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Sergey Vladimirovich 18/02/2016 at 19:05

We ask you to consider the actions of traffic police officers in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory. So, on April 26, 2015, at about 11:40 p.m. on Kirov Avenue opposite house number 67 in the city of Pyatigorsk, my friend and I observed such a moment as the traffic police patrol car "Hyundai Solaris, registration number U 40-03 26, stopped the car" Audi -A7, registration plate М002АЕ-26 in black color ", which was in a film coating in a circular pattern. With which an unfamiliar driver came out and got into their patrol car, after about 5-7 minutes he left the patrol car, got into his car and left at high speed. After that, about 5 minutes passed, and a traffic police officer with the rank of police major got out of the patrol car and went to the nearest trash bin and threw crumpled papers there and then left the place. After his departure, we approached this wastebasket and saw two forms of protocols there;
1) Protocol on the prohibition of the operation of land vehicle, number 26 ШШ 004565;
2) Protocol on the detention of a vehicle, number 26 PZ 004690; in which it is not clear that yes, and together with copies of the protocols, and as they say the traffic police officers, strict reporting forms, but according to the actions of this employee, I think that it is not and they see a violation of the law.
Similar cases have happened before, they burned copies of protocols, copies of decisions that drivers who violated traffic rules should have received, and where there are video recordings as evidence.
Also, in similar cases, we turned to the head of the traffic police, police lieutenant colonel for the city of Pyatigorsk Frolov Alexander Evgenievich, but to which he answered us “in words” that internal checks were being carried out and these employees would definitely be punished, but everything continues as it was before and always no no changes have occurred in the area of ​​work of the traffic police, and the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., is aware of all violations of the law committed by traffic police, but no measures are taken by them.
We also turned with the same question to the deputy head of the traffic police for the city of Pyatigorsk, police lieutenant colonel Khorogrov Vladimir Vladimirovich, but to which he answered us: deal with your problems yourself and escorted us out of the traffic police building in Pyatigorsk.
The above protocols were sent by us to the Prosecutor General's Office R.F. of the city of Moscow to check and identify a violation in the actions of a traffic police officer and whether the protocol data is authentic, which ended up in the trash.
We believe that these are violations of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and the law on the police, and where there is a corruption component in the actions of these traffic police officers, as well as weak control over the work of the traffic police by the head of the traffic police Frolov A.E., and the deputy head of the traffic police Khorogrov V.V.
We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal audit on this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal audits for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city Pyatigorsk, and whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result, since the wife of the head of the traffic police, p / p-ka Frolov A.E., works as a federal judge for the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, raise this question to general advice and television! We want the traffic police in the city of Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any "pull"! We hope for your support!!!

In business workflow, the request letter format is used very often when it becomes necessary to obtain the consent of the second party or a certain service from it. Finished samples and examples for different situations, as well as the rules for compiling such letters, you will find in this article.

The tradition and rules for writing a letter of request have developed exclusively in practical document management - i.e. at the legislative level, no forms or instructions have been approved. However, in general, the following structure should be followed:

  1. As usual, the “header” is filled in first, which indicates the full name of the sending organization with the corresponding contact details, as well as the name of a specific employee (usually the director of the company) and the name of the receiving organization.
  2. This is followed by the text itself, which consists of a description of the situation and the rationale for the request. The text should be as short as possible - usually 1-2 paragraphs are enough. It is important to specifically and unambiguously state your request so that the interlocutor understands the essence of your appeal well.
  3. This is followed by a signature, a transcript of the signature and the date of compilation.

Thus, it is drawn up according to the standard version for such documents - the form is given below.

The finished sample can be used as an example of this.

NOTE. The decision to indicate or not to indicate the name of the document (i.e., write in the middle “Request Letter”) is made by the sender himself. As a rule, this is necessary in cases where it is appropriate to emphasize the nature of the document and the purpose that one company is trying to achieve from another.

Since in this case we are talking about the fact that one company is counting on some service or even a concession from its partner, of course, writing a letter, its design, and even sending it should be taken very seriously. Any detail can make an impression, so it is better to take into account even the nuances that are insignificant at first glance:

  1. First of all, it is better to send it using physical mail - regular Russian Post or even better. private organization, which delivers mail door-to-door and much faster. Message in in electronic format or, even more so, faxed messages are often perceived more impersonally as spam.
  2. In addition, the physical way the document is executed (i.e., as usual mailing) allows you to make a favorable impression with more expensive paper, an envelope, a stamp and other means of registration.
  3. To write the text, a letterhead is always chosen - this allows you to give the request more formality.
  4. In the text, it is better to avoid obvious bureaucraticisms - i.e. set words and expressions that are commonly used in the business environment. They literally "dry" the story and make a generally negative impression. They are easy to replace with more original options - for example, "Please consider" to "I hope for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue."
  5. Finally, it is worth adhering to the traditions of business correspondence in general, i.e. the text is predominantly written in formal business style. Lyrical digressions, too complex syntactic constructions, double (in meaning) phrases should not be. Care should be taken to make it very easy for the interlocutor to perceive the message - both in terms of understanding and psychologically.

ADVICE. If it is possible to write the text by hand, it is better to use this method. A handwritten letter allows you to distinguish it from the background of all the others. However, it is better to entrust the writing to a specialist who knows the techniques of calligraphy.


Depending on the specific situation, there are different types of letters. Most of the requests are for financial matters– for example, providing a discount, reducing the payment for a service, or deferring. A smaller part of the letters of request is devoted to assistance in resolving any other issues. The most common cases and ready-made examples letters are discussed below.

About the allocation of funds

Asking for money, even for charitable purposes, is a pretty serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to describe the situation as specifically as possible and, moreover, clearly indicate what exactly the money is required for, and for what reason it cannot be taken from another source.

When compiling, you can take such a sample as a basis.

From NGO "Rainbow"

Member of the Legislative Assembly

St. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N.

Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! Welcome to the director non-profit organization Rainbow". Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years has been continuously providing financial assistance to children suffering from acute forms of leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of appropriate medicines and the implementation of complex operations.

All these years, the main source of financing for our activities has been the enterprise LLC “…”. However, in April of the current 2017, the volume of financing decreased sharply, and in this moment we cannot carry out charitable actions in the same volume.

According to our data, the annual budget of the fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles. annually. We look forward to your cooperation, as it is not possible to find sponsors at the moment.

Sincerely, Svetozarov V.K.

About the delivery of goods

Here it is important to demonstrate your interest and desire to cooperate. Therefore, you need to find the right words so that the interlocutor is imbued with trust and makes an appropriate decision. As a basis, you can take such a sample.

General Director of LLC "…"

Nekrasov N.K.

From the director of the company LLC “…”

Elizarova V.M.

