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Classifiers of technical, economic and social information

Standards of scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations

The standards of this category have the designation STO and are fundamentally new for Russia. Οʜᴎ are developed and adopted by these public associations for the dynamic dissemination and use of the results of research and development obtained in various fields of knowledge (GOST R 1.0-92). The objects of standardization in them should be, as a rule (GOST R 1.4-93):

fundamentally new types of products, processes and services, test methods;

non-traditional technologies;

principles of organization and management of production or other activities.

Standards in this category should not violate the mandatory requirements of state standards. If they contain provisions that affect safety for the environment, life, health and property, then they must be agreed with the relevant state control and supervision bodies. Statement, design and designation of the standard of scientific, technical, engineering societies and others public organizations must comply with the requirements of GOST R 1.5-92. The construction and content of the standard is determined by these organizations independently.

The need to apply the standard of scientific, technical, engineering societies and other public organizations is not determined by the authorities government controlled, and subjects economic activity on one's own. This status actually turns the standards of this category into recommendations.

Classifier of technical, economic and social information- a document containing a systematic list of codes and names of objects of classification and classification groups, developed and approved in in due course, mandatory for use at various levels of management.

The concept of “Classifier of technical and economic information” also existed in the Soviet Union as an element Unified classification and coding system (ESCC). Within the framework of this system, interconnected all-union, intersectoral, sectoral and republican classifiers, as well as classifiers of enterprises, were created. At the same time, there were at least 24 all-Union classifiers. Among them, we can mention:

All-Union classifier of industrial and agricultural products (OKP);

Classifier of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD);

All-Union classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories(OKPDTR).

Today at Russian Federation, based on the level of approval and scope, classifiers of the following categories are developed:

All-Russian (OK);


enterprises (associations, organizations, associations, etc.)

According to the status of approval and scope, the classifiers are equated, respectively, with state and industry standards, as well as with enterprise standards.

All-Russian classifiers are approved by the State Standard of Russia. Their use is mandatory when exchanging information between state-level management systems and when filling out unified forms documents established by state bodies and having intersectoral application.

Industry classifiers, like industry standards, operate within the industry that approved them (ministries, departments) when filling out industry documents, and enterprise classifiers - within the enterprises that approved them (associations, associations, etc.). Samples from all-Russian and industry classifiers can serve as enterprise classifiers.

There are more than 30 all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information (OKTEI) in Russia. Some of them are listed in Appendix 4.

OKTEI are used as unified machine-oriented languages ​​of communication between business entities and management bodies, incl. for classification science-based description and regulation of the national economy of the Russian Federation. For example, OKP, OKDP, TN VED are intended for state regulation the composition of the types and structure of specific products produced and consumed in Russia.

Six all-Russian classifiers (OKDP, OKZ, OKS, OKV, OKEI, OK TN VED) fully comply with international classifications or standards.

Thus, the All-Russian Classifier of Standards (OKS) is the result of the direct application of the International Classifier of Standards, approved by ISO in 1996 ᴦ., and fully complies with the Interstate Classifier of Standards MK (ISO / INFCO MKS) 001-96. Classification objects are standards and other normative documents on standardization.

OKS is intended for use in the construction of catalogs, as well as indexes of standards and other normative documents on standardization, for the classification of standards and normative documents on standardization contained in databases, libraries, etc.

The OKS adopted a hierarchical classification method. The length of the code designation is seven characters, the code alphabet is digital. The structure of the OKS code is shown in fig. 4.1.

In the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement (OKEI), the objects of classification are units of measurement used in various fields of activity. OKEI has seven groups of units: length, area, volume, mass, technical, time, economic.

OKEI contains two sections and two reference appendices.

Section 1 -- ʼʼInternational units of measure included in ESCCʼʼ - is based on the international classification of units of measure contained in the recommendation ʼʼCodes for units of measure used in international tradeʼʼ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE WG 4 Recommendation No. 20). It includes the most commonly used units of measurement in the Russian Federation. The remaining units of measurement from the indicated international classification are listed in reference Appendix A.

Section 2 - ʼʼNational units of measurement included in the ESCCʼʼ - includes additional national units of measurement not found in international classifications.

The length of the code designation is three characters, the code alphabet is digital. The classifier uses a serial-order coding system.

An example of recording one position from section 1 of the OKEI classifier is shown in fig. 4.2.

Due to the country's transition to a market economy, OKUD, OKP, OKOF (basic funds), OKISZN underwent significant processing.

Due to the cessation of centralized planning and economic management, only the classification part with a six-digit code designation for each position has been retained in the all-Russian classifier of products, and if it is extremely important to reflect specific types, brands, models and other characteristics of certain types of products, ministries (departments) can create industry classifiers of products, in which the OKP codes should be used as the first six characters.

The classifiers OKPO, OKOGU, OKER, OKSO, OKUN, OKPDTR (see Appendix 4) have retained their functional purpose, taking into account the refinement in relation to the territory of Russia, the structure of its management system.

The ESKD classifier is the only one that is accepted as an all-Russian one without processing.

