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Many copies have been broken on this subject. However, there was no clarity on this issue, and no. Opinions were divided. Optimistic theorists draw beautiful business plans and prove on paper that honor, fame and huge money await the rabbit breeder. Pessimistic practitioners laugh at the former and cite real (and, alas, common) cases from practice when the entire livestock of a rabbit farm died from myxomatosis or other diseases in two days. Many, full of enthusiasm, after a year or two, swore, give up this business. A group of realist practitioners who are purposefully and professionally engaged in breeding rabbits are in no hurry to share information about the size of their profits. Rather, they even modestly complain about low incomes, but they build good houses and buy new cars. Let's try to figure out whether it is profitable to breed rabbits in our time.

Reasons why it is profitable to breed rabbits

Rabbits are the fastest maturing pets. A three-month-old rabbit can weigh three kilos, a five-month-old - four. No pet is able to give such a weight gain. For flanders or rizens, even ten kilograms is by no means the limit, however, they need to be raised longer. If we recalculate the cost of feed for rabbits (grass, hay, vegetables, compound feed) by the average purchase price of meat, it turns out that it is more profitable to breed eared than pigs and, especially, horned cattle. In addition, rabbits of many breeds are ready for mating as early as 3.5 months, they breed under favorable conditions all year round. One female can give 50-60 rabbits per year. Each will grow up to 3 kg. Total comes out 150-180 kg. You will not get such efficiency from a sow. And then there are the skins.

Today, only a quarter of the rabbit meat consumed is grown in Russia. Three quarters are frozen carcass exports, mainly from China and Hungary. Rabbit breeders have the best prospects in terms of import substitution. Moreover, domestic rabbit meat is better and better bought. The competition in this industry is still low, the prospects are very high.

Reasons why it is unprofitable to breed rabbits

Rabbits are subject to epidemics of infectious diseases with a very high mortality rate. Pair bad days can cross out the many months of efforts of the rabbit breeder.

Despite the lack of dietary rabbit meat in the country, it is not always easy to sell. Today in the Russian Federation there are no structures that would be engaged in the procurement and systematic supply of rabbit meat. Many regions practically do not consume this type of meat. It is by no means always possible to attach skins.

What to do?

  • First, to make compulsory vaccination, which is neglected by many. These costs should immediately be included in the budget and protective measures should not be neglected. The money spent will be returned a hundredfold.
  • Secondly, to assess the prospects of the region in terms of product sales. Where and for what money it can be sold.
  • Thirdly, to apply progressive systems for keeping animals and to engage in purebred breeding. Determine the breeds most suitable for a given type of economy and climate. Buy producers in the breeding farm. In the future, at least, supplement the herd with replacement individuals from other nests.

Breeding rabbits on a personal plot on a small scale

10-20 individuals in several cages cannot be considered a business. You can provide yourself and your relatives with tasty and healthy meat. Dressing skins is more difficult: a procurement office, as in Soviet times, No. Rare fur processing companies today give a little money for a rabbit. On the other hand, many breeders breed breeds with valuable fur properties, find ways to make the skin and sell it profitably. It is problematic to hand over excess meat to the store to a private trader, the real way is the market. Going there to sell one, two, even five carcasses does not always make sense. Nevertheless, all family members will be happy with fresh dietary meat and fur coats. Rabbit breeders who find mutual understanding with eared ones move to a higher scale of animal husbandry.

Breeding rabbits on a farm on a medium scale

In this case, we are talking about medium-sized farms. It could be LPH or farming aimed at making a profit. With proper organization, it can pay for itself in a year and bring good income to the owners. The livestock can be several hundred individuals. For such an enterprise, it is important to determine the sales market, to arrange the supply of products. Much depends on the breed that is successfully selected for local conditions and the market. An important factor is the provision of feed and its cost. By having a market for skins or even down, additional profits can be made. You can develop such an economy gradually, investing as much as possible.

With the decline in popularity on the reference Agriculture there is much less natural and edible products. Everything that is sold in stores, as a rule, is of dubious quality. In addition, it becomes more and more difficult to buy any delicacy every time. That is why, in new form and with increased intensity began to revive private farms, hallmark which is the production and sale of completely natural products. Today we will talk about one of the areas of farming, rabbit breeding, as a business: is it profitable or not to start this enterprise, and whether it is profitable.

Of course, every agricultural business has as its goal the production of some basic product. Let's see what we are talking about in the case of rabbit breeding.

Table 1. What makes money on a rabbit business?


