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The services of architects are currently in high demand. Despite this fact, the market continues to be in dire need of them.

The situation in which demand far exceeds supply indicates only one thing: many specialists need to take on the business plan of an architectural bureau and develop it, since this promising and sought-after occupation can bring considerable income.

In the coming years, this area will be actively expanded. And this is due to the construction boom in all Russian regions. A similar trend was reflected in the ready-made business market.

In order to properly organize your own business, you first need to draw up a business plan for an architectural bureau, carefully analyzing the range of all proposed services. The wider the range of work performed, the more requests from customers can be expected, of course, provided that only qualified specialists will deal with them. But this is not the only criterion for future success.

The easiest way to start developing a business such as an architectural design bureau is for professionals who are familiar with this type of activity firsthand. Equally important is experience with skills, as well as a good reputation and the existence of an already established customer base.

The architectural and urban planning bureau must be registered as entity. This must be done in order to obtain the appropriate license to carry out design, repair, as well as finishing or construction work.

Before opening a design organization from scratch, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for an architectural bureau.

If the manager is a professional engineer and he already has a license for individual activity, you don't need to get another permission for the organization he created.

Business specifics

Basically, the architectural bureau offers its clients the following services:

Design project with accompanying documentation;

Development of a draft proposal, which includes the style concept of the interior;

Project documentation and engineering drawings;

Coordination of redevelopment in the relevant authorities with subsequent changes in plans;

Completion of the object with furniture and various finishing materials.

As a rule, the bulk of clients come to an architectural and design bureau with an order to develop an interior design for their property, in the future choosing services such as coordination, construction and architectural supervision.

The business plan of an architectural bureau involves separate payment each type of activity.

Today, standard prices have already been formed in companies that work with residential real estate. For example, the development of the entire interior in an apartment today costs about fifty conventional units for each square meter, a design project - about two hundred, and you will have to pay about a thousand USD for architectural supervision. e. per month.


Those who are interested in the question of how to open an engineering firm are probably also concerned about profitability this business. I must say that experts estimate the profitability of this type of activity, as a rule, at two hundred percent, and in some cases even several times more.

In this case, we are talking specifically about the work of architects and designers. In addition, for those who know how to open a design office, additional income comes from working with building materials, which is formed by thirty percent trade margin at the wholesale price or at the expense of intermediary profits received directly from the sellers whose goods the firm recommends to its customers.

Implementation repair work also applies to fairly profitable areas of this business. Most architectural and design bureaus have at their disposal several partner construction teams, from which certain remuneration for mediation is transferred to them.

An equally profitable direction of this business is the complete provision of the client with various exclusive items for design, which are bought from famous artists or created by employees.

Required documents

As a rule, the secrets of how to open a design organization from scratch are primarily known to professionals who already have a good reputation in this business area and have gathered an impressive circle of regular customers. the federal law, which regulates architectural activity in the Russian Federation, clearly regulates all issues related to the development of engineering projects.

It also defines the legal aspects for the work of architects. Legal organization, carrying out such activities, must have an appropriate license, giving the right to carry out both design and repair and construction work.

The applicant for this permit must meet all the criteria established by law. An important role in this is played by the qualifications of the staff of specialists, as well as their production experience. Each organization, in accordance with the regulation on conducting ongoing supervision, during the validity period of the license, is repeatedly checked by the relevant authority issuing this permit. These are the State Foreign Department Expertise, the State Architectural Supervision Authority and the State Housing Inspectorate.

Company office

As a rule, before opening a design company, you need to rent at least a small office with an area of ​​up to one hundred square meters, which has a separate entrance and preferably located in one of the prestigious areas. Naturally, the room should be very bright. The office will need to be equipped with furniture and modern computer technology that meets the needs of the business.

Design is a complex and multifaceted task that requires high qualifications and special equipment. How do companies represented in this market live? How much money does this job bring in? On these and other topics, we talked with Alexei Shchukin, director of Region LLC, whose projects are implemented throughout Russia.


One line:

  • Company name: LLC "Region"
  • Region of registration and work: registered in St. Petersburg, operates throughout Russia
  • Direction of activity: Design of buildings and structures, including water supply and sanitation treatment facilities, engineering networks.
  • Launch date: 2012
  • Approximate investment amount: 2,000,000 rubles
  • Number of employees: 13 people
  • Head: Schukin Alexey Vladimirovich
  • Life credo: Work for the result


Hello Alexey! What is your firm doing?

