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Work takes up a huge part of our lives. Therefore, of course, work should bring satisfaction, should be to your liking.

And it depends not only on whether we like this work being done or not, but also on whether our workplace. That's what we'll talk about.

Properly organizing your workplace is important not only for those who work in offices, but also for those who work at home. The back will quickly get tired from working on the couch, and the habit of working in a dressing gown will certainly not contribute to the emergence of fresh, extraordinary ideas and a working mood.

Shelves hanging over the table, all sorts of furniture corners directed right at you and a door right behind your back - it would be nice to get rid of all this by redevelopment of your workspace. Let's make sure that working time was fruitful to the maximum and brought joy and satisfaction.


In the house

The Chinese believe that there are no small things in life. According to experts, the location of your desktop matters a lot. It is best to sit so that your table is visible directly from the front door, but located as far from it as possible.
In other words, try to place your desktop so that you can see the front door (but not directly opposite it). If this is not possible, place a mirror in the field of view, which would reflect the entrance to the room or office.

You should not put a table on the same line between the door and the window opening - it will, as it were, “blow out” all your plans, undertakings, new projects and profits from the room

Also important point: there should not be any open passages behind your back, otherwise you risk constantly experiencing a feeling of anxiety. In addition, it is better not to sit with your back to the window and to the door, so as not to provoke an outflow of energy and trouble.

If you are a beginner business, then ideally your table should be oriented to the east.
The northwest is a favorable direction for people with the makings of a leader, the southeast will attract the energies of creativity and creation, and the west will make your position reliable and stable.
However, the southern direction should be avoided by everyone without exception - it brings disharmony, adds tension and increases stress.

Try to ensure that there are no sharp corners directed in your direction in the workplace.
Pay attention to the fact that your workplace is not blocked by any large objects, and even more so do not squeeze your desk into the gap between the cabinets. Above the head there should not be any overhanging structures a la "sword of Damocles" - this is a sure sign of illness or injury. All telephone and computer cables must be carefully tucked behind special panels - Feng Shui explains this by saying that all visible tubes and wires mean an outflow of money.

The light next to the desktop should not be harsh or muffled. It is good if the light flux is soft. This can be achieved with the help of general light, as well as a table lamp with an adjustable leg.

In the office

If you work in an office, then you do not always have the opportunity to choose your own workplace. But even in such a situation, you can take steps to reorganize it according to feng shui, for example, your desktop.

The table is an important element.
Most of the working time is spent at the table, so it should occupy the optimal position.
If you are not working alone, it is strongly discouraged to place tables face to face with colleagues. This provokes the “division” of the territory and frequent conflicts.
If the table is in a straight line between the windows and the entrance, by all means try to change seats or turn the table itself around. If you sit facing the wall, decide how to put it differently, or you will be blocked from new ideas, as well as the forces to implement them.
Do not sit or sit close with your face or back to the window.
The correct location of the window is on the side of the table. Don't stand too close to or with your back to the door. It is better to sit diagonally.

Would you like to secure the support and understanding of your superiors? Position your desk so that you are facing the boss, even if he is sitting across the wall or even on a different floor.
If you don’t want to lose your job, don’t sit in front of opening mirrored or polished surfaces of cabinets and doors.

If your work is related to money, you need to avoid mirrors behind, in front and on the sides of the table. If you still sit with your back to the window, and you can’t change seats in any way, you must definitely cover the window with blinds or curtains.
You can not sit under the air conditioner - it "blows out" thoughts from the head and dissipates energy, and from the point of view of health, this is not useful.
Stairs next to the desktop and even in sight should also be avoided.
If the office door opens into a long common corridor, do not sit facing it. In general, try to stay away from such corridors. It is important that there is no corridor behind you. This is especially true for leaders.

Create a positive attitude.
Place slogans, inspiring items, and sayings within sight. For example, putting in front of you a personal photo with a speech at a prestigious conference, you will activate your career luck. Place an image of a staircase or road rising up in the northern sector of the workspace - and a brilliant career secured.
Unfortunately, some company policies prohibit the use of personal desk items. No problem! They can simply be placed in the top drawer of the desk. Every time you take out the things you need for work, you will see photos of loved ones or your favorite trinkets.
You can also spruce up your desktop background with distant landscapes or family photos.

Surround yourself with nice colors
What to do if the color scheme of the office does not suit you, and its atmosphere does not evoke a feeling of comfort? Use complementary color in your workplace to neutralize an overall office tone that doesn't match the style of the work being done. For example, if personal work requires energy and the office is decorated in blue, add a few splashes of orange. You can put an orange rug under your arm or hang a picture in orange tones.