Greetings, Nikolai Konstantinovich! At the regional exhibition agriculture, which was held in May this year, our company became interested in the samples of machinery and equipment that were offered by you.

We would like to start cooperation with you with the delivery of a trial batch of goods (the full list is attached as a separate document to this letter). We guarantee timely payments for goods and services. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contact details:

Sincerely, Elizarov V.M.

About the discount

This is a fairly common type nowadays, because economic conditions deteriorated in many respects. As experience shows, convincing the counterparty to provide a discount is especially good in such cases:

  • if the companies have been cooperating for a long time, for example, more than a year;
  • if a large quantity of goods is purchased at once.

to CEO

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. We are pleased to note the fact that our companies have been cooperating for more than 2 years. We thank you for your continued high quality for your services, as well as for assistance in resolving a number of current issues.

We believe it is not a secret for you that over the past year the economic situation in our market niche has deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, at the moment we are experiencing a certain lack of income, which is associated with a decrease in quarterly profit.

In connection with these circumstances, we hope for your understanding and consent in providing a 10% discount on services that will be provided in the next 2018 calendar year. Of course, such a measure is temporary, and we are committed to full-fledged cooperation on mutually beneficial terms in the event that the economic situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About rent reduction

In this case, the rationale for your request in the letter will be approximately the same as discussed in the previous example.

to CEO

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. In the financial year ended in 2016, our company suffered losses that exceeded expectations by 10%. We are forced to state that our company was affected by the financial crisis. This translates into a decrease in client flow by 15-20% of owners.

In this regard, we hope for your consent to provide a 10% discount on rent. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are fairly large tenants and, at the same time, during the entire period of our five-year cooperation, we have not allowed a single delay in payment, and also filled out all the other terms of the contract. We proceed from the fact that this measure is temporary, therefore we are ready to continue paying the fee in full as soon as the market situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About deferred payment

In this case, it is important to acknowledge that you really did not make the payment on time and explain in detail the reason. Of course, you need to accurately specify the terms of repayment of the entire amount.

Director of LLC "Gruzodar"

Vakulov N.Yu.

From the Director of Parabolia LLC

Aksakova T.G.

Hello, dear Nikolai Yuryevich. In September 2017, we did not make another payment for your services in the amount of 100,000 rubles. We officially notified you about the impossibility of making a payment one month in advance. At the moment, we explain that the company has found funds for the payment. We ask you to provide an installment plan for two months: October and November (50,000 rubles each).

We do not shy away from our financial obligations and debts and draw your attention to the fact that for all 3 years of our cooperation we have never violated the contract. We hope for your understanding and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Aksakov T.G.

Please pay for another company

Such requests may arise in cases where one company undertakes to fulfill the financial obligations of another company under certain conditions. As an example, you can use this template.

IP Blagodarov A.K.

from IP Inina A.A.

Hello, dear Anatoly Konstantinovich. As you know, you have a debt to me in the amount of 100,000 rubles. For expired fiscal year I also had a debt to 3 companies in the amount of 50,000 rubles. I suggest you pay my debt in full. For my part, I guarantee the provision of installments for the entire balance of your debt for a period of 6 months.

  • Details of the addressee, full name of the head in the upper right corner;

In the content, it is better to write real facts and confirm them with documents in applications. Deception and exaggeration of circumstances can lead to negative consequences. For trust, it is important to indicate all the contact details of the author. It is necessary to keep the presentation of the case brief, saving the reader's time. Be sure to use words of respect and courtesy. It will not be superfluous to explain the reasons that prompted to write a petition.

Letter of request: samples and examples, drafting rules

An integral and important part of modern business correspondence is a letter of request. The samples and examples of wording presented in the article, as well as the indicated rules for writing it, will help you correctly compose the necessary text and arrange it in accordance with the customs of office work. We offer you a step-by-step guide to writing this type of appeal.

General information

A request letter is relevant in cases where its author needs to receive any information, documents, make a deal or other business actions from other persons. It can be sent both to the name of a specific person (head, director, head of department, etc.), and to the address of the entire organization as a whole. Your request for help must follow the rules generally accepted in business correspondence.

The letter is the face of the company, even the little things matter. Print it on letterhead signed by an authorized person and stamped (if available). Be responsible for the choice of font, its size and the position of the text on the page. Don't neglect margins, red line and paragraphs. Often the first impression is made just by looking at the document.

Step 1: Specifying a Destination

If you write an impersonal letter to a specific company, then most likely it will go to the reception or office, then to the manager, and finally to the direct executor. Indicate the correct full name of the organization in the “cap” of the text, it is best to add the legal address as well.

As mentioned above, the best option is considered to indicate a specific addressee, that is, a personally addressed request for help. Always try to address by name and patronymic. For example, “Dear Alexander Viktorovich!” or "Dear Mr. Schwartz!". Thus, you, firstly, express your respect to the person, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes certain obligations on him, responsibility for its consideration and implementation.

In some situations, it would be logical to use a group of people, a certain team or part of it as an addressee. This is also relevant in cases where a request letter is sent to several addresses. Use wording such as: "Dear colleagues!", "Dear accountants!" etc.

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Stage 2: Compliment

It is good if the official request letter contains a compliment in relation to its addressee. By doing it, you seem to be answering his natural question: “Why are you addressing me with this question?”. You can note the past merits and personal qualities of a person, the status of the company, etc. In particular, use the following wording: “Your firm is a leading supplier…”, “You have helped many in solving complex issues in this area…”, “Your organization is a leading expert in the market in the field…”, etc. Do not forget that it is appropriate a compliment will be when the request letter (samples and examples in the text) is of a non-standard nature and the addressee needs to be won over. Draw his attention to the qualities and merits that are relevant to fulfilling your request. However, we do not recommend crossing a very thin line between a good and right compliment and rude flattery.

Stage 3: Substantiate the request

Any request must be reasoned, because the addressee must know why you are addressing him specifically. So it makes sense to bring it to the heart of the matter. At this stage, we recommend that you select the three most convincing arguments that should be built in the text of the letter according to the scheme: medium strength, weak, most strong.

The request may have a different level of complexity, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the addressee will not always be interested in its implementation. In this regard, he must be convinced that its implementation carries potential benefits for him. Interest the addressee so that he accepts your document with full seriousness.

The letter of request may contain a proposal for the implementation of a certain attractive opportunity for him.

Examples of wording

  • “At all times enterprising and business people striving not only for material success, but also for personal growth to be forever remembered by people for their good deeds, to win their respect.
  • “Of course, your main goal is to improve the living standards of the citizens of the city.” In particular, this wording can be used when a letter of request is drawn up to a deputy, for example, to provide premises for kindergarten, arrangement of a playground, etc.

You can also voice a problem that is relevant for the addressee, show him how your request can help him in solving it or in realizing certain opportunities.

