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The level of sales and the mood of customers largely depend on the design of the checkout area. To place the right products in it and thereby increase profits, read our article.

Elena Komkova,

partner of Retail Training Group, Moscow

In this article you will read:

  • How Knowledge of Psychology Increases Impulse Buying
  • What goods to sell in the checkout area
  • What conditions to set for suppliers for competent equipment of the checkout area
  • Why an 80% markup is good for the checkout area
  • How to arrange the checkout area correctly and not scare away a regular customer from the store

An example of a successful registration of the checkout area- a fairly free approach to the place of calculation and conveniently placed racks.

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✩show how tracking programs help protect the company from theft;

✩ tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explain how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

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The checkout area is the space where the product is in full view of the largest number of store visitors. Generally, shopping in this part trading floor are impulsive. The person has already put everything he needs in the basket, and here he comes across a little thing that, in general, is not needed. But he takes it - and I'm glad about it! The conclusion is simple: both the volume of sales and the mood of customers will depend on how competently you manage the checkout area. And most importantly: the goods located here will become one of the best-selling.

"Hits" of the checkout area - goods for impulsive purchases

Those store owners who lay out goods in the checkout area in order to brighten up the pastime of the buyer standing in line will be wrong. It is important to do everything possible so that a person, satisfied with the “grocery set” collected on the trading floor, decides to throw something else into the basket, that is, he would make an impulse purchase. To do this, it is necessary to carefully consider the assortment of the checkout area, which includes five items:

Treats and non-food small goods: chewing gum, lollipops, chocolate bars, chocolate eggs, children's toys, batteries, shaving machines and cassettes, condoms;

Cigarettes, for which a special place is usually reserved;

Promotional goods (sold as part of the promotion. - Editor's note) with a very attractive price, the purchase of which is made under the influence of impulse;

Seasonal goods - symbols of the year, valentine hearts, Easter decorations, etc.;

Random goods - spices or, for example, instant soups (as an exception) can also "take root" here.

Registration of the checkout area: the secrets of pricing

Price matters when a person thinks through each purchase, walks around the trading floor with a list of required goods, that is, he buys rationally. These rules of conduct do not apply to the checkout area. Involuntariness and impulsivity reign here. And therefore, people usually do not pay attention not only to the cost, but even to the brand of products.

Therefore, it is possible to sell goods in the checkout area at a fairly high price. It is possible to set a markup from 50% to 80% (unless you buy goods at high prices).

Rules for displaying goods in the checkout area

If you follow these six display rules, I promise you that your customers will be satisfied and will be happy to come to you again. And you will get high sales.

1. Price tags must be legible and relevant to the product.

2. All stands of the checkout area must be evenly filled. For example, one chewing gum cannot lie in a box. As the goods run out, it is necessary to form whole packages from the remains at different checkouts.

3. The place for certain goods and brands must be strictly fixed. To prevent this from happening: the merchandiser from the supplier removes all kinder surprises and lays out the chocolate. Thus, he violates the "rule of the eyes", that is, he changes the location of the product familiar to the buyer. And a person will not “jump” from checkout to checkout.

4. Take care of the uniformity of the assortment. The task of the checkout area is not to say “look what we have”, but to offer the best positions, enhancing the sellability of the winning place.

5. Arrange chewing gum - in blocks, chocolates, kinder surprises - in boxes. That is, as intended by the suppliers.

6. Place the checkout area on an area of ​​50 cm 2 from the checkout. Small goods will be under the supervision of the seller, which will reduce the number of thefts.

Typical mistakes in the equipment of the cash zone

The presence of goods in the checkout area often causes some inconvenience to customers and interferes with the work of the cashier. If there are long queues in the store, then the products near the checkout only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, first of all, you need to deal with the reasons for the appearance of queues, and only after solving this problem, proceed to the design of the checkout sales area.

In order not to form queues, and to make customers feel comfortable, I advise you not to make the following six common mistakes. Or, finding them, quickly fix them.

1.Creating the effect of "1000 little things". Make sure that the most profitable place in the store is not cluttered. You cannot satisfy the desire of all suppliers to place their goods here.