Good afternoon! Our company is engaged in the design of buildings and structures, including water supply and sewerage treatment facilities, engineering networks.

We implement full cycle project: from data collection to support during commissioning. In this regard, the company performs all related work: pre-project survey and measurements of reconstructed objects, engineering surveys, conceptual architectural modeling, so that the customer can see on paper what he has in mind.

What services do you provide to clients?

Our experts design everything that can be built. At the moment, the main projects that we have implemented and are proud of are water supply and sanitation facilities, as well as engineering networks. On the other hand, among the successfully completed orders are tasks for the development of warehouses, sports centers, a children's health camp and other facilities.

Alexey, tell us how your business was created? What were you doing before registering your own company?

Previously, I worked as an employee in various design organizations. Actually, I started out as a draftsman, and first rose through the ranks to the chief specialist of the construction department of the specialized design institute. Then I wanted new heights, and I went to the Chief Project Engineer in a private company. Well, then a colleague called me to develop a project direction in a large construction company.

To improve business processes, design was separated into a separate organization. Knowing my zeal and pressure, the owners of the company gave me full carte blanche, and now the company is completely in my hands. I not only coordinate the current work, but also carry out strategic planning, development of the organization.

What are the features for opening a design company? Is special education, licenses required?

Indeed, creating such a business is more difficult than opening an ordinary one. outlet or copy someone else's franchise concept. SRO approval required ( self-regulatory organization) to design work that affects the safety of buildings and structures. At the moment, we have 4 such tolerances, which can be found directly on the site:

Tell us how your business has developed? What difficulties did you face?

Indeed, business is developing in leaps and bounds, which is due to the peculiarities of our market. It all started very optimistically, the main customer was actively growing, and the volume of his tasks was growing. However, now the partners are having some difficulties, and this has had a certain impact on us. But over the course of several months, we managed to get out of a difficult situation and take a serious position in the market. First of all, this is due to the high level of qualification that our team possesses.

In your opinion, what qualities should a head of a design company have?

In my opinion, this is a symbiosis of skills related to management and understanding of what the staff is doing. First, there are high professional quality, that is, a wide range of specialties. The leader must know everything and try everything. Secondly, it is the ability to assemble a team capable of performing assigned tasks. Thirdly, stress resistance, since many complex and ambiguous situations arise during work. Finally, one more important quality- this is the ability to see the entire project as a whole and instantly break it into subtasks, find pitfalls.

Alexey, how much money did it take to start a business?

Investments amounted to about 2,000,000 rubles, which went to the organization of the work process, the purchase of equipment, etc.

How many employees do you need to run a successful company?

This is a rhetorical question, since it depends on the number of current tasks. For example, a complete project consists of at least 12-25 sections, each of which requires at least one specialist. The staff of my company mainly consists of leading specialists and project managers, and for a specific task we assemble an “implementation group”. It can consist of both my employees and involved persons.

What legal form did you choose and why? What system of taxation is suitable for work? Were there any difficulties in registering a company (interaction with government bodies etc.)?

We have chosen such an organizational and legal form as "Limited Liability Company", as it is easy to register. We work with VAT, since under the simplified taxation system it is unprofitable for many builders to cooperate, and there are restrictions on the volume working capital. There were no difficulties with registration: it seems to me that starting your own company from the technical side is now easier than ever before.

How quickly did the investment pay off? Do you have to invest in the development of the company now? Do you send your employees to advanced training courses?

As I noted, the start of the business was very vigorous, so it was possible to return the invested funds quite quickly. Now I have plans to send my employees to advanced training courses. Personnel must be grown and trained - this is my conviction. A rare university is able to provide a specialist who will understand what he will have to work with. But now the task number 1 is to reach a steady growth, to ensure a significant level of free funds, which will allow you to dispose of them at your discretion.

Alexei, is it difficult to find an employee for a permanent job?

This question always causes a storm of emotions: it is very difficult to find a specialist, there are few intelligent people, students immediately leave the walls of alma matter with the appetites of the main specialist. Unfortunately, the institute's training is very weak, and we need to improve the level of the new master.

How long does it take to train a good specialist?

