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1500 participants Age 0 and up Activities for children Admission free

and parents

A unique opportunity to visit the past and the future at the same time!

What will happen?

Cartoon cinema

Show "Golden Collection" Soyuzmulfilm. Separate selections for children's and adult sessions. Cartoons that were included in the "Golden Fund" of world animation classics and received more than four hundred international festival prizes and awards. As well as a soft cinema participant of the Skolkovo project Cinemood!


Innovative developments of the Skolkovo project participants and other technology companies: AR / VR attractions, a portable mini-cinema, robots, 3D modeling and other "entertainment of the future" that are available now.

Game Zone

A unique opportunity to leave the child under the supervision of professionals surrounded by educational toys, soap bubbles and life-size puppets, and go watch cartoons, have a cup of coffee and listen to an interesting lecture.

Attention! The program will be held in 2 sessions, repeating each other.

From 11:00 to 14:00

From 14:30 to 17:30

Please sign up for master classes within one session.


Entry closed

1. Master class of the League of Robots based on the cartoon "Monkeys"

In every little child and boy and girl ... there lives a young engineer!

Build and bring your favorite cartoon character to life in a robotics workshop. Repeat the adventures of the monkeys in the zoo and in the city by controlling your own robot!

Age 5-12

Schedule: 11:00-12:30, 12:30-14:00, 14:30-16:00, 16:00-17:30

Duration: 90 min

2. Master class Kidburg "Ecologist-technologist"

Young specialists will create high-tech and modern crafts with their own hands, using recycled materials.

Age 4-14

Schedule: 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30

Duration: 30 min

3. Master class Kidburg "Dentist-technologist"

Under the guidance of the chief specialist, the children will learn how to properly care for their teeth and prepare toothpaste with their own hands, which they can use to brush their teeth at home.

Age 4-14

Schedule: 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00

Duration: 30 min

4. Master class of the programming school for childrenCoddyGo strategy

Go is a logic board game with deep strategic content. The uniqueness of Go lies in the fact that it develops both hemispheres of the brain - both logical and intuitive thinking. A Go strategist is a person who can see the situation, analyze, prioritize and make decisions. Become a real Go strategist at the master class!

Time spending:

for children 6-8 years old: 14:30-16:00

for children 8-14 years old: 16:00-17:30

Duration: 90 min

You can sign up for the master class by sending an application to the e-mail: [email protected]

Title of the letter: Registration for the master class

Text of the letter: full name, age, name of the master class

From one Email You can enroll a maximum of 2 children.

*Please note that the number of places is limited. The organizers have the right to refuse registration for the master class, in case of exceeding the required number of participants.

Pre-registration is not required

1. Master class in computer graphics (Soyuzmultfilm)

Become one of the cartoon characters along with popular characters!

Age 0+ (for children and parents)

2. Master class on dubbing cartoons (Soyuzmultfilm)

Age 5+ (for children and parents)

Schedule: any time from 11:00 to 17:30

3. "cartoon talker» (Lintech)

Together with fairy tale characters kids will perform interactive fun tasks to develop speech, imagination, thinking, attention.

Age 3-6

Schedule: any time from 11:00 to 17:30

four. "Robo racing» (Lintech)

Speed ​​control of robotic cars along a given trajectory.

Age 6-14

Schedule: any time from 11:00 to 17:30

5. Master class "How and why planes fly"

The interactive playground of the Little Airplane is an exciting introduction to the world of aviation. Theoretical training, assembly of models, competitions in the flight zone.

Age 4 – 14

Schedule: From 11:00 to 17:30 every 30 minutes

6. Master class "Assembly of electrical circuits"

During the master class, participants will master the elementary principles of circuitry. This is the first step towards the formation of engineering thinking.

  • Acquaintance with the concept of an electrical circuit, how to assemble it.
  • Development of the conceptual apparatus anodes, cathodes, resistors, capacitors.
  • You will have to work with a screwdriver and tighten the screws. And this is a very useful process for the development of motor skills.

