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The technical parts and introductory instructions of the FERp collections contain provisions due to the peculiarities of commissioning during the commissioning of certain types of equipment, devices, systems that must be taken into account when using the corresponding FERp collections.

1.2. FERp collections are an integral part of the pricing system and estimated rationing in construction, operating in the territory Russian Federation.

FERp collections are developed according to the nomenclature of equipment for interbranch use.

For special technological equipment enterprises and industries of economic sectors, sectoral unit prices for commissioning works (OERp-2001) are developed, approved and put into effect by ministries, departments, other sectoral structures (associations, corporations) in agreement with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

1.3. The FERp collections can be used as a basis for the development of territorial unit prices for commissioning (TERp) collections, taking into account the range of work, construction conditions and the level of wages in the respective regions.

For objects financed from the federal budget, along with the territorial unit prices of TERp (and also in the absence of TERp in the regions, regardless of funding sources), federal unit prices (FERp) can be applied with their conversion to the territorial price level.

1.4. When developing Guidelines for the use of TERp, their provisions should not contradict the provisions of these Guidelines.

In the absence of Guidelines for the use of TERp, the requirements of these Guidelines must be met, taking into account the regional specifics of commissioning.

1.5. FERP are designed for:

Determining direct costs as part of the estimated cost of commissioning;

Preparation of cost estimates (budgets) for commissioning works using the base-index method;

Settlements between customers and contractors for completed commissioning;

Development of consolidated estimated standards used at the stage of feasibility studies for the construction of buildings and structures, for the preparation of investor estimates and the implementation of consolidated financial and economic calculations;

Planning and organizing the production of commissioning works;

Economic analysis of construction costs when choosing optimal design solutions.

1.6. FERp reflect the industry average level of costs for the technology adopted in them and the organization of commissioning.

It is not allowed to adjust unit prices depending on the method of work, except for the cases provided for by these Instructions, as well as the technical parts and introductory instructions of the collections.

1.7. FERp collections are developed on the basis of the following conditions:

Equipment, as a rule, domestic, serial, complete, with technical documentation, with installed system and application software, its storage period in the warehouse does not exceed the standard;

Equipment defects identified during commissioning are eliminated by the customer, and installation defects - by the installation organization;

Commissioning works are carried out by organizations licensed to carry out these types of work; when performing work at facilities supervised by state technical supervision bodies, there are additional licenses from these departments;

Employees - performers of work have a qualification corresponding to the technical complexity of equipment, devices, systems, have passed the necessary training, attestation or certification, are provided with the necessary production equipment, measuring instruments, test benches, tools, protective equipment, etc.;

Commissioning works are carried out on the basis of the working documentation approved by the customer, if necessary, taking into account the project for the production of works (PPR), program and schedule;

Commissioning works are started if the customer has documents on completion installation work provided by SNiP (acts, protocols, etc.). In the event of forced breaks between installation and adjustment work for reasons beyond the control of the contractor, commissioning work is started after checking the safety of the previously installed equipment;

Switching of operating modes of technological equipment is carried out by the customer in accordance with the project, regulations and within the periods provided for by the agreed programs and work schedules;

Other conditions caused by the specific features of equipment, systems, structures, reflected in the relevant collections of FERp.

1.8. FERp collections are developed on the basis of:

Collections of state elemental estimated norms for commissioning (GESNp-2001), approved and put into effect by the Gosstroy of Russia. Each collection of FERp corresponds to a collection of GESNp with the same number and name;

The level of remuneration of commissioning personnel, adopted on the basis of data from the state statistical reporting in construction in the base territorial region (Moscow region) as of January 1, 2000.

1.9. FERp collections contain a technical part, introductory instructions to departments or sections, unit pricing tables and necessary appendices.

The technical parts of the collections contain provisions regarding the composition and procedure for applying the unit prices of this collection, specifying the provisions of these Instructions or differing from them. The provisions given in the technical part of any collection do not apply to other collections.

The introductory instructions to the departments and sections of the collections contain information on the procedure for applying unit prices for this department or section, due to the peculiarities of the commissioning of the relevant equipment. It is not allowed to apply introductory instructions to unit rates of other departments or sections.

1.10. FERp tables have a code, name, meter, similar to those given in the tables of GESNp of the corresponding collection.

The designation of the number (cipher) of the collections of unit prices (for example: FERp 81-04-01-2001) means:

FERp - federal unit prices for commissioning;

81 (first group of numbers) - code of estimated standards;

04 (second group of numbers) - code of collections of federal unit prices for commissioning;

01 (third group of numbers) - serial number of the FERp collection;

2001 (fourth group of figures) - the assigned year of issue of the estimated and regulatory framework developed in the price level as of 01/01/2000

The FERp rate code (for example: 01-01-001-01) consists of:

01 (first group of numbers) - collection number (two characters);

01 (second group of numbers) - department number (two characters);

001 (third group of numbers) - serial number of the table in this department (three characters);

01 (fourth group of digits) - serial number of the price (two digits).

1.11. In the FERp tables, the names and technical characteristics of the equipment contain the main features that affect the complexity of commissioning. The parameters of individual characteristics (capacity, power, volume, pressure, etc., given with the word "to", should be understood inclusive, and with the word "from" - excluding the specified value, i.e. above.

1.12. The FERp tables contain indicators of estimated direct costs set for the corresponding meter of equipment or types of commissioning:

Direct costs (compensation of commissioning personnel), in rubles;

Labor costs, man-hours

1.13. The FERP tables do not show:

The cost of material (including energy) resources, raw materials and semi-finished products used in commissioning, including comprehensive testing of equipment provided by the customer;

Labor costs for operating personnel involved in the commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment;

The cost of material resources, raw materials, semi-finished products, as well as the cost of maintaining operating personnel during the commissioning period are determined on the basis of design data and are taken into account in the estimate documentation in the manner set forth in these Instructions.

1.19. Start-up and adjustment costs incurred when relocating construction machines from one construction site (mechanization base) to another construction site(mechanization base), if this is associated with the dismantling and subsequent installation of construction machines (tower cranes, crawler cranes, pile driving equipment, etc.), are taken into account in the estimated norms and prices for the operation of the relevant construction machines.

1.20. In the FERp tables, the amount of funds for the remuneration of commissioning personnel is calculated on the basis of the labor intensity and composition of the link of work performers given in the relevant collections of GESNp, based on the cost of 1 man-hour by category of workers performing commissioning works, given in Table. one.

Table 1

Cost of 1 man-hour, rub.

Chief Specialist


Lead Engineer







Working 6th category


Worker 5th category


Working 4 digits


Worker 3 category


Notes:1. The cost of 1 man-hour is taken on the basis of the average level of wages in the base territorial region (Moscow region) as of January 1, 2000 in the amount of 1600 rubles. per month (1 man-hour - 9.62 rubles), which corresponds to the wages of a worker of the 4th category, with an average monthly standard number of working hours of 166.25 (with a 40-hour working week) - according to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 7, 2000 No. 2092.

2. The cost of 1 man-hour includes labor costs (payroll), including compensation payments related to the regime and working conditions, as well as incentive bonuses and allowances (bonuses, rewards, etc.).

1.21. When compiling estimates (estimates) for commissioning, references to the technical part of the FERp collection should be indicated by its initial letters and the number of the corresponding paragraph, for example, PM-5, which should mean: technical part, paragraph 5. Similarly, links to introductory instructions to departments and sections of collections are designated by VU with the addition of the item number.


2.1. Unit rates provide for commissioning under normal conditions, not complicated by external factors, at a positive temperature environment. The costs associated with the issuance of special work permits, special passes or permits are not included in the rates.

When performing commissioning work in more complex working conditions in comparison with those provided for in the FERP collections, as a result of which the labor productivity of work performers decreases, to wages and to labor costs it is necessary to apply the coefficients given in table. 2.

table 2


Work conditions


At operating enterprises (in workshops, buildings, at production sites) in the presence of operating technological equipment in the production area, or an extensive network of engineering communications, or dusty air, or the movement of technological transport along intra-shop and intra-factory routes, which directly affects the performance of commissioning

The same, at the enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical industries


At enterprises (in workshops, buildings, at production sites) stopped for work on reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, as well as in buildings and structures for all purposes, if there are objects cluttering the premises (machines, installations, apparatus, operational and laboratory equipment, office equipment, furniture, etc.)


In the security zone of overhead power lines, in places where power supply communications pass, in existing electrical installations, (without issuing a work permit or order) near structures and objects that are under voltage (in cases where complete removal of voltage due to production conditions is impossible), if this associated with the limitation of the actions of the performers of work by special safety requirements

In electrical installations that are energized with the execution of a work permit or order

On electrical devices in existing nuclear installations with the issuance of a work permit or order


On electrical equipment protected from environmental influences according to the design: dust-, explosion-, splash-, waterproof, hermetic, protected from aggressive environments

Near sources of ionizing radiation


In operating workshops of enterprises with harmful working conditions, in which workers of an industrial enterprise have a reduced working day, and workers performing commissioning work have a working day normal duration


The same, if available, in addition:

production conditions specified in paragraph 1


production conditions specified in paragraph 2


In operating workshops of enterprises with harmful working conditions, if workers involved in commissioning work are transferred to a shortened working day:


When the air temperature at the workplace is more than 40 ° C in the premises


When the air temperature at the workplace is below 0°С

At high-security facilities where, due to the secrecy regime, a special permit, a special pass and other restrictions for commissioning personnel are applied


In enclosed structures (premises) located below 3 m from the ground, with the exception of mines, mines, subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes

At facilities located in mountainous areas at an altitude above sea level

from 1500 to 2500 m


from 2500 to 3000 m


from 3000 to 3500 m

Notes:1. The use of coefficients must be justified by the project data or the program of work agreed with the customer. In this case, the coefficients are applied to the costs of those stages of work that are actually performed in more difficult production conditions.

2. Commissioning works carried out in existing electrical installations include work performed after the introduction of the operating mode at this electrical installation - in accordance with the provisions given in paragraph 4 of SNiP 3.05.06-85 "Electrical devices".

3. The coefficients given in table. 2, are not used in the performance of work in underground conditions in subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes, with the exception of the coefficients given in and.

4. When performing work under the conditions provided in table. 2, only one of the coefficients can be applied. The exception is the coefficients given in paragraphs. 4, 5, 13, 14, 15 and 18, each of which can be applied simultaneously with one of the other coefficients contained in this table (in this case, the coefficients are multiplied).

5. It is recommended to include work in the presence of lead, zinc, mercury, heavy metal dust, radiation, as well as work in existing health care enterprises (tuberculosis dispensaries, leper colonies, etc.), where, in accordance with current legislation, for employees of the main production set a shortened working day.

2.2. When determining the estimated cost of commissioning work performed underground in mines, mines, subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes, it is necessary to apply the coefficients given in Table. 3.

Table 3


Name of work places


Works on the surface of existing and under construction mines, mines, subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes


On the construction, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes - when open method works


Underground method of work: at existing and under construction enterprises of the mining and chemical industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, building materials industry, construction, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes


in the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of coal and shale mines:

with a 36 hour work week


with a 30 hour work week


with a 24 hour work week

In underground conditions in operated subway tunnels at night after de-energizing (in the "window"):

when using workers during the work shift only to perform work related to the "window"

when using part of the work shift (before the workers enter the tunnel and after leaving the tunnel) to perform work not related to the "window"

Notes:1. When performing work under the conditions provided for in Table. 3, only one of the coefficients can be applied.

