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Overview of truck scale models on Russian market

S. Golyshev

The turnover of large and medium-sized enterprises requires accounting, and each organization solves this problem in its own way. Often savings on one-time costs in the future leads to additional seasonal costs of considerable money. The problem of accounting for cargo flows can be successfully solved by installing a weighing system. In the case when the main method of delivery of goods is road transport, the basis of the weight measurement system is truck scales.

In order for the purchase and installation of scales to be done correctly and bring benefits to the owner, it is necessary to take into account some features own production and evaluate the following factors:

  • season of maximum turnover;
  • the area and location of the available free territory;
  • the number of vehicles used;
  • the necessary accuracy of accounting for commodity flows.

Scales, despite the rather high cost, with a large cargo flow can pay off quickly - in just six months.

In the last ten years electronic devices on strain gauges, mechanical scales were almost completely replaced. It is these devices that determine the accuracy and reliability of the entire weighing system. The force from the weighed load in electronic scales is first supplied to the load cells, then converted into an electrical signal, which is transmitted to the electronic indicator. An electronic indicator converts this signal into a digital code and displays information about the weight of the load on the display.

According to functionality, scales are divided into dynamic ones (manufactured in accordance with GOST 30414–96 “Scales for weighing Vehicle in move. General technical requirements”) and static (according to GOST 29329–92 “Scales for static weighing. General technical requirements”). Scales of all types must meet the requirements of dust and moisture resistance, shock resistance and withstand a wide range of operating temperatures. At static weighing the car should usually be entirely on the scale platform, although it can be weighed in parts with further summation of the readings. Weighing in statics is typical for enterprises:

  • requiring more accurate weighing (approximately 0.02% error);
  • with a sufficiently large free territory;
  • using dosing systems for goods (grain, gravel, sand, liquids, etc.).

Overall weighing in dynamics used in companies:

  • with more free territory;
  • not requiring very accurate measurement, i.e. for non-commercial weighing (error about 1%).

Installation of mortise scales for weighing in dynamics is a very laborious task: for all devices of this type, it is necessary to prepare a pit, pour the foundation, install the frame, pour it, install the platform, calibrate, and verify. The use of automobile dynamic scales significantly increases the efficiency of the use of vehicles, reduces downtime. The speed of traffic during measurements should be from 2 to 5 km/h, in the transit control mode - up to 20 km/h.

When measuring mass, a fundamentally new approach for the domestic consumer in the technology of weighing vehicles has recently been used - the principle of axial weighing. The weight in this case is determined by summing up the forces created by each axle of the car or its combined axles. The design of such scales makes it possible to exclude construction work on the manufacture of an expensive foundation, and their installation is very simple and in the shortest possible time. However, the measurement accuracy of these devices is an order of magnitude lower than that of balances for static weighing. Scales for axial weighing are easy to maintain and can be connected to the computer network of the enterprise to automate the accounting control of shipping and supply processes.

Depending on the method of installation, these models have a lining and mortise design. Mortise scales are a load-receiving platform installed in a metal frame filled with concrete around the perimeter. The load receiving platform is located on the same level with the carriageway, which greatly simplifies the process of weighing. The most mobile version of heavy-duty scales is underlay scales. These devices have a low own weight, are easily transported in the back of a truck and can be powered by car battery. It should be noted that with axle-by-axle, stage-by-stage weighing of vehicles, we are talking about the highest load limit on an axle or on combined axles.

Per use different types weighing there are certain limitations. Thus, liquids can only be weighed on a balance for static weighing. Scales for single or group (group of axes) weighing in motion cannot be used for weighing liquid loads or any other goods whose center of mass may change during movement.

If necessary, truck scales are supplemented with software for processing measurement results, which has the following features: printing invoices; summation of weighing results; sorting by time, operators, types of products; multilevel access.

Companies selling scales, in addition to the actual sale, usually carry out the selection and supply necessary equipment for the customer with an optimal ratio of price and quality, carrying out commissioning and staff training, warranty and service maintenance weighing equipment, modernization of equipment for specific conditions operation.

