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The question of how to make money on maternity leave at home is asked by every second mother: payments from the old job are not eternal, but “children's” are scanty. All that remains is my father's salary, on which it is not easy to live together, and even with a baby it is generally unrealistic. That is why all mothers are working today. The main thing is that you have enough time for the baby.

Where better not to go?

But first you need to figure out how to make money in maternity leave unlikely to work at home. Most often they scam and do not pay money here:

You can even cook dinners for offices that are close to your house. You can also start distributing your products through friends: you knitted a masterpiece dress for your friend, she told her friends about the author, and customers will appear there. Well, the Internet is always here to help: create your own website or page on a social network, register at online fairs, post the most nice pictures and customers will show up. By the way, the author's mother, who was caught with two babies in her arms in the early 90s, earned money by creating unique painted gingerbread cookies and ... writing poems and songs for anniversaries. What can I say, it turned out to earn much more than at school, where a meager salary was permanently delayed. Here, however, there is another difficulty: the price does not need to be set deliberately low, especially if you definitely have talent.

  • Mini Kindergarten. This idea is very suitable for those mothers who are not the first baby and they feel that they have a calling and talent to raise children. Pedagogical education is not needed here at all. You probably met the same young mothers like you, who live in the neighborhood, go to the clinic with you, or you made an acquaintance back in the maternity hospital. But many of them would certainly be happy to send the child to the garden and go to work as soon as possible. But there are long queues to the gardens, and a nanny is expensive. So why not raise a neighbor's kids at home: they have more fun in the company, and the pay is less than a nanny or in a private kindergarten. This option is good if you have a rather big apartment, you know how to cook, and, of course, you love children.
  • Hello, friends! Perhaps, at the beginning of the article, I will share with you some news from my personal life. Today my husband and I were at a gardening exhibition and purchased two seedlings. We bought one cherry and a sweet cherry of some miracle variety. We have already planted on our beloved and now we will wait for the super-duper harvest.

    Interestingly, among our readers there are amateur gardeners ?! Respond! Share, have you ever bought seedlings at exhibitions? We just visited a fair of this kind for the first time, usually we bought trees and shrubs from a local nursery. Now we hope that this is not wasted money. Then I will write to you what we got out of it.

    By the way, I already had experience in planting unusual varieties. Last winter, I ordered a bag of flower seeds from the well-known Aliexpress trading platform. Sowed in the spring. And look what has grown.

    Very beautiful flowers that delighted us literally all summer. And given that our summer turned out to be very hot (about 40 degrees), they steadfastly endured such weather and did not dry out. The photo was taken last weekend. Have you had to order seeds on Ali? I have already looked after purple roses and blue tomatoes for the next season.

    Well, now let's get down to the topic of today's article, which, perhaps, will be of interest to absolutely everyone, but a certain circle of people will be most interested in - these are mothers on maternity leave. So, the topic of our post is how to make money while on maternity leave.

    Probably, many people will now say that they say that mothers in such a position are paid anyway, why should they work, they need to spend more time with the child, and in general, it takes time, effort, etc.

    Related article:

    But I would argue with you. Nowadays, you can devote to work from 2 hours of free time and get good income. After all, you must admit that they pay not so much money in the decree, and, as you know, they are never superfluous. Especially if your work does not take much time and does not affect the baby in any way.

    So, here are the reasons for working on maternity leave:

    1. Fighting postpartum depression. The most important, in my opinion, is the reason that our mothers do not have postpartum depression. After all, it arises from the vicious circle of the house "diaper - sleep - food." If it is diluted with work, it will be much better. It is so?!

    2. Socialization. For a year and a half, a woman with a child sees only her husband and children. If she communicates with other people, even on the Internet, it will be easier for her. News, emotions, etc. will appear.

    3. Tired of monotony. Mom is tired of this life. No one should be judged for this. Remember yourself, when nothing new happens in your life for 1.5 - 3 years, you yourself become depressed. So here, the baby is sacred, but if the mother does not develop, then she will simply wither away.

    Generally speaking, work is a necessary “potion” against postpartum depression, which can occur at any time.

    Of course, I'm not saying that you need to start working immediately after discharge from the hospital. But when a certain schedule for childcare is already developed, there will certainly be a few free hours that can be spent on business.

    How can you earn income

    It is very difficult to work and have children, you say. I do not argue. Constant lack of sleep, emotional exhaustion is hard. But where do you get emotions if you don't get them anywhere? That's right, from third-party sources.

    And when to work? at any convenient and free time. I'm not saying to work 8 hours a day! No, just as much as you can afford to feel comfortable and give the necessary time to the child.

    I’ll tell you about the main ways that a mother can earn money on maternity leave:

    Partnership programs

    You already know a certain amount of information about caring for a baby, you have made friends on the forums who listen to your opinion, why not think about an affiliate program? This is a type of income that is aimed at promoting a product or service on the Internet (I will talk about how to make money on this in more detail in one of our next articles). So don't forget!


