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Chebureks are a product on which you can build a fairly profitable business. Previously, they were traded exclusively on the street, but recently they began to equip special premises and eateries. It should be noted that there is a high interest of buyers in such establishments. This means that there is every chance of getting a high income from the business. How to open a cheburek with minimum investment or from scratch? The size of attachments directly depends on the format of the cheburechka itself. Besides, big role play and other nuances.

Cheburech format

Where to begin? First of all, it is worth deciding how the trade will take place. There are several business options for the sale of chebureks:

  • street trading- for this, you just need to get a small thermal container that costs about $ 500 (it will contain products);
  • stall - there is an opportunity to trade pasties and other goods, which include nuts, chips, various drinks, etc. (it will take about 10 thousand dollars to start);
  • institution Catering- equipped with tables and chairs, in addition to the main product, other dishes are offered, a wide selection of toppings is presented, etc. (the most costly way to start a pastry business, but it provides the highest income).

Raw material

It is impossible to create a business selling pasties without purchasing raw materials. When trading in a stall, you can purchase semi-finished products and cook them on the spot. However, it must be understood that the taste of chebureks in this case will be somewhat lost. But buyers are ready to put up with it. When making a purchase in a stall, they obviously know what quality they will receive.

If you organize a business as a snack bar, the use of semi-finished products is unacceptable. At first, it is recommended to buy ready-made minced meat. This will eliminate liability to veterinary organizations, the supplier is dealing with this. For chebureks, minced meat based on pork or beef with a core length of less than 15 mm is suitable. Additives are allowed. It can be semolina, soy protein, eggs. But it should be understood that additives will make chebureks less tasty, due to which you can lose some of your customers.

As for flour, it is necessary to give preference exclusively to the highest grade, made from durum wheat. For the preparation of chebureks, yeast is not added to the dough.


Below will be presented the most basic equipment, without which a cheburek is indispensable:

  • cheburechnitsa is the main equipment for this type of business, reminiscent of appearance deep fryer;
  • kneader - equipment necessary for kneading dough;
  • dough sheeter - this equipment rolls out the dough into uniform boards;
  • professional meat grinder - in order to ensure the high quality of the product, it is recommended to start preparing minced meat yourself in the future.

Cheburechs, very popular in the Soviet Union, are now gaining a second wind. They were eclipsed in the 2000s by fast foods. But now people have again begun to return to mouth-watering meat pies. One of the main advantages is that this product does not need to be advertised, since everyone knows about it.
Chebureki is a pie made from unleavened dough stuffed with meat and spices. In the traditional technology, the meat for the filling was cut into small pieces, and in our time, minced meat with the addition of onions and peppers is used for this. Cooking takes place in a large amount of oil at a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius.

In this article, we will look at how to open a cheburek in your city, focus on choosing a place, equipment and the very technology for the production of this dish.

Business Format

Before drawing up a detailed business plan for a cheburechka, you need to decide on the format of the establishment, and often it depends on your starting capital, or the ability to find a good rental area. There may be several.

1.) The cheapest solution with minimal investment will be the sale of chebureks from the cart. Surely you have seen such entrepreneurs in vegetable markets. Investments are minimal - the purchase of a thermal container in which the temperature will be maintained (approximate cost is $ 100 - $ 250), the pies themselves can be baked right at home. It is clear that in this mode you will not earn much money, but as an additional income, it may well come off. Of the minuses, one can note the low level of confidence in such products on the part of buyers.

2.) A kiosk or trailer (a converted car) for selling pasties. This format more reliable and allows you to earn a little more money through the sale of additional products, drinks, chips and other things. As a rule, the costs are not that big, but to start such a business, you will need at least $10,000 - $12,000. If you rent a ready-made trading place, then the costs will be significantly reduced, due to the lack of the need to buy equipment.

3.) A full-fledged cheburek in the cafe format. Here you can provide a wide range of dishes and drinks, make a hall for customers and decorate everything in the right style. The main dish can be made pasties with various fillings.

