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Foreword: Looking for something more

One day a person hired you to do a job. And you did it - and you did it well.

Successful strategies have been developed. All projects completed on time. Clients are happy with the results. The company grew and increased its capital. But still, something was wrong… it lacked a sense of completeness.

Have your witty ideas been ignored and forgotten? Are your zeal and skills used to the fullest? Do the managers of your company have the necessary qualities inherent in real businessmen?

I know that feeling when you want more.

At one point in my life, I felt a push. It was as if an invisible magnet was pulling me in a new direction. But where did he send me?

It was 2007 outside. I had yet to start my own award-winning company, wordstream, which later according to Inc. Magazine ranked as the fastest growing company in the country for three consecutive years.

Then I did not even suspect that my life would change drastically.

1. Call to action

Every entrepreneur has a moment of enlightenment in his life when the idea crystallizes and everything makes sense. For me, this moment came after I developed a program to solve one problem.

My job as a marketing consultant required more time and iteration than was necessary. Unfortunately, there was no suitable program on the market to solve this problem.

Therefore, I created it myself. At some point, I realized that for many, my PPC automation program would be very valuable. Many small businesses don't have the time or resources to cash in on paid search, so I decided to take my idea to the market.

I also realized that the software business has more potential than the service industry.
Once I had a product and service to sell, I knew it was time to take decisive action. I started presenting the project to venture capital companies and ended up raising several million dollars.

Lesson: come up with a few business ideas and test them out before picking the best one and going all-in.

2. Face the fear of failure

In life, it is always easier to go with the flow and keep your goals and achievements to yourself, and with it the failures along the way. This way you avoid embarrassment and criticism.

However, once you open a case, it needs to be promoted. You will have to expose yourself to the public.

About 80% of all new businesses fail in their first year, so things aren't on your side. And, even sadder, many people will hope that you fail, even some of your partners.

Lesson: do not hang your nose, ignore the naysayers and succeed next time. Some people open multiple cases, start different companies, and view each attempt as a learning experience, not a failure.

3. Look for good consultants

To tell the truth, starting and promoting my own business was in many ways a shocking experience for me. And in this case, it is vital to find good consultants.

My company had consultants including Carol Meyers of Rapid7, Chris Litster of Constant Contact, and Janet Holian, CEO at Gemvara. I advise several startups in Boston including curata and ThriveHive.

If you have the opportunity, for sure in a mentoring program or a business incubator. This is a great way to make fewer mistakes. Plus, among other things, you directly benefit from making strong connections that will help you throughout your career.

Also in marketing Rand Fishkin created a large community that openly shares its knowledge and experience. I learned a lot from his publications and interactions with him at industry events.

Lesson: I believe that it is important for everyone and business in the process of growth to have access to external knowledge and experience.

4. Invest profits back into the business

Your new business needs to eat to grow.

Early in my business, I fell in love with sole proprietorship; I could deduct necessary expenses, charge a high percentage as a supplier, and take on numerous clients. I paid myself generously, bought new car and, in fact, behaved irresponsibly with his newfound "wealth".

In short, I treated my company like a personal piggy bank. Big mistake.

Eventually, I began to think more maturely - I cut my salary and invested the remaining profits back into the business. It's hard to change your mindset and force yourself to spend "your own money" on other employees or marketing, but it's still necessary to grow your business.

Lesson: Growth from employee to entrepreneur can be lucrative, but dangerous nonetheless, especially if you are successful in initial stage. Don't let a salary increase (through sales) cloud your mind or slow down your company's growth.

5. Creation of a team

At the initial stage, you open a business, following your passion - what you are good at or interested in. But as your business grows, you will find yourself doing less and less of what you started with.

You will see your focus shift to finding people who are smarter than you or who can do your job better.
The most important aspect of being a founder of a company is to do less what you love and more to build a team.

