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Your easy start in the beauty industry!

No lump sum and no royalty! "White&Smile" is in the TOP-7 most profitable franchise according to Forbes! We already have 390 partners! Will you be next?

Legal aspects, equipment selection, assortment formation, premises requirements, production processes, sales. Complete financial calculations.

Conducting trainings with psychological maps. 35 atmospheric trainings. Turnkey training. Everything you need to open your own Psychological Salon.

Thinking about how to open a business that does not require much effort? How to make money without investing a lot of money and effort? We have prepared 11 best business ideas from scratch. The profit from which can be about 200 thousand rubles per month. The main thing here is your desire and entrepreneurial spirit.

Owning a business takes a lot of time and effort. How to open a business without effort. Today we will talk about the ideas of our business for the lazy, which will require a minimum of effort. It turns out that you can earn money using only your intelligence and enterprise. Our selection combines profitable yet simple business ideas. You will surely find an option for yourself, if you are not too lazy to read the article to the end.

Photo booth - business from scratch

Attachments: 213 thousand rubles

Over the past few years in Russia, paper photographs taken in photo booths have been in trend again. It's fun, fast, and somewhat "old school". Such a business idea from scratch can easily be called passive income, because it does not need to hire employees, establish production, or start repairs. Everything you need to realize your business idea small investment and quality equipment. The checklist for opening a photo booth is simple:

  • buy equipment;
  • rent space;

    purchase consumables.

Equipment for the implementation of business ideas from scratch

Despite the apparent simplicity of this business idea of ​​the entire design of the photo booth, it is equipped with a high-precision camera and a powerful computer with special software. Therefore, a photo booth is not cheap equipment. A photo booth with high-quality photographic equipment will cost about 200 thousand rubles.

The initial cost of implementing this business idea

    200 thousand rubles - for the cabin itself;

    5 thousand rubles - for registration of IP and all organizational issues;

    3 thousand rubles - for renting a place to install a cabin;

    5 thousand rubles - for consumables

Place to rent

Choosing a location for a photo booth is like choosing the future for your business. For this format, the correct location is the main success factor. To expand a business, 1-1.5 sq.m. is enough. trading area. An ideal place for a photo booth would be: a shopping center, a cinema hall, a club, a zoo, a circus, an anti-cafe. At the height of the season, a photo booth can be placed on a closed skating rink, in a park, on a beach.

A photo booth can be used not only for fun, but also for profit. A large share of the profits of the photo booth is provided by photos for documents. Therefore, it is advantageous to locate it next to the MFC, passport office, universities, etc. Or you can add a set of comic props to the photo booth and rent it out for various holidays. Such entertainment is popular at weddings, corporate parties, etc.

Expendable materials

For the photo booth to work, you need to purchase: photo paper, printer ink and check tape. The cost of materials will amount to 4-5 thousand rubles per month.


After installing the cabin, you only need to go to the site twice a week: carry out collection, add paper and check the level of ink in the cartridges. You will work 2 hours a week, but the photo booth will work every day. And make a profit.

Income from your business

If you install the device in a passable place, then 15 people can use photo services per day. That is, the attendance will be 450 people per month. One print of photos costs 150 rubles, then a month you can get revenue of 67,500 rubles. Subtract from this amount the costs (materials, rent, taxes) - and get net profit in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. As a result, in just 4 months you will pay back your initial investment and start earning. You can read more about starting this business.

Advertising on your own car

Attachments: 0 rub.

Advertising on your own car is a business idea that does not require investments and efforts, but at the same time makes a profit. An ideal income for the lazy. This type of advertising is beneficial for both the advertiser and the owner of the car that hosts advertising banner. This is an effective replacement for expensive roadside shields and a great opportunity to earn additional income.

If you want to make money in this way, you need to contact advertising agencies that place advertising banners on cars. Once an advertiser is found, you must complete the documentation. First you need to conclude an agreement between the advertiser and the owner of the car. Then coordinate the actions with the traffic police: the inspector must make sure that the advertising banner does not interfere with drivers and does not threaten life. After verification, which must be completed within 10 days, you will receive a registration ticket. From now on, you can advertise on your car and start earning.

