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Children about professions: Profession "Cook"

Dear friends! In this issue, we will tell you about a very necessary and interesting profession cooks. Here are a variety of materials for preparing classes with children. preschool age, how in kindergarten as well as at home. Children will get acquainted with new concepts and terms, will be on an excursion to the dining room and get acquainted with the people who work there - with a pastry chef, a baker, a dishwasher. For the game, we also offer you attributes - you can download ready-made menus, cards for the game "What is superfluous", price tags, signs, etc. This material can be used in kindergartens as slide folders.

You can also download an interesting and informative children's electronic presentation , which will tell the children the whole way of turning chocolate from the fruits of the cocoa tree.
Attention! The presentation requires a password, you need to click the "Read Only" button.

Profession "Cook"

Today we will go on a new excursion. Today we will get acquainted with the profession of a cook.

Who is a cook? A cook is a person whose profession is cooking. Who do you think can be a chef? Any person who loves to cook can work as a cook. Do you think it's easy to cook? You will say: “Of course, because my mother and grandmother cook every day. And they all turn out very tasty!”.

In fact, cooking is not an easy task! Boiling two or three bowls of soup, frying some potatoes is easy. But to make 100 servings of soup boiled in a huge pot turn out to be tasty, to cook a truly delicious dinner for several hundred people is very difficult. Not without reason, in order to cook well, cooks study for a long time.

Where do you think a chef can work?

Now we will go to the dining room. What is a dining room? The dining room is a large room in which to eat. There is a canteen in kindergarten, at school and at the factory.

Kindergarten cook

A star sparkles in the sky

A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,

Only the cook does not sleep -

The cook gets up in the dark.

The porridge gurgles lightly

And the scrambled eggs

And under the delicious noise and hubbub

In the bedrooms enters the appetite.

We sit together in the dining room,

Like a huge family.

I will be a cook in the dining room -

That's what I decided!

Sample dialogue:

AT.: Have you ever been to a cafeteria?

R.: Was.

AT.: Did you like how the food was prepared? Was it delicious?

R.: Yes

AT.: And who cooked the food in the cafeteria?

R.: Cook.

AT.: What is the chef wearing? Ordinary clothes or special clothes?

R.: In a special

AT.: That's right, the cook should be dressed in a snow-white robe and cap. The cap covers the chef's hair so that it does not get into the food. After all, it is very unpleasant to find hair in food. A cook's robe should always be clean and without pockets. Various trifles are put in pockets, and the cook cannot keep trifles (buttons, combs, pencils, etc.) in pockets, as they may accidentally get into food.

AT.: Do you think a chef washes his hands before he starts cooking?

R.: Washes.

AT.: Of course! Before preparing food, the chef must wash his hands with soap and water, rinse them well with water and dry them with a towel. While preparing food, chefs also keep their hands clean. To do this, in the kitchen there is always a tap with cold and hot water, soap, a towel hangs.

AT.: What do you think, does our health and beauty depend on what we eat?

R.: Yes.

AT.: Of course it depends! In order for us to move, study, work, play, we must eat. After all, it is with food that we get a large amount of vitamins. Different foods contain different vitamins, so the diet should be varied. Many foods must be cooked before eating. That's what chefs do.

So, we go with you to the dining room. Today we will observe the work of the cook.

There is a special room in the dining room for cooking. What do you think it's called? Well, of course it's the kitchen.

The cook gets up early in the morning. Before everyone else, he comes to his work, because he needs to have time to cook breakfast. In the kitchen, the chef has items that help him in cooking. What do you think these items are?

Admire, look -

North Pole inside!

There sparkles snow and ice,

Winter itself lives there. (Refrigerator)

Four blue suns

Grandma's in the kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and faded.

Shchi is ripe, pancakes hiss.

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed. (Gas stove)

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (A spoon)

Among the spoons I am a colonel.

And my name is ... (Ladle)

Under the roof - four legs,

Above the roof - soup and spoons. (Table)

Rigid, perforated,

Prickly, clumsy.

What will they put on her back?

She will devour everything at once. (Grater)

Boil - steam comes out

And whistles and blazes with heat,

The lid rattles, knocks.

- Hey, take me off! - screams. (Kettle)

Together with the chef we will come to the kitchen. What will he cook for breakfast? What is most often eaten for breakfast? Of course, porridge. Thoroughly rinse the cereal and pour it into boiling milk, the porridge must be salted and sweetened. Every cook shows imagination when cooking. After all, he can add something unusual to every dish. For example, he can put raisins or dried apricots in porridge, and the porridge will immediately become tastier.

And you also need to cook delicious cocoa. The cook will do everything!

Well, breakfast is ready. Soon people will come to the dining room for breakfast. What should the chef do now?