It is very important to provide employees with training and provide them with tools for self-development, as well as support them along the way. Sincerity and transparency are essential to Wordstream - we expect our colleagues to be honest, ethical and open to dialogue.

In addition, other key values ​​for us are activity and successful cooperation. Our industry is moving so fast that we just need to count on each other and find support from our colleagues. Employees must be empowered to take calculated risks, even if doing so will sometimes lead to failure.

Lesson: Even the best hobby can become a job if it takes a full-time job and brings a piece of bread. Train and inspire your team - employees are more interested in results if their ideas are listened to and their work is encouraged.

6. Not only money decides

Do you want to earn tons of money? Expand and sell your business.

I will not hide: it was one of my goals.

One thing to keep in mind is that most entrepreneurs don't get rich too fast. You hope that wealth will gradually come, but for this you need to firmly tune in to the fact that you will have to stay in the saddle as long as possible.

Thus, in the race for tons of money, curious things happen. For example, in the process of building a business, its value becomes not only monetary.

One of the most important points in creating your own business - social capital and useful experience that is gained along the way. I, for one, have had invaluable opportunities to meet other aspiring entrepreneurs and discuss my wild ideas with them.

Lesson: While you may well be making tons of money, make sure you don't lose all the experience you gain on your way to the top and use it to avoid mistakes later on.

7. An alarming lack of faith

Moments of weakness are an integral part of the path of entrepreneurship. At the same time, when times are hard and the company's future looks bleak, you may want to give up and go to work for a more successful company.

This is fine. You can think about it all you want.

However, by putting doubt into words, you cut down your company in the bud. Entrepreneurs with limited funds need the continued support of investors, staff, and strategic partners in equal measure.

Lesson: Transparency is cool, yes. But you must not let your doubts take precedence over decisiveness, otherwise you can easily lose faith in success. In almost all cases, it is vital to keep your doubts to yourself.

8. Chase your unicorns

Being impatient, I often find unusual solutions to my problems. Hacking the system entails absurdly incredible results that promote business growth.

Do not confuse activity with progress - 99% work What people do consists of trying to make small changes. Instead, you should go chasing unicorns.

The unicorn principle leads us to the law that one percent is better than ninety-nine percent put together. That one percent can make unicorns look bad. But when you understand this principle at work, you will stop chasing small changes and focus on bigger goals.

I believe that entrepreneurs can create their own unicorns (instead of waiting for them to suddenly appear). There is a repeatable sequence of actions here. It may look like trying to score a goal from the other side of the field, which seems ridiculous, but still doable!

Lesson: Even the smallest effort will pay off. Use available information to learn the leverage and find that one percent that will bring a huge marketing benefit. A little math and analysis and you can get great results.

9. You are (sort of) the boss!

One of the most typical reasons for starting your own business is the desire to be your own boss. But basically, if you involve investors (like me), you will lose sole control of the company.

Even if you do not have to resort to the help of investors, your clients will become your new boss, and they will be much more demanding than the former boss!

When you start a business—and especially when it's in the process of growing—you depend on many people. You need to think about your employees, customers, investors and partners (external and internal) when making any decision.

Lesson: Compared to a regular job, starting your own business has less freedom and more responsibility.

10. Achieving success

I dreamed that my big idea would become a reality. But I greatly underestimated how cool it is to come to work and see your dream in action.

It's impossible to predict or describe what it's like to settle into your first office, then move into a bigger space, into a "real" office, celebrate your success at a corporate party, be awarded an industry award, or just have truly happy clients.

Every day my employees wordstream inspire me with their brilliant work, which is what makes our company so successful. I am extremely grateful for such incredible and dedicated people, as well as for the opportunity to work with them. They inspire me to work harder.

Lesson: Success is great. True, when everything goes smoothly, the ground for negligence can develop; such an environment rarely becomes suitable for innovation.

The question is: how to stay creative and successful?

Big lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs

"Should I open a case?"

This is a simple question that is difficult to give a simple answer.