2. Application of the coefficients given in paragraphs. 7 and 8, when compiling the estimate documentation, it must be justified by the project data.

3. Table coefficients. 3 does not apply to the labor costs of commissioning personnel.

2.3. Commissioning works are carried out, as a rule, in heated rooms. In cases where preparations are being made for the commissioning of buildings and structures that, according to their technological characteristics, should not be heated, or outdoor structures, additional costs associated with a decrease in labor productivity of commissioning personnel when the air temperature at the workplace is below 0 ° C , are determined by applying to the prices the coefficient given in .

The use of a collection of estimated norms of additional costs in the production of construction and installation works in winter (GSN 81-05-02-2001) when determining the cost of commissioning is not allowed.

2.4. Commissioning works on elevators of any carrying capacity are carried out only on their electrical systems. The cost of these works is determined according to the prices of the FERp collection No. 1 "Electrical devices", department 14 "Electric elevators". The costs of static and dynamic testing, adjustment and tuning of elevator equipment and mechanisms (mechanical part), which ensure the commissioning of elevators, are taken into account by the prices of the collection of federal unit prices for equipment installation (FERm) No. 3 "Handling and transport equipment" and in estimates for commissioning jobs are not included.

2.5. In cases where commissioning is carried out on several units of the same type of equipment, prices for the second and subsequent units of equipment should be taken with a reduction factor specified in the technical part or introductory instructions of the relevant collection.

2.9. When paying for commissioning work performed, when the contract provides for an interim payment, one should be guided by the composition and structure (by stages) of these works given in the technical parts or introductory instructions of the GESNp collections (unless other conditions for mutual settlements are provided by the contract). Calculations are made only for completed stages of work, subject to the completion of a complete list of works (operations) provided for by the content of this stage.


3.1. In the absence of certain types of equipment, including imported equipment, in the FERp collections, the prices for commissioning can be determined:

For equipment similar in purpose, technical characteristics and design complexity given in the collection - at a price for this equipment, without its adjustment (as applicable);

For experimental or experimental equipment - at a price for similar equipment with a coefficient of 1.2;

In the absence of analogue equipment in the existing FERp - on the basis of an individual unit price developed in accordance with the procedure set forth in clause 4.


4.1. Individual unit prices for commissioning are developed by customer organizations, contractors, design and other interested organizations in cases where there are no relevant types of equipment (works) or their analogues in the FERp collections, including for equipment imported, non-standardized or single-piece production.

4.2. The calculation of an individual unit price is carried out according to Appendix 2, taking into account the following requirements:

4.2.1. Column 3 of the individual quotation includes a detailed list of work performed ( labor processes) in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation given in.

The commissioning work should not include the work listed in as not related to commissioning.

4.2.2. The composition of the link (team) of commissioning performers is established on the basis of regulatory and technical documentation, in accordance with the current ETKS of works and professions, taking into account safety regulations.

4.2.3. The labor costs of commissioning personnel should be taken on the basis of approved in in due course standards of labor costs, and in their absence, determined by the methods of technical regulation of labor (timing, self-photography of labor processes, etc.). If it is impossible to use the methods of technical regulation, labor costs are determined on the basis of the method of expert assessments. one


1 The methodology for determining the norms of labor costs for commissioning based on the method of expert assessments was developed by VNIPItruda in construction in 1989.

4.2.4. The cost of 1 man-hour for the categories of workers performing commissioning works at the base price level as of January 1, 2000 is accepted in accordance with these Instructions. Overhead costs and estimated profit are not included in unit prices.

4.2.5. Individual unit prices that meet the necessary requirements are approved by the customer as part of the estimate documentation for commissioning.

For objects being built with the involvement of federal budget funds, individual unit prices are applied after their agreement with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

4.3. Individual unit prices developed on the basis of individual standards that have been tested are recommended to be sent by interested organizations to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIIEUS Rosstroy for systematization and subsequent inclusion as additions to the current collections of GESNp and FERp.


5.1. The estimated cost of commissioning at the current price level can be calculated:

By the resource method - on the basis of GESNp in the manner set forth in the Instructions for the Application of State Elemental Estimated Standards for Commissioning Works (MDS 81-27.2001);

By the base-index method - on the basis of unit prices (FERp, TERp) in the manner set forth in, using current and forecast indices in relation to costs calculated at the base price level as of January 1, 2000.

Current (forecast) indices are developed, as a rule, by regional centers for pricing in construction in accordance with guidelines Gosstroy of Russia.

Indexes may also be developed by contracting authorities, contractors or other organizations on their behalf.

5.2. When determining the estimated cost of a full range of commissioning works on the basis of GESNp, FERp, TERp, it is necessary to take into account the following procedure for allocating costs in the estimate documentation:

5.2.1. Idle commissioning costs related to capital costs are included in chapter 9 "Other work and costs" (columns 7 and 8) of the consolidated construction cost estimate.

The limit of funds for commissioning "idle" in the summary estimate of the cost of construction is provided by the design organization in the amount agreed with the customer (investor), based on the data of analogous objects, aggregated estimated standards, other data of the customer.

5.2.2. Start-up and adjustment costs "under load", as non-capital expenses, are included in the summary estimate for putting the enterprise, building, structures into operation and include:

for production facilities - to the main activity of the operating organization (enterprise) with inclusion in the cost of production;

for non-industrial purposes - to the costs of maintaining the building, structure.

It is allowed to use other forms that are more convenient for users.

If necessary, an object estimate calculation (object estimate) can be drawn up according to the summary estimate.

The forms of estimate documentation allow you to compile it in a certain sequence, moving from local estimate calculations (local estimates), which are primary estimate documents and are compiled on certain types works, to the object and summary estimates, which determine the estimated limit of funds necessary for the full completion of the work provided for by the project.

In some cases, when only one type of commissioning work is performed at the facility by a contractor, a local estimate calculation (local estimate) is used as a summary estimate. At the same time, at the end of the local estimate calculation (local estimate), other costs, a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, as well as the amount of funds for paying VAT are included.

5.3.3. During the construction of housing and civil facilities, the commissioning of which is not associated with the release of products, summary estimates are compiled on the basis of local estimates (local estimates) and calculations of other costs.

5.4. Summary estimates for the commissioning of enterprises, buildings, structures.

5.4.1. Summary estimates for the commissioning of enterprises, buildings, structures (hereinafter referred to as summary estimates) are documents that determine the estimated limit of funds required for commissioning "under load", comprehensive testing of equipment with the release of the first batch of products, providing commissioning of newly built, reconstructed, expanded and technically re-equipped facilities.

5.4.2. Consolidated estimates are compiled on the basis of:

Technical and technical and economic indicators of the project;

The duration of the start-up period, comprehensive testing of equipment and other standards established by departmental (industry) regulations and instructions;

Production programs and schedules;

Sectoral rules for acceptance into operation of completed construction facilities, workshops and industries;

Local calculations (local estimates), calculations, agreements, contracts and other necessary data.

5.4.3. The summary estimate is compiled according to Appendix 3. It includes in separate lines the totals for all local estimates (local estimates) and other primary estimate documentation for certain types of costs. The positions of the summary estimate must have a link to the number of the specified documents.

5.4.4. In the consolidated budget, funds are distributed, as a rule, according to the following chapters:

1. Commissioning (“under load”) performed by contractors.

2. Raw material and material resources.

4. Other works and expenses.

If necessary, taking into account the characteristics of individual sectors of the economy, the names and nomenclature of the chapters of the summary estimate can be changed.

Inside the chapters of the summary estimate, objects, production or complexes can be allocated into separate sections.

5.4.5. The summary estimate should provide for a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, intended to reimburse the cost of:

Additional or repeated works, the need for which arises during the commissioning of the enterprise, building, structure;

Additional costs due to a possible increase in the cost of material resources, services, an increase in wages;

Compensable other costs of contractors, if the actual costs confirmed in the prescribed manner exceeded the amount of funds provided for in Chapter 4 "Other Works and Costs".

The reserve of funds is determined from the total of chapters 1-4 in the amount of no more than 2% for objects social sphere and no more than 3% for production facilities and is distributed among the relevant chapters of the summary estimate in proportion to the estimated cost of work and costs.

5.4.6. The following totals are given in the summary estimate: for each chapter (if there are sections in the chapter, for each section), for the sum of chapters 1-4, and also after accruing a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs - “Total for the summary estimate”.

Following the summary of the summary estimates are indicated:

Refundable amounts, taking into account the cost of finished products and work in progress, received during the period of comprehensive testing of equipment and the release of the first batch of products provided for by the project. Refunds are calculated on the basis of the production program, taking into account current prices. The cost of substandard products, marriage and waste is determined at the prices of their possible sale or disposal (if it is impossible to sell marriage and waste, their cost is not taken into account in refundable amounts);

The amount of value added tax (VAT) in the amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4.7. An explanatory note is drawn up for the summary estimate, which provides the necessary information about the enterprise, technical and economic indicators of the project, organizations involved in ensuring the commissioning of the enterprise, the composition of the estimate documentation, the standards used and other data.

5.5. Local estimates (local estimates).

5.5.1. Local estimates (local estimates) are compiled for types of commissioning works in accordance with the specialization of contract commissioning organizations: for electrical devices, automated control systems, ventilation systems, process equipment, etc.

5.5.2. Local estimate calculation (local estimate) is compiled according to Appendix 3 on the basis of:

Project and working documentation (RD), including specifications and statements for equipment, drawings, diagrams, as well as explanatory notes to design materials;

Technical documentation, programs for commissioning;

The current estimated standards for commissioning - collections FERp, TERp, OERp;

Individual unit prices for commissioning - for equipment and types of work that are not in the current estimated standards;

The current standards for overhead costs and estimated profit for commissioning.

5.5.3. The amount of funds for the remuneration of commissioning personnel in local estimates is calculated taking into account the application to direct costs (wages) of the adjustment factors given in the relevant collections of unit prices and these Instructions.

The use of coefficients that take into account more complex conditions for the production of work, when drawing up estimates, must be justified by the project, and when calculating for the work performed, by acts fixing the actual conditions for performing the work.

5.5.4. In local estimates, a separate line may include the costs of operating production equipment directly used during commissioning (expensive instruments, equipment, electronic computer science, mobile testing laboratories, etc.), not included in the overhead rates for commissioning.

The cost of operating such production equipment is determined on the basis of a calculation, based on the duration of its use according to production needs (machine-hour) and the cost of 1 machine-hour, calculated in accordance with Guidelines on the development of estimated norms and prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles (MDS 81-3.99).

5.5.5. If necessary, local estimates can also take into account the costs of auxiliary non-standardized materials, bearing in mind that the costs of the main material resources provided by the customer are taken into account in chapter 2 of the summary estimate.

The cost of these auxiliary materials is determined by calculation, based on their consumption according to contractor organizations agreed with the customer, and estimated prices free of charge on-site warehouse.

5.5.6. Overhead costs as part of local estimates (local estimates) for commissioning are determined in accordance with the Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction (MDS 81-33.2004, MDS 81-34.2004).