2. Shelves with goods interfere with the view of the cash register. This situation can be eliminated by arranging the equipment so that the buyer can see from afar whether the cash desk is working.

3. A wide range of similar products. Leave the three most popular types of gum instead of 15. This is a product of impulse demand, which does not require time to think. Otherwise, you risk getting queues at the checkout.

4. Large racks tempt customers to store discarded goods in them.

5. Items placed too low. The buyer will not pay attention to them anyway. In addition, there is a risk that they will fall to the floor, get dirty and eventually lose their attractive appearance.

6. The location of the closed glass showcase "facing" to the buyer so that the seller does not see the goods. This makes it difficult to choose: a person is forced to tell the seller which product he is interested in.

Work with providers

And finally, I want to tell you how best to build relationships with suppliers who are traditionally ready to provide favorable conditions for the right to place goods in the checkout area. And they offer the following:

Additional discounts for the purchase of goods not for the network, but for each store separately;

Payment for the shelf space of an advantageous place on the racks;

Services of a merchandiser who will arrive on schedule and clean up.

The task of the store owner is to choose the most profitable offer and fix the assortment. This is important because when the rotation starts, it will be within the established limits. For example, if a strawberry-flavored gum is available, but appears with raspberry, this will not mean that another place needs to be added urgently for it.

Also, the list of additional services of suppliers often includes the supply of their equipment for the checkout area. Usually they are interested in their products being well presented. Therefore, they themselves develop, produce and provide free racks and shelves that ideally stand next to the cash register. Over the years of work in a modern trading format, another scheme convenient for store owners has been created:

The supplier allocates money to the store for the independent purchase of equipment;

The manufacturer fulfills the order clearly in the style of the store.

Without any doubt and always recommend agreeing to receive equipment as a "gift" if it is really expensive. For example, a refrigerator. But sometimes you still should not accept such favorable conditions for cooperation with suppliers. I do not recommend taking their equipment in the following cases:

It doesn't fit into appearance and the concept of the store;

Suppliers claim to display only as they please, either for a dominant share in this equipment, or solely for their presence in this store.

Both cases are disadvantageous to the store. The space of the trading floor is being destroyed, and you are losing the freedom to choose the best products for sale.

Igor Ryzov,

business coach at RRConsulting, Moscow

The arrangement of checkout areas is beneficial for the following three reasons.

1. The number of thefts in the store is reduced. By placing small goods in other places of the store, we ourselves provoke not entirely honest citizens to take and put “someone else's” in their pocket.

2. The merchandise near the checkout generates interest and amuses people if they have to stand in line.

3. Increasing store income. Goods located in the immediate vicinity of the cash desks are invariably in demand among buyers. Even if direct income is not great, this area is an excellent advertising platform for suppliers. They promote their product and acquire a loyal consumer. A store can also increase revenue by negotiating a lower purchase price for a product in exchange for the supplier's right to place part of the product in the checkout area.

Impulse purchases are made near the cash registers. And what is the mechanism of such purchases, do you know? It has been proven that they are made in this way:

  • unplanned;
  • under the pressure of emotions;
  • influenced by promotional materials that depict the product.

Impulse buying has the following characteristics:

  • sudden, spontaneous and insistent desire to act;
  • a state of psychological imbalance in which a person may temporarily lose control of himself;
  • a state of conflict and struggle resolved by immediate action;
  • minimum objectivity in assessments;
  • the predominance of emotions;
  • unwillingness (impossibility) to think about the consequences.

On average, a customer spends 20-25% of the time they are in the store in line at the checkout. That is, he has the opportunity to carefully examine the products on the racks within the checkout area. The purpose of the store is to influence the visitor's decision to buy something. But I just want to warn you typical mistake. We are talking about goods presented in promotions. By placing promotional goods in the checkout area, you:

You will not be able to arrange products that are more suitable for her, since the promotional product will take up all the space;

Deprive the buyer of the right to make an independent decision: he takes a product that he does not need, just to distract himself from boredom in the queue. At home, realizing that the purchase is useless, he will mentally blame the store. And you may never come back.

And I want to give one more piece of advice - how to arrange the checkout area.

