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Business etiquette is not just a set of rules that must be followed. This is the regulation of business communication, the rules of business ethics, which ultimately contribute to mutual understanding, the establishment of business relations in the team and, in fact, the prosperity of any business.

It is good if the understanding of the need to comply with certain rules of behavior at work is realized by employees immediately. But how often, precisely because of non-compliance business etiquette, there are problems with career growth, and in establishing relationships with colleagues and superiors, and even in relation to the work itself, too.

The simplest things, it seems, do not need to be explained: we were taught not to put our elbows on the table in a restaurant, not to dress for work, like for a picnic or to the gym. But there are many other rules that must be followed. For example, do you know exactly how to introduce a new employee to the boss? How to ask for a pay rise? Should a woman shake hands with a man when meeting?

"The basic law of any communication, especially business communication, is punctuality."

Reasonable modern entrepreneurs already understand that the observance of business etiquette and ethics of business communication is one of the keys to successful business and is an indicator of professionalism. Moreover, if you have foreign partners, you simply must know the rules of etiquette and their countries, otherwise a wrong step in a conversation or meeting can result in significant losses in business.

In business etiquette, there are several principles that must be followed. The basic law of any communication, especially business communication, is punctuality. For business man it is very important to be able to calculate the time for doing this or that work, and for other needs, for example, so as not to be late for work, not to delay breaks in work. Moreover, in such calculations it is necessary to take into account various circumstances and problems that may arise, and make a margin of time with this in mind.

One of the immutable laws of business ethics is the ability to keep secrets, not only the secrets of the company, but also information about the personal affairs and problems of colleagues.

Often the cause of both personal and business failure can be ordinary selfishness, unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others, a thirst for gossip and excessive curiosity. Firstly, it is impossible to successfully conduct any business without taking into account the opinions of partners, clients, colleagues. Secondly, an irrepressible desire to move forward at any cost, attempts to harm competitors or colleagues, will bring nothing but a series of failures and complications.

But the desire and ability to listen to the interlocutor, respect the opinions of others and try to understand it, and not dismiss it with confidence in one's own rightness, is an important component of business ethics. And yet, never humiliate your opponent, keep in mind that sooner or later you will run into a person who will be forced to do the same to you.

Business ethics involves the need not only to follow a certain set of rules, but also the ability to look businesslike, which largely depends on how you dress. Your clothes should not only demonstrate your taste, but also be appropriate, correspond to the way it is customary to dress in your company, in your team.

The importance of being able to communicate is talked about all the time. Business ethics requires that everything you say or write be well-written and well-written. Your chances of concluding a particular contract often depend on this. A business person, in order to succeed, must also master the art of rhetoric, that is, the skill of eloquence. It is very important to monitor your diction - pronunciation and intonation. Never use slang words and offensive expressions in business communication, learn to listen to others, show interest in the interlocutor.

Mastering business etiquette is not only possible, but essential if you really want to reach the heights in your career. Moreover, in business ethics there are no trifles, just as there are no trifles in dealing with people in general.

In the business environment, as well as social life, there is a set of laws and rules called etiquette. This is a kind of a pass to the world of business people, a standard of communication in a business environment. Non-observance or ignorance of business etiquette often becomes a stumbling block, a barrier in conducting successful negotiations, promoting your company and product on the market, and building a career. The image of a professional is not formed immediately, not suddenly, and business etiquette, together with experience and expertise, plays an important role in this. A person is judged by his deeds, by his behavior and ability to build competent relationships in a business environment.

Rule One

Time is money

Punctuality, respect for other people's time and competent knowledge of the basics of time management are the foundation of the foundations in the business world. You can be a bright charismatic presenter, an excellent negotiator, a professional manager, but you can always be late, steal other people's time, waste your life on expectations, idle chatter that is not relevant. It is unlikely that in this situation it will be possible to build long-term cooperation with large companies: non-punctual people are not respected in the business world.

Partners, employers, colleagues, realizing that a person is constantly late, can pass a verdict-sentence to such a sufferer: unreliable, behind the times, out of rhythm modern life. Excuses, apologies will strengthen this impression, since politeness and respect for others do not need such companions.

Exit one: every business person must know and master the basics of time management, be able to plan their working day, competently sort things into important and urgent, delegate some of the routine tasks and control the course of events.

Rule Two

Dress code compliance

The first impression of a person is easy to put together by his appearance: a business suit, a neat hairstyle, harmoniously matched accessories. Appearance determines the status and position in society, can tell about the character and inner world of a person much more than his words. Information is carried not only by speech, but also by clothing, hairstyle, details of the toilet. A challenge and provocation in appearance is a protest against society, its laws and foundations.

In many large companies in the corporate book of sales, a separate chapter is given to the dress code. If the enterprise or organization does not have strict standards regarding appearance personnel, it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted norms and rules adopted in the business world.

Rule Three

The desktop as a mirror of the inner world

Order on the desktop - order in the head. This old postulate should be carved in golden letters on the doors of any business office. You don't have to be a psychology guru to understand how and which employees work just by looking at their desktop.

Heaped with unsorted papers, with a thick layer of dust on the table.

Virgin clean, without a single superfluous thing.

Lined with photographs of children, loved ones, flowers, souvenirs.

Strict order, even stacks of papers, books and folders. Everything is in its place.

Which employees, the owners of these desktops, are of interest to the employer in the first place?

Rule Four

Grammatically correct speech, business style letters

Having learned to speak beautifully, competently, it is not difficult to transfer thoughts to paper, to learn how to write business letters. The main thing is not to fall to the other extreme: official letters written in the dry language of textbooks cause boredom and a desire to quickly close them, throw them in the trash.

Rule Five

Respect for the interlocutor, partner, client

A selfish person who thinks only about himself, his own profit and income is not respected either in the business world or in his own company. The clerk who slammed the door in the face of a client who turned to him at the end of the working day or before lunch. An employee talking loudly on the phone in the office where his colleagues work. A leader who does not listen to his subordinates. A director who uses strong words and expressions in relation to others.

All these psychological portraits of characters who do not know business etiquette, people who are unable to understand the other, to hear him, to help, to solve the problem that has arisen. The ability to respect other people's opinions is an important component of business etiquette.

Rule six

Compliance with trade secrets

Almost every company has confidential information that is not subject to disclosure. An old poster from 1941 by artist Nina Vatolina "Don't talk!" today gets its second life and fits perfectly into the interior of many modern enterprises and organizations.

It is important for each manager from the very first days of work of his employees to issue an order on non-disclosure of trade secrets and collect signatures from the entire team to familiarize themselves with it. It is clear that such a step cannot completely solve the issue of keeping the company's secret information, but this rule of business etiquette can serve as a marker for identifying disloyal employees.

Rule Seven

At work - work!

If you take a picture of the working day of most employees of offices and enterprises, the picture will be very depressing. Eighty percent of working time is spent on gossip, smoking breaks, tea parties, visiting social networks, the solution of personal affairs. And only twenty percent - for the very work for which the salary is paid.

An employee who brings profit to the company quickly makes a dizzying career. The secret of his success is simple: 80% of the working time he works while others "rest".

Rule eight

Ability to listen and hear the opponent

The rarest gift given by nature: the ability to hear another, to understand him. In business, this gift brings millions, it has an exact definition - hearing for money. Each client, employee and business partner will definitely tell about what he needs, what torments him, what he needs help with. It is only important to be able to hear and make a counter offer. In the business world, this skill is also important because it helps save time, which is more valuable than money, since it cannot be accumulated.

Rule nine

telephone etiquette

Business communication is impossible without telephone conversations, ethics in this case helps to quickly establish relationships and conduct negotiations with dignity. Many business partners, customers judge the company by phone conversations and employees' answers on the phone.