To grow a more or less worthy worker, you need from 1 to 3 years. However, by this time, the quality criteria will rise, because the concept of a “good specialist” is very philosophical, there is no limit to perfection. At the same time, the speed of preparation strongly depends on how much a person wants to grow and what he is ready to do for his advancement.

Are they ready to handle the tasks immediately after university, or do they need additional training?

My opinion is that not a single student after university is ready to do the amount of work that an experienced master does. Another problem is the lack of initiative and readiness among specialists to make responsible decisions. Therefore, additional training allows you to rebuild on new tracks related to real activities.

Alexey, tell us about the features of the business in the field of design. How tough is the competition?

At the moment, competition is very tough, the market is characterized by unstable prices and a wide range of service costs. Construction and design depends on many factors, ranging from the general economic situation in the country to local conditions. Looking at the market public procurement or open competitions, then the price drop in some cases may not even be 50%, but reach up to 70%! In my opinion, the issue of the procurement system is a separate issue. You can compete with similar organizations only when your company offers a quality product to the customer.

What kind competitive advantages Are you using to win a client?

In my opinion, this is the level of qualification: still at the stage of preparation commercial offer it is necessary to make it clear to the customer that it is we who will provide the required result. Everyone likes when someone else does all the important things for him - that's exactly what we do. The water supply and sewerage system, like other areas of design, is a complex engineering and environmental area in which very few specialists remain. Now it requires both economic knowledge and skills in order to attract investment in this area.

Who do you work with - individuals or legal entities?

We mainly work with corporate clients, including developers, builders, and manufacturers. I can single out municipalities and administrations of cities and settlements as a separate line. Several times we designed cottages for individuals Therefore, this category of customers is also important to us.

How many projects has your company completed? Are there any achievements that you are proud of?

During our work, we have completed dozens of projects, the most interesting and significant among them:

  • Reconstruction of the equalizer tank of the sludge disposal shop of the PBO OJSC Arkhangelsk PPM, Novodvinsk;
  • Reconstruction of water treatment facilities in the city of Kingisepp up to 40,000 cubic meters of liquid per day;
  • Development of sewage treatment facilities with a capacity of 2,500 cubic meters per day with a concentrated discharge into the Primorskaya Bay of the Kaliningrad Bay.

How to increase the company's earnings - work with a narrow circle of regular customers or constantly look for new customers?

Each company independently chooses a model for itself, however, in my opinion, it is necessary to constantly be on the lookout for new customers. After all, they evaluate the company objectively and independently, rightly pointing out certain shortcomings. At the same time, you must always be loyal to regular customers and implement projects of any size for a regular customer, both large and very small.

Alexey, how many projects are your employees able to prepare in a month (per year)? Is there a seasonality when taking orders?

As I noted, the management system and the level of training of our team allows us to implement projects of various sizes, including large and ambitious tasks. Due to the full range of works, from the collection of initial data, inspection, engineering surveys to project support at all stages (including commissioning), we optimize the customer's costs. That is why our company is ready to provide a competitive price with high level quality and consolidated responsibility for the result. I also note that there is no seasonality in the work.

How do you attract new clients? What advertising sources are currently the most effective?

It is too early to talk about the effectiveness of advertising, but the main sources are old contacts. We constantly participate in exhibitions to establish contacts and connections, and put a strong emphasis on promotion through the Internet. However, advertising of services related to design is very specific, because it is not retail, where hundreds of units of goods can be sold per day.

Do you work mainly with companies from your region, or are you ready to fulfill orders for remote clients as well?

Our company is not tied to any particular city, we strive to cover the widest possible market. At the moment LLC "Region" operates throughout Russia, there are facilities in the Far East and Kaliningrad.

Are electronic contracts used for business?

This form of work is not entirely suitable for us, since a lot of money is at stake. Therefore, we prefer not to take risks, we use traditional means of conducting contractual work.

Do you want to carry out contracts directly via the Internet (win tenders on competitive sites), or, in your opinion, does design require personal contact with customers?

Indeed, we have experience remote work, and personally I think it's a pretty progressive way of collaborating. At the moment we have the entire base - this is server equipment, a secure channel for transmitting information, directories for online data exchange are organized. Modern means communications make it possible to replace personal contact, but some stages of work (for example, architectural supervision) still require the personal presence of some employees.

