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We are building a house. Our school house. What is he for us?

The school lives an amazingly diverse, interesting, creative life. How many good traditions we have. We prepare all events, meetings together.

Any happy thought manifestation

And the audacity of the lines that came for a reason.

Everything arose with a sense of surprise.

The desire to comprehend the properties of objects.

Find them the proper places.

Everything was preceded by the heat of anxiety,

Everything started from scratch.

Behind the map, on the piano, in the arena,

Above the clay, on the stage, at the canvas.

Not only our House - the creation of the world

Everything started from scratch.

This year was no exception for us. New successes have been achieved, traditions have been preserved.

Today we have gathered here for a holiday that has become traditional - the birthday of our children's association "Republic of Chance".

I invite today's birthday people here. Some of them take this stage last time, because they leave the walls of their native school this year.

So, to a storm of prolonged applause, our activists are invited, headed by the president of the children's association Tanova Maria.

    Irina Allegrova's song "Birthday" sounds. Activists leave.

At our holiday we collected

We are the pride of the school, school light!

And what, tell me, would you call

Those who have already achieved victories?!

Those who don't just go to school

And teaches, thinks and creates?

And who are the scientific foundations-

Save the prestige of Russia!

Who helped us do better

And more fun at school life,

Did not remain indifferent

And the schoolboy understood the prestige!

Today is our last holiday

Our final ending

Results of different nominations

And it's time for the awards!

For several years, these guys have been actively participating in the district contest of activists "Leader".

To present diplomas to the administration of MKOU "Medium comprehensive school No. 7 "of the Predgorny municipal district of the Stavropol Territory, Ivan Fedorovich Naidanov, director of the school, is invited to the stage.

    Presentation of diplomas.

For several years, the entire staff of our school has been actively cooperating with the Goryachevodsk orphanage. At the regional contest of activists "Leader" we presented the social project "Give children a holiday", which we would like to introduce you now.

    Project presentation.

Description social project"Give the children a holiday!"

1. We present to your attention the social project "Give children a holiday."

2. The initiative in the organization of the social project was shown by the School Council under the leadership of the deputy director for educational work Shuda Nina Borisovna.

3. Subject project activities is the team of MKOU secondary school No. 7.

4. Object - pupils orphanage Goryachevodsky village.

5. During the organization of the project, we set ourselves the main goal. This is the creation of favorable psychological comfort and a positive attitude in children.

6. Project objectives:

Inclusion of students in charitable work aimed at organizing targeted assistance to pupils of the orphanage.

Fundraising for charitable assistance to the orphanage.

Creation of conditions for the orientation of schoolchildren on socially significant matters.

Development of the volunteer movement.

7. Stages of project implementation.

Preparatory stage takes place annually from November to December. It includes the development of an action plan for the implementation of the project.

The next main stage runs from December to April, the main task of which is to carry out planned activities.

And on final stage we sum up the results of the project activity.

8. The practical significance of the project lies in the active participation of students in the development, organization and implementation of project activities. And also in creating an information field for the promotion of universal values.

The worst thing is that an increasing number of children become orphans with living parents.

Now there are about 600,000 orphans in Russia (of which 95% are social orphans, that is, children whose parents are alive, but deprived of parental rights, or they themselves abandoned the child).

These are the children who live in the Goryachevodsk orphanage, where we will go.

9. Video recording of the trip.

10. Living and growing up in an orphanage, children do not receive enough attention and affection that could be given to them from their parents. Due to the lack of parental attention and care, rudeness, emotional stress appear in their behavior, deceit, envy, and conflict develop.

11. Communication of children brought up in an orphanage is more often limited to the age group to which they belong, and is reduced to a discussion of those topics that concern them directly or are proposed by the teacher. Entering into various social contacts, such children most often fail, because they do not operate with the concepts that children who are brought up in the family use in their games when communicating - this becomes an obstacle to their further communication with each other.

But we know that these are children just like us. They can and should communicate, laugh, receive positive emotions. Every time we visit the orphanage, we try to help them with this. And we can say with confidence that after each regular communication, these guys become more open, confident.

12. Children's gaze toys beckonHere are horses, there is a top,Here is the railroadHere is the hunting horn.And the lanterns, and the stars,That burn with diamonds!Golden nuts!Transparent grapes!Be you blessedYou, whose good handChoose this treeFor the little ones!Rarely, rarely illuminatesJoy bright their days,And all year they will dreamChristmas trees bright lights.

13. Video recording.

14. The soul of a child is pure with holiness,Alive and joyful from the love of attention,She is bright, naive and simple,And inspiringly seeks understanding.

The soul of a child lives close -Learning harmony and brotherhood in the family,She knows the way of Fate,That will lead her someday to happiness.

The soul of a child is light as fluff,She is beautiful and aspires to God.You strengthen his vulnerable spirit,And show the way to Truth.

15. We have been cooperating with the Goryachevodsk orphanage since 2005 under the motto "Helping hand: from children to children!"

The sphere is filled with music,
Sweet melody beckons.
Rhythm from the heart
Controls minds.

Lightness, breath of freedom,
Strength and joy of movement -
Overcome carefree
Sinful Earth attraction.

Plasticity, grace, dexterity
Instantly turn into a feeling.
And without a single word
They proclaim a miracle.

The floor is deceptive gloss ...
Couples in outfits flock.
Dance! Divine dance!
The highest art in the world!

    Dance /Polina+Artyom/

We live in the world of music

And every day we sing in the soul.

That song warms the heart.

And let not all become singers,

But music is with us in life.

    The song "Music connected us" in Spanish. Chernovaya Anastasia, 8v

Possession of the body, trembling of the soul,
And the beauty of the flowing gesture
And elements of difficult turns!

To a sigh, all movements are honed.
She herself is sweet, transparent and light;
But how much perseverance and aspiration is in it,
And liveliness, and strength, and spark!

Clubs, a hoop, a ball fly up,
And the wave of the ribbon captivates the monogram.
She's always afraid of failure
But behind the smile hides this fear.

Number - gymnast / Sedova Natalia, 2b /

Perhaps he was a stylist,
What's on the rampage in fashion
And the author of fresh views, - good
Born in the fifties:

In that year, the leader of the peoples died,
And Vorkuta raged,
And the first hydrogen bomb
The Soviet dream was torn.

Following Tommaso Campanella
He boldly went to the City of the Sun,
And believed that any business
He can do well.

    Dance - "Dandies"

On November 8, 1961, the first game of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club was broadcast on black and white television in the Soviet Union. It is unlikely that anyone could then assume that the KVN program was destined to become the most "tenacious" on Soviet and Russian television and gain international status. After the collapse of the USSR, KVN did not cease to exist in most of the CIS republics, and their representatives are still integral participants in the game to this day.

