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3. Social aspects of labor activities
Introduction. Labor is an expedient activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values.

This section reveals the essence of labor as a broad social process. Public functions and forms of labor are singled out, and its social quality is determined.

The sociological aspect of labor relations is compared with the functional approach. The types of social and labor relations are distinguished depending on the content, subjects of activity, method of communication, scope of power and other grounds.

The content and types of labor adaptation, its main stages, the conditions for the full adaptation of the subject in the work collective are determined.

The definition of social control in the sphere of labor is given, its main functions are highlighted. The classification of types and forms of social control in the labor collective, types social norms and sanctions.

Explains the social labor Relations, using the concepts of job satisfaction, employment, unemployment, mobility, migration.

This section also introduces the main methods of resolving labor conflicts and the principles of analyzing the results. economic activity.

^ 3.1 Labor as a basic socio-economic process:

social essence of labor, classification

social and labor relations.

Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for the life of people. By influencing the natural environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society. The labor process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The main forms of its manifestation are the expenditure of human energy, the interaction of a worker with the means of production, and the production interaction of workers with each other. The role of labor in the development of man and society lies in the fact that in the process of labor not only material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bare created to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, who acquire skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, more advanced and highly productive tools of labor, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs. In the process of labor, labor relations arise between the carriers of living labor. They can be considered in two aspects: functional and sociological.

Functional aspect of labor relations involves the identification necessary number employees, the proportions of their professional and qualified composition based on necessary costs time for the manufacture of a certain product of labor, the complexity of manufacturing products, etc.

Sociological the aspect of labor relations means the identification of equality-inequality between the participants in the labor process, the social status of individual subjects and groups of workers, their interests, motives, labor behavior, etc.

Labor is not only an economic, but also a fundamental social factor that determines all the vital aspirations of modern society. Labor determines economic activity and social structure, the most important factors of the socialization of the individual, the culture of society, the way of life of people, the level of their material well-being, etc. Interacting with each other in the labor process, people enter into a wide network of social and labor relations. Thanks to them, the distribution of the results of economic activity is carried out (the economic function of labor relations) , employees are given the opportunity to participate in the affairs of the enterprise (democratic function), conditions are provided for the subjects for their integration into public life ( social function) . Among the variety of social and labor relations, their characteristic types and types are distinguished.

The main types of social and labor relations include:

1. Paternalistic relations. They are characterized by strongly pronounced regulation by the state or the administration of the enterprise.

2. Partnerships are based on contractual regulation, taking into account the interests of all parties involved.

3. Competitive relations express the desire to obtain unilateral advantages without taking into account the interests of the other side.

4. Solidarity implies a common responsibility and mutual assistance based on the common interests of the parties.

5. Subsidiary relations mean the desire of subjects to be personally responsible for their actions and the achievement of their goals.

6. Discriminatory relations are based on arbitrariness, illegal restriction of the rights of subjects of social and labor relations.

7. Conflict relations express the aggravation of the contradictions of the subjects of social and labor relations.

I also highlight the types of social and labor relations (Table 3.1.1)

Table 3.1.1 Types of social and labor relations

Basis of classification

Relationship types


According to the content of the activity

Production and functional

Vocational qualification

Social and organizational


By subjects of relations

Interorganizational (interproduction)

Intraorganizational (intraproduction)


By the nature of income distribution

According to labor input

Not according to labor input


By way of communication

Impersonal (mediated)

Personal (immediate)


By scope of power




According to the degree of regulation

Formal (official)

Informal (informal)

The social essence of labor is expressed primarily through the social functions and forms of labor, as well as the social quality of labor. The main social functions of labor.

1. Creation of social wealth (material and spiritual).

2. Realization of potential social wealth (natural minerals, intellectual potential of society).

3. Development, self-expression and self-affirmation of the personality.

Labor is realized in such social forms as socialized labor, small-group labor, and individual labor.

The social quality of labor consists in the impact of the worker's labor activity on his social roles, social status, interests, educational and vocational qualification level, and other social characteristics. Such an impact is due to the influence of tools, technology, working conditions, forms of labor organization, etc.

The nature of labor reflects the way the producer is connected with the means of production, due to the property relations prevailing in a given society. So, in a slave-owning society, the slave and the means of labor were combined as the property of the slave owner. And this gave rise to the personal dependence of the worker on the one who appropriated the results of his work. In a capitalist society, the worker can unite with the means of labor, selling his labor power and remaining personally free. Thus, labor by its nature can be slave, corvée, hired (Sokolova G.N., 2002).

Attitude towards work , according to G.N. Sokolova , – complex social and labor phenomenon. This is a characteristic of the type of spiritual connection of an individual with the subject, means and product of labor, as well as with the production environment. Its main elements are:

Motives and orientations of labor behavior;

Real or actual labor behavior;

Verbal labor behavior (assessment by employees of their labor situation).

Among the indicators of attitude to work, there are objective indicators (responsibility, conscientiousness, initiative, discipline, etc.) and subjective indicators (general job satisfaction, partial satisfaction with individual elements of the labor process: salary, working conditions, relationships in the team, etc.).

The attitude to work is influenced by a number of factors: production and non-production. Production factors include: pay and working conditions; organization of labor; industrial independence; relationships in the team, etc. Among the non-productive factors of attitude to work, the following are distinguished: the standard of living of workers; educational and professional level workers; work experience; development of social infrastructure; the state of labor morality, etc.

The concept of the content of labor expresses the production and technical side of the connection of the worker with the means of labor, characterizes the labor process as the interaction of man with nature (tools and objects of labor). Content of labor is a set of actions performed by an employee and their correlation, the composition of specific labor functions. There are the following labor functions of an employee: energy; technological; control and regulation; managerial; informational. Using manual technique, man carried out the exchange of substances with nature with the help of a mediating function; machine technology allowed man to exchange substances with nature with the help of a regulatory function; the modern scientific and technological revolution gives him the opportunity to control the internal mechanism of natural phenomena and objects with the help of a controlling function (Sokolova G.N., 2002).

^ Content of labor - this is the saturation of his mental activity, an expression of the complexity, diversity of labor functions performed, the intellectual and psychological characteristics of labor.

The main factor influencing the change in the structure of labor functions is scientific and technological progress. Under its influence, the content and content of labor change.

^ Working conditions- this is a set of socio-economic, technical-organizational, socio-hygienic and socio-psychological conditions that affect the health and performance of a person, his attitude to work, the degree of job satisfaction, production efficiency, standard of living and personal development.

^ job satisfaction - this is the estimated attitude of a person or a group of people to their own work activity, its various aspects, the most important indicator adaptation of the employee in this enterprise.

There are a number of fairly specific values ​​of job satisfaction, reflecting its role, functions, consequences in socio-economic life, in organization and management.