Estimated profit is determined in accordance with the Guidelines for determining the amount of estimated profit in construction (MDS 81-25.2001), with subsequent additions and changes.

5.5.7. From the total estimated cost of commissioning, calculated according to the local estimate, the costs for performing work "idle" and "under load" are allocated (including) in accordance with.

5.5.8. Estimates for repeated and additional commissioning () are compiled separately from the main local estimates. The costs of re-performing commissioning works to correct defects or deviations from the work production technology are not included in these estimates.

5.6. Determining the cost of raw material resources.

5.6.1. Chapter 2 of the consolidated estimate includes the cost of raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, purchased products, semi-finished products that form the basis of manufactured products or are essential components in its manufacture, as well as fuel, electricity, steam, water and other resources consumed during commissioning, start-up works and comprehensive testing of equipment with the release of the first batch of products in the appropriate volume.

The cost of raw materials, material and energy resources is determined on the basis of the estimated calculation, compiled according to Appendix 3.

5.6.2. The consumption of raw materials, materials and energy resources is taken according to the technical and economic part of the project, taking into account the duration of commissioning and the production program.

The cost of raw materials, material and energy resources is calculated according to the current tariffs for energy resources, current prices for raw materials, products, materials, taking into account the costs of containers and packaging, transport, handling operations, services of intermediary organizations, procurement and storage costs, etc.

5.7. Determining the cost of maintenance of operational personnel.

5.7.1. Chapter 3 of the consolidated estimate includes the cost of maintaining the operational personnel, determined on the basis of the cost estimate drawn up according to Appendix 3.

Maintenance personnel costs are calculated based on the following inputs:

The number of main production workers (operators, operators, machinists, etc.), auxiliary workers, engineering and technical workers and employees, junior service personnel involved for the period of commissioning, including a comprehensive testing of equipment;

Duration of participation of each category of employees in commissioning (in working days) and complex testing of equipment (in hours);

Operating in the industry tariff rates and salaries, taking into account the necessary deductions for social needs in accordance with applicable law.

5.7.2. The cost of maintenance of operating personnel during the period of development of the design capacity of production facilities is not included in the summary estimate for commissioning.

5.8. Other work and expenses.

5.8.1. Chapter 4 of the consolidated estimate includes the amounts of funds spent by the customer for reimbursement in the form of compensation for the costs of contracting commissioning organizations that are not directly related to the implementation of commissioning.

When including other works and costs in Chapter 4 of the consolidated estimate, it is necessary to be guided by their composition and the procedure for determining them given in Appendix No. 8 to the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004).

In addition, Chapter 4 of the consolidated estimate may include the cost of preparing estimates for commissioning, determined on the basis of actual labor costs agreed with the customer. At the same time, the cost of work on the preparation of estimates should not exceed 1% of the estimated cost of commissioning.

5.8.2. The chapter “Other works and costs”, if necessary, also includes the customer’s costs for paying for the services of design, engineering, research and other organizations, equipment manufacturers, foreign firms for technical assistance: consultations, expertise, commissioning supervision works, etc.

These costs are determined by calculations on the basis of agreements (contracts) based on the number of specialists, the duration of their participation in commissioning and the cost of one man-day, agreed with the customer.

Attachment 1

List of collections of federal unit prices for commissioning (FERp)

individual unit price for commissioning


name and technical characteristics of equipment (works)




Name of works (labor processes)

Unit rev.


Performers (position, qualification, category, category)

Labor costs, man-hour

Salary, rub.

per unit rev.


For 1 man-hour


Compiled by:


name of commissioning works, name of the object

Base: (specification, drawings, diagrams, etc.) _______________________

Estimated cost _________________________________ thousand rubles rub.

Compiled in prices

as of _________________ 200___


Justification (code of a unit price; number of an individual price, justification of coefficients, etc.)

Name and technical characteristics of equipment or types of work

Unit meas.

Project Quantity

Cost, rub.

cost of raw materials, material and fuel and energy resources for commissioning and complex testing of equipment

The cost of raw materials

and fuel and energy

resources _____________________________ thous. rub.

Compiled at prices as of ________________ 200___.


Justification of the estimated cost

Name of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy resources

Unit meas.

Consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel and energy resources

Cost, rub.

per unit meas.

for the period of commissioning and production programs during the period of complex testing of equipment

units meas.


Compiled by:

No. pp

Name of professions and positions, category or category


Number of working days (hours) for the period

Total labor costs, man-days (man-hours)

Daily (hourly) rate according to the tariff or salary du, rub.

Total cost, rub. (gr. 8×gr. 7)



complex testing of equipment


Compiled by:



FERp 81-04-02-2001

Approved and introduced in de th action With 16 April l I 2003 G.
resolution Gosstroy Russia from
16 . 04 . 2003 G . 35



Collection No.2


State Committee of the Russian Federation
for construction and housing
n o-comm al complex
(Gosstroy of Russia)


Federal unit prices for commissioning about private work FERp- 2001-02 Automated control systems.

(Gosstroy of Russia) Moscow, 2003G.

Designed to determine direct costst in the estimated cost, as well as for settlements for the completed commissioning automated systems management.

Compilation designed in price level1-th territorial region as of January 1, 2000.

DEVELOPEDFederal State Unitary Enterprise TsNIIEUS Gosstroy of Russia (Zh.G. Cherns shova, L.V. Razmadze), JSC "Association of Monta zhavtomatika "(B .Z . Barlasov, M.I. Logoiko), Coordinating Center for Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction LLC (A.N. Zhukov) with the participation of the Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and Industry building materials(MTsTSS) Gosstroy of Russia (V.P. Shuppo).

CONSIDEREDDepartment of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (Editorial Commission: V.A. Stepanov - Head, V.G.Kozmodemyansk iy, T .L. Gri ischenkova).

INTRODUCEDDepartment of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED from 16 . 04. 200316. 04. 2003 No. 35


Collection 2

Automated control systems



1. General provisions

1. 1. These federal unit prices (hereinafter referred to as prices) are intended to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of the start-up palmar x works on automated control systems at commissioning under construction, as well as reconstructed, expanded and technically re-equipped operating enterprises, buildings and structures.

1. 2. Prices reflect the industry average level of technology and organization of commissioning th works.

Rates are obligatory for application by all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out capital construction at the expense of the state budget of all levels and special purpose non-budgetary funds.

For construction projects financed at the expense of own funds of enterprises, organizations and individuals, the prices of this collection are advisory in nature.

1. 3. Rates are based on:

Collection of state elemental estimated norms for start-up l and daughters e work - GESNp-2001-02 "Automated control systems", approved and put into effect from July 15, 2001 by a resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated July 23, 2001 No. 84;

start-up pay levell construction personnel hired on the basis of state statistical reporting in construction for the first territorial region as of January 1, 2000.

1. 4. When applying this collection, in addition to the provisions contained in this technical part, it is necessary to take into account the general requirements given in the Guidelines for the use of federal unit prices for commissioning, approved and put into effect by the Gosstroy of Russia.

1. 5. This Collection applies to:

Automated process control systems (APCS);

Centralized operational dispatch control systems;

Automatic fire and security fire alarm systems;

Systems of control and automatic control of fire extinguishing and antidsmoke protection;

telemechanical systems.

The collection is not intended to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of work:

According to precision in-line analyzers of the physicochemical properties of media and products circulating in technological process: refractometers, chromatographs, octanometers and other similar single use analyzers;

For software and hardware complexes of computer centers for economic or other information not related to technological processes;

For video surveillance (security) systems using television installations, loud-speaking communications (alerts), etc., the direct costs of which are determined according to the Collection for the installation of equipment No. 10 "Communication equipment".

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

1. 6. Rates are based on the following conditions:

Software and hardware complexes (KPTS) orto complexes of technical means ( To Vehicles) transferred for adjustment - serial, complete, with loaded system and application software, provided with technical documentation (passports, certificates, etc.), their storage period in the warehouse does not exceed the standard;

Commissioning works are carried out by organizations licensed to carry out these types of work, when performing work at facilities supervised by state supervision bodies, there are additionally licenses and / or permits from these departments. Employees performing work have qualifications corresponding to the technical complexity of automated systems, have passed the necessary training, attestation or certification, are provided with the necessary equipment, measuring instruments, control and test stands, instrumental software, programmers, calibrators, tools, tools personal protection etc.;

Puscona l hello The work is carried out on the basis of the working documentation approved by the customer, if necessary, taking into account the project for the production of works (P P P), programs and graphics;

By the start of the start-up worksd internal organization, the customer transferred the working project documentation, including parts of the APCS project: software (MO), Information Support(AND ABOUT), software(PO), organizational support (OO);

To start-up production l adjective x works are started if the customer has documents on the completion of the installation work provided for by SNi P (acts, protocols, etc.). In the event of forced breaks between installation and adjustment work for reasons beyond the control of the contractor, to start-up palmar m work is started after checking the safety of previously installed and installation of previously dismantled technical means (in this case, the act of completion of installation work is drawn up anew on the date of commencement of commissioning);

Switching of operating modes of technological equipment is carried out by the customer in accordance with the project, regulations and within the periods provided for by the agreed programs and work schedules;

Detected defects in the installation of software and hardware (PTS) or hardware (TS) are eliminated by the installation organization.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

1. 7. Prices are developed in accordance with the requirements state standards, in particular, GOST 34. 603- 92 « Information technology. Types of testing of automated systems", standards " State system industrial devices and means of automation”, “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements”, 3-th part of SNiP "Organization, production and acceptance of work", Rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE), Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations (POTRM- 016-2001) RD 153-34.0-03.150-00,"Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems" (PB-12-529-03. O general rules s safe for adults fire hazard x chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries (PB 09-540-03) and other rules and norms of state supervision bodies, technical documentation manufacturers of PTS or TS, duly approved instructions, technical and technological regulations governing technical materials and other technical documentation for the installation, commissioning and operation of PTS and TS.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

1. 8. The prices take into account the costs for the production of a set of works of one technological cycle of commissioning for the commissioning of the process control system in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, including the following stages (stages):

1. 8.1.Preparatory work, verification of KTS (KTS) of automated systems:

Study of working and technical documentation, incl. pre-design stage materials ( technical requirements to the system, etc.), performance of other measures of engineering and technical preparation of work, examination of the technological control object, external inspection of equipment and installation work performed on the APCS, determination of the readiness of systems adjacent to the APCS (power supply, etc.), etc. d.

Checking the conformity of the main specifications equipment to the requirements established in the passports and instructions of manufacturers (the results of verification and adjustment are recorded in the act or passport of the equipment, faulty PTS or TS are transferred to the customer for repair and replacement).