In every business there is a main product that is planned to be implemented. In the case of rabbits, it is undoubtedly meat - a dietary food product with pleasant specific taste qualities.
Since rabbit meat is not found in supermarkets, people who prefer to eat this type of meat are happy to turn to farmers to buy it.

In addition, they give rabbits and skins, which are used for the production of such products as:
  • coat;
  • fur coats;
  • collars;
  • trim for gloves;
  • other fur products, so popular in the post-Soviet space.

    Purchases of skins are carried out by various companies that are engaged in tailoring the above products.

  • Not only that, you can sell not only the final product, but also live individuals, which, due to the fact that rabbits breed very quickly and actively, also bring excellent profits.

    Depending on what breed of rabbits you choose, the price of rabbits will also vary. You can earn really good money on them.

    However, like any other business, raising rabbits comes with its own challenges. What exactly we are talking about, we will talk further in the presented material.

    Requirements for keeping rabbits

    So, you have decided to become a livestock breeder, and come to grips with the issue of studying the business of breeding rabbits. The most important thing to remember is to take your time. To begin with, let's find out what living conditions you need to provide with ears so that they help your business develop.

    1. Dry rooms- the first and most important thing you should equip for rabbits. These creatures cannot stand the cold and humidity, so if you do not want all your livestock to die overnight, try to provide them with a decent shelter from the very beginning.

    In this case, a worthy shelter will be understood as a structure:

    • capital character;
    • heated;
    • refurbished;
    • equipped with rabbit cages.

    In the room you have chosen, before the entry of the eared, you will have to carry out repairs:

    • insulate walls;
    • cover up cracks;
    • treat surfaces with special non-toxic substances that kill insects and other pests, etc.;
    • concrete floor;
    • install storm drains.

    2. Comfortable houses. As you know, you can breed rabbits:

    • in cells;
    • in the pits.

    Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of breeding rabbits in cages

    Content in cells, like any phenomenon in the world, has its pros and cons. So, the positives are:
  • cages are elevated, which helps protect pets from insects, rats, as well as humidity and drafts;
  • cages can be both bought and designed by yourself, while making the structure as “multi-apartment” as you want;
  • ready-made drawings or self-used ideas make it possible to equip cages with automatic systems for collecting rabbit feces;
  • living in cages causes a reduced motor activity of rabbits, and their weight gain;
  • mating of individuals in cage conditions occurs in a controlled manner;
  • in a cage it is easy to catch any rabbit, for example, during the vaccination period;
  • cages reduce the risk of rabbit fights, as males can be kept separately.
  • cages built according to an outdated model force breeders to spend a lot of time cleaning them out;
  • if you do not want to spend a lot of money to buy a cage, you will have to build it yourself, and this requires not only at least basic carpentry or building skills, but also time and effort;
  • feeding rabbits in cages will take a lot of time.
  • Table 3. Advantages and disadvantages of breeding rabbits in pits

    Keeping in pits is a style of breeding close to the natural way of living for rabbits, which has many supporters. Here are the main points that are considered an advantage regarding it:
  • arranging a hole can be done absolutely in any case, since all that is required of you is to dig it;
  • in conditions of pit living, rabbits become much stronger and their muscle structures develop more actively, as they will dig holes;
  • the pit, like the cells, requires regular cleaning, however, much rarer than the cells;
  • saving space, since the pit will expand with rabbits, and even if not, about 200 individuals can be placed in one 2 by 2 meter pit, while up to four times fewer animals can be kept in a cage of this size;
  • since the living conditions in the pit are as close as possible to natural, rabbits breed much faster than in cages;
  • the taste qualities of the meat of rabbits that live in pits are much more valuable and palpable, because due to constant physical activity, these animals provide the flesh with a constant supply of nutrients.
  • However, the pit also has serious disadvantages that should also be considered:
  • a pit, like a cage, for rabbits to live in must be insulated and waterproofed at least partially;
  • it will be quite difficult to catch a rabbit in a hole, especially if the animals dig their own passages;
  • the pit is not so easy to clean from the waste products of rabbits;
  • raising rabbits in pits is not suitable for breeding fur or heavy breeds;
  • the occurrence of related incest is another pit problem, since it is difficult to separate relatives from rabbits that are strangers to each other under such conditions;
  • unfortunately, the main disadvantage of the pits is that diseases instantly spread inside them, since all the rabbits are in a heap and are constantly in contact with each other.

    However, all the disadvantages listed above can, with proper skill, be stopped and reduced to nothing.

  • In addition to deciding how you will keep your rabbits, you will also need to decide on the creation of a special room in which your rabbits' food will be stored:

    • hay;
    • cereal crops;
    • compound feed;
    • vegetables, etc.

