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Many of us are wondering how to decide to open our own business from scratch? Starting a business is not for everyone. But even those who did, in their time, were able to overcome a number of fears associated with starting their own business. These fears prevent most people from realizing their ideas, their cherished dreams because they hold you back and don't let you move forward. If you do not learn to cope with your fears, then deciding to open your own business will not be a feasible task.

Let's take a look at the most common fears that affect people who have made the decision to open their own business.

Fear #1. Possible failure and the need to take risks. Everyone knows the saying "He who does not take risks does not drink champagne." In business, the ability to take risks is an important component. But risks should not be unjustified, risky decisions should also be considered and balanced.

Why do most of us hate taking risks? Because they do not know how to accept failure, because failure is perceived by the majority as the end. When a person takes risks and wins, the reward seems to be something incredible. Usually people who know how to take risks do not give up after failure, but take experience out of the situation, for further action. And people who do not know how to see positive moments in failure, most often, are not ready for risk. This means that such people are not able to leave the comfort zone, which is unacceptable in the situation of starting their own business.

Fear #2. Judgment from the people around. Many of us are very dependent on the opinions of other people. In general, our society is very prone to condemnation. Successful and public people are especially subject to condemnation. People who themselves, not wanting to do anything, move with the flow in their lives, will not fail to throw an offensive phrase aside successful person. It seems to such people that if they have not achieved anything in life, then others have not deserved it either, and are worthy of condemnation.

If it matters to you what others say, it will be difficult for you to move towards your goal. Constantly turning around to hail, or worse, making excuses, you will waste your precious energy and lose confidence in yourself. A person who has lost faith in himself, and deprived of strength, is not able to open his own business.

Fear #3. Fear of the unknown. Often a person has a business idea when he is employed. Not everyone can decide to quit everything and open their own business. Because there is no certainty that you are making the right decision. 'Cause if you burn out, it won't stable income to which you have become accustomed during your employment. And here you may be overcome by the fear of opening your own business. It is unlikely that you will be able to work at full strength in the enterprise and devote enough time to your business. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities in order to still decide to open your own business.

Careful monitoring of the market in the area in which you want to open your business will help you find out how much your future product is in demand.
Information related to your future business, obtained from different sources, will help you figure out how risky it will be to implement your business idea.
Take advantage of the Internet to find out in advance the advantages and disadvantages of your future product. You can organize a discussion in a focus group.

Well, in the end, you can still decide to open your own business without leaving your current position:

Maybe you can offer more flexible schedule.
There is always an opportunity to connect a business partner.

Fear #4. Lack of experience, knowledge, professionalism. It is also a very common fear of starting your own business. It may seem to you that you know absolutely nothing and do not know how to open your own business. But it is not possible to know and be able to do everything, and if your fear of starting your own business is based on uncertainty in your competence in this matter, then do not despair. Many successful entrepreneurs were not educated at all and, nevertheless, they managed to open their own business and become very rich people.

You can't build a business by knowing only the theory, you need practice, you need to act. Because in fact, it often turns out that even what you know does not matter. Therefore, constantly preparing to open your own business and studying theory, you may never feel like a person who has enough knowledge.

Fear #5. Opportunity to go broke. Not everyone can take a risk and put everything you have at stake. If your fear of starting a business is based on the possibility of going broke, then there are some steps you can take to minimize the risks. Risk part of your savings, because if you do not burn out, the rest can be spent on development. Well, if you fail, you will not be left without a livelihood. Find investors so that you do not bear the risks alone.

If you still decided and risked everything, then be prepared for a possible bankruptcy. Most of the outstanding millionaires of our time have been ruined more than once before reaching the top of their business. Only a true entrepreneur who cannot imagine his life without his own business can rise up after a financial collapse and move on.

Fear #6. Give your all to the business. We all know that in order to bring a business idea to life, you need to work hard. And now there seems to be an idea, but the fear of starting a business does not leave you. You think that the business will completely absorb you, leaving no time for other important things in life.

Important quality what you need to open your own business is the ability to delegate. Many aspiring entrepreneurs make the mistake of taking on everything they can. With such a busy schedule, there is absolutely not enough time, often for running the business itself, not to mention personal relationships or hobbies. You need to learn to highlight the important and take it upon yourself, and follow current affairs, entrust other people.