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

1. 8. 2. Autonomous adjustment of automated systems after completion of their installation:

Checking the installation of the PTS (TS) for compliance with the requirements of the instructions of manufacturers and working documentation;

Replacement of individual defective elements with serviceable ones issued by the customer;

Checking the correct marking, connection and phasing of electrical wiring;

Phasing and control of the characteristics of actuators (IM);

Setting up the logical and temporal relationships of signaling, protection, blocking and control systems, checking the correctness of the passage of signals;

Checking the functioning of application and system software;

Preliminary determination of the characteristics of the object, calculation and adjustment of the parameters of the equipment of automated systems, configuration of measuring transducers and software logic devices;

Preparation for inclusion and inclusion in the operation of measurement, control and management systems to ensure individual testing of technological equipment and adjustment of the settings for the equipment of control systems in the process of their operation;

Preparation of production and technical documentation.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

1. 8. 3. Complex adjustment of automated systems:

Bringing the settingsP TS (TS), communication channels and application software to the values ​​(state) at which automated systems can be used in operation, while carried out in a complex:

Determining the compliance of the procedure for testing devices and elements of signaling, protection and control systems with the algorithms of working documentation, identifying the causes of failure or their “false” operation, setting the required values ​​for the operation of positional devices;

Determination of compliance with the throughput of shut-off and control valvescomfort its fittings to the requirements of the technological process, the correct development of limit and limit switches,position and status sensors;

Determination of the flow characteristics of regulatory bodies (RO) and bringing them to the required rate using the adjustment elements available in the design;

Clarification of the static and dynamic characteristics of the object, adjusting the values ​​of the system settings, taking into account their mutual influence in the process of work;

Preparation for the inclusion in the operation of systems to ensure the comprehensive testing of technological equipment;

Testing and determining the suitability of automated systems to ensure the operation of process equipment with a performance that meets development standards design capacity in the initial period;

Analysis of the work of automated systems;

Registration of production documentation, act of acceptance into operation of systems in accordance with the requirements of SNiP;

Making changes in one copy of the circuit diagrams from the set of working documentation, agreed with the customer, based on the results of the start-up production d eye work.

1.9. The prices of this Collection do not include the costs of:

Puscona l and daughters e works, prices for which are given in the relevant sections EPp-2001-01 "Electrical devices": on electric machines (motors) of electric drives, switching devices, static converters, power devices, measurements and tests in electrical installations;

Testing of automated systems over24hours of their work during the period of complex testing of technological equipment;

Drawing up a technical report and estimate documentation;

Delivery of measuring instruments to state verification;

Configuring components and screen forms, adjusting and finalizing the design mathematical, information and software, determined on the basis of standards for design work;

Revision of the PTS (TS), elimination of their defects (repair) and installation defects, including bringing the insulation of electrical equipment, cable communication lines and the parameters of the installed fiber-optic and other communication lines to the standards;

Checking the compliance of wiring diagrams with circuit diagrams and making changes to wiring diagrams;

Preparation of principal, assembly, detailed diagrams and drawings;

Partial or complete reassembly of cabinets, panels, consoles;

Coordination of work performed with supervisory authorities;

Carrying out physical and technical and chemical analyzes, supply of exemplary mixtures, etc.;

Drawing up a program of complex testing of technological equipment;

Training of operating personnel;

Development of operational documentation;

Technical (service) maintenance and periodic checks of the KTS (KTS) during the operation period.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

1.10. The prices of this Collection are developed for automated systems (hereinafter referred to as systems) depending on the category of their technical complexity, characterized by the structure and composition of the KTS (KTS),taking into account the complexity factor.

Table 1

Characteristics of the system (structure and composition of the KTS or KTS)

System complexity factor

Single-level information, control, information and control systems, characterized in that measuring and control devices are used as components of the CTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands. at communication devices, electromagnetic, semiconductor and other components, signal fittings, etc. instrumental or hardware types of execution

Single-level information, control, information - control systems, characterized in that programmable logic controllers are used as components of the KPTS to perform the functions of collecting, processing, displaying and storing information and generating control commands ( PLC ), intercom devices, microprocessor-based operator interfaces (display panels)

1, 313

One-level systems with automatic mode indirect or direct (direct) digital (digital-to-analog) control using object-oriented controllers with programming of settings parameters, the operation of which does not require the development of project MO and software

Information, control, information - control systems in which the composition and structure of the CTS meet the requirements established for classifying systems as I category of complexity and in which fiber optics are used as communication channels to ne information transmission systems (VOTSI)

Systems for measuring and (or) automatic control of the chemical composition and physical properties substances

Measuring systems (measuring channels) for which the project requires metrological certification(calibration)

Multilevel distributed information, control, information and control systems, in which the composition and structure of the local level CPTS meet the requirements established for classifying the system as a II -th category of complexity and in which processes are used to organize subsequent levels of management s (PCS ) or operator ( OS ) stations; implemented on the basis of problem-oriented software, interconnected and with the local control level through local area networks

1, 566

Information, control, information and control systems in which the composition and structure of the KPTS (CTS) meets the requirements established for classifying systems as II category of complexity and in which fiber-optic information transmission systems (FOTS) are used as communication channels

Notes : 1 . Systems II and III categories of technical complexity may have one or more features,given as a characteristic of the system.

2. In the event that a complex system contains systems (subsystems), according to the structure and composition of the KTS or KTS referred to different categories of technical complexity, the complexity coefficient of such a system is calculated in accordance with clause .

1.11.Rates designed for systems I, II and III category of technical complexity depending on the number of communication channels for the formation of input and output signals.

Under the communication channel for the formation of input and output signals (hereinafter - the channel) should be understood as a set of technical means and communication lines that provide the transformation, processing and transmission of information for use in the system.

The Collection takes into account the quantity:

Information channels (including channels for measurement, control, notifications x, address, state, etc.);

control channels.

The composition of information channels and control channels, in turn, takes into account the number of channels:

Discrete - contact and non-contact on AC and DC, pulsed from discrete (signaling) measuring transducers, for monitoring the status of various on-offs x devices, as well as for transmitting “on-off” signals, etc.;

Analog, which include (for the purposes of this Collection) all the rest - current, voltage, frequency, mutual inductance, natural or unified signals of measuring transducers (sensors) that change continuously, encoded (pulse or digital) signals for the exchange of information between various digital information processing devices, etc.

In the following presentation, the symbols for the number of channels given in Table 1 are used. .

Table 2



K a i

Number of information analog channels

K d and

Number of information discrete channels

K a y

Number of analog control channels

K d y

Number of discrete control channels

To common and

The total number of information analog and discrete channels

To common

Total number of analog and discrete control channels

K total \u003d (K total and + K total y)

Total number of information and control channels analog and discrete

2. The procedure for applying unit prices

2.1.The collection price tables show base prices ( R b) for commissioning s e works for systems I, II and III category of technical complexity ( R Ib, R IIb, R IIIb), depending on the total number of information and control channels, analog and discrete(K total) in this system.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

2. 2. For a complex system consisting of subsystems of different categories of technical complexity, the components of the price - the amount of funds for wages (ZP) and the labor cost (H) - is calculated as follows:

at 1< С < 1,313 , where C is the coefficient of complexity, calculated by the formula:

where: - the total number of analog and discrete channels of information and control related to subsystems, respectively, I, II, III difficulty categories;


where is the base wage according to Table. 02-01-001 for the system I category of technical complexity (С=1);

The basic rate of labor costs according to table. 02-01-001.

at 1.313< С < 1,566


where is the base wage according to Table. 02-01-002 for the system II category of technical complexity (C=1.313).

where - the basic rate of labor according to table. 02-01-002.

(Changed edition. Change No. 1 )

2. 3. When compiling cost estimates (estimates) for start-up palmar e work to take into account the characteristics of a particular system to the base price ( R b) the following coefficients should be applied:

2. 3. 1 . Coefficient f m i, taking into account two factors: "metrological complexity" and "development» information functions" of the system

Coefficient f m icalculated by the formula:

f m i = 0 , 5 + K a i : K total × M × I, (3)

where M - the coefficient of "metrological complexity", determined by the table. ;

And - the coefficient of "development of information functions", determined by the table. .

Table 3

No. p.p.

Characteristics of the factors of "metrological complexity" ( M) systems

The coefficient of "metrological complexity" of the system ( M)

Measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments, etc., operating in normal environmental and technological environment, accuracy class:

less than or equal to 1 , 0

K a uM1


below 0 , 2 and above 1, 0

K a uM2

1, 14

greater than or equal to 0 , 2

K a uM3

1, 51

Note : If the system has measuring transducers (sensors) and measuring instruments belonging to different accuracy classes, the coefficient M calculated by the formula:

M = (1 +0.14×K a uM2: K a i) × (1 +0.51×K a uM3: K a i),(4)


K a i = K a uM1 + K a uM2 + K a uM3 ;(4. 1)

Table 4


Characteristics of the factors of "development of information functions" ( And) systems

Designation of the number of channels

Coefficient of "development of information functions" of the system ( And)


Parallel or centralized control and measurement of the parameters of the state of the technological control object (TOU)

K total iI1


The same as for p . ,including archiving, documentation of data, compilation of emergency and production (shift, daily, etc.) reports, presentation of parameter trends, indirect measurement (calculation) of individual complex indicators of the functioning of TOU

K total uI2

1, 51

Analysis and generalized assessment of the state of the process as a whole according to its model (recognition of the situation, diagnostics of emergency conditions, search for a bottleneck, forecast of the process)

K total iI3

2, 03

Note : If the system has different characteristics of "development of information functions", the coefficient And calculated by the formula:

And = (1+0.51× K total uI2: TOcommon) × ( 1+1.03 × K total iI3: TOcommon) ,(5)


To common and = K bosch uI1 + K total uI2 + K total uI3; (5.1 )

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

2. 3. 2. Coefficient Ugh, taking into account the "development of control functions", calculated by the formula:

Ugh= 1+ (1, 31 × K and at+ 0.95 × K y ) : K total × At,(6)

where: At- the coefficient of "development of control functions", is determined by the table.

Table 5


Characterization of the factors of "development of control functions" ( At) systems

Designation of the number of channels

Coefficient of "development of control functions" of the system(At)

Single-circuit automatic control (AR) or automatic single-cycle logic control (switching, blocking, etc.).

K total yU1


Cascade and (or) software AP or automatic software logic control (AP LU) according to a "hard" cycle, multiply connected AR or APLU according to a cycle with branches.

K total yU2

1, 61

Management b fast leakage their processes in emergency conditions or control with adaptation (self-learning and changing the algorithms and parameters of systems) or optimal control (OC) of steady-state modes (in statics), OC of transients or the process as a whole (optimization in dynamics).

K total uU3

2, 39

Note : If the system has different characteristicsR development of control functions”, coefficient At calculated by the formula:

Y = (1+0.61× K total yU2: To common) × (1+1.39× K total uU3: To common); (7)


To common = K bosch yU1 + K total yU2 + K total yU3; (7.1)

2. 4. Estimated price ( R) for a specific system is calculated by applying to the base price established in accordance with paragraph .,coefficients f m i , Ugh, which are multiplied with each other I:

R = R b ×(F m and × F y).(8)

2. 5. When performing start-up la doch s x works in more difficult production conditions, in comparison with those provided for in the collection, as a result of which labor productivity decreases, the coefficients given in the Guidelines for the Application of Federal Unit Prices for Start-Up should be applied to the prices palm work.

2. 6. When performing repeated commissioning works (before putting the facility into operation), it is necessary to apply the coefficient to the prices 0, 537. Re-commissioning should be understood as work caused by the need to change the technological process, the mode of operation of technological equipment, in connection with a partial change in the design or forced replacement of equipment. The need to re-perform work must be confirmed by a reasonable task (letter) from the customer.

2. 7. In the event that the automated process control system is created as part of an automated technological complex (ATC) included in the pilot or experimental construction plan, or in the list of unique or especially important (most important) facilities (constructions), or the automated process control system includes experimental or experimental software and hardware (technical) means, a coefficient is applied to the prices 1, 2.