The composition of the classifiers will expand as the process of the country's economic development and its consistent integration into the world economy continue to improve.

A significant difference from the previously existing procedure for maintaining all-Union classifiers is that the main means of maintaining all-Russian classifiers and ensuring interaction with subscribers is the information and computing network of statistics. For this reason, the role of territorial statistical bodies, which provide information services to subscribers in their region, is significantly increasing.

The composition and content of work on the creation of classifiers of technical and economic information, keeping them up to date (maintaining) by making changes, as well as the procedure for developing classifiers and their practical application are regulated by a set of state standards under common name -Unified system of classification and coding of technical, economic and social information (ESKK TEI).

The main tasks of ESKK TEI are:

ordering, unification, classification and coding of information used in the management system;

Creation of a complex of classifiers necessary for solving problems by management bodies of various levels;

· maximum use of international classifications for solving problems related to the international exchange of information;

Providing conditions for automating information processing processes, including the creation of automated data banks;

Ensuring information compatibility of interacting information systems.

The objects of classification and coding in ESKK TEI are economic and social objects and their properties, information about which is necessary to solve management problems.

Approximate composition basic work, provided for by ESKK TEI, is presented in fig. 4.3.

As can be seen from fig. 4.3, work should begin with setting the task of collecting, recording and analyzing information about the object, which should be solved by the management body. He must also formulate the terms of reference for the development of the classifier. Next, the analysis of the set of control objects is carried out, their main features are distinguished, according to which, taking into account the tasks set, groups of homogeneous objects are formed and methods for classifying and coding the set are selected.

The next step is the development of the classifier in the manner prescribed by the ESKK TEI, including the development of systems for maintaining the classifier and measures for its implementation.

These regulatory documents are designed to solve the problems of organizing and coordinating standardization work in Russia (GOST R 1.0-92).

In addition to the rules and recommendations on standardization, the Russian Federation provides for similar regulatory documents on metrology, certification and accreditation. Due to the unity of their functional purpose general provisions, the procedure for the development, adoption and registration of rules and recommendations are largely unified and are set out in GOST R 1.10-95.

Standardization Rules (PR) - a document establishing organizational, technical and (or) general technical provisions, procedures (rules of procedures), methods (methods, techniques) for performing work in the field of standardization, as well as mandatory requirements for the presentation of the results of these works, that are mandatory for application.Οʜᴎ are developed when it is extremely important to detail the mandatory requirements of the fundamental organizational, technical and general technical standards, in the absence of such standards, and also in the event that it is impractical to develop and apply such standards.

Recommendations for standardization (P) - a document containing voluntary organizational and technical and (or) general technical provisions, procedures (rules of procedures), methods (methods, techniques) for performing work in the field of standardization, as well as recommended requirements for formalizing the results of these works. Recommendations are developed and adopted for preliminary verification in practice of those who have not yet become model provisions, procedures, methods of performing work, as well as the rules for processing their results.

Research institutes and other organizations, both related to the system of the State Standard of Russia and not included in it, are involved in the development of draft rules and recommendations. Rules for cross-industry application are put into effect by a resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia and, if extremely important, are registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia. The recommendations are put into effect by the decision of the leadership of the State Standard of Russia (decree, order, order or personal signature).

Terms and Definitions

Standardization is an activity aimed at developing and establishing requirements, norms, rules and characteristics (mandatory and recommended) which ensures the right of the consumer to purchase goods of good quality at an affordable price, as well as the right to safety and comfort at work.

The purpose of standardization- achieving the optimal degree of streamlining in a particular area of ​​activity through the wide and repeated use of established provisions, requirements and norms to solve real-life, planned or potential problems.

Standardization is associated with such concepts as the object of standardization and the area of ​​standardization.
Object of standardization- a product, process or service for which certain requirements, characteristics, parameters, rules, etc. are developed. Standardization can concern either the object as a whole or its individual components.

Standardization area- a set of interrelated objects of standardization. For example, mechanical engineering is an area of ​​standardization, and the objects of standardization in mechanical engineering can be technological processes for manufacturing machines, metallic materials, engine types, etc.

According to the manual 2 ISO / IEC recommends the following types of regulatory documents adopted in the State Standardization System of the Russian Federation: standards, technical specifications documents, codes of practice, regulations (technical regulations).

A standard is a normative document developed by consensus, approved by a recognized body and aimed at achieving an optimal degree of streamlining in certain area.
The standard establishes for general and repeated use general principles, rules and characteristics regarding the content of various activities or their results.
Standards are developed on the basis of the achievements of science, technology and best practices; they contain indicators that guarantee the possibility of improving the quality of products (and the economy of their production), as well as the level of their interchangeability.

specification document establishes technical requirements to a product, process or service.

A set of rules is usually developed for the design processes, installation of equipment and structures, Maintenance or operation of objects, structures and products. The technical rules contained in the document are advisory in nature. A set of rules can be an independent standard or an independent document, as well as part of the standard.