But still how to overcome the fear of starting a business, what would he not be? The main thing is to act, carefully weighing everything and thinking it over, but still act. Because indecision only exacerbates our fears. The fear of starting a business accompanies every person who decides to change his life and not depend on anyone. Work on yourself, improve your personal qualities, cultivate the will in yourself, dream, do not live in captivity of your fears and then, opening your own business will turn out to be a trifling matter for you.

How to competently move from the state of an employee to a small-scale entrepreneur? To begin with, the most stupid decision is to abruptly send your boss on a hiking trip and start new life from scratch.

In 99% of cases, this all ends very sadly, since the decisions that you make in a state of emotional imbalance will not lead to good.

Just think: when you freaked out, got angry and hated your boss (for the fact that he drives, say, a Porsche, and you drive an understated Priora), were too excited or depressed, felt guilty, then the decisions made in such state of altered consciousness, were often far from a constructive spirit and reckless. This method is also very stressful and rarely leads to the desired changes in life.

A classic success is a house, an apartment, a car, a family, children. But what you are striving for will not work out right away. Most often, people find another job after accepting negative and negative things in a stressful state. wrong decision about dismissal.

What would be the right decision?

Possible option - development new profession if you are, for example, a laborer. If you are already a good specialist in your field in something specific (for example, a plumber), then you need to start preparing a plan for leaving work to create your own business.

By the way, there are fewer plumbers every year, and there are more and more marketers, photographers, lawyers, lawyers and other specialists, now there is an overabundance of them.

If you are really a professional in the technical field, then you can create your own small business, assemble a team, organize work and provide maintenance services for items such as a toilet or a bathtub, so that water works everywhere, so that electricity in the house is (if you an electrician). Here the field for activity is very large.

But you need to develop a concept for the implementation of the idea.

Questions to be answered:

  • How will you start working?
  • Who will support you?
  • Will you go from house to house (like a private trader) and do some work on separate orders, or will you do everything correctly right away and find assistants who will work for you for a certain percentage of the order?

It is necessary to choose the occupation that you like, so that the interest of the market and other people is in this business. For example, a wedding photographer is not a bad idea if you have a camera, love art, you like to communicate with people and take pictures. Wedding photographers make very good money (especially during peak season).

At the same time, a videographer can retrain as a clip maker and shoot clips for beginners, and a wedding photographer can earn money on portrait and street photography, on a photo walk in the off-season.

Before you quit and slam the door, you must have financial fat - this is a certain amount of money to live on for the next 6 or 12 months of a comfortable life. Each person has their own unique financial fat.

For example, I need at least 25 thousand for a comfortable life. I know that this money will be enough to feel comfortable, rent a room, eat quality food that will be good for health, fill up the car in order to allow myself to relax and go to the cinema or cafe for fun.

But at the same time, relations with a girl will have to be minimized, since you won’t have a good rest anywhere for this money, that is, 25 thousand rubles is the minimum bar. To move to the next level, you can cut down on expenses or decide to start your own business.

You should calculate the amount of money that will be required for life in economy mode. For example, you need certain amount. You save this money multiplied by the amount of time (six or twelve months) and open an account at some bank that will definitely not fail. It is important to remember that in our time, many unstable banks are closing, although they have a guarantee for fireproof amounts.

You need money to start your own business. It doesn't matter what it will be. You can repair guitars at home (if you know how to do it), be a DJ, presenter, toastmaster at the holidays.

You need a business plan for your business.

It is important to understand your own business that this is a complex and responsible job. Currently, all kinds of "networkers" lure narrow-minded people to themselves with promises of fabulous earnings, offering to join their networks. Here they are afraid of the word “work” and often write in in social networks that only slaves work.

Do not give in to these provocations. To achieve anything in life, you will need to work hard. It doesn't matter what you will do: sing songs on stage or plow the land on a tractor.

Business is even more difficult and responsible work when you have profit and loss, obligations to employees and their families. You must have a specific plan for why it will be beneficial.