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It happens that you have nothing to offer the other side, or it is inappropriate in this context. In this case, the best way out is to talk about the significance of your request. Describe the situation as reliably and fully as possible, so that it takes, as they say, for the soul. If a sentimental moment in your story is not a priori, give facts and focus on cause and effect relationships. Tell us about what will happen if you are refused or, on the contrary, agree to help.

Step 4: Make a Request

When the addressee is mentally prepared to accept your request, it can be stated. Keep your text short, avoiding long and convoluted sentences, as well as ambiguity or understatement. The letter of request (samples and examples of wording in the text) should be concise and clear in meaning. So, if you ask to purchase any equipment for the company, then indicate the completeness, price and quantity:

“To equip the emergency department, the hospital needs a new car, the cost of which is 3.5 million rubles. Please help us get it."

Or, for example, a request to reduce the rent should be specified: “We ask you to reduce the rent for the premises to the level of 500 rubles. per square meter until the economic situation stabilizes.”

Stage 5: Summarize

At the end of the letter, you need to summarize your request. Repeat it again and focus on the fact that the addressee benefits if he provides you with the requested assistance. However, the text of the request should be slightly modified. Returning to the same example of rent reduction, we propose the following wording:

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“If you agree to reduce the rent to the level of 500 rubles. per square meter during the stabilization of the current economic situation, you will be able to contribute to the preservation of more than 20 jobs, and you will not incur losses due to the complete lack of payment.”

Remember, it is important to repeat not only the request, but also the benefit that can be obtained from its implementation, and it does not have to be material. Many large companies willingly act as sponsors, investors and do charity work.

We think that now, after studying the process in stages, you will not have a question about how to write a letter of request. It is enough to take into account all the rules of business correspondence and some nuances. We suggest you also study another example.


Dear Felix Petrovich!

Your enterprise has been organizing the industrial practice of students at the enterprise for several years, helping them to put into practice the knowledge gained at the university.

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You, as the head of the personnel department, are a person interested in attracting new employees, young and promising engineers, and highly qualified specialists. Today, this profession is one of the most in demand. Many students would like to know about its possibilities, subtleties and significance.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the chief engineer with applicants and students of 1-2 courses on April 25 at 17:00 on the basis of your enterprise.

Having told about the advantages and secrets of the profession today, you are laying a solid foundation for training specialists and professionals tomorrow. Perhaps, in a few years, one of them will take your company to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Rector of the University I.Zh.Bychkov

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Having studied the information on what requirements a request letter must meet, samples and examples of wording, you can easily cope with writing it in practice.

sample letter of request

A letter of request is drawn up in order to obtain information, documents or perform any actions necessary for the author. It is sent to a specific person or organization. On the this species letters need to be answered.

To write a request letter, you must follow general rules business correspondence and business letters. In the practice of record keeping of any organization, a letter of request is often used, the sample in this article will serve as a good example for you.

The letter is composed as much as possible in simple words and in short form, but with specific details relating directly to the request. Typical examples of presentation are “We ask you ...” to do something, “We ask for your assistance ...”, “We hope to receive ...”, etc.

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The request itself may be preceded by a justification - the reasons for writing the letter. It is allowed to make several requests in one letter (“We also ask you ...”, “At the same time we ask ...”).

You can write in a letter about the desire to receive an answer to a certain period to encourage the recipient to respond faster. But only if it looks correct and polite. Think about how you yourself would react in such a case.

sample letter of request

Now the turn has come to concrete examples. Letter of request - a sample design can be viewed or downloaded in doc format.

Here is another example of a request letter in tax office to extend the deadline for submitting documents. The external design of the letter is similar to the above sample, so only the text of the letter itself is given.

IFTS No.… sent a request dated 10/29/2014 No. 8562 to our address for the provision of documents for verification in relation to LLC “…name of partner”. The total volume of requested documents is more than a thousand sheets. Due to the temporary absence of the accountant due to illness, the Company does not have time to prepare the required set of documents by the specified deadline.

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In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 93.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, we ask you to extend the period for preparing these documents by ten working days.

Examples of a letter of request are given with a detailed justification of the reason for writing the request. Since the letters are free-form, you have a lot of scope for imagination in presenting your own persuasive request.

Here is another sample letter of request, this time without a lengthy statement of the reasons for writing it.

We ask you to allocate funds in the amount of 108 thousand rubles. in the 1st quarter of 2014 for the scientific and technical processing of documents from the archive of the subdivision of such and such JSC "Karapets" according to the previously submitted application for funding dated 00.00.2014.

Another example of a request letter

In connection with the planning of opening a network of fitness centers in your city, please inform us about the readiness to conduct additional research for us on the local market of sports and fitness services on the price and assortment policy of clubs.

I think based on the examples given, you got an idea of ​​​​how to write a letter of request. And now it will not be difficult for you to write your own version of the letter.

Please help me write a letter of request to the State Agency for the acceptance and issuance of documents at the same address. The department is moving to another part of the city, but it is more convenient for us in the old place. Thank you!

Hello! You can write, for example, like this: “In connection with the relocation of the department social protection population at a different address, we kindly ask you to leave same place a point for receiving and issuing documents, since the new location of the department is difficult to access for most of the city's population, especially for the disabled and pensioners.

Hello. Please help me write a letter to the administration of the head of Vladivostok. To help me get housing in the Chuguevsky district. From among the orphans, and children left without parental care. I have been on the waiting list for an apartment since 2013. I sued and all to no avail. And I have two small children and we have nowhere to live.

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Hello! Chuguevsky district of Primorsky Krai is not included in the structure of the city of Vladivostok. Obviously, you need to contact the governor of the Primorsky Territory, or the administration of the Primorsky Territory. For example: “Dear Andrey Vladimirovich! I appeal to you with a request for assistance in obtaining housing. I am an orphan and have been on the waiting list for an apartment in the Chuguevsky district since 2013. In violation federal law dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ and the decision of the Chuguevsky district court dated ... I still have not received an apartment. I have two small children, I don’t have my own home, we live in a rented apartment. I hope very much for your help. Sincerely…".

Write a letter for the removal of the instrument if we have not been working at this enterprise for a year

Hello! Write, for example, like this: “I ask you to organize the removal of inventory and tools from the territory of the Korund LLC enterprise, where work has been stopped since 01.12.2016.”

Is it possible to write like this: In order to fulfill the instructions of the management, we ask you to make and provide updated samples for selection business cards, a booklet in the amount of several pieces (samples are attached).

Basic requirements: production strictly according to the provided sample, as well as high-quality and thick paper.

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Hello! A perfectly acceptable option.

Good day. Please help me write a letter of appeal to the director in order to send his graduates educational institution me to work. Thanks in advance.