In stores with a trading area of ​​200-300 m 2, it is better to leave about two meters on the checkout area. Perhaps this will create some inconvenience for buyers, but it will save scarce space.

If the store has a retail space of 1000 m 2 or more, the checkout area should be allocated 2.5-3, and preferably 4 meters. This will allow the customer to walk along the cash registers in search of a smaller queue.

"I am a supporter active position– together with the client, we look for the deep roots of the problem, the true goals, and only then proceed to the implementation of the project. A wealth of experience in large retail chains helps me quickly find the right solution."

A good store is like a conveyor belt. Customers take carts and find themselves on an invisible belt that carries them from shelf to shelf. I came for milk, and in the check of purchases it turned out to be several thousand rubles.

The store owner wants to take as many goods as possible. Marketers and analysts think about it. Through the space of the store, they broadcast various psychological and marketing techniques to customers.

How to make a person make as many purchases as possible? This is a whole science. We have prepared a series of articles in which we will reveal the secrets successful sales. Today we will talk about the components of a competent organization of the trading floor.

Spacious room

The efficiency of the store is most dependent on the premises. Long before the opening, marketers, engineers and architects are thinking over the device of the future outlet. They calculate how and where to direct the flow of people. Where to place shelving. How to arrange goods. Only after careful modeling, the builders bring the idea to life.

On the other hand, a significant part of retailers have to work in rented premises.

When choosing a room, the tenant should pay attention to the walls and ceiling. The less details the better. The ideal option in this case is a rectangular room with even corners. Then it will be possible to use standard racks, which will cost less than those that will have to be ordered specifically for the specifics of the hall.

In our practice, there were practically no stores that were located in ready-made premises and organized competently. When retailers try to fit all their usual assortment into an inconvenient sales space, this causes obstacles to good service.

Quick entry and easy exit

The buyer should be given the opportunity to quickly enter the hall and easily leave it. In this case, the visitor must pass at least some part of the store. Have you ever been unable to exit where you entered?

This is done on purpose so that you walk around the store and make impulse purchases. Therefore, in hypermarkets, cash desks are installed as far as possible from the entrance.

wide alleys

In large stores there are several alleys. These are the central aisle, the aisle in front of the checkout area and the space between the product shelves. In the alleys, the buyer should feel comfortable. To avoid feeling crowded, at least two customers with carts should calmly pass each other in them.

Buyers walk along the central alley most often. It should be wider than all the others. Many people do not remember how the store is organized, where what goods are located. They follow signs and signs. The most important marketing and advertising zones are located on the central alleys, which we will talk about a little later.

Location of commodity zones

In supermarkets and hypermarkets, people first of all come for groceries. To a greater extent for fresh - milk, bread, vegetables, meat. But the ratio of food and non-food goods in big stores is about 30 to 70 percent. The retailer is also interested in selling non-daily goods. As a rule, it is enough just to show them. The buyer himself will remember that it is time to buy a new cleaning agent or socks when he sees them.

To do this, the products are placed towards the extreme wall of the store relative to the first or last checkout. Depending on the shelf life, food is placed farther from the exit. Therefore, baking is almost always located far from the entrance. When the buyer reaches the shelves with bread, he will see the maximum number of goods and will definitely buy some of them.

The shorter the shelf life of the product, the closer it should be to the cold zone. A cold zone is a place with a low temperature. They exhibit products of the ultra-fresh category (fruits, vegetables, fresh meat, dairy products). In the same way, having come for kefir, the buyer will also take the sausage when it catches his eye.

The principle of moving products away from the entrance is built on a simple truth - everyone wants to eat. People in any case will cover the necessary distance.

Convenient arrangement of goods on the shelves

There is a concept of commodity neighborhood. It is based on Sanpin's requirements. Goods must be located in accordance with sanitary standards. Since fresh fish instantly absorbs odors, it should not be laid out next to household chemicals.

This is the first principle of commodity division. On the other hand, it is governed by commercial gain. Therefore, in spring and summer, firewood, coal, skewers and grilled meat can lie in one section. Such proximity with a stretch complies with sanitary standards, but it is convenient for buyers, and profitable for a retailer.