There is a type of activity called self-employment, when you work not for hire (in a firm or company), but for yourself. It's not your job, it's not a business. Let's say I don't have a business right now, but I'm self-employed. I am doing certain work which can be done by a limited number of people. Due to the fact that there is a rather high barrier of knowledge, experience and skills. I am a professional in this business, and I get paid good money.

If you are the same person, that is, you do not have a business, but you are a sufficient professional in some area, then you are quite capable of working for yourself. You have responsibilities, deadlines, and customers.

How is business different from self-employment?

When self-employed, then you do everything yourself or with the help of an assistant for a small fee. When you have your own business, then you already have, as a rule, your own premises, staff, you pay them a monthly salary.

You must have a plan B - an option for the development of events if the business does not go well. According to statistics, the probability that the business will succeed is 50%. Are you ready to return to previous job Or try again to start your own business? This situation will not come as a surprise to you if you prepare for it: save money for a rainy day and make a plan B.

The best way to properly quit your job is to test a topic and free time from work to earn on it. As a result, you will have a certain result, you will have skills, freedom in time, you will learn how to competently do work and enjoy it.

So, the right attitude is needed. It will be hard (especially if you have a family), but you will go through temporary difficulties if you really want to achieve financial success in life. You may have to work under such tremendous pressure for a whole year or several years. But as a result, by testing some topics, you will earn at times more money than before.

Thus, summing up, you need to save money for 6 or 12 months of a comfortable life to start. This amount of money will protect you when you leave your job. You have a plan B and money that will allow your family to exist without poverty.

Secondly, you need to think over a business plan with all the calculations. What will you do, what will you do, how much money is needed for this, how relevant is the business idea. Test it in your city or region (if it is an online store) and launch it in your free time from work.

Thirdly, you need to think over your actions in case of failure. The next step is to set yourself up for positive thinking(everything will work out, as it is necessary to succeed). You have a specific goal - to reach a new level of income. After all, you want to relax in worthy places - in United Arab Emirates, in the Maldives or the Philippines, in Thailand (and not in Turkey and Egypt).

It is important to constantly measure your progress: how many hours you worked, how much money you earned and how much you spent. There are three key indicators: work time (by timer), income ( net profit) and expenses. When you write reports every day about the work that you did during the day, then you get a real picture of your life not according to subjective feelings, but according to facts.

It is important to review your journals for the last month, to make notes with an electronic pen in a notebook, on a regular phone or in a text editor. If you really want it, then everything will work out.

Ezhkin cat. Another crisis covers the domestic economy. This began to happen so often that those who were born like me in the late 80s saw little to no stability. In my 27 years, I managed to see the economic crisis of '91, the economic crisis of '98. Then there was a relatively stable period of 10 years, and in 2008 the country was again cooled by the crisis. And 2014 did not have time to end, and all the media only write about the crisis.

For many employees, the situation is already not very rosy. Little free time, low salary, a short vacation once a year and a dubious social package. In such conditions, it may be a natural step to open your own business. I received my degree in economics in 2010. I’ll tell you a secret that with this diploma nobody needed me, although I studied diligently for five years.

No, it was possible to find a job. But it could hardly be called promising. Bad market conditions helped me make the only right choice: decide to start your own business.

Now, almost five years later, I can already draw some conclusions. No, I could not create a firm with a large number of employees. Hired employees on a permanent basis worked for me for only six months. In this short period, I have made so many debts that I am still paying off my debts. But a new crisis this time bypassed me. On the contrary, things are going much better than I could have expected. And the point is not only in the amount of profit, but also in the very diverse experience that we managed to get over the past 4 years. But let's talk about everything in order.


Generally speaking, starting your own business is scary. After all, you work at your own peril and risk. And you have to work all the time in conditions of high uncertainty.

In this sense, I would advise you to plan your business liquidation in advance. In that sense, you should have a "Plan B" in case there are no sales at all, there will be no revenue and there will be a conflict with partners. Naturally, the backup plan should provide for opportunities to improve the business, and only if this does not work out, then liquidate it already. You must have enough financial reserves, as well as the necessary knowledge and skills in case of unforeseen circumstances.