In this article, we will consider the last option for starting such a business.

We draw up documents

To conduct official activities, you will need to complete all the relevant documents for trading or for working in a cafe format. It is important to understand that a cheburek is a catering business, and there will be many difficulties and requirements from the inspection authorities. In addition, be prepared for constant checks, so work through all the documentation in great detail.

  • you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is 55.30. For Ukraine - 56.10.
  • permits from the SES and fire supervision are needed.
  • lease or sale agreement for the premises.
  • recruit staff, employees must have medical books.
  • visitor's corner with a book of complaints.
  • waste collection contract.
  • certificates for products and equipment.


It is important to first understand the target buyer and adapt to it. The production and sale of chebureks is a business that is built in the format of an establishment fast food. The visitor came in - made an order - had a quick meal - and went on to work on his details. We have identified a list of the most necessary requirements for the premises.

1.) The area of ​​the premises should preferably be from 150 sq.m. It should be divided into a hall for visitors, a kitchen, latrines, and utility rooms.

2.) Be sure to connect all types of communications - water, gas, electricity, ventilation.

3.) Location is very important. Look for a building in passable places. You need to focus on a constant stream of people. An excellent solution would be premises near office centers and universities.

4.) The presence of a transport interchange at least will not be superfluous.

5.) Before making repairs and wiring communications, find out all the requirements in your local SES.

Of course, places near the metro or train stations will be the most optimal, but usually everything is busy there, and you better look for something similar and start working.


Below we provide a list of what you need to open a cheburek:

  • professional cheburechnik - from $ 350;
  • dough mixer - from $ 1000;
  • dough sheeter - from $ 1100;
  • professional meat grinder - from $ 320.

All prices and a catalog of the equipment itself can be found in stores on the Internet. Also don't forget about optional equipment: sinks, refrigeration equipment, kitchen utensils, crockery, etc.

The preparation process and assortment

The technology of making such a dish is not complicated enough. To begin with, the dough is made from flour, water and salt. After that, it is rolled into a cake a few millimeters thick. Then the filling is laid out on one half of it, usually minced meat (pork, lamb), and the second part is folded, after which the dish takes the form of a crescent. And at the end, the product is fried in oil or fat, until fully cooked.

In addition to chebureks, you can also sell soft and hot drinks, pastries, chewing gum, chocolate bars and other additional products that may be of interest to cafe visitors. An excellent move would be to work out a menu of salads that go well with the same pasties.


Most important role the chef will play, as in any cafe, restaurant or catering establishment.

You will also need: waiters, bartender, cleaner, accountant. You can take on some of these responsibilities.

Also take care of the safety of your establishment by installing a fire and burglar alarm with connection to the security company's control panel.

How much does it cost to open a cheburek?

The financial issue always plays an important role when starting a business. In your business plan, you will need to make all the calculations and roughly predict the profit from the sale of chebureks in order to estimate the payback period.

Starting investments:

  • architectural work with the design of the institution - $ 500.
  • renovation of the premises - $190 per 1 sq.m.
  • equipment for the kitchen and additional premises, as well as refrigeration units - $ 7,500 - $ 10,000.
  • decoration of a place for a bartender, as well as furniture for a client hall - $3,500.
  • purchase of dishes and other equipment - $ 700.
  • paperwork — $300
  • corporate identity (signboard, menu stand) — $180
  • initial purchase of products - $ 2000

Monthly costs:

  • rent of premises - $12 - $15 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills – from $250
  • taxes - $200
  • salary - from $ 200 per employee
  • transport costs - $60
  • replenishment of the product range - $1800
  • advertising - $40

Total average for opening a cheburechnaya in 100 sq.m. (hall area) will cost you $30,500.

Profitability calculation

The cost of one cheburek is on average $0.25. The market selling price is about $1. Also, the cost price should include a napkin and a bag, their cost can be considered $ 0.06.

