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This is what the buyer sees first. That's why any self-respecting brand approaches window dressing so carefully. Large international companies have a whole staff of professional merchandisers for window dressing - window dressers. These people develop the concept of each showcase, focusing on many factors, analyzing sales, demand, and customer needs. Storefronts for clothes, flowers, and bed linen look different, but they all obey general rules style and sales.

Showcases of clothing stores

Window dressing for a clothing store is a whole science. Everyone understands that the face of the institution should be beautifully and stylishly decorated. But this is not enough. The buyer should want to go to this particular store and purchase exactly this thing from the mannequin. With a properly designed window display, things dressed on mannequins sell out the fastest.

There are two main types of window dressing for a clothing store:

  1. Commodity clearance. This is a simple and elegant option for window dressing. It must feature mannequins (or hangers) with well-thought-out images. Buyers are attracted by the total look - a mannequin should represent a ready-made outfit from clothes and shoes to the smallest accessories. Then the buyer will want to purchase this particular set in its entirety. This means that the outfit on the mannequin should be not only trendy, but also “wearable”, applicable in real life in a particular city. What is at the height of fashion in the capital may not always be appropriate in a small provincial town. Therefore, window dressers must take into account the geography of their work.
  1. Story setting. It is considered a real skill if the merchandiser creates a real scene from life in the window, gives his characters characters and fills them real story. Narrative showcases are more emotional, with the help of them it is much easier to find a response from the buyer. For example, New Year's shop windows of clothing stores are a real fairy tale. You can just dress the mannequin in a beautiful Evening Dress, or you can create a real scene from a Christmas movie. Groups of mannequins with decorations look much more interesting. In clothing stores for children and adults, it is more appropriate to use male, female and children's mannequins on the same showcase. Beautiful scenery will help complete the story.

Sale windows are different from those that decorate stores during the season. They should be more catchy, bright, eye-catching. Bright banners and ribbons with price tags are used to attract attention. As a rule, the maximum percentage of the current discount is placed on the storefront.

There are other rules for window dressing for clothing stores:

  1. Mannequins, all decorations and clothing must be in perfect condition. Crystal clearness is necessary on the showcase, you should regularly wipe the dust from the mannequins. All things must be steamed. Since the mannequin is not a living person, there is no guarantee that the clothes will fit him perfectly. In inconspicuous places, clothes are pinned up with pins.
  1. The light must be set correctly and aimed at the central part of the mannequin (on the chest). If there are other important elements in the showcase (banners, posters with prices), the light must be directed to them.
  1. The window must not be littered. A sense of proportion, style and elegance are the most important things for showcases. So a positive opinion will be made about the store, and the showcase will not look like a “flea market”.
  1. The overall concept is important. The window is just part of the store. It must fully support the overall style and level of the entire brand.
  1. Don't be afraid to make bold decisions. Often things that are not taken by buyers receive new life if you put them on a mannequin. Original combinations can look fashionable and stylish if you are not afraid to mix clothes with each other.

Showcases of bed linen stores

The design of the front side of the bed linen store is not similar to the design of clothing stores. Of course, the showcase should catch the eye and encourage the buyer to buy, but in the case of bed linen and household goods, this is done by other methods.

Shops with household utensils and bed linen are designed primarily for women. They should evoke thoughts of home comfort and peace. The shop windows are decorated with soft pastel colors: pink, powdery, beige, cream, milk, caramel, etc. Most often, plot design is used - they try to create an atmosphere of a home bedroom or another room in a shop window. For this, many accessories are used: furniture, dishes, textiles, flowers in vases and much more. It is the details that help to recreate the atmosphere of a real bedroom, as well as increase sales of related products. Decorative

Showcases of flower shops

Window dressing for a flower shop is an opportunity to create a holiday mood. Flower shops should delight their customers, regardless of the time of year and the weather outside. This is a small piece of warm summer in the center of the metropolis. Showcases flower shops should be as bright and cheerful as possible. But don't forget about style.

The design of a flower shop window has its own small nuances:

  1. If fresh flowers are used for decoration, the showcase must have a special temperature regime and sufficient lighting, otherwise the exposure will have to be changed every day.
  1. All shelving, shelves, and fixtures must be sturdy enough to support heavy flower arrangements, soil pots, or water vases.
  2. Containers for storing flowers ( pots, pots and vases) must be made in the same style and have an impeccable appearance. An old pot has no place in a stylish shop window.
  1. Glass elements and accessories look beautiful in a flower showcase - shelves, flasks, vases, they make the composition weightless and light. Follow appearance glass - it must be spotlessly clean and transparent

5. In addition to flowers, the showcase should be supplemented with accessories - artificial flowers, branches, cones and other decorative elements.