Also important is the massiveness of the calculation. You don't want to take goods from a half-empty shelf. This is a psychological effect that causes a variety of negative associations.

There is a layout of a certain level - facing. Facing has rules. A product of the same brand of the same type should be at least 3 packs in length, and in depth it should fill at least 75 percent of the shelf, and preferably all 100. This is not a postulate, but it is important to pay attention to it. Of course, the ratio varies depending on the assortment matrix of the store and many other factors.

It is high-quality facing that provides visual massiveness and attracts the eyes of buyers, prompting them to buy.

The layout also depends on the price thirds. The shelf is visually divided into three parts. This means that the retailer must place the goods in the same quantity in three different price ranges: from the minimum to the maximum. The dominance of premium products will bring wealthy buyers. The abundance of cheap ones will attract another group of buyers.

Stop zones

Stop zones at the entrance are the most popular. They sell seasonal goods or offers for the holidays ( New Year, March 8, etc.). You just come in, and discounts and goods for nothing are already pouring on you.

The same stop zones are organized in the alleys, and very often. As a rule, these are related products or products that come in a bundle. Passing through the area with beer, you will definitely see a showcase with chips. Well-placed stop zones are the key to impulse sales.

Equipment in the hall

Previously, scales and price checkers on the trading floor seemed like a luxury. Fortunately, retailers have understood the importance of technology in the store and have begun to install more and more useful devices. The buyer will weigh the purchase himself faster and go to the checkout earlier. Overdosing a person in the trading floor is not worth it.

Checkout area and exit

Speed ​​in the store is very important. If the buyer is forced to stay in the store for a long time, he becomes unpleasant. The abundance of colorful packages and bright light give a negative psychological effect. AT bad mood he will not make impulse purchases.

Whatever discounts you give, whatever happens in the store, no matter how sophisticated equipment you saturate the trading floor, all this will die at the moment when the buyer receives negative emotions when he enters the checkout area.

Nobody is willing to stand in line. Nobody can stand bad service.

It would seem that nothing complicated - the cashiers scan the goods, but issue checks. In fact, it is the work of cashiers that determines the impression of the store. Almost always, the cashier is the only person with whom the customer in the store talks. This short live contact decides a lot. If it doesn't go well, it's a failure.

The speed of the cashier is affected technical equipment shop. For high level The operation of the cash register requires good software and equipment. Another question is how comfortable it is for a cashier to work?

If he is uncomfortable good service should not be expected. He will make mistakes, incorrectly counts the change. The only thought of such an employee is to get rid of the buyer as soon as possible. As a result: rudeness, screams and lost customers.

Checkout trade

There is practically no cash trade in foreign chains. This area is the most vulnerable to theft. There are always a lot of people there. It's easy to put a chocolate bar in your pocket discreetly. The abundance of small and bright goods at the checkout creates additional visual noise for customers.

Unfortunately, domestic retailers rarely think about it. After a crowded trading floor, visitors will be pleased to get into a spacious place to take a break from colorful packaging. Refusal of cash register trade can become a significant advantage over competitors in terms of service and customer focus.

The future of salesrooms

The science of organizing a trading floor is developing rapidly. There are new devices for tracking and managing the flow of customers. Thermal imagers measure the popularity of store areas. Laser detectors monitor the movement of customers and the effectiveness of the product display. Self-service cash registers significantly speed up the payment process and increase the flow of customers.

The future belongs to the dynamic organization of the trading floor space. No one has figured out how to organize it yet. But more work is being done in this direction. large companies. Don't be afraid to experiment. The main thing is to always think about the buyer. If he is comfortable in your store, he will definitely come back. The store is not only a trading floor.


Photo session: the best solutions in the design of the checkout area

Photo 1 Rimi SC Alfa hypermarket, Riga, Latvia. Stylish and neat solution for the checkout area of ​​a hypermarket 6000 m2 in one color scheme (checkouts, checkout boxes, checkout numbering) + powerful service for the customer (service table at the end, wastebasket):

Photo 2 hypermarket Rimi Riga, Latvia. 2 cash desks are located sequentially in pairs and steps for hypermarket 3000 m2:

Photo 3 hypermarket Ipercoop, Italy. The cash desks are not burdened with checkout stands and create in front of the cash desks in tents and under umbrellas take off zone for the May season:

Photo 4 LeСlerc hypermarket, Italy. Solution with fit large column in cash tandem. Cash registers are not burdened with checkout stands and create feeling of lightness and openness of spaces!