Every year, I watch friends, many of whom are in marketing and who are thinking about venturing into the wonderful world of entrepreneurship. If you are thinking of starting your own business - be it an agency, a supplier or a publishing house - think carefully about everything that has been said in this article. Creation of a company with clean slate will require a willingness to invest all your money and time in it.

Entrepreneurial activity is fundamentally different from any other. You must persevere in pursuit of the ideal. You need a crazy passion for business. You will need the ability to adapt to crazy and incredible things. And above all else, you have to offer your customers or audience something completely out of the ordinary.

Control own business, most likely, will not be what you imagine it to be, but this does not mean that it cannot exceed your expectations many times over!

Anikeeva Olga Nikolaevna

Place of work

GAPOU PO "Penza multidisciplinary college" Department of construction

Job title


Basics entrepreneurial activity

Lesson topic

The essence of entrepreneurship and its types

Basic Tutorial

V.D. Simonenko, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: tutorial for students in grades 10-11. - M.: Vita-Press, 2013.

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of subject knowledge and intellectual skills necessary for the successful socialization of students through the study of the topic "Entrepreneurship".


- educational: to identify the role and importance of entrepreneurship, to form knowledge about the essence of entrepreneurial activity, to be able to identify and process the information necessary for business development.

- developing: to promote the development of memory, attention, the further development of cognitive interest, the ability to operate with the knowledge gained in everyday life.

- educational: contribute to the formation of citizenship and professional qualities, to educate the personality in each student, the ability to understand others through group forms of work, respect for representatives of various professions.

Lesson type: lesson learning new material

Forms of work of students: brainstorming, discussion, individual independent work, work in small groups with the text of the textbook, with ESM

Required technical equipment: handout, teacher's PC, students with Internet access.

Structure and course of the lesson:



Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


Updating the basic knowledge of students:

Introductory conversation, brainstorming

The purpose of the stage: the mood of students for learning

"Brainstorming" on the questions proposed in the "Remember" section (textbook)

Participation in brainstorming

Learning new educational material

The purpose of the stage: the formulation of the topic of the lesson, to arouse interest in the study new topic

Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Focus the attention of students on the epigraph of the lesson: “Many famous businessmen, talking about their success stories, utter the same phrase: “The money was lying on the ground, they only needed to be raised.” But for some reason, none of them specifies how many times it was necessary to bend down for this.

Setting the goal of the lesson. Teacher's story about the role of free enterprise in a market economic system

Gives the task of filling out the table "Functions of entrepreneurial activity"

The teacher leads the students to understand that the activities of entrepreneurs are carried out in various organizational forms, but the main one is the firm; gives assignments to small groups, consults students if necessary.

During the report, group 2 draws the attention of students to the fact that the goal of the company is not only narrow goals - profit and growth, but also broader social goals

Tells students about small business, its essential characteristics, draws students' attention to the advantages of small businesses, emphasizes and reveals to students the importance of this type economic structures in improving the socio-economic situation in Russia. Leads students to a discussion on the issues: “The state is an assistant or a hindrance small business?»,

Write the topic of the lesson in a notebook. Working with EER No. 2: find and write out in the dictionary the definition of the term "Entrepreneurship"

Filling in the table "Functions of entrepreneurial activity" - (with / working with a textbook) and discussing the results

After the teacher's story, small groups perform tasks using the ESM and textbook material:

1 group- finds out what a company is (EOR No. 3)

2 group- Clarifies the company's goals

3 group- finds out the main organizational and legal forms of firms (text of the textbook)

4 group- finds out character traits individual private enterprise (text of the textbook)

5 group- finds out the characteristic features of the partnership (text of the textbook)

6 group- finds out the characteristic features of a joint-stock company (text of the textbook)

Report of groups on the work done, sending the data received to the teacher's PC to create a booklet "Entrepreneurship"

7 group- receives the data and completes the booklet "Entrepreneurship" (together with the teacher, a booklet blank was created in advance)

Participation in the discussion on the questions: "The state - an assistant or a hindrance to small business?",

“Imagine that you have earned a million. How would you behave?