6. The showcase may contain additional goods: postcards, beautiful paper, ribbons, toys, etc. All of them must be made in the same style.

Thematic and festive showcases with flowers look the most impressive: Christmas, Valentine's Day, March 8 and even Halloween - this is a great opportunity to make a bright plot showcase. The abundance of accessories will look very interesting: animal figurines, angels, hearts, pumpkins, bows and ribbons, boxes of sweets, Christmas decorations and much more. Flower shop windows always give people a sense of celebration.

Do you want to order window dressing for a shoe store? Contact us!

Every day modern man makes a choice in favor of one thing or another. It is the choice that the buyer has that makes sellers think more about the components of retail spaces. Customer loyalty in our time is a fundamental factor in successful trading.

Consider the components of a shoe store that is in demand.
The shoe store sells models according to the tastes of its target audience. Exactly correct definition helps its audience to understand what to buy, in what quantity, what color.

Shoes- this is a product that requires the obligatory presence of a sales assistant nearby, the store staff is simply obliged to know comprehensive information about the product and its care.

Creating the right atmosphere in the store is carried out due to the interior, in which commercial equipment is competently designed, enough space is allocated for fitting rooms, and the showcases reflect the theme of the store.

The assortment of a shoe store changes from season to season, the layout also changes, but the atmosphere must remain so that the new buyer feels that he has come to where he will find what he wants.

It is in the shoe sector that designers are increasingly playing with the form of display equipment, sometimes the form is so closely intertwined with the overall interior that it is impossible to imagine such equipment anywhere else.

It is also necessary to take into account the change in assortment when designing, to provide for the transformation of elements; with successfully designed equipment, the store will change from season to season.

When designing shop windows, it is important to consider the connection between the exterior design and the interior. Also, we must not forget that the showcase primarily informs about the product, if we talk about selling showcases. That is why the main thing in the showcase is to make the right emphasis on the product, while the decor is left behind, then your customer will see that very pair of shoes...

We provide services for the design of shoe stores, the creation of unique trade and demonstration equipment, window dressing for shoe stores.

Turning to us, you get a store that will meet the needs of your target audience, and the design of the shoe store window will correspond to the brand ideology or the theme of the store

20.03.2013 28948

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that sales depend on the competent display of goods in the hall. And if your sales don't seem strong enough to you, maybe a little rearrangement will help. Expert and business coach in the field visual merchandising Nina Zaslavskaya talks about the basic principles of arranging shoes on the trading floor, about their advantages and disadvantages.

Do not neglect the principles of assortment presentation in a shoe store: by applying them correctly, you can influence the behavior of the buyer and lead him in the right direction, or, conversely, distract attention and create conditions for a spontaneous purchase.

It should be said right away that the principles described in this article are applicable only to stores with price positioning in the economic and middle segments. Luxury stores, as well as those who work according to the scheme “all stock is in the hall, the goods are taken out of the warehouse”, are guided by slightly different rules worthy of a separate material.

There are at least four main ways to arrange shoes on the trading floor: by brand, by size, by collection and by category. All of these principles have their own characteristics and shortcomings, which should be taken into account in each specific case.

Breakdown by brand. Owners of multi-brand shoe stores often believe that “their brands are well known to everyone”, therefore they mistakenly believe that arranging shoes by brand will help the buyer navigate the product. In fact, shoe brands that are really well known to most Russian buyers can be counted on the fingers, and they are usually sold only in the brand's branded stores. Most of the brands of the economic and middle segment are known only to professional shoemakers, and they are most likely sold in your store.

If you are not sure that your brands are on the top list of the most recognizable in Russia, do not risk using branding. Otherwise, the store will not benefit in sales from the use of such a calculation: the buyer will simply ignore your concept, and his search for the product will be chaotic.

Use brand placement if your store has at least one brand with a high level of recognition in the assortment, and you know for sure that it will attract a buyer. Make this brand stand out as a separate brand corner by decorating it with branded POS materials. The equipment for such a corner may differ from the main equipment of the store, which will make it possible to mark the brand area against the general background, thus creating a kind of "shop-in-shop" (shop-in-shop).

Sizing was common under socialism, and today can be used in economy format stores and discounters that sell leftovers or incomplete size grids. For the seller, the principle of sizing is useful because it allows you to mask the lack of sizes in individual models, and it is convenient for the buyer because it saves his time. The client, having entered the store, immediately approaches the equipment with his size, and he does not need the help of the seller to find the size in the warehouse. The disadvantage of this method is that if the customer has a “floating size”, or the exact size of the model is not known, he will have to walk between the two racks in search of the right product. This can make the customer feel annoyed and feel like a waste of time.