Estimated total cost of the purchase of truck scales

Electronic stationary scales with the largest weighing limit of 40 tons and a platform length of 12 m - approximately 450,000 rubles.

Electronic stationary scales with a maximum weighing capacity of 60 tons and a platform length of 18 m - about 600,000 rubles.

Mortise electronic balance for axial weighing - approximately 300,000 ... 400,000 rubles. (it is unrealistic to find cheaper normal scales for weighing road trains (for 60 tons); scales for weighing in motion with a lower load are practically not used).

Underlay electronic scales for axial weighing - approximately 200,000 rubles. for a set of two platforms.

"PhysTech" manufactures reliable truck scales of all possible types: for weighing in a static position of the entire vehicle / road train, mortise and underlay for axial weighing, mortise for weighing in motion. The scales meet the requirements of GOST 29329–92 and GOST 30414–96, are certified, and are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments under No. 19242-03, 18880-04. All scales are provided with warranty, post-warranty and service maintenance.

In the manufacture of all FizTekh truck scales, frost-resistant strain gauges FLINTEC (Germany) are used, made of stainless steel with the highest degree dust and moisture protection IP68 (100% dust protection and weight measurement even in a flooded state). The use of FLINTEC sensors guarantees uninterrupted operation of the equipment at temperatures from -40 to +80 °С under any weather conditions. Connection of any model of scales to the computer is carried out by a standard cable for the RS-232 connector to the COM-port. It is possible to display the weighing results on a large LED display (the height of the numbers is 8 or 13 cm), a printer, through the system of pronunciation of the weight. If necessary, the scales are equipped with a radio station, which allows you to transfer the weighing results to the terminal without laying a cable.

Models VAE(electronic automobile scales) are designed for weighing the entire vehicle (truck) in a static position and consist of several load receiving platforms mounted on beams with strain gauge sensors. From the sensors, through the junction box, the signal goes to the weight terminal, where the weighing results are displayed. The company produces more than 20 modifications of scales, differing in the largest weighing limit (from 10 to 80 tons) and the length of load receiving platforms (from 6 to 23 m), as well as scales with non-standard parameters, for example, for mining dump trucks. According to the method of installation, the scales are divided into foundation and non-foundation. Foundation scales are mounted on a prepared concrete base, designed in accordance with the properties of the soil. For the installation of foundationless scales, from two to five road slabs are used (depending on the number of platforms). The advantage of the second option is the absence of foundation work and the quick commissioning of the scales, but it is not suitable for all types of soils.

The scales operate in a dual-range mode, which allows for more accurate weight measurements due to the smaller values ​​of the verification divisions of the first range. So, for example, when weighing a car with a gross weight of 20 to 60 tons, VAE-60t displays the weight with a resolution of 20 kg, and with a weight of up to 20 tons, more accurately - with a resolution of 10 kg. The height of the platform of VEA models is from 33 cm, which greatly facilitates the ride and allows the use of a short ramp. The width of the carriageway is 3.2 m for ease of maneuvering. Design features provides high rigidity of the platform. Fully collapsible design does not require special vehicles for transportation and speeds up the installation process. Options include metal ramps, side rails, and inter-gauge protection panels to keep snow and debris out of the gap between the scale tracks.

There are two versions of VAE scales: "Standard" and "Extra". Advantages of the "Extra" version: increased resistance to side impacts and weight overloads (special sensor protection modules), the presence of anti-resonant dampers, increased platform rigidity and improved anti-corrosion coating. Both models have the lowest price in their respective classes. The warranty period for VAE "Standard" is 15 months, for VAE "Extra" - 40 months.