I will tell you that already having significant entrepreneurial experience, a stable client base and a huge number of connections in the industry, doing your own thing is still scary. It is scary to suddenly stop in development, lose the game to competitors, become unclaimed for customers, and so on. So remember that fear is normal. It helps you not to go crazy.


For starters, I would advise you to study books from entrepreneurs. Blogs and videos are also suitable. It is advisable to listen to what Russian entrepreneurs have to say, as their way of thinking is better suited to Russian conditions.

While you are reading all this, it is also useful to study the area of ​​business where you plan to work. Do you want to open your own coffee shop? To get started, work in the best coffee shops in the city. Take a look at the industry from the inside as a rank and file. While you are engaged in research and self-education (since you can safely go to the toilet with university diplomas - they will not help you in starting your own business) - a lot of time can pass.

During this time, you will have to accumulate start-up capital. Get ready for the fact that you will invest this money in a business and never see it again. The truth is that things can go uphill for you, or you can expect a complete failure. So be aware of possible risks and along with an adventurous attitude, do not forget about pragmatic calculation and escape routes.


Despite the extremely a high degree risk and the fact that 97% of small businesses fail before they even reach the age of three, you must seriously set yourself up for success. You must tell yourself and decide that you will do whatever it takes. You will work day and night. You will put in 10 times more effort than your competitors. You must constantly be one step ahead and act smarter than your more powerful competitors. Make them scared at the sight of your activity.

And indeed, you will need to read special literature, motivational literature, repeat affirmations, do things that you don’t want to do, but you need to, and so on. remember, that great success usually preceded by a lot of work, which usually remains behind the scenes.

Personally, for myself, I decided a long time ago to continue my small business at all costs, regardless of good or bad financial results.


Before making capital investments, it is desirable to test the market as cheaply as possible. If you have a new production, then try to make a small batch of the product with a minimum monetary and time investment. Try to make the first sale. And if you feel that sales are going on and there is demand, only after that you can already invest a more serious amount of resources in the business.


The conditions for doing business in different jurisdictions can vary markedly. But now opening a company or a current account in another country is not a problem. An account in Estonia can be opened without leaving Moscow - many foreign banks have representative offices here. But I want to note right away that opening a company in another country will not necessarily be the best solution.

But even within the framework of Russian jurisdiction, a business leader has at least two options legal registration(registration) business. These are IP and LLC. If you are a small private entrepreneur with a modest turnover (like me), then I would advise you to open an individual entrepreneur. More forgiving taxes, much more loyal fines. But different legal forms running a business can have different pros and cons. Before you open or undertake anything at all, do not be lazy and familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each form of doing business.

Offhand, I can name a dozen pros and cons for both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. And this will already pull on a separate article. Lots of controversial stuff. For example, it is believed that an individual entrepreneur is responsible to partners with all his property. But the owner of the LLC can also be held liable. Or there is an opinion that a company (legal entity) is more solid than an entrepreneur without education legal entity. But if you carefully look at the laws and read articles about individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, then you will understand that opening a legal entity is associated with a large number of problems out of the blue. For example, would you be bothered by an extra dozen reports a year? For big and developed business it's not so scary, because. there is money for accountants and lawyers. And a small entrepreneur has neither the money nor the time for this.

I passed the stage of registration of an individual entrepreneur and the first year of work without loss. But when I hired my first employee, I thought I would go crazy. A fine of 25 thousand rubles, the loss of benefits under the simplified tax system, numerous and useless trips to inspection bodies, additional reporting and complication of workflow - this is what I encountered after hiring the first employee. I had to hire a lawyer to dispute the fine and I had to hire an accounting office to somehow sort out the reports. All because I did not know in advance what hiring an employee under an employment contract is.


Our life is short and we will not drag all our money into the coffin. So being afraid to lose money or time in a global sense is a bit stupid. What is the two or three years of life it takes to run your business? This is no more than 1000 days of struggle. Can you last all this time? Looking for orders all the time, weathering seasonal sales downturns? Perhaps you will have to work somewhere to have money to support the business and food. You will have to endure hardship. Instead of buying a car, the purchase will have to be postponed for several years. But it's worth it, believe me.