2. 8. In the event that the launch palmar If the work is carried out under the technical supervision of the personnel of the manufacturer or the supplier of the equipment, the coefficient should be applied to the prices 0, 8.

2. 9. Specified in paragraphs. ÷ the coefficients are applied to the cost of those stages of work (the corresponding number of information and control channels), which are subject to the above conditions. If multiple coefficients are used, they must be multiplied.

2. 10. Reducing factor for the same type of automated technological complexes (ATK) in accordance with clause 2.5. MDS 81-40.2006 is taken into account by the norms of this Collection, subject to a special calculation procedure, in which the price is initially determined as a whole for several of the same type of ATK in accordance with the project and, if necessary, a price is allocated for one of the same type of ATK.

It is not allowed, when determining estimated prices, artificial, contrary to the project, division of the automated system into separate measurement systems, control (regulation) loops, subsystems.

For example: For a centralized system of operational dispatch control of ventilation and air conditioning, including several subsystems of supply and exhaust ventilation, the estimated price is determined as a whole for the centralized control system, and the costs for individual subsystems, if necessary, are determined as part of the overall price for the whole system , taking into account the number of channels related to subsystems.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

2. 11. If it is necessary to make interim settlements for the performed commissioning works, it is recommended to use the approximate structure of the cost of commissioning works by their main stages (unless the contract provides for other conditions for mutual settlements of the parties), given in Table. .

Table 6


Name of the stages of commissioning

Share in total cost works, %

Preparatory work, verification of TCP (PS):


including preparatory work


Offline system tuning


Complex adjustment of systems




Notes :

2. In the event that the customer engages one organization to perform commissioning work on software and hardware (for example, a project developer or equipment manufacturer that has the appropriate licenses for commissioning palmar x works), and for technical means - another start-up daughter organization, distribution of the volume of work performed by them (within the total cost of work on the system), including the stages of Table. , is produced, in agreement with the customer, taking into account about the total number of channels related to PTS and TS.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

3. The procedure for preparing initial data for budgeting

3.1.Preparation of initial data for budgeting is carried out on the basis of design and technical documentation for a specific system.

When preparing the initial data, it is recommended to use the "Scheme of an automated technological complex (ATC)» given in the appendix .

Preparation of initial data is carried out in the following sequence:

3.1.1.As part of the ATK, according to the scheme, the following groups of channels are distinguished according to Table. .

Table 7


Channel group symbol

Channel group content



Control channels analog and discrete (K a at and K d )transfer of control actions from K P TS (KTS) at TOU . The number of control channels is determined in count actuators: membrane, piston, electric single- and multi-turn, non-engine (cut-off), etc.



a and and K d and )transformation of information (parameters) coming from the technological control object (TOU) to the KPTS (KTS) . The number of channels is determined quantity measuring transducers, contact and non-contact signaling devices, equipment position and condition sensors, limit and limit switches, etc. wherein combined fire protection sensorn noah signaling ( pic) is taken into account as one discrete channel



Analogue and discrete information channels (K a and and K d and )used by the operator (Op) to influence the KTS (KTS) .

The number of channels is determined the number of organs of influence, used by the operator ( buttons, keys, controls etc.) to implement the functioning of the system in the modes of automated (automatic) and manual remote control of actuators not counted as organ channels impact KPTS (KTS) used for tuning and other auxiliary functions (except for control): keyboard of terminal devices of information and control panels, buttons, switches, etc., panels of multifunctional or multi-channel devices of POS control panels, etc., as well as voltage switches, fuses and other auxiliary bodies for influencing the above and other technical meansthe adjustment of which is taken into account by the prices and norms of this Collection


KPTS→About n(KTS)

Channels analog and discrete (To a and and K d i) displaying information coming from KTS (KTS) to Op when determining the number of system channels not taken into account, except when the project provides for the display of the same technological parameters(hardware status) on more than one terminal device (monitor, printer, interface panel, bulletin board, etc.). The adjustment of information displays on the first terminal device is taken into account by the prices of this Collection.

In this case, when displaying information on each terminal device beyond the first, the displayed parameters ( To a and and K d and ) are taken into account To a and with coefficient0, 025, K d and with coefficient0, 01 .

Not taken into account as channels indicators (lamps, LEDs etc.) states and positions built into measuring transducers (sensors), contact or non-contact signaling devices, buttons, control keys, switches, as well as indicators of the presence of voltage of devices, recorders, terminal devices of panels, consoles, etc., the adjustment of which is taken into account by the prices of this Collection



1, № 2, … , № i

Communication channels (interactions) analog and discrete information (C a and C d and) with related systems, made on separate projects. “The number of physical channels through which communication signals (interaction) with adjacent systems are transmitted is taken into account:

discrete - contact and non-contact direct and alternating current (with the exception of coded) and analog signals, the values ​​of which are determined on a continuous scale, as well as, for the purposes of this Collection, coded (pulse and digital)". Different kinds voltage electrical system used as power sources for APCS equipment (shields, consoles, actuators, information converters, terminal devices, etc.) as communication channels (interactions) with adjacent systems are not taken into account.

(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1)

3. 1. 2. For each group of channels in Table. the number of information channels (analog and discrete) and control channels (analog and discrete) is counted, as well as e the total number of information and control channels ( To common) for the system as a whole.

3.1. 3. Based on the table. the category of technical complexity of the system is established and, depending on To commonaccording to the corresponding price table, the base price is determined (R b), if necessary, a basic price for a complex system is calculated(R sl b)- using formulas ( ) and ( ).

3. 1. 4. To link the base price to a specific system, correction factors are calculated F i mand F atin accordance with paragraphs. and , then the estimated price is calculated according to the formula ( ).


Rate code

Name and technical characteristics of equipment

Direct costs (compensation of commissioning personnel), rub.

Labor costs, man-hour

Table 02-01-001 Automated control systems of the 1st category of technical complexity

Meter : system (rates 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 19 ); channel (rates 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 )

02- 01- 001- 02

To common ):

190, 07

13, 4

02- 01- 001- 02

for each channel 2before 9add to rate 1

6, 45

02- 01- 001- 03


921, 99


02- 01- 001- 04

for each channel 10before 19add to rate 3

6, 3

02- 01- 001- 05



02- 01- 001- 06

for each channel 20before 39add to rate 5

87, 23

6, 15

02- 01- 001- 07


3560, 31


02- 01- 001- 08

for each channel 40before 79add to rate 7

6, 03

02- 01- 001- 09


6978, 77


02- 01- 001- 10

for each channel 80before 159add to rate 9

83, 40

5, 88

02- 01- 001- 11


13645, 49


02- 01- 001- 12

for each channel 160before 319add to rate 11

78, 72

5, 55

02- 01- 001- 13


26241, 32

02- 01- 001- 14

for each channel 320before 639add to rate 13

73, 62

5, 19

02- 01- 001- 15


49787, 59

02- 01- 001- 16

for each channel 640before 1279add to rate 15

62, 55

4, 41

02- 01- 001- 17

89787, 88

02- 01- 001- 18

for each channel 1280before 2559add to rate 17

49, 50

3, 49

02- 01- 001- 19

153192, 6

02- 01- 001- 20

for each channel 2560add to rate 19

40, 14

2, 83

Table 02-01-002 Automated control systems of the II category of technical complexity

Meter : system (rates 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 19 ); channel (rates 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 )

02- 01- 002- 01

System with number of channels (To common ):

260, 59

17, 6

02- 01- 002- 02

for each channel 2before 9add to rate 1

125, 41

8, 47

02- 01- 002- 03


1258, 51


02- 01- 002- 04

for each channel 10before 19add to rate 3

122, 89

8, 3

02- 01- 002- 05


2487, 41


02- 01- 002- 06

for each channel 20before 39add to rate 5

119, 93

8, 1

02- 01- 002- 07


4885, 98


02- 01- 002- 08

for each channel 40before 79add to rate 7

117, 12

7, 91

02- 01- 002- 09


9564, 68


02- 01- 002- 10

for each channel 80before 159add to rate 9

7, 71

02- 01- 002- 11


18699, 98

02- 01- 002- 12

for each channel 160before 319add to rate 11

107, 94

7, 29

02- 01- 002- 13


35978, 58

02- 01- 002- 14

for each channel 320before 639add to rate 13

100, 83

6, 81

02- 01- 002- 15


68255, 66

02- 01- 002- 16

for each channel 640before 1279add to rate 15

5, 78

02- 01- 002- 17

123037, 86

02- 01- 002- 18

for each channel 1280before 2559add to rate 17

67, 81

4, 58

02- 01- 002- 19

209801, 02

02- 01- 002- 20

for each channel 2560add to rate 19

55, 08

3, 72

Table 02-01-003 Automated control systems of III category of technical complexity

Meter : system (rates 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 19 ); channel (rates 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 )

02- 01- 003- 01

System with number of channels (To common ):


341, 85


02- 01- 003- 02

for each channel2before 9add to rate 1


10, 1

02- 01- 003- 03


1660, 41


02- 01- 003- 04

for each channel10before 19add to rate 3

159, 53

9, 8

02- 01- 003- 05


3255, 70


02- 01- 003- 06

for each channel20before 39add to rate 5

156, 76

9, 63

02- 01- 003- 07


6397, 45


02- 01- 003- 08

for each channel40before 79add to rate 7

153, 67

9, 44

02- 01- 003- 09


12534, 44


02- 01- 003- 10

for each channel80before 159add to rate 9

149, 76

9, 2

02- 01- 003- 11


24515, 42


02- 01- 003- 12

for each channel160before 319add to rate 11

141, 62

8, 7

02- 01- 003- 13


47175, 09


02- 01- 003- 14

for each channel320before 639add to rate 13

132, 18

8, 12

02- 01- 003- 15


89482, 91


02- 01- 003- 16

for each channel640before 1279add to rate 15

112, 32

6, 9

02- 01- 003- 17


161368, 77


02- 01- 003- 18

for each channel1280before 2559add to rate 17

89, 04

5, 47

02- 01- 003- 19


275350, 81


02- 01- 003- 20

for each channel2560add to rate 19

72, 11

4, 43

FERp 81-05-OP-2001




State budget standards. Federal unit rates for commissioning (hereinafter referred to as FERp) are intended to determine the costs of commissioning and draw up, on their basis, estimates (estimates) for the performance of these works.

Approved and included in the federal register of estimated standards to be applied when determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed with the involvement of federal budget funds by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2014 N 31 / pr (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 7, 2014 N 39 / pr).

I. General provisions

I. General provisions


1.0.1. State budget standards. Federal unit rates for commissioning (hereinafter referred to as FERp) are intended to determine the costs of commissioning and draw up, on their basis, estimates (estimates) for the performance of these works.

1.0.2. FERp are subdivided by commissioning into various types of equipment, devices and systems:

- Part 1. "Electrical devices";

- Part 2. "Automated control systems";

- Part 3. "Ventilation and air conditioning systems";

- Part 4. "Handling and transport equipment";

- Part 5. "Metalworking equipment";

- Part 6. "Refrigerating and compressor installations";

- Part 7. "Heat power equipment";

- Part 8. "Woodworking equipment";

- Part 9. "Water supply and sewerage facilities";

- Part 16. "Automation and remote control devices in railway transport".