Normally untwisted point in major city able to sell 250 - 350 pieces of products per day. Total total revenue will be about $300. Subtract the cost of the dish and get the amount of $205. You can earn about $6200 per month. Subtracting fixed costs (about 65%), we get net profit— $2100. Pay off such a point within 1.5 years.

Conclusions. In this article, we showed you how you can start making money on pasties and how to develop your business in the future. The main thing is to monitor the quality of products and taste characteristics and keep the service at its best, then your establishment will be popular.

Do you have experience in this market segment? Looking forward to your feedback and recommendations in the comments below.

Opening a point of sale of chebureks is relevant because it does not require great knowledge and experience in public catering from the entrepreneur. Cheburechnaya business plan will help calculate initial investment and choose a format.

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The business selling pasties can be small, involving take-away products, or it can be a full-fledged cafe of a closed type. If the scale is chosen quite large, in addition to pasties, the establishment should have a menu of other dishes and snacks with a selection of hot and cold drinks.

In addition to the sale of chebureks, the company's service can be the manufacture of products for wholesale distribution to other catering and trade establishments. In this case, pasties are subjected to shock freezing, then after cooking they retain their taste.


Small points of sale quickly pay off and, with a successful allocation of resources, are able to function stably.

So, if opening a cafe and restaurant requires significant experience and funds, then launching a snack bar specializing in one product requires relatively little investment and effort.

Description and analysis of the market

The market for the sale of chebureks is presented in the following forms:

  1. Mobile street trading. It is the most cost effective option. You will need to purchase basic equipment: a trading cart and small inventory. In this format, it is necessary to think in advance about the delivery of ready-made chebureks to the place of sale.
  2. Kiosk or pavilion. Cheburechnaya in this format is a more profitable business that requires significant start-up investments. The initial capital will be 300-700 thousand rubles.
  3. Cafe. The area of ​​this format is from 200 sq. m.

The idea of ​​organizing fast food restaurants is not new, and the niche is quite competitive. Therefore, the first step should be an analysis of the local market with an emphasis on the selected territory.

Information that will be needed:

  • the number and portrait of potential consumers;
  • the number of competitors and their performance.

Photo gallery

mobile cheburek Kiosk Cafe

The target audience

The main buyers of small and medium format chebureks are students and office workers. Everyone who usually saves time and snacks on the go.

The general portrait of the buyer: men and women from 16 years old, with a low and medium income level (about 75% of the Russian population).

Competitive advantages

Main competitive advantages should be based on customer satisfaction.


  • high service;
  • low cost;
  • service speed;
  • product quality.

Sales engagement and promotion tools:

  1. Discounts when buying a certain amount. This increases the average check.
  2. Discounts for regular customers up to 7% of the cost. This increases loyalty.
  3. Surveys and collection of feedback. This allows you to quickly eliminate deficiencies and adjust the production process.
  4. Discounts and promotions for social groups population (veterans, pensioners).
  5. Conducting competitions and tastings.

The market in different cities develops individually. To find your niche and determine the advantages, you should highlight the shortcomings of competitors.

Based on the format weaknesses I can be:

Advertising campaign

According to the business owners themselves, the best advertisement for cheburechnaya - recommendations and the correct location. But do not forget about additional means of attracting customers and promoting sales.

Promotion tools:

  • radio advertising near the point of sale;
  • mailing of special offers;
  • billboards and streamers;
  • release of branded products.

If you plan to be located near an educational institution with a focus on students, you should bet on development in the online environment.

Internet promotion for a young audience:

  • development of social networks;
  • organizing sweepstakes and contests on their pages;
  • attracting attention with non-standard content.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a cheburechnaya

Basic steps to open a cheburechnaya:

  1. Market and competition analysis.
  2. Search for premises and equipment.
  3. Search for suppliers and formulation development.
  4. Collecting a package of documents and permits.
  5. Development marketing strategy and corporate identity.
  6. Registration of activities.

The documents

List of documents required for opening:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • registration certificate;
  • lease agreement for the premises;
  • completed sanitary books of employees;
  • permission from the fire department to commission a new building (if any).