If you completely cover the car with advertising, you will earn 10-12 thousand rubles a month. Advertising on the rear window is estimated at 2-3 thousand rubles, and the sides of the body are about 5 thousand rubles. Lightbox, which is placed on the roof of the car, is able to generate income from 3 to 6 thousand rubles. You can earn about 2,500 rubles a month for a screen with a running line.

Vending is a business without investments: from an umbrella to shoes

Attachments: from 50 thousand rubles

Vending is a real business idea for entrepreneurs who want to get maximum profit with minimum effort. Organizing such an idea for a business is quite simple, and the starting capital will be only 100 thousand rubles. The whole business scheme: install a device with a certain product and check it a couple of times a week.

Today, vending allows you to sell anything - in most cases, the possibilities are limited only by the imagination of the entrepreneur. In Russia, most machines sell coffee, snacks and drinks. These segments are highly competitive. You can read about how to open a coffee vending. If you want to show imagination and occupy a free niche, implement other ideas. What else can be sold with a vending machine? Bijouterie, lenses, umbrellas, phone accessories, magazines, various household items. There are vending machines that make pizza or hot dogs. And even jukeboxes where you can order your favorite song. How to organize such a business, read. Depending on the type of vending, the type of equipment is determined - and its cost may be different. For example, a coffee machine will cost about 150 thousand rubles, but a pizza machine will cost more - 300-350 thousand rubles.

But there are also cheaper vending options. One of these is the shoe polish machine. The device costs about 40 thousand rubles and is a box with brushes and a bill acceptor. It is enough to buy a device, conclude a lease agreement for 2 sq.m. in mall(or other high traffic area). The machine will do the rest for you. You only need to change the shoe polish and rubber mat from time to time. And the most important thing is to take the proceeds. And here are some more original ideas for vending.

Attachments: from 5.000 - 10.000 rub.

An online store can be managed remotely and at no great cost.

The Internet sales market in Russia is growing very fast. In the first half of 2019, Russians made 191 million (!) orders online. And the main thing here is that you can start small.

The largest association of online store owners in Russia is the business club Imsider. The main plus is that all trainers are practitioners, owners of large operating stores. The guys constantly get together, conduct free master classes and share their experience.

On it you will understand whether it suits you this business. Learn to identify profitable niches, understand how to quickly and cost-effectively make the first website, etc.

The webinar is hosted by Nikolai Fedotkin, the owner of the Video-shoper online store (more than 15,000 people visit the site daily). Nikolay opened his website from scratch, from minimum investment, and now only in this project more than 100 people work. So first-hand practice is guaranteed.

Investments from: 1 thousand rubles

If you love animals, then you will love the idea of ​​animal breeding business. The size initial capital may differ, depending on who you decide to breed. These can be: cats, dogs, chinchillas, fish, bees, ferrets, snails, etc. A novice breeder must love animals and know the basics of veterinary business. You can sell animals through ads on a site like Avito.

Business without investment. Pet hotel / pet sitter

Attachments: from 30 thousand rubles

Continuing the theme of animal business. It's a great idea to make money by looking after other people's pets. The service will be relevant for people who leave the city for a few days and do not know with whom to leave their pet. AT major cities demand for this service is growing. Therefore, you can launch a startup - your mini-hotel for animals.

There are no special requirements from legislation for hotels for animals, so you can start your own business without any problems. You can place a mini-hotel in a private apartment - you need a minimum of 30 sq.m. Your veterinary education will be a big plus - specialists are more likely to trust their pets. You also need to correctly assess your capabilities: how many animals you will be able to keep track of at the same time.

Another similar business idea is dog walking. For this, you do not need to prepare a special room. You just take the dog and walk with it. In Russia, such services are only gaining popularity, but they are already finding customers. You can earn 15-30 thousand rubles walking dogs.