Our KVN team this year became a member of the Stavropol Regional Junior League of KVN in the Predgorny region.

And today they are on our stage.

One simple fable
Or maybe not a fable
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But we will remember.

We remember the team
Or maybe not a team
Or maybe a group
Once lucky.
They came to the feast
Maybe not for a holiday
Or maybe they didn't come at all?
Which is generally good.
They took the stage
Or maybe they didn't come out.
Or maybe a palm tree
They took off running.
And there they have breakfast,
Or maybe dine
Or maybe play KVN
Gathered calmly.

    Performance of the KVN team.

Hello dear boys.

Hello dear girls.

We came to you by tram ...

Aha! ( Twisting a finger at the temple. Mimicking ) We flew to you on a plate.

What don't you like?

Well, we're not at a matinee in kindergarten!

OK then.

Hi all. You are welcomed by a young but promising KVN teamschool number 7.

Not young, but newabout born! They couldn't even come up with a name.

Why didn't they make it?

We wanted Spire Willy, but something was forbidden to us ...

    Beating (Leningrad- Magic People , fragment.)

Olya L ran away. Olya K., Olya Ch.

And now, according to the KVN tradition, everyone in the team needs to come up with a role.

Like this?

Well ... there must be a smart guy, stupid blonde ...

Preferably two! Or three. (looking back ) Let's repaint.

Some idiot. (Aram went with an extension cord)


Well, for example, in "Kefir" from Nyagan - all the idiots, and in the national team of Dnepropetrovsk - a good half!

Let's not deviate from tradition!

    Beating (Leningrad- Magic People , fragment). 3 Oli ran away.

Well, let's play the game!

How is it in the big leagues?

Let's start with biathlon.

Arshavin's son asked for 25 million euros for the transition to the 2nd grade.

A very frail boy stepped on his gum and was late for school.

In the family of a Trudovik and a teacher of literature, each time a child reads a new poem on a new stool.

The State Duma banned the sale of cigarettes closer than a hundred meters from schools. Fizruk rejoice. Never before have schoolchildren run a hundred meters with such a desire.

And the sponsor of our school is the new children's search engine Vugl, if you want to know a lot, go to the corner.

Fifth-grader Ivanov killed the teacher…… with his stupidity.

If it weren't for Dobry juice, our director would have killed all the students long ago.

So. Stop. That we are all about school and about school. Is there more than that???

Well, for example…

Grandfather Frost, you came with some drunk girl last New Year. I washed my hands in compote. Ate all the food from the dog bowl. And then with a cry: “And now snowballs!” started throwing pigeons. I like it. Come again.

By the way, Masha, who are you going to celebrate the New Year with?

Well…. I did not decide yet………

And come on ... .. one ... agreed?

Yesterday I met a girl. I liked her very much.

Did you pick up the phone?

I took it… Look how fancy it is!!!

Who tears the paws of bears?

Bunnies in the rain vanishes

Tannin threw the ball into the river,

Broke off the bull's plank.

Everyone knows...who is this???

This is Agniya Barto.

And back to school.

Miniature "Diploma Seller"

    A man is standing on the pavement with a cardboard “diplomas, certificates”. Street musicians are playing to the left. On the right, a beggar is begging. The buyer approaches the seller.

Yu: Tell me, can I buy a school leaving certificate from you?

P: Easy.

Yu: What about the real one?

P: Real ... well, what? Will you take?

The guy nods.

P: What's your name?

Yu: Yura.

P: (turns to the musicians and the beggar) We work for Yura.

The musicians slightly turn to the guy and start playing the “school waltz” (An excerpt from a school waltz sounds)

P: Dear Yura. All 11 years you were the pride of our school. And then came the solemn time for the presentation of the certificate. Congratulations ... from the entire teaching staff. Deserved.

The musicians play touches. (Fanfare sounds)

The seller holds out the certificate. A beggar comes up and shakes hands.

    Beating (Leningrad- Magic People fragment). Everyone dispersed. Oli came out

Still, our teachers are the best.

And the school is the most beautiful.

There is just one problem here.

    Voiceover of the cartoon "Cheburashka"

Hello Hello!

Can I speak to the director of school No. 7 Naidanov Ivan Fedorovich?

Hello, I'm Ivan Fedorovich.

And I'm an elementary school student. Here we sit, waiting for the builders.

And write down, please, Popov Yanis in the 1st grade. Teach him to read...

And write.

We cannot accept you, our school is not completed, and there are no places in the old one.

How is it that 4 years have already passed and you are building everything ???

I need to study, who will continue my father's business???


Hello, I am the Minister of Education of the Stavropol Territory! Until now, they have not completed the construction ... Gentlemen, officials, figure it out !!!

Now they will dance with me!

Lazy, ugly, to finish everything immediately!

    Final song (Based on the song "Degrees-Naked") Everyone goes out.

We like it when smiles are on our faces

When fun and humor and there are no empty seats in the hall.

We like to joke on stage and in the classroom,

And in a cafe, and in a minibus - and it will not get bored.

We like it when the jury is in awe

A good location will give us the highest score.

I like to give my mood to everyone,

So that everyone does not lose heart and do not yearn!

Don't care if we get sick

We still can't be sad

And we don't need anything, damn it,

Only applause as a reward!

Ivan Fyodorovich Naidanov is invited to the stage to present the diplomas.

    Presentation of certificates to KVN workers.

What do we call motherland?

The house where you and I grow up

And birch trees, along which,

Let's go hand in hand...

What do we call motherland?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

Traditionally, this year we took part in the district festival "School Spring". It was dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the formation of the Russian statehood.

Now we want to show you a small fragment of this grandiose event.

    Video recording.

    Song performed by Anastasia Chernova + presentation. Against the backdrop of a loss, the presenters read the words.

What you love, what you breathe
What fills our heart
That in the voice will be heard
That will be remembered in the song.

And we will sing about the motherland,
With which so much is connected

With which so much passed

Good and different!

Heavy - will be forgotten
Good will remain

What will happen to the motherland

The same will happen to the people.

With its meadows, fields,
With her thicket forests

She would be happy

And we will be happy.

And no matter how much she went through,
We won't say we're tired

And sing a song about the motherland

With friends we will not refuse!

Dance, dance, bright star.

Blaze like a flame in the dark sky.

You are in our heart forever

And forever we bow before you.

O dance! We are with you forever...

Thank you for being

Thank the word Man

You transform with your creativity!

'Cause you give us a new world

A world without deceit and without flattery.

And where, to the sounds of gentle lyres

With you we want to be only together.

    Dance performed by the ensemble "Golden Fleece"

Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. And every adult, at least for a moment, would dream of returning to this wonderful world of goodness and miracles.