According to Feng Shui, there are five fundamental elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth. Each element has its own color.

✅FIRE - RED. This is the color for dynamic and successful people. However, an overabundance of this element can lead to exhaustion and anger, and you will always have a lot to do.
✅WATER - BLACK, DARK BLUE. The more symbols of this element in your work, the calmer, more creative and flexible you are. But be on the lookout: an excess of water can turn you into an easily hurt and indecisive person.
✅WOOD - GREEN AND BLUE. This is the color of slowness, caution, but at the same time, confident steps towards victory. Too much green and blue can make you look boring and jaundiced.
✅ METAL - SILVER, GOLD, WHITE AND GRAY. Metal colors attract wealth and success, and in large quantities - greed and despondency.
✅ EARTH - BROWN IN ALL SHADES, UP TO PALE BEIGE. It is the color of stability and confidence. However, its overabundance leads to stubbornness, self-criticism and weakness.

Personal beginning
There are office equipment that you use most often. Spend most of the day at the computer. How dull your workplace would look if it didn’t bear the imprint of individuality! A favorite picture — as a background for the monitor, a desktop calendar with joyful emoticons, a bouquet of flowers — all this sends a life-affirming message: "I am", and, of course, inspires work.

Cleanliness in the workplace
For some reason, people quickly get used to the mess. Cleaning begins only when clients or big bosses are going to visit the office. You may not pay any attention to it, but the dirt and clutter in the workplace negatively affects your efficiency and accumulates bad energy. For clarity to be present in business, clean your workplace after labor day and make sure that there is no dust on the surfaces of the table and in other places.


As already mentioned, the first and most basic rule is that your personal desktop should always be in order. No blockages, dumps of unnecessary papers, old magazines, newspapers and other rubbish. Cleanliness and order are the cornerstone of success, according to the laws of feng shui. This, however, also applies to the office or the office as a whole.

Now more about zones. Here's what the experts advise.

  • Career area is right in front of you. It should be empty, providing the convenience of working at the table and symbolizing the endless possibilities for your career growth.
  • Area of ​​creativity is on your right. Place there a folder with tasks that have already been completed. In no case do not put here unfinished projects or letters that are long overdue for answering. Give preference to photographs of children and favorite images that symbolize the creative process (for example, lyres)
  • Health area is located on your left. There should be a folder with unfinished business or projects that you are currently working on or about to.
    The materials and documents that you use most often should be placed within reach - say, from your chair. So you can save a lot of time, energy and effort without running after them to cabinets and distant shelves. If it is not possible to ensure this condition, then at the beginning of each working day, evaluating the upcoming tasks, the necessary materials should be laid out on the table or nearby.
    A figurine of a crane, a bamboo shoot or a wooden bowl with nuts will save you from health problems here.
  • Middle of the table this is his spiritual and physical center, the focus of the beneficial energy of Qi, must also be free. This can be easily achieved by moving the keyboard away from the monitor or by moving the laptop towards you.
    The uncluttered center of the table will provide you with not only convenience in work, but also a free flow of beneficial energy.
    Keep a crystal crystal next to the keyboard, and a positive charge will not pass you by.

  • Beyond the Qi zone is isle of fame. Put here a portrait of Bill Gates, Madonna or any other person who personifies success for you. So you will take your step towards recognition.
  • Help area and look for patronage in the lower right corner of the table. He associated with travel and support received from outside.

    Decorate it with pictures from travel brochures, postcards, or photos of friends living in other countries, and the opportunity for adventure could be right at your fingertips.

    Well, if you have a phone there.

  • Field of knowledge located in the lower left corner of the table. Put something there that symbolizes knowledge - an owl figurine or a reference book, your favorite book.
  • Relationship, marriage located in the upper right corner of the table. Put some fresh flowers in there. And it’s also good to keep photos of your favorite people, happy couples here.
    It is good to keep a couple of elephants there facing each other. You can also put a phone and a pen holder there.
  • Wealth area- in the upper left corner of the table. Put there a pot with a money tree or a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth - an amulet that attracts wealth.
    Use it to attract love, money, friends - whatever you need right now. Double your wealth with a mirror that will reflect the contents of the corner.
  • A living plant or its imitation can be placed in the wealth zone.
  • In the health zone, symbols of the earth are placed - pebbles or shells.
  • There should be metal objects in the creative zone.

"Desktop" accessories

Try to quickly find desired document in a heap of papers randomly piled on the table. And at the same time, do your best not to catch your finger on a cup of soot-like slurry that was once coffee, and a bunch of daisies that Vasya from the neighboring department presented last week. Hop, you didn't succeed!

Not in vain Business Etiquette against...