Models VAE-VD(electronic automobile scales for weighing in motion) are designed for axle-by-axis weighing of vehicles and road trains in motion in any direction with subsequent automatic summation of the weighing results. They are a load-receiving platform on strain-resistive sensors installed in a metal frame, which is filled with concrete along the outer perimeter. The loading platform is located on the same level with the carriageway. Strain gauge sensors are located above the platform, in the side rails, which eliminates their clogging and flooding. The scales provide access for cleaning structural gaps and under-platform space without dismantling the weighing platform. Weighing in dynamics occurs at a speed of movement through the scales of not more than 5 km / h. Weighing results are calculated by the supplied software using personal computer(PC).

The balance can also be used for static weighing (if more accurate weight values ​​are required). In this case, they are equipped with a terminal and operate in dual-band mode without using a PC. The produced models are distinguished by the largest weighing limit (60, 100, 200 and 300 tons - from medium-tonnage trucks to mining dump trucks) and the size of loading platforms. The warranty period for VAE-VD scales is 15 months.

VTP-A (transport underlay truck scales) - small-sized models that are designed for static axle-by-axle or wheel-by-wheel weighing of vehicles with sequential or simultaneous (in the case of connecting platforms) collision wheelsets to loading platforms. Models are light and comfortable, have built-in casters and a handle for carrying or rolling by one person. Check-in ramps are built into the platform.

Scales VTP-A are produced with the largest weighing limit from 1 to 15 tons and a platform with dimensions of 750x560 or 1000x620 mm. The platform is made of structural steel with wear-resistant special coating or completely made of stainless steel. The height of the scale is only 48 mm, which greatly increases the accuracy due to the low resistance of the springs. VTP-A, like other models, operate in dual-band mode. Two versions are produced: "Standard" with IP67 protection (against short-term immersion in water) and operating temperature range from -20 to +65 °С and "Extra" with IP68 protection (from -40 to +80 °С). The warranty period for VTP-A "Standard" is 12 months, for VTP-A "Extra" - 15 months.

Weight measuring company "Tenzo-M"(VIC "Tenzo-M") is one of the leaders in the development and production of electronic truck scales both in the Russian market and in neighboring countries. Its products are used in various food, mining and processing industry. Automobile scales "Tenzo-M" are all-weather and remain operational at temperatures environment from -30 to +40 °С, certified and included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

The company produces vehicle scales for static weighing, necessary for commercial accounting, with an error of no more than 0.03 ... enterprises weighing an inexpensive product (sand, garbage, etc.), for which such an error is acceptable.

All models manufactured by CJSC "VIK" Tenzo-M ", as standard, have the ability to transfer data to computer network enterprises for accumulation in the database of the results of all weighings. These primary data are the basis for the subsequent processing of information on any algorithms and programs necessary for effective management economic activity, for example, a printout of weekly, monthly, quarterly sales, or the range and quantity of products sold to a specific customer in a month. The supplied basic software allows you to organize the compatibility of the accumulated weighing results with a number of common application programs: "Accounting 1C", "MS Excel" and any other software tools operating in the Windows environment, and opens up broad prospects for computer accounting and control of commodity and raw material flows of the enterprise.

Tenzo-M manufactures a wide range of truck scales for static weighing of the VA type with the largest weighing limits (LLW) from 10 to 100 tons and standard module dimensions of 3x5 or 3x6 m. The height of the scales is not more than 45 cm. four modules, you can get scales with a length of the working part of 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 or 24 m. The LEL of the scales increases accordingly. Thanks to the use of a multi-support modular scheme of the loading platform, the Tenzo-M truck scales have a low construction height, which allows them to be installed above the asphalt surface of the yard or cut into a shallow pit. To prevent swinging of the scales, the platform design is provided with adjusting bolts-limiters and rebound embedded parts in the walls of the pit or in drive-in ramps.

It should also be noted that among the companies that offer auto scales on the market today, the Tenzo-M company is the only manufacturer in whose workshops and laboratories a complete the production cycle from metal blanks to finished sensors, scale metal structures, microprocessor weighing terminals and basic network support software.

Huge experience in creating weighing systems and rich scientific and technical potential allowed the company's designers in 2004 to develop a number of new products, including Sakhalin truck scales with a metal collapsible platform and Beton scales with a concrete platform.