An effective request letter in 5 steps

Letters of request are an integral, important and necessary part of business correspondence. On the one hand, these are tactful and diplomatic requests on current issues, on the other hand, they are a tool to achieve certain goals of the addressee. The purpose of any letter of request is to encourage the addressee to take certain actions necessary for the author of the letter. How to write a letter of request in order to get as close as possible to a positive answer?

Any request letter should include a well thought out rationale and a clear statement of the request. In addition, you can use techniques that increase the effectiveness of writing.

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Step 1. Who are you asking?

Address the addressee personally, it is better - by name and patronymic:

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, “Dear Mr. Ivanov!”

Firstly, you express your respect to the addressee, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes on him responsibility for its implementation. There are situations when a request is addressed to a team or a group of people. In this case, it is also desirable to personalize the appeal as much as possible:

“Dear colleagues!”, “Dear managers!”, “Dear junior employees!”, “Dear personnel officers!”

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Step 2. Why are you contacting me?

Compliment the recipient. Making a compliment to the addressee, you answer his question: “Why are you addressing this question to me?” Note his past accomplishments or personal qualities.

“You are always ready to listen and find the best way to solve the problem of almost everyone who turned to you. And, I must give you credit, you helped a lot.”

"You are the leading expert in the field...".

“You have helped many to resolve the most difficult issues in the field of…”.

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This technique will allow the addressee to look at the request more closely and try to find an opportunity to satisfy it.

A compliment is appropriate when it comes to non-standard requests, when you need to win over the addressee, when you need to pay attention to certain merits and qualities that are necessary and important to fulfill your request.

It is very important not to cross the line between a compliment and rude flattery. Be sincere.

Step 3. Justification of the request

Any request must be justified why you are making this particular request. Enter the addressee in the context of your problem.

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At this stage, you need to select the three most significant arguments for the addressee. It is best to build arguments according to the scheme: strong - medium - strongest.

Requests come in different levels of complexity, so the addressee is not always interested in fulfilling someone's requests. He needs to be convinced that fulfilling the request carries a potential benefit:

Offer to implement some attractive opportunity for him related to the fulfillment of your request:

“At all times, businesslike, enterprising people sought not only to achieve material success, but also to leave their mark on the history of the Motherland, to be remembered for good deeds, to win respect.”

« The success of any professional community is, first of all, understanding and support from friendly Unions, participation in joint events and projects».

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« Of course, your big goal is a clean and comfortable city for people».

Or voice a problem that is very relevant for your addressee:

“You, as a wise owner of the city, are probably worried about the erratic walks of children of different ages in places unsuitable for this, which leads to more frequent accidents and an increase in juvenile delinquency.”

“There has been an increase in calls to your department on non-core issues, which takes up a lot of invaluable working time.”

Show how your request can help realize the opportunity:

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« And today, when our country relies on young people, it is difficult to find a more necessary, sacred cause than helping young men and women from dysfunctional families. There are those in our city who are already providing such assistance - under the auspices of the mayor's office, our charitable center "Heritage" operates on donations from the townspeople, which teaches difficult teenagers folk crafts.

“Equipment of specialized places for pastime of children of different ages will help reduce the level of juvenile delinquency and minimize road accidents involving children.”

Describe the significance of the request

When there is nothing to offer the addressee or it is inappropriate in the context of this request, it is better to bring the addressee up to date. Here you need to describe the situation as fully as necessary to understand the relevance of the request and the importance of its implementation. The significance of the request must be described in such a way that it "takes the soul." If the request does not belong to the category of "soulful", then you need to show the addressee the cause-and-effect relationships, which will ensure that the addressee fulfills the request.

“From (date), according to the lease agreement No. X, the rent for 1 m 2 is 20 c.u. in a day. Over the past three months, there has been a decline in trading activity due to economic instability and social unrest. The average profit from trading is $10. per day, which is not enough even to pay rent. If no action is taken, then private entrepreneurs will be forced to close their outlets which could negatively impact your income.

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Thus, you must make it clear to the addressee that the fulfillment of the request carries the prospect of receiving tangible or intangible benefits.

Step 4 Statement of Request

When the addressee is prepared, you can state the actual request. The text of the request should be sufficiently concise and extremely clear. In no case should it contain ambiguity or understatement. For example, if we are talking about rent reduction, it is important to indicate to what level:

“We ask you to reduce the level of rent until the situation stabilizes to 5 USD. per m2 per day.

If we are talking about the provision of services, then specify the request as much as possible, indicating the desired dates, price issue, etc.:

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“To equip a pottery workshop, we need a kiln for firing ceramics - we ask you to help us in acquiring it. The cost of the furnace with the installation is 998 thousand rubles.”

In this example, it is not entirely clear what kind of assistance is required from the addressee. Better to be more specific: "We ask you to help in purchasing a furnace for firing ceramics by transferring 333 thousand USD to the settlement account of the company for the production and installation of furnaces."

Whatever you ask for, the recipient must know exactly when, what, how much and at what price you want to receive. A generalized request is more at risk of rejection because the addressee does not always have the time and desire to deal with the details. In addition, you run the risk of not getting what you want by transferring the initiative to the addressee.

For example, private entrepreneurs wrote a letter asking for a rent reduction, but did not indicate to what level they want to reduce the rent:

“We ask you to reduce the level of rent until the situation stabilizes.”

As a result, they received a reduction in rent, but insignificant (by 1% of the existing one). Thus, their request was granted, but little changed in the position of the initiators of the letter.

In some cases, the text of the request can be made bold so that it stands out in the text, but do not abuse this technique.

Step 5. Summarize your request.

Repeat your request and emphasize what benefit the addressee will receive if the request is fulfilled. The request should be slightly modified. It is best to build a sentence according to the scheme: "If you fulfill the request, then you will be happy."

“If you go along with us and lower the rent for a while until the situation in the region stabilizes, you will not only be able to save more than 150 jobs, but also will not incur global losses due to the complete lack of rent.”

But there may be other options:

“You can be sure that every ruble of your charitable donations will go to a good cause and help children who find themselves in a difficult situation grow up to be worthy citizens.”

"You can be sure that every child's smile will give you moral satisfaction from your difficult work, and your efforts and efforts are an investment in worthy and happy citizens of the near future."

The main thing is to repeat the meaning of the request and the benefits of its implementation. The benefit does not have to be material. Remember that the addressee is a person, and feelings are not alien to him.

“We kindly ask you, I.I. Ivanov, arrange a meeting of applicants with the chief manager of your company. We will be grateful for your assistance.

With respect and gratitude,

Employment center director

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Your company has been participating in the Career Guidance Program for Applicants for several years now, helping them to choose a profession.

You, as a personnel manager, are interested in training professionals, and we are ready to help schoolchildren to start preparing masters of their craft. To date, the profession of a manager is one of the most common, but many applicants do not have a clear idea of ​​​​its meaning.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the general manager with applicants on March 23 at 15.00 at the base of your company.