A regulation is a document that contains binding legal norms. The regulation is adopted by the authority, and not by the standardization body. A variety of regulations - technical regulations - contains technical requirements for the object of standardization.

Regulations on standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law "On Standardization". Such regulatory documents include: state standards of the Russian Federation (GOST R); international, regional standards applied in accordance with legal norms, as well as rules, norms and recommendations for standardization; all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information; industry standards; enterprise standards; standards of scientific, technical, engineering and other public associations.
Until recently, the standards of the former USSR also apply, if they do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In addition to standards, normative documents are also ETC– standardization rules, R– recommendations for standardization and THATspecifications.

State standards are developed for products, works and services, the needs for which are intersectoral in nature. The standards of this category are accepted by the State Standard of the Russian Federation, and if they relate to the field of construction, architecture, industry building materials- Gosstroy of the Russian Federation.

The state standards contain mandatory requirements for the object of standardization and recommendations.

Mandatory requirements include: the safety of a product, service or process, for human health, the environment and property, as well as industrial safety and sanitary standards; technical and information compatibility and interchangeability of products; unity of control methods and unity of marking.
Safety requirements are especially relevant, since product safety is the main aspect of conformity certification.

The safety requirements in the standards include: electrical safety, fire safety, explosion safety, radiation safety, maximum allowable concentrations of chemicals and pollutants, safety in the maintenance of machinery and equipment; requirements for protective equipment and measures to ensure safety (guards, machine limiters, blocking devices, alarms, etc.).

Industry standards developed in relation to the products of a particular industry. The requirements of industry standards should not contradict the mandatory requirements of state standards, as well as the rules and safety standards established for the industry.
Accept such standards government bodies management (eg ministries) who are responsible for compliance with the requirements of industry standards with the mandatory requirements of GOST R.
The objects of industry standardization are: products, processes and services specific to the industry; rules concerning the organization of work on industry standardization; standard designs and products for industry applications (technical device, tool, etc.); metrological assurance rules in the industry.

Enterprise standards developed and adopted by the enterprise itself. The objects of standardization in this case are the components of the organization and management of production. Standardization in an enterprise can also affect the products manufactured by this enterprise.

The Federal Law "On Standardization" recommends using standardization at an enterprise to master state, international and regional standards, as well as to regulate the requirements for raw materials, semi-finished products and other components purchased from other organizations.

Public Association Standards (scientific and technical societies, engineering societies, etc.)- regulatory documents developed for fundamentally new types of products, processes or services, advanced testing methods, as well as non-traditional technologies and production management principles.

For business entities, the standards of public associations serve as an important source of information about the first achievements and, on a voluntary basis, can be used in the development of enterprise standards.

Rules for standardization(PR) and recommendations for standardization (R) by their nature correspond to the normative documents of the methodological content. They may relate to the procedure for harmonizing regulatory documents, submitting information about accepted standards of industries, society or any organizations to the State Standard of the Russian Federation, creating a standardization service at an enterprise, rules for conducting state control over compliance mandatory requirements state standards, etc.

Specifications(TU) is developing an enterprise (or other business entity) when it is not practical to create a standard.
The objects of technical specifications can be: products of a one-time supply, produced in small batches; works of art crafts, etc.

In Russia, as in world practice, there are several types of standards that differ in the specifics of the object of standardization: fundamental standards; standards for products (services); work standards (processes); standards for control methods.

Fundamental Standards regulate organizational principles and regulations, requirements, rules and regulations, which are considered as common to various fields of science, technology and production.
An example of fundamental standards is GOST R 1.0-92, GOST R 1.2-92, GOST R 1.4-93, GOST R 1.5-92– regulatory documents on the organization State system standardization in Russia.

Product standards(services) establish requirements for specific types of work, such as development, production, operation, storage, transportation, repair and disposal.

Standards for methods of control (tests, measurements, analysis) recommend the use of control methods that ensure the objectivity of the assessment of mandatory requirements for product quality. The main criterion for the objectivity of the control method (testing, measurement, analysis)– reproducibility and comparability of results.

The most common and effective form of standardization is unification.
Unification is a rational reduction in the number of objects of the same functional purpose. It is carried out in two stages:

  • analysis of the design of products and their applicability;
  • bringing similar in design and size products, their components and parts to a single optimal standard design.

Thus, the minimum necessary, but sufficient number of types, types and sizes of products, characterized by high quality indicators and complete interchangeability, is established. If the results of unification are not formalized by the standard, then it can be carried out before standardization. If a standard is being developed that will be applied in several industries, then it is allowed more sizes.
Their further reduction is achieved by compiling sectoral or in-plant restrictive lists of product sizes, their constituent parts and details.

Committee ISO/STACO recommends the following definition of the term "unification": this is a form of standardization, which consists in combining two or more documents in one document (technical conditions) in such a way that the products regulated by this document can be interchanged when used.
Note: ISO- International Organization for Standardization (International Standard Organization - abbreviated ISO).