What, in your opinion, allowed you to gain a foothold in the market and expand your activities? What will your business not work without?

As I said, these are high qualifications, focus on results, the ability to make decisions and achieve your goals. Clients like employees who know how to solve problems, not create them, and we are one of those people.

If you were creating new business right now, what aspects would you pay attention to?

Experience allows me to look somewhat wider than before. Therefore, from the very beginning, I would bet on the development of relations, the search for new customers, effective advertising. In addition, it is very important to establish partnerships with market participants. If you do not take care of all this from the very beginning, you can lose a lot, which no one wants.

What is better - to be an excellent specialist and receive good salary, or become an entrepreneur and work only for yourself?

Everyone has their own path, and what works for one person may not work for another. In Russia, the institution of entrepreneurship itself is still very poorly developed, although the legislative framework available for this. And in the field of design, work is becoming more and more difficult, at competitions big role plays qualification and track record.

What are your company's development plans?

Personally, I am never going to stop there and always strive to move forward. And now the plans are grandiose, because I am a fan of my business, but I am used to working consistently. Now we will straighten out our position in the market and take a course for development, first in the areas of design (and there are an infinite number of them), and then we will go into construction work.

Gone are the days when engineers got a penny. Today, the salary of most of them is quite decent, but still, over time, many engineers plan to open their own design organization. It should be noted right away that such a business is quite troublesome and costly, however, if you make some kind of effort, you can earn very good money. Doing design organization- the process is very complicated, and you need to first develop a competent business plan for such a company, in which you need to take into account everything.

Direction of the company

First of all, you need to decide what the specialization of the company will be. To do this, you must first determine the types design work to be performed by companies. It should be taken into account that design is a type of business that requires licensing. If we talk about the specialization of the company, then it can be different, but the most popular are organizations that are engaged in work related to oil. When compiling a business plan, you need to focus all efforts in order to study the specialization of your competitors.

What types of work can be carried out by a design organization that has the appropriate license? For such a company, the following types of work are available:

  • engineering surveys and quality control of construction works;
  • design in the field of construction (construction objects can be very different: residential buildings, offices and much more);
  • design in the field of architecture;
  • technological design.

After the direction of the company's activity is chosen and the license is obtained, you can start searching for a suitable premises. It should be noted that such a room does not have to be located in the city center, it can be rented in one of the major residential areas of the city.

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Recruitment for a design organization

In order for the design organization to work with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to recruit personnel who have the proper qualifications. It should be noted that very high requirements must be imposed on employees who are hired by such an organization.

It is necessary to find a chief engineer, chief architect, specialists in the section of projects. All applicants must have a higher specialized education, relevant work experience in their specialty (it is recommended to hire employees whose work experience exceeds 10 years, if management employees are hired, then their work experience should be at least 5 years in managerial positions).

When a chief architect is hired, it should be borne in mind that he must have a license issued by the Union of Architects. Before specialists start working, they must undergo pre-licensing training, which must be confirmed by a qualification certificate.

When selecting premises for an engineering firm, it must be borne in mind that it must have sufficient area, accommodate all departments, for this it may be necessary to carry out redevelopment and certain works. When a business plan is drawn up for a design organization, it is necessary to purchase special equipment. If there is an opportunity, it is bought; if there is no such opportunity, then necessary equipment can be rented.

In order for the office to function normally, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment: a copier, fax, printer, furniture, stationery. It is necessary to organize an information and technical base, for this you need to collect all the documents and special literature.

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Promotion of the design organization

Advertising of such an organization on the Internet gives a very good effect, only it needs to be placed on sites of the relevant subject, then it gives the desired effect. It should be noted that in such a business it is very big effect has word of mouth and recommendations, so it is necessary to provide especially high-quality services for the first clients, then there will be no doubt that they will tell their friends about the company's activities and they will definitely go to a new company.

When a business plan is being drawn up for such a company, it must be borne in mind that there is very fierce competition in this area. Therefore, every effort should be made to prove potential clients that the services provided by the new company are absolutely not inferior in quality to their competitors.

It should be noted that the most important factor that customers will be guided by is the price of services. Therefore, when carried out marketing research, you should definitely know pricing policy their competitors and set lower prices. This will not have the best effect on profits, but the number of customers will be large and, as a result, the new company will be able to receive a very good income.