Having told the guys about the secrets of the profession today, you are laying the foundation for training real professionals tomorrow. Perhaps in a few years one of them will take your company to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Employment center director

And do not forget about the design of the letter - this is the "face" of the organization. If the initiator of the letter of request is an organization, then such a letter is drawn up on letterhead signed by the head or authorized person. If a private person, then it is enough to comply with the basic norms in the arrangement of the elements of the letter. These details are legally and psychologically very important for the addressee and the formation of the correct image of the sender.

Thank you! Very poignant! I hope to be productive!

Thanks for the great article. Everything is very professional and clear.

Thank you for the wonderful help in writing the letter! You helped me a lot.

Thanks! Very good article!

In my opinion, the shorter the better.

Thank you very much, you taught me to live in the field of writing letters!

Well. very relevant! Thank you.

Well, very important! Thank you.

Thanks, very well written

Thank you, the information helped a lot.

Karina, unfortunately, we do not have such a sample.

Thank you. Very good article. And I need to write a request to the Mayor of the city with a request to install a sculpture (easel, about one and a half meters high) of a decorative genre to the FINANCIST and install it near our administrative building of the Ministry of Finance of the region, we are approaching the anniversary of the formation -100 years. How would it be beautiful to beat in a request? Thank you.

  • master card

© Mental Skills When using materials

How to write a good sponsorship letter? Can I have a sample?

There is a fund that helps people with disabilities: helps them find a job, trains them, buys funds to make their life easier, etc. And there is new project, but for the implementation of the project, as you understand, the necessary considerable amounts. You need to contact the company with a request to support the project. How to write a letter correctly? Help!

I am not an expert on letters of sponsorship. But usually in our organization they are guided by the fact that people who have money do not like big letters with tears, they need specifics. As they say, "brevity is the sister of talent."

An example letter looks like this.

The Foundation (let's call it A), located there, at your discretion, organizes assistance to the disabled: employment, rehabilitation, etc. Currently, Fund A is implementing a project for which. here you need to briefly write about the project. Amount is needed to implement this project. 0 rub.

We ask you to provide sponsorship for the implementation of this project.

At the end of the letter, indicate the details of your fund.

I would be glad if I could help you even a little.

Good luck with your good cause!

In any form. In my city, for example, there is an ADRO company. They already gave me drywall, cement, starting putty. The main company is to find, and there they will prompt you how to correctly compose a "petition". And if the commission approves, then you will receive the materials.

To be honest, I didn't want this at all. Thanks for the help, but it would be better to live as before.

It is difficult to advise something specific here, it all depends on the specific situation, IMHO. The only thing that can be said is that you need to rest on what benefit this project will bring to the company from which you are going to ask for help, but not directly on the forehead, but veiled. For example, tell in the letter where you plan to cover this sponsorship (what printed editions/ Internet / radio), how many people will know about it, perhaps - what events can be held with the involvement of company employees, etc.

On the other hand, if you're asking for help, it's probably a rich company that has money. And here is the problem - so that your request reaches the person who can make a decision on it, and does not go to the basket at the level of the secretary. Perhaps it would be better to arrange project proposals in the form of a bright booklet, and hand it over to one of the company's leaders during a personal meeting, immediately answering possible questions. That is, in the letter you need to ask for a meeting, only indicating what will be discussed.

Another nuance is large companies usually there are several people / directorates who can "pull" such a project, and it is necessary to choose a specific point of application of efforts, for example, the directorate for public relations. The chief leader is unlikely to solve your issue personally, he will "let down" the letter exactly there, but the impression will be already spoiled by the appeal "over the head".

I would be glad if these tips help you a little.

A letter asking for sponsorship should begin with an appeal to a person (chairman, head of the company). Therefore, it is desirable to know his full name and the exact title of the position.

Next, you begin to describe in detail the situation and the purpose for which you will ask (ask) to provide you with this assistance. It's in detail. A person/organization/company must/should know where and for what large sums will be transferred.

After that, write: "I ask you to provide sponsorship in the amount. "And write exactly how much you need. At the end, do not forget to thank and "take your leave" (With respect and hope, such and such).

At the very end, indicate the details of the account / accounts, where, in case of a positive answer, the money will be transferred.

Here are some samples:

As far as I understand, you are a novice employee of this fund or a volunteer.

In order for sponsorship to be provided, you need to clearly and reasonably indicate in the letter what exactly and for what purpose the funds are needed. Calculate the cost estimate (at least preliminary). You can invite to an event dedicated to your project the head of the company you are applying to. Interested in media coverage of the sponsorship of this company to your charitable project (thanks from target audience, from your foundation or public organization), etc. The main thing is that the company you are applying to see the sincerity and transparency of your intention to implement a charitable project with a clearly presented, reasonable argument for spending the requested funds, followed by a report on their spending. I'm afraid that experienced grant-eaters are unlikely to share samples of their successful letters with you. Although, general samples can be found on the Internet. Honesty and sincerity of intention to help people is the main adviser in such a matter!

I think that the best thing is to contact this fund, which is the "sponsor", and take special forms from them (which they probably have), and fill it out, answering all the questions as detailed as possible. Because such forms contain questions.

This thing is usually called "Application for a grant" - so submit an application, supporting it, if necessary, with available documents, photographs and other evidence of the usefulness of your project. If necessary, I can find similar forms (together with content) that I submitted to the Prokhorov Foundation to support a child's trip to America with an astronomical expedition of schoolchildren. And, by the way, I received a grant.

But I don’t think that you need these forms, it’s better for you to take them in your fund. but if you think you need them, let me know, I'll dig them out of the archives or find a link to them on Prokhorov's website).

Below is a sample sponsorship letter that can be used to find a donor to receive an influx of investments. This letter is written on behalf of Caring Family. The letter contains contact details, the purpose of obtaining sponsorship and an incentive part so that those who wish to appear:

In essence, you need to sell your idea or problem so that others want to help you and take up sponsorship.

Sponsors are different and their sums are different, you need not only to write a letter correctly and competently, but also to understand that the sponsor must understand what the money will be spent on and whether it is worth investing your finances in it, not so long ago I wrote about this . The sponsor must understand everything from A to Z, what to give you the amount you need to have. Here is an example of writing

To correctly write a sponsorship letter, it is important to understand that you do not need to stretch this letter too much. You need to try to succinctly convey your request, while you need to emphasize with what respect and hope you treat your opponent.

Here are some examples of letters:

I have a relative, or rather my sister's husband, wrote such an appeal when they needed help for a serious treatment of their son.

He was told how to do it.

