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Characteristics for the director of the enterprise - sampleyou can download it on our website - it can be drawn up with the participation of the head of the company in a variety of legal relations. We will study what they can be, as well as the features of compiling this characteristic in more detail.

Why do you need a characteristic for the general director from the place of work

Characteristics for the head - a document that may be required:

1. Director applying for a departmental award.

If a person manages a departmental enterprise, then submitting a description of him to the body that decides on the award may be one of the conditions for nominating him as a candidate for receiving a departmental award.

For example, such conditions are reflected in the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia dated October 26, 2016 No. 742 / pr. The recommended form of characteristics for a distinguished employee is also given there.

2. To the director who is the accused party, the plaintiff or the defendant in the court session.

In court hearings involving a director, his personal and professional details can be of great importance. Both can be reflected in the description.

3. To a director who claims to receive more high office(for example, for a position on the board of the parent organization).

In this case, the description can clearly show the achievements of the director in solving complex labor and managerial tasks.

In this article, as an example, we will study the specifics of compiling departmental characteristics for awarding.

Any doubts? Ask on the forum! , for example, you can see how to formalize the transfer of the right to sign the director of primary documents during his absence.

Drawing up characteristics for the award: the nuances

We take as a basis the form given in the aforementioned order No. 742 / pr. This form is attached to another document - the award list of the director, whom the owners of the enterprise are going to award.

In the characteristic given in the appendix to Appendix No. 2 of Order No. 742 / pr, it is supposed to indicate:

  • F. I. O. candidates;
  • the body recommending to nominate the director for awarding, as well as the details of the documents that certify this recommendation;
  • the fact of the consent of the director to the processing of personal data in order to verify the information provided in the characteristic.

The characteristic is signed by the head of the authority to which the enterprise headed by the candidate for the departmental award is accountable, as well as the council of the organization's staff.

In addition, the document is supposed to be signed and sealed by the employees of the department responsible for coordinating the characteristics. The procedure for this approval is determined by separate departmental regulations.

Characteristics for the director of the enterprise - sample this document compiled according to all the rules imposed on it, the reader will find the link at the end of the article. The document is necessary in various situations, for example, for the further employment of the director, or for his award. In addition, by continuing reading, the reader will learn how the characteristic is filled.

In what situations may a characteristic be required for a manager from the place of work

The feature is personnel document, which reflects information about the activities of the person in respect of whom it is compiled, a list of his labor achievements, qualities and merits. The form of the document has not been approved at the legislative level, therefore, when compiling it, it is necessary to be guided by established practice. We will tell about it further.

The director is an employee of the organization, despite the fact that he is the most important person in the company. Accordingly, like any employee, he may need a characteristic.

The document can be provided:

  1. In another organization in which the director plans to find a job.
  2. AT state institutions and non-governmental organizations that initiate the procedure for rewarding citizens for certain merits, in particular, in labor activity.
  3. Officials or courts that consider cases against the head of the organization, both administrative and criminal.
  4. Members of the organization, when transferring the director to another organization, or to the parent organization from a branch.
  5. Members of the company when deciding whether to bring the director to disciplinary responsibility.

This is not an exhaustive list of cases when a document may be needed, since the process of providing a characteristic is not regulated by law. We remind you that a sample of characteristics for a manager from a place of work can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article.

How to write a description for a director

As already mentioned, the form of the document is not approved at the legislative level. It is compiled by the members of the organization who approve it for general meeting. In addition, an employee of the company can also draw up a document, for example, the head of the personnel department, the general director (if any), etc.

The characteristic may contain information:

  • on the education of the director, including data on general and higher education;
  • about his employment - from the bottom to the post of head;
  • about the relationship with the workforce;
  • about business qualities;
  • on merit in production activities;
  • work experience;
  • authority among subordinates;
  • non-standard ways of resolving emerging situations;
  • ability to resolve conflict situations;
  • about organizational skills.

How to structure a document

The document should be drawn up in accordance with the following structure:

  1. Information about the person who made the characteristic.
  2. Document's name.
  3. The city in which the document was compiled and the date of compilation.
  4. Data on the person in respect of whom the document was drawn up (full name, current position, year and place of birth).
  5. Information about education - starting from high school and ending with the last finished educational institution. In addition, information about advanced training should be reflected. It is recommended to indicate the dates of training. For example: “From May 2016 to June 2017 I took advanced training courses ...”.
  6. Data on labor activity, work experience, all positions held by the director (as in the work book).
  7. Information about rewards and penalties. It can be any certificates, letters of thanks, etc. Penalties can be in the form of remarks, warnings, reprimands.
  8. Information about the qualities of a leader - both business and personal.
  9. Conclusions.
  10. Signatures of the compilers.