The cook prepares plates and spoons, cups, napkins. And as soon as people came to the dining room, they carefully put delicious porridge into plates and pour cocoa into cups!

The cook does not forget to smile at everyone and wish you bon appetit!

But the people ate and left. Here the dishwasher comes to the aid of the cook. Who is this dishwasher(fix the word)? This is the person who washes the dishes. It is his responsibility to wash the dishes well and put them in their places. This is a very difficult and responsible job.

What will the chef do now? Maybe rest? Of course not. He has yet to cook lunch and then dinner.

Well, here we are with you in the dining room, but where else can a cook work? A cook can work in a cafe and restaurant, in a confectionery (cooking), at a bakery.

A chef works in a pastry shop confectioner(reinforce the word). What does a confectioner do? The confectioner prepares sweet, floury dishes: cakes, cakes, pies, sweets.

A cook works at the bakery baker(reinforce the word). Buying bread in the store bakery products, few people think about how and by whom they were made. And bakers made them. The bakery never stops its work, bakers work day and night, day and night shifts. And all this in order to have fresh bread on our table at any time.

What qualities do you think it takes to be a chef?

The cook must have a good memory, because he must remember how to cook certain dishes, how much and what kind of food to put, what side dishes (i.e. vegetables, cereals) to serve with cutlets, chicken, fish, meat.

The chef must be clean.

The cook must be very careful.

The chef must have a well-developed imagination, because the chef not only prepares dishes, but also decorates them before serving. And many chefs come up with their own dishes, and give them a name.

Well, here we are introduced to the profession of a cook. Next time, carefully watch how your mother cooks, maybe you will suggest some interesting idea!



Chef is cheerful

I cook


There is no tastier

He's the only one like that.


Anywhere -

Not great

And not small.

Up I

Tossed it up

And caught.

He is an acrobat.

Like a circus performer

With dexterity






To you

not see



Semyon Ostrovsky



And today in our group

There will be a new game:

All girls are cooks

And the boys are cooks.

We put on robes

Caps on heads.

And saucepans with scoops

Laid out on tables.

Our cubes are potatoes,

A carrot is a pencil.

Even the ball will become a bow -

Our soup will be delicious.

Salt everything, stir

Let's pour on plates.

Puppets fun plant

And eat before bed.

We are cooks today

We are chefs today!

But wash the plates

After all, the game is over.



Give the cook food:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Sergey Chertkov


The cook at the stove creates

As he soars on wings.

Everything rages around him

The kitchen is his forge.

Each of his creations

Just a fairy tale, food,

Thoughts, creativity flight.

Anyone who has tried will understand.

Profession COOK (PARABLE)

Why did the student return?

Philosophers once got together and argued which profession is more important. One said:

The teacher is the most important. You can't do without education.

“Without builders, man will have nowhere to hide, and mankind will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.

– Musicians, artists and poets make our life special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.

Then the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

- Dear scientists, you forgot about the profession of a cook.

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go, cook dinner, - the owner got angry.

The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch, the student disappeared. The owner had to cook dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt bad and went home.

The master found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher - the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was not able to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then he fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”

Soon learned men again began to gather in the house of the philosopher. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious dinner prepared by the student.

“Cooking is not a trade, but an art,” the host said after dinner.

Didactic games.

Cards "What is superfluous."

Targets and goals: To develop the ability of children to distinguish between the same and different things. Develop mindfulness, the ability to generalize. Develop connected speech.

There are playing fields depicting food items needed to prepare various dishes. Each card has one extra item.

The game: Invite the children to carefully look at the cards and determine what is superfluous on these cards, explain why.

Word game "Cook compote"

Targets and goals: Development of attention, activate the use of adjectives, expansion of the vocabulary.

The host says:

Today we will cook compote, I will name berries and fruits, and you will tell me what kind of compote they will make.

For example:

Strawberry - strawberry, raspberry - raspberry, blackberry - blackberry, apple - apple, pear - pear.

Note: you can also play other word games: cook soup, make salad, bake a pie, etc.

Word game "Waiting for guests"

Targets and goals: Development of attention, fixing the names of dishes, expanding the vocabulary.

The host says:

Today we have guests. Let's set the festive table. I will call you a treat or food, and you will tell me where to put it.

For example:

Sugar - in a sugar bowl, sweets - in a candy bowl, butter - in a butter dish, bread - in a bread bowl, fruits - in a vase, etc.

Role-playing game "Canteen (Cafe)"

Tasks: To develop in children an interest and respect for the profession of a cook. To cultivate an attentive attitude towards visitors, a culture of communication.

Roles: cook, pastry chef, dishwasher, waiter, dining room visitors.

Game actions:

The chef “prepares dishes” (puts game items on the plates), “pouring” drinks into cups, and passes them to the waiters.