I think that it is necessary to write in any form, but in such a way that there are no unnecessary questions, that is, to specifically describe a difficult life situation and attach copies of documents confirming what makes you ask for help.

How to write a letter of request

In business workflow, the request letter format is used very often when it becomes necessary to obtain the consent of the second party or a certain service from it. Ready-made samples and examples for different situations, as well as the rules for writing such letters, you will find in this article.

Sample letter and instructions for registration

The tradition and rules for writing a letter of request have developed exclusively in practical document management - i.e. at the legislative level, no forms or instructions have been approved. However, in general, the following structure should be followed:

  1. As usual, the “header” is filled in first, which indicates the full name of the sending organization with the corresponding contact details, as well as the name of a specific employee (usually the director of the company) and the name of the receiving organization.
  2. This is followed by the text itself, which consists of a description of the situation and the rationale for the request. The text should be as short as possible - usually 1-2 paragraphs are enough. It is important to specifically and unambiguously state your request so that the interlocutor understands the essence of your appeal well.
  3. This is followed by a signature, a transcript of the signature and the date of compilation.

Thus, it is drawn up according to the standard version for such documents - the form is given below.

The finished sample can be used as an example of this.

NOTE. The decision to indicate or not to indicate the name of the document (i.e., write in the middle “Request Letter”) is made by the sender himself. As a rule, this is necessary in cases where it is appropriate to emphasize the nature of the document and the purpose that one company is trying to achieve from another.

Since in this case we are talking about the fact that one company is counting on some service or even a concession from its partner, of course, writing a letter, its design, and even sending it should be taken very seriously. Any detail can make an impression, so it is better to take into account even the nuances that are insignificant at first glance:

  1. First of all, it is better to send it using physical mail - the usual Russian Post or even better a private organization that delivers correspondence door to door and much faster. A message in electronic form, or even more so transmitted by fax, is often perceived more impersonally as spam.
  2. In addition, the physical way the document is issued (i.e., as a regular postal item) allows you to make a favorable impression due to more expensive paper, an envelope, a stamp, and other means of registration.
  3. To write the text, a letterhead is always chosen - this allows you to give the request more formality.
  4. In the text, it is better to avoid obvious bureaucraticisms - i.e. set words and expressions that are commonly used in the business environment. They literally "dry" the story and make a generally negative impression. They are easy to replace with more original options - for example, "Please consider" to "I hope for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue."
  5. Finally, it is worth adhering to the traditions of business correspondence in general, i.e. the text is predominantly written in a formal business style. Lyrical digressions, too complex syntactic constructions, double (in meaning) phrases should not be. Care should be taken to make it very easy for the interlocutor to perceive the message - both in terms of understanding and psychologically.

ADVICE. If it is possible to write the text by hand, it is better to use this method. A handwritten letter allows you to distinguish it from the background of all the others. However, it is better to entrust the writing to a specialist who knows the techniques of calligraphy.


Depending on the specific situation, there are different types of letters. Most of the requests are related to financial issues, such as a discount, a reduction in the payment for a service, or a deferment. A smaller part of the letters of request is devoted to assistance in resolving any other issues. The most common cases and ready-made examples of letters are discussed below.

About the allocation of funds

Asking for money, even for charitable purposes, is a pretty serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to describe the situation as specifically as possible and, moreover, clearly indicate what exactly the money is required for, and for what reason it cannot be taken from another source.

When compiling, you can take such a sample as a basis.

Member of the Legislative Assembly

St. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N.

Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! Welcome to the director of the non-profit organization Raduga.” Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years has been continuously providing financial assistance to children suffering from acute forms of leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of appropriate medicines and the implementation of complex operations.

All these years, the main source of financing for our activities has been the enterprise LLC “…”. However, in April of the current 2017, the volume of funding dropped sharply, and at the moment we cannot carry out charitable actions in the same volume.

According to our data, the annual budget of the fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles. annually. We look forward to your cooperation, as it is not possible to find sponsors at the moment.

Sincerely, Svetozarov V.K.

About the delivery of goods

General Director of LLC "…"

From the director of the company LLC “…”

Greetings, Nikolai Konstantinovich! At the regional agricultural exhibition, which was held in May this year, our company became interested in the samples of machinery and equipment that were offered by you.

We would like to start cooperation with you with the delivery of a trial batch of goods (the full list is attached as a separate document to this letter). We guarantee timely payments for goods and services. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contact details:

Sincerely, Elizarov V.M.

About the discount

Currently, this is a fairly common type, since economic conditions have deteriorated in many ways. As experience shows, convincing the counterparty to provide a discount is especially good in such cases:

  • if the companies have been cooperating for a long time, for example, more than a year;
  • if a large quantity of goods is purchased at once.

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. We are pleased to note the fact that our companies have been cooperating for more than 2 years. We express our gratitude to you for the consistently high quality of your services, as well as for your assistance in resolving a number of current issues.

We believe it is not a secret for you that over the past year the economic situation in our market niche has deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, at the moment we are experiencing a certain lack of income, which is associated with a decrease in quarterly profit.

In connection with these circumstances, We hope for your understanding and consent in providing a 10% discount on services that will be provided in the next 2018 calendar year. Of course, such a measure is temporary, and we are committed to full-fledged cooperation on mutually beneficial terms in the event that the economic situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About rent reduction

In this case, the rationale for your request in the letter will be approximately the same as discussed in the previous example.

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. In the financial year ended in 2016, our company suffered losses that exceeded expectations by 10%. We are forced to state that our company was affected by the financial crisis. This translates into a decrease in client flow by 15-20% of owners.

In this regard, we hope for your consent to provide a 10% discount on rent. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are fairly large tenants and, at the same time, during the entire period of our five-year cooperation, we have not allowed a single delay in payment, and also filled out all the other terms of the contract. We proceed from the fact that this measure is temporary, therefore we are ready to continue paying the fee in full as soon as the market situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About deferred payment

In this case, it is important to acknowledge that you really did not make the payment on time and explain in detail the reason. Of course, you need to accurately specify the terms of repayment of the entire amount.

Director of LLC "Gruzodar"

From the Director of Parabolia LLC

Hello, dear Nikolai Yuryevich. In September 2017, we did not pay another amount for your services in the amount of rubles. We officially notified you about the impossibility of making a payment one month in advance. At the moment, we explain that the company has found funds for the payment. We ask you to provide an installment plan for two months: October and November (in rubles).

We do not shy away from our financial obligations and debts and draw your attention to the fact that for all 3 years of our cooperation we have never violated the contract. We hope for your understanding and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Aksakov T.G.

Please pay for another company

Such requests may arise in cases where one company undertakes to fulfill the financial obligations of another company under certain conditions. As an example, you can use this template.

IP Blagodarov A.K.