Sample characteristics for the head - download

Thus, the document is drawn up in an arbitrary form, but the information in it must be consistent, complete, clear and understandable. It is recommended to use the proposed structure of the document, and use the proposed template as a guide.

Read even more useful information in the heading: "".

A characteristic for a leader, a sample of which will be discussed in the article, may be required in various instances. Sometimes it is provided to the court or investigating authorities, in other cases it is necessary for banks. But most often, a characteristic is needed either to advance along career ladder, or when employed in a responsible position in another organization. It is important for employers to know whether the applicant for a managerial vacancy has the qualities that can ensure the prosperity of the company.

General document requirements

"More solid" and more convenient to write a description on the letterhead of the company. Firstly, it will increase the credibility of the document, give it officiality. Secondly, such a form will save the person preparing the characteristics from putting down the name and details of the organization, since they will already be in the “header” of the sheet.

The prepared document must be certified by the seal of the organization. It is signed by an authorized person. Usually this:

  • or director of the enterprise;
  • or the head of the structural unit;
  • or Head of Human Resources.

In relation to the head of the company, a description can be made by its founder.

The characteristic is compiled in business style. Its task is, first of all, to tell about the business qualities of the former or current leader. Even speaking about the personality of an employee, its positive and negative features, one should dwell on those that can influence the effectiveness of his bossy work. On practice negative characteristics are extremely rare. At conflict situation the organization, as a rule, refuses to issue them, since it is not obliged to issue such documents at the request of citizens.

Sample characteristics for the head of the organization: main points

The standard characteristic consists of three main sections:

  1. Identification of an employee-manager. The document states:
    • his full name;
    • Date of Birth;
    • how long he worked (works) in this company;
    • in what position he left the organization (or is working at the moment).

Also in the first part of the characteristic, the place and date of its registration are affixed. If it is printed on a regular sheet, and not on the letterhead of the company, all its details and name must also be indicated here.

  1. The professional path of the leader in this organization:
    • what positions did he work here (if he was career or moving)
    • How did you establish yourself in a leadership position?
    • what progress has been made during his leadership;
    • did he receive during this time additional education whether he improved his qualifications;
    • were there any rewards for successful work, etc.

It is necessary to write only about the period of work of the head with a particular employer. It is not necessary to cover all his work experience in other organizations.

  1. Personal qualities of a leader. In the final section, attention is paid to the character traits of the employee that are directly related to his administrative activities. For example, a person's love for children or animals will not make it clear whether he has leadership abilities. Therefore, it is unnecessary to report them in the characteristic. Emphasis should be placed on such personal characteristics as:
    • leadership skills;
    • high efficiency;
    • desire to improve leadership skills;
    • stress tolerance;
    • organizational skills;
    • ability to make quick decisions (in emergency situations);
    • willingness to work in a team and take responsibility;
    • self-confidence, etc.

Reporting on the character of the leader should be as objective, concise and correct as possible.

Characteristics for the head - sample compilation

It is impossible to draw up a template description for a leader. It is also individual, like any person in a leadership position. The sample only helps to understand its logic and design rules, serves as a kind of guide.

The above points can be supplemented depending on the situation. For example, if the characteristic is needed for promotion, it can be mentioned that the employee enjoys well-deserved authority in the team and has proposed many innovative ideas. Or if he headed the sales department, dwell on his production figures.

Since July 2009, he has been a branch manager. He exercises his powers exclusively in good faith, at a high professional level, in strict accordance with the job regulations, systematically showing reasonable initiative.

Manages the activities of the branch skillfully and efficiently, constantly ensuring that it achieves high financial and economic results. Thus, according to the results of the second half of 2010, the branch's profit growth (compared to the same period in 2009) amounted to 6.9% (4.5% according to the plan).

Management decisions adopts reasonable, quickly, on the basis of legislation, other regulatory legal acts and the interests of the company. The emphasis in daily work is on maintaining effective interaction between departments and leading specialists of the branch, paying special attention to improving the methods of managing the branch, their proper organizational and legal support.