    - you do not have to spend a huge amount of time on this income: you just placed a link on your page, for example, to a textbook on child development and you get money from each transition of your friends and acquaintances or from each sale;

    - no investment is needed, you just offer your services, or experience, or information and that's it;

    – no need to create your own website, as you can use your pages on social networks.


    - you need to have at least a little popularity on the network;

    - you should be confident in the product, because if you advise something bad once, they will not listen to you anymore.


    This is writing articles and their subsequent sale. Write on a variety of topics ranging from politics to pregnancy as an option. If you are a psychologist or cosmetologist by training, then this topic will suit you. That is, you can choose depending on your education, hobbies, experience, etc.

    The network now has enough services that allow you to earn money on articles. You can read more about making money online by writing articles in.


    - time. It takes only 2 hours of free time to write a short article. Especially since you work at home and have time to finish it at a convenient time.

    - a large selection of sites where you can place your texts for sale;

    - write on a topic in which you understand and are an expert.


    - basic knowledge of the requirements for writing high-quality articles is necessary;

    - spelling, punctuation, style should be at a good level.


    This is an exchange where you will find absolutely any job offer in different areas ah, both for the long term and one-time.


    - a variety of offers for all categories. That is, as a copywriter you can consider the options associated with this type of activity. If you draw well, you can take orders for the development of logos or website design. It all depends on your skills and capabilities.

    - You choose the offer yourself.


    - you must be in time certain period, that is, it will be difficult if your baby is restless all day, and the article needs to be written in 3 hours.

    Here's what it makes sense to do in order to develop, and also not get tired of the monotonous routine work at home.

    But I want to note another type of earnings, which, in my opinion, is the most interesting and profitable.


    It seems to me that this earnings will be more attractive for you.

    I'll explain why:

    1. Such interesting events are happening in your life right now. First steps, word, etc. You can share all this not only with your relatives, but also with the world, that is, with your readers. Tell about it! Read happy comments!

    2. Help other mothers in similar situations, share experiences. Tell, for example, how you potty trained your baby, learned to walk, and coped with the first cold. Recall how you lacked experience and knowledge on any subject, especially if you have a first child.

    3. Find yourself new friends, like-minded people. Communicate on a topic that interests you, discuss issues of concern.

    4. Make money blogging different ways. You can read more about this interesting topic.

    In general, you can combine your motherly qualities with professional ones and make a blog not only about how to raise a child, but also create additional headings on a particular topic of interest to you.

    If you are afraid of such thoughts as “I don’t know how to make a website, I don’t know how to write articles, how to promote a blog, etc.”, then this is not a problem. Read our blog and we will all learn how to do it with you. Step by step, you will create your project and start earning.

    In my opinion, a part-time job will enable mothers to get rid of problems with depression, and will also give impetus to personal development and receiving additional income, including.

    The World Wide Web is now developing very strongly, and who, if not you, should become a full member of it.

    Keep it up and you will succeed!

    There will be questions - write!

    Ekaterina Kalmykova

    How to earn money for mom on maternity leave, in order to get an excellent experience and, of course, pleasure? In fact, there are a lot of ways to do this: from tutoring to opening an online store. We wrote about all of them in our material "". The main problem in choosing a job for maternity workers is the ability to combine it with caring for a baby. That is why the best option in this situation is to work from home. How to earn money on maternity leave? We offer you the top ten options for working from home without investment for moms.

    In this material

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: work in the specialty at home

    One of the main fears of any expectant mother leaving her job is to lose qualifications, knowledge, clients, fall out of the cage and then never return to duty. So that the decree does not interfere with your career, you can continue to earn extra money in your specialty in your free time, for example, when the baby is sleeping or is in the company of relatives.

    Of course, this option is not suitable for all specialties, however, many young mothers can try it. For example, this is often practiced by beauty professionals who continue to receive clients at home. In fact, every year more companies are switching to working with remote workers: offer this option to your manager if you can do your work or part of it at home.

    For example, such options will suit accountants, lawyers, specialists in tenders, recruitment, planners, designers and many others.

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: making money writing texts

    If you cannot use your professional skills, it is worth considering the option of working online. You can make money on the Internet in many ways, but if you are interested in a decent and honest income without investments and not related to sales, you can earn money by writing texts.

    Thousands of new sites appear on the Internet every day, and ongoing projects high-quality and interesting articles are also always needed, so copywriters (as those who write texts are called) always have more than enough work.

    A good copywriter earns about 60,000 rubles a month, and when working only 2-4 hours a day, monthly earnings can reach 20,000-30,000 rubles.

    Of course, if you have never done this before, the income will be lower at first, as you will have to build up a reputation and a portfolio for yourself. However, in a month or two you will be able to reach a decent level of income.

    At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to be a philologist or a journalist: if you express your thoughts competently enough, then you will succeed. Even if your grammar is not perfect, there are many free spelling services where you can check your texts for errors yourself.

    How to find a job, where to start and where to look for customers? The best option for beginners - work on copywriting exchanges. It .