You need to prepare for a telephone dialogue in advance: prepare questions that you need to ask the interlocutor, clarify the time, names and dates that may be needed in the conversation.

Personal calls to working time allowed only when absolutely necessary. Empty chatter on the phone interferes with colleagues, distracts the attention of employees and forms the image of a frivolous empty person.

Rule ten

Netiquet - etiquette of communication on the Internet

Without the Internet, no business can exist today. Ability to communicate via text e-mail, comment on business articles and respond to customer requests and requests on the company's website shows the employee's business level.

Each appeal must be nominal, personal, the letter must be signed with the name of the performer, give full contact details - company name, postal address, phone number, Skype nickname, corporate website address, business hours.

Rule Eleven

Reception of delegations

The protocol reception of delegations is a separate part of business etiquette, which includes a long list of actions for meeting, accommodating, introducing, acquainting members of the delegation with representatives of the host country. The minutes of a business meeting, giving gifts, business souvenirs, flowers, company and product presentation, behavior at a buffet table or a banquet - all these issues are scrupulously described in thick books on business protocol.

At the meeting of foreign delegations to the generally accepted code business rules features of national etiquette are added.

Rule twelve

Business negotiations

One of essential rules business etiquette - the ability to conduct competent negotiations, bring them to a specific result. For negotiations to take place high level, you need to define clear goals before they start, draw up an accurate plan, choose a convenient time and place for both parties.

At the first stage of negotiations, it is necessary to capture the attention of the interlocutor, creating a trusting atmosphere. During the conversation, you need to mark for yourself the stages of the negotiation and complete them immediately after the intended goal is achieved. All results of the negotiations should be recorded and analyzed.

Rule thirteen

Relationships between boss and subordinate

According to the rules of business etiquette, the manager must treat all employees equally, equally, while maintaining a reasonable distance. Remarks to subordinates should always be made face to face, it is logical to organize a demonstrative public “spanking” after the employee has not responded to the censure of the boss.

It is necessary to give orders, give oral tasks to the boss clearly, specifically, receive feedback, control the process, analyze the effectiveness of execution.

The subordinate must follow the orders and instructions of the head, while he has the right to express his own point of view, give advice on improving the solution of a particular issue.

Rule fourteen

Relationships between employees

The microclimate in the team largely depends on the relationships that have developed in the company between colleagues. Smooth, friendly, respectful relationships are the basis of a healthy team. If one of the colleagues makes a mistake or a mistake, it is important for colleagues to learn not to ridicule him, but to correctly point out the shortcomings in the work, offer their help.

Office romances, mutual hatred, the Cold War, gray cardinals and office plankton, intrigues against each other are evil forces that interfere with the working environment and the solution of the main tasks of the team.

Rule fifteen

business gestures

This part of business etiquette deserves several volumes of description with colorful pictures. Gestures, mannerisms, facial expressions can tell more than words about a person. The movements of the employee during working hours should be energetic, not lethargic, not slowed down. Gait - confident, while waving your arms and taking very large steps is not recommended. A straight posture, a confident look, the absence of fuss in movements are signs of a man of action.

A handshake is the only tactile gesture of touching an interlocutor that is allowed in a business environment. Pats on the shoulder, warm hugs, kisses and other gestures of friendliness are possible only among very close partners and relatives. When shaking hands, the hand should not be lethargic, wet or cold. Shaking or squeezing the interlocutor's given hand for a long time is not accepted.

It is not difficult to control words, text or thoughts, but it is much more difficult to control gestures and facial expressions. A smart interlocutor will instantly understand the intention or deceit by certain gestures and body movements. Business literature offers to help the books of Alan Pease "Body Language" and Paul Ekman "The Psychology of Lies. Lie to me if you can"

Note in a business notebook

68% of business negotiations and transactions in Russia did not take place due to the fact that entrepreneurs did not know the rules of business etiquette. Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, leads to the loss of credibility, money and business.

The main difference between business etiquette and secular etiquette is that in this set of rules, the priority of subordination is in the first place. Regardless of age and gender, the subordinate is in the hierarchy below the leader.

Business is done by people who have not only smart thoughts, enterprise and creativity, but also emotions. Failure to comply with business etiquette always causes negative feelings. Only ten to fifteen percent of business people succeed, and business etiquette always comes first.

Decency is the least important of all the laws of society, and the most honored. F. La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French moralist writer

At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter the Great issued a decree according to which everyone who behaved "in violation of etiquette" was subject to punishment.

Etiquette is a word of French origin, meaning demeanor. Italy is considered the birthplace of etiquette. Etiquette prescribes the norms of behavior on the street, in public transport, at a party, at the theater, at business and diplomatic receptions, at work, etc.

Unfortunately, in life we ​​often encounter rudeness and harshness, disrespect for the personality of another. The reason is that we underestimate the importance of the culture of human behavior, his manners.

Manners are the way one behaves, the external form of behavior, the treatment of other people, as well as the tone, intonations and expressions used in speech. In addition, these are gestures, gait, facial expressions that are characteristic of a person.

Modesty and restraint of a person in the manifestation of his actions, the ability to control his behavior, to treat other people carefully and tactfully are considered good manners. Bad manners are considered; the habit of talking and laughing loudly; swagger in behavior; the use of obscene expressions; coarseness; slovenliness of appearance; manifestation of hostility to others; inability to restrain one's irritation; faux pas. Manners belong to the culture of human behavior and are regulated by etiquette, and a true culture of behavior is where a person's actions in all situations are based on moral principles.

Back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote that the success of a person in his financial affairs is 15 percent dependent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent on his ability to communicate with people.

Business etiquette is a set of rules of conduct in business, service relations. It is the most important side of the morality of the professional behavior of a business person.

Although etiquette presupposes the establishment of only external forms of behavior, but without an internal culture, without observing ethical standards can't get real business relationship. Jen Yager, in her book Business Etiquette, points out that every issue of etiquette, from boasting to exchanging gifts, must be dealt with in the light of ethical standards. Business etiquette prescribes the observance of the rules of cultural behavior, respectful attitude to a person.

Jen Yager has formulated six basic commandments of business etiquette.

1. Do everything on time. Being late not only interferes with work, but is also the first sign that a person cannot be relied upon. The “on time” principle applies to reports and any other tasks assigned to you.

2. Don't talk too much. The meaning of this principle is that you must keep the secrets of an institution or a particular transaction with the same care as personal secrets. Never retell to anyone what you sometimes hear from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their personal life.

3. Be kind, friendly and welcoming. Your clients, customers, buyers, colleagues or subordinates can find fault with you as much as they like, it doesn’t matter: all the same, you must behave politely, affably and kindly.

4. Think of others, not just yourself. Attention should be shown not only in relation to customers or customers, it extends to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Don't be quick to snap when someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence should not prevent you from being humble.

5. Dress appropriately.

6. Speak and write in good language 1 .

Etiquette is expressed in various aspects of our behavior. For example, a variety of human movements, postures that he takes can have etiquette meaning. Compare the polite position facing the interlocutor and the impolite position with your back to him. Such etiquette is called non-verbal (i.e. wordless). However, the most important role in the etiquette expression of relations with people, speech plays - this is verbal etiquette.

The Persian writer and thinker Saadi (between 1203 and 1210-1292) said: "Whether you are smart or stupid, whether you are great or small, we do not know until you have said a word." The spoken word, like an indicator, will show the level of a person's culture. I. Ilf and E. Petrov in the novel "The Twelve Chairs" ridiculed a miserable set of words from the lexicon of Ellochka-"cannibals". But Ellochka and her kind are often encountered and they speak in jargon. Jargon is a "corrupted language", the purpose of which is to isolate a certain group of people from the rest of society. The most important aspect of speech etiquette is the inadmissibility of slang words and obscene language.