Developed by: Vlasova Natalia

This material is for personal use only. It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to publish it in other online publications.


1st presenter: KATYA

All eyes on us!
Raise your heads!
We will present now
Chef Profession!

2nd host: DIANA

After all, everyone needs a cook,

After all, they bake pancakes,

They cook porridge and borscht,

Cabbage rolls, soups and cabbage soup!

And if there is a cook at home -

So there will be something to eat!

The cook's porridge will be cooked from water and an ax.

Scene-parable "Cook"


High-ranking gentlemen were engaged in state affairs, and when the time approached noon, the philosophers argued which profession was more important.

Philosopher 1: ILYA

Gentlemen, I consider "Master" to be the most important thing. Without education, progress will stop.


Said the second philosopher.

Philosopher 2: JRA

Sorry guys, I totally disagree with you. Without builders, man will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will be deprived of beautiful buildings.


exclaimed the third philosopher

Philosopher 3: ROMA

And I think musicians, artists and poets make our life special. Art distinguishes man from animals.


Here the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Servant-cook: RAFIK

Dear scientists, you forgot about the profession of a cook.


The owner got angry.

Philosopher 1: ILYA

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go make dinner.

Exeunt Philosophers and Cook. Leading:

On this day, the philosophers did not wait for dinner.


The earth is also generous,
That there are chefs in the world!
Blessed be their simple destinies,
And hands, as if thoughts are clean.
Their profession is good in fact:
An evil person will not stand at the stove.


Among the big pots
stands like a marshal
and says emphatically:

Chef: RAFIK “It's time!” (stands at the table, the hosts dance a dance, the rest of the cooks come out to the table “depict the cooking process, knock with knives, rub vegetables on a grater”)


The cook at the stove creates
How he soars on wings
Everything boils around him
The kitchen is his forge.


Each of his creations
Just a fairy tale, food,
Thoughts - creativity flight!
Who has tried - will understand!

Chastushkas sing (Diana, Christina, Katya)

a) If you love the cook,

You can live in peace.

to you at any time of the year

Will eat and drink.

b) Give the cook food:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.-

c) A cook in a white cap,

With a ladle in hand.

Without him, like without water,

And not there, and not here ...


From everything that I did, myself
He takes samples.
Each craft it
Owns at least a little
Just the way he can
Hardly anyone can.
No lotions or perfumes
Smells just amazing.


I hope among you
There are no little ones
Those who for an hour
Do not shove the cutlet.
Such a sad look
Until the end of the century!
A good appetite
Makes a person beautiful!
I conjure at the stove
In a tall hat.
To delicious dreams
Completed on time
To "enough" and "a little bit"
I was not told
And without any "I do not want"
Ate and praised!


Boiling two or three bowls of soup, frying some potatoes is easy. But making 100 servings of soup boiled in a huge pot turn out to be delicious, preparing a truly delicious dinner for several hundred people is already an art that should be learned long and hard.


Our job is to bring joy to people, otherwise why go to the chef.


And yet, the work of a cook always has a place for fiction, fantasy, ingenuity.


Yes, cooking is a creative profession. Only a talented person can become a real cook: a bit of an artist, a bit of a musician, a bit of a poet. A person with aesthetic taste.

2 philosophers appear

Philosopher 1: ILYA

Do not judge us please, we all realized- "Cooking is not a craft, but an art!"

Philosopher 2: ROMA

Come back, we can't do without you. Proper nutrition is not just nutrition, but the guarantee of our health, life and real art.

Everybody line up


A good cook is like an artist

With a palette of fruits, cream, roses.

Creates the luxury of cakes

Connoisseur of recipes, flavors, doses.

He is a musician and a good cook.

Song (To the motive "if there was no winter ...")

If I did not have you,
Professions Chef
All the people would know
What is hunger!
Who would bring us to dinner
At a noisy break
Who made the vinaigrette
For us to be fooled

If you weren't there
Our cooks
We would never eat
Such a wonderful porridge!
Compote would not cook
On a huge plate
All the people would know
What is hunger!

ALL:We say "Thank you" for his skill
Let the necessary creation not stop!


Presenter 1:

Man eats to live. But you can not just absorb monotonous food and products out of habit, but enjoy the taste, smell, and appearance of the dish. Professional chefs and amateur cooks are capable of creating masterpieces of culinary art. All of them are worthy of congratulations on October 20, when Cook's Day is celebrated all over the world.

Every family has its own food traditions. Someone, not wanting to waste time cooking, eats exclusively sandwiches and fast food. For some, it is important to properly feed the family, and recipes for light and healthy dishes are used. And for some, cooking is an art that requires improvisation, inspiration, and unique skills.