  • ... to breed paper blockages on the table. Excavations in the mountains of papers will take you a lot of time, nerves and as a result will make your life simply unbearable. Tidy up the table. Place documents that do not require an urgent decision in places specially designated for them - in folders or drawers of bedside tables;

  • ... to grow flower beds on the table, and in particular to keep flowers that are not the first freshness. The bouquet can be one, and then small, and its place is on the bedside table near the table or on the rack.
    However, plants, both artificial and natural, can be planted on a windowsill, floor, wall or shelf. As soon as the worker, weary from overwork, keeps his eyes on the velvet greenery, he will feel a surge of fresh strength and Have a good mood;
  • ..."open" a cosmetics store. Powder, lipstick, mascara should be in a cosmetic bag, a cosmetic bag - in a purse, a purse - in a closet;
  • ... to keep cups, spoons and plates on the table, otherwise you will be given a reputation as a slut. The best office utensils are "invisible" utensils, which are hidden somewhere in the bowels of the bedside table.

Get rid of old unnecessary things
This is simply necessary in order to make the workplace comfortable. And it is important not only in terms of aesthetics, but also psychology and health. Throw away any accessories that you never use and that have been covered in dust for years. Transfer folders and documents that have not been claimed for a long time to the archive. Then you will not only free up space, but also gain the clarity of mind and wisdom necessary to achieve success in your career. In order for something new to appear in life, he needs to make room.

What should be on the table? In the background - a table lamp, a clock, a monitor (send the system unit under the table!). On the front is a keyboard, a mouse with a pad, a phone and stationery. Such an organization of space is called "everything at hand" and allows you to receive and process maximum information, while making a minimum of body movements.

Finance Zone

The southeastern part of the office is a zone that attracts money. Therefore, this part of the cabinet should not be empty. You can activate it with the help of a home aquarium or a decorative fountain.

The main thing is that these objects are life-giving sources of the necessary energy. There may be a fireplace in this place. One of the talismans can stand on the mantelpiece - for example, a toad that sits on money.

The cabinet's finance area must be kept clean at all times.

love zone

The office should also have a love zone. In the lives of many women, personal life and career occupy equal positions. Therefore, when a representative of the weaker sex equips her office, she must also remember about the love zone. The energy around the desktop should be organized in such a way that it has a positive effect on the woman's personal life.

The love zone should be located in the northwestern part of the room. In this place there may be joint photographs of spouses or lovers, the main thing is that these photographs are new. You can decorate this sector only with paired items. You can use two bowls - in one there will be water and rose petals, and in the other - stones.

Symbols and objects of Feng Shui

In the practice of Feng Shui, various talismans are used to attract good luck. The choice of “your” souvenir is a purely personal matter; no clear recommendations can be made about which particular talisman will be the most effective.

The figurine of the Indian elephant god Ganesha in Feng Shui symbolizes an adviser and companion who helps to successfully run a business and increase income. The best place for Ganesha on the desktop - the area of ​​\u200b\u200brelationships, best material- bronze.

Another popular feng shui talisman is a three-toed toad with a coin in its mouth, a symbol of financial well-being. It is better to put it in the upper left corner of the table - in the wealth area.

Chinese coins, which are also often used as a talisman in Feng Shui, are a universal symbol of the unity of the energies of yin and yang, as well as all the elements. They help to harmonize life in all its manifestations. Most often, coins are combined with a red cord, usually in the amount of three pieces.

As the strongest talisman, the pyramid is used not only in Feng Shui. True, only a pyramid can be effective, the faces of which are correlated according to the principle of the “golden section”. Such a figure is a kind of energy accumulator, and is able to increase performance.

As you can see, Feng Shui is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And certainly not more difficult than mastering Chinese writing. Start by following the simplest and most general recommendations, and you will see how your life will be transformed.
It is not necessary to believe in it in order to change the interior of your workplace or housing. All the same, he will act. And there - who knows, maybe you will become another guru in the field of feng shui?
Based on materials from,

Good luck and prosperity!

feng shui desktop

To achieve success in professional field- you need to think about how to create a positive feng shui in the workplace. The higher the position you hold, the stronger the energy of your work area. First you need to consider the basic feng shui recommendations for the workplace:
Don't sit with your back to a window or door
- it is unfavorable to place the desktop directly opposite the front door
- undesirable location of the office at the end of a long corridor or opposite the toilet

The ideal location of the desktop is diagonally from the front door. There should be a wall behind your back, which means reliability and confidence in the future.