A prominent place in business etiquette is occupied by the words of greeting, gratitude, appeal, apology. The seller turned to the buyer on "you", someone did not thank for the service, did not apologize for the offense - ~ such a failure to comply with the norms of speech etiquette turns into an insult, and sometimes conflicts.

Specialists in business etiquette attach great importance to the appeal, because the form of further communication depends on how we address a person. The everyday Russian language has not developed a universal appeal, as, for example, in Poland - “pan”, “pani”, therefore, when

1 Yager J. Business etiquette. How to survive and succeed in the business world: Per. from English. - M., 1994. - S. 17--26.

when addressing a stranger, it is better to use an impersonal form: “sorry, how can I get through ...”, “please, ...” but it is not always possible to do without a specific address. For example: “Dear comrades! Due to the repair of the escalator, the entrance to the metro is limited.” The word "comrade" is originally Russian, before the revolution they denoted the position: "comrade of the minister." In the dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov, one of the meanings of the word “comrade” is “a person close to someone in terms of common views, activities, living conditions, etc., as well as a person friendly to someone” Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1988. - S. 652 ..

The word "citizen" is also used in everyday life. "Citizen! Don't break the rules traffic!" - it sounds strictly and officially, but from the appeal: “Citizen, stand in line!” it blows cold and a long distance between those who communicate. Unfortunately, gender-based appeals are most often used: “Man, move over!”, “Woman, remove the bag from the aisle!” In speech communication, in addition, there are historically established stereotypes. These are the words "sir", "madame", "mister" and the plural of "gentlemen", "ladies". In business circles, the address "mister" is used.

When using any form of address, it should be remembered that it must demonstrate respect for the person, take into account gender, age and the specific situation. It is important to feel exactly who we are talking to.

How to address colleagues, subordinates, manager? After all, the choice of treatment in official relations is rather limited. The official forms of address in business communication are the words "master" and "comrade". For example, “Mr. Director”, “Comrade Ivanov”, that is, after the words of the appeal, it is necessary to indicate the position or surname. You can often hear how a manager addresses a subordinate by his last name: "Petrov, bring me a report for the first quarter." Agree that such an appeal has a connotation of disrespectful attitude of the leader to the subordinate. Therefore, such an appeal should not be used, it is better to replace it with a patronymic name. Addressing by name and patronymic corresponds to the Russian tradition. This is not only a form of address, but also a demonstration of respect for a person, an indicator of his authority, his position in society.

A semi-formal address is an address in the form of a full name (Dmitry, Maria), which involves using both the appeal "you" and "you" in a conversation. This form of address is infrequent and can set up interlocutors for a strict tonality of the conversation, for its seriousness, and sometimes means dissatisfaction with the speaker. Usually such a treatment is used by the elders in relation to the younger ones. In official relations, you should always refer to "you". While maintaining the formality of relations, strive to bring an element of goodwill and warmth into them.

It is necessary to observe delicacy so that any appeal does not turn into familiarity and familiarity, which are typical when addressing only by patronymic: “Nikolaich”, “Mikhalych”. An appeal in this form is possible from an elderly subordinate, most often a worker, to a young boss (foreman, foreman). Or, conversely, a young specialist turns to an elderly worker: "Petrovich, try to finish the work by lunchtime." But sometimes such an appeal carries a shade of self-irony. With this form of conversation, the appeal to "you" is used.

In business communication, great importance is attached to transitions in address from “you” to “you” and vice versa, the transition from official address to semi-official and everyday. These transitions betray our relationship to each other. For example, if the boss always addressed you by your first name and patronymic, and then, having called you into his office, suddenly turned by your name, we can assume that a confidential conversation is ahead. And vice versa, if in the communication of two people who had an address by name, the first name and patronymic are suddenly used, then this may indicate a strained relationship or the formality of the upcoming conversation.

An important place in business etiquette is occupied by a greeting. Meeting each other, we exchange phrases: “Hello”, “Good afternoon (morning, evening)”, “Hi”. People celebrate a meeting with each other in different ways: for example, the military salute, men shake hands, young people wave their hands, sometimes people hug when they meet. In greeting, we wish each other health, peace, happiness. In one of his poems, the Russian Soviet writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin (1924-1997) wrote:


Bowing, we said to each other,

Although they were complete strangers. Hello!

What special topics did we say to each other?

Just "Hello", we didn't say anything else.

Why did a drop of sun increase in the world?

Why did life become a little more joyful?

We will try to answer the questions: “How to greet?”, “Whom and where to greet?”, “Who greets first?”

Entering the office (room, reception) it is customary to greet the people there, even if you do not know them. The youngest, a man with a woman, a subordinate with a boss, a girl with an elderly man greet first, but when shaking hands, the order is reversed: the elder, the boss, the woman gives the first hand. If a woman confines herself to a bow when greeting, then a man should not extend his hand to her. It is not customary to shake hands over a threshold, a table, through any obstacle.

Greeting a man, a woman does not get up. When greeting a man, it is always recommended to get up, except when it may disturb others (theatre, cinema) or when it is inconvenient to do so (for example, in a car). If a man wants to emphasize a special disposition towards a woman, then when he greets him, he kisses her hand. The woman puts her hand with the edge of her palm to the floor, the man turns her hand so that it is on top. It is recommended to lean towards the hand, but it is not necessary to touch it with your lips, while remembering that it is better to kiss the lady’s hand indoors and not outdoors. The rules to greet each other are valid for all peoples, although the forms of manifestation can vary significantly.

A prerequisite for business contact is the culture of speech. Cultural speech is, first of all, correct, competent speech and, in addition, the right tone of communication, manner of speaking, and precisely chosen words. The larger the vocabulary (lexicon) of a person, the better he speaks the language, knows more (is an interesting interlocutor), more easily expresses his thoughts and feelings, and also understands himself and others.

* monitor the correct use of words, their pronunciation and stress;

* do not use turns containing extra words (for example, “absolutely new” instead of “new”);

* avoid arrogance, categorical and arrogant. The habit of saying "thank you", politeness and courtesy, the use of appropriate language and the ability to dress appropriately are among the valuable traits that increase the chance of success.

Many perceive etiquette as something archaic, believing that behind it are far-fetched rules and ceremonies that only complicate life - we already know that we should not wipe our hands on the tablecloth. But, alas, basic knowledge is not enough - especially for people who are building a career, planning to promote themselves and their business. Here are 10 rules of business etiquette.

1. Greeting: who greets you first?

If in modern secular etiquette questions of gender are more important than subordination, then in business etiquette the opposite is true: here communication is conducted between professionals, and not between men and women. The first to greet is the one who is lower in his official position - for example, a middle-aged female accountant should be the first to greet a young male boss.

If there are other people in the office of the person you came to, limit yourself to a general bow and greeting. Then shake hands with the person who invited you. It would seem that everything is simple and logical, but etiquette is a delicate and sometimes difficult matter.

2. Proper handshake

If you approach a group of people and shake hands with one person, you need to shake hands with the rest. Advice from Igor Mann: “It is very important to be able to shake hands correctly: moderately for a short time (one or two strokes); moderately weak; if you want to demonstrate superiority - keep your palm on top of the handshake; show respect for the interlocutor (for example, for a lady) - your palm should be under the palm of the interlocutor. And, by default, the palm should be dry and clean.

Do not smoke while shaking hands. You need to throw away the cigarette, then shake hands. If this is not possible, apologize for being with a cigarette. Never reach out your left hand for a handshake. Even if you are left-handed, use your right hand. There is no handshake in the restroom.