You will gain such experience, so much knowledge that even if the case works out, you will be able to apply for almost any job. managerial position in a large corporation. In any case, you, as a specialist, will rise up in your eyes, and your horizons will become an order of magnitude wider.

And the success of your business ultimately comes down to your ability to read Excel data and take action. Keep costs down and revenue up while keeping customers happy. That's the whole recipe for success. How do you decide to start your own business? Hesitate if you value stability. But only after you read the article "

I have been looking for a job for a very long time. It's not that there were no jobs. But I could not find a project where I could apply all my abilities. Again, due to my age and lack of experience, I was not a very attractive candidate for employers. My husband worked in the construction of subways and tunnels. The work oppressed him. He did not like everything - from the system to the implementation. We are both achievers by our own motives in our work, and if we start a business, we are ready to invest as much as possible. We had an easy choice. Either invest where it will not change anything in the company's system, or open your own project, putting everything that was at stake. And since we didn't really have anything, we made this decision quickly.

If you need to make a decision that can drastically change your life, write down the pros and cons of change. Imagine where you see yourself in 5 years. And determine which of the possible ways will really help you achieve what you want.

I am often asked: "Where can I get the money to start my own business?" Here I will not suggest anything new. Invest your own savings, borrow from friends, take out a loan or raise money on a boomstarter. But before asking for help, measure your needs soberly and scrupulously. Do you need large investments for your project at the initial stage?

To start, we had only 50 thousand rubles. My husband continued to work in the office, investing his entire salary in our project. We never felt the need for millions of investments. We developed gradually, feeling that we could do it. We knew how to wait and were not afraid of work.

It turned out that "connections" are not needed to do business.

All stereotypes and myths collapsed. And most people are better and more responsive than they seem. And how many guys are ready to work for an idea, help another, and change this world for the sake of common purpose! This startup has changed us a lot. In moral terms, we have invested all our resources. We opened up a whole world full of completely different people and relationships. It turned out that "connections" are not needed to do business. We needed a lot of willpower. When everything literally falls off from head to toe, after 3 days without sleep, it's hard not to throw everything to hell and continue working for one client. For a big dream.

Ask yourself questions before starting your own business. Are you ready for the strength test?

The first two years I had depressions, nervous breakdowns, all psychosomatics turned on, when you crumble in parts from stress. But you're going again. For the first time I learned what the second and third wind are. How strong can you really be. You turn to stone, and you already know that you will confidently pass any strength test.

Don't wait for help!

No one helped us, there was no one to ask for advice. We did not turn to professionals, because we were not ready for this financially and psychologically. We wanted to build each stage ourselves. We have worked in all positions of the company and we know the value and complexity of each of them. They drew information from books and the experience of other entrepreneurs. In some ways, they trusted not intuition, but their own taste. Mistakes were in everything and we still make them. Only by making a mistake can you notice problems in the system and proceed to fix them.

People often have illusions about own business.

It seems to them that they will need to work quite a bit and invest, and then it will be possible to do nothing, press a button, get a lot of money and fly to Goa. This is complete nonsense. Your own business will squeeze you out and gut you. The only successful businessman is the one who manages to remove the crown from his head in time (or better not to wear it at all), does not think about the vacation as "deserved", continues to learn and develop. Changes his company, continuing to lead it forward.

What should be an entrepreneur? First of all, he must be a leader. Fortunately, this is not a quality of character, but a skill that can be developed or acquired.

Organization and self-organization. This is something without which you will not be able to build processes and manage your time.

Self-confidence and fortitude. This is what will help overcome all difficulties.

Different people can open their own business. Kind or quick-tempered, honest and inadequate, smart and stupid, rich and poor, extroverts and introverts. Anywhere in the world and under any circumstances. Somewhere it will be more difficult for someone, and easier for others. There are no barriers to achieving your goals. There is only one question. Do you need your own business as much as it seems, and will it be as fun and profitable as everyone wants it to be?

01But I

Hello! Today we will talk about how to open your own business and how to become an entrepreneur. As a rule, this is what people who strive for independence want. Starting your own business has a number of advantages, especially when compared to a regular job. But to start, you need to carefully weigh everything, evaluate your capabilities and think through the details as much as possible.