Activation of the workplace with the help of talismans

It is very important to establish "reliable protection" behind your back. To do this, you can hang a picture of a mountain landscape or an influential person on the wall. You can’t hang an image of water and put an aquarium behind your back. This can lead to the fact that the energy of water simply “floods” you (it can manifest itself in the form of negative events in the professional field)

Cabinets, shelves and safes are best placed on the sides. This means support and protection of your work. By installing cabinets on both sides, you will always be safe.
The choice of chair should be approached very seriously. A long back guarantees you an increase in authority and respect in the eyes of employees. The chair must have armrests. They symbolize reliable support and confidence.

Oddly enough, but in Feng Shui, the clock in the office is an unfavorable symbol. It is believed that the clock "counts" the time of your tenure in this position.

It is better to hang a panel or a picture depicting money, wealth or treasure instead of a clock. With the help of them, you can attract more profit and good luck in money matters.

When choosing a desktop, Feng Shui masters advise paying attention to the size of the table - the table should be large and voluminous. Keep your desk clean and tidy. Do not store unnecessary documents, old folders in drawers. To do this, create a separate archive. Clean your desk every day at the end of the day.

It would be ideal to apply a bagua grid on the desktop and arrange the Feng Shui symbols in accordance with it. When drawing the Bagua grid, keep in mind that North will be where you sit. In the left corner of the desktop, it is best to put any talisman that symbolizes prosperity and abundance (for example, a hottei, a frog on coins, an expensive business card holder). In the middle of the table (in the place that is opposite you), put a crystal pyramid. It will symbolize the desire to grow and will bring you promotion, professional growth.
On the right side is an ideal place to place a figurine of an assistant in business - Ganesha.

Ganesha is a very effective talisman that helps to solve any business and career issues. To do this, you need to put a candy near him and stroke his hand. There is a special ritual to activate this talisman.
Be sure to put Chinese coins under your computer and phone. Coins tied with red thread are best placed in document folders. This will provide you with a constant flow of wealth.

In order for people to work productively, it is necessary to create suitable working conditions. This should start at the planning stage office space if this is not possible, then you should pay attention to the design of jobs.

Organization of the workplace: important rules

To properly organize the workplace follow the advice:

    "Quality furniture is worth more than money". If it is not possible to completely update the furniture, do it at least for the departments that work with clients and, of course, for the manager. This will immediately raise the status of your enterprise in the eyes of people and increase your profits accordingly.

    "The table and chair create comfort". Proper selection of this furniture will reduce staff fatigue. Given that everyone is of different heights, it is better to choose chairs with rising seats.

    "Clean table". On the working surface there should not be objects that are not related to work.

    "Everything has its place". All documents, without exception, must have their permanent place. At the end of the working day, be sure to put everything on the shelves.

    "Use Organizers". In order not to litter workspace store all small items in a special stand.

    "Clean where they don't litter". The administration should introduce some restrictions in the office, for example, to ban smoking and eating in the offices.

    "Lighting". A sufficient amount of light is a factor that positively affects the comfortable work and health of the employee.

    "Fresh air". Fresh indoor air increases productivity and reduces employee fatigue.

    "Volume". Need to choose best option external noise that will not cause discomfort to employees.

    "Ambient temperature". The environment affects the work of the entire team. Try to optimize it so that everyone is happy.

For most of the population, work is an integral part of life.

People get different emotions from labor activity , some brings pleasure and prosperity, but there are those for which hard work. In any case, most of the time a person spends at work, so you need to know how to make your stay as comfortable and successful as possible.

Organization of the workplace: the correct location of the desktop according to Feng Shui

Lately great meaning when organizing their living space, people give the rules of feng shui. It is this science that optimizes energy flows, which increases the chances of success and prosperity. There is nothing complicated in it, all that is needed is to determine the correct location of the desktop and the items that will be located on it.

Feng Shui Desktop Location: Tips

    Between table and wall the opposite should be enough free space- it denotes your plans for the future. The greater the distance, the higher you can move up the career ladder.

    The table should not stand under the ceiling beams.- they produce destructive energy. If this is not possible, put vases with fresh flowers, they will take away some of the negativity.

    It is forbidden organize workplace on the same line between the window and the door- You will simply be blown away by the flow of energy. Try to rotate the table as much as possible perpendicular to these objects.

    Give up table position to the door face or back the best option diagonally. You will see the door, and your back will be protected from an invisible threat.

    If in the room huge windows, better stay away from them. At the energy level, they cause unconscious danger. If there is no chance to change the place, close them with curtains or hang blinds. Additionally, you can decorate the window sills with flowers in pots.

    Don't sit under the air conditioner it can not only cause illness, but it will also blow all thoughts out of your head and interfere with work. If possible, move your desktop to a place that is safe in every way.