Photo 5 Whole foods market hypermarket, USA. Line self-service express checkout :

Photo 7 Wholesale Club cash&carry Magnum, Astana, Kazakhstan. Checkout tandems, well-fitted racks in the checkout area, frames and cigarettes in boxes, pneumatic mail and cash control video cameras - :

Photo 8 Wholesale Club cash&carry Magnum, Astana, Kazakhstan. Checkout tandems, well-fitted racks in the checkout area, frames and cigarettes in boxes, pneumatic mail and cash control video cameras - full service functionality of the cash register (Trade Help solution) :

Photo 9 Cash&carry Wholesale Club Rost, Surgut, Russia. Checkout tandems, well-fitted checkout shelving, frames and cigarette boxes, a stylish orange-gray color scheme - full service functionality of the cash register (Trade Help solution) :

Photo 10 Rost Cash&Carry Wholesale Club, Surgut, Russia. Checkout tandems, well-fitted checkout shelving, frames and cigarette boxes, a stylish orange-gray color scheme - full service functionality of the cash register (Trade Help solution) :

Photo 11 Cash & Carry Wholesale Club "We" before buying X5 (Karusel), Lipetsk, Russia. Large posters - second solution after Tape - :

Photo 12 Cash & Carry Wholesale Club "We" before buying X5 (Karusel), Lipetsk, Russia. Large posters - the second solution after Tape - bright and clear appeal to the buyer (Trade Help solution) :

Photo 13 soft discounter Biedronka, Warsaw, Poland. Simplicity and clarity of cash desk design + packages and a place for leaving goods at the bottom under the cash desk:

Photo 14 Super net soft discounter, Riga, Latvia. Stylish solution for a cash place for a discount store - a single line-tire on top in bright yellow :

Photo 15 soft discounter Dixy, Moscow, Russia. Stylish solution for a cash place for a discount store:

Photo 16 discounter Lidl, Warsaw, Poland. Stylish solution for a cash place at a discount store in bright yellow and blue colors :

Photo 17 Spar supermarket, Dmitrov, Russia. Standard checkout solution:

Photo 18 Spar supermarket, Dmitrov, Russia. Standard checkout solution with a low densely filled checkout area and a group of ice cream chests :

Photo 19 Prisma supermarket, Riga, Latvia. A small pre-checkout area on 2 shelves is placed above the conveyor belt. The checkout area is not loaded. The pneumomail is clearly shown :

Photo 20 SKY gourmet supermarket, Riga, Latvia. The checkout ceiling is sewn up and all communications, pneumatic mail are passed into it, lighting is built in:

Photo 21 Tengelmann supermarket, Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany. spot lighting cash place creates a bright spot with a general decrease in the level of light on the trading floor:

Photo 22 Becker supermarket, Almaty, Kazakhstan. High checkout stands and stylish design in the tree "Alpine style" - the shape of the cashiers looks very nice :

Photo 23 Victoria supermarket, Moscow, Russia. The cash desk is not loaded visually and the form of cashiers looks very nice :

Photo 24 Soyuz supermarket, Chernihiv, Ukraine. L line of 5 express cash desks helps to effectively serve the shopping peak with a short checkout line:

Photo 25 Coop supermarket, Italy. :

Photo 26 Coop supermarket, Italy. Chic almost transparent grille , lowered from above, securely closes the entrance line of the hypermarket and the cash register completely unloaded and creates a light open space :

Photo 27 Deli supermarket Edeka Paschmann, Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany. Above the cash registers ceiling-mounted spot lighting systems , checkout stands no higher than 1 meter - an excellent solution for easy fully visible checkout area :

The checkout unit or checkout area occupies an important, central place in a store of any format and any specifics.