Opening a design company is a rather expensive business, so every effort must be made to find investors. You can use own capital, but a greater number of start-up entrepreneurs do not have necessary funds. It is very good if you manage to agree on the following conditions: investors finance the project in exchange for a certain share of the profits. This type of partnership is beneficial for both parties.

The profession of an engineer has always been one of the most highly qualified and complex. But in our time, things are no longer so rosy. Now an experienced, professional worker in the engineering specialty is not highly valued. And although a true master of engineering will always find his employer in the labor market, highly qualified, successful specialists and engineers very often think about starting their own business.

The organization of such a project is not an easy task, although it is profitable. It doesn't matter if you're new to this issue or already an experienced person, you should start by developing your own business plan, taking into account all costs, expected profits, payback and prospects.

Decide on a specialization.

A project is a one-time activity (temporary event) aimed at creating certain products or providing services. The design organization is engaged exclusively in the implementation of any projects. It is worth saying that the main expenses of such an organization fall on staff salaries.

Examples of design organizations: developers and directors software, design institutes, design and design bureaus, consulting and audit companies, etc. The unifying feature of the whole variety of design organizations is that the main share of their expenses falls on the maintenance of the company's personnel - the project team.

The project is fixed in the form of a research report, design or technological documentation, advertising company, other things. But, as mentioned above, the main item of expenditure is the equipment and the project team itself.

Depending on the type of project work performed, your organization will have its own specialization. And it already depends on what projects you will carry out. Let's find out what design organizations generally exist. Quick answer: customized and standard. According to building codes and rules (SNiP 1.02.01-85), with individual design design estimates are being developed and documentation is being prepared in one stage (working draft), or in two (draft, working documentation).

By typical they mean, among other things, the development of individual solutions and any regulatory documents. Whether you will carry out design in the field of construction, architecture or technology, conduct engineering surveys or carry out building control for the performance of work - you will need a license. As for profitability, it is about 20-30%.

We get a license.

Determining the scope project activities of your enterprise, it is necessary to take into account profitability, profitability, market competition, ease of implementation and organization of this type of business for a beginner.

Engage in exploration work to account for complexes for their implementation, protection environment and natural resources - the most cost-effective option. But there is nothing for a newcomer to do in such a market, so let's look in the direction of licensing a business related to construction. There are also many competitors here, but the profit is considerable, and most importantly, this is a real option for a young company.

Let's say you have defined the scope of your project company as construction, i.e. planning to engage in design in the construction of residential buildings, industrial buildings and structures, repair and finishing works. According to the law, a legal entity or an individual businessman, i.e., can obtain a license for such a business. an individual who is registered as a private entrepreneur in the tax office.

License for this species activity is issued by the State Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of the Russian Federation. The license is issued for the first time for three years, and for the second time - for a period of five years. This authorization document will list the types of work allowed for your organization. Restrictions on some activities (for beginners) are lifted after a few months. The list of licensed works can be expanded over time.

Such licenses can be obtained either by a legal entity or by an individual, for example, a private entrepreneur. To qualify for a license application, your organization must meet a number of requirements: a minimum of two design professionals, and at least one of them must be staff member with work experience in the specialty for at least three years, the presence of computer equipment with licensed programs on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

To obtain a license, we provide notarized copies of the following documents: Certificate of registration of the enterprise, Charter of the enterprise, certificate of the Inspection of Taxation on registration, certificate from the State Statistics Committee on the assignment of codes, memorandum of association(if any), certificate of changes in the above documents (if any).

Also prepare information about the actual address (a copy of the lease agreement or certificate of ownership), contact numbers, bank details, staffing, for qualification certificates - copies of diplomas and passports certified by the seal of the enterprise.

After preparing a package of documents and submitting it to the Federal Licensing Center, they are tested within two to three weeks. To facilitate the process of obtaining a license, law firms will help you, which will collect a package of documents and deliver it to the authority.

If in founding documents any changes were made, then this must be notarized and also provided. You also need a current account and bank details, the actual address to which the enterprise is assigned, as well as the contact number of the governing body. Next comes the qualification composition, with such items as full name, education, work experience. To obtain qualification certificates, these documents must be submitted in the form of photocopies with the company's seal. You will also need a photocopy of the certificate of ownership and a lease agreement for the premises.