1. As a result of studying people’s evaluative attitudes towards well-being in everyday life, the socio-economic system, and the social climate, it has been established that work and career are of the greatest importance for them along with such values ​​as health, personal life, full-fledged leisure, often occupying in this rating first position. In a word, job satisfaction is, first of all, social satisfaction, the most important indicator of the quality of life of individuals and groups, the population, and the nation. Questions "how do we live?" and "how do we work?" largely coincide for some people in their youth, for others - in adulthood.

2. Satisfaction with work has a functional and production significance. It affects the quantitative and qualitative results of work, the urgency and accuracy of completing tasks, and the commitment to other people. Attitude towards work can be based on self-assessment by the employee of his business qualities and indicators. At the same time, self-satisfaction and self-dissatisfaction, depending on the specific case, can positively and negatively affect the work.

3. The employer's concern for the satisfaction of people with their work determines some significant types of managerial behavior, labor relations in general. The employer is often skeptical about the production and economic effect of any measures for the humanization of labor and considers their financing to be irrational. Funds for these purposes are usually spent under pressure from trade unions, the working masses or legal authorities.

4. Satisfactory, from the point of view of the employee, the nature and working conditions are the most important factor in the authority of the leader. For workers, that administration is better, which is able to make their work better.

5. Job satisfaction is often an indicator of employee turnover and the need for appropriate action to prevent it.

6. Depending on job satisfaction, the requirements and claims of employees increase or decrease, including in relation to remuneration for work (satisfaction can reduce the criticality in relation to wages).

7. Satisfaction with work is a universal criterion for explaining and interpreting a variety of actions of individual workers and labor groups. It determines the style, method, manner of communication between the administration and the workforce. In other words, the behavior of satisfied and dissatisfied people differs, and the management of satisfied and dissatisfied people also differs.

^ Labor adaptation and social control

in the workforce

Labor adaptation is a social process of mastering a new work situation by a person, in which, unlike the biological one, both the person and the work environment actively influence each other and are adaptive-adaptive systems. Entering work, a person is actively included in the system of professional and socio-psychological relations of the labor collective, learns new social and labor roles, values, norms for him, coordinates his individual position with the goals and objectives of the labor collective, thereby subordinating his behavior to the prescriptions this enterprise.

Allocate primary and secondary labor adaptation. The primary takes place when the employee first enters the working environment, the secondary - when changing the workplace, profession, position, etc.

Labor adaptation has a complex structure and is a unity of professional, socio-psychological, social-organizational and cultural adaptation.

1. Professional adaptation is expressed in the acquisition of professional skills, the formation of the necessary professional qualities, acquisition professional excellence etc.

2. Socio-psychological adaptation consists in the development by a person of the socio-psychological characteristics of a labor organization, entry into the system of relationships that has developed in it, and positive interaction with members of the organization.

3. Socio-organizational adaptation means the development of a new subject organizational structure organizations, work schedule, mode of work and rest, features of the control system.

4. Psychophysiological adaptation is the process of mastering the conditions and rhythm of work, sanitary and hygienic comfort, psychophysiological work loads, etc. by a person.

5. Cultural adaptation is the participation of new members of the labor collective in traditional activities for a given enterprise outside working hours.

In the process of adaptation, the employee goes through three main stages: 1) familiarization with the labor situation; 2) adaptation to the working situation; 3) association with the labor situation.

Indicators of the degree of adaptation of the employee to the working environment are: efficiency and quality of work; assimilation of social and labor information; labor activity; job satisfaction, etc.

The process of labor adaptation can be influenced by both objective and subjective factors.

The objective factors of labor adaptation include conditions that do not depend on the employee: the level of labor organization; labor automation; working conditions; the scale of the workforce; its location, etc.

Subjective (personal) factors include: socio-demographic characteristics of an employee (gender, age, education, qualifications, work experience, social status); socio-psychological characteristics (level of claims, diligence, self-control, sociability, etc.); sociological (degree professional interest, the degree of material and moral interest in the efficiency and quality of labor, the presence of a mindset for advanced training, etc.)

One of the conditions conducive to labor adaptation is the professional selection of personnel. Its purpose is to determine the suitability of a person to perform a particular job.

Professional selection involves a description of the profession, the preparation of a professiogram of the workplace, as well as a personality map that reflects the natural data of the individual, his inclinations, social, psychological and physiological characteristics.

Another condition for full-fledged labor adaptation is the availability of opportunities for the professional growth of the employee, his career. The presence of the prospect of advancement in the professional and career ladder contributes to the early primary labor adaptation of young specialists.

In the process of production adaptation important role occupies the personal potential of the employee (Fig. 3.1.2). This is a set of certain traits and qualities of an employee that form a certain type of behavior: self-confidence, sociability, self-assertion ability, balance, etc. that is, personal potential characterizes the internal physical and spiritual energy of a person, his activity position, aimed at creative self-expression and self-realization.

The researchers note that the following features are inherent in advanced workers: energy, the ability to manage their emotions, the willingness to openly express their opinion, the ability to change their point of view under the influence of arguments, but not force.

Social control plays an important role in regulating the life of the work collective. Social control is called a special institution of society, designed to prevent and correct those social deviations that are capable of disorganizing social life.

In the process of labor, people enter into certain social relations,

interacting with each other. Social interactions in the world of work is a form

social ties, realized in the exchange of activities and mutual action. objective

the basis of human interaction is the commonality or divergence of their interests, close

or distant goals, views. Intermediaries of interaction between people in the world of work,

its intermediate links are tools and objects of labor, material and

spiritual benefits. The constant interaction of individuals or communities in the process

labor activity in certain social conditions forms specific

social relations.

social relations is the relationship between members of social communities and

these communities about their social status, way of life and way of life, in

ultimately, about the conditions for the formation and development of personality, social

communities. They are manifested in the position of certain groups of workers in the labor

process, communication links between them, i.e. in the exchange of information for

influencing the behavior and performance of others, as well as to evaluate one's own

own position, which influences the formation of the interests and behavior of these groups.

These relations are inextricably linked with labor relations and are conditioned by them.

initially. For example, in a labor organization, workers get used to, adapt to

objective need and thus enter into an employment relationship, regardless of

the one who will work nearby, who is the leader, what style of activity he has. However

then each worker in his own way manifests himself in relationships with each other, with

leader, in relation to work, to the order of distribution of work, etc. Therefore, on

On the basis of objective relations, relations of a socio-psychological nature begin to take shape, characterized by a certain emotional mood,

the nature of communication between people and relationships in the labor organization, the atmosphere in it.

Thus, social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social

significance, role, place, social position of an individual and a group. They are

a link between a worker and a foreman, a leader and a group of subordinates,

certain groups of workers and their individual members. No group of workers

not a single member of a labor organization can exist outside of such relations, outside

mutual obligations relative to each other, without interactions.

As you can see, in practice there is a variety of social and labor relations. Them,

as well as various social phenomena and processes in the conditions existing market and

studies the sociology of labor. So the sociology of work is the study of the functioning and

social aspects of the labor market. If we try to narrow this concept, then

we can say that the sociology of work is the behavior of employers and employees in

response to the action of economic and social incentives to work. It is this kind

incentives, on the one hand, encourage individual choice, and on the other hand, limit

his. In sociological theory, the emphasis is on incentives that regulate labor

behavior that is not impersonal in nature and relates to workers who are broadly

groups of people.