How to start a dropshipping business

Attachments: 0 rubles

The essence of the business idea: to sell goods that you do not have in stock. Dropshipping is a direct delivery from a supplier to a customer. The entrepreneur acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. The scheme is simple: the entrepreneur orders the necessary goods on his own behalf, and the supplier sends the goods immediately to the buyer's address. Thus, the entrepreneur can work without leaving home and without spending his money, working on a prepaid basis. The entrepreneur solves only organizational issues. Everything that the entrepreneur takes on is organizational issues. He will need to register on the site, communicate with the seller if necessary, track the delivery of goods, etc.

Advantages of dropshipping: the entrepreneur does not risk his own funds, does not need to hire employees, and can handle the volume of work alone. In addition, for effective work All he needs is a computer and the internet. The margin on the goods in this case ranges from 10% to 100%.

What you need to start a dropshipping business

    Find suppliers. Among the thousands of suppliers that can be found on the Internet, you need to select the most reliable and high-quality ones. Most often, large online stores are chosen as suppliers, which have a huge assortment and sell it at wholesale prices. Now you can find online stores created specifically for dropshipping:,,,,,,, Dropo and others.

    Contact suppliers. Please send a support letter stating that you want to work with them on the dropshipping system. The main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​what products you will offer to customers.

    Select a product. To decide on the direction, go to the usual popular online stores and see what products are in demand. It is recommended not to work with electronic goods, as they often cause problems with marriage and returns.

You can do without material costs at all. However, to quickly find customers, take care of advertising your online store. The advertising budget is up to you.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Renting things

Attachments: from 0 rubles

One of the most simple species earnings is renting out: apartments, garages, cars and other property. But the subject of rent can be not only real estate, but also other things:

    evening dresses;

    gaming consoles;

    bicycles, mopeds, scooters;



    equipment for organizing events;

    various tools (metal detector, puncher, lawn mower, etc.).

In order to implement this idea for a business, place ads on various sites. Tell us about your services on social media. networks. Post a photo of things with a detailed description and rental price. In order to avoid problems with non-return or damage to things, draw up an agreement where all the conditions and responsibilities of the parties will be spelled out. Specify the amount of damage that the tenant will have to pay in case of damage to your property. Provide a deposit - the amount that is returned to the client when he hands over the item.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of how much you can earn on rent. This is because it completely depends on what you decide to rent out. For example, if you place a bike rental point in a park, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month.

Business ideas from scratch. Buying sites

Attachments: from 50 thousand rubles

Recently, such an idea of ​​​​investing from scratch as buying a ready-made website in order to extract passive income has gained popularity. Business ideas for buying websites are somewhat similar to purchasing valuable papers on the stock exchanges. Some are highly valued, others are considered rubbish; some are profitable, others are unprofitable. Therefore, sites are constantly selling and buying.

Where to buy websites? There are various services that allow you to buy or sell a site and ensure the security of transactions. Services act as an intermediary and receive their percentage of the transaction. Exchanges where you can buy a site:

    Telderi is the largest Russian stock exchange. It is an auction of sites and domain names;

    Flippa is a foreign exchange. On it, you can very often buy a website with a company, i.e. ready-made business;

    Bitus is a private exchange of Internet projects. is a service that conducts auctions for the sale of sites and does not take a commission, so all the risks remain with you. But for 5% of the transaction amount, the service provides the services of a guarantor.

As a rule, the price of the site is calculated based on the payback of the project. But it all depends on the method of monetization: sites with passive income are more expensive.

How to buy a website

When buying a ready-made site, you need to consider the following parameters:

    Attendance and traffic quality. High-quality traffic is the one that mainly comes from search engines. In addition, pay attention to traffic dynamics and traffic sources, because the attendance counter can be cheated. Sharp jumps in the months leading up to a sale are one of the signs of cheating.

    Project optimization. It is important that there is no search engine spam on the site.

    Income. Request detailed data (screenshots) of site income for the entire period of its monetization. It is desirable to have data for the last six months at least.