The basis of unification is systematization and classification.
The systematization of objects, phenomena or concepts aims to arrange them in a certain order and sequence, forming a clear system that is convenient for use. At the same time, the interconnection of systematization objects is taken into account.
The simplest form of systematization is the alphabetical arrangement of objects. Such a system is used, for example, in encyclopedic and political reference books, in bibliography, etc. Ordinal numbering of systematized objects or their arrangement in chronological order is also used.
For example, GOST You are registered by the State Committee for Standards in numerical order. After the number in each standard indicate the year of adoption (for example, GOST 16095-70 "Metric thread for diameters from 1 to 600 mm. Tolerances"). To systematize the parameters and dimensions of machines, their parts and parts, series of preferred numbers are recommended.

Such a kind of systematization as classification has become widespread.

Classification aims to arrange objects, phenomena or concepts into classes, subclasses and categories, depending on their common features. Most often, the classification is carried out according to the decimal system. On its basis, the All-Union Product Classifier was created.
The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is accepted as international system rubrication indexes of technical and humanitarian literature. For example: UDC 62- technique; UDC 621– general mechanical engineering and electronics; UDC 621.3– electrical engineering; UDC 622- mining engineering; UDC 621.3.622– electrical engineering in mining, etc.

Simplification is a form of standardization that consists in reducing the number of types or other varieties of products to a number sufficient to satisfy existing standards. given time needs. This definition is given STAKO.
Simplification usually excludes varieties of products, their components and parts that are not necessary. (or, conversely, leave only those varieties that are considered necessary). Simplification objects do not introduce any technical improvements.

Typification of product designs- development and establishment of standard designs containing design parameters common to products, their components and parts. When typing, not only analyze the already existing types and sizes of products, their components and parts, but also develop new, promising ones, taking into account the achievements of science and technology and the development of industry. Often the result of such work is the establishment of the corresponding series of products, their components and parts.

Typification of technological processes- development of a technological process for the production of parts of the same type or assembly of the same type of components or products of a particular classification group. The typification of technological processes should be preceded by work on the classification of parts, components and products and the establishment of typical representatives that have the largest number of features characteristic of parts, components and products of this classification group.
In our country, the typification of technological processes is widespread.

Aggregation provides for: expansion of the fields of application of machines by the rapid replacement of their individual organs (mechanisms, details), increasing the range of manufactured machines by modifying their main types and creating various designs; the possibility of completing some machines (mechanisms, equipment) different functional purpose from unified interchangeable units and parts; creating fixtures by using common parts, etc.

Standardization- activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary multiple use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.

Standard- a document in which, for the purpose of voluntary multiple use, product characteristics, implementation rules and characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services are established. The standard may also contain requirements for terminology, symbols, packaging, marking or labels and the rules for their application.

Object of standardization- products, work, process and services that are subject to or have undergone standardization. The classification of standardization objects is shown in fig. 1.1.

Products- the result of activity, presented in material form and intended for further use for economic and other purposes (FZoTR). To material products include raw materials, materials, semi-finished products. However, along with material products, there actually exists intangible- information (industrial, scientific, regulatory, commercial, managerial, etc.), software etc.

Household information is not an object of standardization, as well as information about consumer requests.

Process- activities to convert incoming elements into outgoing ones using resources (clause 3.4.1 GOST R ISO 9000-2001). For example, in the production of consumer goods, raw materials (raw materials, materials and semi-finished products) as a result production processes at the output turn into finished products.

According to the FZoTR, the following processes are distinguished:

Design (including surveys);



Installation and adjustment;



Transportation (transportation);



The objects of standardization are divided into standardized - subjected to standardization and non-standardized - subject to standardization.

Depending on compliance or non-compliance with established requirements, products and services may be standard or non-standard.

The purpose of standardization- identification of the most correct and economical option, i.e. finding the optimal solution. The found solution makes it possible to achieve optimal ordering in a certain area of ​​standardization. To turn this possibility into reality, it is necessary that the found solution become the property of a large number of enterprises (organizations) and specialists. Only with the general and repeated use of this solution to existing and potential problems is the economic effect of the ordering carried out possible.

Rice. 1.1. Classification of standardization objects

The principle of voluntariness of standards is implemented only when choosing a decision on the application (or non-application) of the standard. A positive decision on the application, regardless of the form (contract, reference in the technical document), obliges the business entity to comply with the requirements in the accepted volume. An analogy with military service under a contract is appropriate here: a person who has entered into a contract voluntarily accepts established "rules of the game" and therefore must strictly follow them (strictly follow the charter, orders of commanders, etc.).