The step-by-step submission of documents looks like this:

We collect documents;

We pay the necessary payments;

We submit documents to the Federal Licensing Center;

We get a license.

As soon as the full package of documents has been submitted, they are checked. We are waiting for the decision of the inspection in two or three weeks, negative or positive. It is difficult to obtain a license for this type of activity, but the point is not that you need to meet the requirements that apply to the project business. You need to be prepared for extremely long and expensive processes for obtaining a license, although by law in any case economic activity for building design must be licensed. If you do not have experience with such red tape with documents, it is best to find law firm. Specialists will correctly and quickly collect and execute all the documents necessary for delivery.

So, the opening of the design office.

Organization with limited liability(LLC) or limited liability partnership (LLP) with model charter best suited for the project area as an organizational and legal form. LLP is in principle an organization economic type when the monetary and in-kind form of legal entities and individuals is added up. This is the easiest way to register, but does not mean that it is the easiest. We consider all the nuances before submitting documents - this is important, including in terms of taxation. The simplified declaration is the most sparing mode in this case. It is best to at least get the advice of a notary public before registering the enterprise yourself, if you do not want to turn to third-party intermediaries. The lawyer will select a suitable course of action for you and tell you about the problems that may arise in the future.

You need to focus on finding the best location for your office. The most acceptable option is to place an office in a residential area with a nearby car park. The absence of crowded streets with traffic jams on the way to your office is a definite plus in terms of customer convenience. The city center is unreasonably expensive to rent both premises and parking, and do not forget about the congestion of the streets during working hours.

Make it a pleasure for visitors to be inside. More space is needed - from 50-60 sq. meters. No need to go into frills - an open space with small partitions or even a standard with a division into cabins, or just an open space of the workplace, will do.

Make sure that the reception area has enough comfortable seating - preferably a sofa and some cozy chairs. There is also a table in the reception area where visitors can drink tea or coffee offered to them. In the past, when going to a design organization, the visitor imagined only government agency with a minimum of amenities, but now the level of service is a fairly large layer of success for each company.

In a presentation room, you most likely cannot do without a projector and a screen. Take into account in advance such an item of expenditure as office furniture and equipment: computers, printers, fax machines, copiers, etc. It also does not hurt to have paper versions of special technical and regulatory literature. Although such specialized literature has been on the net for a long time, paper copies remain no less a convenient tool in work.

The main item of expenses of design organizations is personnel costs. That is why, and also to develop the highest quality projects in the future, you need to pay special attention to staffing. If your field is structural design, you will need: a chief engineer, a chief architect (with a license from the Union of Architects), a number of design specialists. Must have a profile higher education and at least three years of work experience. If we're talking about leadership position– then it is already 5-10 years. The license of the Unions of Architects is an important item in the resume of the chief architect. Having recruited a staff, carry out pre-licensing training of all personnel with the obligatory issuance of a qualified certificate. Now you can get to work.

The company's success in a world of constant competition is built on experienced employees with excellent qualifications. But how to lure them to your company? A good option is to offer a salary higher than in other organizations. So it turns out that the most expense item when opening a project company is wages.

Design organization: promotion.

Developing marketing company take into account the specifics of the business. And although construction services are in high demand, they do not enjoy a stir among customers. So the standard methods of advertising will not work. You can, of course, try to be printed in special building catalogs in your city. However, in the modern world, the main platform for advertising is the Internet. Your own website will become yours calling card. There should be not only articles on the topic and information about services, but the site itself needs to be promoted by search engines. It is better to entrust this to a specialist. Groups in in social networks- a good additional option, but only an additional one, because there will not be very many of your specific target audience.

Not if you should not expect an influx of customers from traditional advertising, then another tradition in any trade - recommendations - is an important element of success. It is clear that at the beginning there is no one to recommend you and for nothing, and you will have to get out with ordinary advertising. However, over time, if you pay enough attention to your customers and the quality of your services, word of mouth will work in full force.

Designing in the modern world, you can not do without competitors. In addition to the fund wages employees, a considerable part of the money will go to advertising and distribution of your services. Accept it as a fact that even if you have the best people in your firm, you will also need connections. Finding and maintaining relationships with high-profile individuals is an important aspect practiced by many companies. This also requires special workers.