    Expenses. Pay attention to how much the budget "eats" the content of the site. See if you can support them.

Buying a website is a profitable investment that can quickly pay off and make a profit. Having developed one project, you can buy a second, third ... Of course, not every site will bring a lot of money. But over time, you will gain experience, and it will be easier for you to analyze offers on the exchange in order to make the right decision.

Attraction of subcontractors - business without investments

Attachments: 0 rubles

simple business idea: look for freelance orders and delegate them to other freelancers. This scheme will be effective if you have already established your freelance business and have a certain status in the field. Then attracting subcontractors will be a way to expand your customer base and increase income. So, without investing a single ruble, you can earn on mediation.

Attachments: from 100 thousand rubles

The business scheme is simple: buy or rent equipment, install it in some shopping center and earn. Let's consider the idea in more detail using the example of a virtual reality attraction.

Such entertainment appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win fans. People want to immerse themselves in a fascinating story and experience new sensations. Interest in virtual attractions is also supported by the novelty of this service. Therefore, the demand for virtual reality rides is very high.

Place to start a business

To work, you need to rent trading area- the number of square meters will depend on how many complexes you plan to install. For one, 3-5 square meters will be enough. m. Renting such an area in a shopping center will cost about 30 thousand rubles a month. The rent usually includes payment utility bills and permits from the fire department, as well as cleaning.

It is better to choose a large shopping center with a large customer flow, preferably a family-type one, where people come not just for shopping, but also just to have fun. "Good Neighbor" playground, cafe or cinema.


The most important stage is the acquisition of equipment for the implementation of this business idea. This includes 3D glasses with software(provided by the supplier), high-speed computer with licensed software and a powerful video card. For an additional effect of presence, you can buy a special chair and wireless headphones. In addition, you will need to purchase different versions of the games - necessarily licensed products. Scroll necessary equipment includes:

    Oculus Rift glasses that provide a 3D effect - 40 thousand rubles. A more advanced option - the Oculus DK2 helmet will cost a little more, about 45 thousand rubles;

    Replacement lenses for glasses - 30 thousand rubles;

    Powerful computer with discrete graphics card and licensed operating system- 60 thousand rubles;

    Licensed versions of games - 4 thousand rubles / piece;

    Wireless headphones- 1 thousand rubles;

    Suspended and movable chair - 60 thousand rubles.


For the full equipment of the attraction with installation, warranty and technical support, you will have to spend 100-150 thousand rubles. Prices may be higher if you decide to purchase more powerful and advanced equipment that provides 4-5D effects.

Income of your business

It remains to calculate how much you can earn on the virtual reality attraction. At a price of 200 rubles for a 5-minute session, monthly revenue can be 100-200 thousand rubles. And this is not the limit. With the right choice of location and intensive loading of the attraction, you can earn up to 400 thousand rubles.

💡 What do you need to open an online store?

To start, you do not need to rent an office, hire employees, and sometimes even purchase goods.

    there are a large number of dropshipping suppliers (you are just an intermediary)

    for the minimum purchase of goods in Russia, 5,000 - 10,000 rubles are enough. For 20,000 - 30,000 rubles you can bring small quantities directly from China

    you can create a simple website for an online store in a few days yourself

2076 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 579032 times.

A finished thing is a dead thing. People knew this simple truth in ancient times, and today business has taken it into service. To stand out among the same type of finished items, flaws are again needed.

If earlier the business community was skeptical about games, now companies are actively mastering gamification. A few examples of how games are stepping on all fronts and are being introduced into our lives.

Investments from 45,000 rubles.

Franchise "Bright Point"

Ready-made turnkey business without fees and royalties, with minimal investment. Ability to work from home

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Today, the taste of food often fades into the background, the main thing is Nice picture for Instagram. In this article, we will talk about the Instagram food trend and its examples in different cuisines of the world.

Investments from 60,000 rubles.