    By the way, harvesting hay, as well as the purchase of all other types of food, lie on your shoulders.

    In addition, it is also necessary to have a separate room for slaughtering rabbits. That's what it's called - the slaughter shop. To equip this workshop, according to sanitary rules, it is necessary:

    • plumbing;
    • ventilation system;
    • bloodstream into which the blood of rabbits will drain.

    All surfaces this room, that is, the floor, walls, ceilings, must be covered with materials that:

    • cannot be subjected to corrosive changes;
    • not overgrown with fungus.

    Materials such as:

    • metal;
    • plastic;
    • tiles, etc.

    In addition, the slaughterhouse must be equipped with refrigeration units in which you will keep skinned animal skins.

    To be able to trade also the fur of these animals, you will need to acquire a room for:

    • drying skins;
    • their proper storage.

    Note: the activities associated with the breeding of rabbits also involve working with the waste remaining from them. So, they can be partially burned in special furnaces, and rabbit manure can be stored in a special pit, the dimensions of which will be approximately 3 by 3 meters. The contents of this pit can be used independently as garden fertilizer, and you can also sell it, earning money on almost everything that a person can get from a rabbit in one way or another.

    Be sure to also take care of finding the contact of an intelligent veterinarian, since farming is closely related to such a phenomenon as the fight against livestock diseases. Very often, even very successfully starting enterprises for breeding these animals become bankrupt, because they did not take into account earlier that the death of animals occurs very quickly: one got infected and after a few days they all died. Therefore, regular check-ups and the help of an intelligent veterinarian, like nothing else, can help your business.

    It doesn’t matter what you choose, a pit or a cage, as the main area for keeping rabbits, in addition to a veterinarian, to prevent diseases, you will need to acquire a cage-zone for quarantine, in which sick animals will be temporarily resettled.

    Sales channels

    Anyone, even the most good business, implies that the product must find its buyer. On the territory of our country, rabbit meat, as the main product of this business, unlike the same European countries, in which it is sold in almost every supermarket, is not so popular, but, nevertheless, shops selling products from private farmers are ready to buy or sell meat.

    However, you can sell carcasses yourself by opening a point of sale or standing behind the counter in the market.

    As for the skins, this product is already a by-product. It can be used like this:

    • valuable fur is used to create rather expensive fur products, for example, fur coats, collars, hats, etc.;
    • skins of lower quality are made into shoes for children and gloves;
    • rabbit down is often used to create insulated wardrobe items;
    • felted products are made from short rabbit wool.

    Most likely, workshops or large manufacturers of such products will purchase skins, of which there are many today, but you still have to look for them.

    As for the young, it is perhaps the easiest way to sell young rabbits. This direction is very, very profitable, since with an average price of a rabbit of 400-600 rubles, the female is able to produce 40 pieces per year. We multiply, and we get a good annual profit from one rabbit, and provided that you have, for example, 40, very soon you will begin to earn about half a million rubles.

    If you breed rabbits only to sell them, you can save yourself from the need to participate in the brutal killing of animals, and at the same time from the expenses that were originally planned to be made due to the need to equip the workshops:

    • for slaughter and storage of meat;
    • for drying and storing skins.

    In addition, if you do not sell meat, then you do not need to rack your brains about obtaining approval certificates of quality. However, you will have to understand the following subtleties:

    • how to conduct a rabbit mating;
    • how often rabbits can mate;
    • how to feed pregnant females;
    • how to care for newborns, etc.

    The sale of grown rabbits is carried out at the age of 2-3 months. At this age, an individual, with proper care, will have a weight of 2-3 kilograms, and the achievement of puberty occurs, as a rule, somewhere around 4 months.

    rabbit breeds

    It is very important to determine the purpose of breeding and future distribution channels even before you start breeding, since it is on them that the choice of the breed that you will begin to grow should depend. In total, three categories of breeds can be distinguished.

    name of categoryCategory Description
    MeatThis category represents a breed of rabbits whose wool is not suitable for sale and use, however, at the same time they are heavy individuals and give a lot of tasty meat, for which, in fact, they are bred.
    Meat and selfishRepresentatives of this category can equally serve as a source of both meat and skins, since both their flesh and fur are highly valued. Representatives of such breeds are especially profitable, however, they must be carefully monitored, avoiding, for example, fights, since a damaged skin immediately becomes a marriage and depreciates.
    skinsSkinned breeds offer long, soft and thick fur, however, their meat is not highly valued. However, they are often indulged in, as fur is not cheap, and is usually required in large quantities to create fur coats and other products.