    For good and fruitful work there should be a lot of light above the table. An ideal option is a lamp with an ordinary light bulb in a honey or golden shade, it will become your symbol of good luck.

    The workplace should not be reflected in the mirror, it will absorb all your efforts. Even if you like to admire yourself while you work, try to give up this pleasure and sit back from the mirror.

    Chair near the desktop is also of great importance dimensions must be proportional to the table. It is better if there are armrests and a good back - this will give you a feeling of support and support. Do not skimp on a quality chair, it will even add self-confidence.

    For managers the best option would be to place your workplace how can further from the entrance to the office. A different location will negatively affect your career and even reduce your authority in the team. After all, according to the rules ancient world the leader always chooses the best place.

    Subordinates are better off sitting in front of superiors, this will provide him with full protection and support.

When you get a job in a big office, then opportunity to choose a job, no. However, you can still help yourself setting up a personal workplace according to the recommendations of feng shui, which will help neutralize the negative impact from the outside and stabilize the situation.

To have prosperity and success in your career, feng shui rules:

    the best location will be the northern part of the room;

    in the southeastern part, put a "money tree";

    hang an image of a turtle behind your back;

    the table lamp should be red.

We figured out the arrangement of furniture, now we will add everything the correct position of objects in the workplace. This will become a certain talisman for achieving even greater success in work and harmony in relations with colleagues.

If your desk looks like a mini junkyard, don't count on a successful career. Feng Shui means perfect order, because without it, positive energy will not be able to circulate freely. To do this, you need to put everything in its place, select a drawer or cabinet for this. The first thing to do is use "bagua" - energy card, which divides any space into 9 parts, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​​​life. Ask yourself what is the most important thing in life for you and, based on the answer, organize your workplace in accordance with your preferences.

Arrangement of objects on the table according to Feng Shui:

    Place a lighting fixture in the far left corner. This place is responsible for financial well-being.

    Put a photo in the middle left your loved ones or a talisman that is associated with family happiness.

    Store books on the front left or other items to record. Add here some blue object to stimulate your cognition.

    The area at the back in the center is responsible for the reputation. Place a red lamp or your awards in this place.

    In the middle in the center - a place of health. Try to always keep it spotlessly clean, it is better if there are flowers here.

    Front in the center - a place of career. There must be a computer. A screensaver that shows the ocean or a waterfall symbolizes money.

    Rear right - relationship zone. Post a photo of your loved one here, if there is none, then a red flower to attract love.

    Middle right - creative zone. Place magazines or any metal objects made of iron in this place.

    Place front right customer phone lists.

    Crystal pyramid in the southern part will be your assistant in overcoming all difficulties on the way to promotion.

    Success in negotiations will provide four-armed Ganesha. Its best location is on your right hand, contact it from time to time and stroke it.

    There are others talismans appropriate on the table that are responsible for material abundance are the three-legged toad, the money tree and Chinese coins. The main thing to remember is that the last item should be hidden from prying eyes, put them under the keyboard.

Making it right soon you notice positive changes at work. Relationships with colleagues and superiors will change. The manager will begin to notice your merit and colleagues' knowledge.

According to Chinese traditions, a personal space for work affairs can be harmoniously arranged not only in the office itself, but also in the home office.

Desktop feng shui requires special attention among those workers who are unhappy with their salary or slow career advancement.

If you gradually approach the placement of this furniture, as well as its design, you can get rid of most of the problems at work.

Desktop location

The exact and ideal location of the Feng Shui desktop can be determined based on your own date of birth.

Experts advise the fair sex not to take thousands and hundreds from the year of their birth.

  • For example, if a woman was born in 1968, the numbers 68 are important for her. Subtract 4 from the number, and then divide the total by 9. In this case, you need to pay attention to the remainder of the division, which will correspond to the appropriate side of the world and the zone from the Bagua grid .

The Feng Shui of the desktop for men involves finding the ideal location for the circulation of Qi energy in a different way.

  • It is necessary to subtract the number remaining from the date of birth from one hundred. The result obtained is divided by 9 and again only the remainder of the division is taken into account.

When a young man or girl has already figured out the right number, they can turn to a useful reminder:

Numbers 0, 1, 3, 4 and 9 belong to the eastern group, therefore they signal that a person needs a desktop in the east, south, north or southeast of the house and office.

Group 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 is considered western, so people with these numbers should place their desk in the southwest, northwest, west, or northeast.

If the Feng Shui direction of the desktop has already been established, it is necessary to move on to its surroundings. In a home office or a separate room, a person has the ability to take into account even the slightest obstacles in the way of Qi energy, so a desk can really be placed according to an ideal scheme.

