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311.5/337.4 s Fuel liquid oxygen and kerosene RG-1

Models of various layouts of Angara launch vehicles at MAKS-2009

"Angara"- a family of modular-type launch vehicles under development with oxygen-kerosene engines, including four classes of launch vehicles - from light to heavy - in the range of carrying capacities from 1.5 ("Angara 1.1") to 35 ("Angara A7") tons at low low-Earth orbit (during launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome). The lead developer and manufacturer of the Angara family launch vehicles is the Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center.

Various versions of the Angara are implemented using a different number of universal rocket modules (URM) (URM-1 - for the first stage, URM-2 - for the second and third) - one module for light class carriers ("Angara 1.1" and 1.2), three for a middle class carrier ("Angara A3") and five for a heavy class carrier ("Angara A5").

The length of the URM is 25.1 m, the diameter is 2.9 m, the weight with fuel is 149 tons. The URM is equipped with an RD-191 oxygen-kerosene engine.

  1. Russia needs missile system, capable of launching payloads into geostationary orbit from the territory Russian Federation(Cosmodrome "Plesetsk", possible variant- Vostochny Cosmodrome). Currently, the Proton launch vehicle is launched only from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, located on the territory of Kazakhstan.
  2. For reasons of strategic security, the complex was completely designed and manufactured by the cooperation of Russian enterprises located on the territory of Russia.
  3. Elimination of the problems of using heavy launch vehicles with toxic fuel. Traditionally, heptyl, a very toxic substance, was used as fuel for "heavy" launch vehicles (in the USSR / RF); in our time, this type of fuel is used on the Proton-M launch vehicle. The Angara launch vehicle will use environmentally friendly fuel based on kerosene; liquid oxygen will act as an oxidizing agent; accordingly, such a pH is much safer to use. In the future, it is possible to certify the use of the Angara launch vehicle for manned flights.
  4. Modularity. It will simplify the delivery of the finished product by rail to the launch site. The modular construction concept allows creating a whole family of launch vehicles: - light class, based on the 1st stage module with a payload mass in low Earth orbit of 1.5 tons; heavy, up to 35 tons, consisting of 7 universal rocket modules as part of the first stage.
  5. The payload of the Angara A7 is up to 35 tons, which is more than that of the Proton launch vehicle. These technical capabilities of the Angara A5 make it possible to launch a payload of the same mass from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome into geostationary orbit as from the Baikonur Cosmodrome using the Proton-M launch vehicle.

At the same time, the main purpose of the creation of the Angara was the opportunity for the GKNPTs them. Khrunichev to occupy almost the entire Russian market space launches, creating on the basis of the URM a single replacement for most existing types of launch vehicles created in the USSR: - "Proton" (instead of it "Angara" A5, A7), "Zenit-2" (produced in Ukraine, instead of it "Angara A3" ), "Cyclone-2/3" (out of production in Ukraine, instead of it "Angara A1.2") and "Cosmos-3M" (instead of it "Angara A1.1"). Without a replacement, only the family of launch vehicles of the R-7 type (Soyuz / Lightning) and small launchers would remain. The methodology for creating a unified series of launch vehicles became the basis for the doctoral dissertation of the First Deputy General Director of the GKNPTs named after V.I. Khrunichev A. A. Medvedev, defended in 1999 (in 2001 A. A. Medvedev was appointed CEO GKNPTs named after M. V. Khrunichev).

History of creation

After the collapse of the USSR, the Baikonur cosmodrome, from which the Proton and Energiya heavy launch vehicles were launched, was outside the Russian Federation. There was a need to create a heavy-class launch vehicle complex, all elements of which would be made from Russian components at a Russian production base, and launches would be carried out from spaceports located on the territory of Russia.

In this regard, on the basis of the Decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military Space Forces of August 3, 1992 on the issue of "Launch vehicles: the state and prospects for their modernization and development" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1992, a competition was announced for the design and creation of the SRC (space rocket complex) of the heavy class. The competition was attended by RSC Energia im. Academician S.P. Korolev, GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev and SRC “KB im. Academician V.P. Makeev, who submitted several variants of launch vehicles for consideration by a specially formed Interdepartmental Expert Commission.