    The work is structured in this way: the customer posts a task for writing a text on the site and sets a price for it. The author interested in the task submits an application for execution and, depending on the specific task, either immediately proceeds to its implementation, or after approval by the customer. If the work is done with high quality, the money for it immediately goes to the contractor's account. This allows you to start earning from the very first day and protects against scammers - everyone wins.

    To begin with, we suggest that you register on several copywriting exchanges at once and start working for all: after a while you will understand where you like it best. Here are the most popular copywriting sites for making money without investments, where there are always a lot of orders and it’s easy for beginners to start working:

    • Etxt - the main advantage of this copywriting exchange for beginners is that many employers themselves find beginners and offer them tasks, which allows you to quickly earn a rating and start taking more expensive orders.
    • Advego is one of the largest platforms where you can take on tasks automatically, without waiting for the customer's approval, which will allow you to avoid competition at first.
    • - This rewrite and copyright exchange also allows you to take orders without the approval of the customer. A huge selection of themes, decent pay and free access make this option one of the best in Runet.
    • 2polyglot (translations and texts);
    Work at home without investment exists for moms: the main thing is to choose your niche

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: we get money for everyday activities

    If a mother on maternity leave is looking for something to do in her free time, then many people in the modern crazy world do not have time at all, disappearing for days at work. Often they do not have enough time even for themselves and their loved ones, and even more so for solving everyday issues. You will be able to combine doing your daily chores and helping others in this: not for free, of course.

    So, you can take a neighbor’s child to a kindergarten “for company” or act as a nanny for a few hours or a day - some mothers really don’t have the opportunity for a long time sit on maternity leave, and they are forced to go to work immediately after giving birth, so there is often no one to leave children with.

    Another one popular service for assistants - dog walking: it will not only bring you money, but also give you unforgettable emotions, because communication with animals relieves stress and gives you a good mood. To find people who need help, you can put up signs on the entrances in your area, as well as post them in in electronic format on city bulletin boards, forums or groups in your city.

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: an easy part-time job online

    If you are interested in how to earn extra money on maternity leave, without much time and effort, you can perform various tasks on the Internet. What exactly? Repost, write a comment, like, add as a friend, watch a video, register on the forum, write a custom review or comment, read a letter from the mailing list, and so on. You can use real accounts on social networks or fake ones for this - it makes no difference. This is an online that you can get for what you already do every day.

    Of course, you can’t earn millions here, however, by devoting just a couple of hours a day to this activity, you can earn several thousand rubles in a month. In order for the income to be high, it is worth registering on several job exchanges for money at once and working daily for everyone. Their advantage is that you are guaranteed to be paid back money, and no experience or investment is required: you can start making money on the Internet from the first day. Here are the most popular sites with a lot of tasks if you are interested in making quick money online:

    All of them have the same principle of operation: register, complete tasks, get money for them to your account, when you want - withdraw to a card, phone or electronic wallet. If you are interested in quick earnings - this is just what you need. Another easy way- introduction of captcha for money, for example, on the Rucaptcha website.

    Another job option for moms on maternity leave is. You can share your opinion about goods, services, hotels, cars, movies and series, interesting places - anything, and get paid for it. Some sites pay money for posting a review, but most of the income comes from other people viewing your review, so you need to write on relevant topics and, preferably, often: the more interesting reviews, the more money. Here are the most popular review sites with good pay:

    Irecommend is perhaps the most popular review site for money today. For you to start working on it in good mood, we have prepared a gift for you from our website: enter promo code KX9DIBJJ during registration and immediately receive 50 rubles to your account!

    Otzovik is another very popular resource. Its beauty lies in the fact that if your feedback is interesting, you can get additional remuneration up to 1000 rubles.

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: turning a hobby into earnings

    No wonder they say that best job the one that brings pleasure. This means that you can monetize your hobby by getting paid for what you used to do just for fun. Here the scope for activity is limited by your imagination and skills, you can knit scarves, hats and socks, create paintings, patchwork blankets, soaps or candles. self made, bake delicious cakes, make wedding accessories, sew fashionable dresses - whatever!

    In recent years, handmade items have become more fashionable than ever, everyone strives to become owners of unique items created especially for them in a single copy.

    If you can do something really high quality, unusual and unique, then you should not bury your talent! You can sell your products in a group on a social network or by creating a small website yourself: it's not difficult at all.

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: mastering the delights of freelancing

    If up to this point you thought that the words “freelance” and “freelancer” were abusive, and indeed, connected with something frivolous, it’s time to change your point of view. What is a freelancer? It's simple: this is a person who works for himself, without bosses and leaders.

    Most freelancers work from home, remotely, plan their own schedule, look for customers and distribute all the profits themselves: for personal needs or further development.

    Anyone can become a freelancer, but this type of employment is most popular among designers, website developers, translators, photographers and videographers, specialists in Internet promotion, marketing, and advertising. However, other specializations are quite in demand in the field of remote work: management, engineering, architecture, law, accounting.