3 . Get ready forsmalltalk

Business communication often involves elements of informal conversation. The ability to conduct the so-called small talk (easy casual conversation on an abstract but fascinating topic) is a very useful skill.

Good topics for conversation: sports, cars (for men), children (for women), hobbies, gourmet food and pets, art and literature, interesting events and scientific discoveries, travel and attractions, local scenery, nature and weather, places of interest.

Forbidden topics for conversation: Diseases, problems, conflicts, income, high cost, debts, politics and religion, personal life of interlocutors or other people, age, position and nationality, the “sore topic” of the interlocutor.

4. How to introduce yourself?

When introducing people of equal status, introduce the one you know best to the one you know less. A man is introduced to a woman who is younger in age or in official position - older. When you are introduced to a person, focus on remembering his name - during the conversation, call him by name more often.

It happens, of course, that new names fly out of memory. The most reasonable thing in such a situation is to honestly admit your forgetfulness and, without losing your sense of tact and sense of humor, ask the interlocutor to recall his name.

5. farewell etiquette

Leaving strangers, it is not necessary to personally say goodbye to everyone. And if you leave a crowded reception before the rest of the guests, say goodbye only to the hosts of the meeting. Otherwise, your departure may serve as a signal to the party participants that it is time for everyone to go home.

6. "Negotiation" etiquette

It is necessary to carefully prepare both the protocol and the substantive parts. Partners should be invited to negotiations at least two weeks in advance so that they can also prepare - this will save time and create conditions for effective communication.

As for the composition of the delegation, there should be parity in the negotiations, that is, an equal number of participants on both sides and the correspondence of the positions of representatives to each. Only those employees whose presence is really necessary are invited to the meeting. The venue of the negotiations is offered by the inviting party, but the invited party has the right to both accept and reject it.

7. How to meet foreign guests?

The head of the delegation, corresponding in rank, must meet guests at the airport. He usually arrives accompanied by two or three people. The head of the host country is introduced first. Then he introduces the spouse, after that the employees (in descending order of positions). When you see off the delegation to the hotel, part with the guests not on the street, but in the lobby. You can also arrange a protocol visit there.

There is an unspoken rule (not categorical, but desirable) - if a guest arrives with his wife, then the host leader comes to the first meeting accompanied by his wife.

8. Ability to listen to the interlocutor

Bernard Baruch, American businessman and statesman, said: “Those successful people people I know listen more than they talk.” Dale Carnegie went even further, arguing that "The secret of influencing people is not in the ability to speak, but in the ability to be a good listener."

Advice from Igor Mann: “Remember that different people have different speech rates. Women tend to speak faster (there is even a joke: “Women speak twice as fast as men listen”). Adjust in conversation to the pace of speech of the interlocutor - and you will make a more favorable impression.

9. Telephone courtesy

Even if you have Bad mood, do not let this be understood, smile, and the tone of your voice will take on a cheerful coloring. Do not forget about the three pillars of a business telephone conversation - conciseness, clarity, clarity. Don't forget to introduce yourself with your first and last name. Then state the purpose of the call. It is impolite to wait more than 6 rings - it is better to hang up after the fifth ring. The person who started it ends the conversation.

If the connection is interrupted, the caller calls back. It is best to answer after the second or third call - if you pick up the phone immediately, then the caller may not have time to concentrate.

10. Business person dress code

The manager should be an example for employees. He has the right to require them to comply with the dress code. Strictly and elegantly dressed employees are always a plus for the company's reputation. Your image should give the impression of natural grooming with a barely acceptable touch of negligence, refined in itself.

A business person should have at least two or three suits. The shirt should fit well and have good cuffs and collar. Pants should reach to the heel of your boots when you are standing, and form one soft pleat in front over the instep of your leg. A businessman can wear only one ring - an engagement ring. The cost of hours should not exceed two (maximum three) monthly salaries.

And remember:

Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is established order behavior in business and business contacts. Everyone knows that any employee of the company is the face of the company, and it is important that this person be both attractive and professional, friendly and adamant, helpful and independent.

Modern business etiquette is a deep knowledge of decency, the ability to behave in a team in such a way as to earn universal respect and not offend others with their behavior. By the culture of behavior of an employee of the company and by his ability to communicate with customers, one can judge the entire team of this company.

Knowing the rules of business etiquette helps to avoid mistakes or smooth them over in accessible, generally accepted ways.

Therefore, the main function or meaning of the etiquette of a business person can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that contribute to mutual understanding of people in the process of communication.

The second most important function of business etiquette is the function of convenience, that is, expediency and practicality. From the smallest to the most general rules, business etiquette is a system close to everyday life. After all, the most important principle of etiquette is this: it is necessary to act according to etiquette, not because it is customary, but because it is more expedient, more convenient, more respectful towards others and oneself.

Business ethics is one of the main "tools" for shaping the company's image. AT modern business The face of the company plays a significant role. Those organizations in which business etiquette is not respected lose a lot. Where business etiquette has become the norm, higher productivity, better results. Entrepreneurs around the world know the most important tenet of business: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with a company that respects business etiquette.

Mastering the civilized market, modern entrepreneurs should know that only 10-15% of those who want to establish themselves in the market world achieve their goals. Business is built not only on economic basis but also ethical. Just as it is unacceptable to violate the generally accepted rules of business in commerce, so it is unacceptable to violate the rules of business etiquette. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette is one of the necessary elements of your professionalism.

businessman abroad

In business circles abroad, there are a number of strict rules of etiquette, without knowing which, you can look ridiculous in the eyes of your partners.

During working hours in the business world it is customary to wear suits that are not too light. It is not recommended to wear colorful or dark shirts. The shirt should be white or light (blue, beige, with a thin strip, a slightly noticeable check). It is advisable to choose ties for a business setting that are not too bright and without catchy patterns. At the same time, they should match the color scheme to the suit and shirt.

Wearing shirts with short sleeves in a business setting is also not recommended, since it is considered elegant if the cuffs of the shirt are visible from under the sleeves of the jacket by about 2 cm.

A navy blue or charcoal pinstriped suit is the most common type of suit for every occasion. The fact is that a manager abroad often does not know in the morning where he will be invited in the evening and whether he will still be able to return to the hotel or home in order to change.

In the theater, as well as on special occasions, it is advisable to wear dark clothes. Although it is no longer customary to wear black suits, with the exception of mourning ceremonies.

As for shoes, black shoes can in principle be worn with all kinds of suits of any color. Brown shoes go well with beige-brown suits.

It is better to have socks that are not very bright and catchy, they often wear gray or black, and brown ones are selected for beige-brown clothes and shoes.

If we judge fashion, then, for example, Germany is more oriented towards England in this respect, while in Austria and Switzerland they follow the fashion recommendations of France and Italy more. In general, fashion enters the business world not so actively and quickly; he is quite conservative in relation to fashion, strict and restrained.

The business world in appearance rather adheres not to fashion, but to a certain level - to dress in such a way as not to "wet" its prestige. In this sense, it is very important that clothes and shoes are clean and tidy. A worn, not ironed suit, a stale shirt, socks or a tie or a stained tie that “moved out” with all due respect to a person always attract attention and leave a bad impression.

It is even more difficult to learn how to dress relatively freely, as they say, with “charm”, but at the same time with a sense of proportion. In other words, truly fashionable and elegant. There is nothing to hide, young managers who want to keep up with fashion do not always succeed either.

During commercial negotiations, and even more so during meetings, it is not recommended to take off your jacket without asking permission from the surrounding ladies. This also applies to smoking. By the way, we note that recently smoking has become less common in the process of business communication. This must be remembered even in the absence of ladies in society. If negotiations take place in a small room, it is better to suppress the desire to smoke.