In the field of non-food, the checkout area is the place where the client pays for the goods, can get advice on the assortment and care of the goods. The checkout area is always in sight, so it is especially important to pay attention to its design.

The format of Soviet stores involved trading through a counter, which was combined with a cash register. Today, the proximity of the cash register to the counter depends on the sales area. In small clothing stores, the checkout and the counter are usually combined, in medium-sized shops, the cash desk simultaneously acts as a showcase for jewelry, accessories, etc. In hypermarkets, several checkout units (combined and not combined) can be used, for example, in the department of small household appliances, children's clothing, perfumery, etc. Most often, for the manufacture of furniture for the cash areas, chipboard (chipboard) or medium-density fiberboard (MDF) is used. Also, veneer or an array of natural wood can be used for furniture finishing. Where high strength is required, e.g. in hardware hypermarkets or convenience stores household appliances, furniture may have an additional metal frame.

Rich assortment finishing materials provides practically unlimited possibilities when developing the design of the checkout area, turning them into real masterpieces. Decorated glass elements and other delights will make the customer pay more and return to the store again and again. The table, or rather the shape of the table, can have the most intricate shapes. Since the checkout area is located in the very center of any store, its design must match the style of the store and distinguish it from many others, becoming a real business card.

In grocery stores, except for counters, all others from the "convenience store" format to the hypermarket format, workplace cashier equip cash boxes, which, due to their layout and functionality, solve a number of tasks necessary for optimizing the working space, increasing the speed of the checkout counter, the comfort of the visitor, and others.

Construction stores selling household goods, audio-video equipment, cosmetics, etc. goods, most often use the layout scheme retail space using a counter type, but there are those when cash boxes are placed on the cash desk.

There are two main types of cash register furniture for grocery stores:

    Most often they are used. They are different types- depending on the type of store. Cash boxes are divided into single and double models. Single boxes differ in dimensions (length, width, height), the presence of a conveyor, storage, shopping divider. Double (tandem) models are a design consisting of two boxes, and the width of the double box is equal to the value of the single one. Such models are suitable for installation in super- and hypermarkets and in stores where the trading floor is elongated.

    Counters are already a thing of the past, but in small convenience stores, market-type, they are still relevant. The cash counter serves to install cash equipment, place purchases before payment, and, as a rule, to demonstrate goods.

There are three main types of cash register furniture for a non-food store:

    A standard counter with a cash register on it. The counter can stand out from the general design of the shop equipment to attract the attention of buyers in this area. Or countertop furniture can match the style of shop equipment.

    Reception desk. The reception can have a built-in showcase for accessories and related products. The design can be semicircular, angular, traditional rectangular shape.

    Cash box for stores selling household, construction goods. In this case, the cash desk is a cabinet-counter. Some models are equipped with a conveyor belt. The cash box configuration allows the cashier to move freely inside and outside the box. Cash boxes are designed in such a way that it is convenient for the cashier to go outside the cash box to read the barcode scanner of bulky goods from the customer's trolley. At the same time, the cashier, as a rule, works standing up, and cash equipment for stores is conveniently placed on a high pedestal.

Cash equipment for shops

For productive work cashier-operator cash desk must be equipped with:

    (cashier monitor, PC system unit, software, programmable keyboard, fiscal registrar(receipt printer) - there are modular (prefabricated) or ready-made solutions, they are strongly divided by functionality depending on the tasks.

For grocery stores, reliability, functionality and effective use working space of the cash desk. For small convenience stores, it is enough to buy a mini POS system that takes up a minimum of space at the cash desk, but has sufficient functionality to perform cash tasks. For medium and large format stores, it is desirable to choose more productive systems. Currently, frontal solutions are widely used. Frontal systems consist of the same components as the classic ones, but are designed for frontal seating of the cashier, i.e. all system components are mounted on a special rack installed on the cash desk. As for cash register equipment for non-food stores, in contrast to grocery stores, here, in addition to reliability and functionality, special attention is paid to the appearance of the equipment. So, clothing stores, shoes, lingerie, accessories and other boutiques, as a rule, as cash register choose touch POS systems. Sensor systems are not only convenient for the cashier's work, but also create additional prestige for the company. Non-food stores usually choose modular POS systems, which means that the rest of the equipment is connected to the system unit. Only the monitor and keyboard can be left on the cash desk, all other equipment can be installed under the counter.