As a child you can touch

The edge of a dream.

Find your way to her

You definitely can.

Children love blue stars

In colorful dreams to fly ...

Everything comes true in the world

If you only want!

And how our teachers are now dreaming of a vacation ... Especially for them, our correspondents flew around ... no matter what ... In general, attention! Dear teachers! Only for you. Our video "Vacation". Choose your vacation spots. Sponsors will pay for everything!

    Video "Vacation"

How much lived, how much we have in luggage

Deeds, events, ideas, reflections and disputes.

And, perhaps, give it away already

Impossible: no time for talking.

We habitually live in vanity, running around,

We get tired of the habit and wait for change.

There is no harmony in our everyday world,

And I would like to be sure.

Day after day, the years pass faster and faster,

Leaving questions, changing answers.

Knowledge is power and light. And to whom, like us

To know that life is distinguished by the desire for light.

    Song from the repertoire of V. Brezhnev "Real Life"

Jasmine intoxicates with its scent,
The air is saturated with tart, warm moisture,
In the living room by the window I sit alone,
And from the sea the coolness of the night blows to me.

But the silence was suddenly shattered by sounds:
The lute frankly catches the string,
And beats in my chest dumbek knock,
Taking away my peace and sleep instantly.

Transparent haze, like a veil, your scarf
Soared smoothly into the air in front of me
You appeared nearby, slowly,
Like a dream or a vision at night.

    Dance "Oriental"

You must sing - by all means!
Above the world your song should ring.
At least the heart cried, sobbed -
You must sing! You must sing!

Let your song infuriate some
To others, it is a healing balm.
And let her console someone's old age,
Will direct youth to bright skies.

You must sing - let your song rush
To the hearts that groan in grief and sorrow.
Let her smile gently at them
And shine in the sky!

    Song - G.E.

I'm looking for a way to a fairy tale

I want to create a miracle.

Well, at least something like that

That I will never forget.

Show me the path

Show me the path:

Fly to meet a miracle

My little feet.

Who to ask for directions?

Where to look for the treasured forest?

There will be a lot of magic

There will be a miracle of miracles!

    Fairy tale dramatization.

And now, my friends, I will tell you a fairy tale. Neither beyond the blue seas, nor beyond the distant mountains, nor in the sky, but on the earth, the Fool lived in the village. And as the fairy tale says, that Fool decided to marry. And besides, very soon he pinned an ad on the fence, where he recalculated: age, personality, rank and gender, height. The size of the bast shoes, the salary ... Well, in short, everything in a row ...

In less than a day, it seems like not one, but three whole people come to his yard ... If you want, go out and look! Red Riding Hood, Vasilisa the Beautiful and, imagine, Yaga, Wooden Leg.

Soon a fairy tale is told, but not soon everything is happening. And I don't waste time. We continue our story. The first - Fox Alice was Vasilisa. Vasilisa says:

Really, my clear light, with Vasilisa the Beautiful, don’t you want to go to the registry office? You will see for yourself along the way how men will look at me everywhere.

Fool thought.

Nah… something is wrong here. Well, as I'm on a business trip, and it's embarrassing to think about what could be at home here. No, do not drink water from your face!

But Vasilisa does not give up, her speech flows like a river.

And I have a communal light in the capital. And you will be with me personally, even though the Fool, but the capital.

And Yaga to the Fool:

Vanka, be on the alert. Well, why do you need a communal room in the capital. My friends live there, you can't endure a day there.

Everything! Vasilisa turn. Little Red Riding Hood forward.

Maybe I’m not so beautiful, but it’s amazing for others: I fry, steam and cook, and I’ve been watching my sick grandmother for three years now.

Frying, park and dinner, but there is no romance. If I have money in my pocket, I will also eat in a restaurant. And I need that sick grandmother like a toothache.

And Yaga is running forward, jumping and squealing ...

Ay, Fool, ay. Well done! You've wised up, finally. What is Beauty to you… Care… It is important that you do not work so that you can rest. Well, God sees this, only I will arrange it for you if you marry me.

The Fool made a smart look and said this:

And what? The old lady is right. The old woman has a hut, a personal mortar, a savings book. And what are her friends? Reptiles, snakes, water, Leshy - uncle, brother - Kashchei, it will be more fun to live with her. And that she has a lot of years, so it's for the best, by God! Maybe soon, without hesitation, I will celebrate a wake for her. And I will go to the sea, to Sochi, with Vasilisa, by the way.

Then he ran up to the grandmother and pressed her to him. Yes, how he began to hug, but how he began to kiss !!! Soon a fairy tale is told, but not soon everything is happening. The day passed like an empty hour. Our Fool is not single. He lives with his young wife. Look, there she goes.

How are you?


Well, how?

How is your man - Fool?

And Yaga answered them:

- There was a Fool, but now there is not!

- How so?

- Yes, what's the matter?

- Yes, I ate him, dear!

Here is the end of the story. And who listened - well done. And the meaning of morality is this - there will be fewer Fools.

School! Among tall buildings

Like a fortress you stand.

Treasury of Knowledge

You multiply and keep them.

Children from all around

They come to you in the morning

Where the windows shine

And where we are always waiting.

School House. What is he for us?

The School House is like the parental one, but only with great opportunities and choice, it is also good to study and feel comfortable in it for everyone, like in a family, everyone is loved, respected, appreciated, regardless of academic success, for being a Human.

The School House is a community of children and adults: students, teachers and parents. This is the joy of joint creative creation.

This is a forge of knowledge and a workshop of souls, where we are surrounded by beauty, play, fantasy, creativity.

It is a sanctuary where one learns to be happy.

With this, our holiday program has come to an end, but we do not say goodbye to you, we say to you

See you soon!

    The song "I wish ...", from the repertoire of E. Vaenga.


To the music of E. Grieg "Morning" the curtain opens.

The facilitator reads the poem behind the scenes.

Against the background of the last quatrain, a junior choir comes out

In the radiance of music and colors

Art brings us joy again

Divine sounds aspire upward

And on the palette of creativity flight!

In the radiance of the stars, in the constellations of talent

The sound of songs, music, poetry

Today young artists and musicians

Send your love from heart to heart!

Number performed without announcement

After the song, the choir remains on the stage, the hosts of the concert

1leader - Oksana

Good afternoon dear friends!

"Children's School of Arts" welcomes you to the concert

"In the radiance of music and colors" (all in unison)

2 leading-Anthony

Today the hosts are with you all evening - Oksana Sergeevna

1leader - Oksana

Our student Anthony Vlasov!

(applause sounds)

1leader - Oksana

Children are on stage today! Children's creativity is always genuine and sincere.