    The main fear of those who decide to exchange an office for freelancing is instability: you yourself will look for a job here, so no one can give any guarantees. On the other hand, you gain complete freedom in choosing profitable and interesting orders, and also manage your own time. If before the decree you were thinking about such an employment option, now is the time to try to bring it to life.

    Where to look for customers?

    The answer is simple: remote, just created so that customers and specialists can find each other. Here you can advertise your services yourself and display a portfolio or respond to employers' orders, choosing the ones that suit you. To avoid dishonest customers, it is worth working only on trusted and popular exchanges that value their reputation. Here are the best of them:

    Kwork and Moguza - these exchanges work according to an interesting principle that eliminates tedious negotiations with customers: all tasks here already have a fixed cost: if it suits you, you take the task to work and are guaranteed to receive payment directly in the system. and Work-zilla - these exchanges offer both tasks for beginners and experienced professionals from completely different fields of activity. Both platforms offer to get started with a paid subscription: it is inexpensive, and it will pay off after completing 1-2 orders, of which hundreds appear here every day, so this principle of working on such large exchanges is quite justified. Our editors unequivocally recommend the exchange - most of our authors worked (and still continue to work) here.

    Maternity work can be interesting and well-paid

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: open an online store

    Every day, more and more trade is moving to the Internet, so this way of earning as your own online store is now more relevant than ever. What do you need to create an online store? You can create a website yourself, it's not difficult at all, and besides, it's interesting. What to sell in your store is up to you. It can be your hand-made goods or goods in which you understand: clothes, perfumes, watches, accessories, linens, stationery and much more. In order not to go broke on the purchase of the initial volume of goods, it is worth using such a trading method as dropshipping.

    The essence of this type of trade is that you sell the goods of a large supplier through your online store without prior purchase. That is, the client places an order on your site, and the supplier sends it to the client directly, deducting you a percentage of this sale. By the way, many dropshipping platforms offer their partners free website and landing page templates, which makes it much easier to get started.

    How much does it cost to open an online store? If you work on the dropshipping system, make a website yourself and delve a little into the theory of seo promotion, you won’t believe it at all! Surprisingly, it is quite possible to make an online store without investments. Even a beginner who absolutely does not understand this topic can make a website for free using the Wix, Setup, uCoz or uKit constructors.

    How to make money for mom on maternity leave: Internet services and Internet management

    In addition to copywriters, content managers and specialists in managing groups in various social networks are in demand today. Their job is to find interesting information and pictures to create posts, moderate and promote accounts, and communicate with users.

    The average cost of running one company (with accounts on VK, Instagram, Odnoklassniki) can range from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles.

    If you spend at least 3-4 hours a day on such work, then you can take on the management of 2-3 projects, which will significantly increase your income.

    As for finding customers, you should also pay attention to freelance exchanges and job sites, where such vacancies periodically appear. Just in case, we duplicate links to them (most often, such vacancies are posted on Pravoved for lawyers, or with the help of our Vkontakte group or website.

    Consultations can be given directly from home in your free time: in writing, by phone or Skype. Working on a prepaid basis or using secure transactions services, you protect yourself from fraud. If things go well, the next step is to create your own infocourse, which can be sold as a standalone product or delivered online for each individual group. In general, the prospects of hoo what!

    We are confident that this golden ten of the most reliable ways to earn money on maternity leave will help you take the first steps forward. The main thing is to just move on and start acting, because no one but yourself can change your life for the better. So, stop just sitting around and start acting right now!

    Even sitting at home with a baby, you can earn a decent extra income. And after about six months, already accustomed to the role of a mother, almost every woman thinks about how to make money on maternity leave. If you are one of them, we invite you to learn about real ways to earn income from home.

    And also reveal the prospects, pros and cons of working from home. And we will help you decide which work out of the 40 ideas provided will be within your power and will not interfere with caring for the child.

    From this article you will learn:

    Why does mom need a job on maternity leave?

    Depending on the situation, the reasons for looking for earnings at home are different. Let's consider the main ones:

    1. Banal lack of money. The husband earns little when there were two salaries for two people - it was enough, and now it becomes difficult for three of us to live on one, and even in the face of constant price increases. Therefore, my mother has to stay at home on maternity leave and look for additional sources of income.
    2. Mom is doing a great job with the child, and she still has free time. In this case, the decree is an ideal time for self-development, improving existing skills and acquiring new ones, discovering new talents in oneself, which, in addition to pleasure, can also bring additional money to the family.
    3. It happens that a woman on maternity leave for some reason does not want to return to her previous job. And now is the perfect time for her to look for a new direction, to decide what she will do in the future. It is desirable to start working as soon as possible, so that at the end of the maternity leave you will already be a specialist in your field and make good money.
    4. Or maybe, on the contrary, my mother plans to continue doing what she did before the decree, but in order not to lose her qualifications in 2 or 3 years, and to be aware of all the innovations, she decides, if possible, to do what she loves at home. For example, if you worked as a lawyer, then on maternity leave you can give legal advice via the Internet, to acquaintances, etc. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.
    5. Some women, even without experiencing financial difficulties, want to be financially independent. It is inconvenient for them to ask their husband every time for money for cosmetics, clothes or other women's little things, and therefore they actively begin to look for ways to earn money on maternity leave at home.