Consolidation of educational material

The purpose of the stage: the development of the ability to analyze, compare

Organizes the implementation of educational and cognitive tasks by students

Perform educational and cognitive tasks:

Highlight socially significant personal characteristics of an entrepreneur

List the economic rights of a free entrepreneur

The enterprise produced 125 thousand rubles for the year. products. Production and distribution costs amounted to CU 35. per unit of product. What is the profit of the enterprise for the year if the selling price per unit is CU 58?

Summing up, grading

The purpose of the stage: students' analysis of their own activities in the lesson

Summarizes, marks the work in the lesson, taking into account the activity of students in the lesson, the marks given by the students.

Evaluate the work of classmates in groups


The purpose of the stage: practicing the knowledge gained in the lesson

Issues homework: complete assignments No. 1,2 from the heading "In the office and at home"

Record d / z

Annex to the lesson plan


Resource name

Type, type of resource

Information submission form(illustration, presentation, video clips, test, model, etc.)

Types economic systems

EOR control type


EOR information type


Reasons for establishing firms (firm, firm goals)

EOR information type


Basic economic concepts:

Entrepreneurship»- "this is an initiative activity, within the framework of the current legislation, to create, maintain and develop an enterprise, which has as its goal the production and marketing, making a profit."

Entrepreneur- 1. "A person who opens an enterprise for the purpose of making a profit and takes on the responsibility and risk associated with its activities"; 2. “An enterprising person who has decided to perform a new business is one who is capable of making decisions, a new business.”

Entrepreneurial activity- this is a special type of activity, which is based on a number of indispensable conditions, requirements and methods of activity; freedom in choosing directions and methods of activity; independence of decision-making; responsibility for decisions made; achieving commercial success, making a profit.

BUSINESS RISK ABILITY TEST(test for a budding millionaire)

How do you expect to get rich in the near future?
a) make a career, climbing up the leadership ladder;
b) invest the available money in the business and take risks with profit;
c) try your luck in the lottery.

If you were an actor, what role would you be best able to play?
a) Ostap Bender;
b) Levin from Anna Karenina;
c) Stirlitz from Seventeen Moments of Spring.

Imagine that you have made a million. What will you do next?
a) I will invest in a bank and live on interest;
b) invest in a profitable business;
c) I will invest part of the money in a new business, and I will put part in a solid bank.

What can money bring you?
a) power;
b) life for pleasure;
c) many new worries and envy.

If you get rich, would you like it to be in the papers?
a) no;
b) yes;
c) they write about me sometimes.

Which of the three job groups suits you best?
a) writer, artist, composer;
b) lawyer, doctor, politician;
c) the head of the company, the head of the institute, the director of the publishing house.

When creating your form, will you recruit people who were previously friends with you?
a) yes;
b) no;
c) needs to be thought through.

Imagine that you have made a million. How would you sit yourself?
a) only my apartment, car, furniture and other furnishings would change;
b) I would travel more;
c) I would radically change my lifestyle.

Imagine that you have just become a director of a firm. Where will you start your business?
a) from studying the people with whom you will work;
b) would determine the main directions of work of the form;
c) would engage in the selection of reliable assistants.

Which of the following statements do you think is more correct if you received a promotion and became a director of a firm?
a) in my work, the importance of vocational skills has decreased and the role of conceptual knowledge has increased;
b) the higher the rank of management, the more significant communication skills compared to vocational skills;
c) the requirements for all personality traits have changed.

In your company, in one of the teams, a conflict situation. What will be your actions as a director of the firm?
a) it is necessary to listen to the opinions of the conflicting parties and convince them to find a compromise solution;
b) you need to listen to the opinion of everyone, but entrust the final resolution of the conflict to the foreman;
c) do everything so that a small conflict does not grow into a big one.