The master class is conducted by "Robotology", a manufacturer of Russian electronic designers "First Steps in Circuitry".

Age 6 – 12

Schedule: any time from 11:00 to 17:30

7. Master class "Assembling and programming a robot following the black line" (LART)

  • Robot assembly.
  • Editing / writing program code to control the robot.
  • Robot testing on a field with a black line.

Age 12+

Schedule: any time from 11:00 to 17:30

8. Bioart Workshop Quest "FunUs"

Children and parents will be able to try on the role of a bioartist, a unique specialist, on the one hand, who has knowledge in the advanced fields of modern biology, and on the other hand, who works on the creation of contemporary art objects.

  • Fluorescent bacteria art
  • Biomolecular gastronomy
  • mushroom hunting
  • nitrogen ice cream

Age 8+

Schedule: any time from 11:00 to 17:30

9. Online tournament in mathematics from

Fascinating tasks in an interactive form develop logic and non-standard thinking. The winners of the tournament will receive commemorative prizes from and a photo with the main character of the platform - dinosaur Grisha.

Age 7-16

Schedule: any time from 12.00 to 16.30

10. " Brainy class" from schoolKidsBrain

Musical "races" with glasses

Charging in reverse

Smart mazes

Drawing with two hands

Mini art workshop

Age 4-11

Schedule: any time from 11.00 to 16.00

Entry closed

1. Animation master class (Soyuzmultfilm)

Create your own cartoon with the whole family!

Age 4+ (for children and parents)

Timing: new schedule expected

2. Master class "Design" (Lintech)

Assemble your own work of art from various parts of the designer.

Age 6+

3. Master Class "Robotics" (Lintech)

Look into the future and learn how to control robots. And the most skillful ones will try their hand at assembling cars and driving them along the track.

Age 6+

Schedule: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00

4. Master Class "Smart Home" (Lintech)

Children will learn what the INTERNET OF THINGS is! and try to control complex smart objects themselves.

Age 6+

Schedule: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00

5. Master class of the programming school for childrenCoddyfor creating gamesScratch

Game Development - The best way turn a hobby into a developmental activity. Creating your own game is the best way to learn to code. At the master class on creating games in Scratch, you will get acquainted with the basics of the visual programming language Scratch and turn into a user computer games and cartoons in their creator!

Age 7-10 years

Time: 11:00-12:30

Duration: 90 min

6. Master class of the programming school for childrenCoddyfor creating websites

The HTML markup language and CSS style sheets are the foundation of web development. At the master class, you will learn the basics of HTML and how to use CSS and you will be able to create your own website!

Age 10-15 years

Time: 12:30 14:00

Duration: 90 min

7. Programming school master class for childrenCoddyfor creating gamesUnity 3 D

Unity3D is a very popular engine for developing applications and games. It is used in their projects by Blizzard, Ubisoft, Electronic Arts and Wargaming. It has been used in the creation of many games from Pokémon Go to Need for Speed ​​World. At the master class, you will be able to get acquainted with the popular Unity3D game engine and master the basic principles of creating three-dimensional games in practice!

Age 8-10 years

Time: 14:30-16:00

Duration: 90 min

8. Programming school master class for childrenCoddyfor creating gamesPython

The Python programming language is actively used all over the world. It is easy and fast to develop on it, which makes it the favorite language of many programmers, including those in Yandex and Google. Come and learn how to learn how to draw with code and create your own game.

Age 10-15 years

Time: 16:00-17:30

Duration: 90 min

Also at the event it will be possible to launch micro-quadcopters c TSURU, Paint with bacteria Atlas Biomed Group, get to know the robot wooden, play with innovative kinetic clay and learn 3D modeling with DI Group.

Lecture hall:

  • Meetings with the management and directors of the film studio Soyuzmultfilm. You will be able to ask all your questions.
  • Lectures on the professions of the future, new educational formats, universities 2.0. and innovative methods of development and education of children.