Production of luminous finishing materials and paving slabs under the Oscar franchise

New species finishing materials which can be produced even at home. We offer to produce: luminous paving stones, tiles for the house, facade stone.

The words “sustainable” and “sustainability” in the Western business environment are now used to replace “environmental” and “environmental”. Why is this needed, and what types of businesses tend to call themselves sustainable?

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Unpackaged business trend: no packaging

Many foreign grocery stores and chains, not in words, but in deeds, support the trend for sustainable development and deliberately refuse to package goods, selling them by weight or in bulk.

What is a pet therapy business? Not at all a petting zoo and having fun with children strangling rabbits and chickens with the permission of mothers. You can contact animals without harming them.

Investments from 515,000 rubles.

Earn monthly up to 148,000 rubles. Interactive vending layout railway with the function of issuing gifts. An interesting alternative to standard vending solutions.

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You have the opportunity to open your own international agency dating online, or expand already existing business in this domain. Everything is ready to start an active and interesting...

The popularity of pixel design is not only an eccentricity from fans of the Minecraft game. Pixels contain nostalgia for the past "holy" childhood of many people on our planet.

Sometimes ordinary-looking stores sell something completely different from what it seems at first glance. But there is no malicious intent in this - just an unusual concept, a marketing ploy or some kind of social message.

Sweets for kids taste better if they have something to do with unicorns. The popularity of this mythical animal is now so huge that marketers breed unicorns in herds.

The increase in the number of single people has led to the fact that more and more manufacturers of goods began to rely on single-serve products, that is, designed for one person or one serving.

Investments from 250,000 rubles.

Own a profitable cleaning business under the guidance of experts in the field. Ready technologies and secrets successful work on the market. Support at all stages of business development.

There will always be increased attention to unusual and unique business ideas. On the one hand, the idea itself is already interesting to people - what is unique about it? On the other hand, I want to make sure for myself, give a subjective assessment - the idea will be successful everywhere or, due to irresistible reasons, this business idea is not capable of independent life. And not all ideas stand the test of time.

The new buzzword to describe, startup- brought all the eccentrics, in a good sense of the word, to a new level of perception by others. Previously, in the “pre-startup” era, all unusual entrepreneurs were considered, if not freaks, then at least nerds in business. They are busy with something there, well, let them do it, as long as they don’t interfere with anyone. Their ideas were perceived as something unfeasible without an understandable monetization scheme.

An actual example lying on the surface is an electric car. A hundred years ago, at the dawn of the automotive industry, electric cars had a numerical advantage over liquid fuel vehicles. Then the internal combustion engine supplanted electricity for a century. In the late nineties of the XX century, scientists and engineers, with the development of technology and the emergence of new materials, again turned to this topic. The first prototypes of new electric vehicles appeared. But their work again did not find practical application.

Several more decades have passed, and already many European countries are considering complete failure from vehicles with engines internal combustion in favor of electric vehicles. And electric cars themselves have occupied a small but tangible share of the global automotive market. Today, the world's major automakers are producing their own lineups of "green" vehicles powered by electricity, adding to them all possible types of vehicles - from sports cars and low-cost city cars to trucks and SUVs.

It all started, as you might guess, with an unusual business idea - the production of electric cars with rich equipment for everyday use. So, in 2012, in the private automobile company Tesla Motors (USA, California), they began selling the Tesla Model S, a luxury sedan powered by electricity. Instantly becoming popular around the world. First, it was an advanced commercial development. Secondly, there were no analogues, except for traditional cars with internal combustion engines. And here the “environmental friendliness” has already played its pluses. And after all, few believed in such success. Now Tesla cars represent the pinnacle of transportation evolution, offering customers a wide range of options not available in models from other manufacturers. Or maybe there is another car equipped with an autopilot, controlled remotely from a mobile device?


Now the ideas of a unique business, called a startup, are obsessed with the majority of active inhabitants of the Earth. Yes, yes, everyone is in one state or another of searching. unusual idea that can help them make quick money or become rich and famous. Without serious competition in the market, which distinguishes any startup from a traditional business.