Before proceeding with the registration of the enterprise in the tax authorities, you should obtain permission to operate from all supervisory organizations.

The premises for production and sale must comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the district.

The SES must submit:

  • agreement on the lease of premises (ownership);
  • equipment conformity certificates;
  • certificate of the veterinary service for products;
  • technological map, where all stages of production and sale of products are indicated.

When registering a company, you should decide on legal form: IP or LLC. If a small kiosk registers, then the best option will become a form individual entrepreneurship. For a large establishment: a cafe or a restaurant, registration of an LLC is required. This will give the right to trade in alcohol.

OKVED for a trading kiosk 52.24.21 " Retail flour confectionery”, for cafes: 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes”.

The taxation system can be either simplified (STS) or in the form of imputed income (UTII).

Room and design

Primary requirements:

  1. Square. The minimum area of ​​the outlet is about 10 sq. meters in a high traffic area.
  2. Communications. It is necessary to connect water, gas, electricity, ventilation.
  3. Location. Only passable locations with a constant flow of people.

If the analysis reveals that there are not enough catering outlets in the central areas of the city, the most successful locations should be considered.

  • areas with state institutions;
  • areas with the location of offices and large trading enterprises;
  • near hotels;
  • areas near busy highways and train stations;
  • on the territory of cultural objects (parks and squares).

It is especially worth exploring the possibility of being located near educational institutions.

Planning an area from 150 sq. m must be carried out taking into account the functional areas.

Main zones:

  • kitchen;
  • business premises.

The design of the cheburechnaya should correspond to the conditions of comfort. In a small diner, you need to take care of comfortable bar counters. For a large room, use original parts and designs. One of the popular design techniques for pasties is the style of the USSR.

The video tells about the beginning of the work of pasties in the USSR. Their interior and principle of operation are shown.

Equipment and inventory

The number of equipment and its capacity depend on the area of ​​​​the room. For the cafe format, the cost of furniture for the client area should be added to professional equipment.

Kitchen equipment for frying and heating:

Additional kitchen equipment:


For a small establishment, 2-4 sellers are enough, who will also serve as cooks. Working hours are 2/2 shifts.

The cafe will need additional staff:

  • technologist;
  • cooks;
  • bartenders;
  • administrators.

List of main positions for a cafe:

Job title

Quantity (persons)

Zarpalata, rub.

Director1 40000
Administrator1 25000
Accountant1 25000
Chef1 30000
Cook2 50000
kitchen worker3 45000
Waiter5 10000
Cleaning woman2 30000

To control sellers, you should install video surveillance or a computer with a printer for printing invoices, through which all orders pass.

Each of the employees must have the appropriate education and experience in this office work.

Financial plan

Cheburechnaya business plan includes financial indicators, which are calculated based on the chosen business format: kiosk or cafe.

How much does it cost to open a cheburek?

The cost of opening a cheburechnaya depends on the chosen format.

Equipment costs176000 310000
Accommodation costs320000 600000
Advertising campaign10000 30000
Staff salary48000 195000
Purchase of products100000 270000
Fare30000 110000
Registration, obtaining certificates50000 70000
Additional expenses50000 100000
Total784000 1 685 000

According to the opinions of businessmen, making a cheburek format larger than a kiosk is profitable only in large cities with a population of 700 thousand people or more.

Recurring costs

Regular costs for various formats.

Premises for rent15000 40000
Communal payments3000 15000
taxes5000 20000
Wage48000 220000
Transportation costs10000 10000
Purchase70000 340000
Advertising campaign5000 20000
Other20000 50000
Total176000 407000


Income is calculated based on the average cost of pasties and planned sales volumes.

The cost of a cheburek is 10 rubles. The price includes the product itself and packaging.

To calculate the profitability of the project, let's take the average level of sales per day for the city from 700 thousand people - 400 units. in a day. The price of a cheburek at the exit is 30 rubles.

The monthly income will be 240,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Stages of opening a business by months.