Host 2:

For such creators, whom we used to call cooks or cooks, each dish is a masterpiece, surprising both in taste and presentation. On Chef's Day, all people related to cooking not only accept congratulations, but also brag about their culinary achievements.

Who is celebrating this holiday?

Presenter 1:

Man has learned to cook food from the moment fire appeared. The first culinary experiments looked like undercooked pieces of fish or meat. Among the fellow tribesmen there was always the more fortunate one, who could cook the extracted products “exquisitely” and tasty. And so the first cooks appeared, who were trusted to feed the entire tribe.

Mentions of a cook as a professional who could earn a living by his craft are recorded in marks dating back to the third millennium BC and found on about. Crete. Surely, cooks existed in more ancient civilizations. This is confirmed by written monuments, in which real recipes were found.

Host 2:

The work of culinary specialists was not only considered, the prestige of a noble dwelling directly depended on their success. Traditions and recipes were carefully kept and passed on only to students or heirs.

Quite a few interesting facts belongs to the era ancient rome. It is here that cooks' uprisings that engulfed entire cities were recorded. And during the time of Emperor Augustus and Tiberius, cooking schools were opened.

The Romans even have a tenth muse. Her name was Cooking. The legend connects the tenth muse with the art of a simple cook named Kulina, who served the daughter of Aesculapius Hygiea, the patroness of science and health. In the future, Cooking became the patroness of all cooks and cooks, and the art itself acquired a similar name.

Presenter 1:

So what is a holiday for a chef? National traditions have developed so that any celebration is accompanied by treats. Whether it will be a magnificent banquet, or a family feast, or a buffet table or a sweet table - one cannot do without the participation of a culinary specialist. And the culinary masters are trying, while everyone is enjoying the taste, to add the last most important touches to the dish.

Perhaps that is why the chefs did not think about creating their own holiday for a long time. But they were able to organize their own Association, which united the culinary communities of the whole world. And when the number of people who were part of this organization exceeded 8 million, the idea arose to establish a holiday for all culinary specialists and cooks. Since 2004, it has been noted world holiday called International Chef's Day.

Culinary maestros and amateurs from 70 countries immediately joined the celebration. It is impossible to make a mistake, what date is Chef's Day in Russia - it is celebrated, like all over the world, on October 20th. By tradition, this holiday is not only for eminent and professional masters, but also for ordinary self-taught people who have achieved success in the field of cooking. Gourmets also join them, so as not to miss the chance to taste exquisite unique masterpieces.

Host 2:

The famous philosopher Hippocrates said: Our food should be a remedy. And our remedy must be our food.

These are wise words. Nowadays, it is quite obvious that food is the most powerful antibiotic, because it protects the body from germs. If the population of the whole world ate right, then we would hardly need medicines.

Proper nutrition is the key to our health, beauty, and this is a real art.

Presenter 1:

There is an old story!

Philosophers once got together and argued which profession is more important.

One said: The teacher is most needed. Without education, progress will stop.

No ... Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings, - said the second philosopher.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher. Then the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you forgot about the profession of a cook. You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go cook dinner, - the owner got angry.

The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch, the student disappeared. The owner had to cook dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt bad and went home. The master found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher - the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was not able to think after eating. The philosopher thought and fired the new cook, and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.” Soon learned men again began to gather in the house of the philosopher. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious dinner prepared by the student.

Cooking is not a craft, but an art,” the host said after every meal.

Leading 2:

Now, let's play a little. You always cook in white coats, suits, monotonously cut food, I wonder what are you thinking about at this moment?

1. COMPETITION - "Warm-up"

The game is called"And under my cap" ... The rules are simple, you pull out a note from the cap, and, pronouncing the motto of the game, read out what is written on your piece of paper. The most daring future chefs are invited to the stage. Now we will find out what you think about in the process of preparing culinary dishes. In turn, we take out notes with “thoughts” from the cap and read them out loud.

Presenter 1 :

So, we have already understood what our respected chefs think about at their workplace, now let's check how skillfully they know how to cook.

2 COMPETITION: "Best Chef of the Month!"

We announce the competition for the award "Best Chef of the Month! We invite participants. The purpose of the competition is limited time our participants must "go to the store" and prepare a dish out of what they have. There won't be much time. Can you imagine what kind of vinaigrette they will make? And the winner is the one who comes up with the most witty name for his masterpiece.ATOur task, while I count to five, is to collect the products from which you will prepare your dish. But the main thing in our game is not a combination of products, but wit. Whoever comes up with the funniest name for their dish wins! Started! One, two, three, four, five ... (Then give a couple of minutes for the participants to think, after the competition, announce the winner and thank the others for participating.) Yes, cooking is a creative profession. Only a talented person can become a real cook: a bit of an artist, a bit of a musician, who has aesthetic taste, a sense of color, and harmony.