In project federal law about standardization, it is indicated that standardization is carried out in purposes:

1. Increasing the level of safety of life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environmental safety, safety of life or health of animals and plants and promotion of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations;

2. Ensuring industrial, economic and information security of the Russian Federation; quality and competitiveness of products, works, services, production technologies, services in social sphere; reducing technical barriers to trade; rational use resources; promotion of progressive technologies, introduction of innovations; scientific and technological progress; protecting the interests of consumers; confirmation of conformity of products (works, services); information compatibility and interchangeability of technical means (machinery and equipment, their components, components and materials);

3, Creation of systems and complexes of standards; classification and coding systems for technical, economic and social information; product cataloging systems; product quality assurance and production management systems; systems for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

4. Facilitate work on unification

The achievement of these goals is facilitated by the solution of the following tasks:

■ establishing mutual understanding between developers, manufacturers, sellers and consumers of products, goods and services;

■ establishing a rational range and optimal requirements for the quality of manufactured products in the interests of the consumer and the state, including those that contribute to maintaining its safety for the environment, life and health of people, property of individuals and legal entities;

■ setting requirements for standardization objects on a voluntary basis;

■ harmonization of requirements for product quality with requirements for the quality of component parts, raw materials for semi-finished products;

■ regulatory support for quality control and conformity assessment of products;

■ establishing requirements for technological processes, including those to reduce material, energy and labor intensity to ensure the use of low-waste technologies;

■ creation of a unified system for classifying and coding technical and economic information;

■ creation of a product cataloging system for information of the population about the range and quality of manufactured products:

■ assistance in the implementation of Russian legislation by methods and means of standardization.

Levels of standardization

Standardization is carried out on different levels - international, regional And national. The level of standardization differs depending on which geographic, economic and political region of the world the participants adopt the standard.

If participation in standardization is open to the relevant bodies of any country, then this international standardization.

The development of international standards in relation to food products is carried out by:

■ International Organization for Standardization (ISO);

■ Codex Alimentarius Commission.

international standard(ISO standard) is developed and published by the international organization for standardization. The main goal of ISO is to promote the development of standardization in the world in order to facilitate the international exchange of goods and to develop mutual cooperation in various fields of scientific, technical and economic activity.

Examples of international standards: ISO 9000 series - for the development of Quality Systems, ISO 14000 series - for the development of environmental management; ISO 22000 series - for the development of systems that ensure the safety of products manufactured by a food enterprise.

International Codex Standards designed to protect consumers from products hazardous to human health and from fraud. Codex Alimentarius standards focus on nutritional quality and hygiene. The objects of the standards are:

■ all basic foodstuffs;

■ semi-finished products of the food industry;

■ raw materials used to make food.

These standards are documents compiled in a single form and containing indicators of three groups:

■ indicators of nutritional quality and good quality: the ratio of the main components of food; food and energy value of the product; the quantitative content of essential nutritional factors; a list of additives contained in the product (dyes, antioxidants, flavors, stabilizers, emulsifiers) and their permissible hygiene standards; microbiological indicators; the presence of residues of mineral fertilizers, etc.;

■ packaging and labeling rules (type of packaging, including material requirements; packaging capacity; method and place of labeling; information to be printed on the packaging, etc.)

■ Methods of control for compliance of products with the properties declared on the packaging, with an explanation of the rules for sampling.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Conference in 1961 to set international standards to facilitate trade in food and agricultural products. Recognizing that security products is one of key indicators quality, FAO approached the World Health Organization (WHO) to join forces on this important issue. In 1962, the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program was established, executive body which became the Codex Commission Alimentarius. It is an intergovernmental body open to all members of FAO and WHO. where decisions are made by governments.

The development of a standard requires risk assessment. This is usually done by independent FAO/WHO expert panels, such as the Joint FAO/WHO Committee on Food Additives. At the same time, most of the initial data on the safety of food additives or agrochemicals comes from food or chemical industries, research and educational institutions. All of them are rigorously checked by independent experts for quality, sufficiency and consistency, so additional data is often requested during the evaluation process.

The standards of the Codex Alimentarius, unlike others, do not have the force of law. The standards, technical norms and rules of the Commission are recommendations government agencies that allow trade in food that is safe differ good quality, properly labelled, prepared and packaged under hygienic conditions. The Commission has set itself the task of international agreement on basic food standards in order to legitimize them And implementation in the practice of food production.

■ The Commission actively interacts with international organization on standardization and participates in the work of technical committees on food products. The study of the standards of the Codex Alimentarius and their comparison with domestic standards showed the need for harmonization (harmonization) of our standards.

Harmonization of standards contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

■ increasing the competitiveness of Russian food products on international markets;

■ ensuring the safety of people's life and health;

■ reducing barriers to international trade;

■ protecting consumers from importing low-quality, dangerous and falsified food products into Russia.

In addition to standards, the Commission develops codes of practice for the government of an optional nature. Such rules include, for example, the rules for checking animals before slaughter, hygiene rules, and standards for the storage of quick-frozen foods.

Regional standardization- activities open only to the relevant authorities of states of the same geographical, political and economic region peace.

The list of regional organizations for standardization is quite extensive. So in Europe there are the European Committee for Standardization (SEN), the European Committee for Standardization in Electrical Engineering (SENELEK), the Inter-Scandinavian Organization for Standardization (INSTA). The International Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) operates in Asia, uniting Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Brunei, and Vietnam. IN North America- Standards Institute of the USA and Canada, in South and Central America - the Pan American Committee for Standardization (COPANT), etc.