Risks and payback

The payback period for cheburechnaya is 13 months. Moreover, this indicator is approximately the same both in a small format - a kiosk, and in a large one - a cafe.

Despite the advantages and relative popularity, there are certain risks in this direction:

  1. Seasonality. Pasties are in great demand during the cold season. Therefore, many advise opening a business on the eve of winter. And in the summer, introduce more popular items: ice cream and soft drinks.
  2. Staff. In addition to the fact that the cook must work flawlessly, he must do it quickly.
  3. Suppliers. Having won the trust of the buyer, you should constantly check the quality of the delivered goods. Taste properties, and hence reputation, depend on it.


Brief with approximate calculations and examples of activity formats. Published by user business ideas and business plans.

Cheburek business idea is time-tested. Cheburek, the most common and most popular representative of fast food in our country.


This is a high-calorie product that can quickly satisfy hunger, moreover, for little money. Freshly prepared, hot, delicious - that's what makes it such a popular product among those who want to eat on the go. Cheburechnye can be found in every market, train station, near educational institutions, office centers and in places of mass festivities and recreation. Cheburek business is a profitable profitable business that can be opened with minimal investment.

Before you open a cheburek, the first rule that you need to learn for good trading- You should serve the visitor a freshly cooked cheburek, fresh, hot, only such a product will provide you with a large regular clientele, there can’t even be any talk of any pre-cooked chebureks, a cooled cheburek loses its taste properties.

A buyer who buys a quality cheburek from you will become your regular customer, who will also bring his friends to your cheburechka, and so on, that is, word of mouth works here, you have to cook four hands to serve the queue.

Cheburechnaya can be closed like a cafe and open with a take-away trade. To open an open-type cheburek shop with a takeaway trade, you will need a small room, a pavilion of 10m² located in a crowded place, it will not be superfluous to place tables nearby on the street so that a person can take tea, coffee in addition to chebureks and have a quiet snack at the table.

To organize a cheburechnaya business, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service, for this you need to provide them with certificates of equipment conformity, a certificate for products from the veterinary service, a lease agreement for premises, a flow chart with the indicated stages of product production.

Cheburechnaya equipment.

For the preparation of chebureks you will need equipment:



Test spreader.

Meat grinder for minced meat.


Cooking chebureks.

There are a large number of recipes for making chebureks, here is the traditional recipe: - knead the dough (flour, water, salt), and stand for half an hour. Thin round cakes are rolled out of the dough, a tablespoon of minced meat (minced meat, salt, pepper, onion) is placed in the middle, the cake is folded in the shape of a crescent and the edges are connected. The cake is dipped into the heated boiling sunflower oil, after a few minutes, the cheburek is ready, it is pulled out of the oil with tongs and placed on a pallet so that the excess oil is glassed. Ready pasties are served on a disposable plate or in a paper bag.

Profitability of cheburechnaya.

The cost of one cheburek is 15 rubles, the finished cheburek is sold for 40-50 rubles. Quite often, the buyer immediately takes a couple of pasties, coffee or tea. Therefore, it is recommended to put additional tea, coffee, soft drinks on sale.

The number of pasties sold per day when placing a point in passing place reaches more than 500 pieces, but more often about 200 - 300 pieces. Good trade begins in September, most of the buyers are students and office workers, by the summer the number of sales decreases by about 30%.

Cheburek business idea is time-tested.

Popular business ideas

The article describes a business idea for opening your own cheburek. Several options for business development, requirements for the premises, list and cost of equipment, personnel.

Profitability and payback period of a business idea

You can open your own cheburek in several formats:

  • - closed kiosk - a retail outlet in a crowded place with high traffic;
  • - a restaurant or cafe with a stylized interior.

In what form to implement a business idea depends on the financial capabilities of a novice businessman. On condition High Quality pastry products will be profitable in both the first and second cases.

It's just that the payback period of the project, associated with the size of the start-up capital, will be different. Cheburechnaya cafe or restaurant, after all, it is more rational to open in large metropolitan areas or in cities where the population exceeds 500,000 inhabitants.