In August 1994, the competition was won by the option proposed by the GKNPTs them. M. V. Khrunichev. The same organization was appointed as the lead developer of the complex. The rejected proposal of RSC Energia later became the basis for the development of the Rus-M family of launch vehicles.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01/06/95 "On the development of the Angara KRK." work on the creation of the Angara missile system is defined as work of special national importance. In March, an order was issued by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for this complex. On August 26, 1995, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, which determined the stages of the creation of the Angara complex, approved the master schedule for the creation of the complex, the volume of its financing, as well as the cooperation of co-executors. The decree determined the date for the start of flight tests of the complex - 2005 and the place - USK (site No. 35) of the Plesetsk cosmodrome (the unfinished launch complex of the Zenith launch vehicle), and in the future it is planned to use the Angara launch vehicle and the Svobodny cosmodrome for launches. Co-executors for individual parts and systems were established:

  • RKK Energia (Korolev) - for the entire structure of the 2nd stage;
  • NPO Energomash (Khimki) - for 1st stage engines;
  • KB Khimavtomatika (Voronezh) - for engines of the 2nd stage;
  • SRC Design Bureau named after V.P. Makeev - for fuel tanks;
  • Design Bureau of Transport Engineering (TsENKI NIISK, Moscow) - for the ground launch complex;
  • NII KHIMMASH (now FKP "NITs RKP") - for ground testing of the KKK.

The project accepted for development provided for the creation of a two-stage launch vehicle of a stacked arrangement of tanks with sequential operation of stages using liquid oxygen as an oxidizer, and kerosene as a fuel in the first stage, and liquid hydrogen in the second. The fuel tanks were located on the sides of the centrally located oxidizer tanks. Such a scheme was unofficially called "cheburashka", since the large fuel tanks visually located on the sides resembled the ears of this cartoon character. The engine of the 1st stage was adopted RD-171, created for the Zenith launch vehicle. The 2nd stage engine is RD-0120, previously used on the central unit of the Energia launch vehicle. Launch vehicle mass - 640 tons, payload mass launched into low earth orbit with an inclination of 63 ° (from the Plesetsk cosmodrome) - 24.5 tons. The choice of the 1st stage engine (RD-171) made it possible to use launch complexes for launching Zenit launch vehicle, in particular, to equip the corresponding unfinished launch complexes at the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

In March 1997, the leadership of the GKNPTs them. M. V. Khrunichev proposed to radically revise the version of the Angara launch vehicle adopted in 1995. Gradually, the current scheme of a launch vehicle based on universal rocket modules and using kerosene as a fuel at all stages of the launch vehicle began to emerge. Without a new competition and the Scientific and Technical Council, by the decision of the head of Rosaviakosmos Yu. N. Koptev and with the consent of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation new scheme was accepted for development, and RKK Energia and GRC im. Makeev were excluded from the list of co-executors.

In April 2012, the Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center successfully carried out factory tests of the first - a light-class unit weighing 197 tons, from two transport and installation units, for the launch complexes of the Angara launch vehicle. The equipment is designed for transportation and installation of light and heavy missiles at the start.

The first launch of the Angara launch vehicle was scheduled from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in 2005. But then it was repeatedly postponed: to 2011, to 2012, and now to 2013. At the moment, this is the eighth transfer of the first launch of the launch vehicle.

The first launch of the Angara-1 light-class launch vehicle and the first flight tests of the Angara space missile system (SRC) will be carried out no later than 2013, the official representative of the Space Forces (KV) of the Russian Federation Alexei Zolotukhin told reporters on March 24, 2011.