In all Western European countries in the business world, whether at dinner or at a reception, alcohol is perceived very conditionally. Therefore, it is highly recommended to restrain yourself and try to "drink" as little as possible.

In all Western European countries, when communicating, it is better to call people by their title, for example: “Mr. Minister ...” or “Mr. Secretary ...”, etc. It is considered impolite to omit such titles as, for example, doctor or director. One subtlety: in Germany it is customary to say “Mr. Doctor” plus a surname, in Austria and Switzerland it is enough to pronounce “Mr. Doctor”.

The most common titles are "doctor", "master" or "graduate engineer" (graduate technical university). The so-called ungraduated engineers (graduates of technical schools) can be called without titles, only "master" plus a surname. However, it is known that these people experience a certain inferiority complex in relation to graduate engineers.

In Austria, there are still a number of old titles - for example, "court councilor". Such a title is given to state officials when performing a function or it is granted by the president for certain merits.

Both in Germany and Austria, the title of commerce advisor is also common (Kommerzialrat - in Austria, Kommerzientrat - in Germany). These titles are also awarded to people for certain merits, and in Austria they can, moreover, simply be bought.

In all Western countries, accuracy is considered a sign of good taste. And it is not for nothing that they say that accuracy is the courtesy of kings. It is still acceptable to be 15 minutes late for a meeting or invitation, but being late for a longer period is considered gross impoliteness. If, nevertheless, being late for any reason is unavoidable, it is necessary to find a way to warn about this in advance and apologize. Although it is permissible to come to meetings in advance, it is still better to avoid this, since early appearance can put those who invited you to negotiations in an uncomfortable position. After all, they may have other meetings or events at this time, and they will be forced to change their plans. The latter should be avoided when inviting to visit the house, as the hosts may simply not be ready to welcome guests.

There are differences in the conduct of negotiations. In Switzerland and Germany, they are conducted quite purposefully and dryly. In their course, even a certain rudeness can be allowed. The Austrians do not like to say “no”, they prefer to say “yes, but…” “No” or a sharp refusal, according to the Austrians, is considered quite rude.

During negotiations or after they are over, it is customary to invite partners for lunch or dinner. They usually invite home in the evening, and only those foreigners with whom there are already fairly close contacts, or with a clearly expressed sympathy. In this case, it is customary to give a sign of attention to the hostess of the house - it can be flowers or a souvenir from your country. In this case, even kissing the hand is allowed. When doing this, you should not bend too low, but only by raising the lady's hand, carefully bring it to your lips. The next day after such a reception, it is recommended to thank the hosts by phone or in writing for a pleasantly spent evening.

The order of seating guests at the table in almost all countries is the same and does not differ from the norms adopted in Russia: the guest of honor sits to the right of the hostess, the wife of the honored guest sits to the right of the host, all other guests are arranged according to rank or age, and men alternate with women . In official cases, the use of so-called table cards is practiced: in the places where guests should sit, there are nameplates.

When setting the table, forks and knives are placed with their points up and towards the center, for appetizers - those that lie outside, and for the main dish - closer to the plate. One feature is that in these countries it is customary to use special knives for fish - with a short, blunt and more round edge.

Place a napkin on your knees before eating. Only in France and some French-speaking countries is it customary to insert a napkin behind the collar, but this, you see, looks a bit strange. Before you drink a meat or fish dish, do not forget to wipe your lips with a napkin. When one dish is finished (or the guest no longer wants to eat), you should put the knife and fork on the plate parallel together. This means for the waiter that the plate can be taken away. And vice versa, if the fork and spoon are separated on the plate, then this means that the guest is taking a break and then eating.

I would like to remind you once again that excessive stiffness makes the situation unnatural, and excessive freedom in behavior is close to the lack of culture. For others, it is always most acceptable when a person, realizing a sense of proportion, remains, nevertheless, himself.

As you know, the results of a business trip depend mainly on good preparation. Therefore, it is recommended to research the market as thoroughly as possible and obtain as complete information as possible about your future negotiating partners. Such information is usually obtained on the basis of bank statements, or through an embassy in a particular country.

The timing issue is very important. When working with Western partners, you must always remember that the timing of a business trip is usually agreed in advance, and by mutual agreement of the parties. It is considered impolite when one of the partners does not attach importance to the ability of the other party to receive guests. This point is very important, the results of the meeting largely depend on it.

Going on a business trip, you need to check the availability of all required documents starting with a passport and visa, as well as vaccination certificates. It is recommended to make copies of all these documents so that they can be restored in case of loss.

And in conclusion, we add that many comments and advice are unlikely to be needed by a person who has a sense of tact and has received a good education and upbringing.


An indispensable attribute of the formation of the company, its assertion in the domestic and international markets is the presentation. The impact of a presentation, like a first impression, is usually profound. Its successful implementation largely determines the success of further negotiations with partners. Notices of presentations are given in the media.

Presentation announcement(option one)

IN THE PROGRAM: acquaintance with the production and traditions of the enterprise, speeches by specialists, demonstration of films on special equipment; banquet. Your reliable partner in trade and economic cooperation……………………

Beginning - at 17.00 Address of the event………………………………… Entrance - by invitation cards. Phones for information………………….

Presentation announcement(second option)

In order for the presentation to be successful, it is necessary to involve professionals in its implementation.

First, the place and timing of the presentation are determined. Then a script (program) is developed. The presentation time is usually limited to 1.5–2 hours. Presentations are best done in the afternoon, from about 3 pm, so that a cocktail or buffet can be arranged afterward (5-7 pm). Usually one of the heads of the foreign economic service of the enterprise opens and conducts the presentation. It also represents the leaders of the entire enterprise. Then you can show a film (10-15 minutes) and make a report about the activities of the enterprise, its export opportunities (no more than 30 minutes).

The rest of the time is devoted to answering questions. The room where the presentation is held is decorated with advertising posters, stands, etc. Presentation participants are given souvenirs (advertising gifts) in order to remind their recipients about the company. Inexpensive items are commonly used as promotional gifts: notebooks, calendars, fountain pens, ashtrays, lighters, badges. These items are marked with the name of the company, and sometimes its address and nature of activity.

Demonstration of goods at the presentation is a very persuasive means of advertising. This is especially true for the demonstration of machines, equipment and devices, which allows you to convince a potential buyer of the merits of the design, high performance and quality of the products. It is very important to involve potential client into joint action. This can be, for example, a proposal to test devices, try on clothes, transfer materials for examination of strength, etc. When a client has the opportunity to personally get acquainted with the product, touch it with his hands, he subconsciously grows confidence in him and the company. When you can directly experience the softness of a fur, the comfort of a jacket, the strength of a fabric, or the ease of working with a computer-based text editor, cues from all directions reinforce that impression.

Business lunch with business partners

A business lunch, or a business lunch, with colleagues or business partners is a popular event in business circles, which is usually held in a restaurant or cafe during a lunch break.

A business lunch is not a reason to drink and have fun, but a means of solving business issues, discussing problems related to the activities of an enterprise or organization. business lunch playing big role in rallying business partners. A lot depends on such an event: your image as a business person; the image of the company, which will be judged by your behavior; the success of important negotiations; entry into the highest business circles. Therefore, certain rules must be observed if you receive an invitation to dinner, and even more so if you organize it yourself.

Business conversation

The ability to deal with people appropriately is one of the most important (if not the most important!) factor in determining the chances of success in business, work or entrepreneurial activity. Back in the 30s of the 20th century, Dale Carnegie noticed that the success of a person in his financial affairs, even in the technical field or engineering, depends on fifteen percent of his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with people.