Constantly ensures the timely and complete fulfillment by the branch of all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers, as well as credit organizations. Led the development and subsequent implementation of a medium-term program aimed at outpacing growth economic efficiency production, more rational and reasonable spending of financial and material resources branch.

The economic effect from the implementation of the program in 2010 amounted to more than 0.5 million rubles.

Sample characteristics for managers from the place of work

Currently, he is energetically managing a large-scale project to expand the business relations of the branch.

Takes effective measures to provide the branch with personnel of the required number and qualifications. It makes special efforts to attract and retain middle managers and highly qualified specialists with work experience of five years or more in the main subdivisions of the branch.

Supports conditions conducive to the progressive development of the career of employees, as well as the early formation of the internal personnel reserve of the branch. Skillfully coordinates and controls the work aimed at strengthening the discipline of the staff.

Manages work to ensure safe and favorable working conditions at the facilities of the branch. Shows due care for security environment from the impact of adverse production factors.

In 2009, he ensured the successful development and implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of information constituting the company's commercial secret by the branch's employees. Timely, in full and with high quality performs other official powers assigned to the branch manager.

Personal vocational training improves systematically. Strives to gain new knowledge in the field of management, law, information technology.

Perfectly knows the advanced domestic and overseas experience according to the profile of the company. Competently applies this knowledge in daily work.

When performing official duties, he shows high competence and independence, setting an example for colleagues in the branch.

Possesses high working capacity. Neat, tidy. Physically healthy.

Responds intelligently to changes in the business environment. Able to independently develop and apply new approaches to solving problems that suddenly arise in the activities of the branch in a short time.

In relations with colleagues he is business-like, correct, benevolent. Strictly adheres to rules and regulations business ethics and decency.

Not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy deeds. He perceives criticism in his address constructively, seeks to eliminate shortcomings in his work quickly.

2. Worthy of appointment to the post of company manager.


Director Profile Sample

An example of a positive characteristic of a manager's secretary

Since March 2009, he has been the secretary of the head. official duties performs professionally and proactively, for which during 2009 he was twice encouraged by the management of the enterprise.

Timely, qualitatively and in the required volume carries out work on the organizational and technical support of the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise. Effectively interacts with the technical staff of the manager's office.

Performs a significant amount of pre-review work business correspondence addressed to the head of the enterprise. Competently conducts office paperwork, using modern software and hardware. In due time and with high quality, prepares draft documents and information materials necessary for the work of the head of the enterprise.

Exercises effective control over the proper consideration and submission by structural divisions and officials of documents received for execution, as well as the execution by employees of previously issued orders (instructions) and compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of instructions and instructions of the head of the enterprise taken under control. Ensures the correct execution of prepared draft documents submitted to the manager for signature, and, if necessary, high-quality editing of their content.

Promptly and accurately transmits and receives information intended for the head of the enterprise through technical means of communication.

Work on the preparation and provision of protocol events is carried out in strict accordance with the regulations and instructions of the head of the enterprise. Takes measures to provide the workplace of the head of the enterprise with everything necessary, as well as to create conditions conducive to his effective work. Timely and correctly maintains the registration and control card index and the reference and information database of the office, ensuring the reliable safety of information from unauthorized access.

Actively participates in the preparation and provision of reception of visitors. Responsibly and conscientiously performs various business assignments of the head of the enterprise. He performs other official duties of the secretary of the head perfectly.

Persistently and effectively works to improve personal professional training, regularly acquires new knowledge. Successfully studying at advanced training courses at the St. Petersburg Higher School of Secretaries. Independently masters new software and hardware tools for office activities.

He takes the performance of his duties seriously, and is proud of the title of secretary of the head. Possesses high working capacity. Always neat and tidy. Physically healthy.

With sudden changes in the situation, he acts resourcefully. Demonstrates competence in the process of preparing decisions. Methods of communication and processing business information, incl. documented, owns confidently.

Maintains business-like, correct, benevolent relations with colleagues. Serves as an example in the implementation of the rules and norms of everyday business ethics and decency. He is not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy deeds. He perceives criticism calmly, eliminates existing shortcomings in a short time.