During the event, excursions around the Skolkovo Technopark can be organized for participants. Please send an email requestnkuchina@ sk. en .

detailed information about travel and timetable public transport-


Official partner

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Results of GSOM Family Day 2017

September 16 at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg state university(GSOM SPbU) hosted the second annual global meeting of the business community of business school No. 1 in Russia - GSOM Family Day 2017. Among the key speakers of the event: Deputy President-Chairman of the Board of VTB Bank (PJSC) Olga Dergunova, CEO of the Lenfilm film studio Eduard Pichugin, PR director of the North-Western branch of MegaFon PJSC Kermen Mandzhieva and artistic director Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov Andrey Moguchiy.

Photo provided by the organizers

The event opened with a series of meetings “Tell Your Story”, in which successful graduates of GSOM SPbU shared their experience in launching their own startup, talked about marketing media projects, as well as personal and career transformations in their lives. Olga Alkanova, a graduate of GSOM SPbU in 2008, senior lecturer of the Department of Marketing, speaking about working with generation Z, noted that today in the educational process the main value for both the student and the teacher is getting a unique experience (ungoogleable experience) - knowledge, which cannot be found online.

Central event business program was the presentation of business representatives on the topic "Technologies designed to change reality." Olga Dergunova, Deputy President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Bank (PJSC), Ruslan Zaydullin, co-founder and CEO of the DOC + service, Alexey Dyachuk, consultant of the Department of Innovations, New Technologies and Development of Intelligent Transport Systems of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, and 2008 graduate of GSOM SPbSU, President and owner of the Group of Companies " Galaxy” by Aliya Prokofieva came to a consensus: modern technologies, digitalization and artificial intelligence today are equally significant both for the banking and transport industries, and for the development of medicine and space exploration.

Answering the question about what prevents new technologies from developing in Russia, Aliya Prokofieva noted: “Today, the key constraint in the space industry is the lack of qualified specialists in both technical and mixed profiles.” In conclusion, the moderator of the discussion asked the participants what technologies they personally expect to appear. The answers turned out to be extremely diverse: the satisfaction of human social needs and the provision of palliative care, the movement and habitation of people in space, the electronic identification of a citizen from the moment of his birth, the control of objects by the "power of thought" and even technologies for growing artificial meat.

Participants of the panel session "Creating unique competitive advantage: how to become a market leader by betting on HR?” raised the issue of the place and role of HR in the company and came to the conclusion that in personnel management it is important to reflect current trends and current changes in society. According to experts, an HR specialist should be one step ahead of the company, but business is important and needs to work side by side. During the discussion of the issue of the future of work with personnel, an opinion was voiced that in the near future there will be a qualitative leap in the organization of labor, which the conveyor belt once became.

During the panel session “St. Petersburg in the eye of an urbanist: the phenomenon of third place and new urban centers”, held with the support of the St Petersburg University Alumni Association and the Calvert Forum, the participants managed to identify factors that should be taken into account in the development of cities: the conservatism of citizens in relation to culture and art , the lack of balance in the distribution of social and cultural activities between the central and residential areas, as well as the low level of interaction between citizens, developers and representatives of authorities state power. When discussing the issue of the development of creative industries in St. Petersburg, the opinion was voiced that important role this process is played by the renovation of industrial areas for creative spaces, for example, the St. Petersburg "gray belt".

Participants of the panel session “Introducing agile principles into everyday business life” supported by The Boston Consulting Group noted that for an agile transformation of a company, it is necessary, on the one hand, to reduce hierarchy levels, and on the other hand, to increase the level of freedom in decision-making by staff. In addition, agile allows you to get rid of unnecessary work, as well as to focus on important elements of the project, since this approach involves discussing the details with a large number of employees and taking their opinions into account when finalizing the solution.