The most famous regional standard for Russians is the EOST, which operates on the territory of the CIS.

The management of work on standardization, metrology and certification is carried out by the Eurasian (Interstate) Council, established in 1993 in accordance with the Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification to coordinate work in these areas. It is recognized by ISO as a regional standardization organization as the Euro - Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) by ISO Council Resolution 26/1996. One of the results of EASC activity is the development of interstate standards - GOSTs, which can be used as national ones.

National standardization- standardization in one particular state. So, for example, the national standards of the USA - NIST, Germany - DIN; Japan - JIS; England - BSI; France APNOR; Russia - GOST R.

Means of standardization serve as regulatory documents. At the same time, these documents are one of the results of activities in the field of standardization, and their use contributes to the achievement of streamlining other activities.

Normative documents on standardization- documents containing rules, general principles, characteristics of standardization objects related to certain types of activities or their results.

Types of regulatory documents (categories) in the field of standardization Art. 13 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" (Fig. 1.2). These include:

National standards;

Organizational standards;

All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;


In addition, regulatory documents should also include technical regulations, in which obligatory requirements to products and processes.

Of the types listed mandatory requirements also regulate the rules, norms, all-Russian classifiers and standards until the development of technical regulations for the period up to 2015.

Requirements for voluntary basis establish standards And recommendations, moreover, the voluntariness of their application refers only to the period of choice of these regulatory documents. If such a choice is fixed on a voluntary basis or communicated to consumers and / or other interested parties in a certain way, then compliance with the requirements of standards or recommendations becomes required character.

Consider first the standards containing obligatory requirements. As follows from Fig. 1.2 these include: technical regulations, the all-Russian classifier of technical, economic and social information and standardization rules.

Technical regulation (TR)- a document that has been accepted international treaty of the Russian Federation, ratified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or a federal law, or a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, or a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation) and establishes obligatory for the application and fulfillment of the requirements for objects of technical regulation (products, including buildings, structures and structures, processes for designing production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal).

Purpose of TR- Establishment of the minimum necessary mandatory requirements. ensuring the safety of objects, the uniformity of measurements, their characteristics, as well as electromagnetic compatibility.

TR objects are products and processes.

Animal health and phytosanitary measures- mandatory requirements and procedures that are established to protect against risks arising from the entry, establishment or spread of pests, diseases, disease vectors or pathogens, including in the case of their transfer or spread by animals and/or plants , products, cargo, materials, vehicles; in connection with the presence of additives, pollutants, toxins, pests, weeds, pathogens, including with food or feed, as well as mandatory requirements and procedures adopted to prevent other damage associated with the spread of harmful organisms.

Spheres of distribution of TR are:

Safe operation of machinery and equipment, buildings, structures, structures and territories adjacent to them;

Safe disposal of machinery and equipment;

Fire safety, biological, environmental, nuclear and radiation safety;

Electromagnetic compatibility;

Requirements to certain types products and processes.

All-Russian classifier(technical, economic and social information)- a developed and approved regulatory document that establishes a systematic list of names and codes of objects of classification and / or classification groups and adopted at the appropriate level of standardization.

All-Russian classifiers (OK TESI) of technical, economic and social information - regulatory documents that distribute technical, economic and social information in accordance with its classification features into classification groups (classes, groups, types, etc.) and are obligatory for use in the creation of state information systems and information resources, as well as in the interdepartmental exchange of information. The order of their development and application is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

IN practical activities food production process engineers are of great interest to the All-Russian Classifier of Products (OKP), the All-Russian Classifier of Standards (OKS), the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

Let's consider an example of constructing a classifier in relation to the NES.

The All-Russian Classification of Products (OKP) is a set of codes and names of product groups built according to a hierarchical classification system.

Complete product classifier consists of two parts: classification And assortment. The code of the classification part is written in accordance with the OKP, the assortment part - on the basis of industry classifiers of products. The second part of the code is optional, it is entered if it is necessary to reflect specific types, brands, varieties, names, models of products or its other distinctive characteristics, for example, the type of container for packaging and its volume.

The classification part includes 6 code positions, assortment 4 positions. Thus, the complete code consists of 10 positions.

classification part, OKP itself, provides for the division of products according to the most significant economic and technical features. The OKP provides for a five-stage hierarchical classification, the designation of the stages is carried out Arabic numerals. At the first step product classes are located, the second - subclasses, the third - groups, the fourth - subgroups, and the fifth - types.

Codes of 2-5 bit product groupings are padded with zeros. When recording the OKP, an interval is made between the 2nd and 3rd digits.

Each position of the OKP includes a six-digit numeric code written in accordance with the above rules, a control number and the name of the product grouping, For example:

According to the OKP, all food products are included in classes 91 "Products of the food industry" and 92 "Products of the meat, dairy, fish, flour and cereals, feed and microbiological industries." Consider the construction of a classifier using the following example.