2 leading-Anthony

We will play music, create, fantasize!

1leader - Oksana

Not every one of us will become an artist or a musician, but it will give us pleasure, we will know the joy of creativity, we will learn to see the beauty in the ordinary!


The concert program was opened

Consolidated choir of elementary school students

Head Kunets Larisa Aleksandrovna

concertmaster Artemyeva Tatyana Sergeevna

Applause sounds, the members of the choir leave the stage

2 leading-Anthony

I think it is in the radiance of children's creativity that a fairy tale is born.

— Oksana Sergeevna, do you adults believe in fairy tales?


As a child I believe in fairy tales

I believe in magic, in miracles, in light...

On the palette of my musical colors,

And with a bow I draw the dawn ...

2 host - Anthony

On the stage, the winner of regional, regional competitions

Barysheva Aglaya

Carl Bohm "Continuous Motion"

class of the teacher Ruzhnikova Elena Sergeevna

concertmaster Regalovskaya Maria Andreevna


Just one moment - on the whole big planet

May April shine in our hearts

Let the children grow up under the warm sun

And drops sound like music.

2 host - Anthony

Children's creativity is a special art: it contains the unsolved secrets of talent, talent, a moment of dawn, full of miracles and discoveries.


Meet the youngest participant of the concert

Badrutdinov Samir,

Laureate of the regional, winner of the International competitions

Class of the teacher Kozionova Tatyana Leonidovna

Alexander Dolgikh "Come on, catch up!"


Anthony, do you think birds can sing the blues?

2 host - Anthony

In the country of art, of course, they can! Our young musicians are simply magicians!

Birds sing in their music, nature sings, heart and soul sing!

Laureate of the regional, diplomat of the Regional competitions

Gorbonos Margarita

class of the teacher Yudina Tatyana Anatolyevna

Christina Crete "Bird Blues"

2 host - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, if you could not play the piano, what instrument would you choose?


I have one dream...

I would like to learn how to play an instrument that sounds bright and sonorous on forte, and warm and velvety on piano.

It was to this instrument that N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov entrusted the song of a squirrel gnawing nuts in The Tale of Tsar Saltan

2 host - Anthony


The hammers used to play this instrument are affectionately called "goat's feet".

2 host - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, what is the name of this interesting instrument?

Where can you hear it?


This instrument, Anthony, is called a xylophone. And you can see and hear it right now.

Ready for your performance

Laureate of the regional competition Ensemble "Trend"

Regalovskaya Maria Andreevna

Turgunov Bakhram Muydinovich

Manfred Schmitz "Boogie Woogie"


As a child, I heard at night
Sweet tune sounds.
Tool unknown to me
Published them so beautifully.

2 host - Anthony

Who played? On what?


- I don't know;
Everything is covered with a secret mist;
I only remember that those sounds
They have power over me.

2 host - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, I solved your riddle. You are talking about the Russian folk instrument - the balalaika!

Playing this instrument leaves no one indifferent!


Now we are all convinced of this ...

welcomes you balalaika ensemble of the children's art school with their leaders Ladykina Yulia Viktorovna, Nosova Lyubov Petrovna and artists of the concert ensemble of the Palace of Culture "Arktika"

2 host - Anthony

Arranged by Nikolai Tolmachev - Russian "Lady"!


I'll take the colors

I'll write down my feelings

Bright juicy palette

Without longing and without sadness

2 host - Anthony

I will open the canopy

So that feelings sing.

And so that the Russian song

Your heart is warmed...


Arranged by Evgeny Derbenko, Russian folk song

"Oh, you canopy"

2 host - Anthony

performs Winner of the Grand Prix of the regional competition,

Laureate of the International Competition - duet:

Batmanov Ilya and Punanov Egor

Heads Kashintseva Nadezhda Mikhailovna,

Erofeeva Galina Pavlovna

2 host - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, music for me is something extraordinary, bewitching, magical.


Yes, Anthony, you are right, music is magical!

But it's impossible to prove magic...

We can only exclaim: Ah! tremble from the realization that the radiance of magic is here, in front of us and the creators of its children ...

2 host - Anthony

Such as, Zobnina Ulyana, Winner of the Grand Prix of regional competitions, laureate of international competitions

Class of the teacher Kozitsyna Elena Yurievna

Ignaz Moscheles "Musical Bonbonniere"

The screen goes down, a film about the school is shown

Chairs for an orchestra of Russian instruments are displayed on the stage

After the end of the movie. The members of the orchestra take their places

2 host - Anthony (walking upstage)

Oksana Sergeevna, one has only to close the curtain for a while and there are so many people on the stage ...

Like the Philharmonic...


Yes, Anthony, we have a lot of talented children.

And on stage Orchestra of Russian folk instruments of students and teachers of the children's art school. Head Kozionova Tatyana Leonidovna

2 host - Anthony

Everything is kept strictly and gracefully,

Top of perfection!

How beautiful she is!

No wonder that even time

classical music has no power!


I. Brahms "Hungarian Dance No. 5"


We still hear the sound of drops

Victorious that and early that spring,

It's good that the starlings sang again,

How good it is in the world without war!

2 host - Anthony

Rumil Vildanov "Fiery Roads"

The orchestra chairs are being removed,

the floor for greetings is given to the director of the Children's School of Art Pudovkina I.O.

2 host - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, who writes the music?


Perhaps flying birds drop

On five endless lines

cooled light feathers.

2 host - Anthony

And those feathers are bright colors

Will they come to life, growing into sounds?


Yes, Antony, when autumn comes,

Clusters of chords will hang,

And music with a gentle gesture

Opens its pages...

2 host - Anthony

Neapolitan song "Santa Lucia"

They give it to us Sannikova Maria and Aivazova Liana

Class of the teacher Chechueva Natalya Yurievna

Concertmaster Anna Sergeevna Listova

2 host - Anthony

Pairs swing smoothly
On musical waves...
How naive and glorious there -
In those golden times!


Meet Ardeeva Vladimir

Class of the teacher Ilchenko Elena Stanislavovna

Roman Bazhilin "Waltz - Musette"


Anthony, do you like solfeggio?

2 host - Anthony

Solfeggio, whether you like it or not, everyone loves, because in this subject in the final class you have to take an exam!


So you know what "Take five" is?

2 host - Anthony

Of course I know! This is the title of Paul Desmond's famous play Let's Try Five.

The work is written in the insidious musical time signature 5/4 (five quarters)!


Then, for you, Anthony, and for all the spectators, a surprise ...

On stage Laureate of regional and international competitions Maria Rakhmilevich

Class of the teacher Kuzmina Natalya Viktorovna

2 host - Anthony

Really Paul Desmond, edited by Sergei Gavrilov

"Let's try five"?