Business communication, depending on the circumstances, can be direct and indirect. In the first case, it takes place with the help of correspondence or technical means, and in the second - with direct contact between the subjects of communication. For example, at presentations, seminars, as well as business breakfasts, lunches and dinners and other business meetings.


The uniform adopted for business lunches is everyday work. If a business lunch is held in a cafe, then the requirements for clothing are minimal - even jeans are allowed. The restaurant makes higher demands on clothing: as a rule, this is a suit or dress for a woman.

Going to a restaurant, a business woman should not change her business image. A business lunch is not a place for coquetry and excessive display of one's femininity; deep necklines, causing cuts and bright jewelry are out of place here - they are intended for the evening. However, it must be remembered that only the table will separate you from the interlocutor, so make-up and manicure must be impeccable, and lipstick of such quality so as not to be eaten with a snack.

Meeting point

When choosing a meeting place, it is necessary to show good breeding and tact. When you are interested in a conversation, you can emphasize your respect for the person by arranging a meeting place closer to their place of work. The level of the restaurant should correspond to the position occupied by the people you invited.


It is necessary to strictly observe the agreements agreed in advance on the place, time and composition of the meeting participants (who, where and when will meet). Only when absolutely necessary can changes be made to a pre-approved plan. So, if you intend to meet with someone face to face at breakfast, and the invitee calls you and announces that he intends to come with his secretary and someone else, you must decide whether meeting in such a composition is in your interests and is it really worth it.

Table seating

If a preliminary order is made, the rules of good manners prescribe to wait until all the guests have gathered, and only then sit down at the table. If you need to spread out papers and you are meeting with only one person, it is preferable to sit at a table for four, not for two. In this case, there will be good reasons to invite the person to sit to your right instead of across from you.

Rules of conduct at the table

Despite the fact that you need to behave naturally at the table, it is still worth adhering to some rules. For example, sit upright with your lower back pressed against the back of a chair and your feet flat on the floor. Do not cross your legs while eating, and if you do not use a knife and fork, put your hands on your knees. Although the more relaxed position is when the right hand is on the knees, and the wrist of the left hand is on the table. Sometimes - between serving dishes - you can put your elbows on the table, but not during meals.

Take food from common dishes should be placed next to it cutlery, most often it is a fork and a spoon. Be extremely careful not to drop the food while holding the spreading spoon or fork in your right hand. When using a knife and fork, make sure that your fingers do not touch the blade or the teeth. If temporarily the device is not needed, put it on the edge of the plate, but not on the tablecloth. And when you use only a fork, rest the knife on the right edge of the plate, where it will least interfere.

The feast is not over yet, but there is a pause in the meal ... In this case, the cutlery is placed on the plate crosswise: the knife - with the tip to the left, the fork - with the convex part up, so that the knife handle is located like a clock hand pointing to the number 5, and the handle forks - on the number 7; the crossing point should be on the tines of the fork and the top of the knife. It is not forbidden to put the cutlery with the handle on the table, and with the working side on the plate. At the end of the meal, they are placed on a plate parallel to each other so that the handles show at 5 o'clock, the blade of the knife looks to the left, and the convex part of the fork is up. If this is an official reception, then this arrangement of devices will serve as a signal to the waiter that you have finished eating.

Dessert spoon and fork are also placed parallel to each other. If the dessert is served in a vase on a high leg or in a deep vase on a front plate, the device is placed on this plate. If the vase is small and wide, you can leave the spoon in it or put it on a plate.

It is also worth adhering to special manners. In practice, two manners of eating at the table are accepted: European, when the knife is always held in the right hand, and the fork in the left, and American, in which the fork is shifted from the left hand to the right after one or more pieces of meat or poultry are cut off. . In America, the knife is used only for cutting food, then it is left on the edge of the plate, and the free left hand is lowered to the knee.

Sitting at the table under normal conditions, they unfold the napkin, fold it in half so that the lower edge protrudes forward, and put it on their knees. At a formal dinner, you should wait until the hostess of the reception sets an example by doing it first. If napkins are served at the table, then they are completely unfolded on their knees. In no case should men tuck a napkin behind the collar, between the buttons of a shirt or in the waistband of trousers. When using a napkin, do not wipe your mouth with it, but slightly blot your lips. After the feast, casually roll it up and place it to the left of the cutlery. At a dinner party, the hostess of the reception, in order to signal to all those present that the meal is over, puts her napkin on the table first. Guests can only do this after her. Napkin rings are used exclusively for family dinners.

Do not use a toothpick at the table. If a piece of food is stuck in your teeth, wait for a pause, apologize, get up from the table and go to the bathroom, where you can solve the problem with a toothpick or rinse your mouth. In America, this rule is strictly enforced, but in Europe it is considered quite appropriate to remove a piece of stuck food with a toothpick right at the table, hiding behind a napkin.

“Tastes do not argue” - this expression comes to mind every time it turns out that one of the guests for some reason cannot or does not want to taste this or that dish. Except for those who don't eat certain foods out of conviction, many people don't eat certain foods for medical reasons, and it's not always convenient to ask them about it. And since you are acting as an inviting party, keep this circumstance in mind. It's good to have a variety of products in stock to get out of the situation if a sticky situation arises.

If you are offered a dish or drink at a party that causes you, for example, an allergy, or you simply do not like them, politely refuse by saying: “No, thank you” or “No, thank you.” However, the rules of good manners recommend taking at least a small portion of each dish, and discreetly place the food that you have not touched on a plate.

You should not explain to others that you do not eat this or that food, do not drink this or that wine as prescribed by a doctor or following a diet. But if the hostess asks you about it, then you can answer her without attracting the attention of other guests. When refusing a dish offered by the waiter, quietly say "No, thanks" or simply shake your head. If you want to give up wine or any other drink, just touch the edge of the glass with your index finger.

Varieties of business practices

Quite often, business conversations take place in an informal setting (in a cafe, restaurant). This requires the ability to combine the solution of business issues with the meal. Usually there is a business breakfast, lunch, dinner. They are united by some general principles that apply in all three cases - in particular, generally accepted rules of conduct at the table. However, each of these forms of business communication has its own characteristics.

business breakfast- the most convenient time for meetings of those who work hard during the day. Duration - about 45 minutes. Not recommended for a business meeting between a man and a woman.

Business lunch allows you to establish a good relationship with partners, get to know customers better. At noon, a person is more active and relaxed than at 7-8 in the morning. The duration of a business lunch is not strictly regulated and is usually one to two hours, of which up to half an hour is secular conversation, usually preceding a business conversation.

Business dinner is more formal than breakfast or lunch, and in terms of the degree of regulation it approaches the reception. This determines the type of invitations (written, not telephone), clothing features (dark-colored suit). The duration of a business dinner is two hours or more.

But times are changing, and the usual feast is no longer in vogue. Today, there are about a dozen different techniques, each with its own nuances and rules, its own name and its own requirements for conducting. Previously, guests were simply called to the table, now the type of reception is indicated in the invitations in a special column. You can be invited to a banquet, buffet, cocktail, brunch and even fondue! What actually lies behind these unusual words for hearing? And how not to get into a mess when you are going to attend this or that event?

So, receptions are divided into daytime and evening receptions, as well as receptions with seating guests at tables and without it.

Breakfast. Earliest event. But don't worry, you won't have to get up at six in the morning. Breakfast is served at noon or one in the afternoon. Breakfast duration - 2 hours. During breakfast, guests are seated at the table and served two cold appetizers, one hot dish, tea or coffee, fruit, cookies, and cake. From alcohol offer champagne and dry wine.

"A glass of wine with cheese." A technique that has been popular since the 1970s. The dominant dish here, of course, is cheese at room temperature and various varieties. Cheese is complemented by wine, vegetables and fruits.