Test tests of structural elements of the Angara launch vehicle have been completed. According to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs im. Khrunichev dated October 23, 2012, in the FKP "NIC RCP" (Remmash village) successfully completed tests for cryostatic strength of the structural elements of the promising launch vehicle (LV) "Angara" (product A5A2C - assembly No. A13) manufactured by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GKNTSP named after M.V. Khrunichev. The purpose of testing assembly No. A13 was to confirm the strength of the accelerator compartments III stage LV, as well as individual components of the design of the Angara LV 3A and 5A.

Option for the Baikonur Cosmodrome

Option for South Korea

Joint work is underway on the South Korean carrier KSLV-1, in which the developments on the Angara are actively used. From the South Korean side, the Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) is the customer of the project. From the Russian side, the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, NPO Energomash and the Design Bureau of Transport Engineering are participating in the project.

Media versions

200 km) ) )
Version Angara 1.1 Angara 1.2 Angara A3 Angara A3/KVSK Angara A5 Angara A5/KVTK Angara A7 Angara A7 "Vostochny"
First stage 1×URM, RD-191 1×URM, RD-191 3×URM, RD-191 3×URM, RD-191 5×URM, RD-191 5×URM, RD-191 6×URM-1, URM-2 6×URM-1, URM-2
Second step Breeze-KM (Breeze-KS) URM-2, RD-0124 URM-2, RD-0124 URM-2, RD-0124 URM-2, RD-0124 URM-2, RD-0124
Upper block -- -- Breeze-M KVSK Breeze-M KVTK KVTK-A7 KVTK2-A7V
Thrust (at ground level) 196 t 196 t 588 t 588 t 980 t 980 t
starting weight 149 t 171 t 480 t 480 t 759 t 790 t 1154 t
Height (max.) 34.9 m 41.5 m 45.8 m 55.4 m 64 m 2 t 3.8 t 15.1 t 15.1 t 25.8 t 25.8 t 35.0 t -- -- 2.4 t 3.6 t 5.4 t 6.6 t 12.5 t 19.0 t
-- -- 1.0 t 2.0 t 2.8 t 4 t 7.6 t 11.4 t

The payload mass is indicated for launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome (63°N). The Angara A7 launch vehicle consists of six URM-1 and one URM-2 (oversized central unit and refueling), must be equipped with upgraded RD-191 engines with a retractable nozzle and cannot be launched from a launch complex designed to launch the rest carrier rockets of this family.

The main characteristics of the initial version of the Angara launch vehicle

The data are given according to the book by V. E. Gudilin L. I. Slabky "Rocket and space systems (History. Development. Prospects)" Moscow, 1996.

N p / p Characteristics Meaning
1 Starting weight, t
- RN (without CH / with CH) 611,5/640
- Stage I 481,53
- II stage 129,64
2 MPG put into orbit with parameters Нcr = 200 km, i = 63 deg. 26
3 MPg output to the GSO using RB, t
- KVRB / RB "Breeze-M" 4,3/3,2
4 Mass of the launch vehicle structure, t including 46,6
- 1st stage accelerator 33,0
- accelerator 2 stages 13,66
5 Mass of refueling fuel components, t
- I stage (zh. O 2 / RG-1) 324,4/123,7
- Stage II (l. O 2 / l. H 2) 99,4/16,7
6 Operating fuel supply
- I stage (zh. O 2 / RG-1) 317,6/120,77
- Stage II (f. O 2 / f. H 2) 97,84/16,31
7 Final weight of the block, t
- Stage I 40,178
- II stage 15,663
8 Overall dimensions (length / cross section), m
- RN (without CHG) 35.25/3x3.9
- 1st stage accelerator 25.44 / 3x3.6
- accelerator 2 stages 13.80/3x3.9
- CHG 19,42/4,35
9 Thrust MD 1st stage, tf
- near the Earth / in the void 740/806,4
10 Specific thrust impulse MD 1st stage, s
- near the Earth / in the void 309,5/337,2
11 Thrust MD 2 steps in the void, s 190
12 Specific thrust impulse MD 2 stages in vacuum, s 455,5

Comparative evaluation

An analogue of the Angara A5 in terms of launch weight and payload output to the GEO are the Proton launch vehicle (700 and 4.35-5.6 tons, respectively) and Ares-1 developed by NASA. Soyuz-2 occupies an intermediate position between Angara 1.2 and Angara A3.