    In general, everyone has their own story, and if you decide to earn extra money at home, this is very commendable. The main thing is not to leave everything halfway, if one thing does not work out, try another. Maternity leave is a great time to find, discover and develop your talent and potential.

    ➡️ Earnings on maternity leave - where to start, 3 main questions

    There are many ways to make good money while sitting at home on maternity leave. To help you decide which jobs are best for you, consider the following questions:

    1. How much time can you devote to work and when? It will be only when the child is sleeping, or he can occupy himself for some time while awake, letting his mother go to work. Is there anyone to replace you, if necessary? Here grandmother, grandfather, neighbor, girlfriend, nanny can come to the rescue.
    2. What are you already the best at? Maybe you really love cooking, or you have the makings of a designer, or you really like spending time not only with your child, but also with other children. All these and other talents and abilities can be developed in many directions, and earn money on them.
    3. Are you looking for a job for pleasure or, above all, to earn more money? How much per month do you want to earn? How quickly do you need money - are you ready to invest time in training, developing your business, that is, to work for the future, or you need income, the sooner the better.

    Ideas for making money at home for moms on maternity leave

    There are enough options for how to earn a young mother on maternity leave. For convenience, we divide them into several groups.

    Work on maternity leave in the specialty or with reference to the previous organization

    There are specialties that can be combined with maternity leave. A huge plus here is that you will not lose your qualifications, skills, you will always be “in the know”. This will come in handy when it's time to get back to work.


    You are fluent in foreign languages, know mathematics well, or know how to play musical instruments? On this you can earn! Decree is the best time to try yourself as a tutor. Classes can be held at home, online via Skype, or with a visit to the client. Of course, for a young mother, the first two work options are more suitable.

    Schoolchildren and students need a tutor most of all when preparing for the OGE, EGE, for exams, especially entrance ones. Then you can earn more.

    Writing coursework, control, essays, solving problems, making drawings

    If you did well in school, university, or worked in education, why not now earn some extra money on it? Modern students very often resort to the help of people who do their work for money. Having the necessary knowledge, a mother on maternity leave can earn good money on this.

    Lawyer, psychologist

    Are you an expert in these areas? Agree with the employer, and earn money by doing part of the duties at home, sitting on maternity leave. You can give advice, organize trainings, draw up contracts, check the correctness of their conclusion, provide support in litigation, etc.


    On the previous work was the position of designer? You can agree with your superiors and work at home on maternity leave, fulfilling orders in your free time.

    And you can also offer your services on the Internet, making interior designs, furniture, landscape, web pages, leaflets, albums, banners. Being a good specialist, you can always earn.


    If you are a medical professional and have the skills to work as a massage therapist, this is generally excellent! In the absence of skills, you can complete courses and acquire them. Very often, young parents look for good masseurs for children in their first year of life. Considering that a massage course is a minimum of 10 sessions, there are not so many clients that you need to find in order to earn a living.


    Conduct accounting business small company or businesses quite successfully can be at home while on maternity leave. This newfangled direction is called outsourcing - when a firm or enterprise shifts part of its work and responsibilities to individual or other enterprise.

    Earn money doing what you love while on maternity leave

    Women are mostly creative individuals, each has a favorite pastime, hobby, passion, what she likes to do in her free time. With the right organization of the process, these hobbies can bring money to the family budget. Below are ideas on how you can make money for your mom on your hobby on maternity leave.


    Especially popular are children's products, for example, sets - a hat, scarf, mittens. You can knit soft toys, better than the heroes of various cartoons. It is very good if you know how to knit and knit and crochet, then you can create real masterpieces.


    You can embroider with threads, ribbons, beads, using various techniques. Embroidered pictures, tablecloths, clothes look very nice. If embroidery is to your liking, develop and earn money on maternity leave.

    The embroidered national clothes - shirts, blouses, women's dresses look original, embroidered with beads. You can earn money by custom-embroidering sets of clothes for the whole family.

    Sewing educational books, rugs, etc.

    Modern mothers pay great attention to the development of their crumbs right from the cradle. Developing books, rugs, cubes, pyramids, organizers with various fabrics, textures, with ringing, rustling elements are in great demand. Create something original, and you can make good money on it. Ideas can be gleaned from the Internet, and complement them with your imagination.

    Creation of jewelry and bijouterie

    Start small - making jewelry for little girls. Multi-colored elastic bands, hairpins, bows, hoops, wreaths, headbands, hats, decorated with home-made flowers, ribbons - mothers love this very much and buy for their babies in considerable quantities.