The subject of the sociology of labor is the structure and mechanism of social and labor

relationships, as well social processes and phenomena in the world of work.

The purpose of the sociology of work is the study of social processes and the development

aimed at creating optimal conditions for the functioning of society,

collective, group, individual in the sphere of work and achievement on this basis

the most complete implementation and optimal combination of their interests.

The tasks of the sociology of labor are:

Study and optimization social structure society, labor organization


Analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility

labor resources;

Finding ways to optimally realize the labor potential of modern


The optimal combination of moral and material incentives and improvement

attitudes towards work in the market;

Strengthening social control and combating various kinds of deviations from

generally accepted moral principles and norms in the sphere of work;

Studying the causes and developing a system of measures to prevent and resolve

labor conflicts;

Creation of a system of social guarantees that protect workers in society,

labor organization, etc.

In other words, the tasks of the sociology of labor are reduced to the development of methods and techniques

use social factors in the interests of solving the most important socio-economic problems of society and the individual, which include the creation of a system

social guarantees, maintaining and strengthening the social security of citizens with

the goal of accelerated social reorientation of the economy.

For the collection and analysis of information in the sociology of labor are widely used

sociological methods, which manifest themselves in:

Achieved knowledge about the subject of research (understanding the essence of labor and

relations in the sphere of labor);

The process of fact gathering methods;

A way to make a conclusion, i.e. draw conclusions about cause and effect

connections between phenomena.

It should be noted that research conducted within the framework of the sociology of labor,

provide the necessary and sufficiently reliable information for the formation

social policy, development of science-based programs of socio-economic

development labor organizations(collectives), to solve social problems and

controversy that constantly accompanies labor activity and workers. So

Thus, the sociology of labor is called upon, on the one hand, to expand knowledge about the real

existing reality, on the other hand, to promote the establishment of new ties and

processes taking place in the world of work.

The labor sciences of a sociological profile exist within sociology as a whole, but

are not necessarily integral parts of the sociology of work. Sociological they

are not only in terms of methods, but also in terms of the subject of research. Them common feature--the study

social aspects of social labor. Emergence of disciplines within the sociology of labor

became possible due to the fact that this science analyzes social labor on macro- and

microlevels. The first relates to the institutional aspect of labor, and the second to

motivational and behavioral.

Economic sociology belongs to the young branches of knowledge. Her subject

value orientations, needs, interests and behavior of large social

groups (demographic, vocational, etc.) on macro- and

microlevels in the conditions of market conditions. How do contractions and

employment of the administrative apparatus, unskilled workers,

engineers, doctors, etc.? How does the assessment of remuneration (moral and

material) labor in certain social groups, in the areas of individual

and collective labor, state, private and cooperative production? On the

these and other questions are called upon and answered by economic sociology. Subject

the study of the sociology of labor is precisely the circle of its scientific problems in

intersection with other sociological disciplines.

Labor economics studies the mechanism of action of economic laws in the sphere of labor,

forms of their manifestation in public organization labor. The economy is interested in the process itself

value creation and. For her, labor costs are important at all stages of production.

cycle, while the sociology of labor considers the labor interactions of workers and

employment relationship between them. For example, in stimulating labor

The economy is interested in wages. In this case, we study the tariff system, wages

payment, the relationship between them. Sociology of labor, paying due attention to the problem

financial incentives, considers, first of all, a set of motives

to work, incentives such as the content of labor, its organization and conditions, the degree

independence in work, the nature of relationships in the team, etc.

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion


Most scientists in the field economy labor consider that its subject is labor as an expedient activity of people arising in the process and about production See: Economy labor and social and labor relations / Ed.G. G. Melikyan, R.P. Kolosova. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1996. . AT foreign countries experts believe that labor economics is a study of the functioning and results of the labor market, and in a narrow sense, the behavior of employers and employees in response to the action of general incentives in the form wages, profit and non-monetary factors in the field of labor relations See: Ehrenberg R., J. Smith R.S. Modern labor economics. Theory and public policy. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1996. .

Based on the content of these formulations, the development of the subject of labor economics will be carried out in the following areas:

disclosure of the content and regulation of social and labor relations in the field of labor resources, the labor market and employment, providing for the creation of conditions for the effective functioning of labor resources;

economic directions in the field of improving the efficiency of labor activity (factors, conditions, reserves, indicators) in codification form, taking into account the transition period to market relations;

motivational and stimulating directions of prerequisites for effective, fruitful activity of labor resources in the conditions of market relations;

directions related to quantitative aspects, principles of labor process management, namely productivity, composition and number of employees and their payment.

In Russia, achievements in the field of labor economics are in most cases associated with the activities of the Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF, which has published a large number of guidelines on a very wide range of issues.

Sociology labor - part of general sociology, the subject of which is a diverse set of social and labor relations and social processes in the sphere of work. Studies of the sociology of labor serve to identify social reserves for increasing the efficiency of labor activity along with providing conditions for the development of workers, meeting their needs, and forming positive intra-collective relations.

1. The essence and functions of labor, its social aspects. Subject area sociology of labor

Work - this is expedient activity of people, directed on the creation material and cultural values . Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for the life of people. By influencing the natural environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

The labor process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of a worker with the means of production (objects and means of labor) and the production interaction of workers with each other as if horizontally (the ratio of participation in a single labor process), and vertically (the relationship between the leader and the subordinate). The role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested in the fact that in the process of labor not only material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bare created to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, who acquire skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, more advanced and highly productive tools of labor, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, in the process of labor activity, not only goods are produced, services are provided, cultural values ​​are created, etc., but new needs appear with the requirements for their subsequent satisfaction (Fig. 1.1).

The sociological aspect of the study is to consider labor as a system of social relations, to determine its impact on society.

Rice. 1.1 The role of labor in the development of man and society

In the process of labor, people enter into certain social relations, interacting with each other. Social interactions in the sphere of work, it is a form of social ties realized in the exchange of activities and mutual action. The objective basis for the interaction of people is the commonality or divergence of their interests, close or distant goals, views. The mediators of the interaction of people in the sphere of labor, its intermediate links are tools and objects of labor, material and spiritual benefits. The constant interaction of separate individuals or communities in the process of labor activity in certain social conditions forms specific social relations.

Social relations - it is the relationship between members of social communities and these communities about their social status, image and way of life, ultimately about the conditions for the formation and development of personality, social communities. They are manifested in the position of individual groups of workers in the labor process, communication links between them, i.e. in the mutual exchange of information to influence the behavior and performance of others, as well as to assess their own position, which affects the formation of the interests and behavior of these groups.