    So, for example, the following breeds of rabbits are highly valued by livestock breeders:

    1. , whose weight reaches 6 kilograms per individual, while representatives of this breed are unpretentious in care and are suitable for keeping in areas with a cold climate, and their skin and meat are of good quality.

    2. « » , whose weight also reaches a maximum of 6 kilograms, while one female brings offspring about 12 individuals, quickly gaining weight under cellular conditions that are most preferable for this breed.

    3. - the weight of this individual is approximately 7 kilograms, the female brings rabbits of 9 pieces, unpretentiousness is very high, while growth is fast.

    4. - a heavy breed, one individual can reach 12 kilograms, you will have to tinker with breeding, however, it's worth it.

    5. « » - meat-skin breed, of excellent quality, provides each of the products mentioned, while the weight is small, five kilograms, but the taste of meat is really pleasant.

    6. - the weight of these individuals can reach 6 kilograms, the maximum number of rabbits born is about 8 pieces, while the meat is of average quality, but the skins are large and highly valued.

    To begin with, you can take several individuals, for example, two or three breeds, and, experimenting with them, understand which one is right for you. Remember that only cages are suitable for raising animals for skins, pits are perfect for meat, and you will also need to acquire equipment appropriate for the breed.

    What to feed

    The better the rabbit is, the better the livestock breeder lives - remember this rule once and for all. There are several groups food products that are suitable for your eared pets.

    Table 4. What are rabbits fed?

    Green feedThis category is literally represented by green fodder, that is:
  • grass;
  • fodder greens;
  • tops, etc.

    It is forbidden to give wild herbs to rabbits, therefore, they are fed, as a rule, with seeded crops, for example:

  • clover;
  • alfalfa;
  • carrot tops;
  • beet tops, etc.
  • RoughageThis category also includes plant foods, however, coarser, such as:
  • branches of garden trees;
  • hay.

    Hay is usually produced from the same plants that are part of the green fodder category. According to available data, one rabbit eats 40 kilograms of hay during the winter period!

    As for tree branches that are used as food for rabbits, as a rule, we are talking about garden trees, however, they can also be used:

  • Rowan;
  • ash;
  • willow;
  • Linden;
  • maple, etc.
  • juicyThis category includes foods such as:
  • roots;
  • silage.

    The following root crops are used as food for rabbits:

  • potatoes;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini, everything else is better not to give.

    Silage is a mixture of vegetable waste and grass.

  • ConcentratedThis category is represented by such nutritious foods that are suitable for feeding rabbits, such as:
  • compound feed;
  • cereals.
  • It is also important to give rabbits additional vitamins and other supplements, for example:

    • vitamin E;
    • vitamin A;
    • bone meal;
    • table salt.

    In addition, it is important that animals always have access to a large amount of water, since it takes about half a liter per individual per day.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a rabbit business

    Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of a rabbit business.

    Table 5. Positive and negative sides rabbit breeding business

    With the right approach, the costs that you made to organize a business will pay for themselves in about 10 months after the start, and then you will already be gaining momentum. However, this will only happen if:

    • you will learn how to choose the right breed;
    • properly equip a house for rabbits;
    • find out their biological features;
    • learn how to properly feed, chance, treat rabbits, etc.

    As you can see, there is a lot to learn.

    Summing up

    Breeding rabbits is a business for the stubborn. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is associated with a large number of different risks that seem to appear out of nowhere. If you can adequately handle them, be sure that the business will go up. However, we advise you to think about the fact that this business, one way or another, is built on exploitation and cruelty to animals. Not every person can handle this. Perhaps you should think it over and choose another direction of activity. But if you decide to go all the way, start studying the relevant literature.

    Video - Breeding rabbits as a business: profitable or not

    2017-01-25 Igor Novitsky

    A business based on rabbit breeding requires the farmer to organize optimal conditions for keeping animals, depending on the preferred place for their breeding - in an aviary or pit, as well as the correct preparation of a business plan for a rabbit breeding enterprise.

    To date, the development of rabbit breeding in Russia has not yet reached the peak of popularity and production efficiency. Although it should be noted that in rural areas, raising rabbits at home is part of the household is a fairly ubiquitous phenomenon.

    However, domestic breeding of rabbits does not usually occur in large volumes. In order to meet their needs for rabbit meat, people do not need large-scale production. Rabbit meat has a number of beneficial (in comparison with the meat of other animals) properties. Basically, rabbit meat is of interest to people because of its high calorie content with its digestibility by the body of 90%, the content of lecithin, nicotinic acid, and proteins in it. At the same time, the cholesterol level in rabbit meat is very low, so it is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.