In product class 92 0000, subclass 1 is distinguished - products of the meat and poultry processing industry - 92 1000. The following product groups are included in subclass 1 of class 92:

1-meat (92 1100);

2 - by-products (92 1200);

3 - sausage products (92 1300);

4 - semi-finished meat and culinary products (92 1400);

5 - edible animal fats (92 1500);

6 - canned meat (92 1600);

7 - canned meat and vegetable and lard-legumes (92 1700);

8 - raw materials for intestinal, enzyme, endocrine, special, leather and feather-down (92 1800);

9 - other products of the meat industry (92 1900). There are subgroups within the group. For example, in group 3 of subclass 92 (92 1300), the following subgroups are distinguished:

1 - boiled sausage products (92 1310);

2 - sausages and sausages (92 1320);

3 - semi-smoked sausages (92 1330) and so on.

Within the subgroup, species related to boiled sausages, namely:

1 - stuffed sausages (92 1311);

2 - boiled sausages (92 1312);

3 - meat loaves (92 1313);

Rules (norms) of standardization- a regulatory document that establishes mandatory organizational and methodological provisions that supplement or specify certain provisions of the fundamental national standard and determine the procedure and methods for performing standardization work (GOST R 1.12-2004, clause 2.7).

Standardization rules are developed if it is necessary to specify (detail) certain provisions of the fundamental organizational and methodological or general technical national standard of the Russian Federation corresponding to its intended purpose, as well as if it is inappropriate to develop an organizational and methodological national standard of the Russian Federation, when the scope of such a document is limited only to organizations and structural divisions Rosstandart (GOST R 1.10-2004. p. 4.1).

Rules should not duplicate provisions national standards RF (GOST R 1.10-2004, clause 4.3).

Standardization rules are divided into four main subspecies:

Organizational and methodological rules for standardization of certification;

Sanitary Rules (SP);

Building regulations and norms (SNiP) or sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules (SanPiN);

Rules approved by the government of the Russian Federation and regulating activities in a particular area.

These subtypes of rules are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation or state authorities.

As an example of such documents, one can cite the Norms of natural loss of food products approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade or the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Tolerance Norms, Accuracy Norms, etc. In some cases, norms and rules are combined into one comprehensive document: SanPiN, SNiP.

As follows from Fig. 1.2., these are, first of all, standards various categories including:

■ interstate standard (GOST);

■ national standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R);

■ industry standards (OST);

■ enterprise standards (STO).

In addition, this group of documents includes recommendations for standardization and codes of practice. Let's take a closer look at these documents.

The draft federal law "On Standardization" proposes to return the category "industry standard" and introduce new category"pre-standard".

Interstate standard (GOST)- this is a regional standard adopted by the states that have joined the Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification, and applied directly by them.

In order to ensure the continuity of production, the current fund of state standards of the USSR was assigned to interstate standards, while retaining the designation "GOST", since it is contained in many sheets of technical and regulatory documentation and is widely known in the world.

Objects of standardization GOST is products, works and services of intersectoral significance, in particular:

■ products for mass use, including foodstuffs;

■ objects of scientific, technical and socio-economic targeted programs;

■ general requirements, rules and regulations (for example, tolerances and landings, rules for drawing up construction drawings, rules for drawing up bibliography, etc.). The standards for these objects are combined into single interconnected complexes.

Designation between state standard consists of an index (GOST), registration number and dashes separated by the last two digits - the year the standard was approved. Registration number is assigned upon receipt approved standards for registration, regardless of the product group (for example, food products, oil and oil products and so on).

In the designation of the standard that is part of the complex, in its registration number, the first digits with a dot define the complex of standards.

Interstate standard designation: GOST 4025-95 Household meat grinders. Specifications

Designation of the interstate standard from the complex:

GOST 2.004-88 "Rules for the execution of design documents on printing and graphic output devices of computers."

National standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R)- standard approved by Rosstandart. GOST R standardization objects are similar to GOST.

The designation of the state standard of the Russian Federation consists of an index (GOST R), registration number and dashes separated by the last two digits of the year of approval. The validity period of the standard is not set.

National standard designation:

GOST R 50373-92 Frozen pancreatic glands of cattle and pigs. Specifications, Instead of GOST 11258-73

Industry Standards (OST)- a standard developed in relation to the products of a certain industry and adopted by the federal executive body (ministry, department, corporation) in the event that there is no GOST R for the standardization object.

In particular, the objects of standardization include:

products, processes (works) and services used in the industry, including the organization of work on industry standardization;

size ranges and standard products for industry purposes (specific fasteners, tools);

■ rules for registration of work on metrological support in the industry.

The OST designation consists of an index, a symbol of the ministry (department), a registration number assigned in the manner established by the ministry in agreement with Rosstandart, and separated by a dash of the last two digits of the year of approval. Symbol ministries (departments) is a two-digit Arabic numeral.

Standard of the enterprise, organization (STO)- this is a standard approved by the head of the enterprise (association of enterprises) by order or personal signature on the first page of the standard. The purpose of the development of SRT is to improve production, ensure the quality of products, work and services, as well as dissemination and use of research results. The enterprise standard is developed on:

■ tools and technological equipment used at the enterprise;

■ component parts of the product that have turnover within the enterprise;

■ processes for organizing and managing production ( job descriptions, rules for settlement with suppliers, labor incentive system, etc.);

■ services provided within the enterprise.