The site project began to collect such ideas when the word startup was little known. Therefore, we modestly called our section " Chips(because they themselves did not know what a startup is).

In this section, we tried to collect various interesting chips from business, entrepreneurship and earnings. Published unusual business ideas without competition, a clear monetization scheme and detailed business plan. Ideas that could only be realized by notorious eccentrics, in the good sense of the word. Not afraid to take risks and be misunderstood. After a few years, the word "startup" gained fame, popularity and gained its own "taste". As they say, it has become a commercially profitable word. A marketing anchor capable of capturing the attention of investors and partners. And the "chips" have gone down in history.

A startup, in the modern sense of the word, is a product or a niche offer that has no analogues or has a unique property. Not infrequently, such an offer generates demand for itself, that is, it becomes the ancestor of an entire business sector. A full-fledged startup, with proper commercial promotion, is able to quickly occupy its own business niche and become a leader in its industry. This is the main condition of any such undertaking - to become a leading product. True, and here it is necessary to "separate the wheat from the chaff." For every successful startup, there are many “dummy” or non-working products.

And here only those who want to find own idea start-up - "eccentric", dreaming of being the first in everything. Only he can critically evaluate the idea "from his own bell tower." Because only a real "obsessed with business", as an expert, is able to find the hidden in the open, and come up with something of his own that can turn the traditional world of things and proposals upside down. Therefore, in this matter, it is enough just to give such an “eccentric” information for reflection, and he will do the rest himself.

We present a list of the 60 most unusual business ideas that can become a startup. Or, after studying them, you can come up with your own startup, if you are a truly passionate entrepreneur.

What to do for those who are stuck on a mountain or those who need a performance at their own funeral. It is for the provision of such strange services that the following 10 organizations were created, which are ready to lend a helping hand even in the most unusual situations.

1. AIC-CERT - American Institute for Historic Preservation

When Hurricane Katrina swept over New Orleans in 2005, more than 1,800 people died and the city suffered an estimated $108 billion in damage. Many private homes and businesses were destroyed, museums and libraries were flooded, damaging books, historical documents and works of art. . Hoping to preserve these priceless artifacts, the American Institute for Historic Preservation (AIC) organized a team of volunteers to salvage as many records, paintings and encyclopedias as possible.

Subsequently, AIC, inspired by the success of the team, formed a separate group at the institute dedicated to the preservation of works of art in the world. The group, called AIC-CERT, is made up of architects, art historians and other professionals. It offers art rescue services worldwide. AIC-CERT also holds special seminars where it teaches representatives of museums from other countries how to prevent a catastrophe (for example, how to freeze water-soaked books to prevent further damage, or how to properly clean mold from canvases).

2. Selection of names, slogans, names

It is often difficult to come up with a name for a child, a title for a novel or another article. It can be even more difficult to choose a name for a new product that is introduced to the market, because the success of its sale will largely depend on this. The Auckland-based organization Catchword is engaged in the selection of the most successful name or slogan. Among their clients are such famous companies as McDonald's, Starbucks, Wells Fargo and Time Warner Cable. As a rule, the client is provided with 30 to 60 slogan options.

Where to turn for help in case of a natural disaster or some kind of incident? First of all, the Red Cross or the Ministry of Emergency Situations comes to mind. But if a person is stuck on a mountain while climbing or finds himself in a war zone, there is often no time to wait for rescuers. In this case, you need to call a professional Global Rescue team, consisting of former Navy SEALs. They are ready to help in the most extreme conditions... for a considerable amount of money.

The team has offices in the US states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, as well as in Pakistan and Thailand. For example, during the "Arab spring" they evacuated 60 people from Egypt. Global Rescue rescued people during the tsunami in Japan in 2011, as well as during the earthquake in Nepal in 2015. In fact, these guys perform about 1,000 rescues every year and they are the best in the business.