Now let's talk about the cost of your services. To begin with, we analyze the prices for the same services from competitors. Lowering your own prices is not the most brilliant way out. This will not only hit your pocket, but will also lead to price dumping, although customers will be satisfied. But you also need to overestimate the prices for your services justifiably, because the client must understand what he overpays for. Quality and the best result are quite convincing arguments.

Design organization: expense and income.

Room rental, from 30 thousand rubles per month;

Recruitment and search of personnel, from 10 thousand per month. This implies the salary of recruiters, posting vacancies on special sites;

Salary for specialists, from 100 thousand rubles per month, and it depends on the city, region, qualifications of employees;

Equipment and interior - from 100 thousand rubles;

Registration of a package of documents for work - from 70 thousand rubles;

Other costs - depending on the situation and your requirements.

As you can see, to open your own design office, in any case, you need a large start-up capital if you aim for large orders. Therefore, cases of partnership are quite frequent - participants invest money and subsequently receive a share of the profit as a percentage.

If we talk about profit, then it should be expected in 8-12 months, since this type of activity is extremely profitable. It is difficult to name the amount, because it depends on initial investment, size of orders and abilities of the new firm and other factors. Entrepreneurs already working in this area name amounts from 300 thousand rubles and more.

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The author deliberately called this book "project business" realizing that among managers the term will be perceived ambiguously. Moreover, there will be such entrepreneurs or specialists who will say that the “project business” is, in general, not a business, but only a set of managerial methods and tools, collectively referred to as “project management”. They try to explain and expand the term "project management", for example, by introducing the management of irregular and innovation processes- strategic, organizational, commercial and investment projects. However, I think that Russian enterprises are already quite ready to introduce the concept of "Project business", despite the fact that this term is relatively new for specialists. It seemed to me that, at least intuitively, it would be understandable to readers. In particular, the combination “project business” is already used in world literature; in October 2005, the book by Andrew Davies, Michael Hobday “The Business of Projects. Managing Innovation in Complex Products and Systems”.
The key to understanding is the answer to the question why “project business” is a business. You can talk, for example, about the oil business, construction business, engineering or consulting business. The results of these businesses will be, respectively, oil, buildings, new production technologies or services provided. These businesses can be invested, sold or mortgaged. All of these businesses already use project management methods on a large scale, but this cannot be a reason to rename these businesses to the project business.
If, after all, the project business claims the status of a real business, then how does it differ from familiar species business?
In Russian, among the meanings of the word “business” there are such general concepts as “business” or “activity”. In this sense, the project business is simply the activity associated with projects. The addition of the word “business” emphasizes the point that this activity is aimed at making money, like in any other business. In addition, the addition of the word “business” distinguishes among all projects the segment of projects related to the real economy.
The main reason for using the "project business" as a new type of business is informal and conceptual - the emergence of the project business is caused by the birth of a new, powerful trend in business development. This trend can be seen in many recent economic publications under various titles: project-oriented organization, virtual organization, network organization or network community, social networks.

The trend is only in its infancy and is based on the "death" of the classical understanding of "business organization" as a hierarchical system, held together by a vertical of unity of command. The efficiency of a classical organization is based on the relatively low cost of hired specialists and becomes zero or even negative in those cases when the share of intellectual or highly professional labor becomes dominant in the added value created in the organization. As a simple example, a $100/hr hired worker creates about the same added value as a $10/hr worker making a $2 million machine! Use the labor of such expensive specialists according to the standard labor system and inefficient from an organizational point of view, and simply expensive. Since the need for highly qualified specialists will only grow, a trend is emerging that requires fundamentally new ways of organizing the work of high-class specialists. It is in the new ways of organizing labor and its legal codification that the main distinguishing feature project business.
The project business is perhaps even more relevant for Russia than for the West. Over the past 15 years, the cost of highly professional labor has turned out to be artificially low. Attempts to replace the quality of the results of labor with the number of specialists will lead to a shortage of personnel, the harbingers of which are already visible. On the other hand, the use of expensive specialists according to the scheme Labor Code can lead to a catastrophic increase in administrative costs.
The principles of project business management, first of all, the tools for building a project-oriented organization, as I plan, will be the subject of my next book. These principles are summarized in this book. Nevertheless, taking into account business development trends, I considered it possible to use the term “project business” as a title already for the first book, especially since classical project management is a basic component of the project business.


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