    A device for reading barcodes from goods. The scanner is chosen depending on the format and the specifics of the store. For example, clothing stores typically use a hand-held scanner, and small grocery stores will also be fine with a hand-held scanner. Larger stores use stationary or built-in scanners in the cash register.

    Device for checking the authenticity of banknotes. There are automatic detectors (they work without the participation of the cashier) and viewing ones (the cashier makes the authenticity assessment). Viewers are more likely to use grocery stores, service businesses and Catering choose automatic.

    (in some cases). Scales are installed at the cash point if some weight products are not labeled and there are no labeling complexes on the trading floor. This is true for small grocery stores, or counter shops. Some large stores choose another solution - a scanner combined with a scale. This complex crashes into the cash box and allows not only to read the barcode, but also to measure the weight of the goods at the same time.

Business card

The company "SHTRIKH-M North-West" offers you several options for the equipment of cash registers:

For grocery and construction stores:

For small format stores (minimarkets, convenience stores, walking distance), a compact and inexpensive cash box of the Light series is suitable. This box is not equipped with a conveyor, it has a drive, without a tabletop.

The cash box of the Max series is designed for installation in super- and hypermarket format stores. The cash table is equipped with a wide store, a shopping divider and a long conveyor belt. This model will allow you to cope with the influx of customers during rush hour, reduce the queue and generally increase the productivity of the cash register.

Counters and showcases SELENA

Selena series furniture includes cash registers and counters, including models with revolving shelves. Customers will certainly appreciate the magnificent appearance of counters and showcases.

Glass sales counters allow you to visually enlarge the trading floor, making it more airy. Compact counters with all-round visibility, if installed in the center of the hall, make it possible to maximize the use of commercial premises, which is certainly important for boutiques, small accessories stores, jewelry and mobile phone stores.

Trade showcases and counters FINO

The unique appearance of this series will decorate the space of almost any store and draw the attention of the buyer. Trade showcases are ideal for stores that have small-sized goods - household goods, photo and video equipment, telephones, auto parts, etc.

Counters COMFORT. This series includes counters in which the corner sections are not only 90 and 60 degrees, but also 45 degrees. This allows you to equip almost any retail space with maximum benefit. Comfort series furniture includes models with showcases, storage units, and specially designed models for cash registers.

Counters KARAT. The series is specially designed for jewelry stores, watch stores and various accessories. The upper part of the counter can be glazed, as well as with a place for cash equipment.

Receptions. The series is a cash register equipped with shelves for equipment with drawers, doors that can be combined. Different combinations make it possible to use the trading floor to the maximum. This is an inexpensive and high-quality solution for stores of any orientation.

Of course, the choice of commercial equipment is not an easy and responsible task. The attendance of the outlet and, as a result, the level of sales largely depend on the correct layout of the store and the most suitable equipment. Specialists of ShTRIKH-M North-West will help you with a competent choice of retail furniture and cash equipment. The company's product range includes both universal furniture series and specially designed furniture for the store format. We equip the store on a turnkey basis: complex solutions of a wide variety of styles are possible here, including both shop equipment, and specially designed for clothing stores, shoes cash registers, and also we carry out all commissioning, furniture installation and project support.

One of the rules of successful sales is that closing the sale should set the stage for future purchases. Consider the components of a successful checkout area - goods and their placement, special promotions, planning.

The checkout area is called equipment for small-sized impulse goods, located directly at the checkout, that is, checkout counters. This is what the customer sees when they are in line. The equipment installed on the way to the checkout point and next to the queues - racks, podiums, pallets and baskets for impulse goods and promotions of suppliers, end sections of racks - would be more accurately called the pre-checkout area.

Basic rules for placing goods in the checkout and pre-checkout areas:

In the checkout area and in front of the cash desks, goods of different commodity groups, chosen according to the following principle:

"Reminder" - goods that the buyer is not very interested in, so he does not remember about them. But he can buy impulsively, if the calculation tells him.