Yes Anthony, enjoy!


The laureate of regional competitions, the ensemble of domrists and its leader Chernyaeva Lyubov Leonidovna, is preparing for the performance,

2 host - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, what is a "foxtrot"?


Foxtrot is a dance that originated at the beginning of the 20th century.

Translated from English, fox is a fox, trot is a quick step

2 host - Anthony

It turns out - foxtrot, means "fox step"?

Again I am convinced of the magic of music - “birds sing the blues”, foxes dance ... These are miracles ...


Anthony, miracles have not ended, now we will hear more

"Fox step" composer Sergei Fedorov.


The music of the soul is always with me, the music in the soul sings in the spring,

How many colors and radiance in it, in my soulful music.

2 host - Anthony

There are many colors in my music, choose any, do not be shy,

Each color has its own melody, and all together - this is my music

I carefully keep this music, filling my harmony with it ...


Welcome to the ensemble of guitarists led by

Plenina Olga Vyacheslavovna, Tarasova Olga Nikolaevna

2 host - Anthony

Elena Poplyanova "Milonga"


Each musician invests in the performance of a work a piece of his personality - unique and unrepeatable, and if this is a virtuoso musician, then his playing will be saturated with bright, emotional colors.

2 host - Anthony

The performance of music by this duet is always emotional, energetic and enchanting!


Winner of the Grand Prix of regional competitions Karpova Diana

class of teacher Ivanova Svetlana Ivanovna

and teacher of the children's art school Kropotina Roza Nikolaevna

George Gershwin "Clap to the beat"


Wave of hands like wings
Fluttering birds, flying up.
And the dance of the fingers, effortlessly
Easily fluttering up and down.

2 host - Anthony

All the keys obeyed them,
live music flowed...
Fingers flew up and circled
Bewitching us with the game ...


Valery Gavrilin "Tarantella"

2 host - Anthony

Performed by the winners of the Grand Prix of regional,

winners of international competitions

Dyanova Arina and Shpodaruk Egor

Class of teachers Barkhatova Natalya Kirillovna

Nosova Nadezhda Aronovna


Anthony, do you like Russian folk songs?

2 host - Anthony

Yes, Russian music is excitingly beautiful and irresistibly attractive to me.


Then you will appreciate the work that will now sound.

The composer decided to "play tricks" and "dressed up" the Russian song in Latin American rhythms.

2 host - Anthony

Welcome to the accordion trio Winners of the Grand Prix of regional competitions Kuzmina Tatyana, Enyutina Arina, Lisitsyna Alexander, head Kurilas Irina Alexandrovna

Concertmasters Rubezhsky Alexey Viktorovich, Bulgakov Oleg Rufiatovich


Victor Trofimov "Duck in Latin America"

2 host - Anthony

So we took a ride with "Utushka" to Latin America.

Where would you, Oksana Sergeevna, still want to go?

Music today fulfills any desire!

1 host - Oksana

Tempting offer, Anthony!

Since nothing is impossible today, then I would like to relax in the Bahamas: sit on the seashore, and be blown by a light Bahamian breeze ...

2 host - Anthony

Please, Oksana Sergeevna!

Margarita Tarapatova "Bahamian Breeze"

performed by the laureate of the regional festival "Youth Spring"

Ensemble "Lyceum"

leaders Ovchinnikova Lyubov Valentinovna

Karpunin Evgeny Andreevich

2 host - Anthony

From year to year the skills of young musicians are growing. In the radiance of music and colors, new talents flourish.

1 host - Oksana

And already our former graduates have their diligent students.

2 host - Anthony

And the teams under their leadership become a stepping stone on the way to comprehension of the performing heights of future professionals.

1 host - Oksana

On the stage, a laureate of regional competitions, a pop ensemble led by Sabatovich Igor Orestovich.

2 host - Anthony

Tired of being a gray person,
Draw me in a colorful picture
I want to be the pink panther
And walk to the music of Mancini.

1 host - Oksana

Henry Mancini "Pink Panther" (in chorus)

Against the background of the words of the leaders, the senior choir is lining up

2 host - Anthony

1 host - Oksana

The children's choir is a "small island of hope" for the preservation of vocal traditions, the education of the future, on which the prosperity of art depends.

2 host - Anthony

Oh, those children's choirs!

With the fun ease of play

They change light and shadows.

1 host - Oksana

Everything is in them - soul, dream, space

And our memory is a legacy ...

Ah, dear children's choir,

Hello from sunny childhood!

2 host - Anthony

Meet Combined choir of students and teachers

children's art school

Conductor Banina Alisa Valentinovna

concertmaster Daricheva Galina Andreevna

1 host - Oksana

Music by Yuri Saulsky Lyrics by Leonid Zavalniuk

"Happiness to you, earth"

2 host - Anthony

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, here from smiles it's crowded

On a creative wave, childhood floats somewhere

1 host - Oksana

Music by Alexander Zhurbin Lyrics by Peter Sinyavsky

"Planet of Childhood"

1 host - Oksana

So our holiday came to an end, which gave us all a lot of positive emotions.

2 host - Anthony

The world of my sunny childhood...

He is full of happiness, kindness and light.

In the radiance of music and colors of color

Sparkles with the facets of the art itself ...

1 host - Oksana

Walk with us barefoot through a rainbow of colors, listen to beautiful music and your every day will always be colorful, bright and happy!

Chorus: See you soon!

Scenario of the reporting concert PDO - 2016

Vlada : The one who does not part with music, dances,
Can boldly go through life,
And all of you, as the song says,
All roads are still ahead.

Vlada : Good afternoon dear friends! Good afternoon, dear fans of young talents! We welcome everyone to our holiday - the Accounting Concert.
Dasha: Today, the hall of our school hospitably opened its doors, meeting everyone who wants to plunge into beautiful world, World of Art! The excited faces of the teachers, more than ever responsible children, parents, many guests - all this, of course, gives a special solemnity to our holiday.

Power: yes our school is rich in talents. And today we will celebrate those guys who worked for a whole year for the benefit of our school. These are artists, activists, environmentalists and local historians, athletes and, of course, our teachers.

Dasha: Svetlana Anatolyevna Mamedova, Deputy Director for Education, is invited to be awarded.



Vlada : We ask everyone to go to the auditorium and take their seats.

Song "Towards the Wind"

Dasha: Music takes us to past centuries,
After all, there is no other way for us to go there,
There are many miracles waiting for us, but for now
This song is for everyone today.

Vocal Ensemble "Vesnushki" on stage


Vlada : They can sit and chat about something
Or just keep silent about something with each other.
They can laugh with each other for so long
that laughing would make their stomachs ache.
They trust each other as if to themselves,
They know each other like no one else on earth.
They can always be themselves with each other.
They are the best friends in the world...
We are with you!