1. Corresponds to the position held.

2. Upon completion of the advanced training courses, he is worthy of appointment to the position of chief secretary.


An example of a positive characteristic of the head of the marketing department

Head of Marketing Department since October 2009

He performs his duties diligently, highly professionally, in accordance with job description, shows a reasonable initiative, in connection with which he was thrice encouraged by the management of the enterprise.

Heads the work of the marketing department and confidently manages it. During 2010

Characteristics for the head: sample

the department solved its tasks with high quality, constantly overfulfilled planned indicators in terms of volume (by 5.5% on average) and labor productivity growth (by 4.5% on average).

adherent democratic style leadership, provides subordinates with ample opportunities to exercise reasonable initiative in the interests of the enterprise. Much attention is paid to improving the professional training of the department's personnel. In cooperation with the department of labor and wages developed and implemented a flexible system financial incentives employees, which greatly contributed to improving the efficiency of the department as a whole.

Development marketing policy enterprises organizes on the basis of a comprehensive analysis consumer properties products, demand forecasting results, in-depth study of market conditions.

Vigorously manages research on the most important factors that shape the dynamics of consumer demand for the company's products, carefully analyzes data that reflects the relationship between supply and demand for similar types of products. Together with the leading specialists of the department, he actively participates in the development of projects for long-term and current plans for the production and sale of products, and the identification of new markets.

Skillfully coordinates and controls the activities of all functional departments of the department, providing effective assistance to subordinates, if necessary. Carries out significant work on updating the bank of marketing data, improving the methods of their processing. Timely and in the required volume organizes the study of the opinion of consumers on the products manufactured (sold) by the enterprise, as well as the preparation of proposals to improve its competitiveness and quality. Carries out reliable organizational and methodological management of the dealer network.

Provides productive participation of the department in the development of proposals and recommendations for improving the consumer characteristics of products, expanding its range. Carries out effective control over the timely and complete elimination of the shortcomings indicated in complaints and claims received from consumers. Conscientiously performs other duties of the head of the department.

Systematically works to improve personal professional training, persistently acquires new knowledge in the field of marketing. Currently preparing for an internship at the headquarters of the company "Name" (country). Deeply knows the best practices in the field of advertising, sales promotion, direct and personal sales, and effectively applies this knowledge in practice.

He treats the performance of the official powers of the head of the department with high responsibility, is devoted to the interests of the enterprise. Has outstanding performance. Has an exemplary appearance. Physically healthy.

With sudden changes in the business environment, acts boldly, taking into account the factors that shape it. Makes correct and fast management decisions, organizes their timely, complete and accurate implementation. Methods of communication and processing of business information, incl. documented, owns excellent.

In relations with colleagues he is business-like, correct, benevolent. The rules and norms of everyday business ethics and decency are strictly observed. He is not inclined to commit unseemly and unworthy deeds. He perceives criticism in his address in a businesslike manner, works persistently and efficiently on the existing shortcomings.

1. Corresponds to the position held.

2. Worthy of appointment to the position of Deputy CEO for marketing.


Neutral characteristic of the general director of the enterprise (sample)

Samples on the topic: Labor. Characteristic

An example of a neutral characteristic of the general director of an enterprise

In the position of General Director since January 2009. He seeks to exercise his official powers in good faith, but does not have all the required professional knowledge and skills for this.

The management of the company's activities is generally satisfactory, not always achieving the planned financial and economic results. So, according to the results of the first half of 2010, the growth in the volume of profit of the enterprise (compared to the same period in 2009) amounted to 5.1% (according to the plan - 5.0%), and in general for 2010 - 8.7% (according to the plan - 9.0%).

Management decisions are made, as a rule, justified, within an acceptable time frame, but without proper consideration of current legislation. Organize effective interaction structural divisions and officials from management team enterprise is only capable of attracting additional resources. Attention is not paid to the improvement of enterprise management methods, its advanced technical equipment.

In general, it ensures that the enterprise fulfills its obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state non-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers, and credit organizations. The development of measures aimed at increasing the economic efficiency of the enterprise's production is sometimes organized without taking into account the real situation and appropriate training. The implementation of plans for the main activity of the enterprise controls irregularly, the results of control analyzes formally.

Measures to provide the enterprise with employees of the required number and qualifications are taken insufficiently substantiated and energetically. In the work on the organization of personnel management, it is often not able to highlight the main thing. Coordination and control of work to strengthen labor and production discipline among the employees of the enterprise is mediocre.