Enterprise standards are also developed to ensure that other categories of standards are applied within the enterprise. The requirements for products set out in the STO should not contradict the requirements contained in the standards of higher categories.

The designation of the standard consists of an index (STO), a registration number assigned in the manner established by the enterprise (association of enterprises), and separated by a dash of the last two digits of the year of approval.

Recommendations for standardization- a document containing organizational and methodological advice that relates to standardization work and contributes to the application of the fundamental national standard or contains provisions that it is advisable to first check in practice before they are established in the fundamental national standard (GOST R 1.12-2004, clause 2.8) .

Recommendations for standardization are developed in case the expediency of preliminary verification in practice of unstable, not yet standard organizational and methodological provisions in the relevant field, i.e., before the adoption of the national standard of the Russian Federation, in which these provisions can be established (GOST R 1.10-2004, clause 4.2).

R.50.1.044-2003 “Recommendations for the development of technical regulations” can be mentioned as an example.

Set of rules- a document in the field of standardization, which contains technical rules and / or a description of the processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of products and which is applied on a voluntary basis

Such codes are developed in cases where there are no national standards in relation to individual requirements of technical regulations or objects of technical regulation.

Application of codes of practice on a voluntary basis is a sufficient condition for compliance with the requirements of the relevant technical regulations. The development and approval of sets of rules is carried out by federal executive bodies within their powers.

Pre-standard (pre-standard)- a document of limited consensus, which is adopted by the national standardization body for a limited period, not exceeding five years, and brought to a wide range of users in order to accumulate in the process of its application the necessary experience for the development of a national standard.


Specifications(TU) is a document that establishes the quality requirements for a specific name of a product (service).

Objects TU can be: products pilot batches of products; products produced from local raw materials or waste from the main production; new types of products not included in national or industry product standards; disposable items, and the like.

Specifications are not referred to as regulatory, but as technical documents, therefore, the procedure for their development and approval is not regulated by the documents of the National Standardization System (NSS).

The project of specifications presented according to the standard scheme is supplemented by a title page. On the title page is the product OKP code, approval and approval stamps indicating the head of the organization performing these actions; designation of technical conditions. The TU designation is assigned by the developer. The following designation structure is recommended:

Standard index - TU;

Four-digit product class code according to OKP (All-Russian classifier of products);

three digit registration number;

Eight-digit enterprise code according to OKPO (All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations);

Year of approval - the last two digits.

Designation example

TU 9213-004-02068315-95 Special boneless smoked-baked brisket, made with the use of liquid smoke flavoring.

In order to get the right to implement the development into production, the technical specification is subject to agreement. In accordance with GOST 15.015-90, coordination can be carried out in two ways:

On the acceptance committee;

Directly with the customer (consumer).

To account for products manufactured according to specifications, a catalog sheet is compiled. Catalog sheets are subject to registration in the centers of standardization and metrology. Registration organizations do not keep copies of the technical specifications in order to avoid the possibility of transferring them to other organizations without the knowledge of developers who consider them their intellectual property. It is not allowed to release products on the basis of copies of technical specifications that are not certified by the blue seal of the developer's enterprise.

Service standards- the type of standards that establish requirements for the services of a homogeneous group or specific services.

Service standards may have the following subtypes: general technical conditions (GTU), general requirements for personnel and classification of enterprises in a particular service area. The GTC for the service contains requirements for it based on their “Retail Services. General technical conditions". The subtype "General requirements for personnel" regulates the requirements for the service and / or production staff(for example, GOST R 51305-99 " Retail. Requirements for service personnel.

Work standards (processes)- the type of standards that establish the basic requirements for methods (methods, modes, norms for performing various kinds of work in the technological processes of development, manufacture, storage, transportation, repair and disposal of products). The most common are standards for packaging, labeling and storage methods. Technological processes the production of goods or the provision of services are regulated mainly instructions relating to technological documents, as well as codes of practice.

Standards for methods of control- the type of standards that establish methods (techniques, techniques, etc.) for testing, measuring, analyzing products during their creation, certification and use. Requirements for methods of control (tests) are regulated international standard ISO/IEC Guide 7.

In accordance with these documents, the requirements for objectivity, accuracy, and reproducibility of results are imposed on control methods. To ensure these requirements, the standards for control methods must establish the permissible measurement errors.

Standards for methods of control can be divided into the following subtypes:

Rules for acceptance and sampling;

Methods for determining the values ​​of quality indicators;

Methods for identifying products and services.

Standards for terms and definitions- the type of standards that establish the terms, as well as their definitions. Such standards include, for example, GOST R 52427 - 05 “Meat industry. Food products. Terms and Definitions".

The main purpose of terminological standards is to ensure mutual understanding between interested parties.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

1. Define the concepts of "standardization", "standard" and the object of standardization.


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