    Growing rabbits: features and subtleties

    Despite the fact that rabbit meat has a number of advantages over any other, rabbit farms throughout Russian Federation can literally be counted on one's fingers. Experts argue that the problem lies neither in the lack of climate and environmental conditions suitable for rabbits (moreover, it is believed that these animals are the most unpretentious to the conditions of detention, the most prolific), nor in the low demand for meat (according to a social survey, more than 60% of people claim that they are ready to eat rabbit meat on a regular basis, but they do not always find it on store shelves). What then is the problem of domestic rabbit breeding? After some thought, only one assumption remains: inability, an approach without due responsibility and preparation.

    In fact, raising rabbits is considered far from being a difficult task. But this does not mean that you need to take it on without having any idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat rabbit breeding is. Before starting any business, it is recommended to read literature about it in order to confirm your decision, or, conversely, to lose faith.

    Rabbits are unpretentious to the conditions of detention - they can live both in specially equipped sheds or rabbitries, as well as in certain equipped rooms, even in cages or aviaries installed in open spaces. Rabbits are unpretentious to feed: it is enough that there are three main types of feed in the diet of rabbits: coarse (hay, straw, tree branches), succulent (various herbs and root crops) and concentrated (nutritious feed: fish or meat and bone meal). Concentrated feeds are more effective in winter. It is also possible to feed rabbits with vitamin complexes in winter.

    It is important to carry out prevention against diseases. In practice, this is often expressed in the fact that from time to time farmers give the rabbits "silver water", which disinfects the animal's body. As a rule, it is obtained by passing through silver electrodes that are in water, poured into a dielectric (non-conductive), for example, a glass container. As a result of the passage of current, a precipitate remains in the form of silver ions Ag + . Water with silver ions has a bactericidal effect, while it is absolutely non-toxic to animals.

    To achieve maximum profitability of the product, it is recommended to buy exclusively meat breeds rabbits. Rabbits of such breeds reach marketable mass already at the age of four to five months, while a female rabbit is able to give up to 10 births, each of which has at least four rabbits, per year. However, of course, these are approximate numbers. Depending on the conditions and breed, the rabbit can give, according to statistics, from 4 to 12 rounds per year. So, according to approximate calculations, one female and her annual offspring give approximately 100 kilograms of marketable meat.

    Is the rabbit breeding business profitable?

    The profitability of such a business is calculated quite simply. For example, if rabbits are slaughtered at the age of four or five months (with an animal weighing about three kilograms). On average, one kilogram of rabbit meat costs 300 rubles. From a three-kilogram rabbit, one and a half to two kilograms of meat are usually obtained. So, the wholesale price of one rabbit meat is approximately 450 rubles. But it is recommended to calculate the costs.

    Thus, the cost of buying or renting land, registration, marketing and other organizational costs can be up to one million rubles. Also, the expenses include the purchase of feed, the cost of funds for the repair of equipment and premises. Basically, that's what the cost is. Let's say the farm has 1000 rabbits. Of these, 500 are rabbits. With proper care, the female can produce from 25 to 60 offspring, which will be from 40 to 120 kg of meat.

    So, for a year you can get, on average, 80,000 rubles, which in the second year of work will cover the costs of starting production. Of course, it is worth considering that part of the young will die due to many factors, the main of which are: illness and uncomfortable conditions. It should not be forgotten that for effective increase the number of young, it is necessary to change the females producing new individuals. If one individual constantly produces offspring for a long time, it will quickly lose its fertility.

    As soon as the female's fecundity fades, she is slaughtered, and another female produces offspring. As a rule, males are replaced every two years, while females are replaced once a year. Subject to all the rules for the care of rabbits, you can get about seven tons of rabbit meat only at the expense of the offspring of 100 females. Therefore, it is very important for an enterprise to establish sales channels and a sales market for products. It turns out that the rabbit breeding business is profitable if you follow a few simple rules.

    Rabbit breeding as a business: from start to finish

    The first thing to do when creating any business is to settle the legal and regulatory side of the issue. To do this, you must at least register your company. This is where the question arises of how. How exactly is a company registered? A rabbit farm can be designed in three ways:

    Optimal conditions for keeping rabbits

    Plot of land:

    1. Location of the site: suburban areas, at a distance from residential buildings up to 2 kilometers.
    2. The area of ​​the site should not be less than fifteen acres.


    1. It should be possible to maintain a constant warm temperature in the room in the conditions of its decrease in the environment.
    2. The walls, floor and roof of the room should be made so that there are no gaps in them: the room should not be damp, there should be no drafts in it.
    3. The room must have electricity.
    4. There should be a large water tank in or near the room.