Host 2:

And now, let's see what the guys are capable of here, now.

3 COMPETITION: “Crazy Hands”.

Assignment to the participants - prepare a salad from products available in the "shop". Each participant, approaching the table, picks up the necessary “products” for making a salad. We also distribute plates (sheet of paper), knives (brushes), mayonnaise (glue). The task is to create a miracle for us in 5 minutes! Come up with a name for the dish and a recipe. Time has gone.

Presenter 1:

In the meantime, our participants work wonders, we will hold aFOOD QUIZ.

The jury, please fix who is the most erudite.

1. This fruit tastes good and looks like a lamp (pear).

2. What dish can you cook at home, even if the refrigerator is empty? (porridge from an ax)

3. What in Russian proverbs falls from the sky absolutely free of charge? (manna from heaven)

4. What Kazakh dish is eaten with 5 fingers? (beshbarmak)

5.Traditional Kazakh dishes for beshbarmak? (ASTAU)

6. The yellow ball tastes bitter, it will quench your thirst in summer. (grapefruit)

7. What animal can combine business with pleasure? (and Vaska listens and eats)

8. What menu does V. Mayakovsky offer? (eat pineapples, chew grouse)

9. Delicacy, after tasting which you will find yourself in paradise? (bounty)

10. What kind of fish likes to be dressed up? (herring under a fur coat)

12. What is the name of the plant of the legume family, the name of which was worn by the ancient king? (King Peas)

13. Cook on the ship? (Cook)

14. Delicious transfer? (Gusto)

15. Honey tree? (Linden)

16. Mini bagel? (Baranka)

17. Mirror fish? (Carp)

18. What is served at the end of dinner? (Dessert)

19. Cabbage soup? (Shi)

20. "Clothing" boiled potatoes? (Uniform)

21. Melon plant? (Watermelon)

22. A glass vessel with a high leg for mineral water and other drinks? (Wine glass)

23. Tall cylindrical bread, usually Easter? (Kulich)

24. Sugar lumps? (Refined)

25. Day meal? (Dinner)

26. Southern juicy sweet fruit with a stone, shaggy to the touch? (Peach)

27. Name a vegetable that has been grown in Russia for a long time, the name comes from the Latin “head”? (Cabbage)

28. Big confection? (Cake)

29. A list of dishes in a cafe? (Menu)

30. Candied fruit slice? (candied fruit)

31. A drink made from boiled fruit? (Compote)

32. A mare's milk product? (Kumiss)

33. Common name beets, carrots, turnips? (root vegetable)

34. Traditional Russian drink? (Kvass)

35. The earliest vegetable, a root crop? (Radish)

36. For divulging the secret of what kind of delicacy, the confectioner of King Karl of Austria was threatened with the death penalty? (Ice cream)

37. Emperor cake? ("Napoleon")

38. A caustic but very healthy vegetable? (Onion)

39. What was called in Russia the symbol of the Sun? (Crap).

40. Semi-finished product for bread and flour confectionery? (Dough)

41. Leaf vegetable or cold dish? (Salad)

42. Kind of dry biscuits? (Cracker)

43. Russian national dish, which is defined in the dictionary as “little pies” with meat or other stuffing, boiled in boiling water? (Dumplings)

44. What plant is added to coffee? (Chicory)

45. What vegetable was brought to Europe from Peru? (Potato)

46. ​​Red hot vegetable? (Pepper)

47. What is the name of a set of tableware or tea utensils? (Service)

48. A barbecue grill? (Barbecue)

49. A trace element that is added to table salt? (Iodine)

50. Jelly in the cake? (Jelly)

Host 2:

We look at the creation of the "crazy hands" of our participants (cooking salads)

Presenter 1 :

As you know, the way to a person's heart is through his stomach!


Two players, guys, are invited to participate in the competition. According to the terms of the competition, each participant takes turns taking a candy from the bag from the leader and puts it in his mouth. Swallowing sweets is strictly prohibited.
After each candy, the participant must say the phrase: “I am a handsome, smart, and moderately well-fed man.” The winner is the one who can articulate a phrase with more candies in his mouth than his opponent.

Host 2:


This competition is intended, it is designed to prepare for the future life, as hostesses in the house of our girls. To begin with, the host comes up with dishes. For example, Olivier salad and vinaigrette. Then cards with products drawn on them are placed in front of each participant. And the girls have to choose what foods should be in their dish. The girl who chose the products first and, moreover, correctly, wins.

Presenter 1:


So, the presenter selects two guys from the audience and blindfolds them. Now each of them in turn approaches the saucers on which sugar, salt, pearl barley, rice and buckwheat lie. Without tasting, but only by touch, men should try to correctly determine what lies in front of them. The winner is the one who correctly guesses everything, for which he receives the title of “Real Master”.