Representatives of companies successfully using digital technologies discussed the possibilities of digital marketing and advertising of the future as part of the panel session “Internet vs. reality: where is digital marketing relevant, and is it possible to achieve success only with its help?”, held with the support of PJSC MegaFon. “Digital marketing allows you to create the most customized content, individual for each of its consumers,” said Ekaterina Startseva, a graduate of the GSOM SPbU in 2011, director of digital marketing at Great Advertising Group. At the same time, according to the majority of speakers, it is very difficult to keep the lead in the digital environment, as it is necessary to constantly come up with something new and be “on the wave”. “Personalization of communication, narrow targeting, emotional message, novelty, taking into account all reputational risks - these are the main components of successful marketing campaigns in the digital space,” said Kermen Mandzhieva, moderator of the panel session, PR Director of the North-Western Branch of PJSC MegaFon.

The panel session “How to make money with the help of new financial technologies?” caused a lively interest among the participants of the event. Speaking about fintech, the speakers agreed that this concept has existed for many years. It is associated with innovative technologies, which allow you to optimize processes, thereby simplifying operations in financial sector, for example, with the help of robo-advising or blockchain. Commenting on the popularity of the blockchain, the participants noted that its main advantage is decentralization - the elimination of intermediaries. The issue of regulating financial technologies in Russia divided the opinions of the speakers: on the one hand, it is necessary to stimulate the introduction of new technologies in view of the implementation priority project"Digital Economy Russian Federation”, and on the other hand, due to the low level financial literacy of the population, excessive freedom in the use of such technologies can only harm. Dmitry Filatov, the founder of Topface, ICOrating and the ICOShark cryptocurrency hedge fund, noted: “ICO is a very young financial instrument that began to develop actively just six months ago. In this regard, its risks are still difficult to assess, since most regulators have not formulated their position on it, and it may turn out to be quite tough even for those ICOs that have already been held. It is the level of risk and innovation in this segment that drives the extraordinary rates of return, and investors should take this into account when entering this market.”

The restaurant market of St. Petersburg was discussed at the panel session "Urban Entrepreneurs: Restaurant Business in an Era of Change". The participants in the discussion came to the conclusion that the representatives restaurant business it is extremely important to respond to changes as quickly as possible, optimize business processes, reduce costs and look for new opportunities for the development of companies. “Every year the competition in the restaurant market of St. Petersburg intensifies, so consumers have become more selective in choosing an institution. In addition, new opportunities and service formats are emerging, for example, delivery services, catering, as well as a market prepared food, which is actively developed by grocery chains,” commented restaurant marketer Gleb Orlov on the situation in the St. Petersburg market.

As part of the panel session “View from the outside: business in the eyes of culture”, the artistic director of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogova Andrey Moguchiy, General Director of the Lenfilm Film Studio Eduard Pichugin and Advisor to the General Director of the State Hermitage Museum Nicholas Ilyin agreed with the fact that the field of art needs professional managers, since the training of specialists even in specialized universities does not take into account the skills and experience that are needed for the management of cultural and art organizations. “Until now, domestic education has turned to management in art rather from the position of cultural studies than management. At the same time, many leading employers in this industry say that it is difficult to instill unique creative values ​​at work, but it is possible, but it is already pointless to teach candidate management. I hope that our meeting today will inspire GSOM SPbU to new achievements in the education of managers of culture and the non-profit sector, where, as we see, there is a definite demand for the competence of the leading Russian business school,” noted the moderator of the session, a graduate of GSOM SPbU in 2009, Director for Corporate Charity and Internal Communications at JTI Russia Alexander Arkhipov. The speakers agreed that in this case a special approach to management is needed due to the exceptional place of internal agreements in the life of the team.

The event ended with an evening program, during which the participants were able to make new contacts and discuss the topics of the day's discussions to the sound of the music of a jazz quartet. “An amazing feeling of unity between different generations of graduates united by common values, rich discussions and the opportunity to discover many new people or remember cool stories with classmates - the magical experience of GSOM Family Day 2017. It is especially important for me that 5 years after graduation, my classmates we were not too lazy to come from different cities to St. Petersburg to spend this day together,” Boris Kaptelov, a graduate of the GSOM SPbU in 2012, the operating director of the Yula free classifieds service (Mail.Ru Group), shared his impressions of the event.