The Angara launch vehicle is manufactured using polymer composite materials, the proportion of composites is 20% higher than in Proton-M. Approximately 2 times improved properties of materials.

Footnotes and sources

  1. GKNPTs named after M. V. Khrunichev | Angara launch vehicle family
  2. Alexander Alekseevich Medvedev
  3. Gudilin V.E., Slabky L.I. CHAPTER 6 Development of space-rocket units and their component systems // . - M., 1996. - 326 p.
  4. "Angara" is preparing for flight,, 12/30/2007
  5. Preparations for firing tests of the universal rocket module URM-2 have begun
  6. In the FKP "SIC RCP" fire bench tests of the URM-1 launch vehicle "Angara" were held. (31.07.2009). Archived from the original on August 25, 2011.
  7. FKP "SIC RCP" final tests of the universal rocket module URM-1 of the launch vehicle "Angara" took place, 11/27/2009
  8. In FKP "Scientific Research Center of the RCP" firing bench tests of the universal rocket module URM-2 launch vehicle "Angara" were successfully carried out, 11/19/2010
  9. Development of the latest RD191 rocket engine for the Angara launch vehicle family has been completed
  10. In Severodvinsk, a transport and installation unit for the Angara rocket launch complexes was successfully tested, ITAR-TASS (13.04.2012).
  11. Magazine "Cosmonautics News"
  12. The project of the Angara space rocket complex has been approved.
  13. Tests of the Angara launch vehicle will begin no earlier than 2013 | Newspaper. En: News of the day
  14. Launch vehicle "Angara-1" will be launched no later than 2013
  15. "Baiterek" determines its place on earth and in space
  16. Russia and Kazakhstan failed to agree on the conditions for the construction of a new launch complex at the cosmodrome
  17. An agreement on the construction of a site for launching rockets with Kazakhstan was signed a long time ago, but Russia needs it to launch light rockets, and Kazakhstan needs it for heavy ones.
  18. Gudilin V.E., Slabky L.I. Rocket and space systems (History. Development. Prospects). - M., 1996. - 326 p.


The creation of the Angara space rocket complex (SRC) is a task of special national importance. Putting the Angara spacecraft into operation will allow Russia to launch spacecraft of all types from its territory and provide our country with independent guaranteed access to space. The state customers of the Angara complex are the State Corporation ROSCOSMOS and the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the head enterprise-developer is FSUE Khrunichev State Research and Production Center. The new CRC is being created by the cooperation of Russian industrial enterprises and construction organizations using exclusively domestic element base.

Angara launch vehicle family

The newest Russian Angara space rocket system includes a family of environmentally friendly launch vehicles (LV) of various classes, which allow launching up to 37.5 tons of payload (Angara-A5V modification) into low Earth orbit.

The basis for creating variants of the Angara launch vehicles are the oxygen-kerosene universal rocket modules - URM-1 (for the first and second stages of the launch vehicle) and URM-2 (for the upper stages of the launch vehicle). The number of URMs in the first stage determines the carrying capacity of the launch vehicle.

The universal rocket module is a complete structure consisting of oxidizer and fuel tanks connected by a spacer and an engine compartment. URM-1 is equipped with a liquid-propellant jet engine RD-191, URM-2 - with an RD-0124A engine.

The launch vehicles of the Angara family do not use aggressive and toxic propellants based on heptyl, which can significantly improve the environmental safety of the complex, both in the regions adjacent to the cosmodrome and in the areas where the spent stages of launch vehicles fall.

launch complexes

Unique technical solutions and widespread use of unification make it possible to launch all launch vehicles of the Angara family from one launcher. Created at the PLESETSK cosmodrome (Arkhangelsk region), the ground infrastructure of the Angara spacecraft includes technical complex and the Universal Launch Complex (USK).

