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    Newspaper production business in Russia is very common. Newspapers should attract attention, be interesting to both organizations and readers. The society has a negative attitude to the "yellow" information in the press. Despite poor popularity among readers, the volume of advertising newspapers is growing every year. This is due to the fact that businessmen want to earn money for posting ads and advertisements.

    Market analysis and relevance

    According to statistics, in most cases, the publisher printed publications in Russia it causes losses to entrepreneurs, the amount of which directly depends on the concept of the newspaper and the number of advertisers and investors.
    To save the business, it should be understood that the sale of circulation for money can only cover the costs of production.

    The bulk of newspaper income comes from advertisements. Reputable advertisers cooperate with large editorial offices, they certainly will not give preference to newcomers and unpopular publications.
    In order to earn a reputation, a publishing house must operate for at least two years.

    When starting a business from scratch, you should be prepared that the advertising newspaper will work at a loss for the first six months, in addition, you will need to regularly invest in an advertising campaign.

    When creating a newspaper, you should compose marketing strategy, design and theme of the publication.

    One person cannot cope with this task, so it is advisable to involve several creative people. Can negotiate with retailers sales representatives, to convince them that the newspaper will be in demand.

    Registration and organization of business

    If the business plan is carefully written and the concept of the advertising newspaper is developed, it should be registered. Registration is carried out in the authorities federal agency on press and mass communications in cases where the circulation will be at least 1000 copies. You must also register with tax office as a sole trader or legal entity by creating an LLC. IP is recommended.

    Required Documentation

    • the original concept of the newspaper, expressed in the title;
    • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, LLC or an agreement with an entrepreneur who will become the founder;
    • layout of the first issue of the newspaper, made by a professional layout designer;
    • an agreement with a printing house for the provision of printing services;
    • an agreement with the distribution network or individual distributors of printed products.

    Premises and equipment

    The premises for the publishing house are selected either in an office building or on the ground floor of a residential building, the main thing is to have access to the Internet and telephone lines. The size of the room can be either 20 sq.m or 200 sq.m. It all depends on the number of employees, investment portfolio and personal preferences of the entrepreneur.

    The following equipment is required in the room:

    1. Personal computers.
    2. Office equipment (communication means, printers, scanners, copiers);
    3. Office furniture.

    In addition to the standard technical equipment of the office, you should purchase professional licensed software, such as: QuarkXPress or Adobe InDesign.

    Installing such software will cost the publishing house of an advertising newspaper approximately 200 thousand rubles.

    Newspaper content and organization

    In small towns, the newspaper is distributed no more than twice a week. Journalists need to have time to prepare high-quality material for publication in a timely manner. When a newspaper is released according to a template without interesting news, it is most likely that the buyer will not pay attention to it next time.

    It is recommended to place ads on the first pages of the published material free of charge.

    Publication of paid ads is possible after people find out about it. In addition to advertising, the newspaper should contain informational articles that are published by the internal affairs bodies and the Ministry of Emergency Situations absolutely free of charge, since they are interested in the media publishing the results of their activities. When considering the option of issuing an advertising newspaper, one should:

    • analyze existing market offers;
    • objectively evaluate the competition of serious publishing houses of this profile;
    • draw up a business plan;
    • find advertisers.

    It is necessary to achieve popularity among the population, and then count on the profitability of the business. High competition and constant improvement of your business requires a significant investment of time, money and effort. With a serious approach to business, it will pay off and become a source of regular income.


    Employees without relevant work experience and students who will not be able to perform duties with professionalism should not be accepted for this position. The head of the advertising department must have more than two years of experience in a relevant position.


    The financial component of the business

    For successful development a business that would generate income, it is necessary to distribute newspapers in large circulations so that the population learns about you, as well as offer the best prices for placement advertisements.

    Cost of opening and maintaining

    Monthly expenses:

    1. Remuneration of employees 650 thousand rubles.
    2. Office rent - 50 thousand rubles.
    3. Communication services - 5 thousand rubles.
    4. Issue of a circulation of 5 thousand copies, twice a month - 280 thousand rubles.
    5. Purchase of stationery - 15 thousand rubles.

    Total: 1 million rubles.

    Size of future income

    At the beginning of business development, you should develop offer for advertisers. A well-written proposal will ensure the future income of the newspaper. If from the first month of the launch of the project the editor of the newspaper is looking for advertisers, then the profit in the first month can be about 30 thousand rubles. In the coming months, the number of advertisements will increase, and consequently, revenue will also grow.

    In the first 6 months of issuing a newspaper, you can count on a regular monthly income of 150 thousand rubles.