The correct location of the desktop according to feng shui

The place to work should be very far from doors and windows, because positive flows and money will flow out of the room. Sitting directly to the openings with your face or back is not worth it, so place the table sideways or diagonally. If you do not have the opportunity to re-equip the office, just close all the openings with curtains or buy blinds.

Feng Shui of the desktop should take into account the space above the head of the worker himself. So, do not put office furniture under air conditioners, ceiling beams, bookshelves and flower pots. All these designs represent negativity and steal success in business. Only vases with fresh flowers help to reduce the negative energy of wall cabinets.

There should be enough free space between the table and the opposite wall. This allows your plans for the future to grow and develop without any problems. In addition, the increased space stimulates career growth.

The feng shui desk should be well lit, so choose a place with a chandelier or lampshade nearby. In addition, try to decorate the office in such a way that the desk is not reflected in the mirror. Otherwise, you risk your efforts at work.

In addition to current advice and studying the feng shui of a desk by date of birth, you also need to consider your own aspirations. For example, a family business can be run in the kinship sector, but creative work requires placing a table in another area of ​​the Bagua grid.

The feng shui desktop for money should be located in the areas of fame, wealth and career. However, do not forget about the process of activating a suitable sector with the help of talismans. Also note that the southern direction of the desktop in Feng Shui is considered the most undesirable, provoking worries and conflicts. The east side is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs, the northwest for leaders, and the southeast for creators.

Office desk arrangement

Subordinate table

In an organization where you are not a leader, it is quite difficult to change the arrangement of furniture. However, feng shui on the desktop in the office is possible, moreover, sometimes a person can choose his place on his own. In any case, there are a number of useful guidelines in Chinese tradition regarding where to put your desk at work.

There should be no partitions or huge cabinets between the tables of employees. Therefore, do not choose a place limited from others by furniture. The lack of free space automatically deprives a person of career prospects.

Sits down in front of his colleagues or superiors is also not the best option, because it stimulates rivalry and constant conflicts. If a different arrangement of tables in the office according to Feng Shui is not possible, hang a picture next to you, which will depict an object striving upward: a tree, a flower, a pyramid, a bird.

Try to reduce the number of corners directed towards the table, as they worsen the well-being at work and reduce work efficiency. You can neutralize their influence by arranging opposite houseplants.

If you do not know how to arrange tables according to Feng Shui in accordance with the cardinal points, place them behind the head, even if he works on the floor above. This position represents support and patronage from the authorities.

Chief's Desk

The Feng Shui leader's desk should contribute not only to the development of his personal leadership qualities, but also to the growth of a friendly atmosphere in the team.

It is best to place the boss's desk against a wall for extra support and support. In addition, a blank wall behind the back also symbolizes support from influential people. The effect of the power of the wall can be enhanced with the help of mountain landscapes. If you are afraid that the wall can become an obstacle to free space, hang a picture with open meadows and lakes on it.

When learning how to place a Feng Shui desktop, keep in mind that it must be in harmony with the office. The chief's room should be the furthest on the floor.

The “back to the door” position will lead to discomfort and loss of self-confidence. The proximity of the entrance to the office to the table also reduces the authority of the leader. Therefore, the ideal option for such furniture is the center of the room.

Desktop Zones

The octagonal Bagua grid helps to easily define the feng shui desktop areas. The correspondence of sectors to cardinal points also implies that each of the areas is responsible for an important life direction. Therefore, on any desk in an apartment or at work there are zones of wealth, love, fame, etc.

For convenience, you need to place the Bagua square obliquely relative to the table, and not directly. Further, the table is conditionally divided into the central part, as well as the left and right areas. In this case, the real compass directions do not play a special role: south is meant at the top, and north is at the bottom.

The center of the table is responsible for health. This place should be left uncluttered. Here you can keep materials related to the solution of current work issues. It is allowed to put flowers here.

The basic feng shui of the desk necessarily includes clearing the north side - the career area. It is important that positive energy can circulate as freely as possible in this part of the table. Here you can also put a computer. By the way, Feng Shui pictures for the desktop should reflect the motifs of oceans or waterfalls in this sector.

In the upper right corner of the table, in the southwest, there is a sector of love and relationships. Photos of spouses are appropriate here, as well as red flowers to attract a soulmate and paired mascots with positive stories.

The eastern area of ​​furniture is associated with family relations. A general family photo would be appropriate here, as well as all items that remind you of your beloved home.

The northeast or lower left corner of the table implies the realm of wisdom and knowledge. Feng Shui of the desktop in the office involves storing useful books in this sector: textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias.