USK at the Plesetsk cosmodrome was created on the basis of the launch complex of the Zenit launch vehicle and is capable of preparing and launching Angara launch vehicles of light, medium and heavy classes. launch complex includes launch facilities, technological equipment, complex automated systems controls, a complex for refueling the Breeze-M upper stage, sets of ground equipment and test equipment. In addition to structures, engineering networks and communications with a length of more than 22 km, automobile and railways, USK includes engineering support sites.

The second launch complex is planned to be built at the new Russian Vostochny cosmodrome.

The performance characteristics of the launch vehicle of the Angara family





Starting weight, t

Number of steps

Fuel components:

First stage;

Second stage;

Third step.









Marching engines:

First stage;

Second stage;

Third step.

Used booster blocks

Detachable aggregate module





Payload weight, t.**

To LEO (200 km);

5,4/5,4/7,5 (-/7,0/8,0)

2,8/2,6/4,5 (-/3,9/5,0)

* - in the stage of design study

** - LEO - low reference orbit; GPO - geotransfer orbit; GSO - geostationary orbit; SSO - sun-synchronous orbit

*** - launch complex for the Angara launch vehicle in the project of the second stage of construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome.

Flight tests of the Angara spacecraft

The prototype of the first stage (URM-1) of the Angara-1.2 launch vehicle three times (in 2009, 2010, 2013) passed flight tests as part of the first South Korean launch vehicle KSLV-1, the contract for the creation of which was signed by the GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev in 2004.

Flight tests of the Angara spacecraft at the Plesetsk cosmodrome began in 2014:

  • July 9, 2014 - The first launch of the Angara-1.2.PP light class launch vehicle. The launch vehicle consisted of two stages based on the URM-1 and URM-2, an inseparable mock payload weighing 1.43 tons and a head fairing. Its launch weight is ~171 tons.
  • December 23, 2014 - The first launch of the Angara-A5.1L heavy class ILV. It consisted of three stages created on the basis of URM-1 and URM-2. The space warhead included an inseparable mass payload model (its mass is 2.04 tons) mounted on the Breeze-M upper stage under the head fairing. During the tests, the upper stage successfully launched the spacecraft model into the target orbit.
On November 1, the leadership of the GKNPTs im. Khrunicheva reported to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin that the new Angara A5 heavy launch vehicle, the world's first rocket made according to the modular principle (it is being formed as a designer), has undergone comprehensive diagnostics and is completely ready for launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

The light version of the Angara - A1 (1 module, carrying capacity 1.5 tons) was successfully tested in June of this year, now a rocket of 5 modules with a payload of 25.8 tons (200 km orbit) will go to the launch pad, and The next launches in the test cycle are planned to launch the A7 with a load of 35 tons and A7.2B with 50 tons. Experts note: if the project is implemented within the approved time frame, it will, firstly, significantly reduce the cost, simplify and speed up the entire space program of Roscosmos and the Ministry of Defense, and secondly, in the future it will be able to reshape the entire global rocket and space market, because it will not will be equal in the cost of delivering a unit of cargo to any of the demanded orbits.

It was decided to find a replacement for the heavy-class carrier rockets of the Proton family immediately after the collapse of the USSR. Initially, the goal was one - to create a launch vehicle entirely from Russian components, without any cooperation, even with the closest allies in the CIS. At the same time, it was also supposed to start only from Russian territory - the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Member military-industrial commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, Nikolay Moiseev noted: “The goal that was set for the developers, for the domestic rocket and space industry, was to provide Russia with independent access to space. That is, with the help of this new rocket, the Angara, it is necessary to ensure the withdrawal of spacecraft, which we could previously launch from Baikonur, from our domestic Plesetsk cosmodrome. This task was set by the leadership of the country. This does not mean that we are refusing to continue using the Baikonur Cosmodrome, it is still in demand, is still used in civilian Anish purposes. But I must say that by now there are no military personnel left in Baikonur, it has completely passed under civilian jurisdiction.”