Meet, on the stage, the vocal ensemble "Smile" with a song


Dasha: a our holiday continues. And we invite you to this stagechoreographic group "Serpentine" with dance

"Perpetual Motion"

Vlada : Everyone in the world knows music,
That folklore was written for us,
Songs from the children's album
They sang before and sing now.

Meet the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" - with the song "Konopushki"


Dasha. Great dance! This is magic
It attracts quickly and tenaciously
Movement, rhythm and music relationship
Intertwined with bright lights
Here beauty begets beauty
What? The one in which there is no peace
And the heart again strives to the heights
Subject to dance, music and order.
and we meet the choreographic group "Impromptu"


Vlada : The element of music is a powerful element. The more incomprehensible she is, the stronger
My eyes are bottomless, dry. Tears fill with her...
She is invisible and weightless. And we carry it in our hearts...
Melodies world languor, like salt in water, dissolved in everything ...
Leaving the blue skies, descending to the earthly world, where there is noise and din.
All the sounds of music: flying, live. Sound, sing and fill the hall!!!

Blonskaya Diana - Waltz Anastasia

Dasha: Trembling from the fierce cold,

The cat asks: "Open!

How cold it is outside

How hungry inside!

Warm up, sorry

Unfortunate cat!

Let go, feed

That will be beauty!"

And we meet the smallest members of the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" - who will tell us about how they helped a mongrel cat!

Song cat mongrel

Vlada: And now I invite a graduate of 2016, an artist, singer and just wonderful young man- Maletina Alexei! Participating in the public life of the school, Alexey has established himself as a responsible, positive, artistic, interesting person. Its qualities are endless! Unfortunately, this is his last song within the walls of our school. Waiting for him next new life already as a student! We are sure that Lesha will succeed. And now, he gives you his song!


Presenter: A sailor is sailing on a ship

He does not yearn for the earth.

He is friends with the wind and the wave

After all, the sea is his home.

And we meet with stormy applause the brave sailors from the choreographic group "Impromptu"

dance "Merry Sailors"

Dasha: very soon our whole country will celebrate the 71st anniversary of the Victory Day! Our artists also could not ignore this important event!

Vlada: the owner of the GRAND Prix performs for youcity ​​competition of song performers to the accompaniment of the guitar "And in the song I glorify my Fatherland!" Starochkina Maria with the song "Cuckoo".

Song "Cuckoo"

Dasha: the dancers of the choreographic group "Serpentine" also could not ignore the approaching celebration of the Victory of Russia in the Great Patriotic War. They give you their dance.

Dance "Alarm"

Vlada: and we meet Valeria Gallimardanova with the song "Hello, Mom"

Song "Hello Mom"

Dasha : Let wars disappear forever,
So that the children of all the earth
We could sleep peacefully at home
Could dance and sing
To make the sun smile
Reflected in the bright windows
And shone over the earth
To all people
And we are with you!

Freckles - A world without war

Freckles - draw this world

Vlada: I live in the edge of a wonderful I - it is called Yugra.
Sometimes it is beautiful in winter, when a swarm of white snowflakes
It flies like butterflies into the light, white snow sparkles all around.
My land is still beautiful in the spring, when the heavenly blue
Freed from sleep, the river shines under a layer of ice.
And in the summer, although the midges are dark, I like to sit by the pond
And watch the beauty, and relax with all my heart!

dance "Khanty"

Vlada: our region is beautiful and multinational. And each nation has its own customs, traditions, songs and dances that they bring to our land, making it even more colorful! Meet the vocal ensemble "Freckles" with the Moldovan folk song Ioanne

Spinaki Anna - Ioann

Dasha: Hello my homeland!

The sun rises in the morning.

Calls everyone to the street.

I leave the house

Hello my street

I sing, and in the sky, the birds sing along to me,

Herbs whisper to me on the way, You soon, my friend, grow.

I sing along to the herbs, I sing along to the winds,

I sing along to the sun - Hello, my Motherland!

On the stage, the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" with the song "Russia"

Vlada: Yarilo is inflamed,
Faces are on fire!
Dance turned heads
For girls and boys,
Cheeks painted a blush -
Here and prowess, and enthusiasm!
Draws out the dance
Your intricate pattern.
Round dances began to spin
Wheel: and around, and back!
Awakened the spirit of the people -
Russian dance cannot be appeased!

Meet the choreographic group "Impromptu" with the Russian folk dance "Topotukha"

Dasha : Talent is not the only component of success, any talent needs not only fertile ground for growth, but also careful cultivation. Therefore, the role of the teacher in the fate of young talent is so great. Today, students and teachers take part in our reporting concert, who have littered the school sky with their unique successes and victories this academic year, who themselves have become a scattering of bizarre, various stars and stars, so bright and so brilliant!

Vlada: upon entering auditorium you could see an exhibition of students' work. Performed under the strict guidance of teachers Vladimir Yuryevich and Raila Baigildeevna.

we invite all the teams and their leaders on stage!


The head of the vocal ensemble "Freckles" is Tatyana Vladimirovna Lashchenko.

Dasha: head of the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" Tatyana Vladimirovna Bazhenova.

Vlada : head of the choreographic group "Serpentine" Oksana Mikhailovna Zenina.

Dasha: head of the choreographic group "Impromptu" Daria Fedorovna Alieva.

Vlada : The head of the theater studio "Zerkalo" Marina Anatolyevna Akhmatova!

Dasha: The head of the theater studio "Benefis" Tatyana Alexandrovna Ageeva!

Vlada : Head of the "Academy of Young Craftswomen" Raila Balgildevna Tsurkan!

Dasha: Teacher - organizer Evgenia Aleksandrovna Polskikh!

Vlada: head Lola Hikmatuloevna Blonskaya

you the response word dear teachers!

Leaders' words.

Leading: So we drew a line under the achievements of the outgoing academic year! Saying goodbye, we thank you for: your eyes glowing with joy, your smiles, for your stormy applause. I am sure that this meeting undoubtedly resonated with warmth in your hearts. We do not say goodbye, but only say ... Until we meet again in the magical world of musical art - an art in which kindness, understanding, light and love eternally flourish! All the best!

Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! Good afternoon, dear fans of young talents! We welcome everyone tomain school holidayReporting concert of students and teachers of the Children's Art School. Opened our concertlaureate all-Russian competition"Rose of Wind"orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Rhapsody" governed by Velizhanina Olga Stepanovna(applause).