Once again, I would like to emphasize, no matter what format is chosen, the secret of the success of this business is delicious and high-quality pasties. Therefore, the option of using semi-finished products, which many entrepreneurs resort to in order to reduce the cost of equipment, raw materials and hiring qualified personnel, is not considered in this context.

Certificates and licenses

Any catering establishment without fail must obtain a permit to operate by passing an inspection in the SES. The premises and equipment are certified for compliance with all norms and rules, a veterinary certificate is issued for products, and the enterprise draws up a technological map.

In addition, you must obtain permission from the fire department. The kitchen should be equipped with powerful hoods, water supply and sewerage systems.

Let us consider in detail the implementation of the cheburechnaya business idea in the format of an outlet with takeaway products. This option will require less start-up capital, will save on the design of the interior for visitors due to its absence as such.

A network of such outlets can become a good springboard for gaining experience, developing a client base. The funds received from the sale of chebureks through kiosks can later be invested in opening your own cafe or restaurant.


The area of ​​\u200b\u200bcheburechnaya should be at least 10 square meters. The rental price will depend on the location.


Minimum set:

  • Cheburechnitsa - $ 700;
  • Dough mixer - 900-1000 USD;
  • Dough roller -1400 $;
  • Meat grinder - from $ 300 and above;

Tables, sinks, small kitchen utensils, storage containers, hoods, a refrigerator - another 2.5-2.8 thousand dollars.

Cost and profitability

For the preparation of chebureks according to the traditional old recipe, a steep unleavened dough is kneaded from flour, salt, water. He needs to stand for half an hour.

Then round cakes 2-3 mm thick are rolled out, the edges are smeared with a raw egg.

Minced meat is laid out in the center, preferably from fatty lamb (but, as a rule, pork, beef or a mixture of several types of meat is used), previously passed through a meat grinder with onions, spices, herbs.

The edge of the cakes is pinched by hand. Ready-made crescents are dipped in hot boiling oil. Minced meat consumption - about 1 tablespoon per cake.

Cheburek is served on a disposable plate with a napkin or in special paper packaging. The cost of packaging is 3-5 cents per piece.

The cost of a cheburek averages 0.4-0.5 dollars. At retail they sell for 1-1.5 dollars. One person, as a rule, buys 2 chebureks.


As for promoting your services, you can spend money on the development and installation of a bright sign above the outlet (500-600 dollars).

In general, the main thing in marketing cheburechnaya is quality. Your delicious and lovingly cooked chebureks - best marketing and the best advertisement.

People will quickly and with pleasure buy them not because you will praise them, but because the buyers themselves will praise them.


Three people are needed from the staff. A cook involved in the preparation of dough, minced meat and shaping chebureks. Another employee responsible for frying, as well as a seller taking orders, money serving customers.

The main problem in the work of retail outlets is the control of work, conscientiousness and honesty of the staff. The solution to the problem is the installation of surveillance cameras and a touch terminal for fixing orders and printing receipts. The cost of such equipment will be 2.5-3 thousand dollars.

If pasties are really tasty, made from fresh products, it will not be difficult to build up a client base. Volumes from one point located in a passable place, near office buildings or in the city center, can reach 400-600 chebureks per day.

A business project will pay off in 1 year of work.


Additional sources of income can be such areas:

  • — sale of chebureks with cheese, cheese and herbs;
  • - trade in unleavened cakes;
  • - in summer time- sale of soft drinks, ice cream, in winter - tea, coffee, cappuccino.

In addition, chebureks can be sold not only at retail to end consumers, but also wholesale for restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments.

In this case, it will be necessary to purchase additional equipment to provide frozen chebureks to customers. These are refrigerated cabinets, minced meat mixers and professional dough mixers, cargo trolleys and more.

Additional costs for this will be about 12-15 thousand dollars.

It is most profitable to open a cheburek in the fall, as in summer there is a slight decline in heat-breathing chebureks. But with the onset of cold weather, demand is guaranteed.


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