Host 2:


The host blindfolds the three participants and creates dishes. Dishes should be fun and incomprehensible, for example, marshmallows poured with ketchup and wrapped in a lettuce leaf, and stuff like that. The main thing is to combine the incongruous, just don’t overdo it too much - it is necessary that the participants remain alive and healthy. Then the host gives a taste of what he created to the participants, and they must determine what they ate.

Presenter 1:


This competition can be held at a birthday party. For the competition you will need two baguette loaves. Everyone present is divided into two teams. Each team is given a button. Each team forms a circle. At the signal of the host, the first participants bite off the loaf and, without the help of hands, pass it to the second. Then the second participant passes the loaf to the third, simultaneously biting off a piece of the loaf. The team that will eat the whole loaf the fastest wins the competition.

Host 2:

While our jury determines the winners in the nominations, the anthem of the chefs is performed by our students.

We give the floor to our jury!

Chef's Day, celebrated annually on October 20, is a holiday, the existence of which we owe to the World Association of Culinary Societies. This is a professional holiday for everyone who is directly related to the world of cooking. On this day, concerts, feasts are organized for the heroes of the occasion, recreational activities, which, in turn, can not do without contests and games.

hot bun

A simple game that will appeal to preschoolers and schoolchildren, students lower grades. Of the props, we only need an inflatable light ball, preferably a medium-sized beach ball, which will play the role of a hot roll. The task of the players, located indoors or outdoors in a random order, is to pass the ball to each other, beating it with their hands, as in volleyball. Whoever catches it or fails to fight it off is out of the game.

The smartest cook

For the next contest, you need a deep bowl and many fake vegetables. If there are no dummies, you can use different items, for example, soft toys. The task of the players, and there are only two of them, is to overcome a difficult distance with many obstacles, without losing all the vegetables laid out with a slide in a bowl along the way. In the form of obstacles, you can arrange chairs, skittles, bottles and so on in the room.

good rhyme

This competition can be announced at the beginning of the entertainment event, and its results can be summed up at the end of the holiday. The host invites all guests to come up with a rhyme for the word "Cook". This task is not an easy one. The winner is the one whose version turned out to be the most successful. However, you should be prepared for the fact that there will be few options in general.

Rash, don't be sorry

3 people are invited to participate in the game. Each player is given two bowls. One filled with sugar, the other empty. Also, each receives a teaspoon. The task of the contestants is, at the signal of the presenter, to transfer the sugar into an empty vessel as quickly as possible, using a teaspoon for this. At the same time, it is important not to scatter this product, completing the task not only quickly, but also as accurately as possible. The result of the players' work is judged by the guests of the entertainment event.


The competition, which can be held for both children and adults, involves two people. Each player is blindfolded, after which the assistant gives the contestants to try different products, which they will have to identify only according to their taste. Players can be warned in advance that they will have to guess different berries by taste, and at the same time diversify the assortment of these berries, say, with a piece of lemon without a skin or a piece of pickled cucumber. The winner is the one who correctly identified all the products, including the "dummy".
You can modify this competition and make it more "extreme". In this case, the facilitator invites the participants to try a dish of incompatible products. This, for example, can be marshmallows, poured with ketchup and wrapped in pita bread. As in the previous option, the player will need to guess what they just ate.


Competition-raffle, which is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, participants (there may be 3-4 people) are offered to peel boiled potatoes for speed (one small potato each). However, the players do not even suspect that then they will have to eat the root crop at speed. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.

Beads of Wisdom

They prepare for this competition in the following way - they buy a pack of buckwheat, open it, 12 grains are painted with bright nail polish, dried and added back to other grains. All you need to mix and move into a deep bowl. Such vessels need to be prepared 2 pieces, for two players. The task of the latter is to find all 12 colored grains as quickly as possible. At the same time, it is impossible to pour buckwheat on the floor or on the table. The fastest chef is the winner.

From pantry to kitchen

Nice competition for kids. For him, you need to take one medium weighty watermelon, and also mark the “start” and “finish” lines in advance. Everyone who wants to participate in this game is divided into two teams. The competition is held in the relay format. Each player takes turns rolling the watermelon across the floor towards the finish line. At the same time, each player can take no more than three steps at a distance, after which he needs to return to the team, thus allowing the next participant in the column to run to the watermelon. The team that manages to finish first wins.

corn relay

An interesting simple contest, for which you first need to boil and judge two small heads of corn. Ready heads are given to teams (each has one corn). Their task is to separate the corn kernels from the head with their hands. One person cleans one row, then passes the product to another. The game continues according to this principle until one of the teams completely clears the head of corn.