The layout by size signals to the buyer that the price of this product is low. Therefore, it is recommended to use it either during a sale, or in a store that does not have image claims. In addition, the sizing method is only suitable for large area trading floors, since in fact it is a somewhat modified concept of “all stock in the floor”. When planning a store this way, it is very important that the size navigation is clearly visible from the entrance. As for the division within the dimensional zones, it is desirable to group shoes in them according to the principle of “like with like”.

Arrangement by collections. From the point of view of the buyer, the concept of "collection" in the shoe industry is very arbitrary, because in the generally accepted sense, a collection is a set of models that make up an ensemble, that is, they can be worn together. The concept of an ensemble is not applicable to shoes, because a person cannot put one foot in a boot, and the other in a shoe with a heel. Therefore, in the field of footwear, a collection is understood as a set of articles (styles) united by one color scheme and the materials from which they are made.

Arrangement by collections in a shoe store is carried out with the help of additional accessories: bags, scarves, belts, gloves and other goods. This display principle will be useful in a store where sales of additional accessories make up a significant share, which is typical for outlets of the middle and medium-high segment. Shoppers at this level of shoe stores are usually wealthy enough to buy a pair of shoes and a bag with one check. In addition, arranging by collections in a shoe store orients the buyer to a spontaneous choice, since it does not help him in any way to make a targeted purchase. That is why this method will not be effective in stores in the "medium-low" or "economy" segments, in which people come to meet a specific need, and not "for a good mood."

When arranging shoes in collections, it should be noted that accessories must match in color and style with the shoes next to which they are placed. Otherwise, it will no longer be a collection, and the meaning of such a grouping of goods completely disappears. In addition, you should not abuse the number of bags, otherwise the shoes will simply be lost against the background of these larger accessories.

Arranging shoes by category- The best way satisfy the specific desire of the client, because the product category is what the buyer came to the store for. For example, a customer might search for “prom heels,” “ballet flats to pair with jeans,” “magazine-style ankle boots,” “replacement boots that get wet” or “school shoes for kids.” All these are specifically formulated desires of the buyer, which the seller must satisfy. And arranging shoes by category is the best assistant in this matter.

To apply the category layout, you need to determine which product categories your assortment is divided into. In stores with a wide assortment, this division can be quite detailed, for example, not just “shoes” are distinguished, but “stilettos”, “wedge shoes” and “low-heeled shoes”. In stores with a narrower assortment, it is enough to divide the goods into the categories “boots”, “shoes”, “sports shoes” and others.

Place products from more popular categories on best places, send models that have just been added to the assortment there. This will allow you to see how buyers react to the novelty. In the layout of goods by category, the use of cross-merchandising methods is also welcome, that is, the addition of shoes on the shelves with bags and accessories.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that sales depend on the competent display of goods in the hall. And if your sales don't seem strong enough to you, maybe a little rearrangement will help. Expert and...

Interior design today plays the same role as a beautiful showcase and attractive product packaging: the more customers like it, the more often they visit it, and the more they make purchases.

Those who are engaged in the field of sales know that the competition between shoe stores is rather big. Just imagine trendy and quality goods is no longer enough: in order to stand out among a million others, it is important to create a special atmosphere - to properly design a shoe store.


We make the store space memorable and "selling"

Before choosing certain style, it is important to consider that the appearance of a shoe store depends on many factors, including the type of product, prices, gender of the buyer. A method that works great in a classic shoe boutique can lead to the failure of a youth or sports store, and vice versa. But there are general principles that help to increase sales, make the space of a shoe store memorable, and they are connected with psychology:

  1. Do not turn the store into an ideal lifeless space, into a museum where you are afraid to touch something, so as not to spoil the beauty. Let the display of goods be neat, but not strictly symmetrical. Some shelves may not be completely filled.
  2. A person always grabs individual objects with his eyes, and the rest becomes the background. Use this to highlight, for example, yellow boots against browns, or three stacks of sandals from the same brand against other brands. The same principle underlies the choice of lighting. Due to the higher level of illumination and accent lighting, you can highlight the places that attract the attention of visitors in the first place.
  3. Most designers consider the most successful design of trading floors in light colors. But if you are selling sports shoes, you can choose bright colors that are associated with speed and strength. Usually it is saturated blue and red. If a outlet belongs to the same network, it is important to use the same color combination.