Hello, dear Anatoly Konstantinovich. As you know, you have a debt to me in the amount of rubles. During the past financial year, I also had a debt to 3 companies in the amount of rubles. I suggest you pay my debt in full. For my part, I guarantee the provision of installments for the entire balance of your debt for a period of 6 months.

Sincerely, Inin A.A.

About assistance in resolving the issue

Finally, if you need to solve a specific issue, you can write the following text:

IP Nikanorov V.R.

From the director of Good Solutions LLC

Dear Vladimir Romanovich, I am the head of a charitable organization that organizes new year holidays for children from poor families. As we learned from open sources, you sell confectionery products. We ask you to arrange delivery New Year's gifts in the amount of 1000 pieces for 20 events.

For our part, we guarantee to express written and verbal gratitude to you and leave positive feedback in all organizations, according to your wishes.

Sincerely, Abdulova V.M.

Probably, everyone at least once had to deal with the need to write a business letter. When compiling it, you involuntarily come to the conclusion that it is not at all easy. There are many rules and regulations for writing business letters that you need to know. The article describes in detail the process of drafting a document, provides samples of a business letter, discusses their types and design.


Ready-made forms will give solidity and indicate the reliability of the company. They contain essential information about the organization, such as:

  • Name.
  • Address.
  • Contact phone numbers.
  • Website.
  • Email.
  • Logo.
  • Other contact details.

There are no strict rules on the forms. Therefore, each organization independently decides what information to put in them.

How to write business letters correctly? Training

Business letters are written and drawn up in a certain way, obeying their inherent rules and requirements. Depending on the goal, the author thinks through the content in detail in order to get the result he calculates. He must clearly understand what information the addressee already knows on the subject of the letter, what to proceed from and what will be new in it. Arguments depend on what purpose the author pursues. The process of preparing a business letter can be divided into the following stages:

  • The study of the issue.
  • Writing a draft letter.
  • His agreement.
  • Signing.
  • Registration.
  • Sending to the addressee.

Structure of business letters

When compiling a letter, it is necessary to saturate it with information, that is, put all the necessary information there. It can be simple or complex. In a simple letter, the content clearly and concisely displays information that generally does not require a response from the addressee. Complex may consist of several sections, paragraphs and paragraphs. Each paragraph presents one aspect of the information. Samples of this type of business letter usually consist of an introductory, main and final parts.

Below is an example of writing a business letter - its introductory part.

The main part describes situations, events, their analysis and evidence. It is in this part that they convince that it is necessary to act in one way or another, they prove how things were and inform about the need to participate in any event, citing various arguments.

The conclusion contains conclusions that are made in the form of proposals, requests, reminders, refusals, and so on.

An example of writing a business letter - its final part - is presented below. This summarizes the requirement stated in the main.

All information provided should be optimally consistent and understandable for perception.

Each email starts with a center-aligned message. This little part is extremely important. When choosing it, the author should consider:

  • The position of the addressee.
  • The nature of the relationship.
  • Officiality.
  • Etiquette.

The letter must end with a polite form. For example: "... I express hope for further cooperation (thanks for the invitation) ...". These phrases are followed by the signature of the author.


All letters must be in a formal business style, which means using the means of speech for official business relations. The features of such a language are formed under the following circumstances:

  • The main participants in business relations are legal entities, on behalf of the heads and officials of which letters are written.
  • Relationships in organizations are strictly regulated.
  • The subject of communication is the activity of the company.
  • Documents of a managerial nature generally have a specific addressee.
  • Often in the course of an organization's activities, the same situations occur.

In this regard, the information contained in the business letter should be:

  • Official, impersonal, emphasizing the distance between the participants in communication.
  • Address, intended for a specific addressee.
  • Current at the time of writing.
  • Reliable and impartial.
  • Reasoned to induce the recipient to take any action.
  • Complete for decision making.


A business letter must meet the following requirements:

  • Speech is standardized at all levels - lexical, morphological and syntactic. It contains many turns, terms and formulas.
  • The tone of writing is neutral, restrained and strict, without the use of emotional and expressive language expressions.
  • The accuracy and clarity of the text, without logical errors, the clarity and thoughtfulness of the wording.
  • Conciseness and brevity - without the use of expressions that carry additional meaning.
  • The use of language formulas formed as a result of repetitive situations.
  • The use of terms, that is, words or phrases that have special concepts.
  • The use of abbreviations that can be lexical (that is, compound words formed by removing letters from parts of words: LLC, GOST, and so on) and graphic (that is, abbreviated word designations: gr-n, zh-d and more).
  • The use of constructions in the genitive and instrumental cases.
  • Phrases with verbal nouns ("support" instead of "support").
  • Using simple common sentences.

The above business letter samples below are shown in full version(with the main part). The information meets all the requirements of the official business style.

Types of business letters

It is best to write a business letter on any one specific issue. If you need to solve several issues at once, it is recommended to draw up several different options.

Business letters can be in their content:

  • Accompanying. Such letters are usually needed to inform about where to send the documents.
    (How to write a business letter? Sample cover letter will help those who need to compile this kind of document.)

  • Warranty. They are written to confirm any promises or conditions. It can be guaranteed, for example, payment for work, rent, delivery times, and more.
  • Thank you. They have been used more and more frequently in recent years. Such letters demonstrate the good tone of partnerships. They can be issued on a regular letterhead or on colored paper with a beautiful print.
    (How to write a business letter? A sample of a thank-you variety is drawn up in free form, depending on the tasks that it solves. In this case, the letter expresses its essence in the shortest form. Such a sample, made on colored paper with an ornament, can hang on the wall in the room companies in a place of honor.)

  • Informational.
  • Instructive.
  • Congratulatory.
  • Advertising.

There are also letters:

  • Proposals about cooperation. Quite common in recent times, sent to organizations, are often promotional in nature, for example, like this sample. It is quite difficult to write commercial letters, you need to take into account many nuances so that they pay attention to it, and even more so get interested. But if you make it according to the model below, it has every chance of success.

  • Invitations. They are sent, offering to participate in various events. Usually they are addressed to the leader or official, but they can also be addressed to the whole team.
  • Requests.
  • Notifications.
  • requests and many more.

How to write a response to a letter. Example

The answer should begin with a repetition of the request set out in the first letter. Then the results of its consideration are given and approval or reason for refusal is expressed. A business response letter may contain an alternative solution to the expected information. It usually follows the following principles:

  • The presence of a link to the first letter and its content.
  • The same language means.
  • Comparable volumes and aspects of content.
  • Compliance with a certain sequence.


In addition to using letterhead business letters, you need to take into account other subtleties in their design. These are details, rules for abbreviations, spelling of the address, heading, text length, field width and more.

Samples of a business letter help to compose it, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances. They are used by both novice clerks and experienced workers. Thanks to the samples, they learn how to write letters correctly and save a lot of time.