Knowledge is power

A simple game for little cooks. In advance, you need to prepare cards with images of various popular dishes and their ingredients (each ingredient is a separate card). The participants of the game, looking at the card of the dish, which they can draw at random from the bag, need to quickly and, more importantly, choose the right products for preparing such a dish.

chocolate madness

For this competition, you will need such props as an apron, a chef's hat, a fork and a real large chocolate bar. All this is placed away from the children who volunteered to take part in the "Chocolate Madness". At the signal of the host, the children take turns throwing the dice. The one who rolls 6 runs to the table with a chocolate bar, puts on a hat, an apron, takes a fork and tries to break off a piece of sweet treat with it. He does this until the next player rolls a 6 on the dice. The contest continues until the entire chocolate bar has been eaten.


A fun game that will require a variety of food (for example, a piece of bread, a slice of lemon, a spoon of honey, a chocolate candy, and so on), as well as a roll of toilet paper. With the help of a roll of toilet paper, the presenter creates a winding distance (2 pieces are needed in total), on which various food products will be found on the plates of the players. Players start in turn. Important Rule- you can move from one product to the second only after the first one is completely eaten (chewed and swallowed). The glutton who finishes first wins.

vegetable portrait

For this creative competition You will need two baskets of assorted vegetables. A game for two teams, each with 3 people. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to “make up” a portrait of a famous person from the products offered by him. No more than 10 minutes are allocated for this competition. The winner is determined as follows - the guests of the festive event will have to guess who is depicted in the portrait of each team. The most believable portrait brings the players victory.

On "you" with a meat grinder

Probably every house has Soviet meat grinders, so you can easily find these in the amount of 2 pieces. Beforehand, the meat grinders are dismantled, and it is in this form that they are given out to two players, preferably boys. Their task is to temporarily assemble a mechanical device that is actively used by housewives in cooking. The winner is the contestant who assembled the machine quickly and correctly.


A simple and fun game that can be played by up to 3 people. Each is given a bowl in which foods such as peas, buckwheat, beans and rice are mixed. The task of the players is to sort all the products for a while. The one who completes the task quickly wins.

Satisfied and satisfied

The cook has prepared a delicious dish and he can not wait to treat the guest to them, only the trouble is that both hands are busy. Game for two teams, 2 people each. One player is covered with oilcloth, seated on a chair. The second is given a bowl of jam (pour a little) and a small spoon. The task of the cook is to feed his guest without hands. To do this, you will have to pick up jam and pass it to your friend, holding a spoon in your teeth. The team that will “destroy” all the jam faster than the other wins.

Emerald City

For this contest you will need green marmalade. Each player (and there are only 2 of them) has the same amount of gummy candies. Their task is to build a tower of sweets, laying one marmalade on top of another. The one with the highest tower wins.

Scenario professional competition cooks "My profession is a cook"

Location: college teaching laboratory

Conduct form: competition

The purpose of the: improving professional skills, strengthening professional qualities, ability to work in a team, education of love for the profession, promotion of culinary arts.

Members: 1st, 2nd, 3rd year students of the Agricultural College

Jury: Shakirova Tanzilya Artikvaevna - Deputy. Director for SD

Altybekova Saule Tokhtashevna - Deputy Director for Water Management

Snezhkovskaya Galina Afanasievna - teacher

Grade: according to 5 point system.

Conditions of the competition

Each group provides 2 people to participate in the competition.

Stage 1: Introductory - evaluated on a 5 point system

(includes appearance participants, name and motto and presentation of the teams.)

Stage 2: Professional - evaluated on a 5 point system

(includes cutting vegetables for participants of the 1st course, shaping potato slices for the participants of the 2nd course, preparation and serving of salads for the participants of the 3rd course)

Stage 3: Black box - evaluated on a 5 point system

(includes questions on knowledge of the material of special disciplines)

Stage 4: Creative - evaluated on a 5 point system

(includes a demonstration of students' creative work)

Decor: the name of the competition, balls, production tables, cutting boards, tools, products.)

Competition progress

Fanfare sounds. Participants of the competition come out. (A presentation about the college begins on the projector.)

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you to the professional competition "Culinary duel". The famous philosopher Hippocrates said: Our food should be a remedy. And our remedy must be our food.

Host 2:

These are wise words. Nowadays, it is quite obvious that food is the most powerful antibiotic, because it protects the body from germs. If the population of the whole world ate right, then we would hardly need medicines.

Presenter 1:

Proper nutrition is the key to our health, beauty, and this is a real art.

(silent music playing)

Philosophers once got together and argued about what profession

more important. One said:

The teacher is the most important. Without education, progress will stop.

No ... Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose its beautiful buildings, - said the second philosopher.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art

distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.

Then the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you forgot about the profession of a cook.