On the basis of the decision of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military Space Forces of August 3, 1992 on the issue of "Launch vehicles: the state and prospects of their modernization and development" and the decree of the government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 1992, a competition was announced for the design and creation of a space rocket complex) heavy class. The competition was attended by RSC Energia im. Academician S.P. Korolev, GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev and SRC “KB im. Academician V.P. Makeev, who submitted several variants of launch vehicles for consideration by a specially formed Interdepartmental Expert Commission. In August 1994, the competition was won by the variant proposed by the GKNPTs them. M. V. Khrunichev, who was appointed the lead developer of the complex.

Further development of the project was actually frozen due to the chronic underfunding of the industry in the 90s. Active work was resumed only in 2001, when the first Russian space program was born, provided with real financial resources. However, the new design team proposed to expand the task - to design not only a completely domestic rocket and launch complex for it, as it sounded in the assignment, but also to seriously improve it performance characteristics, i.e. to make a carrier that will win the tough competition in the booming global market. Although initially the Angara was intended exclusively for military needs. To do this, it was necessary, first of all, to solve two fundamental problems: to make the design of the rocket lighter and to reduce the amount of investment - both starting and operational.

The designers went a simple way - the way of technology unification. They proposed to make a rocket that is universal in terms of carrying capacity in the form of a designer, which can be quickly assembled depending on the tasks at hand, transported without the use of expensive energy-intensive systems and mounted at the launch complex in a matter of minutes. At the same time, the launch complex, which usually consumes up to 40% of investments, should be only one for all categories of rockets of the family. Although for each class of rockets in the world a separately designed launch pad is used. And this is already saving about 30% of the total budget for development and production, and about 24% for operating costs. “In fact, in this project, by creating two basic modules, we get the entire range of light, medium and heavy missiles - Angara-1, Angara-3 and Angara-5. Always for light, medium or heavy class missiles - sometimes there is only one gun for light and medium class missiles! a launcher, but for the entire range of loads and the entire range of light, medium and heavy class projects to be launched from one launcher, this is not the case. This reduces the cost of the project in the sense that it is not necessary to build three separate launch pads,” Moiseev noted.

In addition, composite materials science, which is rapidly developing in the country, came in handy - about 36% of rocket parts were made from third-generation composite materials, which reduced the overall specific gravity of the entire system by 12.3%. This success, in turn, made it possible to think about environmental cleanliness - the rocket was made to run on clean fuel - kerosene, the oxidizer of which is oxygen. Previously, all heavy-class missiles flew only on toxic heptyl. According to this indicator, Russia is only catching up - today there are already "clean" space rockets in the world - the European Ariane-5 and the American Falcon-9, but they clearly lag behind the Angara in terms of launch cost and overall investment capacity. In addition, none of them is capable of lifting such a mass of cargo into space. latest version Falcon 9 v1.1 launches 13.1 tons into low reference orbit (LEO) and 4.8 tons into geotransitional orbit (GPO). European Ariane-5 of the latest modification - a maximum of 6.3 N! and GPO. "Angara-5" in December of this year will lift 25.8 tons per 200 km (6.6 at GPO), after adding 2 more universal rocket modules (URM) to the "designer" in the spring of 2015, it will deliver 35 tons (12, 5 at the GPO, the rocket is already being assembled) and will set a world record, and in 2016 the Ministry of Defense will launch it with 50 tons (19 tons at the GPO).

In terms of investment volume, Angara also outperformed all its competitors. For the Falcon-9 program American company has already spent more than 5.2 billion dollars, the total amount for the project reaches 7.5 billion, the budget of the European space agency for Ariane has exceeded 3.2 billion euros, the total investment is planned at 5.8 billion euros. Angara, on the other hand, cost the Russian budget 96 billion rubles, i.e. even at the old rate it is 3.2 billion dollars. The minimum price for a kilogram of payload for a Falcon is $4,000 per kilogram for LEO and $9,500 for GPOs. Other space projects are not even worth considering, because the European rocket loses to the American one by 12%, which the head of SpaceX is publicly proud of, and the Chinese “heavy” CZ-11 rocket exists so far only in words. The cost of delivery of 1 kg with the Angara is only 2.4 thousand dollars to the LEO and 4.6 thousand to the GPO. Experts believe that at least in a ten-year period - from 2018, when the new launch vehicle! The truck will be put into series production, and until 2027 it will be the absolute leader in the space truck market with a low service cost that is unattainable for competitors.