"Temptation" - goods that are ideal in terms of "price-size-attractiveness" ratio. Almost any product that satisfies this ratio can act as a temptation. Traditional bars or lollipops are the most striking example (if you imagine what the price per kilogram will be, you can grab your head in horror).

Special store offers, promotions and paid promotional places of suppliers.

Seasonal goods.

It is undesirable to place in the checkout area those goods that require prior selection and thought. A buyer who is interested in this product creates a "congestion" and interferes with other buyers. As a result, the number of impulse purchases in the checkout area is decreasing.

The number of commodity items in the checkout area should not be large, and items should be repeated. Either at each checkout counter, or through one. For example, in large supermarkets, low refrigerators for soft drinks can be installed at the ends of the checkout counters at every third or fourth checkout. Items in baskets at different checkouts should also be repeated.

Goods in the checkout area should be provided with large and bright price tags. Then many products will fall into the category of "temptation" precisely because of the attractive price.

In non-food stores, goods placed on checkout counters must have a main point of sale on the trading floor. So, light bulbs or candles in the household market should also be presented on the shelves in the hall - otherwise some buyers simply will not find them. In non-food stores where trade is organized according to the principle free access, there is no line of cash desks - the calculation node is located in the corner of the trading floor or near the wall at the exit. At the same time, they often make the following mistake: where there is a cash register, there is an impulse product (small-sized, related, promotional). It turns out that this impulse product is seen only by people who pay for the purchase, and in household appliances stores, the percentage of buyers can be 30-40% of the number of visitors; in stores of building and finishing materials - even less (40% is considered a very good indicator). In clothing stores and department store departments, even up to 80% of people can go "just to look", and many buyers will not think of to ask tights, socks or shoe care products at the checkout. An impulse product is impulse because it is not thought about and often not remembered. Therefore, if the checkout block is located on an “island” or in the corner of the trading floor, impulse goods should be placed not only next to it, but also in places of the hall that are clearly visible to all visitors.

The attitude towards panels and the demonstration of commercials in the checkout area is ambiguous. On the one hand, this is a source of additional profit for the store. But the danger lies in the fact that moving images on the screen immediately attract the attention of customers, distracting them from the goods in the checkout area. But screens and panels are very good for aimless waiting areas. For example, in a home appliance store at the place where the equipment is checked or delivery is arranged. Advertising new models on the screen will help the buyer to get distracted, and at the same time plan purchases for the future.

Layout of the checkout area and checkout equipment

The optimal position of cash desks in terms of convenience of calculation is in one line. Then it is more convenient for customers to choose a free checkout, and passing by the settlement nodes, they can grab a couple more impulse goods in the pre-checkout area.

The minimum width of aisles between cash desks in self-service halls, according to the standard, is 60 cm; in practice, it is determined depending on the size of the trading floor, the size of the goods and the carts used for customers. In supermarkets, the passage between checkouts is within 75-80 cm, and in a building and finishing materials store with full self-service, 1.0-1.1 m is left for the passage, so that customers can safely pay and take out large and long goods. In order for the store to be convenient for persons with reduced mobility, including wheelchair users, one or more of the cash registers must have an aisle of 90 cm (or even 1.0 - 1.1 m).

If there is a pre-checkout zone in large stores, the distance between the cash boxes and the ends of the island racks in large stores increases to 3.5 - 4.5 m, and mobile island equipment is placed in this space. It is desirable that it does not interfere with the aisles to the cash registers. The passage behind the line of cash registers to the exit must be at least 2.1 m. If there are tables for packing purchases parallel to the cash desks, the width of the passage increases to at least 2.4 m, and the distance between the outer edge of the cash registers and the racks for checking electrical goods and household appliances must be from 2.6 m.

End sections of racks belong to the pre-checkout area. Sometimes in small stores, branded racks of manufacturers are installed instead of end sections. The attitude to them is the same as to any branded equipment - is it necessary in this particular place a) this species product and b) this brand. In a number of cases, sales from branded equipment in the checkout area are lower than they could be if the store put other goods on the end rack and held its own promotions.


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