    And also at all times there has been and will be a demand for jewelry for women, rings, earrings, bracelets, beads, pendants - how could it be without it? You can earn money by creating sets for mom and daughter in the same style.

    Making soap, decorative candles

    These products are perfect as a gift, and original, author's, handmade gifts are highly valued.

    Candles are a bit cheaper to make than soaps, as soap materials are more expensive. But, the main thing that is needed in both cases is fantasy, since you will have to come up with an original design for each product, mix colors, aromas, come up with shapes. But if you wish, you can learn everything, and it is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The network has various videos, master classes, photos with ideas, and detailed instructions dedicated to this topic.

    Breeding indoor plants

    We note right away that a one-year-old child and many indoor plants in a small apartment they are unlikely to be able to exist together. But if the living space allows, why not do it - there will be time for this on the decree. Choose one species, such as the most popular orchids or violets, each of which has a number of varieties. There are entire communities in social networks and forums where people buy, sell, share experiences and other secrets on breeding and caring for indoor plants.

    Production of festive paraphernalia - for weddings, birthdays

    A popular topic of recent times is children's birthdays of a certain theme and style, for example, in the style of some kind of cartoon. Invitations, garlands, balloons, pompoms, a banner, a three-dimensional figure, caps, masks, bonbonnieres, everything for table setting - in general, there is no end to the work. You can buy something, make something yourself in an individual design (a garland with a name, a banner with photos, etc.) and make money on it by selling everything as a set.

    Similarly, weddings need various paraphernalia - packages for a loaf, invitations, a chest for money, a pillow for rings, glasses for newlyweds, and much more. In addition, there are many other holidays and parties - bachelorette parties, baby shower - a holiday for pregnant women, christenings, corporate parties, holidays in kindergartens.

    Decoupage, scrapbooking, souvenirs

    Using the decoupage technique, you can decorate boxes for women's little things, souvenirs, small paintings, magnets, decorate pots for flowerpots, spice jars, even furniture.

    Scrapbooking - separate view handicraft art - the creation of original unique photo albums, postcards, photo frames and the like. In this direction, children's photo albums of the first year of life are popular.

    The topic of souvenirs is very broad, it is important to choose one direction and develop in it. Souvenirs are made of wood, coffee beans, beads, coins, natural materials(stone, dried branches, grass, fruits) and others - the flight of fancy is not limited here.

    Remember, in order for your products to be in demand, you need to offer something unique and interesting. Then there will be more opportunities to earn.

    Sale of goods

    You can start selling your products with friends and acquaintances. You can simply give the first works as a gift, and at the same time inform that you are doing it to order if necessary.

    Then you can think about fairs, sales, souvenir shops, exhibitions, shops. For example, wedding paraphernalia can be sold through wedding salons. If you plan to make children's holiday paraphernalia, you can negotiate with those who bake sweets for children's parties and refer clients to each other.

    Separately, we note the Internet - thematic forums, groups and communities in social networks, trading platforms. You can even create your own online store and personal blog, where you can post your master classes, share experiences, and describe the process of working with photos and videos. In the future, you will be able to earn extra money not only from products, but also from the blog.

    Don't forget to take high quality photos of your work. Portfolio and testimonials are two important components for successful sales through the Internet and stable income. It is also important to have your own business cards, and give them to customers along with the goods. From time to time, a business card will catch your eye, they will remember you and contact you again or advise someone.

    Professions that can be learned in a short time and earn at home

    Sometimes, after the birth of a child, mothers discover completely new talents and hobbies. They start doing things they've never done before. Or maybe you just didn't have time? But in the decree you can try everything!

    To master the professions listed below and start earning, you do not need to study for 5 years. It is enough to master certain skills by enrolling in special courses, if possible. Or study on the Internet, there are enough materials on each topic.

    Hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist, stylist, manicure, pedicure master

    The services of these specialists will always be in demand. You can apply them at home and on-site to the client. At first, in order to get to know about you faster, you can offer your services cheaper. Good specialists quickly have their regular customers, and, accordingly, the opportunity to earn consistently. Of course, if you want to be a sought-after specialist while working, you must study at the same time in order to be aware of all the new products, since the world of beauty and fashion is changing very quickly.


    Who has never ordered a birthday cake for a child? Probably only the one who knows how to make them himself! But most still order.

    If you like to spend time in the kitchen, why not take up baking - for a maternity mother, this is a good opportunity to earn money. You can start with something simple, for example, sweets for a candy bar for children's holidays - cupcakes, muffins, cake pops, macaroons. If the soul does not lie in baking, you can sculpt dumplings, dumplings, pasties. So many people buy them in stores, why not offer them homemade ones?

    Photographer, photo and video editing

    If you like to take pictures and you are good at it, then having a good camera can also make good money. The work of the photographer is very promising, and subsequently can become the main one. Various photo shoots - for pregnant women, newborns, family, love stories, photographing weddings, birthdays, children's parties in kindergarten, school ... In general, there will always be work for a good specialist. Only here it must be taken into account that professional equipment is not cheap.