    From this amount, it will be necessary to pay for the work of staff and investments in the development of the newspaper. Development should be understood as improving the quality of printing, hiring professional staff.

    Payback period

    The small size of the initial investment in the project becomes tempting for individual entrepreneurs. But if you do not calculate the estimated costs when drawing up a business plan, this business can only bring losses. In Russia, most publishing houses work to pay off their obligations, without having a significant profit, many have already come to terms with the fact that their enterprises are on the verge of bankruptcy.

    Considering the current situation on the market, we can assume that the business will pay off in 5-6 years.

    In any case, the main thing is a serious approach. With a quality business, the newspaper will definitely pay off and become a source of regular income.

    Today in Russia, almost all people, even in the most remote corners of the country, have access to television and the Internet. However, paper media still has not lost its relevance and continues to be in demand among the majority of residents of cities and towns. The print media market is quite high level competition, this fact must be taken into account when deciding to open this type of business, carefully consider and choose the most successful format and concept for the future newspaper. Today, advertising publications are the most popular.

    To avoid wasting money and committing rash actions, first of all, it is necessary, as in all other areas of activity, to carefully work out the business plan of the newspaper. When creating it, one should take into account the fact that dozens of printed publications are regularly closed in all regions of the country, without achieving success. Most often this happens due to an unsuccessful choice of concept. When developing a business plan, you need to carefully study the situation on the print media market and the level of competition in your region, identify the target audience, and, based on this, decide on the design, number of pages, circulation, distribution method and many other issues.

    The production part of the business plan

    The first step is to go through the procedure for registering a newspaper with Roskomnadzor.

    All newspapers with a circulation of more than 1,000 copies are subject to mandatory registration. When submitting an application, you must specify the name of the newspaper, information about the founder, address of the editorial office, format, circulation and specifics, language, form of distribution, expected frequency and maximum volume, as well as information about whether the applicant is the owner, founder, editor-in-chief, publisher or distributor of other printed publications.

    The next step is to find the right printer. It should be noted that there you will need a copy of the registration certificate of the newspaper, which can be obtained from Roskomnadzor. On the territory of Moscow today there are many printing houses that provide services at a variety of prices, the terms and quality of work differ, so the decision this issue must be approached with full responsibility.

    The editorial office can be located both in an office building and on the ground floor of a residential building. Its area must be at least 20 sq.m. The size of the premises mainly depends on the number of staff, the size of the starting capital and the personal considerations of the founder. The only requirement is access to telephone line and the Internet.

    The standard set of equipment required in the editorial office - computers with the necessary software, phones, to work with paid ads - cash machine and a safe.

    Any editorial office of the newspaper needs such positions as the chief editor and his deputy, journalists, proofreader, layout designer, advertising, printing and distribution managers, secretary, accountant and advertising agents. Depending on the needs and scale of the publishing house, this list can be supplemented with other positions or reduced to a minimum size. But for successful activity, it is necessary that the staff, regardless of its size, consists of creative and creative people, so due attention should be paid to the selection of personnel.

    Back to index

    Financial part of the business plan

    1. When registering an advertising newspaper, Roskomnadzor charges a state duty of 2,000 (advertising content up to 40%) or 10,000 (advertising content over 40%) if the newspaper and the products presented on its pages will be distributed on the territory of one particular subject Russian Federation, city, district or other locality, and 4,000 or 20,000, respectively, if the newspaper operates throughout Russia. A copy of the registration certificate costs 200 rubles.
    2. Approximate prices for printing an 8-page edition of A-3 format with a circulation of 3000 copies in Moscow: black and white version - about 6500 rubles, full color - 11800 rubles.
    3. The cost of equipping one workplace with all the necessary software will be approximately 30,000-40,000 rubles.
    4. The salaries of employees vary depending on the region, the scale of the publishing house, and experience. In order to determine the level and form of remuneration for your future employees, it is necessary to analyze the above factors, find out the average salary level for a specific position in the region and draw conclusions. For the first time, in order to save on wages and workplace equipment, you can hire managers and journalists with a free schedule.
    5. Advertising newspaper income consists of profit from sales of circulation and rental of advertising space.. The rate of return is often up to 100%. The payback period depends on the region and the format of the publication. So, business newspapers can pay off in 6 months, and some entertainment publications in only a few years.

    Start a business in small town always hard. Many reasons contribute to this. The main snag is a small, usually not very rich population, as a result of which it is quite difficult to find consumers for their goods or services. However, there are directions, which, today, are beneficial to develop in small towns.