Electrical devices

1.1. designed to determine the cost of commissioning of electrical devices.

1.1.1. Part 1 prices are developed based on the complexity of mass-produced and mastered by the industry electrical devices, in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation for the manufacture and supply of electrical devices.

1.1.2. FERp of part 1 are calculated based on the following conditions:

electrical equipment is domestic, serial, does not require fine-tuning by the manufacturer, and the period of its storage in the warehouse does not exceed the standard;

the scope of commissioning and testing of equipment complies with the requirements of acceptance tests;

electrical equipment defects identified during commissioning are eliminated by the customer;

operating modes of electrical equipment during commissioning are provided by the customer in accordance with the agreed schedules and programs;

commissioning works are carried out by qualified commissioning personnel of specialized organizations;

commissioning works are carried out not in harmful working conditions and at a positive ambient temperature;

the duration of the issuance of special permits is not taken into account.

1.1.3. The prices of part 1 take into account the costs for one technological cycle of commissioning.

1.1.4. FERP part 1 does not take into account the costs of:

drawing up a technical report, as well as budget documentation;

preparation of technical instructions for the operation of electrical equipment and systems;

drawing up programs for individual and integrated testing of electrical equipment and systems;

participation in the testing of electrical equipment (on behalf of the customer) conducted by the manufacturer;

laying of temporary power supply networks for commissioning;

revision of electrical equipment;

repair and replacement of faulty electrical equipment, cells, blocks;

metrological certification of measuring channels and systems;

adjustment staff duty organized by the customer;

technical (service) maintenance of electrical equipment and systems.

1.1.5. In case of re-commissioning, carried out before the signing of the certificate of completion of work, the costs are determined at the appropriate rates with a coefficient of 0.5.

Re-commissioning should be understood as work caused by a change in the technological process, the mode of operation of the equipment, which is associated with a partial change in the project, as well as the forced replacement of equipment. The need to re-perform work must be confirmed by a reasonable task (letter) from the customer.

1.1.6. When performing commissioning works at the height of St. 2 m from floor level and above open basements, trenches, etc. (when working in buildings and structures that do not have a permanent service platform) or from ground level (when working outside buildings and structures), the following coefficients are applied to prices:

at the height of St. 2 to 8 m - 1.1;

at the height of St. 8 m - 1.2.

1.1.7. When performing commissioning work on pilot industrial, unmastered equipment, the costs are determined according to FERp part 1 for similar equipment (similar in design and technological purpose) with a coefficient of 1.2, and in the absence of an analogue - on the basis of an individual unit price approved by the customer.

1.1.8. When calculating for work performed, when the contract provides for an interim payment, one should be guided by the structure of commissioning works given in Appendix 1.1.

1.1.9. The terms and their definitions used in FERP part 1 are given in Appendix 1.2.

1.1.10. In FERp Part 1 of Division 1, prices are given for commissioning for generators, power frequency compensators and their excitation systems.

1.1.11. Department 1 rates include the costs of:

checking and characterization of electrical machines, measuring current and voltage transformers installed at the terminals of electrical machines;

verification and characterization of converter transformers and auxiliary transformers of excitation systems, rotating and static converters and their control systems, arresters and surge protection devices, power contactors and damping resistances, field extinguishers (AGP) and their control circuits, initial excitation devices;

verification of secondary switching circuits that are not included in the control circuit of the switching device;

adjustment work on start-up programs when the equipment is first turned on under voltage;

testing at idle and under load.

1.1.12. The prices for commissioning for excitation systems (section 2), in addition to those provided for in clause 1.1.11, take into account the costs of:

verification of the main parameters and characteristics of excitation systems in general;

taking the characteristics of the exciter under load on the generator rotor or equivalent resistance and coordinating the operation of groups of two-group excitation systems;

setting surge protection and overload protection devices;

checking the distribution of currents and voltages by groups, phases and valves;

checking the field suppression by changing the polarity of the exciter voltage and using the AGP at various values ​​of the excitation current, determining the dynamic indicators of the transient process;

adjusting remote control devices in various modes and determining their range of change;

ensuring stable operation of the excitation system throughout the entire range of generator load changes;

setting up transients in the mode of transferring the generator excitation from the working system to the backup system and vice versa;

setting of transient processes in the mode of consumption by the reactive power generator when the devices for limiting the minimum excitation come into operation.

1.1.13. Part 1 of department 1 is not taken into account in FERp and must be determined additionally at the rates of other departments, the costs of commissioning for:

relay protection devices - in department 4;

synchronization circuits for generators, automatic excitation controllers, parameter limiting devices, devices in automatic process registration systems, emergency control actuators - for department 5;

backup power devices and input devices for changing the angle of regulation - by departments 8 and 9;

high voltage tests - in department 12;

testing the interaction of secondary switching circuits of relay protection devices (section 1 of department 4) and switching devices in the complex - in department 13.

1.1.14. In the FERp of part 1 of department 1, the costs for commissioning for:

hydrogen, water and oil cooling systems;

temperature control devices;

devices included in automated process control systems.

1.1.15. In the prices of section 2 of section 1, the costs for commissioning are calculated based on the presence of one valve in the converter arm. In the presence of more valves connected in series or in parallel, prices should be adjusted in accordance with clause 1.1.61 of the general provisions.

1.1.16. The cost of commissioning for a non-reversible brushless excitation system of a synchronous compensator should be taken at the prices of Table 01-01-019 with a coefficient of 0.7.

1.1.17. In the FERp of part 1 of department 2, prices are given for commissioning for power transformers (autotransformers, reactors, arcing coils), their switching devices and instrument transformers.

1.1.18. The prices of part 1 of department 2 include the costs of:

checking and characterization of transformer windings;

measurements of insulation characteristics;

checking the secondary switching devices of the transformer up to the first intermediate terminal row of clamps outside the transformer;

input testing;

testing of transformer voltage switching devices under load;

checking the gas protection of power transformers by closing the output terminals of the relay contacts;

phasing of the transformer windings.

1.1.19. Part 1 of department 2 is not taken into account in FERp and must be determined additionally at the rates of other departments, the costs of commissioning for:

switching devices and their secondary switching circuits - in department 3;

relay protection devices of the transformer - in department 4;

devices of the control system for the insulation of inputs - in department 4;

systems for automatic voltage regulation of the transformer - in department 5;

devices of voltage and operational current systems - in department 6;

electric drives of mechanisms of switching devices, remote cooling system and water supply of transformer cooling systems - by departments 7 and 9;

devices and alarm circuits - in department 10;

measurements on cables and in electrical installations - in department 11;

high voltage tests of electrical equipment and their secondary switching circuits - in department 12;

testing the interaction of secondary switching circuits of relay protection devices (department 4 section 1) and switching devices in the complex - in department 13.

1.1.20. Commissioning costs for built-in current transformers are not taken into account and should be determined additionally according to the prices of Table 01-02-017.

1.1.21. Start-up costs for oil reactors and arc-extinguishing coils are determined according to the rates in Table 01-02-004.

1.1.22. In FERp Part 1 of Division 3, prices for commissioning for switching devices and their secondary switching circuits are given.

1.1.23. Department 3 rates include the costs of:

check and removal of electrical characteristics of devices;

measurement of time and speed characteristics of vehicles;

measurement of the dielectric loss tangent of mounted devices;

measurement of parameters of shunt resistors;

measuring the parameters of adjustment and adjustment of the pneumomechanical system of the circuit breaker;

verification of current circuits of protection, measurement and accounting, as well as control and signaling circuits related directly to the switching device (up to the first row of terminal clamps outside the device);

checking the secondary switching circuit of contactors, magnetic starters, position indicators of the switching device, indicating devices, intermediate relays, control keys participating in the switching device control circuit (including the first control panel or the first protection panel).

1.1.24. The FERp of part 1 of department 3 is not taken into account and additional costs for:

checking built-in and remote current transformers - in department 2;

measurement of parameters of dividing capacitors - in department 11;

high voltage tests of devices and their secondary switching circuits - in department 12;

verification of secondary switching circuits of starters, intermediate relays, automatic control keys and interlocks connected by a general automatic control circuit of a switching device participating in automatic control or regulation systems (ACS or ATS), according to department 9;

testing the interaction of switching devices and secondary switching circuits of relay protection and automation devices in the complex - in department 13;

measurements and tests caused by changes in adjustments, replacement of defective parts, or unsatisfactory insulation characteristics of electrical equipment.

1.1.25. The prices of tables 01-03-001, 01-03-002 take into account the costs of checking the operation of the releases; in case of failure to check the operation of the releases, a coefficient of 0.5 should be applied to the indicated prices.

1.1.26. Prices for devices with voltages over 1 kV, which do not indicate the number of poles, take into account the costs of commissioning for three-phase switching devices.

1.1.27. The prices in Table 01-03-002 include the costs of testing a three-pole automatic air circuit breaker with a voltage of up to 1 kV; when checking a two-pole or six-pole circuit breaker, a coefficient of 0.8 or 1.4, respectively, should be applied to the indicated prices.

1.1.28. The prices in Table 01-03-005 take into account the costs of commissioning for disconnectors from the condition of having two grounding knives; with one grounding knife, a coefficient of 0.85 should be applied to the indicated prices.

1.1.29. In the prices of Table 01-03-022, the costs for checking the circuit breaker heating supply line are not taken into account and must be determined additionally according to the prices of Table 01-06-021.

1.1.30. FERP part 1 of department 4 contains prices for commissioning for individual complete panels, devices and sets of relay protection, as well as high-frequency power line protection devices.

1.1.31. Department 4 rates include the costs of:

checking the electrical characteristics of relay protection equipment;

setting up protection settings;

checking the interaction of circuit elements, including after setting up protection settings.

1.1.32. Part 1 of department 4 is not taken into account in FERp and must be determined additionally at the rates of other departments, the costs of commissioning for:

circuits of secondary switching of the switching device - in department 3;

wiring of current circuits, voltage circuits, operational current and signaling - in department 6;

high voltage tests of protection devices and their secondary switching circuits - in department 12;

testing the interaction of secondary switching circuits of relay protection and automation devices and switching devices in the complex - in department 13.

1.1.33. The prices for busbar differential protection (BSSH) and circuit breaker failure redundancy devices (CBRF) include the costs of setting up busbar protection elements with four connections; the costs for setting up the elements of the DZSh and the breaker for each subsequent connection are determined by applying a coefficient of 0.1 to the prices.

1.1.34. In the prices for work on the protection of bypass switches, the costs for setting up working protection settings for one line (connection) are taken into account; the costs for setting up working protection settings for each subsequent line (connection) are determined by applying a coefficient of 0.25 to the prices.

1.1.35. In the prices for commissioning work on the maximum current protection of direct action in Table 01-04-001, the costs for setting up a relay with a time delay are taken into account; the costs of setting up protection without time delay are determined at the specified prices with a coefficient of 0.8.

1.1.36. In the FERp of part 1 of department 5, prices are given for commissioning works on devices for automatic control of excitation, synchronization, station (substation) and system emergency automatics.