    And if you decide to develop in this direction, you will definitely need to master Photoshop and others. graphic editor learn how to assemble.


    Do you know how to make beautiful bouquets, flower arrangements? You can also make money on this on maternity leave by offering your services, for example, for weddings. But here it is important to have a good supplier of always fresh flowers.

    Fashion designer, seamstress

    Do you love and know how to sew? Then you can always earn. Just try to be known. Everyone needs clothing repairs from time to time, but you can go further and sew exclusive items to order. As they say, the work itself finds a good specialist.

    Work on the Internet

    This is a very tempting offer, since there are many options for earning money on the Internet that do not require any investments and special education. But, as you know, there is no easy money! And on the Internet, as elsewhere, in order to make good money, you really need to work.

    Writing articles to order (copywriting)

    This job does not require special education. It is enough to be able to write correctly, the skills to quickly type text will appear with experience. To find customers, you need to register on special sites - copyright and rewrite exchanges. It is clear that at first big money will not be - you need to gain experience, earn a reputation.

    IMPORTANT: The first articles will be cheap (15-20 rubles per 1,000 characters), since they won’t buy expensive from a person with zero reputation. But with each written article, you can increase their value. Over time, regular customers will appear, and it will be possible to earn steadily, the main thing is that the work is of high quality, since there are thousands of competitors in copywriting.

    Each exchange also has article stores where you can put up ready-made articles for sale. You can write on any topic that is close to you and in which you are guided. You can write interesting useful articles about each specialty, hobby, hobby. Share your experience and knowledge with others, and you can earn on it.

    Internet trading

    This current direction of earnings is divided into several areas:

    1. SP ( Joint purchases). The task of the organizer of the joint venture is to find customers to buy out the size (size range) from the wholesale site, collect money, place and receive an order, send out goods. All this is done for a certain percentage - basically plus 10-20% to the price of the goods.
    2. Dropshipping or mediation. The essence of sales is that you take product photos from wholesale suppliers, place them on various resources, but set your own prices. Buyers pay you, you place an order with the supplier, but ask him to send the goods directly to your buyer.
    3. Own online store. This is the most costly type of trading, both in terms of finances and time, but with the right organization, in the long term, the most profitable. You need to create a website, invest in promotion, buy goods and sell them profitably.
    4. Organization of purchases from popular foreign online stores. Having basic skills English language, you can organize purchases from well-known European and American online stores, taking on the role of an intermediary. Need to collect target audience(create a group in social networks, in viber) and regularly inform participants about interesting offers - discounts, promotions, sales. As practice shows, to acquire quality items worldwide famous brands can even be cheaper than our domestic ones, often of medium or even low quality. And so people get quality goods and you can earn.

    Personal blog

    The most promising option for making money on the Internet for moms will be income from their own website or blog. But here you need to take into account a lot of nuances and seriously tune in to work. You have to be willing to invest time and possibly money first before you get a return.

    To get started you need:

    1. Come up with a theme and decide how you will monetize it;
    2. Create a website (by yourself or pay a programmer);
    3. Fill it with high-quality content (yourself or buy articles from copywriters);
    4. Promote the resource by making it visited.

    You can create a website for different purposes:

    1. To make money on advertising and guards (information blog);
    2. To work with affiliate programs;
    3. To promote their services (business card website, portfolio);
    4. For the sale of various goods, own products, information products.

    A mother on maternity leave can keep a blog where she will share information about caring for a child, its development and upbringing. If mom is a lover hand made, you can develop a blog where you can post master classes and at the same time combine it with an online store where you can sell your products.

    Everyone has a period in life when they need money, but for one reason or another there is no work. This is especially true for young mothers. Part-time work on maternity leave up to 3 years is a burning topic. , but this is not enough to compensate for the shortfall in income: the woman had just worked and received a salary, but here there is no salary, maternity payments and state support are widowed less in total, and there are more family members.

    If you are in such a situation, then Reconomica found the answer for you! Our heroine Irina also had a need for alternative earnings at home, in connection with maternity leave, and she will share with you her best practices in this area. Here you know everything about simple and no special skills required to make money on certain sites. Love to leave comments? Chat online, or just surf the Internet? In this article, you will learn how to make money on it!

    I am currently on maternity leave. My allowance is minimal - 6137 rubles. For two children - a schoolgirl daughter and a baby - this is very little. Although my salary before going on maternity leave was about 10,000 rubles, but there were fewer expenses.

    While on maternity leave with my first child, I was looking for possible part-time jobs online. I was not looking for earnings commensurate with the salary, I wanted to find a part-time job to pay for the Internet and telephone.

    Freelancing is the way out!

    Websites where you can earn real money without investment

    Through trial and error, I found 8 sites where you can earn money. These are different platforms where webmasters look for freelancers, questionnaires, a review site and a content exchange. .