What is even more valuable is that the Angara's basic technology design provides for its use in a manned version, which can be called breakthroughs in world cosmonautics. Manned ships have always been designed as separate projects to completely different, incompatible with trucks, standards. Roskosmos plans to start the practical implementation of rocket launches with a team of astronauts in 20181, compared to the Soyuz, which have been performing this function for the past decades, the delivery and return of people to the ISS will become cheaper by 25-30%, which is about 10 million dollars for each " walker." In 2019, Angara should fly to the Moon, and in 2022 - to Mars. True, these are not yet approved plans, but technical prospects that are already included in the project. “Today, it was being prepared for Plesetsk as a truck, but now instructions have been given and the issue is being worked out that the problem of a manned launch will also be solved at Vostochny. Because everything is for this! there is. There are procedures related to the need for a flight qualification, the responsibility is much higher, so there are procedures by which a rocket receives a flight qualification for manned launches. And the first thing is that it should run in the cargo version. ”- said Nikolai Moiseev.

The first launch of the Angara-1.2PP is scheduled for June 27, 2014, the first launch of the Angara-A5 is scheduled for the end of this year.


  • Roskosmos paid for the creation of two rockets in the line: the light Angara-1.2 and the heavy Angara-A5.
  • The super-heavy versions of the Angara-A7 and Angara-A7V carriers (with a hydrogen third stage) would require the creation of a separate launch pad. Given that the leadership of Roskosmos opposed the super-heavy rocket based on the Angara, its appearance in the future is extremely unlikely.
  • There is an opinion that Roskosmos does not plan to use Angara-1.2. The new Soyuz-2.1v missile, which is similar in terms of carrying capacity, seems to be more preferable to officials. Thus, the only practical purpose of the Angara is to replace the Proton-M. The appearance of the Angara will allow the Russian military to launch spacecraft into geostationary orbit from Russian territory.
  • The Angara-A3 medium-class rocket was not developed, however, a new manned spacecraft will require a carrier with a carrying capacity of about 15 tons. They can become like new development TsSKB "Progress" and Angara-A3.
  • The launch pad for the rocket has been built at the Plesetsk cosmodrome, and another pad at Vostochny is planned to be built in 2018.