  1. E. Baev, arranged by S. Kopanev "At the ranch" from the suite "Children's Dreams"
  2. Y. Zabutov "Polka"

Presenter: Today, the hall of our school hospitably opened its doors, meeting everyone who wants to plunge intobeautiful world of music! The creative report of the School of Art is one of thethe brightest events. Excited teachers, more than ever responsible children, parents, guests - everything, I'm sure, is waiting miracle . This miracle lives next to us. You can't touch it, but you can see and hear it! It can make us laugh and cry. It has a soul and a heart! And his name is Music ! (applause)

Today in our hall among the guests there are people who fully repaid their debt to the Motherland in the harsh 40s and defended our world. On the eve of the holiday"Victory Day" allow me to congratulate youdear veteranson this solemn date and express gratitude for your feat, courage and heroism shown during the yearsGreat Patriotic War and wish you happiness and good health.

The curtain opens.

And we continue our concert.

Meet me on stagepiano duetlaureate of the city competition"Bravo, duet!" - 1st grade student Korolenko Julia and teacherZinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna(Show program on screen)

  1. N. Sokolova "Strawberries and Frogs"

Presenter: A small child beginsintroduction to musicwith relatively simple melodies. And, imperceptibly for himself, he finds himself on a path that leads him to understanding all the best that mankind has come up with On the stage, a student of the 2nd grade Dubova Dana. teacher classMartynova Anastasia Vladimirovna. Concertmaster Romanenkova Larisa VladimirovnaY. Dolzhikov "Old dance"

Leading behind the scenes:

The element of music is a powerful element. The more incomprehensible it is, the stronger it is.
My bottomless, dry eyes are filled with tears at her ...

She is invisible and weightless. And we carry it in our hearts...
Melodies world languor, like salt in water, dissolved in everything ...

Leaving the blue skies, descending into the earthly world, where there is noise and din,
All the sounds of music: flying, live They sound, sing and fill the hall!

By black and white piano keys,

I'm persistently looking for a melody,

Like butterflies, fluttering brilliantly,

Your soul is pounding on the keys.

Weaving sounds into subtle chords,

Trying to express my confusion,

Sweeps notes one after the other,

But, unexpectedly, finds only sadness.

By black and white piano keys

You play, expressing the feelings of the fountain.

In time, then the soul will know

How the ocean was created from a fountain.

7th grade student on stageMakarova Anastasia. teacher classAnikeeva Tamara Nikolaevna.

  1. Elena Poplyanova "Kingdom of Flowers and Fantasy"


I invite you to the stagelaureates of the city competition "Bravo, duet!" 4th grade student Goncharova Natalia, Smirnova Victoria Mikhailovnaand concertmasterPerevalova Evgenia Alexandrovna.

  1. "Dove"

Presenter: Some scientists believe that non-talented children simply do not exist.Still in my time Socrates said: “In every person is the sun. Just let it shine"(pause).

On the stage laureate of regional, all-Russian and international competitions 7th grade student Alina Gareeva. teacher classZinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna.

  1. F. Bumenfeld. Piece es moll from the cycle "Lyric Pieces"

Leading behind the scenes:

The wind is barely audible,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

In the rustle of grass

In the noise of oak forests -

You just need to listen.

The stream flows loudly

Thunder falls from the sky -

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

6th grade student on stage Paladi Dmitry. teacher classMoskatov Konstantin Kirillovich.

  1. V. Bukhvostov "Light breeze"

Presenter: The choir "Rainbow" is on stage. Supervisor Chvaida Natalia Alexandrovna, concertmaster.

  1. "Frog Lambada" from the cartoon "The Frog is a Traveler"

Leading behind the scenes:Creative community: a student and a teacher - this is an interesting communication, this is a musical dialogue. On the stagelaureate of the city competition "Bravo, duet!"accordion ensemble: 2nd grade student Mammadova Az e ra i Ustimenko Ludmila I.

  1. R. Bazhilin "Chatushki"

Leading behind the scenes:

There is no better tool in the world:

There is no better moment for the heart

If the choir sings sublimely...

As if the pipe organ sounds -

The body of people is so tense

Lips whisper about something holy,

What is associated with prayer.

Like the angels are singing

And the sound flies without flying away,

And it's like you're not even here!

(One of the most beautiful inventions of mankind is choir . Singing together gives a person a feeling of happiness. A good song disposes friendly singers to a friendly cause. And finally, the choir - as the participants of this creative community themselves admit - it's just fun! We meet!)

Speaker laureate of city choir competitionschoir "Capriccio" Supervisor Kamennaya Evgenia Alexandrovna, concertmasterPerevalova Evgenia Alexandrovna.

  1. R.n.p. "On the Green Meadow" (a capella)
  2. "Summer" music. Cui, lyrics by Pleshcheev.

Video about the creative life of the school.

Leading behind the scenes:

On the stage laureate of the international competition Viva ferenze in Italy vocal trio "Quinta +". Supervisor Fazylova Guzel Gabdulbarovna.

  1. Gypsy folk song "Sunshine"

Leading behind the scenes:

And again the music is calling

Through all the sorrows of the layers,

And, plunging into amazement,

From the soul removes burning and oppression.

Flying, winged, she

Above the world of bitterness and torment,

And enchanted sounds

Hope new wave.

On the stage Laureate of the All-Russian competition "Golden Sky" 5th grade student Maksim Churakov. teacher classIvanova Tatyana Vladimirovna Concertmaster Zinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna.

  1. D. Ellerton "Tarantella"

Leading behind the scenes:

What a variety of music! How young

She, sounding through the layers of time,

In human hearts touches the strings

Love, sadness, memory, dreams.

8th grade student on stage Agayeva Uvaydat. teacher classZinchenko Emilia Mikhailovna.

  1. R. Glier "Prelude"

Leading behind the scenes:Brilliantduet of teachersGorlova Oksana Alexandrovna and Ustimenko Ludmila I.

  1. A. Dorensky "Dance"

presenter : This instrument is calledSymphony Orchestra Queen. To him everything is subject to control: brilliant virtuoso pieces, incendiary dance rhythms, and melodies of captivating beauty, full of bliss and passion. Meet! On the stagelaureates of the international competition "Wave of Success"ensemble of violinists "Consonance". Supervisor Maltseva Tatiana Gennadievna Concertmaster Mullakhmetova Ekaterina Gennadievna

  1. F. Churchill "Snow White's Dreamy Waltz"
  2. R. Valgre "Duckling's Dream" (humoresque)

Offstage presenter at the intro of the song:

On the stage laureate of the international competition in Florence Guzel Fazylova.

  1. Music by P. Ermishev, lyrics by M. Suvorov “Flower the earth”.

Presenter: Saying goodbye, we thank you for your attention, support, smiles and thunderous applause. I am sure that this meeting resonated with warmth in your hearts. We do not say goodbye, but only say ... until we meet again in the magical world of musical art - an art in whichkindness, understanding, light and love! All the best!