These relations are inextricably linked with labor relations and are conditioned by them from the very beginning. For example, workers get used to the labor organization, adapt due to objective needs and thus enter into labor relations, regardless of who will work nearby, who is the leader, what style of activity he has. However, then each worker manifests himself in his own way in relationships with each other, with the manager, in relation to work, to the order of distribution of work, and so on. Consequently, on the basis of objective relations, relations of a socio-psychological nature begin to take shape, characterized by a certain emotional mood, the nature of people's communication and relationships in a labor organization, and the atmosphere in it.

Thus, social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social significance, role, place, social position of an individual and a group. They are the link between the worker and the master, the leader and a group of subordinates, certain groups of workers and their individual members. Not a single group of workers, not a single member of a labor organization can exist outside of such relations, outside of mutual obligations in relation to each other, outside of interactions (Fig. 1.2).

As you can see, in practice there is a variety of social and labor relations. They, as well as various social phenomena and processes in the conditions of the existing market, are studied by the sociology of labor. Therefore, the sociology of labor is the study of the functioning and social aspects of the market in the world of work. If we try to narrow this concept, we can say that With about ciology labor - this is behavior employers and hired workers in answer on the action economic and social incentives to labor . It is this kind of incentives, on the one hand, encourage individual choice, and on the other hand, limit it. In sociological theory, the emphasis is on incentives that regulate labor behavior, which are not impersonal in nature and relate to workers, wide groups of people.

Rice. 1.2 Social and labor relations in the sphere of labor

Subject sociology labor are the structure and mechanism of social and labor relations, as well as social processes and phenomena in the world of work.

Target sociology labor - this is the study of social processes and the development of recommendations for their regulation and management, forecasting and planning, aimed at creating optimal conditions for the functioning of society, a team, a group, an individual in the world of work and achieving on this basis the most complete realization and the optimal combination of their interests.

Tasks sociology labor consist in:

study and optimization of the social structure of society, labor organization (team);

analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility of labor resources;

finding ways to optimally realize the labor potential of a modern worker;

the optimal combination of moral and material incentives and the improvement of attitudes towards work in market conditions;

strengthening social control and combating various kinds of deviations from the generally accepted moral principles and norms in the sphere of work;

studying the causes and developing a system of measures to prevent and resolve labor conflicts;

creating a system of social guarantees that protect workers in society, labor organization, etc.

In other words, the tasks of the sociology of labor are reduced to the development of methods and techniques for using social factors in the interests of solving the most important socio-economic problems of society and the individual, which include the creation of a system of social guarantees, maintaining and strengthening the social protection of citizens in order to accelerate the social reorientation of the economy.

To collect and analyze information in the sociology of labor, sociological methods are widely used, which manifest themselves in:

achieved knowledge about the subject of research (understanding the essence of labor and relations in the sphere of labor);

the process of fact gathering methods;

way to make a conclusion, i.e. formulate conclusions about causal relationships between phenomena.

It should be noted that studies conducted within the framework of the sociology of labor provide the necessary and sufficiently reliable information for the formation of social policy, the development of scientifically based programs for the socio-economic development of labor organizations (collectives), for solving social problems and contradictions that constantly accompany labor activity and workers. . Thus, the sociology of labor is called upon, on the one hand, to expand knowledge about the really existing reality, on the other hand, to promote the establishment of new connections and processes taking place in the sphere of labor.

2. Structure and reproduction of the population and labor resources

The state and development of a society will largely be determined by the number and composition of its population. Under population understood scoop P ness crowded, living on the certain territory - area, city, R e gyone, country .

Labor resources - this is able-bodied part population, possessed Yu schaya physical and intellectual abilities to labor de I ness, able produce material good or render at With meadows, those. labor resources include, on the one hand, those people who are employed in the economy, and on the other hand, those who are not employed, but able to work. Thus, the labor force consists of actual and potential workers.

The necessary physical and intellectual abilities depend on age. In the early and mature period of a person's life, they are formed and multiplied, and by old age they are lost. Age acts as a kind of criterion that makes it possible to single out the actual labor resources from the entire population.

Before considering the basic concepts of various areas of study of labor resources, it is advisable to look at the composition and structure of the population and the change in its size.

Underreproduction population understood process continuous renewal generations of people in result interactions give birth about sti and mortality . Distinguishthreetypereproductionpopulation:

expanded reproduction is characterized by an excess of the number of births over the number of deaths;

simple reproduction - in this case there is no increase, since the number of births is equal to the number of deaths;

narrowed - mortality exceeds the birth rate, there is an absolute reduction in the population.

The reproduction of the population has not only demographic, but also economic and social aspects. It determines the formation of labor resources, the development of territories, the state of productive forces, the development of social infrastructure, etc.

The population and labor resources have quantitative and qualitative characteristics that are necessary for the analysis and assessment of demographic processes and the development of a strategy in the field of labor resources management. To characterize the reproduction of the population, indicators of fertility, mortality and natural increase are used.

fertility and mortality are calculated per 1000 people (in ppm) and measured using coefficient systems and tables. The difference between the number of births and deaths with a positive result is called natural growth population.


where K R and K C are the birth and death rates, respectively;

R - number of births per year;

C is the number of deaths per year;

N C - average annual population.

The average annual population is determined for the middle of the year as the arithmetic average of the population data at the beginning and end of the year, or by adding half of its growth to the initial population.

From Table. Figure 1 shows that the permanent population of Russia is declining with the structure of the urban and rural population unchanged. The decline in population is caused, on the one hand, by a decrease in the relative number of births, on the other hand, by an increase in the relative number of deaths, which predetermined a natural population decline of 5-6 per thousand per year over the past three years. The relative number of marriages and divorces did not change significantly during the period under review.

Table 1. number,compoundandindicatorsnaturalmovementspopulationRussia

The number, composition of the population in all countries of the world is determined using censuses. The last census in our country took place in 1989. Its main data have been published and serve as the basis for obtaining demographic data in the subsequent period. The next census is scheduled for 1999. Population censuses provide the most accurate data on population numbers.

Population forecasting allows. identify expected population changes; assess the demographic situation that is developing both in individual regions and in the country as a whole; determine the number of labor resources, the development of their educational and professional qualification level; trace the influence of other socio-economic and environmental factors on the reproductive process. In order to determine the prospective population size, the method of retrospective extrapolation is used when compiling a short-term forecast, and for longer periods, the method of shifting by age is used.

Table 2. populationpermanentpopulationRussia( at the beginning of the year, thousand people)

The population forecast is made taking into account long-term trends in fertility and mortality, as well as the age and sex composition of the population. Since the mid-1960s, the birth rate in the country has not ensured a simple reproduction of the population: there are fewer children than their parents. By the beginning of the 70s, the two-child family became dominant, then the number of families with one child gradually increased. For nearly three decades, the natural increase in the population due to the numerous generations of women of childbearing age has increased, but in the 90s the proportion of these generations has decreased. In the next decade, the birth rate will be somewhat higher than at present. However, this will not be enough for a day of resumption of natural population growth.