    Breeding rabbits in aviaries

    Breeding of rabbits in open-air cages is carried out in open space. The aviary is a space surrounded by a fence around the perimeter. It is not recommended to keep more than 30 individuals on the territory of one enclosure, and most often a female and her offspring are kept in enclosures. At the same time, males are not kept in enclosures: they are kept separately from all individuals in a special room, and they are placed in enclosures only during the mating period.

    Aviaries are arranged on a hill to protect against drowning. The walls of the enclosure are made of any materials, while one must be made of mesh. The height of the wall can reach one or two meters. They should be buried in the ground at an average of half a meter. The floor in the enclosures is usually earthen, which allows the owners to rarely clean it, and the rabbits to dig holes and develop physically.

    Breeding rabbits in a pit

    Pit device algorithm:

    1. Buy a plot for the arrangement of the pit.
    2. When choosing a site, look at the number of hills, because it is on them that the pit is built.
    3. The pit should be dry, there should be no rivers, swamp lakes nearby, there should be no groundwater.
    4. Keeping a large number of rabbits in pits is undesirable. The maximum allowable size of the pit is 3x3 meters. Up to 300 rabbits can live in such a hole.
    5. The pit should be square, three of its walls should be covered with durable material.
    6. The fourth wall should have a recess at a height of up to 15 cm. This recess should be wide enough to accommodate at least two rabbits.

    - a business that has only recently begun to actively gain momentum in our country. In the period from 2006 to 2012, domestic production increased almost 4 times. The interest of entrepreneurs in this industry is due to an increase in demand for rabbit meat. And this is quite logical, as it has a number of advantages over beef and pork. Rabbit meat contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, is a dietary product. Rabbit meat dishes are also indispensable for people with intestinal diseases.

    A person who wants to connect his life with agricultural activities, in particular with the breeding of rabbits, the question arises, is it worth investing in this business? Is he profitable? Of course, it is impossible to give an answer right away, so first you need to make some calculations to determine the profitability of rabbit breeding.

    Profitability calculation

    One of the advantages of breeding rabbits is that this animal is distinguished by its fertility. Theoretically, one female rabbit can bring up to 10 litters in a year, but this is subject to a compact birth, that is, mating with a male almost immediately after childbirth. The compacted rounds greatly weaken the females and cannot be carried out constantly, therefore, semi-compacted rounds are also carried out. Thus, from one rabbit per year we get about 60 rabbits. Accordingly, having 120 rabbits on the farm, you can get 120x60 = 7200 rabbits per year, which is 14,400 kg of meat. The cost of one kilogram of meat is about 200 rubles, in the calculation we get the following figures: 14400 kg x 200 rubles. = 2,880,000 rubles per year, that is, 240 tr. per month.

    Impressive enough, but in fact, this is far from a net profit, because there are certain costs associated with keeping animals, maintaining cells in good condition, as well as organizing work. Let's talk about this in more detail.

    rabbit breeding costs

    Expenses include:

    • Feed costs;
    • Vaccination and veterinary care;
    • salaries of hired workers;
    • Periodic cell repair;
    • Electricity costs;
    • Fare.

    All this makes up to 50% of the total amount of proceeds, but this does not mean that it is impossible to reduce or completely eliminate some items of expenditure. For example, you can significantly save money on fodder by making your own hay and growing juicy and green fodder. The cost of a rabbit, in this case, becomes many times less.

    If you vaccinate yourself, then the cost of this procedure will include only the cost of syringes and the vaccine itself. In addition, with proper care and nutrition, rabbits rarely get sick, veterinary care is life cycle a rabbit is sometimes not required at all.

    You can also significantly reduce costs by doing all the work yourself, without resorting to help. employees. But this is possible only with an amateur hobby for rabbit breeding and small sales, otherwise it will be very problematic to do without the help of hired workers.

    Zero waste production

    In addition to meat, rabbit skins are also valued, which are used for sewing clothes, fur coats and making various accessories. Rabbit breeding can rightly be called a non-waste animal husbandry industry, since in this case the application is for all parts of the body. Ears, giblets and paws - dogs willingly eat. Wool collected during shedding is used for the knitting industry. Manure is used as organic fertilizer, and nails for cosmetic purposes.

    Looking for a profitable business idea in the countryside? You found her! This is rabbit farming!

    Rabbits are animals that breed well, give tasty dietary meat and fur. They do not require special technologies to grow them. Home cultivation differs from industrial cultivation only in scale, so if you are a little familiar with the keeping of these animals, you can easily increase production to the size of a farm.