In the west there is a zone of creativity and children. Here you can keep all the papers related to completed cases. It will also be useful to store hobby items, magazines, metal talismans in this area.

The assistant sector is located in the northwest of the desktop. Here you need to keep all your gadgets for communication with colleagues and loved ones.

As practice shows, feng shui of the desktop at work is associated with the activation of the wealth sector in the southeast. In this part of the desk, a financial talisman in the form of a money tree or three old Chinese coins with a red thread would be appropriate. The presence of a lighting device will also be effective.

The far edge of the table is the southern sector of glory. Such an area should be an ideal place to store all the awards and positive marks from the authorities. It is useful to keep here also photos of people whose deeds inspire you.

If you search the web for photos of your Feng Shui desktop, you will notice the main feature of the ability to organize space is impeccable order and minimalism. Chinese traditions require a daily revision of all papers, getting rid of garbage and at least minimal cleaning of work surfaces. This will allow you to start a new day with fresh ideas, and not feeling hopeless.

What to put on the table

The activation of each sector on the desk is possible with the help of the corresponding talisman. Figurines, figurines and pictures of Feng Shui on the desktop always have a positive effect, as they enhance the movement of Qi energy and open up new opportunities for a person.

three-toed toad is the oldest expression of well-being and financial independence. Get a similar sculpture with a coin in your mouth and put it in the wealth zone on the table.

according to feng shui pyramid on the desktop - one of the most powerful amulets. The purpose of such a figurine is to accumulate positive energy and increase efficiency. A talisman made according to the principle of the golden ratio is especially effective. The crystal pyramid on the Feng Shui desktop also contributes to professional growth, if you keep it in the center of the surface.

Ganesha This is a figurine of the Indian god-elephant. She personifies the help of higher powers and leads to an increase in income. You can safely place such a talisman in the relationship sector. Bronze Ganesha helps to make the right decision during the transaction. To activate the figurine, you need to stroke the hands and trunk of the deity more often, and also keep a candy near it.

In addition to figurines, it is also useful to place pictures on your desktop. According to Feng Shui, a person’s career will go uphill if he uses the hieroglyphs of Fame and Wealth, and also puts a portrait of his boss in the northwestern sector.

Symbols of abundance that are useful for the money sector are expensive writing sets, business card holders, and Hottei figurines- an old man with a bag and coins. It is also useful to keep a dragon on your desktop - a figurine for developing creative skills and concentrating good luck in business. By the way, dragons very effectively protect a person from envious people and competitors.

You need to approach carefully.

  • For career advancement, geranium and azalea are suitable.
  • Cyclamen will give confidence in decisions, and fern will make the atmosphere in the team more friendly.
  • The chrysanthemum will save you from conflicts, and the Chinese rose will add creative energy.
  • Keep in mind that a feng shui cactus on your desktop is a bad sign. A plant with thorns directs negativity towards a person, and in the wealth sector it leads to decline. However, even here there are exceptions: if you do not put the cactus in the relationship zone, as well as directly in front of you, you can clean up great from angry and violent emotions.

It will look good on the southeast side of the table rat with a coin in its paws. This symbol of well-being is especially effective for people born in the year of the Rat. To give wisdom and caution to your decisions, put an owl figurine on the table, and if you need to help the whole company, get a deer figurine in your office.

Fish on the Feng Shui desktop - a great option for the southeastern sector. A carp figurine will help you quickly increase capital in this zone. You can also give preference to a figurine in the form of a dragon fish or arowan. A real aquarium will also look good in the office, in which there are 8 goldfish and one black one. Interestingly, the activation of the career zone on the desktop is possible with the help of fish: cut out 2 figures from blue or black cardboard and glue them to the inside of the furniture in the right place.

The feng shui of the desktop is determined not only by the correct arrangement of furniture, color features and observance of the elements with the cardinal points. Also pay attention to the clutter of the main work surface: the entire cabinet at home or in the office must be perfectly clean.

Each of us at least once in our lives wants to rearrange furniture, objects, regardless of whether we are talking about a house or an office. After these manipulations are completed, many people notice that positive changes begin to occur in their lives - relations in the family or with colleagues, superiors have improved, things have “gone uphill”, and profits have increased.

Changes in your life can be replaced by setting your desktop according to Feng Shui. If you are planning to rearrange, you should familiarize yourself not only with what kind of practice it is, which, with the right approach, allows you to attract prosperity, luck, money, but also with how you need to put the table in order to achieve such results.

Feng Shui Key Points

About it in our latitudes learned relatively recently. Nevertheless, over the past decades, we have heard more than once about what feng shui is, but everyone has a different attitude to this technique.