How strongly do you feel the need to have big money?
a) constantly;
b) periodically;
c) rarely.

If you had a million and you had the opportunity to conclude new deal then which one would you prefer?
a) a quarter of a million;
b) half a million;
c) in a million.

Key to the test

Question number

Points per answer

Add up all your points and determine on a ten-point scale the level of your ability to take risks in commercial activities.

From 0 to 11 points - the first, very low level.
From 12 to 19 points - the second, low level.
From 20 to 27 points - the third, significantly below the average level.
From 28 to 35 points - the fourth, slightly below the average level.
From 36 to 43 points - the fifth, average level.
From 44 to 51 points - the sixth, slightly above the average level.
From 52 to 59 points - the seventh, above average level.
From 60 to 67 points - eighth, high level.
From 68 to 78 points - the ninth, very high level.

If you have determined that your ability to take risks in business is at levels one, two, or three, then The best way to get rich for you is to work hard, avoiding the career of a manager, leader.

If you are on the fourth, fifth or sixth levels, then you need to work hard, avoiding the career of a manager, leader and actively develop your abilities as a businessman.

If you are at the seventh, eighth levels, then you have a chance to master the profession of a manager.

And if you scored from 68 to 78 points, i.e. If you are at the ninth level, then you have every chance of becoming a millionaire, if you have not already become one!

Qualities that ensure success professional activity, and qualities that impede the effectiveness of professional activity:

  • organizational skills;
  • management and leadership abilities;
  • high level of conceptual thinking;
  • good analytical skills;
  • verbal oratorical skills (the ability to clearly and clearly express one's thoughts);
  • communication
  • interpersonal skills
  • ability to make decisions in conditions of lack of time and information;
  • ability to self-regulate feelings.

personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

  • low self-esteem;
  • the desire to work creatively, create capital;
  • fear of failure, self-doubt;
  • conformist behavior (dependence on someone else's point of view, exposure to outside influence);
  • the desire to overcome and correct mistakes, not to be afraid of failure;
  • the need to realize their personal potential;
  • lack of initiative;
  • readiness for autonomous activity (the ability to rely on oneself and one's capabilities);
  • initiative;
  • inability to make decisions;
  • purposefulness, ambition;
  • reliability, obligation;
  • inertia (inability, unwillingness to change, change behavior under the influence environment);
  • the ability to predict, anticipate the situation;
  • self-confidence in the decisions made;
  • erudition;
  • tendency to shift responsibility to others;
  • the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions (to respond to changes in the surrounding world);
  • business acumen.

Objectives of the lesson To get acquainted with the participants of entrepreneurial activity; To identify the features of the legal literacy of entrepreneurship; To contribute to the formation of knowledge on entrepreneurship and the skills of this activity, necessary in life situations; To promote awareness of the need for knowledge on entrepreneurship in modern conditions.

Entrepreneurial activity is one of the forms of participation of citizens in entrepreneurial relations. In accordance with Art.2. of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity or in the manner prescribed by law ...

Business entities Legal entities - organizations that own, in economic vision or operational management separate property and are liable for their obligations with this property, may acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on their own behalf, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court. The legal entities are commercial organizations and non-profit organizations consumer cooperatives, public and religious organizations etc.) A citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity from the moment state registration as individual entrepreneur. (Article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Separately highlighted in paragraph 2. Art. 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation such a subject of business law as the head of a peasant ( farming) operating without forming a legal entity.

Forms of entrepreneurial activity The forms of entrepreneurial activity include: business partnerships and companies, general partnership and limited partnership (limited partnership), company limited liability, additional liability company, joint-stock company, production cooperatives, state. and municipal unitary enterprises; business organizations - associations (unions), holdings, financial and industrial groups.