3. The structure of the formation of labor resources

Age limits and the socio-demographic composition of labor resources are determined by the system of state legislative acts. In Russia, working age is considered: for men 16-59 years old inclusive and for women 16-54 years old. Working age limits are not the same in different countries. In a number of countries, the lower limit of working age is set at 14-15 years (in some - 18 years), and the upper limit - in many 65 years for everyone, or 65 years for men and 60-62 years for women.

Table 3

Mediumdurationlifeandageexiton theretirement(years)

In Russia, for several years now, the question has been raised about the need to raise the age threshold, after reaching which an old-age pension is established from 60 to 65 years for men, from 55 to 60 years for women. Such a process will take place gradually, in stages - initially up to 62-63 years for men and up to 57-58 years for women. There are supporters and opponents of such a decision. For example, one of the arguments put forward by opponents of raising the retirement age is the reference to the plight of the working population in general.

Since 1993, the Russian Federation has made a transition to international system qualifications of the composition of the population See: Main methodological provisions for the classification of statistical data on the composition work force, economic activity and employment status. / Economy and life. - 1993. - No. 20. . In accordance with this classification in Fig. 2.1 shows a diagram of the composition of labor resources.

Rice. 2.1 Labor force and economically active population

Economically active population - part of the population that provides the supply of labor for the production of goods and services. The number of economically active population includes employed and unemployed, measured in relation to the surveyed period. In order to determine the economic activity of the population, its level is considered:


where Y EA - the level of economic activity of the population;

d EA is the share of the economically active population;

Ch N - total population.

As can be seen from Table. 2.4, the tendency to maintain the economically active population and the share of employment of the population remains unchanged. At the same time, the number of unemployed is growing, which makes it possible to characterize the picture as a whole as negative.

Economically inactive population - is the population that is not part of the labor force, including persons younger age established to measure the economically active population. The size of the economically inactive population is measured in relation to the surveyed period and includes the following categories:

pupils and students, listeners and cadets attending day educational establishments(including full-time graduate and doctoral studies);

persons receiving old-age pensions and on preferential terms, as well as receiving pensions due to the loss of a breadwinner when they reach retirement age;

persons receiving disability pensions (1,2, 3 groups);

persons involved in the management household, caring for children, sick relatives, etc.;

desperate to find a job, i.e. persons who have stopped looking for a job, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining it, but who are able and willing to work;

other persons who do not need to work, regardless of the source of income.

Table 4


The name of indicators

Thousand human

Percentage of economically active population


active population: total 75665

men 38880

women 36785

total 72071

men 37063

women 35008


total* 3594

men 1817

women 1777

75012 38702 36298

70852 36560 34292

73962 39077 34885

68484 36132 32352

72872 38899 33973

66441 35413 31028

72788 100 38839 100 33949 100

66000 98,3 35112 95,3 30888 95,2

Source: Russia these. - in numbers: Brief statistical collection / Goskomstat Ros-

M. 1996. - S.33.

*At the end of the year.

Structurelaborresources multifaceted. It includes various components that characterize certain aspects of labor resources. Let's consider its components.

Rice. 2.2 Structure of labor resources

Structure of labor resources on semi is important for the formation of an effective structure of employment by areas of application of labor in the professional, sectoral and territorial contexts and is determined by identifying the ratio of men and women employed in social production, household and personal households, studying with a break from work, etc. It varies across the country and areas of employment.

First of all, we note that the proportion of men in the labor force of Russia is greater than that of women. The ratio is as follows: men - 62.5%, women - 51.2% Market labor in the Commonwealth countries in figures and diagrams. - M., 1994. - S. 8-9. . This is due to the fact that the working age for men is 5 years higher. However, this ratio is changing due to an increase in the mortality of men of working age.

Level education labor resources - their most important qualitative characteristic. He is determined by the average number of years of study, the number of pupils and students, the proportion of specialists with higher education, and other indicators of society. The level of education is characterized by such indicators as the percentage of literacy, the average number of years of education, the distribution of the population into groups depending on the education received.

Table 5


As can be seen from the table, the number of people with higher, incomplete higher and secondary specialized education has increased from 322 people. in 1989 to 370 in 1994, or 15%. The average level of education of the working population in Russia has increased from 8.1 years in 1970 to 11.0 years at present, which is significantly lower than in the United States, where it is now about 14 years Russia today is a real opportunity. - M.: Observer, 1994. - S. 106. .

Important information about the quality of intellectual potential is provided by the direction vocational training in system higher education. Now its structure in our country and in the West differs quite significantly.

Table 6


These tables show that in our country, in comparison with developed countries, training in engineering specialties prevails. But in the field of humanitarian and social sciences we are seriously lagging behind other countries.

Quantitative changes in the number of labor resources are characterized by such indicators as absolute growth, growth rates and growth rates of labor resources.

Absolute growth is defined as the difference between the number of labor resources at the beginning and end of the period under review; Usually it can be a year or a longer period of time.

Pace growth regarded as a relation absolute value the number of labor resources at the end of a given period to their value at the beginning of the period. If the rate is taken over a number of years, then the average annual rate is determined as the geometric mean according to the following formula:


where T RS_ - average annual growth rate;

n - number of years;

R n - number at the end of the period;

R O - number at the beginning of the period.

Pace growth calculated by the formula:

where T PS is the average annual growth rate.

4. Organizational bases of wages

On the basis of the principles of organization and functions of wages in the conditions of building market relations, an organizational system of remuneration is created directly at the lower levels - at the enterprise. Restructuring the organization of wages Under the organization of wages is understood as its construction, ensuring the relationship between the amount of labor and the amount of its payment, as well as a set of constituent elements (rationing, tariff system, bonuses, additional payments and allowances). in accordance with the requirements of the market provides for the solution of the following tasks:

increasing the interest of each employee in identifying and using the reserves of the efficiency of their work, while excluding the possibility of obtaining unearned funds;

eliminating cases of equalization in wages, achieving a direct dependence of wages on the results of work, both individual and collective;

optimization of ratios in remuneration of workers of various categories and professional groups, taking into account the complexity of the work performed, working conditions that take into account the shortage of professions, as well as the influence of various groups working on the achievement of final results, and the competitiveness of production.

Since there is a specificity in the organization of wages at the lower levels of management, its organizational prerequisites should be as shown in Fig. 4.3.

social aspect labor resource

Rice. 4.3 Organizational bases of remuneration at the enterprise

When organizing wages at the enterprise, the interests of employers and employees are affected. Undoubtedly, during the transition to market relations, the parties should have equal rights in resolving issues of remuneration. Collective agreements between the administration of an enterprise (or a representative of the owner) and a trade union representing the interests of employees become a legal, valid and the only effective form of regulation of labor relations, including in matters of wages.

In market conditions, and even more so in the transition period, the directions and nature of state regulation of distribution relations are changing, new forms of management appear that exclude rigid administration schemes, and new requirements are imposed on regulatory processes at the enterprise level. State intervention is necessary to establish, interpret and enforce the terms and principles of income distribution. The regulatory impact of the state should be aimed at creating conditions for earning money and social guarantees in order to increase the efficiency of the use of labor force, the implementation and harmonization of the interests of the subjects of distribution relations, functioning on the basis of various forms property and management.