Someone practices it with pleasure, and someone sees in it something supernatural, and therefore frightening. In fact, it is based on the interaction of the main elements. His person can "tune" himself in order to achieve harmony, good luck.

To be more precise, Feng Shui is the practice of arranging interior items, thanks to which it is possible to attract good luck, to get the favor of all the elements.

Many of the provisions of this practice are based not only on the interaction of the elements, but also on psychological aspects. If you do not pay attention to them, a person, without realizing it, may feel uncomfortable, which often becomes a source of trouble.

As a rule, home furnishings are arranged according to Feng Shui, but it has long been noticed that the situation on the spot in the office is no less important. The location of things, furniture plays a huge role in how rapidly a person’s career will develop, whether he can get along well with colleagues, find a common language with his superiors.

A significant role in all these issues is played by the location of the table.

Some of them will seem very simple to you, however, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do not always follow even simple rules.

Here is what you need to consider first of all when arranging your desk in the office:

  • Do not place it in such a way that you sit with your back to the entrance to the room. At the subconscious level, such an arrangement is perceived as potentially dangerous, and from the point of view of energy flows, such an arrangement can bring betrayal. This is especially true when the door opens inward;
  • You should not sit with your back to the window, otherwise there is a risk that it will be difficult for you to enlist not only the support of your superiors, but also your colleagues;
  • Do not ignore the symbols of Water. Do not position your desk so that they are behind you. Symbols of water, which include, for example, pictures of water, a fountain, an aquarium, etc., should be in front of you. Nothing bad will happen if these symbols are above you;
  • Pay attention to the top. There should be no overhanging structures (air conditioners, beams, columns, shelves, etc.) above your head. When arranging a desktop in an office according to Feng Shui, this should be taken into account, since such designs not only create a feeling of pressure, but also block positive energies;
  • Hide wires. Being in a conspicuous place, they are a symbol of the outflow of finance, so telephone and computer wires must be removed behind racks or panels.

A successful table arrangement is one in which a person sits facing the door, not directly opposite the entrance, but diagonally from it. At the same time, it is important that your place is clearly visible at the entrance to the room and no foreign objects block it.

Try to have a wall behind your workplace, and if this is not possible, you should hang thick curtains on the windows.

Correctly arrange the workplace in the office

Currently, in offices, places for each employee are often arranged in booths or behind partitions. Because of this, it may seem to a person that he has little space, and interior items, equipment take up too much space. This is not a very favorable Feng Shui location, therefore, in order to expand the space, make it more pleasant for perception, you can use a picture near the desktop or above it. A landscape can be depicted on it, but it is better if it is any symbol of Water (lake, sea, river, etc.).

From the feeling of fatigue and routine, the presence in the workplace of any subject that you really like will save you. Looking at him, you will experience joy, and fatigue will recede. You can post a photo of someone close to you.

It is not recommended to work between racks, shelves, cabinets, other furniture. All these office interior items limit career growth, interfere with perceiving new information and developing. If there is no other option, free all these shelves and racks as much as possible.

According to the feng shui of the workplace, a person needs protection. It can be provided by a large plant or other bright large object. This is especially true for those people who cannot afford to settle down in another place, except near a large window. Even more protection is needed for people who also work in an office located on high floors.

Another recommendation on how to put your desktop in the office according to feng shui concerns
lighting. It is desirable that, in addition to natural light, your workplace is illuminated by a lamp, which should be placed above your head or on the side opposite the working hand.

Often in offices, windows are hung with curtains or blinds, since bright sunlight can interfere with work.

Completely renounce natural light not worth it, because it is also necessary for harmony and helps to attract money. When working in a room without windows, it is necessary to place a picture in it, which depicts a natural landscape. It can be replaced by a small aquarium, flowers in a vase, a large plant on the table.

One of the main rules of this practice is that your desktop should always be clean and free of foreign objects, papers, documents.

A cluttered environment contributes to the difficulty of the circulation of positive energy. The room must be regularly ventilated, cleaned in it, preventing the accumulation of dust, and papers must be constantly sorted out and sent to the archive those that are not needed at a given period of time. All this is important for attracting good luck, money, prosperity.

feng shui table sectors

Your desktop can be divided into three parts, each of which is worth paying attention to.


This is a zone of luck, money, fame, aspirations and future accomplishments. This sector also symbolizes the successes of the past, and if you want to find an incentive for achievements in the future, you can put your awards, framed diplomas, cups, etc. in this part.

If there are none, it is better to leave the central part completely empty in order to open a free path to the future, bright prospects.

Left edge

It symbolizes prosperity, wealth. If you are striving for a good profit, it is worth putting a money tree on the far left corner of the table from you, it is better if it is alive.


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