The dimensions of the standard module of the Sakhalin model are 3x5.5x0.25 m. This makes it possible to obtain scales with a working part length of 11; 16.5 and 22 m. The platform consists of two longitudinal beams connected to each other by docking elements, and is kept from longitudinal and transverse movements in the horizontal plane by special devices. The collapsible design allows you to: simplify the transportation of scales, especially over long distances; transport scales from one site to another disassembled without involving special vehicles; reduce the complexity of manufacturing by reducing the dimensions constituent parts and the use of appropriate equipment and improve the quality of the paintwork by shot-blasting the surface of small-sized platform beams. In addition, a variant of an economical foundation for these scales has been developed, in the manufacture of which the cost of materials has been reduced by almost half.

Each weighing platform "Concrete" is made in the form of a prefabricated frame, which is a fixed formwork. The frame is equipped with nodes for installation on strain gauge supports, rigging nodes and nodes for keeping from longitudinal and transverse movements. The frames are transported to the installation site disassembled and assembled on a flat surface of a pre-made foundation.

Then the reinforcement is knitted and concrete is poured. After the concrete has hardened, the platform is lifted and placed on strain gauge supports using jacks. The advantages of such scales are a reduction in metal consumption, labor costs for manufacturing and transportation costs, as well as an increase in the stability of weighing readings due to the increased dead weight of the platforms (rest mass).

In addition to its own products, the company offers a cost-effective option for upgrading mechanical scales by installing an old load-receiving platform on load-measuring strain-gauge sensors. At the same time, the lever system of mechanical scales is dismantled, and the scales are connected to the computer through a secondary device. But the feasibility of such an upgrade depends entirely on the state of the old platform.

Prepared based on materials from Alfa-Etalon, FizTekh, Tenzo-M

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in road transport, logistics has fully developed into an independent line of business.

All this led to an increase in the need for cargo flow accounting operations, incl. weighing on heavy weight scales.

Heavy-duty automatic scales for static weighing, as a rule, are included in the IMS (information and control systems) available at enterprises.

The obtained weighing results form the basis of settlements between sellers and buyers, are used for accounting and intra-company accounting, for managing technological processes. These data often become the basis for management decisions.

Another option for weighing cars are.

Appointment of automobile scales of static weighing and scope of their application

Static weighing truck scales are designed to determine the weight of cars, road trains, trailers, mining trucks, etc. that are stationary on them.

All static balances are made in accordance with the provisions of the 53228-2008 standard. The specified GOST R was introduced by order No. 739-st, issued by Rostekhregulirovanie on 12/25/08.

Scales of the specified models are widely used at the enterprises of all patterns of ownership.

The error of automobile scales depends on their design.

The principle of operation of existing models

Today, the market and manufacturers offer a wide range of products such as stationary truck scales, which differ in installation methods, electronic components used, design, material from which the loading platform is made.

The principle of operation is the same for them: between the fixed base and the loading platform, sensors are placed that are deformed due to the acting load due to the weight of the vehicle being weighed, with the output of an analog signal to the processor, which transforms it into digital view.

After that, information about the weighing results is displayed on electronic scoreboard or PC monitor.

Verification of automobile scales is carried out within the time specified in the operating instructions

Installation options for truck scales

Installation of truck scales can be performed in several ways.

Flyover option. In this case, the scales are raised above the road surface by 300 - 400 mm, depending on the brand of the latter, and are equipped with ramps that ensure the exit and arrival of vehicles.

In this case, strip foundations or concrete blocks under each pair of load cells are used as the base of the scales. The manufacture of a full-fledged foundation is not required, which reduces the cost installation work.

An additional plus is easy access to the sensors, which simplifies the maintenance of the scale.

Minus. The throughput is somewhat lower than the scales made flush with the road level.

Foundation option. Scales are installed in the pit. Pros: high throughput, saving space due to the lack of ramps and side railings. Minus - moisture accumulates in the pit.

Foundation scales

Besfundame option nt installation.