The basis for state regulation of distribution relations should be: legislation and labor agreements, tax system, establishing the relationship between the dynamics of individual incomes and inflation. Without the participation of the state, it is impossible to guarantee a person an income that provides him with a decent life, regardless of the results of the economic activity of the enterprise. The functions of the state, in addition, should include raising the incomes of the poor in order to create conditions for the normal reproduction of the labor force, ensure the optimal distribution of labor resources, ease social tensions, etc. Becoming a participant in the reproduction of the labor force, the state largely takes over the supply of labor force, strives to ensure that it meets the demand of entrepreneurs.

To regulate these issues, an effective system of multi-level collective agreements is needed, the basis for which we have created in the legislative field, but much remains to be done to implement, refine, specify, and clarify the various provisions of this system. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Collective Contracts and Agreements" provides for the conclusion of general, sectoral, special agreements and collective agreements. The Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1993 approved the regulation on the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, providing for:

establishment of general principles for the coordinated implementation of socio-economic policy, taking into account the interests of employees and employers;

development of the system of social partnership;

assistance in the settlement of collective labor disputes (conflicts).

The implementation of these legislative acts marked the beginning of the development of a system of social partnership in the field of labor relations, but the mechanism of their action has not yet been sufficiently developed.

Characterizing practical steps in the field of wage regulation in our country, it should be noted that the Uniform Tariff Rate (ETC) was developed and introduced to differentiate wage levels for various categories of workers, which makes it possible to ensure equal pay for work of equal complexity, regardless of the scope of its application for workers in manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries economy financed by public funds.

A measure of state regulation of wages, ensuring the social protection of low-income, low-paid workers, is the establishment of a minimum wage on an objective basis.

Introduction of a unified tariff scale for remuneration of employees public sector is reduced to a periodic review of the tariff rate of the first category, i.e. the minimum tariff rate, at the level of organizations and institutions in this area. For enterprises that are not related to budgetary enterprises, the value of this rate should be provided for in industry agreements, collective agreements and depend on the profitability of the industry, enterprise. It should be noted that there is a pronounced differentiation in the levels of tariff rates of the first category by industry, which leads to negative consequences in the country's economy. There is a need to streamline work on the conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, reflecting in them the conditions for remuneration of workers.

Returning to the question of the problems of setting the minimum wage based on social standards, it should be noted that the latter are the main element of the normative approach in assessing the needs of the population. First of all, this is a criterion for the effective distribution of consumption resources, social guarantees in the field of income distribution, an integral attribute of the system of indexing the income of the population. They are standards, without which it is impossible to assess the existing standard of living. It is necessary to strive for their comprehension in the formation of social policy. The disadvantages of social norms include:

lack of a unified methodological approach in the calculation of standards. Developers of social standards most often act in isolation from each other, which leads to inconsistency and duplication of work. The same social norms developed in different departments have different meanings,

poor organization of approbation of standards and analysis of the methodology for their calculations (only final results are discussed), lack of clarity in the issue of approving standards;

imperfection of consumption norms as the basis for calculating social standards (practically they are not differentiated by districts, socio-demographic groups of the population, do not cover the entire range of consumer goods and services; they most often focus on abstract rather than real needs).

The sequence of work on the organization of wages at the enterprise is presented in fig. 4.4, which shows solutions to problems united in three large blocks: the choice of the method of forming the basic salary; choice of forms of remuneration; choice of control systems.

When organizing wages at an enterprise, it is important to choose the method of forming the basic wage on the basis of the Unified tariff scale, or a tariff-free wage system. Priority belongs to the ETC, with the use of which a more objective differentiation of the wages of workers of different qualifications is achieved. However, due to the constantly changing economic situation, enterprises often have to change tariff rates, which leads to large labor costs. The tariff-free system of remuneration allows you to put wages in direct proportion to the actual results of the enterprise. Payroll is less labor intensive, but only for small businesses.

Rice. 4.4 The sequence of work but the organization of wages in the enterprise

criterion economic efficiency organization of wages is the outpacing growth of self-supporting income over the wage fund. In cases where such a lead is not provided, a thorough analysis of the reasons and the development of additional measures aimed either at increasing profits or at reducing labor costs are necessary.

AT modern conditions it is impossible to properly organize wages at an enterprise without its main element - labor rationing, which makes it possible to establish a correspondence between the volume of labor costs and the amount of its payment in specific organizational and technical conditions. Work to improve labor rationing should be aimed at improving the quality of standards and, above all, at ensuring equal intensity of standards for all types of labor and for all groups of workers. Equal intensity of the norms in different production areas is achieved either by establishing equal or numerically close coefficients of tension for individual elements of the labor process or types of work, or by taking into account a certain level of labor intensity in the norms. The equal intensity of the norms implies the same intensity of labor in different areas of production. In this regard, the first value can be set taking into account pace work and time employment:


where I - indicator of labor intensity, shares of units;

K T - coefficient of the pace of work, shares of units;

K W - coefficient of time of employment, shares of units.

In practice, to assess the intensity of labor, only one of its indicators is often used - the pace of work. In this case, all established costs of working time are adjusted by the coefficient of the pace of work.

The rate of work coefficient characterizes the ratio of the actual rate of work to the physically optimal one, and the employment rate is the ratio of the actual time of employment per shift to the conditional reference level equal to a certain percentage of the duration of the shift. If the intensity of the corpse at a given workplace differs from the normative, then measures should be taken to reduce or increase it, in particular, to change the labor standard.

Improving the rationing of workers' labor is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of its condition by workshops, sections and others. structural divisions, by types of work, professions, etc. In this case, one should rely on data from the analysis of the level of compliance with the norms, photographs of the working day, and time measurements.

For pieceworkers, the main indicator on the basis of which the level of wages is regulated is the percentage of performance standards. A higher value of the indicator makes it possible to provide higher wages for the same tariff rates, as well as increase bonus payments if the indicator of bonuses is the level of compliance with the norms. Therefore, one of the main areas of analysis and establishment of equally stressed standards is to determine the level of compliance with the standards: in the main and auxiliary production, by structural divisions, by type of work, profession, by category of work, at work with normal conditions and work with difficult and dangerous working conditions.

Improving the labor rationing of specialists and employees, as well as certain categories of workers, should be carried out on the basis of an analysis of the degree of their workload and a rational distribution of duties, improvement of the management structure and the introduction of modern technical means. It is necessary to carry out work to reduce and streamline unnecessary management links, to reduce the number of auxiliary, maintenance and managerial personnel. Each specialist should determine the work schedule that ensures his full daily load during the day. The provisions of the regulations must be specific, reflect the specifics of the work of a specialist at a given workplace, in a given position and the corresponding qualification category. As a result of the work to determine the new structure of the enterprise and its management systems, the names of the positions of employees in accordance with the functions actually performed by them, the required staffing the number of managers, specialists and employees.