Business Law Every entrepreneur has the right: to independently form production program, choose suppliers and consumers of their products, set prices for them within the limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and contracts, challenge in court in accordance with the procedure established by law the actions of citizens, legal entities, bodies government controlled. Obligations of the entrepreneur: Fulfill obligations arising from the RFI legislation and agreements concluded by him; timely submit an income declaration and pay taxes in the manner and amount determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How to organize your business? (training) Task: Think about what business you could open? Select legal form enterprises (justify your choice). Prepare a project employment contract with employees (mode of operation, terms of payment, responsibility). Sketch out a business plan.

Discussion on the studied topic. Task: 1. Can we answer the question posed in the topic of our lesson? 2. Do you have a desire to become an entrepreneur? 3. What do you lack for doing business? 4. What new concepts did you get acquainted with? 5. In what areas did you expand your knowledge?

Homework Prepare reports on topics (optional): - " Non-Profit Organizations and entrepreneurial activity" - "Privatization and its role in entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation" - to develop a project of their own entrepreneurial activity.

Lesson topic: "You are an entrepreneur"

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Awareness by students of their professional intentions, interests, inclinations;
  2. study of personality traits of an entrepreneur;
  3. business research.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To acquaint with the basic concepts: "profession", "entrepreneurship", "entrepreneur";
  2. conduct testing to determine entrepreneurial potential;
  3. contribute to the education of diligence, a responsible attitude to the choice of profession;
  4. test and summarize students' knowledge of economic problems and entrepreneurship;
  5. to develop the ability of students to think actively, to develop elements of figurative memory, to cultivate feelings of rivalry and collectivism.
  6. to continue the formation of communicative and organizational skills of students, the ability to work in a team, interact both with the teacher and with peers;
  7. to cultivate a culture of dialogue and exchange of opinions, a culture of emotions.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: electronic presentation, handout.

Audience: 7th – 9th grades

Lesson duration: 40 minutes

During the classes

Epigraph to the lesson:

“Business is a game, the greatest game

In the world - if you know

How to play it.

James Watson

  1. Organizing time.

Hello guys, sit down.

Psychological attitude "Everything is in your hands."

Parable. “There was a wise man who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Clutching the butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her, if the dead one says, I will let her out.” The sage, thinking, replied: "Everything is in your hands."

  1. A conversation about the professional intentions of students, the need to take into account interests and inclinations when choosing a profession.

Millions of young men and women, graduating from school, are trying to find their way in life. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to achieve the desired success. One of the reasons is that professional, personal and life plans are not always well thought out, drawn up without taking into account one's abilities and possible obstacles. Today we will try to understand these issues. The topic of our lesson is: “You are an entrepreneur”. slide 1

Pay attention to the epigraph to the lesson. Slide 2. James Watson once said, "Business is a game, the greatest game in the world - if you know how to play it." How do you understand these words? Who are the participants in this game?(student answers)

Undoubtedly, entrepreneurs play the main role here.

Entrepreneurial activity has been and remains attractive to today's youth, as it is associated with economic freedom, the ability to independently make business decisions, achieve personal success and material well-being. However, you cannot learn to be an entrepreneur at a university, and there is no such specialty - “ successful businessman". Do you think anyone can be successful in business? Why?(student answers). It is true that in order to become an entrepreneur, a person must have certain qualities, and what and whether you have them, we will try to figure it out in our lesson.

Entrepreneurial activity is permitted and supported by law. Slide 3. Law Russian Federation"On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities" enacted on January 1, 1991, fixes the main features of this activity:

entrepreneur running his own business

In one's own name,

At your own risk, under your own liability.

According to statistics, people who become entrepreneurs in different countries of the world - from 2.5% to 4.2% of all residents of these countries. Russia is also no exception to this rule. In our country, already 2.7% of people from the number of all residents who are engaged in various types business. The spirit of entrepreneurship has entered our lives and makes everything more people to think about their fate and their life path.