The balance is mounted on an external support frame made of high-strength metal, which is pre-installed on a flat area that has undergone preliminary preparation (asphalt, concrete, a pillow of sand and gravel).

Most often used during seasonal work (harvesting). scales of such designs are easy to disassemble, move and assemble in a new place.

The downside is the rather high cost of the base frame.

Scales of non-foundation execution

Availability and list of additional options

In addition to the standard set of options inherent in static car scales of any design, manufacturers of each model strive to implement an additional set of options in it, the presence of which will be a serious advantage in the eyes of the buyer. A few examples.

For expansion functionality scales and increase the convenience of working with them, the company "VESKOM" provides its products with a set of additional options. Some of them are listed below.

Availability of a video surveillance system

Complete with scales, from 1 to 4 color IP cameras are supplied with a set of mounting equipment and mode night shooting. All information is displayed on the operator's PC monitor screen.

It is possible to transfer the image to the appropriate video recorders for its archiving, as well as via the Internet to anywhere in the world, which allows the head of the enterprise to control the work of one or another weighing post at any time.

The moment of weighing is recorded by each of the available cameras and recorded on the hard disk of the PC. On the this photo information containing significant weighing parameters is applied in a special way; it is impossible to fake it.

The list of positions that will be recorded on the photo is included in the program and may include: the operator's name, vehicle number, scale number, weighing result, time and date of its execution, etc. in controversial situations concerning the shipment parameters, this photo is considered by the court as evidence.

Automatic license plate recognition

State license plates with large cargo flows help the operator to significantly speed up the work.

The ability to remove its workplace at any distance from the scales allows you to equip it in a convenient place for this.

Additional options:

  • weighing without the participation of the operator;
  • availability of additional communication systems (client - cashier, speakerphone with the driver, scoreboard duplicating information for the driver);
  • equipment for adjusting the order of travel (artificial road bumps, road signs, full houses, car presence sensors, barriers, traffic lights);
  • complete set of supplied scales with a room for the operator (mobile prefabricated building, the dimensions of which are agreed with the customer).

If you want to make yours even more functional, get the .

Iron scales can also be universal, i.e. they are designed for weighing both moving and stationary trains. Read more about this equipment.

Technical characteristics, complete set, additional complete set of scales of automobile static weighing

Characteristics on the example of the products of the FizTekh group of companies:

Scales "VA-K"

from the side of the bridge, t
Model variation Overall width, m
1 axle 2 axles 3 axles
"Penny" 2,7 12 16 18
"Standard" 3,0 16 21 23
"Extra" 3,2 19 25 28
"Extra +" 3,2 33 43 48

Characteristics of installed load cells of column type.

Possible installation methods:

  • foundation with ramps;
  • foundation flush with the level of the roadbed;
  • foundationless according to two options (depending on the type of prepared site).


  • set of platform modules (1 - 4);
  • a set of sensors;
  • connecting box;
  • cabling;
  • cable (from 10 m);
  • terminal. Having RS-485 or 232 interface;
  • "Avtoves - Statics" - specialized software;
  • set of documentation;
  • installation diagram.

Possible additional equipment:

  • collapsible metal ramps;
  • intermodular panels;
  • intermodular reinforced panels;
  • side protection;
  • additional indicator boards;
  • radio channel;
  • BUD - dosing control unit;
  • side railings;
  • electrical package for winter operation;
  • heating systems CO-1 and CO-2 with various functions;
  • motion control, positioning and identification devices.

After analyzing the information on the above points, attached by manufacturers to each model of scales, the buyer will be able to more carefully approach the choice of a particular model.

Model Weighing limit, t discreteness Length of scales nominal / actual, m
Number of platforms in the scales, pcs
6 / 5,9
7/ 7
9 / 8,5
12 / 11,6
16 / 15,9
18 / 17,3
23 / 23
VA - 20 t 20 5 kg
VA - 30 t 30 up to 15 t - 5 kg
over - 10 kg
VA - 40 t 40 up to 30 tons - 10 kg,
over - 20 kg
VA - 60 t 60
VA - 80 t 80 up to 60 t - 20 kg,
over - 50 kg
VA - 100 t 100
VA - 120 t 120
VA - 150 t 150

You should not save on the quality of equipment, as this can lead to large financial losses in the future. Thanks to the statistical weighing truck scales, it is possible to determine the total weight, achieve high weighing accuracy and automate the work.