Work to maintain and improve at the enterprise safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, environmental protection from the impact of adverse production factors is not managed effectively.

He ensured the development and implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of information constituting the commercial secret of the enterprise by the deadline set by the Board in excess of the limit of financial and material resources allocated for these purposes. Other powers entrusted to the General Director are generally carried out satisfactorily.

Improves personal professional training independently. From the direction in 2009 to the MBA courses at the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov refused, citing personal circumstances. He knows the advanced domestic and foreign experience in the profile of the enterprise's activity quite well, but he applies this knowledge in his daily work from case to case. In progress official functions competent, but not focused enough. Possesses average working capacity, in work outside normal duration working time is passive, ineffective. Neat, tidy. Generally healthy.

He reacts adequately to changes in the business environment, but not quickly enough, he is able to independently develop and apply new approaches to solving suddenly arising problems in the activities of the enterprise only in certain areas.

Methods of communication and processing of business information, incl. documented, owns at a satisfactory level.

In relations with colleagues, he is correct, but sometimes too formal. Adheres to the rules and norms of business ethics and decency. In the commission of unseemly and unworthy deeds was not noticed. He perceives criticism indifferently, works sluggishly on the elimination of shortcomings.

1. Basically corresponds to the position held.

2. Re-contracting as CEO is not appropriate.

An example of a characteristic for the head of an enterprise

to the Head of the State unitary enterprise Moscow city trust Mosotdelstroy No. 1


Sorokin Yuri Pavlovich, born June 00, 1900, was appointed Head of the State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow Trust Mosotdelstroy No. 1 in accordance with Order No. 123 dated May 05, 2005 of the Head of the Department of Urban Planning Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow.

During the period of Sorokin Yu.P. positive changes have taken place and are taking place in the trust. Optimization in progress headcount enterprises in order to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the enterprise.

As the head of the enterprise, Sorokin Yu.P. even in the conditions of an economic crisis, it finds opportunities to continue the activities of the enterprise with minimal losses, including retaining the staff of the enterprise, thereby contributing to the fact that employees do not join the ranks of the unemployed.

A feature of Sorokin Yu.P. as a manager and as an employer, is a special tolerant attitude to employees, he is able to delve into the problems of employees, solve these problems with a high degree efficiency.

Sorokina Yu.P. features an innovative approach to problem solving. Having received higher education in Russia, as well as in the United States of America as a bachelor of science, he actively uses his managerial potential, knowledge in the field of law, economics and management to effectively solve the tasks.

Sorokin Yu.P. constantly improves his knowledge by participating in conferences, seminars.

He behaves correctly with his subordinates, requires precise fulfillment of assigned tasks, and is self-disciplined.

Employees of the enterprise to the activities of Sorokin Yu.P. as a leader, are treated positively.

A distinctive feature of Sorokin Yu.P. is his ability to listen to people and listen to suggestions, but at the same time he always has the last decisive word, he is not afraid to be responsible for decisions taken able to defend them and bring them to their logical conclusion.

I think that Sorokin Yu.P. possesses all the qualities of the head of the enterprise, which enable him to use them effectively in managing it.

Head of Personnel Department B.A. Prigozhin

Characteristics for the general director.

Girls and boys! Please help me write a good description. Our enterprise presents the general director for the regional award. We produce confectionery: sweets, marmalade, cookies, marshmallows. The enterprise has existed since 1942, when our general director took over the reins of government, the number of workers was 8 people, and now 80. Today the deputy head of the city came and said: The meaning of your description should contain the fact that if it were not for your director, the company would have collapsed long ago. My brain is not working in this direction today. Can you tell me something? Here is what I was able to figure out, maybe you can add something clever: L.L.T began her labor activity over 40 years ago.

She went from a simple worker to the general director of an enterprise.

During her career, L.L.T. has established herself as a high-class specialist, a talented production organizer, an enterprising, sensitive and responsive team leader.

In the face of increasing competition and financial difficulties, L.L.T. managed not only to keep the able-bodied staff of the factory, but also to solve many problems.

From October 2006 put into operation a shop for the production of flour confectionery.

The production of marshmallows of different varieties has been established.

For the period from November 2006. more than 50 new types of confectionery products began to be produced.

There is a constant development of original types of confectionery according to customer demand.

All products High Quality, corresponds to GOST.