The business alternative to this approach is "a glass of champagne" at 2 or 3 pm. The guests are given glasses of champagne, treated with small toasts on skewers, fruits and sweets. A glass of champagne is organized in connection with the opening of exhibitions, the celebration of the anniversary of the company or professional success enterprises. The reception is held standing up, and guests are expected to behave in a strict, formal manner.

Drank champagne, but do not know where to put the used glass? Remember: it will be a big violation if you put your used glass on the waiter's tray next to full glasses that have not yet been disassembled. You need to wait for the waiter with an empty tray or a special cart for dirty dishes. There is an option: if there is only one glass left, then you take the filled glass with your right hand, and put your used glass with your left. But such a coincidence is very rare, there are always several glasses left on the tray.

Another simple trick "glass of wine". This is also an official type of reception, it is held at 13, 14 or 15 hours, standing. It's called "take-over". The waiters carry around the assembled wine; glasses of white and red wine are placed on trays, and the congregation sorts them out. There is a rule: if red wine is served, then red fish, red meat should be served; to white wine - white fish, white meat.

In the period from 17 to 19 hours usually passes "buffet", which in French means "on a fork." A buffet table is arranged to introduce the invited to each other, to give an opportunity to renew old contacts or to agree on new meetings. Self-service is accepted at the buffet, you can make toasts. There may be a few chairs or armchairs in the hall, but these are usually left for the elderly.

While doing this, there are a few rules to keep in mind:

You should approach the table only after an invitation or after the rest of those present have gone to the table;

The guests take plates from the pile at the beginning of the table and move along the table in one direction (so as not to interfere with each other), putting treats on their plate;

It is impolite to be near a table with a smoking cigarette;

It is ugly to put all the offered dishes on the plate at once;

There is a certain order of treats: it is supposed to taste fish dishes first;

Fish and meat should not be on the same plate;

You should take exactly as much as you can eat;

Snacks are transferred to a plate with a common device that is on a dish with this snack. After typing a treat, you need to put the common device in place;

For dessert and sweet dishes, you need to take clean plates;

A man can treat a lady by bringing her something from the buffet. It is unacceptable for a lady to treat a man.

"Buffet" is very similar to "cocktail": the same time, the same conditions and rules. The only difference is the menu. Cocktails serve more drinks than snacks. And if at the "buffet" you can be pampered hot, then at the "cocktail" - no. Unlike a buffet table, cocktail tables are not covered. Several small tables are placed in the hall, cigarettes, matches, ashtrays are laid out on them, and paper napkins in vases are placed. Food and drinks are served by waiters on trays. Instead of forks, guests use special banquet skewers. The reception ends with champagne and coffee.

Dinner considered the most honorable type of reception. Tables are placed in the form of the letter "P" or "T". Places of honor are organized "facing" to the front doors or, if this is not possible, to the windows facing the street. Tables are covered with white tablecloths and decorated with flowers. White starched napkins are placed on bread plates. At dinner, guests are seated at tables, and service, as a rule, is carried out entirely by waiters.

The choice of cold appetizers is small - only one fish and meat dish and vegetable salads. After cold appetizers, broth with croutons or soup is served, then some meat dish. From drinks - chilled vodka or tincture, to fish - dry white wine at room temperature, to meat - dry red. There may be two hot dishes, one of them is fish, which is served before a hot meat dish with vegetables cooked in different ways. Sweet - champagne. The dinner itself ends with dessert, and before that, all the dishes, cutlery and glasses that were intended for the previous meal are removed.

A business lunch can be arranged at the home of someone from the company's management, if there are sufficiently spacious and representative premises. In this case, the service personnel should be specially invited. However, most often such receptions take place in a restaurant or club, where there are appropriate conditions and opportunities.

Here are a few business lunch rules:

Originality and unconventionality. If you decide to be remembered or stand out, to please or surprise - this is the right way. Even the most gloomy people will feel more relaxed over a cup of good coffee and in unusual surroundings.

Lunch time convenient for both "owls" and "larks". An invitation to dinner will be accepted for sure.

corporate interests. This time of day can also be used for round tables, seminars, conferences, presentations.

The right place- recipe for success. It is desirable that the territory be neutral, then the invitees will feel more comfortable - it can be a coffee shop or a restaurant.

If you decide to invite people to your office, then you should isolate them as much as possible from the constant calls and fuss of your employees (it is better if it is a meeting room). In this case, providing everything you need will fall on your shoulders: the presence of the same appliances and utensils, food. However, there are downsides here. Firstly, one of the employees will have to take care of the guests during lunch, i.e. his time spent on this event will be the least efficient. Secondly, guests can hamper the employees working in the office themselves - they will have to work in an unusual mode for themselves, which will also reduce labor efficiency. The exception is companies that have halls and employees reserved for such events.

Menu should be thoughtful. If you plan to invite more than 5 people, notify the administrator in advance and specify the time of preparation of the dish you have chosen. It may be necessary to change the technology so that everyone is served at the same time and does not languish in anticipation of each other.

Don't forget about health. Feel free! It does not hurt to check if there are rooms for smokers and non-smokers. Often, those who cannot deny themselves a cigarette feel more free. You can not deprive them of this opportunity, although smoking has long been out of fashion.

The result of the meeting. Clearly plan what you have planned to tell or report; be constructive in your sentences, do not delay answers, but do not push or rush the interlocutor in making a decision. Here you can already use all your experience of communication, negotiating, demonstrating presentations, public speaking.

Profitability. Financial side business is the most attractive. As a rule, the person who invited or initiated the meeting pays. If this is a seminar, a presentation of a product, then the company that invited the audience bears all the expenses. Of course, the estimate must also include the rent of the hall, projector, Internet access, if provided.

Business lunches have become very popular in business circles. It is simply impossible to imagine a business without them. They are an integral part of the life of every businessman. Business meetings are of great importance - both as a way to establish relationships with partners, and as the most convenient way to resolve business issues in a relaxed atmosphere.

"Lunch buffet" involves free seating at small tables for four to six people, which are arranged in a compact group. The table arrangement scheme assumes the main table with guests of honor and the host - the organizer of the reception.

At the "lunch-buffet" reception, a buffet or buffet table with snacks and dishes is laid, a buffet with drinks is organized. Guests pick up their own snacks, choose drinks and sit down at free tables according to their interests. Such receptions are organized for the creative intelligentsia after presentations, opening of exhibitions, film screenings, completion of symposiums and scientific conferences.

Reception organizers should take into account an important circumstance: a meal at a common table contributes to official unification, since the organization of such a feast implies an “administrative”, rank style of communication. Buffet-type receptions are more individual and democratic - they provide participants with freedom of communication. These methods include the "lunch-buffet".

Dinner differs from lunch only in that it starts later than 21 hours. On especially solemn occasions (in honor of the head of a foreign government or an important delegation), the so-called "a la buffet" is arranged. Beginning at 20.00, treats are the same as at "buffets", "cocktails", only a more varied assortment. The clothes are classic, just like at lunch and dinner.

In recent years, it has become popular to arrange receptions such as "zhur-fix". The reception is led by the wife of foreign ministers or the wife of ambassadors. "Jour-fix" is held once a week (at a fixed time) throughout the season. The event lasts from 16:00 to 18:00. Often the meeting takes place only in women's society. The main treat is tea with confectionery. Casual clothing is allowed.

Another interesting event could be "brunch". The word "brunch" comes from two English words "breakfast" (breakfast) and "lunch" (lunch) and means "a meal between breakfast and lunch", which lasts from 11.00 to 15.00, is organized in the form of a buffet, which we call " buffet."