Scenario of the reporting concert at school

Fanfare sounds. Leader exit.

Let the music play louder
Let the light shine brighter!
Hello to our young viewers,
As well as their parents
And grandfathers and grandmothers -
Hello! Hello! Hello!

IN 2. Good afternoon dear friends.Today is a holiday in our school, fanfares are thundering, the hall welcomes guests with festive decorations, costumes are full of colors, which means that we are opening our reporting concert"Talent Parade"


IN 1. For us, this is a summing up of the results for the year, an opportunity to show ourselves, to refresh our memory once again with what the outgoing academic year was filled with.

IN 2. And for you, guests and spectators, to appreciate our achievements, be happy for us and get a charge of good mood.

IN 1. The talent parade of the 2016-2017 academic year opened the Knowledge Day, where we welcomed new students of our school - first-graders.

IN 2.Moms and dads, are there any in our hall?
Support the kids - they've been waiting for this!
Let the applause sound again -
Meet our little guys!

IN 1. First grade! We invite you to the stage!

(exit of grade 1, a small conversation - an eyeliner to the song “They teach at school”)


Presenter 1: Thank you, first-graders! You are great fellows!

IN 2. But you still have to grow and grow before our high school students ... (name), but do you know that tenth graders have established a telepathic connection with teachers?

IN 1. Like this?

IN 2. But like this! They learned to read the minds of teachers!

IN 2. Eh. (name), nothing is impossible for our senior students! Let's check?

Q1.Come on!

IN 2. Grade 10! Please take the stage!


Presenter1: Days changed weeks, weeks turned into months ... Winter came imperceptibly, and with it - New Year, the most favorite holiday for both adults and children.

IN 2. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gifts ...

IN 1. Songs, dances, dances...

IN 2. And, of course, funny scenes - well, what is a holiday without laughter and humor?

IN 1. Meet! Grade 7 with the scene "In the New Year's Forest."


IN 2. Hold on, young people!
Dance from the heart
And remember that in the world -
All dances are good!


IN 1. After the New Year holidays, a month of military-patriotic education is traditionally held. It includes a review of the song and formation, checkers, chess and tennis tournaments, "Merry Starts" and many other events.

IN 2. Within a week literary reading“War rhymed their fates” classes prepared reports on the work of little-known poets who died during the war, read poetry, prepared presentations. We present to your attention one of the speeches.


IN 1. In February, our entire country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day.

IN 2. Our future and former defenders also did not go unnoticed.

IN 1. On this day it is impossible without songs,

The holiday is so wonderful
Forget everything and have fun!

"A SOLDIER'S DAY OFF" - girls 5-10 CLASS

IN 2. The next favorite holiday is March 8th.

IN 1. And our boys did not remain in debt.

MARCH 8 PRO MOVIE (shortened)

IN 2. On this day it is impossible without songs,
In songs everything is fate and life.
The holiday is so wonderful
Forget everything and have fun!

"WHITE ROSES" - ALTERATION (boys grades 5-11)

IN 1. In March, the UID team represented our school at the regional competition and won the 2nd place diploma at this stage.

IN 2. We invite the team of UID "Svetofor" to the stage with a fragment of the performance.

NUMBER YID (shortened)

IN 1. So we are approaching the most important holiday of our country - Victory Day.

IN 2. Happy holiday, power,

With victory light on the way!

Brighter than a holiday, perhaps

Can't be found anywhere in the world!

VED1. This day, warmed by human tears,

No matter how much time passes

To everyone who quietly says:

"Victory Day!" -

You don't need to explain anything.

    The dance "Waltz" is performed to the soundtrack of the song "Spring of the 45th year" or another number.

    "Great grandfather"

    "And scarlet sunsets"

1st leader.

Victory Day is the most joyful for everyone.

May laughter win today.

Let the world, saved from war, rejoice,

And for joy, sons are born.

2nd leader.

Congratulations on this great holiday,

And we wish only happiness from the bottom of our hearts,

Only light, only peace and warmth,

So that life is always beautiful.

A fun dance is being performed

IN 1. How many songs about the army are composed,

How many songs about the fleet are composed!

We are supposed to remember them on a holiday

Yes, and we also do not mind singing them!

B2 ... It contains such secret words,

What can not touch our hearts:

About the big military roads,

About the battles near Moscow and near Vienna.

And about that guy with Malaya Bronna!

AT 3. Glorious history comes alive.

Everything that has been seen and passed...

The song teaches us the most important thing:

Infinitely love your Motherland!

AT 4. On earth, on the seas, in the skies

The song is a faithful companion of the Victory.

So let's remember those songs we

With whom our grandfathers went into battle!

A medley of songs from the war years is performed.

1st leader.

About a simple girl Katyusha,

That she loved to sing songs.

This song stirs the soul.

So let's sing it here again!

The song "Katyusha" sounds


How did you wait for him, it happened,

You know only you and the hut,

I put those letters at the head,

Where is your love and destiny.

Happiness in the past melts in a haze,

All hopes have expired.

Where the eternal flame burns

Every year you lay a wreath.

Now the grandchildren are leaving the hut,

He always comes in a dream

Young, in a soldier's overcoat.

It's the same as it was in the war.

And you yourself become younger in a dream,

The years quickly passed.

It was hard ... But you do not regret

About my lonely way.

This one wooed ... That one furtively

Bring flowers to your house.

You are still a soldier

And you don't regret it at all.

Even as if she became proud,

That for so many long years

You didn't let anyone into your heart

Saved love covenant.

Life is like a feat! Who knows this?

Is it just you...

Yes, even a hut, yes neighbors,

Yes, life's friend - fate.


To you, dear women,

Who were called soldiers

To those who received funerals

On your loved ones

This song.

    The song "If there was no war" is performed. Romanchenko Alena


    Women in uniform

VED.1. The beauty that nature gives us
The soldiers stood on fire
May day of the forty-fifth year Became the last point in the war.
VED.2. For everything we have now
For our every happy hour
Because the sun shines on us
Thank you brave soldiers
Grandfathers, great-grandfathers, thank you!


Leading (in turn).

How good it is to wake up before dawn

How good it is to have dreams at night

It's good that the planet is spinning,

How good it is in the world without war.

Father's medals lie in the closet,

And the children go to school Kindergarten,

And we, frankly, only saw in the movies,

How an armor-piercing projectile hits armor.

But still we hear the sound of a drop

Victorious that and early that spring.

It's good that the starlings sang again,

It's good that there is no war for a long time.

A. Menshikov

The song “And everything about that war” is performed by the whole school

VED. Thank you to all the viewers for your support and warm applause!

Together: Goodbye friends! See you soon!


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