The official partners of the event were The Boston Consulting Group, SAP CIS and MegaFon PJSC. The media partner of the event is the Saint Petersburg Vedomosti newspaper.

For information:

On September 16, the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) hosted the second annual global meeting of the business community of business school No. 1 in Russia - GSOM Family Day 2017. Among the key speakers of the event: ) Olga Dergunova, Director General of the Lenfilm Film Studio Eduard Pichugin, Head of the Department for Recruitment, Training and Development of Personnel of VTB Bank (PJSC) Irina Pronina, Director of Public Relations of the North-Western Branch of PJSC MegaFon Kermen Mandzhieva, Artistic Director of the Bolshoi Drama Theater Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov Andrey Moguchiy and member of the board of VTB Capital JSC Olga Podoinitsyna.


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We invite you and your children to a unique event "Family day"!

On Sunday May 28, 2017 you will have a great opportunity to spend a day off with children in an amusement park "KidZania". On the "Family day" children will be able to feel like a part of the university where their parents work.

"Who to be?" - a question that worries both children and parents. Give your children a chance to find out which paths lead to the profession of their dreams, try themselves as pilots, bankers, firefighters, collectors and even secret agents, as well as earn their first money! You will have the opportunity to see your children as students and professionals now, when graduation is still so far away!

May 28 from 10.30 to 14.30 all "KidZania" will turn into "Vyshka Kids" - a real children's university, where each child will be able to go through the route sheet on his way to the profession and receive a diploma of "Vyshka Kids". Great mood, a cozy relaxed atmosphere and a wonderful opportunity to spend a bright and unforgettable day off with children and colleagues are guaranteed!

"Family day" best start summer holidays!

Participation in the event is free
Venue: children's play learning park "KidZania"
Address: Khodynsky boulevard, building 4, AVIAPARK shopping center, 4th floor
Parking: the first 3 hours - 100 rubles, then 50 rubles every hour.
Directions: free buses from metro station Polezhaevskaya and metro station Dynamo
Dress code: comfortable
Recommended age of participants: from 4 to 14 years old.
Event for HSE staff.

Photo report about the event

Feedback from employees about the event:

Dear colleagues who organized Family Day, thank you very much! It was great, the kids love it.

Dear colleagues! I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful event!

Children are delighted, they caught childhood by the tail :)

Thank you so much for the idea and great implementation. Positive volunteers, wonderful activities and good mood!

Dear friends!

Thank you very much for your work in organizing a wonderful holiday for our children Family Day! The children were just delighted! All evening they talked about how interesting it was to extinguish the house, what interesting profession vet and more!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Best wishes to you!

Thank you for such a wonderful holiday! We are all excited!

Good afternoon! Thanks a lot You for the holiday!!! It was very cool!!!

My grandchildren loved it and so did I. Everything was wonderfully organized. Thanks!!!

Dear colleagues!

I want to express my deep gratitude to the organizers of Family Day in KidZania on May 28! The day really became a real corporate family holiday!

Activities for the age group 12-15 were perfectly selected. The children were very interesting and fun. A pleasant surprise, including for parents, was an organized snack.

I would also like to thank HSE student Alexandra for her work, who accompanied group No. 7 of 8 children aged 12-15. It should be noted her good organizational skills and communication skills, responsible attitude to business. She found contact with the children and managed to fill the forced break between activities so that the children did not lose interest in what was happening.

Thank you very much for Family Day! Great idea to spend it in KidZania! The kids were very happy!!!

Dear colleagues, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the holiday! We all really enjoyed it!

Thank you very much for organizing the visit to KidZania. The child's eyes were on fire. And at home, all the talk is only about KidZania. Thank you so much.

Dear colleagues, thank you very much for a wonderful holiday and gifts. The kids are happy and so are we :)

My son and I took part in this wonderful holiday. Many thanks for the idea and for organizing such a grandiose event!