Let's analyze how you can start a business if the capital is minimal, or how to start a business without initial capital:

  • If you have knowledge, experience in any field of activity, you can use them as a platform to launch your project;
  • You need to understand that running your own business is hard work. Doing nothing and getting millions will not work;
  • To establish the whole process, they will have to deal with 24 hours a day.

Let's compare a business without start-up capital investments and with start-up investments. For clarity, we present in the form of a table:

Criterion Business without capital investment Business with capital investment
1. Cost of funds at the start of the project Missing
2.Costs monthly Missing Present in significant numbers
3. The complexity of the organization low Medium, high level
4. The presence of competition High level High level
5. Payback With first income Takes a long time
6. Level of demand High High

From the table, the level of potential risk is also clear: if there was no investment of funds, the maximum that you can lose this time and effort. With significant financial investments, the risks are high: you can lose not only your capital, but also other people's funds.

How to get funds for business development

  • Invest in your savings. By the way, it is considered the safest and most reliable option;
  • Getting a loan from a bank. This is real if there is something to pledge to the bank. Without this condition, credit will be denied. A loan can be taken for indefinite purposes and for business development. A deposit is required in both cases;
  • Borrow from friends or family. If you are sure of success and the amount required is small, why not. If the case does not live up to expectations, there will be nothing to repay the debt, relations with loved ones will definitely deteriorate. Based on this, it is easier to get a loan;
  • Find an investor. This may be one person who is interested in your project or organization as a whole;
  • Find a partner who will invest his money in the development of the business;
  • Start low (release of one unit of goods or provision of services to only one customer);
  • Design state subsidy (more about this will be discussed below);
  • Raise money through crowdfunding. This is a collection of money from the population in any amount. For example, a fundraiser is announced for the release of a new album for a famous vocal group. Anyone can make an investment.

All the above tips will allow you to get the right amount of money in affordable, and most importantly, legal ways.

Where to start your business

A person who decides to start his own business evokes ambivalent feelings: someone considers him desperate and insane, while someone admires his courage and determination.

There are a lot of sources in which you can get information on starting your own business (take, for example, our site How to make, you just need to use them correctly in order to get the maximum practical benefit.

Let's take a closer look at the steps that need to be taken to become a successful entrepreneur.

Step 1. Developing a business idea

Any business begins with the fact that someone had an idea to do it. The main thing - . Entrepreneurs with experience say that in order to formulate an idea, they write 10 options that appeared in their heads on a regular piece of paper. Then they describe the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

But you can just go to the section and find an idea for yourself.

Step 2. Selecting a market segment

Choosing the right niche in the market is very important for a budding entrepreneur. In the initial stages of business development, you should not choose services or products that are not widely known. But you need to prepare for a big competition. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the market will not interfere in order to choose your place in it.

Step 3. Business plan

The presence of a carefully thought out and formulated one allows you to evaluate your capabilities, as well as analyze what can be obtained in the near future and what is in the long term.

The main points of the business plan

  • Description of the main activity;
  • Planned result;
  • Probability of losing money;
  • Economic analysis;
  • Stages of business development;
  • The time allotted for each stage;
  • Calculation of one-time and periodic costs;
  • Planned end result (what is planned to be done when the result is achieved).

Step 4. Business registration

When the decision on activity is made, the business plan is drawn up, you need to go through the procedure or (companies with limited liability). a slightly more time-consuming process than opening an IP.

Package required documents includes:

  • The original or photocopy of the passport in good quality;
  • Original or photocopy of TIN;
  • Document on registration with the tax authority;
  • Choice Statement.

You can go through the procedure in person or contact specialists who deal with similar issues.

Also, to conduct activities, you may need.

Sole proprietorship is the most well-known form at the moment that allows you to carry out entrepreneurial activities. This is mainly due to the ease of registration, which is available to any citizen.

Opening an individual entrepreneur has its advantages and disadvantages, this is normal and is present in any business.