Rocket in the news

  • 05.2012 - The head of Roscosmos V. Popovkin confirmed that the launch complex for the Angara will be built at the Vostochny cosmodrome (magazine "Cosmonautics News" 2012/No. 5 p. 41)
  • 29.06.2012 - Angara launch vehicle model delivered to Plesetsk cosmodrome for certification of ground-based technical and launch complex and confirmation of its readiness for launches (RIA Novosti)
  • 26.07.2012 - Tests of the complex for the preparation of missiles "Angara" began in Plesetsk (RIA Novosti)
  • 16.08.2012 - Angara-1.2 and Angara-5 will fly for the first time in 2013, and by the end of 2012 the flight model of the heavy version will be 60% ready, and the flight model of the light version will have already been sent to Plesetsk (press service of the M.V. Khrunichev State Research and Production Center)
  • 12.09.2012 - The Khimki NPO Energomash sent the first RD-191 engines for the new generation Angara rockets to the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, the flight tests of which should begin in 2013, said NPO representative Vladimir Sudakov at the international aerospace exhibition ILA-2012 in Berlin.
  • 11.12.2012 - The Angara tests are going with problems, but the rocket will be launched on time. In the second half of 2013, it is planned to launch a light-class missile, and the troops of the East Kazakhstan region are also preparing to launch a heavy-class missile (RIA Novosti)
  • 18.01.2013 - The launch of the Angara from Plesetsk is scheduled for October-November 2013 (RIA Novosti)
  • 1.03.2013 - In GKNPTs them. Khrunichev passed the fitting of the head fairing of the launch vehicle Angara 1.2PP; the first stage of the rocket is ready for testing at KIS and is in storage mode. The process of assembling the Angara-A5 launch vehicle continues. (Press release on
  • 28.03.2013 - Roskosmos confirmed that it expects to launch the Angara heavy rocket in current year(RIA News)
  • 29.03.2013 - A decision has been made to build a launch complex for Angara launch vehicles at the Vostochny cosmodrome, Popovkin said (RIA Novosti)
  • 24.04.2013 - The first Angara rocket will launch from Plesetsk in 2014 (RIA Novosti)
  • 6.05.2013 - The launch of the Angara light rocket is scheduled for mid-2014, and the heavy one at the end of 2014 (RIA Novosti)
  • 22.05.2013 - The stages of the Angara-1.2PP flight edition will start loading on May 23 to be sent to Plesetsk. ()
  • 22.05.2013 - Seliverstov: first launch of Angara-1.2PP - May 2014 (orbital with payload simulator), first launch of Angara-A5 - end of November 2014
  • 28.05.2013 - The first flight launch vehicle "Angara" was sent to the Plesetsk Cosmodrome (press service of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center)
  • 12.09.2013 - The Plesetsk Cosmodrome has almost completed preparations for the launch of the Angara light rocket (RIA Novosti)
  • 26.11.2013 - At the Plesetsk cosmodrome, a fully functional model of the Angara launch vehicle was installed on the launch pad for the first time (first fitting) (ITAR-TASS)
  • 10.12.2013 - At the final meeting of the Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu noted the delay in the construction of the Angara space rocket complex for 3-6 months (RIP News)
  • 19.12.2013 - Ostapenko: Personally, I am convinced that this missile for Vostochny is a dead-end missile, it will not give us the opportunity to develop. (News)
  • 7.01.2014 - Comprehensive testing of the Angara launch complex will take place in the spring. After that, it will be possible to talk about the timing of flight tests of the Angara launch vehicle. (Interfax)
  • 5.02.2014 - The Angara assembled on the Omsk "Flight" will fly in May (blatant nonsense, source: Omsk-Inform)
  • 17.02.2014 - The first launch of the Angara is scheduled for the second quarter of this year (RIA Novosti)
  • 24.02.2014 - Start for light "Angara" in Plesetsk should be ready by the end of June, for heavy - by the end of the year (RIA Novosti)
  • 24.02.2014 - The first launcher for the Angara on Vostochny should be built by 2018 (Press service of Roscosmos)
  • 20.03.2013 - The first launch of the new Angara space rocket is scheduled for July (RIA Novosti)
  • 18.04.2014 - The first test launch of the light Angara is planned for June 25 (RIA Novosti)
  • 21.04.2014 - The first test launch of the Angara launch vehicle will be carried out along a suborbital trajectory without launching the payload into orbit ("Red Star")
  • 19.05.2014 - Russia will not abandon the use of Proton-M launch vehicles until 2025 (ITAR-TASS)
  • 28.05.2014 - The Interdepartmental Commission approved the date of the first launch of the Angara light launch vehicle from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome - June 25 (

Launch vehicles of the Angara modular type, which includes launch vehicles from light to heavy classes.

The head developer and manufacturer of the Angara space rocket complex is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center.

State customers are the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Federal Space Agency.

The Angara Space Rocket System (SRC) is being developed on the basis of two universal rocket modules (URM) with oxygen-kerosene engines. The universal rocket module on oxygen + kerosene components is a complete structure consisting of oxidizer and fuel tanks connected by a spacer and an engine compartment. Each universal module is equipped with one powerful RD-191 liquid-propellant engine, which is based on the four-chamber engine used on the Energia launch vehicle and is currently used on the Zenit launch vehicle.

The design of the universal rocket module was chosen taking into account the use of the existing ones at the Center. M.V. Khrunichev production equipment and mastered advanced technologies.


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