Statistical weighing today is mainly used in large-scale industry enterprises, enrichment and mining. Weighing heavy transport will not do any enterprise without such scales.

General rules for the use of weighing equipment are given in Ch. 3 "Rules for the use of measures and measuring instruments in trade enterprises and Catering", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Trade of the RSFSR dated 12.11.1975 N 368.
Before weighing, it is necessary to make sure that the balance of the unloaded scales is in balance, and if the balance is disturbed, it should be restored in compliance with the requirements of the factory documentation.
The balance of the scales can be restored by:
- cleaning cups and crosses from contamination - in ordinary desktop scales that do not have a calibration chamber (cavity);
- regulation of the weight of the calibration weight placed in the calibration chamber located under the platforms of the scales - in the scales of desktop closed and ordinary, made with a calibration chamber;
- regulation of the weight of the calibration load located under the weight platform, if the arrows do not match the zero stroke of the scale (after setting them according to the level) - in desktop dial scales;
- regulation of the calibration device, which is available on the balance beam, and the calibration weight in the weight holder chamber - in commodity scales; regulation of calibration devices available on the rocker arm - in laboratory scales of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes.
When weighing goods, the weighing limit must be observed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 14004-68 "Lever scales for general purposes. Weighing limits. Accuracy standards."
The mass of the weighed goods must be within the limits from the largest to the smallest limits for weighing the scales used, indicated on the dial or balance beam.
It is forbidden to weigh loads on the scales below the following limits (norms);
- on desktop scales with the highest weighing limit of 2, 5, 10 and 20 kg - respectively 20, 40, 100 and 200 grams;
- on tray dial scales with the maximum weighing limit of 10 kg - 500 grams;
- on electronic trading scales with the maximum weighing limit of 3 kg - 40 grams;
- on mobile, mortise and stationary scales - below 5 percent the highest limit weighing.
It is forbidden to carry out weighing by placing weights simultaneously on both scale pans, and to determine the weight by subtraction. When weighing on a scale, use as few weights as possible.
When weighing, it is imperative to use the type of weights that is assigned to this type of scale: when using dial and ordinary table scales, general-purpose weights of the 5th class should be used, when using commodity (unequal-arm) scales - conditional weights.
When weighing goods that can be dispensed only in the buyer's container, it is necessary to first weigh this container, tell the buyer its weight and give him the opportunity to see the weight of the empty container.
It is prohibited to use dial-type removable cups in trade on scales, the mass of which is not included in the tare of scales.
It is not allowed to pack, cut or open loads on the platform (tray, cup or platform) of the scales.
In accordance with clause 3.20. Rules, when using scales, it is prohibited:
- put any objects (cardboard, wood chips, etc.) under the legs of the dial table scales;
- carry out weighing on scales that are not protected from the action of wind, rain, snow;
- tie weights to the scales or to the table, as well as tie them together;
- use weights for purposes other than weighing;
- use general-purpose weights when weighing on commercial unequal scales and conditional weights when weighing on desktop dial and ordinary scales;
- use measuring instruments with an expired stamp.

Scales of axial weighing (mobile) have recently become widespread in our country. Scales are easy to move, require small areas and are significantly cheaper than full-profile stationary scales.

Scales are produced in mortise and underlay versions. Mobile mortise scales are installed in the pit and monolithic on the user's site.

Mobile underlay scales are divided into two main types:

for wheel weighing:

for per-axle (combination of 2, 3-axle bridges) weighing.

The advantage of axle scales over wheel scales is obvious: weighing vehicles with aligned axles on wheel scales leads to large errors due to the influence of the vehicle suspension on the weighing result.