In May 2007, the confectionery factory took part in the exhibition-fair "Siberia - Expo", where three diplomas of the 1st degree were received, which indicates a high organization of production.

The workshops are constantly being equipped with new modern equipment, recently it has been purchased and launched: baking ovens with rotating trolleys 3 pcs. jigging machine for the production of biscuits and marshmallows, thermal packaging machine, horizontal packaging machine, dough mixers 6 pcs. a set of equipment for glazing, a dough sheeter, 2 brewers with a stirrer, a tart box, a tempering machine.

Two trucks of the ISUZU brand with a carrying capacity of 2 tons and 4 tons were purchased for the distribution of finished products and the supply of raw materials.

In general, the volume of production increased by 60%.

The number of jobs has increased. For comparison: today the number of workers is 77 people, for the period of 2006 - 20 people.

The average salary increased by 22%.

The factory plans for the near future to expand and overhaul industrial premises and administrative building.

To date, the enterprise operates profitably, has no tax debts to the budget for the specified period, deductions to Pension Fund are made in full.

In all this, the merit of L.L.T.

main directions. which were taken by it as the basis for the development of the enterprise, were:

– scientific and technical progress through the introduction of high-performance and reliable equipment

– the introduction of brigade forms of labor, which made it possible to fulfill and overfulfill planned targets with fewer people

Thanks to the extraordinary organizational skills Larina L.T. production knowledge. the ability to foresee the future OJSC Confectionery Factory ‘’Kuzbass’’ is a profitable enterprise that consistently fulfills contractual deliveries.

Sample characteristics of the leader

T. is an accomplished person, a bright and multifaceted personality.

I want to draw the moderator's attention to this post because:

Characteristics for the head of the award

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this is the issuance of an award and the awarding of a valuable gift). It is best if the characterization for the employee for the award will be made by the immediate supervisor of the employee. The decision to initiate a petition for the award of the medal "For Merit to. Service characteristics are written in any form from the third person. The main function of the program is to maintain a list of LLC participants, a sample characteristic for a leader for rewarding. Managers and employees of Kubanenergo were awarded badges "For contribution to the construction of Olympic venues". Fire act sample - Sample letter of resignation - Mystery shopper resume sample - Characteristics on social worker sample. For all award inquiries, please contact the Human Resources Department at tel. An application for awarding a state award is initiated locally. We really need a sample of the characteristics for rewarding an employee in connection with the anniversary of the enterprise. This is by no means the only case: there can be a lot of prerequisites for rewarding a leader.

A small digression: any department in an organization has a clearly defined direction of activity, and this direction is usually reflected in its name. For example: personnel department, economic planning department, production automation department and so on.

Accordingly, the heads of different departments have different functional responsibilities, which, of course, should be reflected in the preparation of characteristics for these workers. Thus, as an example, let's consider the characteristics of not an abstract head of a department in general, but a very specific one, say, the head of a logistics department.

You can pick up blanks of employee qualities in our constructor.


Head of the Logistics Department of LLC "Os"

Zhulikov Viktor Petrovich

Zhulikov Victor Petrovich, born in 1965, was hired by Os LLC on 04.10.2002 as a foreman. Since August 2, 2004, he has been the head of the MTS department. Secondary vocational education, graduated from the Kansk road technical school with a degree in auto mechanic in 1991.

During the period of work as the head of the department, Zhulikov V.P. was engaged in organizing the provision of the enterprise with all the necessary material and technical resources: spare parts, fuels and lubricants, equipment, etc., supervised the work of warehouses: circulating, tool and fuel storage.

As part of his activities, he worked to establish contacts with suppliers, establish permanent relationships, relevant contractual and claim work, carried out the current management of direct subordinates.

During the work of Zhulikov V.P. showed himself to be an independent initiative leader, carried out the duties assigned to him in full and without significant complaints.

At the same time, in the team at Zhulikov V.P. complex relations with other employees developed, due to his conflict and incontinence. Per this year Zhulikov V.P. two remarks were announced for the incorrect attitude towards subordinates and colleagues.

In the public life of the team, V.P. Zhulikov does not take an active part, however, he did not refuse various one-time assignments.

Based on the foregoing, I consider it inappropriate to include Zhulikov V.P. to the personnel reserve for promotion.

The characteristic is given for submission to the personnel department in accordance with the Regulations on the personnel reserve of Os LLC.

Deputy Director for Production Petrov I.A.


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