1.1.37. Department 5 rates include the costs of:

checking for the functioning of individual nodes of devices, setting the output parameters of the nodes by working regulatory bodies;

removal of static and dynamic characteristics of devices from extraneous power sources;

tuning the dynamic characteristics of closed control systems in order to achieve the required performance;

testing of secondary switching schemes;

setting up devices together with power equipment at idle and under load.

1.1.38. The prices for generator disconnect devices take into account the costs of work performed in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers, for:

determining the number of generators to be switched off;

merging the busbars of the generators to be switched off and fixing the command to turn off the generators;

adjustment of devices and signaling schemes;

adjustment of power balancing devices;

adjusting devices for forcing and unloading longitudinal compensation;

adjustment of reactor shutdown devices.

1.1.39. The prices of part 1 of department 5 do not take into account and additional costs for:

measurements on cables and in electrical installations - in department 11;

high voltage tests - in department 12;

testing the interaction of automatic devices and secondary switching circuits of relay protection devices in the complex - in department 13.

1.1.40. Price 01-05-010-01 is applied only in case of off-line adjustment of the UPO oscilloscope trigger device.

1.1.41. Price 01-05-011-01 for the EPO-1077 oscilloscope automatic trigger panel includes the cost of setting up the UPO oscilloscope trigger.

1.1.42. The cost of commissioning for synchronization of generators with voltage up to 1 kV is determined at the rate of Table 01-05-027 with a coefficient of 0.7.

1.1.43 Price 01-05-028-04 includes the costs for one set-top box. For each subsequent set-top box, the rate is accepted with a coefficient of 0.2.

1.1.44. In the FERp of part 1 of department 6, prices are given for commissioning work on systems of secondary voltage and operating current circuits, as well as on power devices for these systems.

1.1.45. Department 6 prices include the costs of:

verification and adjustment of control voltage control devices and control voltage circuit isolation measuring devices;

checking and configuring individual components and assemblies;

taking electrical characteristics of devices and assemblies during operation at idle and under load (for stationary batteries and power devices);

checking wiring for switchgears, cells, cabinets, busbar panels for all purposes: control (AC and DC operating current), emergency, warning and process signaling, synchronization, accounting and measurement, undervoltage protection, power supply of recording devices and current circuits.

1.1.46. The FERp of part 1 of department 6 does not take into account and additional costs for commissioning should be determined for:

automatic switches - in department 3;

measurements on cables and in electrical installations - in department 11;

1.1.47. Tables 01-06-021, 01-06-022 show prices for commissioning for a three-wire system powered by one switching device (one group of fuses). The costs for two-wire and four-wire wiring systems should be determined according to tables 01-06-021, 01-06-022 with coefficients of 0.7 and 1.3, respectively.

1.1.48. The costs of checking the secondary circuits of a single-phase voltage transformer are determined at the rate 3 of Table 01-06-020 with a coefficient of 0.5.

1.1.49. In the FERp of part 1 of department 7, prices for commissioning for asynchronous and synchronous electric motors, as well as DC electric machines are given.

1.1.50. Department 7 rates include the costs of:

determination of the possibility of turning on electrical machines without drying with the measurement of the absorption coefficient;

measurement and selection of stages of start-up resistors in the circuit of the rotor or armature of an electric machine;

removal of electrical characteristics;

checking the installation of brushes on the neutral and the degree of their sparking on the collector;

testing of electrical machines at idle and under load.

1.1.51. The FERp of part 1 of department 7 does not take into account and additional costs for commissioning should be determined for:

switching devices - in department 3;

measurements on cables and in electrical installations - in department 11;

high voltage tests - according to department 12.

1.1.52. Commissioning costs for synchros should be determined according to the rates in Table 01-09-002.

1.1.53. Prices for thyristor excitation systems of synchronous electric motors are determined by summing up the costs according to the tables of sections 1, 8 and 9.

1.1.54. Commissioning costs for multi-speed electric motors should be determined according to the prices of tables 01-07-001 and 01-07-002 with a coefficient of 1.6.

1.1.55. The cost of commissioning for non-industrial frequency generators should be determined according to the prices of Table 01-07-002.

1.1.56. The cost of commissioning for electric machine amplifiers should be determined according to the prices of Table 01-07-003 with a factor of 2.

1.1.57. Commissioning costs for electric devices (electromagnetic solenoid, electromagnetic clutch, lifting electromagnet, etc.) should be determined according to the prices of Table 01-07-003 with a coefficient of 0.6.

1.1.58. FERP part 1 of department 8 contains prices for commissioning for controlled and uncontrolled valve converters, thyristor switching devices and other converter devices.

1.1.59. Department 8 rates include the costs of:

verification of converter control circuits for functioning in accordance with the technical specifications and their adjustment;

setting and checking the protection of the converter;

phasing of the power circuit with the converter control system, as well as with the network;

verification of signaling devices and control of the operation of the converter arms;

removal of electrical characteristics of converters;

testing at idle and under load in the entire range of regulation.

1.1.60. In the FERp of part 1 of department 8, the costs for commissioning are not taken into account and must be additionally determined for:

converter transformers - in department 2;

switching devices in the power supply circuits of the converter - in department 3;

devices for relay protection of the supply line, as well as protection of electric motors - in department 4;

electric drives of mechanisms of the converter cooling system - in department 7;

automatic control and regulation systems in the converter circuit - in department 9;

high voltage tests - according to department 12.

1.1.61. Commissioning rates for thyristor converters are calculated for a three-phase bridge circuit. For a single-phase bridge circuit to the prices of the table. from 01-08-020 to 01-08-023 a coefficient of 0.8 should be applied; for a three-phase zero circuit - a coefficient of 0.6; for thyristor converters with one valve - coefficient 0.3.

In the prices for commissioning works for the converter, the presence of one valve in the arm is taken into account; if there is a larger number of valves connected in series or in parallel in the converter arm, the price is calculated with a coefficient of 0.05 for each additional valve.

1.1.62. Commissioning rates for thyristor converters are calculated for a symmetrical bridge circuit. Prices for an asymmetric (semi-controlled) scheme should be determined according to the prices of Table. from 01-08-020 to 01-08-023 with a coefficient of 0.8.

1.1.63. In the FERp of part 1 of department 9, prices are given for commissioning for local automation devices and systems for automatic control and regulation of electric drives.

1.1.64. Department 9 rates include the costs of the following work performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions:

adjustment of low voltage switching devices (starters, contactors, automatic control and interlock keys, intermediate relays, etc.) connected by one circuit (relay-contactor, non-contact) of automatic control or regulation of the electric drive; checking the secondary switching circuits to them;

checking the elements of automatic control and regulation systems for functioning, adjusting parameters and taking characteristics with the help of tuning bodies for compliance with technical specifications;

checking the operation of elements of local devices or automatic control and regulation systems in general scheme electric drive control;

coordination of characteristics of elements and functional groups of automatic control and regulation systems;

setting the output parameters of functional groups using the settings;

verification of cable connections of the control and regulation system between individual devices and functional groups;

checking the functional group and the entire control system as a whole for operation from the control post with setting the output parameters;

adjustment of the control loops in order to achieve the required indicators of the quality of control - stability, speed, accuracy of maintaining the controlled parameters with the adjustment of the system parameters after a comprehensive testing.

1.1.65. Prices for commissioning for automatic control and regulation systems are calculated by summing the prices of department 9 for:

adjustment of elements;

adjustment of functional control groups (relay-contactor and non-contact);

adjustment of control loops (for closed systems).

1.1.66. Commissioning costs for functional groups of automatic control and regulation systems are calculated by summing the costs for setting up individual elements in section 1 and the actual functional groups in section 2 of department 9, depending on the total number of elements, the number of "input-output", the number of external blocking connections and number of settings.

1.1.67. Commissioning costs for a functional group consisting of analog and discrete elements should be taken at prices for analog groups.

1.1.68. The number of "input-output" elements and functional groups should be taken as the total number of "input" signals supplied from the outside, and "output" signals assigned to other elements and functional groups, without taking into account circuits and power supplies, correction, amplifiers and internal switching .

1.1.69. The breakdown of the automatic control system (ACS) into functional groups is carried out according to the principle that this group performs a certain function, regardless of the design and the set of elements included in the functional group.

1.1.70. The number of adjustment elements of the analog functional group should be taken as the number of resistors, potentiometers, scaling and matching amplifiers, which ensure the adjustment of the transmission coefficients only in the steady state of operation (in statics): the number of adjustment elements of the control loop should be taken as the number of resistors, potentiometers, capacitors scaling and matching amplifiers, with the help of which the required quality indicators of closed-loop control systems are adjusted in transient conditions (in dynamics).

1.1.71. When determining the cost of commissioning for the circuit of the automatic control system (ACS), the choice of prices is made depending on the number of adjustable parameters equal to the number of control circuits of the ACS, taking into account internal ones; the tuning elements include potentiometers, resistors, capacitors (included only in this circuit), the regulation of which affects the dynamic characteristics of the circuit.

1.1.72. Commissioning costs for multi-loop automatic control systems are calculated by summing up the costs for setting up the first circuit at prices 01-09-013-01 and 01-09-013-02 and the costs for setting up each subsequent circuit at prices 01-09-013-03 and 01-09-013-04 department 9; in this case, only the tuning elements that are included in this circuit are taken into account.

1.1.73 The costs of setting up a relay-contactor control circuit for a group of mechanisms are determined by summing up the costs for setting up electric drive control circuits for individual mechanisms and the costs for setting up a common control circuit for a group of mechanisms.

1.1.74. When determining the cost of commissioning for multi-speed motor control circuits, one relay-contactor control functional group is taken regardless of the number of speed steps.

1.1.75. Commissioning costs for power sources of automatic control and regulation systems are accepted at the following rates:

for sources made on semiconductor diodes - section 8 section 1;

thyristor converters - department 8 section 3

transistors and zener diodes - according to Table 01-09-002.

1.1.76. The FERp of part 1 of department 10 contains prices for commissioning for independent signaling circuits (central, technological, local, emergency, warning, etc.), including light and sound signals, as well as electric network insulation control circuits.

1.1.77. Department 10 rates include the costs of:

check and adjustment of relays and equipment;

adjustment of flashing light devices;

testing devices and signaling schemes for operation.

1.1.78. The prices of part 1 of department 10 do not take into account and must additionally determine the costs of commissioning for:

switching devices and their secondary switching circuits - in department 3;

wiring diagrams for signaling circuits - for department 6;

sensors, from which the signal enters the automatic control circuit - according to department 9;

high voltage tests - according to department 12.

1.1.79. In the FERp of part 1 of department 11, prices are given for commissioning for special tests and measurements in the course of work on electrical cables and in electrical installations.

1.1.80. Department 11 rates include the costs of:

choice of measurement method;

ensuring special safety measures at the test (measurement) object;

measurement production.

1.1.81. Prices from 01-11-010-02 to 01-11-010-05, 01-11-012-01, 01-11-014-01 include the costs of installing auxiliary electrodes and their connection to measuring instruments and the measured object.

1.1.82. Table 01-11-022 prices apply only to electrical machines and devices installed in power circuits.

1.1.83. For department 11, the costs for commissioning are determined that are not taken into account by prices for other departments of FERp part 1.

1.1.84. Price 01-11-028-01 takes into account the costs of performing work for a three-wire line. For a two-wire or four-wire line, the costs should be determined at a rate of 01-11-028-01 with a coefficient of 0.7 and 1.3, respectively.