I also want to thank volunteer Lisa, a second-year student at the Faculty of International Relations, who led our 15th group. We are very lucky with her. Thanks to Lisa, our children never got bored. While waiting for admission to the next "organization", she occupied them with interesting games.

Thank you very much for Family Day, my daughter and I really enjoyed it!

For 5 years, the Metro newspaper has been holding the Metro Family Picnic Festival. The largest printed edition more than 600,000 people read cities every day. This festival is aimed at supporting couples with children. July 6-7 on Yelagin Island will greet guests in a friendly way, entrance from 250 rubles.

Metro Family Day 2019: an exciting program for everyone

Many interesting surprises await guests at the festival. This year the theme of the event is "Science". Speakers will be scientists, experts in various fields. In the developing section, guests will listen to various lectures. If they want to move, they will spend time in the amusement park on the territory of the festival. In the photo zones, they will take memorable pictures with their favorite characters from the films.
Older children will learn how to operate power tools, visit many master classes, and play board and outdoor games. They will be able to test their dexterity in the rope park or in the famous Laser Tag game. Future engineers and architects will appreciate the constructors area. The petting zoo will captivate curious children, the face painting will captivate those who love to draw, and the fashion show will captivate all little fans of style. Those who miss the lessons will be given a school zone. They will be able to visit the local museum, get acquainted with scientific discoveries.
Heroes of your favorite cartoons will perform on the main stage of the Metro Family 2019 festival. The actors of the Smeshariki studio, partners of the event, will be happy to entertain the children. Guys younger ages they themselves will take part in the concert: they will sing and play in productions. Soap bubble show and illusionists will make the holiday even more magical.

Metro Family Day 2019 in St. Petersburg: for adults and children

The beach, located within the park, will have a sports area where adults and children can play beach soccer, having received instructions from the masters of this sport. It will be possible to play bumperball - a game where participants are dressed in inflatable balls, and only the head and legs remain free.
A sandbox will be provided for the kids, there will also be a pool with balls. For the little ones, there is a children's area where parents can find something to do for the kids, change their diapers, feed them and just have a quiet time without fear for the safety of the child. Caregivers are available to help.

Metro Family 2019 – family picnic festival

In St. Petersburg, this festival first appeared in 2014. Over the past few years, the event has proven to be an exciting pastime for the whole family.
Adults can relax by spreading a blanket on the lawn and watching the children play, or they can go for a run along all points of the festival with them. You can refresh your energy at the food court by tasting delicious and fresh street food cooked right here and now.
All visitors are waiting for 2 days of unforgettable vacation on warm summer days. Excellent mood is guaranteed for all participants of the holiday.

For three years now, the Metro newspaper has been organizing a family holiday for its devoted readers. This time, the 300th Anniversary Park was chosen as the venue. To holiday a whole town will be built here, where children can do whatever they want: play, communicate and, of course, learn new things about the world around them.

The main alley of the park will be occupied by a platform for master classes. It will be impossible to resist and not join the creative process: the masters are ready to teach guests more than 20 areas visual arts, and newly minted artists will be able to take their finished works home. Popular science sites, colorful photo zones and circles for the little ones will take their place next to the needleworkers, and educational classes will be held.

Those who can't sit still are waiting for football training, in the city of professions "Kidburg" you can test yourself in a variety of roles: from a teacher to a fireman, test your dexterity in a rope park, on a trampoline or in the Laser Tag game. The most inquisitive people will enjoy the Constructors' Zone and the petting zoo, while desperate dreamers should definitely try out the possibilities of face painting. Well, those who miss their classmates and can't wait for the start of the school year are invited to the school zone.


There will be everything at the festival so that the little visitors leave us full of happiness!

  • 9 hours of the festival program!
  • About 100 types of entertainment for the whole family: trampolines, face painting, theaters, rides, constructors!
  • Dozens of puppets and photo zones!
  • Contests and drawing of valuable prizes!
  • Care zone for the youngest visitors
  • Great summer day in the green zone of the park!
  • Performance of children's theaters
  • Huge area of ​​master classes on children's creativity


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