Labor resources are the most important and active part of society's resources. This is the able-bodied part of the population, possessing the physical and intellectual abilities for labor activity, which can produce wealth or provide services. To characterize labor resources, their division by age, gender, education, etc. is used. The starting point for the reproduction of labor resources is their formation, which is determined by the natural reproduction of the population. The natural movement of the population is determined by the difference in birth and death rates.

Great social and economic importance has a composition of the population by education. It is characterized by the percentage of literates, the average number of years of schooling, and so on. Population forecasting is very important. It allows you to identify expected changes in the population, assess the demographic situation, and determine the size of the labor force.

Wages in a market economy are an element of the income of an employee, a form of economic realization of the right of ownership of the labor resource belonging to him. Main element wages is the wage rate, which is influenced by factors: changes in supply and demand in the market of goods and services, in the production of which we use this labor; the usefulness of the resource for the entrepreneur; price elasticity of demand for labor; interchangeability of resources; change and to consumer goods and services. The organization of wages is understood as its construction, ensuring the relationship between the amount of labor and the amount of its payment, as well as a set of constituent elements (rationing, tariff system, bonuses, surcharges and allowances). A very important element of the organization of wages is the tariff system, which is a combination of various normative materials, with the help of which the level of wages of employees is established depending on a group of factors.

Labor productivity - an indicator of the economic efficiency of the labor activity of employees . It is determined by the ratio of the number of products or services produced to labor costs, i.e. output per unit of labor input. The development of society and the level of well-being of all its members depend on the level and dynamics of labor productivity. Moreover, the level of labor productivity determines both the mode of production and even the socio-political system itself.

There is also the concept of labor efficiency. It is wider than productivity, and includes, in addition to the economic (actual labor productivity), also the psycho-physiological and social aspects. The psychophysiological efficiency of labor is determined by the impact of the labor process on the human body. From this point of view, only such labor can be recognized as effective, which, along with a certain productivity, provides harmless, favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions and safety; sufficient content of labor and observance of the boundaries of its division; opportunities for the comprehensive development of physical, mental strengths and abilities of a person in the labor process; prevents bad influence work environment per worker. From this comes the concept social efficiency labor, which includes the requirement for the harmonious development of the personality of each employee, the improvement of his qualifications and the expansion of the production profile, the formation of a positive social climate in business teams, the strengthening of socio-political activity, and the improvement of the whole way of life.

If these requirements are not met, then the growth rates of labor productivity will inevitably decrease. Thus, unfavorable sanitary and hygienic and unhealthy working conditions cause loss of working time due to morbidity, the provision of additional holidays, and a reduction in the most active period of a person's labor activity. Too fractional division of labor limits the possibility of expanding the production profile of a person and the growth of his qualifications. Negative social relationships in labor collectives can also significantly reduce labor productivity, other things being equal, its organization.

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Labor is the expedient activity of people aimed at the creation of material and cultural values. Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for the life of people. Influencing environment By changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

Labor and work- concepts are not equivalent, not identical. Work a social phenomenon, it is inherent only to man. Just as a person's life is impossible outside of society, so there can be no labor without a person and outside of society. Work is a physical concept; it can be performed by a person, an animal, or a machine. Labor is measured by working time, work is measured by kilograms, pieces, etc.

According to the definition of A. Marshall, labor is “any mental and physical effort undertaken in part or in whole in order to achieve any result, not counting the satisfaction received directly from the work done itself.”

Mandatory elements of labor are the labor force and the means of production.

Work force - it is a set of physical and spiritual abilities of a person that are used by him in the labor process. The labor force is the main, main productive force of society. Means of production consist of objects of labor and means of labor. Objects of labor- these are products of nature, which in the process of labor undergo one or another change and turn into consumer values. If the objects of labor form the material basis of the product, then they are called basic materials, and if they contribute to the labor process itself or give the basic material new properties, then they are called auxiliary materials. The objects of labor in a broad sense include everything that is sought, mined, processed, formed, i.e. material resources, scientific knowledge, etc.

Means of labor - These are the instruments of production, with the help of which a person acts on the objects of labor and modifies them. Tools of labor include tools and workplace. On the labor efficiency is influenced by the totality of properties and parameters of the means of labor, properly adapted to a person or a team as a subject of labor. In the event of a discrepancy between the psychophysiological characteristics of a person and the parameters of the means of labor, the safe mode of operation is violated, the fatigue of the worker increases, etc. The parameters of the tools of labor depend on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the financial capabilities of the enterprise to purchase new products, as well as its investment activity.

The labor process phenomenon is complex and multifaceted. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of the worker with the means of production (objects and means of labor) and the production interaction of workers with each other both horizontally (the relationship of participation in a single labor process) and vertically (the relationship between the leader and the subordinate) . The role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested in the fact that in the process of labor not only material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bare created to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, who acquire skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, more advanced and highly productive tools of labor, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, in the process of labor activity, not only goods are produced, services are provided, cultural values ​​are created, etc., but new needs appear with the requirements for their subsequent satisfaction. The sociological aspect of the study is to consider labor as a system of social relations, to determine its impact on society.

Labor plays an exceptionally important role in the implementation and development of human society and each of its members. Thanks to the work of many thousands of generations of people, a huge potential of productive forces, colossal social wealth has been accumulated, modern civilization has been formed. Further progress of human society is impossible without the development of production and labor.

At all times, work has been and remains the most important factor of production type of human activity.

Activity - it is the internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person, regulated by a conscious goal.

Labor activity is the leading, main human activity. Since during a life at any moment a person can be in one of two states - activity or inactivity, activity acts as an active process, and inactivity - as a passive one.

Thus, from an economic point of view, labor is a process of conscious, purposeful activity of people, with the help of which they modify the substance and forces of nature, adapting them to meet their needs.

The goals of labor activity may be the production of consumer goods and services or the means necessary for their production. The goals may be the production of energy, media, ideological products, as well as the operation of managerial and organizational technologies. At the same time, it does not matter whether the produced product is needed by a person to satisfy his own needs. The goals of labor activity are given to a person by society, therefore, by its nature, it is social: the needs of society form, determine, direct and regulate it.

In the process of labor, a person is affected by a large number of external production and non-production factors that affect his performance and health. The combination of these factors is called working conditions.

Under working conditions is understood as a set of elements of the production environment that affect the functional state of a person, his performance, health, all aspects of his development, and above all, the attitude to work and its efficiency. Working conditions are formed in the process of production and are determined by the type and level of equipment, technology and organization of production.

Distinguish socio-economic and working conditions of work.

Socio-economic working conditions include everything that affects the level of preparation of an employee for participation in labor, the restoration of the labor force (the level of education and the possibility of obtaining it, the possibility of a full-fledged rest, living conditions, etc.). Working conditions- these are all elements of the production environment that affect the worker in the process of work, his health and performance, and his attitude to work.