    What is the relevance of the rabbit breeding business

    Sanctions and the crisis situation in the economy affected the domestic meat market. This, as well as the program of state support for small and medium-sized businesses, contribute to an increase in the volume domestic production meat, cattle breeding, pig breeding and rabbit breeding.

    Rabbit meat is a dietary, easily digestible meat, the taste of which will satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated gourmet. Most rabbit farms are small private farms catering to small rabbits. wholesale buyers and retail.

    Having opened your own business in this segment, you will quickly find your buyer, subject to well-established management and active advertising.

    Benefits of a business idea:

    • quick payback;
    • high profitability;
    • diversity of business (sale of meat, fur, young offspring);
    • stable demand for products.


    • labor-intensive production;
    • the need for regular cleaning of cages, animal care;
    • susceptibility of animals to stress, disease.

    Market prospects and level of competition

    In a year, one rabbit reproduces a mass 50 times greater than her own. Using meat hybrid breeds, farmers increase this figure several times more. Rabbit breeding is a promising industry in which production volumes can be quickly increased.

    Its weaknesses are dependence on temperature fluctuations and the incidence of livestock, but they are overcome by the right approach to the production and organization of the farm, as well as timely disease prevention.

    The level of competition varies by region. In some (for example, in the Urals), the majority of rabbit farms are concentrated. In the Central, Volga, North-West regions, the breeding of these animals occupies only 5-10% of the market.

    Bearing offspring in females lasts only 1 month. At one time, she gives 5-7 individuals of a young offspring. After 4-5 months, the rabbit reaches adulthood and can be slaughtered for meat.

    Marketing plan

    The success of any business is the well-established sales of products. Look for ways to sell meat and fur at the construction stage rabbit farm. Start active advertising a month before you are ready to sell the first batch of meat.

    Most buyers consider rabbit meat to be an expensive dietary product that you can treat yourself to during the holidays. When advertising products, focus on useful properties meat.

    Do not forget about the possibilities of advertising on the Internet. Create your own website dedicated to your farm, tell about yourself in in social networks, involve acquaintances and friends in spreading the word about your business. Post photos and videos about your pets and their conditions.

    When selling meat at the market, decorate a showcase, offer customers not only raw meat, but also rabbit stew, spices and seasonings for meat dishes. Make a bright signboard, car stickers.

    Production plan

    To open your own rabbit farm, you need to choose a suitable land plot, purchase cages for animals, hire staff, and buy young livestock.

    Stop at every step production plan more.

    Selection of land

    For a rabbit farm, you need a dry, flat piece of land. For convenience and cleanliness of the territory, concrete the space between the cells. To create a mini-farm, a plot of 16-20 acres is enough. In the first couple, use your own personal plot. Shed system of building cages in two or three tiers will allow you to increase volumes over time.

    If you are renting a site, make sure it is not damp and not flooded with water during floods, as these animals do not like dampness. For a large-scale farm, you need a plot outside the village.

    The leased area must include:

    1. Cages for animals.
    2. Utility room for storage of feed, inventory.
    3. Equipped pit for storing manure.
    4. Slaughterhouse.
    5. Storage room for skins.
    6. Refrigerator for storing fresh meat.
    7. Staff quarters or lodge where you can spend the night.

    Purchase of cages for animals

    Shed cage system - safe and convenient keeping of rabbits

    Cells on initial stage production can be done by yourself. To make them, you will need wood, brick, fine mesh netting, slate. If you order the production of cages to order in a carpentry workshop, it will cost more than purchasing ready-made sheds.

    For a large farm, purchase prefabricated stationary tiered cages, as well as carriers for moving animals to the slaughterhouse, selling live, transferring individuals from one shed (tiered cage system) to another.


    If you organize a mini-farm in your own backyard, you can easily manage on your own and with the forces of your family members.

    For a large-scale farm, you will need staff. 6 people are enough to perform the duties of maintaining cleanliness in the production area, feeding animals, cleaning cages. We also need one slaughterer and one driver to deliver the carcasses to the place of sale.

    Buying rabbits

    For maximum farm productivity, choose several breeds for breeding.

    Be careful, not all breeds are suitable for growing for meat

    The optimal ratio of livestock breeds presented in the table will provide you with meat, skins and down:

    When buying young animals from farms, make sure that there is a veterinary certificate confirming their health.

    Additional information on the topic of rabbit breeding you will find in the articles Breeding rabbits as a business and .

    Sales plan - to whom to sell finished products

    The main areas of product sales are retail and small wholesale.