Positive aspects of opening an IP:

  • Simple registration procedure;
  • All activity is under the control of the entrepreneur, he decides when to stop it;
  • It is not necessary to involve an accountant to keep records;
  • All profits are the property of the entrepreneur, he has the right to dispose of it as he wishes. The main thing is to pay taxes on time.

IP Disadvantages:

  • In the event of debts arising from obligations, the entrepreneur is liable with all his property. This must be remembered at the stage of organizing a business. If you plan to develop your business in the trading area, in case of default on credit obligations, compulsory forms of debt repayment may be applied;
  • Regular inspections by regulatory authorities (tax office, etc.);
  • Lack of profit (it is impossible to predict whether the activity will bring good profit);
  • The duty of the entrepreneur is regular contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • A sole trader cannot sell a business;
  • Biased attitude towards the form itself: many businessmen refuse to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs simply because they consider this form of activity to be frivolous. It is clear that this is a delusion, but it has a place to be;
  • There are often situations where individual entrepreneurs are not allowed to participate in the tender;
  • carried out in accordance with the rules applicable to.

An analysis of the above pros and cons will allow a novice entrepreneur to take a more responsible approach to choosing a registration form, this will save time, nerves and money.

Step 5. Selection of equipment and premises

In order to choose the right premises, we have prepared a number of articles for you:

Once you have decided on where to do business, the next step is to purchase the right equipment. Costs will directly depend on the chosen area. For example:

  • If you open outlet, you need equipment for trade (refrigeration, scales, etc.);
  • If planned own production, need a whole line of equipment;
  • If the business is conducted on the Internet, everything is easier. But when you need a warehouse to store goods.

Step 6. Advertising and business promotion issues

These issues require serious attention and investment. In attraction as much as possible more customers is the main task of any business. To expand the client base, you need competent advertising.

An online business also requires website development and optimization to keep the business going.

promotion plays big role. In order for a client to tell his surroundings about you, he must be pleasantly surprised, give him more than he expected to receive. For example, a discount on a product or service, a small gift.

It was mentioned above state support for start-up entrepreneurs. Further on how to get it and how to use it correctly.

Governmental support

In our country, there are several types of state support for entrepreneurship. Namely:

  • Allocation of subsidies;
  • Holding exhibitions and fairs;
  • Free consultation on various issues;
  • Assistance in renting a site or premises for the enterprise.

Let's briefly describe each option.

Allocation of subsidies- the most relevant type of state aid. Two types of subsidies are issued: those who have just planned to start their own business, and those who want to modernize production, develop an existing business at a new level.

In the first case, you have to prove that your business will bring tangible benefits to the region, that all risks have been calculated. In the second case, already established entrepreneurs receive reimbursement of part of the expenses incurred (for paying loans, leasing payments, etc.).

In any case, not only the prospects of the chosen direction are taken into account, but also the priority for the entire region. Priority are: Agriculture, medicine, education, new technologies, cultural sphere.

Assistance in renting a plot or premises for an enterprise is not free, but it is more profitable financially than renting from private individuals. Discounts are available to help you save money.

Holding exhibitions and fairs- providing free retail space budding entrepreneurs. Allows you to reduce advertising costs, exchange experiences, establish business contacts.

Free consultations– assistance in solving specific issues that every novice entrepreneur will face sooner or later. You can ask questions to lawyers, economists, specialists in labor and employment.

Note to the entrepreneur: The state provides support on the basis of strict accountability for each amount spent.

How to become a successful entrepreneur

It is unlikely that anyone will accurately answer this question. Successful businessmen become, putting a lot of effort, working almost around the clock, earning invaluable experience and knowledge. Everyone goes their own way to success.

Everyone makes mistakes, but they are part of the journey. The main thing is to work on preventing them constantly.