Weighing on axle scales is carried out as follows: two weighing platforms (or one team) installed along the track of the vehicle are sequentially hit by all axles of the road train, followed by summing up the result of weighing the axles. It should be taken into account that when the next bridge hits the weighing platforms, the components of the center of gravity vector are redistributed and this may introduce additional, sometimes uncontrollable errors in weighing.

There are several main reasons for such errors:

Weighing liquid and pseudo-fluid cargoes on underlay mobile scales, the cargo can shift and, accordingly, the center of gravity of the road train.

Weighing vehicles with a load having a high center of gravity, i.e. three-dimensional structures, truck cranes, etc. The reason for the redistribution of the components of the center of gravity vector when the car is skewed.

Trailer weighing.

Cause: The weighing is influenced by the spring in the trailer attachment system.

When weighing, axles that are not on the scale are either on ramps or on uneven ground, which creates another force that affects the weighing.

The resulting errors are almost impossible to account for.

In order to eliminate the influence of these and other factors that affect the weighing, it is possible to install the scales so that the road train does not have distortions during weighing, using, for example, standard road plates. Thus, the scales become pseudo-mortise.

With this arrangement of scales, there is no redistribution of the components of the center of gravity vector and there is a guarantee of the reliability of the weighing results.

Our experience in the production and maintenance of bed scales has shown that where the user takes into account and excludes factors that have a negative impact on weighing, the scales work in full and show accurate weighing results. To improve the quality of weighing by axle scales, Alfa-Etalon has developed a new design scales of the axial type, the Alpha U weighing model, which combines:

mobility of axial weighing

high metrological characteristics of stationary scales

Scales are a shortened scheme of large gauge stationary scales. The use of this scheme of scales allows you to install modern sensors such as "washer", "barrel", which were previously used only in stationary scales, which increases the reliability and accuracy of autoscales. Accordingly, these scales with a more powerful design, have high strength, ramps and supports for sensors have a large footprint, which allows them to be installed on asphalt-concrete and gravel surfaces.

Despite the scheme used, the scales are low-profile, which affects the accuracy of weighing, especially in the axial mode.

The application of the axial weighing scheme, taking into account the capabilities of the new design, gives competitive advantage. The ratio of costs to possible benefits, from the use of truck scales, is obvious:

Scales of axial weighing require a small platform for the installation of scales, which reduces the cost and time for preparing the foundation;

Allow to control a large cargo flow of various vehicles, different carrying capacity and length.

Through the main cargo flow, both raw materials and finished products, it is important to make right choice automobile scales.

Considerable experience in the implementation of this equipment has shown that Alfa U scales (per axis type) have received recognition from organizations in various fields: agricultural producers, metalworking organizations, construction enterprises.

As a result of installing electronic truck scales, you will gain control over the cargo turnover of your organization, this is not beneficial only to those who are not interested in reducing production losses, but the use software allows even more efficient control of all weighing steps.

We carry out the production of electronic truck scales of a stationary weighing type with a carrying capacity of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100 tons with a track and platform structure.

Well-established cooperation with the users of our scales, the desire to constantly analyze and satisfy their needs, allow us to constantly improve the scales, taking into account the requirements of the consumer.

Contact our organization to make the right choice of equipment, discuss with our specialists the planned weighing process.

Zhulin A.V. , chief engineer of Alfa-Etalon LLC

Automobile scales VA "Transit"(manufactured by the Moscow group of companies "Phystech") crash into the roadway (or a prepared site on the territory of the enterprise). The installation depth is only 10 centimeters, while the scale platform does not protrude above the road level. It is convenient where there is a large flow of vehicles - the "Transit" scales allow weighing not only in static, but also in motion (for the "Universal" modification).

Produced with NPV from 15 to 40 tons.

Price - from 268 400 254 100 rubles (depends on LEL, type of sensors and terminal, version - see table below). The specific price is set on an individual basis. commercial offer. Please contact our managers.