1.1.85. In the FERp of part 1 of department 12, prices are given for testing electrical equipment with increased voltage of industrial frequency, rectified voltage, as well as testing with a megohmmeter.

1.1.86. Department 12 rates include the costs of:

selection of test equipment;

implementation of special safety measures for the period of testing;

assembly and disassembly of test circuits;

test production;

measurement of insulation resistance before and after testing.

1.1.87. The unit of measurement "3 elements" is taken as a support insulator, consisting of three interconnected elements, or three suspension insulators in a garland.

1.1.88. In the FERp of part 1 of department 13, prices are given for commissioning for complexes consisting of separate interconnected devices, mechanisms or units, in order to obtain electrical parameters or technological modes for them, provided for by the project. The rates of department 13 are applied only on condition that the devices adjusted as part of the electrical installation or as part of the unit, or as part of the technological complex, the units require joint adjustment and adjustment in order to ensure reliable operation for the electrical installation, unit or technological complex specified by the technological process.

1.1.89. The prices of department 13 take into account the costs of setting up the interaction of electrical circuits and electrical equipment control systems in various modes based on industry rules for commissioning completed construction projects. These works include:

ensuring mutual connections of devices as part of the connection and units as part of the technological complex;

adjustment and adjustment of input and output parameters that ensure the joint operation of mechanisms as part of the unit and units as part of the technological complex at idle and under load with the technological modes specified by the project;

removal of the necessary characteristics of devices of electrical installations or units (regulation range, static and dynamic stability, speed, etc.);

testing of the electrical installation, mechanism and units of the technological complex according to the full scheme at idle and under load in all operating modes.

1.1.90. The prices of department 13 for commissioning for dispatcher (operator) control systems are not taken into account and additional costs for setting up the following electrical equipment should be determined:

functional groups for managing input devices - at the rates of department 9;

signaling devices for dispatcher (operator) control - at the prices of department 10.

1.1.91. In the FERp of part 1 of department 14, prices are given for commissioning of electrical devices for mass-produced passenger, freight and hospital elevators with AC electric drive, with a relay-contactor control system (section 1), with a microelectronics control system (section 2) and microprocessor devices (Section 3).

1.1.92. The prices of part 1 of department 14 take into account the costs of performing a full range of commissioning works, including:

study of technical documentation, preparation work program commissioning, preparation of the necessary fleet of measuring equipment, test equipment and fixtures;

checking the condition of the equipment, the correctness of installation and the quality of the connections made with the supply of voltage to: automatic switches, contact and non-contact sensors, asynchronous electric motors of the lift drive and automatic doors, brake assembly, circuits for monitoring the condition of assemblies and mechanisms, direction, speed, deceleration, precise stop, control of the drive of automatic doors, the built-in node of temperature protection of the electric motor of rise, the equipment of the alarm system;

adjustment and adjustment of individual units and blocks of electrical equipment and communications (engine room - shaft - cabin);

individual testing of electrical devices, assemblies, circuits according to a fully assembled scheme in all modes of operation at idle and under load in order to meet the requirements established by the technical documentation of elevator manufacturers;

comprehensive testing of elevators, ensuring stable operation in all modes and to the extent provided for by the project and the requirements of technical supervision authorities;

registration of protocols of electrical measurements, the act of acceptance of the performed commissioning works and their submission to the operation service.

1.1.93. FERp of part 1 of department 14 does not take into account the cost of setting up:

the mechanical part of elevators, taken into account in the prices for the installation of elevators;

dispatching (telephone) communication from the place of installation of the elevator to the control room.

1.1.94. The cost of commissioning for the electrical equipment of an additional shaft door on elevators with a walk-through cabin is determined by the prices for the adjustment of the electrical equipment of one stop of the elevator.

1.1.95. For passenger elevators with a group control system (two or more elevators), the costs are accepted at the corresponding rates of sections 1, 2 and 3 with a coefficient of 1.2 for each elevator in the group.

For example. In one section of the 12-storey residential building, there are two passenger elevators with a relay-contactor control system, with a load capacity of up to 630 kg, with a cabin speed of 1 m/s, with group control.

For one elevator, the costs are determined at rates 01-14-001-01 and 01-14-001-03 and are: (3291.52 + 102.862) 1.2 = 4196.69 rubles. For one section of a residential building, the costs are: 4196.692 \u003d 8393.38 rubles.

1.1.96. The price 01-14-041-01 includes the costs of setting up and checking the electronic protection device of the converter, checking the signaling device, taking the characteristics of the converter and checking the operation at idle and under load, a comprehensive test as part of the elevator.

1.1.97. The prices for commissioning for passenger elevators with a control system based on microprocessor devices, with a speed of 1.6 m/s (01-14-025-03 and 01-14-026-03) take into account the cost of setting up the elevator speed frequency converter.

1.1.98. The costs of commissioning for electrical equipment of domestic-made elevators that are not provided for in department 14, as well as elevators of foreign firms, should be determined by summing up the costs of setting up individual elements of electrical equipment, determined by the prices given in the relevant departments of FERp part 1, as well as in.

Automated control systems

1.2. FERP part 2 "Automated control systems" are designed to determine the cost of commissioning for the commissioning of automated control systems.

1.2.1. FERP Part 2 applies to:

automated process control systems (APCS);

centralized operational dispatch control systems;

automatic fire and security fire alarm systems;

control and automatic control systems for fire extinguishing and smoke protection;

telemechanical systems;

computer hardware and software, in terms of software installation and configuration.

FERP parts 2 of department 1 are not intended to determine direct costs in the estimated cost of work:

on precision in-line analyzers of physical and chemical properties of media and products circulating in the technological process: refractometers, chromatographs, octanometers and other similar single-use analyzers;

for video surveillance (security) systems using television installations, loud-speaking communications (alerts), etc., the direct costs of which are determined by FERm Part 10 "Communication Equipment".

1.2.2. Part 2 pricing is based on the following conditions:

complexes of software and hardware tools (KHTS) or complexes of hardware (HH) transferred for adjustment - serial, complete, with loaded system and application software, provided with technical documentation (passports, certificates, etc.), their shelf life is warehouse does not exceed the standard;

commissioning works are carried out on the basis of the working documentation approved by the customer, if necessary, taking into account the project for the production of works (PPR), program and schedule;

by the beginning of the work of the commissioning organization, the customer transferred the working design documentation, including parts of the APCS project: software (MS), information support (IS), software (SW), organizational support (OO);

start-up and commissioning works are started if the customer has documents on the completion of installation work. In the event of forced breaks between installation and commissioning work for reasons beyond the control of the contractor, commissioning work is started after checking the safety of the previously installed and installation of previously dismantled technical means (in this case, the act of completion of installation work is drawn up again on the start date of commissioning);

switching of operating modes of technological equipment is carried out by the customer in accordance with the project, regulations and within the periods provided for by the agreed programs and work schedules;

detected defects in the installation of software and hardware (PTS) or hardware (TS) are eliminated by the installation organization.

1.2.3. FERp part 2 are developed in accordance with the requirements of state standards, rules for the construction of electrical installations, intersectoral labor protection rules (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations, safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems, general explosion safety rules for explosive chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries and other rules and norms of state supervision bodies, technical documentation of manufacturers of PTS or TS, instructions, technical and technological regulations, guiding technical materials and other technical documentation for the installation, commissioning and operation of PTS and TS.

1.2.4. The prices of part 2 of department 1 take into account the costs for the production of a set of works of one technological cycle of commissioning for commissioning of automated process control systems in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, including the following stages (stages): Preparatory work, verification of KTS (KTS) of automated systems:

study of working and technical documentation, incl. materials of the pre-project stage (technical requirements for the system, etc.), the implementation of other measures of engineering and technical preparation of work, inspection of the technological control object, external inspection of the equipment and installation work performed on the APCS, determination of the readiness of systems adjacent to the APCS (power supply, etc.). etc.), etc.

verification of compliance of the main technical characteristics of the equipment with the requirements established in the passports and instructions of manufacturers (the results of verification and adjustment are recorded in the act or passport of the equipment, faulty OB or TS are transferred to the customer for repair and replacement). Autonomous adjustment of automated systems after completion of their installation:

checking the installation of the PTS (TS) for compliance with the requirements of the instructions of manufacturers and working documentation;

replacement of individual defective elements with serviceable ones issued by the customer;

checking the correctness of marking, connection and phasing of electrical wiring;

phasing and control of the characteristics of actuators (IM);

setting up logical and temporal interconnections of signaling, protection, blocking and control systems, checking the correctness of the passage of signals;

checking the functioning of application and system software;

preliminary determination of the characteristics of the object, calculation and adjustment of the parameters of the equipment of automated systems, configuration of measuring transducers and software logic devices;

preparation for inclusion and inclusion in the operation of measurement, control and management systems to ensure individual testing of technological equipment and adjustment of the settings for the equipment of control systems in the course of their operation;

registration of production and technical documentation. Complex adjustment of automated systems:

bringing the settings of the PTS (TS), communication channels and application software to values ​​(states) at which automated systems can be used in operation, while being carried out in a complex:

determination of the compliance of the order of testing devices and elements of signaling, protection and control systems with the algorithms of working documentation with the identification of the causes of failure or their "false" operation, setting the necessary values ​​for the operation of positional devices;

determination of the compliance of the flow capacity of shut-off and control valves with the requirements of the technological process, the correct development of limit and limit switches, position and status sensors;

determination of the flow characteristics of regulatory bodies (RO) and bringing them to the required rate using the adjustment elements available in the design;

clarification of the static and dynamic characteristics of the object, adjustment of the values ​​of the system settings, taking into account their mutual influence in the process of work;

preparation for the inclusion in the operation of systems to ensure the comprehensive testing of technological equipment;

testing and determining the suitability of automated systems to ensure the operation of process equipment with a capacity that meets the standards for the development of design capacities in the initial period;

analysis of the work of automated systems;

registration of production documentation, act of acceptance into operation of systems;

making changes in one copy of the circuit diagrams from the set of working documentation, agreed with the customer, based on the results of commissioning.

1.2.5. The prices of part 2 of department 1 do not include the costs of:

commissioning, the prices for which are given in the relevant sections of the FERp part 1 "Electrical devices": for electric machines (motors) of electric drives, switching devices, static converters, power devices, measurements and tests in electrical installations;

testing of automated systems in excess of 24 hours of their operation during the period of complex testing of technological equipment;

drawing up a technical report and estimate documentation;

delivery of measuring instruments for state verification;

configuration of components and screen forms, adjustment and refinement of design mathematical, information and software, determined on the basis of standards for design work;

revision of the TCP (TS), elimination of their defects (repair) and installation defects, including bringing the insulation of electrical equipment, cable communication lines and the parameters of the installed fiber-optic and other communication lines to the standards;

checking the compliance of wiring diagrams with circuit diagrams and making changes to wiring diagrams;

preparation of principal, assembly, detailed diagrams and drawings;

partial or complete reassembly of cabinets, panels, consoles;

coordination of work performed with supervisory authorities;

carrying out physico-technical and chemical analyzes, supply of exemplary mixtures, etc.;

drawing up a program of complex testing of technological equipment;

training of operating personnel;

development of operational documentation; usually it takes no more than a few minutes. [email protected], we'll figure it out.


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