4. Unified Weapons Master - new sports system

In modern mixed martial arts (MMA) there is one big problem - a complete ban on weapons. But many martial arts systems are just designed specifically for combat with a variety of weapons. The reasons for the ban are quite obvious - to avoid injuries and accidents. Australians David Paysden and Justin Forsell founded the Unified Weapons Master project, within which they want to establish their own own organization MMA in which the weapon will be used.

It is assumed that the athletes will fight in special armor made of carbon fiber and impact-resistant foam. Under the outer plates of smart armor are pressure sensors that allow you to count the hits missed in order to more accurately determine the winner.

5. Correcting mistakes in graffiti

Some people are Grammar Nazis and are very sensitive to mistakes. The guys from the Accion Ortografica Quito group take to the streets of the Ecuadorian capital Quito at night, armed with stencils and aerosol cans. They are engaged in the fact that they correct all the errors found in the graffiti on the streets of the city. As one member of the group stated, "We will not give up until our city is free of spelling errors on the walls."

6. Jazz Band for Chinese Funeral

Funerals in San Francisco's Chinatown are always an unusual sight. When a member of the Chinese community in America dies, it is believed that his spirit remains with the body. At the same time, there is a danger that the spirit will get lost and turn into an evil ghost.

In order to send the spirit of the deceased to rest, the inhabitants of Chinatown hold unusual parades. First, sweets are placed in the mouth of the deceased to "kill the nasty taste of death." A funeral procession is then held, led by an open-topped cabriolet on which a gigantic portrait of the deceased is displayed (so the spirit would supposedly be encouraged to stay close to the body). As the procession passes through the street, the mourners throw money into the air so that the spirit will pay for the passage of the soul to the afterlife. The most exciting part of this ritual is the music. The Green Street Mortuary Band is exclusively dedicated to playing Christian hymns at Chinese funerals in San Francisco.

7. Scotland Yard Super Recognizers

Scotland Yard has a special group of so-called super recognizers. These are people with unique abilities who only need to look at a human face once to remember it forever. According to official data, the efficiency of identifying criminals has tripled, which has had a positive impact on criminal statistics.

There are currently 152 Super Recognizers under contract and they are doing a really impressive job. In just one year, they watched over 200,000 hours of footage and spotted 600 suspects. Two-thirds of these suspects were charged with crimes, and 90 percent of them went to jail.

8. Shadow Wolves

At first glance, the service provided by the "Shadow Wolves" does not seem particularly unique. This team belongs to law enforcement agencies and is engaged in catching drug smugglers. What makes the Shadow Wolves unique is their way of working. The group is made up entirely of American Indians who use both modern technologies, and the ancient secrets of their ancestors. Every little thing helps them in tracking down smugglers at the border, and in reading the tracks they are second to none.

9 Extreme Abduction

People are often willing to do crazy things to get their dose of adrenaline. The New Orleans-based group provides adrenaline junkies with one of the strangest services imaginable. They kidnap their customers. Depending on how much they get paid (there are different rates), Extreme Kidnapping will kidnap their client in broad daylight, take them to an abandoned house, and keep them tied up for a certain amount of time. For an additional fee, they can also "try to drown" the client, torture him with a stun gun, or bring his worst phobias to life. Before ordering, the client must sign a special agreement that everything happens with his full consent and that he takes full responsibility.

10. Love commandos

Falling in love in India can be quite risky. In a country where parents still marry off their daughters in infancy, potential suitors must meet fairly strict criteria. First, young people are strongly discouraged from marrying someone outside of their religion or caste. It is also highly undesirable to marry against the will of the family, otherwise the parents may even try to kill the unlucky groom. So-called "honor killings" are especially common in northern India.

A group of "Love Commandos" rescue unfortunate couples in love whose parents are against their union. They secretly take young people out, supply them with groceries and food, settle them in secret apartments and do everything to unite loving hearts. This job is incredibly dangerous. Angry families often offer huge rewards to anyone who can kill such a commando.

The list of these business proposals can be adequately supplemented. But the authors sold them for mere pennies.


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