The subject of labor may be individual worker or a team. Since the means of labor and objects of labor are created by man, he is the main component of labor as a system.

Consequently, worka social phenomenon. In the process of labor, a certain system of social and labor relations is formed, which are the core of social relations at any level (national economy, region, enterprise, individuals).

it social characteristic labor. But work is based on both psychological and physiological processes. Therefore, an important role in solving the problems of increasing its efficiency is played by the study of human activities and functions. This leads to another definition of the category "work".

Labor - this is the process of spending the nervous (mental) and muscular (physical) energy of a person, as a result of which consumer values ​​\u200b\u200bare necessary for the life and development of society.

This characteristic of labor is closely related to its productivity. Reducing energy costs to perform a unit of work is identical to productivity growth, and vice versa, and energy consumption depends on various production and personal factors.

In the view of labor also distinguish various aspects:

economic(employment of the population, labor market, labor productivity, organization and regulation of labor, payment and material incentives, planning, analysis and accounting of labor);

technical and technological(technical and technological equipment, electrical and power supply, safety equipment, etc.);

social(content, attractiveness, prestige and motivation, social partnership, etc.);

psychophysiological(severity, tension, sanitary and hygienic working conditions, etc.);

legal(legislative regulation of labor relations, relations in the labor market, etc.).

Such a division is very conditional, since labor problems combine different aspects at the same time, appear in unity or are closely related.

In the process of labor, people enter into certain social relations, interacting with each other. Social interactions in the sphere of work are a form of social relations realized in the exchange of activities and mutual action. The objective basis for the interaction of people is the commonality or divergence of their interests, close or distant goals, views. The mediators of the interaction of people in the sphere of labor, its intermediate links are tools and objects of labor, material and spiritual benefits. The constant interaction of separate individuals or communities in the process of labor activity in certain social conditions forms specific social relations.
Social relations are relations between members of social communities and these communities regarding their social status, lifestyle and way of life, ultimately, about the conditions for the formation and development of personality, social communities. They are manifested in the position of individual groups of workers in the labor process, communication links between them, i.e. in the mutual exchange of information to influence the behavior and performance of others, as well as to assess their own position, which affects the formation of the interests and behavior of these groups.
These relations are inextricably linked with labor relations and are conditioned by them from the very beginning. For example, workers get used to the labor organization, adapt due to objective needs and thus enter into labor relations, regardless of who will work nearby, who is the leader, what style of activity he has. However, then each worker manifests himself in his own way in his relationship with each other, with the manager, in relation to work, to the order of distribution of work, etc. Consequently, on the basis of objective relations, relations of a socio-psychological nature begin to take shape, characterized by a certain emotional mood, the nature of people's communication and relationships in a labor organization, and the atmosphere in it.
Thus, social and labor relations make it possible to determine the social significance, role, place, social position of an individual and a group. They are the link between the worker and the master, the leader and a group of subordinates, certain groups of workers and their individual members. Not a single group of workers, not a single member of a labor organization can exist outside of such relations, outside of mutual obligations in relation to each other, outside of interactions.
As you can see, in practice there is a variety of social and labor relations. They, as well as various social phenomena and processes in the conditions of the existing market, are studied by the sociology of labor. Therefore, the sociology of labor is the study of the functioning and social aspects of the market in the world of work. If we try to narrow this concept, we can say that the sociology of labor is the behavior of employers and employees in response to the action of economic and social incentives to work. his. In sociological theory, the emphasis is on incentives that regulate labor behavior, which are not impersonal in nature and relate to workers, wide groups of people.
The subject of the sociology of labor is the structure and mechanism of social and labor relations, as well as social processes and phenomena in the sphere of labor.
The purpose of the sociology of labor is the study of social processes and the development of recommendations for their regulation and management, forecasting and planning, aimed at creating optimal conditions for the functioning of society, a team, a group, an individual in the world of work and, on this basis, achieving the most complete implementation and optimal combination their interests.
The tasks of the sociology of labor are:
study and optimization of the social structure of society, labor organization (team);
analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility of labor resources;
finding ways to optimally realize the labor potential of a modern worker;
the optimal combination of moral and material incentives and the improvement of attitudes towards work in market conditions;
strengthening social control and combating various kinds of deviations from generally accepted moral principles and norms in the world of work;
studying the causes and developing a system of measures to prevent and resolve labor conflicts;
creating a system of social guarantees that protect workers in society, labor organization, etc.
In other words, the tasks of the sociology of labor are reduced to the development of methods and techniques for using social factors in the interests of solving the most important socio-economic problems of society and the individual, which include the creation of a system of social guarantees, maintaining and strengthening the social protection of citizens in order to accelerate the social reorientation of the economy.
To collect and analyze information in the sociology of labor, sociological methods are widely used, which manifest themselves in:
achieved knowledge about the subject of research (understanding the essence of labor and relations in the sphere of labor);
the process of fact gathering methods;
way to make a conclusion, i.e. formulate conclusions about causal relationships between phenomena.
It should be noted that research conducted within the framework of the sociology of labor provides the necessary and sufficiently reliable information for the formation of social policy, the development of scientifically based programs for the socio-economic development of labor organizations (collectives), for solving social problems and contradictions that constantly accompany labor activity and workers. . Thus, the sociology of labor is called upon, on the one hand, to expand knowledge about the really existing reality, on the other hand, to promote the establishment of new connections and processes taking place in the sphere of labor.
The labor sciences of a sociological profile exist within sociology as a whole, but are not necessarily constituent parts of the sociology of labor. They are sociological not only in terms of methods, but also in terms of the subject of research. Their common feature is the study of the social aspects of social labor. The emergence of disciplines within the sociology of labor has become possible due to the fact that this science analyzes social labor at the macro and micro levels. The first concerns the institutional aspect of work, and the second - motivational and behavioral.
Economic sociology belongs to young branches of knowledge. Its subject is value orientations, needs, interests and behavior of large social groups(demographic, vocational, etc.) at the macro and micro levels in the conditions of market conditions. How are the reduction and employment of the administrative apparatus, unskilled workers, engineers, doctors, etc. taking place? How does the assessment of remuneration (moral and material) of labor change in various social groups, in the spheres of individual and collective labor, state, private and cooperative production? These and other questions are called upon and answered by economic sociology. The subject of the study of the sociology of labor is precisely the circle of its scientific problems in intersection with other sociological disciplines.
Labor economics studies the mechanism of action of economic laws in the sphere of labor, the forms of their manifestation in the social organization of labor. Economics is interested in the process of value creation itself. For her, labor costs are important at all stages. production cycle, while the sociology of labor considers the labor interactions of workers and the labor relations that arise between them. For example, in stimulating labor, the economy is interested in wages. In this case, the tariff system, wages, and the relationship between them are studied. The sociology of labor, paying due attention to the problem of material incentives, considers, first of all, the totality of motives for work, such incentives as the content of labor, its organization and conditions, the degree of independence in labor, the nature of relationships in the team, etc.


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