    My first experience of making money on the Internet - comments

    The very first site I registered on was Qcomment. There you need to leave comments on sites, blogs, forums. This is called content filling. I chose 20-30 rubles a day. The task was as follows - registration on the site and activity - commenting.

    I earn on Qcomment10-30 rubles per day.

    General rules and tips for working with content services

    General rules for working on all sites - add reusable tasks to favorites and perform every day. By creating a list of tasks for yourself, you can quickly and easily display a minimum. It is better to take tasks that you completely understand, otherwise you will waste your time and spoil your rating.

    To increase your earnings, you can invite friends on your own referral link. I invited friends, but most were skeptical about this. They said it wasn't serious.

    Posted job ads on Avito . Thus, I found several people who also wanted to try to earn money. But then she abandoned it, because it took a lot of time to explain in correspondence how to work.

    You can earn on these sites (Qcomment, Advego) from 10 to 100 rubles per day.

    Questionnaire sites

    Withdrawal of funds on these sites to a phone or e-wallet. As soon as the amount needed for withdrawal is collected, you can see the method of withdrawing money. Payment for one survey from 5 to 80 rubles. Polls come to email often. The minimum amount for withdrawal can be collected for more than one month.


    • The minimum for withdrawal is 500 rubles per mobile phone. It used to be 200 rubles.
    • Invitations come to e-mail quite often, several times a week.
    • The first time I withdrew 225 rubles, the second - 535 rubles.

    Paid Survey

    On this site you need to collect the amount of 300 rubles. You can withdraw to your e-wallet.

    Here the money also received 2 times for 300 rubles.

    Profi Online Research

    Payment for surveys here is in conventional units. You need to dial 15 c.u. for output.

    Surveys are sent to the mail, and are also available in the very personal account. Polls can also be in the form of a focus group. They called me and set up a date and time. online survey. On the appointed day, I received an email with a link to online interview. I managed to earn 300 rubles in 60 minutes. Plus, it's nice to chat. The survey was about sedatives.

    You can only withdraw $15. That is, no more, the rest of the money goes to the next payment.


    It took me a year to withdraw the money. The minimum wage is 1000 rubles, surveys are sent infrequently. The more information you provide about yourself, the more often polls will come. For many surveys, you will not get into the sample, in this case they pay only 5 rubles for a short questionnaire. One full survey costs 30-80 rubles.

    In general, I consider the method of making money on paid surveys of the population to be one of the easiest and most affordable for moms on maternity leave.

    Review sites

    I registered on the site Aircommend . This idea came to my mind when my family and I were testing a new meat grinder-vegetable cutter. So I wanted to tell you what a necessary and convenient thing it is.

    I took a photo of the meat grinder at work and wrote my first review. To work on the site, you must write a review at least once a month. Then the profile will be active, and the money will be credited to the account. Well paid and viewed reviews with photos, beautifully designed. It's better to write popular goods- for children, appliances, cosmetics, etc.

    At first I wrote 2 reviews and forgot about this site for a year. Then I remembered and decided to try again. And I did it. I wrote mainly about the toys of my eldest daughter, but this did not bring much income. I collected the first minimum wage for a long time, about 6 months. The reviews were unpopular, almost no one looked at them.

    But then I wrote a review about the Mega-hand store, and it became the most popular with me. I've already got over 3000 views. This is more than the minimum amount. Of course, not in one day, but my review brings me income every day.

    • Money for reviews is charged only for views, 5 kopecks for 1 view.
    • The minimum for withdrawal is 150 rubles to an electronic wallet.
    • I advise you not to stamp reviews for quantity, but to work on quality and then you can earn good money.
    • Withdrawed money twice.

    My relatives approve of this type of income. They say that I'm good at it. Perhaps this type of earnings is one of the most interesting.

    Advego content exchange

    I started working on the stock exchange by doing simple tasks. I scored a rating, and then I took on more difficult tasks.

    The tasks were performed as follows: social networks, placement of ready-made reviews, comments. You can also write articles for sale. You can write on any topic - it can be an article about the development of the child, childbirth, illness, master classes in needlework, recipes.

    Today I try to take personal orders. They are paid very well. For example, a regular task - to invite friends to a group, costs from $ 0.2, and a personal one can cost $ 0.75.

    Withdrawal of funds to- at least $5 to an e-wallet. In p The first time the money was credited to the account within 16 days, then faster.

    I shared with you my experience in the field of making money online. The money is small, but if you take this earnings seriously, find your niche, then it may well turn out well. In the Russian or Ukrainian outback, this money is not superfluous.The most important thing is that I choose the time of work myself. And with kids, that's a big plus.

    There is also a new copywriting exchange,, now I'm trying it, there are higher rates initially.

    Announcement: there is an online part-time job for moms on maternity leave, no experience required

    Dear readers!

    If you found this article because you are in a difficult life situation, and even a hundred rubles earned on the Internet will not be superfluous for you, you can contact the editorial office of the magazine, we have vacancies for part-time jobs for freelancers without work experience.

    The money is small, but it can help someone, you can also send the link to your needy friends.


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