By the way, the Swedes themselves have no idea what "Buffet". The fact is that in ancient times all travelers from St. Petersburg went abroad through Finland, which was divided between Russia and Sweden. Trains stopped at every station so that travelers could rest and eat. That's just, hurrying to the train, many forgot to pay for the meal. And restaurant owners came up with a progressive form of service - travelers paid a fixed fee and collected their own food. And so the term "buffet" was fixed in our country.

"Brunch" is considered an informal reception, friends and families, including children, are invited to it.

Brunch can be held in a restaurant, and even in the country. Eggs, bacon, sausages, a variety of salads, stews, fish, pancakes, grilled tomatoes, as well as buns, butter, and cheese are served at the table. Coffee, tea, juices, soft drinks in large quantities, sometimes wine are offered.

Nature lovers meet at picnics, which are held in the warm season in the open air. Meals are prepared in advance and delivered to the place in baskets and portable refrigerators.

In addition to food, be sure to take folding tables and chairs, large umbrellas from the sun. You can invite colleagues and business partners with their families to a picnic, but it is not recommended to invite top management to such a “home event”. It is preferable to meet with the latter in a strict atmosphere.

Another type of home remedy is "fondue". The tradition of inviting people to “fondue” came from snowy Switzerland, where in the evenings the closest people gathered in each house and ate delicious melted cheese. In our country, "fondue" may well turn into a regular tea party.

Reception "the only dish" is becoming very fashionable. You can invite guests to pancakes, hodgepodge, barbecue, dumplings or any other dish that the hostess is good at. In this case, only this single dish is served. There may be appetizers, dessert, but the dish remains the “highlight of the program”. This technique does not cause much trouble and usually suits everyone.

"Glass" is a classic treat for the occasional guest in many countries. In this case, a glass of cognac, vermouth, wine is served. Snacks can be nuts or cookies.

"Bachelor's Dinner" can be organized not only by a bachelor, but also by a family where the young mistress is not yet very good at cooking. A cold buffet or one hot dish is enough here: fried sausage, sausages in sauce.

business lunch etiquette

A lot depends on a business lunch: your image as a business person; the image of the company, which will be judged by your behavior; the success of important negotiations; entry into the highest business circles. That's why courses like Business Lunch Etiquette are starting to gain popularity, covering every aspect of a business lunch, from how to eat spaghetti without dropping it on your shirt to how to properly open mussels.

Here are the basic rules:

If the invitation to a reception or dinner is sent in writing, be sure to also express your gratitude in writing, even if you do not intend to go to it.

Think carefully about your costume. Even if the invitation says "in casual clothes", it still means "in a jacket and tie" for men and "in a business suit" for women. No jeans! If they wanted you to come in jeans, they would have written "in sportswear" on the invitation.

If you are the one who invites someone to a business dinner, then in the restaurant you should behave as if you were hosting guests at home. Therefore, it is better to reserve the best table in the restaurant in advance and familiarize yourself with the menu.

The invitees have their own responsibilities. One of the main tips for guests is not to come to a restaurant hungry. It's better to eat somewhere first. You go to a business lunch not to eat, but to resolve business issues and establish business relationships.

But even if you are going to eat a little, you should do it right. And this is a whole science. Do you know, for example, how a puree soup spoon differs from a regular soup spoon? The spoon for puree soup is slightly larger than usual. But there are still forks for salad, forks for second courses, forks for fish, forks for cakes and their many other relatives. Try to learn in advance the purpose of all these items. There is no need to think that the surrounding experts will write off your mistakes as “sweet immediacy”.

Those present at a business lunch should not:

Discuss your dietary preferences and health concerns, even if you have stomach ulcers or allergies. It is better to refuse a dish without explaining the reason;

Complain about service and food quality;

Loudly call the waiter. Instead, try to meet his eyes and nod slightly, beckoning to you;

Try to make friends with the waiter, communicate with him formally;

Waving a napkin. Gently unfold it under the table and try to eat in such a way that you do not have to use it too often;

Take a full spoon. The soup should be carefully sipped from the edge of the spoon, trying not to make any sounds;

Leave traces of food on the glass. Therefore, every time before drinking, blot your lips with a napkin;

There is after the inviting person has finished dinner.

The correct handshake before and after dinner or during receptions is a separate issue. The grip should be firm, but not strong. You should shake your hand twice - no more and no less.

Giving a cold hand is bad form. If it's cold outside, wear gloves. And during receptions, hold a glass of drink in your left hand so that your right one remains free and warm.


Either the one who first proposed the meeting, or the one in a higher position, must pay the bill. If the situation can be misinterpreted as an attempt to win someone's special favor, it should be suggested that everyone pays for himself. This is especially true for media representatives and civil servants at all levels: a journalist or official’s breakfast at someone else’s expense may be considered an attempt to influence the press or a manifestation of corruption in the authorities state power. However, the most common approach would still be this: the inviter takes all the costs.

Business letter

There are certain canons of writing letters, non-observance of which can not only affect the prestige of your company, but also prevent the conclusion of lucrative contracts.

Paper for writing should be absolutely clean, neatly cut. It is desirable to have a company letterhead with the company logo, its full name, postal and telegraphic address, telephone, fax and bank details.

Service letters are typewritten on the front side of the sheet without blots. Pages are numbered except for the first. Arabic numerals. The width of the margin on the left side of the sheet must be at least 2 cm. The text is printed at 1.5–2 intervals. The paragraph begins with a red line, five intervals indented from the margin. It is recommended to avoid word wrapping. In the upper right corner, under the address of the organization sending the letter, the date of sending the letter is put.

If this is not the first letter to your partner, it should begin with a polite reference to the last letter received from him. This is not so much a tribute as a notification that the letter has been received and further dialogue is based on it.

If you are writing to your partner for the first time, you need to start by introducing your company, its goals and objectives that it sets for itself in the field of international activity. Even better, send your partner a booklet with detailed information about the firm. However, advertising material should not be voluminous. The text of this material must be in your partner's language or English language. They end the letter with words of gratitude for cooperation and an expression of hope for its continuation. And without fail: “Sincerely yours”, “Respectfully”, etc. The signature is put on the right side of the sheet, under the final courtesy formula. The name of the signer is typed on a typewriter under his handwritten signature.

About envelopes. You can get by with standard envelopes for international mail, but it should be borne in mind that everything is enough abroad large firms have their own envelopes, on which, in a somewhat truncated form, they repeat the same information as on the form. A branded envelope will not only raise the prestige of your organization in the eyes of a foreign partner, but also save you from having to provide a return address.

Abroad, the order of writing the address is directly opposite to ours: first they write “to whom”, and then “where”.

The first position of the address is the addressee's surname with initials before it and one of the abbreviations: Mr (Mr) if it is a man, and Mrs (Mrs) if it is a woman.

The second position of the address is the position of your addressee. It is indicated so that the letter is not perceived as personal. If the addressee is this moment missing, such a letter will be opened by his deputy. If you want to keep the contents of the letter secret, it is better to indicate after the surname: private (personal, confidential), which means “personally”.

The next position of the address is the company name. The following abbreviations can be used here: Company - Co., Corporation - Corp., Department - Dept., Incorporated - Inc. Then follow the house number and the name of the street, city, state. And enclose the address, zip code and country name. Be sure to keep copies of your letters.

you enter into business correspondence with real or potential consumers its products or services. It can be an offer letter, a rejection letter, a response to a request, etc. Writing a letter is a kind of art. A business letter must be impeccable in all respects: even a minor non-compliance with the rules can make it legally incompetent. Properly executed legally, written in good language, on company letterhead, unambiguous in meaning business letter is one of the keys to the success of your business.

A letter to a foreign partner has its own canons, often unknown to us.

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