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not

art. Go cook dinner, - the owner got angry. The student silently left the room.

On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch, the student disappeared. The owner had to cook dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt bad and went home.

The master found another servant. Time has passed, and the philosopher is the master of the house,

noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and after eating he himself was not able to

was pondering. The philosopher thought and fired the new cook, and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but

art ".

Soon learned men again began to gather in the house of the philosopher. Discussion

interrupted only by a delicious dinner prepared by a student.

Cooking is not a craft, but an art, - the owner said after every dinner.

The projector shows the video "Song of students"

Presenter 1:

Today at the competition, our participants will show culinary art.

Host 2:

But the winner of the competition will be chosen by our esteemed jury.

I will introduce you to today's jury

Their eyes are on fire

Competitions they will appreciate without flaw

Your points will be set carefully

Competitions are very difficult to evaluate.

Leading: Our jury:

Sharikova Tanzilya Artikvaevna

Altybekova Saule Tokhtashevna

Snezhkovskaya Galina Afanasievna

(A presentation of the design of New Year's dishes is shown on the projector)

Presenter 1:

and now we will draw lots (draws lots of participants dividing them into 2 teams. Offers to choose a team captain)

Host 2:

What do we just not eat in life!

We try, of course, what is needed

And thanks to the chefs for their work

Make food even tastier

More pleasant and preferably more useful

So as not to make us sick from food

Presenter 1:

Be full and light at the same time

Not resorting to tricky diets

We believe in your golden hands

And advanced in technology

And the fact that they are able to feed everyone

May the competition be successful!

(The video clip “Cook's Song” is shown on the projector.)


The time has come for the first stage of the competition. The teams need to come up with a name, a motto and present it to the jury and the audience. The time for this contest is 5 minutes. Score - 5 points (gives out signs, felt-tip pens to team captains)

(Quiet music plays.)

Team members perform the first stage of the competition.)


The first task has expired. Let's see what our teams have prepared. (Teams perform, the jury makes and comments on the scores)

The projector displays an evaluation table with the first evaluations of the teams.

Leading: “The 2nd stage of our competition is called “Professional”.

(Team captains are given tasks.) The time to complete the task is 15 minutes. Each task is evaluated separately on a 5-point system. (1 course - slicing potatoes into small and medium cubes

2 course - molding potato zrazy

3 course - preparation and serving of salad)


In the meantime, the participants complete the task - we will hold a quiz with the audience.

1. This fruit tastes good and looks like a lamp (pear)

2. What dish can you cook at home, even if the refrigerator is empty? (porridge from an ax)

3. What in Russian proverbs falls from the sky absolutely free of charge? (manna from heaven)

4. What Kazakh dish is eaten with 5 fingers? (besbarmak)

5.Traditional Kazakh dishes for besbarmak? (ASTAU)

6. The yellow ball tastes bitter, in the summer it will quench your thirst .. (grapefruit)

7. What animal can combine business with pleasure? (and Vaska listens and eats)

8. What menu does V. Mayakovsky offer? (eat pineapples, chew grouse)

9. Delicacy. Having tasted which you will find yourself in paradise? (bounty)

10. What kind of fish likes to be dressed up? (herring under a fur coat)

12. What is the name of the plant of the legume family, the name of which was worn by the ancient king? (King Peas)

The projector demonstrates a video of table settings, the design of children's dishes.

Leading: This is the end of Stage 2 of our competition. We ask the jury to evaluate the work of the teams.

The jury evaluates the teams, comments on the scores. On the projector in the evaluation table, the teams are given marks for the 2nd stage of the competition.

Presenter 1:

A good cook is like an artist

With a palette of fruits. Cream, roses

Creates the luxury of cakes

Recipe connoisseur

Host 2:

No lotions or perfumes

Smells very delicious

Hands are clean

Wash from morning to night

He knows how to distinguish

third from second

Who is he - just guess

This is a great chef

Leading: The third stage of our "Black Box" contest has come

I ask the captains to get their assignments. Time to complete the task - 5 minutes. Evaluation by 5 point system.

The projector shows the video "Designing festive dishes"

Team members perform the third stage of the competition.


The time to complete the third stage of the competition has expired. I ask the jury to evaluate the work of the teams. (the jury gives marks, comments on them, marks for the 3rd stage of the competition are displayed on the screen)

Leading: The 4th stage "Creative" completes our today's competition

Creative works of our students take part in this competition. I ask the jury to go through and evaluate the work on a 5 point system.

(the jury passes and evaluates the work, comments on the marks. The marks for the 4th stage of the competition are displayed on the screen)


And now the floor is given to the chairman of the jury Shakirova Tanzila Artikvaevna. (The chairman of the jury names the winners, comments on the competition)

(For the winners of the professional competition sounds tush)


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