    For them, the obvious disadvantages of the province turn into pluses. Let's look at one such idea. We are talking about launching an advertising and informational newspaper. Why the newspaper can become profitable business in a small town?

    Let's start with the fact that we live in the age of the Internet, which every year is increasingly crowding out the usual sources of information and information from the market. advertising media. This is especially noticeable in major cities. In small towns, the same processes occur, only much more slowly.

    This is affected by:

    a) the general high cost of the Internet in the province;
    b) in some small towns it simply does not exist at all;

    This is due to the fact that large providers tend to first of all “spud” big cities, while the province remains out of their lot.
    From this we can conclude that the Internet, as a source of information and advertising, is ineffective in small towns.

    Under these conditions, the classic print media dominate. I think now it is clear to you why it is worth opening a newspaper.

    So, let's begin.

    First of all, it is necessary to study the market, paying special attention to competitors. If there are a lot of newspapers in your city, and you do not have large funds, then I do not recommend you to get into this market. And vice versa, if there are few competitors, one or two, then you can safely start with 100 - 200 thousand rubles on hand.

    The next step is to decide on the concept of the publication, which means, it is necessary to decide what kind of newspaper will be: paid or free, how many pages (pages) will be in it, what headings. Paid or free? Look at the situation in your locality, if there is no free newspaper, you make a free edition, if there is both paid and free, analyze which one is more successful.

    Also keep in mind that free editions live on money from advertising, paid editions from circulation sales, respectively, and their content is somewhat different. By default, I still recommend leaning towards the free option, since for small town it's still the best option.

    Further, all recommendations will concern the free format. What to fill the newspaper with? The most popular heading in the free newspaper is private ads. They will always read it, even if they don’t want to buy anything, just out of interest. Therefore, in without fail declarations must be present, this is the core around which the rest of the material will build.

    If you can afford to keep a journalist on staff, which is very doubtful at first, or if you have time to prepare the material yourself, you can print city news and events. If there is no time or desire, then give up this venture. Again, this is not an axiom, and in each case everything is individual, for example, if there is no newspaper with local news in the city at all, then it is necessary to make one.

    A standard set of free newspapers: articles about business, cars, gardening, legal advice, construction. Useful information your city: schedule public transport, phone numbers and opening hours of state institutions, weather forecast. Well, let's not forget about the entertainment part: jokes, a horoscope, a crossword puzzle.

    I deliberately did not mention the TV program, there are different opinions about it now, some people think that it should be inserted without fail, others say that it is not necessary. In this matter, make decisions yourself, starting from the specifics of your area.

    Well, we have created the image of the future newspaper, it's time to bring it to life.

    First you need to officially register our publication. By law, a newspaper can be published without registration if its circulation does not exceed 999 copies. Our circulation will be larger, so be sure to register.

    By the way, a little about the number of newspapers in circulation, the standard rule for determining circulation volumes is as follows: we divide the population by three, that is, if 30,000 people live in your city, then the circulation of the newspaper should be 10,000 copies (30.0000/3).

    When registering, you will need to choose the format of the publication, socio-political newspaper, advertising, electronic and decide on the territoriality: an all-Russian newspaper or a regional one.

    The best option for us is the registration of an advertising newspaper.

    I'll explain why.

    Public political publications have restrictions on advertising placement (40% of the total area), advertising newspapers do not have such restrictions.

    The cost of registration is 10,000 rubles.

    Having submitted all the necessary documents, we are waiting for a response within a month. At this time, we are not sitting idly by, but we are starting to go round, calling all the city's entrepreneurs and offering to place advertisements in our newspapers.

    If you are not lazy, then by the time you receive registration documents you will already have a database of advertisers ready to place their ads in the first issue.

    At the same time, we are looking for staff.

    Initially, it is enough to have two employees, some get by with one, and especially fanatical ones generally do everything themselves.

    Who do you need?

    A layout designer, a person who will create the face of your publication, depends on him whether your newspaper will look like a tabloid sheet or a serious media.

    If you could not find a layout designer in your city, you can use the Internet and hire a freelancer. Advertising manager, the person who will promote your newspaper among advertisers.

    With a certain skill, knowledge and talent, its functions can be performed by yourself.

    How to print a newspaper?

    We find everything, underline all the printing houses in our region, request a price list and choose acceptable prices.

    Why is it necessary to bypass all printing houses?

    As a rule, the price in different printing houses fluctuate greatly, by contacting the first one that comes across, you run the risk of overpaying. Well, that's all, now you have an idea how to open your own newspaper.

    Finally, I would like to say that the newspaper is still a creative business, so do not be afraid to experiment and implement your ideas.

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