposes in our country and in other post-Soviet states, often even without measure. Now this is a super-profitable business for enterprises working in the media sector, often being the main filler of their budgets. The effectiveness and functional potential of the mentioned types of advertising is far ahead of the possibilities of outdoor advertising. The result here is achieved much faster, that is, the advertiser receives a return on the funds invested in these types of advertising almost immediately.

advantage press advertisements is lower compared to advertising on radio and television cost. Information in printed form (magazines, newspapers, booklets) is stored for a very long time. The effectiveness of this type of advertising depends on how competently the advertising medium was chosen, that is, the publication should overlap thematically with the advertising information placed there. As mentioned, advertising messages should be concise and unambiguous. The most effective place for advertising in the press are the front pages of publications. Efficiency can be improved if advertisement frame it, or print it in bold type. It is very effective to combine an advertising message with an article or news item related to the topic.

TV- this is the limit of all dreams and desires of every advertiser, however, not everyone can afford the luxury of this tool for promoting a business. In recent years, television advertising has become a little more accessible due to the emergence of more commercial channels on television, especially regional and thematic ones. In other matters, the cost of a minute of advertising depends on the popularity of the TV channel, the time of day and the duration of its broadcast. Because this species advertising is well worth it, initially it is important to accurately determine the image to achieve the result potential client who the advertisement is intended for. For these purposes, they resort to marketing research, surveys and so on. The advertising company is carefully prepared, and only after that the entrepreneur turns to suitable TV channels.

Internet advertising

Advertising via the Internet- this is the most modern way promotion of companies, their services and products. The advertiser also expects its own nuances here, that is, this type of advertising activity is characterized by its own disadvantages and advantages. The advantage of promoting an enterprise on the Internet is the spread of this method of communication, information transfer and a fairly loyal cost. The Internet is indeed visited daily by hundreds of millions of our citizens, as well as residents of almost all countries of the world, because the information web is global, it has no geographical, interstate barriers. The ratio of price and effectiveness of advertising here is at an optimal level when compared with the above-mentioned types of advertising. Today there are quite a few well-known advertising agencies that specialize in online advertising. The specialists working there can offer the advertiser a choice of several implementation options advertising company depending on the specialization of his enterprise and the products sold. They will help to correctly focus the advertising information flow, that is, they will select competently and professionally target audience, which is main goal online promotional activities.

The most famous types of online advertising now are: contextual advertising, advertising through SEO and promotion in social communities. The classic online advertising tools are electronic banners and advertising hyperlinks. Through SEO, the company is promoted through search engines, that is, advertisers select certain key queries (words, phrases) that resonate with the scope of its business, and search engines give online users addresses of web resources, which are its interactive advertising platforms. Contextual advertising is a cheaper option, although it works in almost the same way. Unfortunately, it is less effective for the advertiser, and therefore it is better to use it as an additional way of promotion in tandem with SEO.

Advertising with the help of online resources, advertising links, banners placed in the relevant thematic field of activity of an entrepreneur is the old classic methods of online promotion. Initially, for their implementation, it is necessary to create a web resource of the enterprise, so to speak, its interactive representation in the information web. Social networks in recent years, they are often used to implement promotional events, because the army of their visitors is measured in millions, plus the entire audience there is initially broken down according to such parameters as gender, age, employment, interests, and so on. All this allows you to competently concentrate the advertising flow on the target online audience that the advertiser is looking for.

It is usually recommended that a company that decides to choose online advertising for its promotion should use as many online advertising options as possible (SEO, contextual advertising, advertising banners, advertising in popular social projects and so on).


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