Typical mistakes of novice entrepreneurs

  • Starting a business just because you think your idea is brilliant. Your idea should be evaluated by potential buyers and clients, not by yourself;
  • Starting a business without market analysis. Why it is needed has already been considered earlier;
  • Start without knowledge in the planned area of ​​business. A good example: to open a workshop for the production of parts for machine tools, without knowing anything about the machines;
  • Expect millions in earnings in the first months after opening (business requires patience and time);
  • Do everything yourself: it is simply unrealistic to cope with all the tasks alone. If you plan to be in business for a long time, you will have to hire employees. Good employees are not heavy expenses and an investment!
  • Starting a business without a clear business plan. To put it mildly, the idea is bad. You yourself will not have a complete picture of your activities and what goals you set;
  • Wrong prioritization. The top priority is customers. They will be, the whole process will be adjusted;
  • Lack of desire to learn and improve. Learn constantly, learn new things, broaden your horizons;
  • There is no general interest in the area in which it is planned to conduct business. To put it simply: don't open a hockey school if you don't like hockey;
  • Healthy perseverance is missing. Many companies have collapsed only because management refused to deal with the flood of problems.

Business is a struggle, often with yourself and your shortcomings.

Ideas for starting your own business

This is not a complete list of business ideas that a novice entrepreneur can do. There are many of them. Find your idea and implement it.

Personal qualities of a successful entrepreneur

We figured out the question of how to become an entrepreneur. The idea for creating a business from scratch has already been chosen, a perfect business plan has been drawn up in all respects, but in addition to all this, you need to have something else important. Namely, certain personal qualities. What, we will find out now.

  • Decisive character. Be prepared to take on the role of a leader who can take responsibility for your words and actions. It is important to learn how to make difficult decisions, listen to the opinions and advice of others, but leave the final decision to yourself;
  • The ability to come up with something new and think outside the box. A share of adventurism is needed, but within reasonable limits. At the same time, do not forget that courage and recklessness are different things;
  • Love for the chosen work. If your eyes do not burn, you will not attract other people with your ideas;
  • Responsiveness and ability to act in difficult situations. It will always come in handy, especially in business. It is impossible to predict everything, but if necessary, improvisation can help out;
  • Do not lie. No need to deceive yourself, employees, customers. Do not set unrealistic deadlines, do not try to sell what is not;
  • Don't do things halfway. But allocate your time wisely;
  • Ability to be flexible. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the initial plan if the actual situation does not correspond to this. Flexibility is valued more than excessive stubbornness and the desire to be right in everything;
  • Intuition. There are times when it helps out better than logical reasoning;
  • Tendency to introspection. It allows you to avoid many mistakes, correct old ones and not make new ones.

The above list could be continued. Being engaged in the development of these qualities, you can improve not only your life, but also significantly advance your business. Over time, you will mark the most important for yourself and engage in their enhanced development.

Personal qualities are largely responsible for the success of the whole business. Studies have shown that the main driving force for many - the need to realize themselves in their favorite business. Active life position should become a common feature of those who strive for success in any field.

In general, you need to be able to combine personal qualities with business ones, to benefit from both. Since any entrepreneurial activity is fraught with risks, you need to be firmly confident in the correctness of your actions and future success.

To achieve success in your business, you need to correctly combine the acquired experience with natural inclinations. This will allow you to quickly move towards the intended goal and achieve it in a reasonable time.

Training for those who want to start their own business

The main tasks of the holding:

  • Teach business communication skills
  • Develop the ability to resist competitors;
  • To acquaint those who want to start their own business with the peculiarities of applying economic and legal norms;
  • Present various methods for solving problems that arise in the process of work.

It is often proposed to analyze the realities of the market in a playful way. Everyone can attend such events, regardless of whether you are running your own business or just planning to open it.

Training courses often allow not only to gain the necessary knowledge, but also to gain self-confidence, which is so often lacking. In many ways, thanks to them, you can avoid a lot of gross mistakes in doing your business.

Concerning financial issue It is not always necessary to pay for attending trainings. Often free classes are held or the organizers provide bonuses and discounts for visiting.


Now you know how to start your own business! And at the end of the article I would like to say: if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, change your worldview, surround yourself with people who have achieved success in business.

Act, but do not follow completely and completely someone else's recipes for success. Only through work on yourself, on your mistakes, you can achieve the desired result. Remember, as folk wisdom says: "Water does not flow under a lying stone."

Nobody is born an entrepreneur. They become, sometimes by trial and error. If the thought of starting your own business is bothering you, put aside your doubts and move forward! And we will help you in every possible way on the pages of our site!


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