Proper zoning of the store is of great importance

Entry zone

A positive attitude and a good first impression is provided by the entrance area (2-7 m immediately after entering the room). The location of the entrance and commercial equipment should not interfere with the natural entrance of customers. The entrance area should correspond to the size of the retail space. The person who enters the store for the first time must see the best and most appropriate types of shoes for the season.

A real "gold mine" that can increase sales of any shoe store if you approach its arrangement wisely. Counters and shelving in the checkout area can motivate shoppers to make impulse purchases. This can be achieved through a variety of related products, promotional products or attractive products for children.

Area of ​​the main flow of buyers

The main rule is not to interfere with visitors to make purchases. You should not combine the fitting area and racks with the goods, you can create interference for customers, after which they are unlikely to want to return to you again. To achieve this, racks should be placed around the perimeter of the trading floor, and the fitting area should be in the center. Equip the dressing room with everything you need:
  • Rugs - to make it pleasant for customers to stand on them with bare feet
  • Shoe spoons - offer short and long, for different shoes
  • Mirrors - it's good if they are opposite each ottoman

Designing a shoe store taking into account the age and gender of customers

For kids

The design of a shoe store for children should be pleasant, but not strain or distract from trying on, so it is better to refuse acid shades. Take calm tones as a basis and dilute them with bright furniture, inserts or accessories.

Your little customers won't always come with clean hands, so interior decoration needs to be practical. For example, you can use plastic panels that are easy to clean.

A good move would be to install a TV on which cartoons are shown. Children will be happy to spend more time with you, while parents calmly pick up shoes.

Use colors to zone the room. Shoes for boys can be located in the blue zone, for girls - in pink.

So that the store does not seem boring, use bright price tags, stickers, toys, posters with cartoon characters.

For adults

What attracts women can scare away men - when designing, consider the gender of buyers.

Shoppers seem most attractive to shoppers, where the interior is designed as a showroom at a designer studio of exclusive shoes. Women tend to be attracted to shiny details in calm lighting, beautiful overflows of several colors. In the interior for the sale of women's shoes, you can and even need to use catchy finishes, fancy ornaments and patterns. Customers who have not yet looked closely at the goods, but when they see fashionable elements in the interior, will want to stay here.

In the men's room, all goods should be available so that any pair can be picked up without problems, since men will not make their way through the clutter of pairs to the one they like, as women do. Do not use frilly colors: the color palette should be calm, restrained, elegant. "Selling" in the men's store most often become natural colors of leather and wood.

Design a shoe store with customer comfort in mind

When working on the design, do not forget that the interior of the shoe store needs to be designed in such a way that it is not only memorable, but also comfortable. Everything in the room should tell the buyer that he is always welcome here, that this is a place where the main value is the comfort of the client. This comfort includes the following points:

  • furniture - the room should have soft sofas, poufs, banquettes, where a person can sit down to relax and think, or maybe try on more pairs of shoes;
  • layout - shelves and racks in the hall should be at a maximum height of 150 cm. Anything higher will simply fall out of sight of visitors;
  • mirrors - potential buyers like to look at shoes from all angles, so they "fall in love" with the pair they like even more. To enhance this effect, use two types of mirrors: floor - for shoes only and in full height;
  • shoehorns should be near each place for trying on;
  • navigation - barely getting into the store, the visitor must immediately understand where men's shoes are, where women's shoes are, where to go. This is especially true if commercial premises big.
  • colors - pink and orange are best used in areas related to the family - shops for lovers, children's World, marriage agencies, clothes for mothers and children, children's shoes. They evoke a romantic and cheerful mood in clients. Colors such as yellow, red, orange and their tonalities excite the appetite and make a person take action. Experts advise yellow color for new products, it attracts attention in the first place.

How to update the design of the store without a big budget? - this is the question that customers, owners of small chains or single stores often turn to visual merchandisers.

Linda Cahan, an American visual merchandising specialist, answers this topic very concisely and specifically on The Mannequin Madness. We bring to your attention an abridged translation.

1. Tidy up

It works better than anything else if you want to enhance the attraction, vibe and atmosphere of the store. This does not mean that if your store's merchandising is flea market style, you should switch to museum geometry. You just need to get rid of the excess - on the floor, behind the cash register, in the corners and aisles, put the warehouse in order so that you can easily find what you need. Start cleaning one area per week until you've cleaned the entire store. You will immediately feel fresh and new.

2. Focus on focal areas

If you don't have the ability to redo the entire store, focus on the areas that the customer notices first. Conduct a survey among your staff, customers, relatives and acquaintances - what exactly are these zones and whether these are the zones that you yourself think about. Display them with bright products using the principle of color stories, add color and graphics. Last but not least, increase the illumination of each such zone!


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