Since the situation itself is quite difficult, writing a letter in such a situation is a very important issue, in which it is important for the author to be literate, polite, correct, and at the same time, able to firmly defend his business interests. The following help to successfully solve the complexities of "difficult" letters: Competent attitude in interaction: a firm but correct attitude towards partnership Choosing the appropriate style of writing (formal-business or confidential-business) Competent and logical handling of facts Sample business letters. This type of letter requires a response. To write a letter of request, you must follow the general rules of business correspondence and the design of business letters.In the practice of record keeping of any organization, a letter of request is often used, the sample in this article will serve as a good example for you.

Write an open letter to the President

I wanted to join the queue and collected certificates (for which I had to pay), but they sent me away because. we have a car about which I also submitted a certificate from the traffic police, but it did not suit the local government, it was necessary to collect certificates again and submit an auto assessment report. I don't know for communal payments without even having a residence permit, it’s hard to pay. Why do we have large families abandoned? why doesn’t anyone want to help? I hope that you will pay attention. I kindly ask you to assist in the issue of concluding a contract of social employment with us and registration for the apartment in which we currently live.

Please help us with the event


The letter is written in as simple and concise terms as possible, but with specific details relating to the request itself. Saint Petersburg State University Telecommunications to them The Administration of SPbSUT reserves the right not to answer questions asked in a rude manner and questions using profanity. Feedback for reporting facts of corruption All questions published on the site.

All categories of questions on the site. 2112. Please provide assistance in resolving the issue of payment Valentina Alexandrovna (Guest) Thursday, October 10 2013, 04:53 PM Hello Alexander Andreevich! The mother of your 2nd year student (Fedorenko M.S.) - Fedorenko Valentina Aleksandrovna, is addressing you.

Post navigation

Medical, educational, cultural and sports organizations need material support from big business, and on the example of Russia, we can see how such support is provided in the form of charitable actions, special funds, scholarships and grants. In such letters it is recommended to explain very thoughtfully why this message is addressed to this person, indicating, for example: “we are residents of the same city and these are our common concerns”, or more specifically: “after all, you are a graduate of our university”, or: “your scientific work related to solving the problem we are dealing with. An effective request letter in 5 steps How to write a request letter to get as close as possible to a positive answer? Any request letter should include a well thought out rationale and a clear statement of the request.
In addition, you can use techniques that increase the effectiveness of writing. Step 1.

Business letters

Zirekle. I ask for your help in solving this issue, Sincerely yours, the chief doctor of the branch of JSC "Tatenergo" - the sanatorium "Balkysh" Khisamutdinov Albert Filyusevich. As you have repeatedly been told in the past, in order to increase bandwidth in the central part of the city, rational use of rolling stock, reduction of non-production costs, energy savings of MUP "Metroelectrotrans" in accordance with the resolution of the Head of the Executive Committee of Kazan dated 03.09.2008 No. 5081 "On the dismantling of tram tracks along Pushkin, K. Marx, N. Ershov streets, from Profsoyuznaya street to Gvardeyskaya St., the work of tram routes No. 5, 12, 20, 21 was canceled and from 12.09.2008 work began on the dismantling of tram tracks in the above section.

Please help us resolve our issue.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the recipient of the letter, if necessary, has the opportunity to directly contact its originator. open letters Putin In In the courtyard of the house in which we live at the address Krasnogorsk, st. Igor Merlushkin house. 1, parking spaces are always occupied and there is no way to park a car in the yard, in connection with this, you have to pay for a paid parking space in the amount of 8,000 rubles.
Monthly! For pensioners, this is an unacceptably high cost. (initially, in 2013, the cost of parking was 4,000 rubles / month. Over 3 years, the cost has doubled!) In accordance with Part 9 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of 24. Please provide assistance We, as conscientious entrepreneurs, fulfilled all the conditions of the contracts on time in full, as evidenced by the acts of work performed, signed by the representatives of the customer.

I ask you to help

  • Letter of request samples and examples
  • An effective request letter in 5 steps
  • business vocabulary
  • How to write a request letter
  • Open letters to Putin
  • Request for assistance
  • Provide assistance in resolving the issue
    • On the site you can find: Assist in resolving the issue - 11 comment(s) added
  • business letter sample
  • St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
  • Please help us to resolve our issue.

Request letter samples and examples But the regular practice of writing such request letters is the work of public relations specialists in non-profit organizations.

Letter of request

I appeal (appeal) to you with a proposal ... I ask you to consider a proposal that will allow .... We are offering to you unique opportunity increase sales… We are pleased (we are honored) to offer (to you)… We are pleased to announce the opportunity… We would like to draw your attention… We inform you of the extremely favorable situation with … and suggest taking advantage of this situation for… Specific actions I propose to approve 10/12/2013 as the target date completion of construction and make the necessary adjustments to the list of activities ... Please instruct the company's finance department to allocate ... and pay all previously received invoices for ... I propose that the ABC department prepare proposals for organizing ... I ask (we ask) for your consent to .... (your assistance in ... , your instructions ....) I earnestly (urgently, as an exception) ask ... We ask you to take (energetic, decisive, effective) measures to ....
All comments have been eliminated (letter from Kazmin V.M. to the General Director Babasyan G.L. - ref. No. 10-City-16 / 02-02 / 743 dated February 5, 2016). Despite this, the helicopter hangar functions for its intended purpose from 27.09.2015 Repeated promises CEO OOO "GARANT-SV" Mr. Babasyan G.L. make payment, has not yet been completed. The final payment is 1,635,950.00 rubles. It is not possible to resolve this issue through negotiations.
On July 4, 2016, I sent a Claim to GARANT-SV LLC. If the issue of debt repayment is not resolved, I will be forced to apply to the judicial authorities, which I would not like to do. These actions will entail publicity, proceedings on the legality of the installation of the helicopter hangar, the intervention of the prosecutor's office, since the payment was not made wages employees and others.

Please help me to resolve this issue

Your assistance in… I remind (we remind) about… I ask you to eliminate the backlog (debt) I consider it necessary to discuss with you… I want (we want) to agree with you…. We propose to discuss and agree on future plans ... I ask (you) to consider the possibility of assisting in the implementation of the project ... I provide (you) information (information) about ... I inform (you) about ... Let me inform you about ... I am writing to you in connection with ... I draw your attention to the difficult situation with ... We are compelled to inform ... We inform you about ... We hereby inform (you) about ... I am authorized to inform ... I consider it necessary to draw your attention to (draw your attention to ...) ... We appeal (appeal) to you in connection with the difficulties ... We offer assistance in solving the problem… Knowing about your concern about the problem…, we are ready to propose a solution… As you know (the description of the problem follows)… Guided by the interests of the enterprise, I draw your attention to….

  • references to grounds for appeal


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