More about truck scales VA "Transit":

In-line scales with shallow mounting depth for weighing vehicles in motion and determining wheel and axle weights.

Universal scales for mortise installation, designed for axle-by-axle weighing of any vehicles and road trains in motion and in static (by axle or bogie), as well as for determining the weight of axle-by-axle and each wheel separately.

Scales are a frame in the roadway (or concreted area), in which the weighing platform is installed. The platform consists of three parts rigidly fastened together.

They are often used in places with a large flow of cars or in conditions of limited space, for example, at weight control points, checkpoints, etc.

When installing two sets of scales in parallel along the direction of traffic, it is possible to carry out static or cart-by-axle weighing in statics with subsequent summation of the results.


  • The design has a low height, which allows it to be installed at minimal cost in an existing roadbed or site;
  • Scales are not issued above the surface of the roadway, which completely eliminates emergency situations when weighing;
  • Each weighing platform has four metal retractable handles, by which, if necessary, it can be conveniently removed from the frame to clean the underplatform space;
  • The weighing system occupies a minimum of space for location even in confined spaces;
  • Scales are equipped with sensors completely made of stainless steel with the highest degree of dust and moisture protection (IP68);
  • Built-in protection against impulse electromagnetic interference, including high-voltage ones, is used;
  • Scales operate in a wide operating temperature range at temperatures from -40 to +80 °C;
  • A wear-resistant anti-corrosion coating based on polyurethane is used;
  • The high reliability of the scales is confirmed by a 5-year warranty*.

* during regular preventive maintenance

Scales are made in digital execution. This provides the following benefits:

  • Increased accuracy due to optimal digital adjustment of the calibration coefficients of each sensor;
  • Accelerated weight determination;
  • High noise immunity, the signal can be transmitted over a distance of up to 1 km without the use of additional devices;
  • Ability to remotely diagnose each sensor to monitor its performance;
  • Increased reliability of the entire weighing system.
  • Automatic registration of the direction and speed of the vehicle;
  • Automatic entry of axial and total weight into the database;
  • Possibility of displaying the final weight on an additional duplicate board.


- Static. Scales for weighing vehicle axles in static mode with subsequent summation.

- Universal. Universal scales with full functionality. Are intended for poosny weighing in the movement in any direction. To obtain more accurate values, determine and summarize the weight of the axles in static.


VA Transit 15/8

VA Transit 20/14

VA Transit 25/14

VA Transit 30/20

VA Transit 40/20

Weighing limit per platform, t

Discreteness when weighing in statics, kg

Weight limit of a car or road train as a whole, t

Not limited

Discreteness when weighing in motion, kg

Operating error when weighing in motion, % of the measured weight **

Dimensions of the loading platform, LxW, cm

Installation depth, cm

Sensor material

Stainless steel

Dust and moisture protection class of sensors

Working temperature range, °С

Thermally compensated temperature range, °С

Travel speed when weighing / without weighing, km/h

5…10 / up to 40

Price for Static modification, rub. 254 100 387 200 414 700 471 900 519 200
Price for Universal modification, rub 276 100 409 200 436 700 493 900 541 200

** The error for specific scales is set depending on the length, straightness and horizontality of the access roads at the place where the scales are installed.

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The weighing results can be processed by a computer using the supplied specialized software with the ability to print reports, maintain databases, save the date and time of weighing in the PC memory, transfer data to the automated control system and many other functions. Connection of any model of scales to a computer is carried out with a standard cable for the RS-232 connector

Complete with terminal

The terminal for the scales is selected separately, taking into account the functions you need.

All terminals equipped with a LED indicator with large numbers and a membrane keyboard that prevents dust and moisture from entering inside. Additionally, they can be equipped with a battery, a data connection to a PC or a wireless BlueTooth radio channel.


On the scales BA-B a 5 year warranty* is provided.

Scales VA "Transit" meet the requirements of GOST 29329-92 and GOST 30414-96, are listed in State Register measuring instruments under No. 19242-09.

* when performing preventive maintenance work


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