    Sales ways:

    • sale to small wholesalers;
    • local market;
    • delivery to restaurants and other establishments Catering, supermarkets;
    • ads on the Internet (Avito, other sites), own website.

    For free trade, register your farm with the tax authorities, receive a veterinary certificate on compliance with animal welfare standards and a certificate from the laboratory confirming the quality and safety of products.

    The ideal sales option is the search for stable wholesale buyers.

    Offering cooperation to restaurants and supermarkets, demonstrate the quality of meat, documentation confirming its safety, leave a small trial batch. You should have a certificate from the SES, a phytosanitary certificate, as well as a GOST-R declaration on hand.

    Possible forms of organization

    Breeding rabbits as a business requires obligatory registration in state and tax control bodies.

    There are several forms to choose from: personal subsidiary farming, individual entrepreneurship or peasant farming. Let's dwell on each legal forms more.

    Individual entrepreneur

    Registering an individual entrepreneur will provide you with more opportunities in the rabbit meat trade, finding customers, wholesale buyers. For registration, you need a passport, IND, payment of the state fee, an application for registration, certified by a notary.

    When you become a self-employed person, you are obligated to pay taxes. Choose a simplified system or a single agricultural tax, as a representative of a small business in the agricultural industry.

    OKVED code 01.25.2 is the same for all forms of management: "Breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm."

    Peasant farming

    This is a simplified form of IP without statutory documents, names, contracts. Having issued a KFH, you can apply for state support in the form of grants, subsidies, loans on preferential terms. You also have the right to associate with other peasant farms for mutual benefit. Your farm is eligible for preferential taxation.

    Personal subsidiary plot

    Personal subsidiary farming is the best form of farming if you manage with your family members without involving hired labor, and also if you intend to breed rabbits on the territory of your personal plot. LPH claims to receive state support. Selling products grown on a personal farmstead, you have the right not to pay taxes.

    For a novice entrepreneur, it is preferable to use private household plots or peasant farms. You will be able to issue an IP when the volumes of production and sales become steadily large.

    How much money is needed to start the project - financial plan

    The costs of opening a rabbit farm must be calculated at the project launch stage. To do this, find out the cost of cages, breeds of rabbits, feed, renting a plot of the area you are interested in.

    An approximate list of costs for opening a farm is presented in the table. It displays the mandatory costs that you will face regardless of the scale of your production and the chosen business legal form:

    Nature of costs Amount in rubles
    1. Plot rental 30,000 (average)
    2. Buying cells 50 000
    3. Purchase of 100 young animals 30 000
    4. Primary feed purchase 70 000
    5. Veterinarian services + utility costs 20 000
    6. Purchase of equipment (drinkers, feeders, small inventory) 20 000
    Total: 220 000

    For regions with a harsh climate, add the cost of building a facility for keeping animals to the list.

    Risk factors

    Difficulties await the novice rabbit breeder. However, having a good business plan and sufficient theoretical background, he can easily overcome them.

    Risk factors include:

    • difficulties in caring for livestock;
    • sensitivity of rabbits to the conditions of detention, diet;
    • infectious diseases, from which many individuals die;
    • weak demand for products;
    • high competition in the region.

    To overcome the difficulties associated with raising animals, regularly consult veterinarians for preventive measures for the incidence of infectious diseases. Keep livestock indoors without drafts and dampness.

    Carefully inspect breeding individuals so as not to bring new diseases with them. Monitor the quality of the feed so that there is no mold or rot in it.

    Download business plan

    The development of a detailed business plan with a summary of the project and calculations of income and expenditure is your insurance against unnecessary expenses and failures. The more you develop it and prepare a presentation of your project, the more chances you have to receive state support for the peasant farm.

    Download a free sample business plan. Take one or more of the examples as a basis for writing your own document.

    Any finished sample from the Internet - only a typical project that does not reflect the features of your idea. Do not use a project identical to yours without modification. Develop your own. In the course of its preparation, you will deal with many aspects, gain the necessary knowledge about raising animals and marketing.

    To help novice farmers, a video from the famous rabbit breeder E. Maklyakov:


    Interest in healthy, dietary food is growing, which means that the demand for rabbit meat will be consistently high. Rabbit breeding is a legal and predictable type of business. By gradually increasing the scale of production, you will come to the fact that the cost of production will become lower, and the size net profit above.

    According to experts, the profitability of rabbit breeding at the initial stage ranges from 60-65%. For the next year of keeping a rabbit farm, you will increase profitability to 80-87%.

    The most costly and difficult part of your journey is the start. Overcome difficulties and you will have an asset that gives a stable increase and good profit.

    We wish you good luck in starting your own business! 2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)


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