3. Checking homework.

Guys, name the entrepreneurs of your locality.(student answers)What can you tell about their activities? Do you think they were successful? What helped them succeed?(student answers)

4. Information - activity stage.

We had the opportunity to get acquainted with the entrepreneurs of your locality. We see that any business starts with an idea. People choose the type of activity that is needed, will be in demand, and only then it will bring profit, and entrepreneurial activity will be successful. But it is clear that one idea is not enough. People must have certain qualities.In order to highlight the main features of an entrepreneur, let's try to formulate a definition of an entrepreneur.

Who is called an entrepreneur?(student answers).

slide 4. Entrepreneurship- initiative independent activity of people, carried out on their own behalf, at their own risk and aimed at generating income, profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the provision of services. This is an activity associated with risk, initiative, enterprise, independence, responsibility, active search.

Slide 5. Entrepreneur- this is the one who organizes the whole process, which ultimately brings profit. He takes care of the assortment, the selling price, relations with the authorities, security, accounting, recruitment, transport, you can’t count everything ...

His profits can be very large. But in the event of a crash, he can lose his entire fortune and even his life.

From this definition highlight the main personality traits of an entrepreneur.(student answers).

It is true that success in business is usually achieved by those who are obsessed with an idea, are confident in themselves, are able to select the right team, and are sociable.

Slides 6-7. The modern entrepreneur has the following features:

  • purposefulness
  • boundless faith in your product or service
  • ingenuity
  • perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal
  • focus on success and profit
  • understanding your strengths and weaknesses
  • willingness to start all over again
  • analytic mind
  • complete confidence in your business
  • ability to lead others by example
  • practicality
  • attention to detail and minor nuances in business
  • the desire to constantly develop their business
  • willingness to take risks
  • lack of fear of difficulties

slide 8. The six most important personality traits are:

  • independence
  • ambition
  • persistence
  • industriousness
  • stamina
  • a responsibility


Psycho-gymnastics "Chick" (with elements of breathing exercises) slide 9.

In order to have a stable psyche, strong endurance, the ability to control oneself in any situation, not to show one's emotions, an entrepreneur must engage in psycho-gymnastics.

Imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands. Stretch your arms palms up. And now warm it up, slowly fold your palms one at a time, hide the chick in them, breathe on it with your even calm breathing, put your palms on your chest, give the chick kindness of heart and breath.

And now open your palms and you will see that the chick joyfully took off, smile at him and do not be sad, he will still fly to you!

What makes people take risks and start their own business?(student answers)Indeed, there are many motives. Let's highlight the main ones. slide 10.

  • earn more to live better
  • realize yourself in something
  • be independent, successful and wealthy

Obviously, having your own business is much harder than being employee. Work will absorb all your time, thoughts. It is unlikely that you will find a quick and fabulous enrichment: the path to it is thorny.

You will have to enter into difficult relationships with competitors, regulatory authorities, and even possibly with criminal structures. But if all these difficulties do not scare you, and you see your future in entrepreneurship, then go ahead!!!

There is a certain “Code of Honor for a Russian Entrepreneur”

Modern entrepreneurs do not enjoy great love among the people. "Crooks", "thiefs" - these are not the most rude characteristics that they are awarded. To some extent, our level of consciousness and just envy of the success of others affects here. But in many ways, there are reasons for such reviews: some entrepreneurs often conduct their business using dishonest methods. In this regard, it is interesting to turn to the experience of the "old entrepreneurs" - those who built capitalism before 1917. Slide 11.

"Seven principles of doing business in Russia" - a document developed by industrialists in 1912:

  1. Respect authority . Power - necessary condition for efficient business management. Everything must be in order.
  2. Be honest and truthfulis the foundation of entrepreneurship, a prerequisite for healthy profits and harmonious relationships in business.
  3. Respect the right private property . Free enterprise is the basis of the well-being of the state. The Russian industrialist is obliged to work for the good of the Fatherland.
  4. Love and respect the person- such an attitude on the part of the entrepreneur gives rise to a reciprocal feeling. In such conditions, a harmony of interests arises, prompting people to show themselves in all their splendor.
  5. Be true to your word. Success in business largely depends on the extent to which others trust you.
  6. Live within your means, always evaluate your capabilitiesand choose a case shoulder.
  7. Be purposeful. An entrepreneur needs a clear goal like air. Do not be distracted by something else and remember: in an effort to achieve your cherished goal, you must not cross the line of what is permitted. No goal can replace moral values.

Let's check whether you can be an entrepreneur, whether you have a set of qualities that add up to entrepreneurial ability. Slides 12-13.

5. Test to determine the ability to entrepreneurial activity.

Target: development personal interest to entrepreneurial activity.

For each positive answer - 1 point

1. Are you able to complete the work you have begun, despite the difficulties that arise?

2. Can you insist on decision, or can you be easily persuaded?

3. Do you like to take responsibility, to lead something?

4. Do you enjoy the respect and trust of your comrades?

5. Are you in good health?

6. Are you willing to work from dawn to dusk with no immediate payoff?

7. Do you like to communicate and work with people?

8. Are you able to convince others of the correctness of the chosen path?

9. Do you have any slightest experience in the area in which you want to start your own business?

10. Are you at least a little familiar with the current rules of taxation, calculation wages, bookkeeping?

11. Can you talk to a stranger on the street?

12. Do you consider cunning to be a useful quality?

13. Are you jealous of the success of your friends?

14. Do you have in mind a room that can be rented?

15. Do you address your older relatives as "you"?

16. Do you worry if you were cheated in the store?

17. Do you have the opportunity to attract relatives and friends to finance the enterprise you are creating?

18. Are you able, for example, at the station to entrust a suitcase to a complete stranger for a while?

19. Do you have in mind smart specialists with experience and knowledge that you lack?

20. Are you sure that owning your own business is your main dream?

Calculate your points. slide 14.

If your score is 17 or more,you have all the necessary qualities to become an entrepreneur. Your determination, energy and faith in success will help to realize any worthwhile idea - the main thing is that the idea really deserves it.

You scored between 13 and 17 points.Your chances of success as an entrepreneur are not so clear. However, you can become a successful entrepreneur.

If you have less than 13 points,you are unlikely to make a good entrepreneur. Try to gain experience and, before embarking on the path of free enterprise, again and again compare your interests, desires and opportunities.

I hope that based on the results of the survey, the example of parents or friends of parents, one of you will choose this difficult, but rewarding and profitable job for yourself in the future.

  1. Lesson results. Reflection.

Guys, I suggest you remember everything that was said in the lesson and fill out the “Plus-minus-interesting” table.

You need to fill in a table of three columns. In the column "P" - "plus" - write down everything that you liked in the lesson, the information and forms of work that caused positive emotions, or in your opinion can be useful to you to achieve some goals. In the column "M" - "minus" - write down everything that you did not like in the lesson, seemed boring, caused hostility, remained incomprehensible, or information that turned out to be useless for you in terms of solving life situations. In the column "I" - "interesting" - write down all the interesting facts that you learned about in the lesson and what else you would like to know about this problem, questions for the teacher.

This chart was created by Edward de Bono, MD, PhD from the University of Cambridge, an expert in the development of practical skills in the field of thinking. This exercise allows the teacher to look at the lesson through the eyes of the students, to analyze it in terms of value for each student. For students, the columns “P” and “I” will be the most important, as they will contain reminders of the information that they may someday need.

Remember, entrepreneurship is the ability to take risks, make decisions, and make money.

Without faith in success and readiness for the sake of your goal to put everything at stake and go to the end, there is nothing to think about creating your own business. Success is achieved by those who are obsessed with an idea, self-confident, persistent, hardworking, independent.

This concludes our lesson, thank you all.


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