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For the end of XX-beginning of XXI centuries. characterized by an unstable state of the economy. But the market positions are already strong enough. In this regard, fundamentally new problems have arisen for researchers in the field of labor and personnel sciences that require their understanding. The main ones include the following:

      the crisis state of the economy, which many authors evaluate as a labor crisis.

      the presence of a real labor market, and as a result - the emergence of new relations between the employee and the employer, significant differences in wages by industry and region, personnel marketing, competitive selection, processing of information fundamentally new for personnel services in the form of a resume, the emergence of new forms of work with applicants for vacancies.

      Changing the professional qualification requirements for employees of personnel services. The HR manager is equated with the professions of the future.

      addiction wages on the state of the labor market, i.e. on quality work force, the level of demand for certain professional and qualification groups of workers at a particular moment or period of time.

      Changes in the definition of income. Now it is not only wages, but also additional income, such as interest on shares, which must also be taken into account in the overall analysis of employee income.

      Fundamentally new forms of personnel performance assessment based on the use of objective methods and free from any ideological orientation.

      The company's need for more skilled workers. To ensure their high professional level effective training programs and improved personnel planning algorithms are required.

      more intensive staff development, incl. his career growth. This is due to the intensification of labor and constantly updated production technologies; reducing the retirement age; negative consequences of the demographic situation in connection with a decrease in natural population growth.

      Increasing role of computer technologies in solving managerial problems, including personnel management.

      Changing the qualitative content of traditionally solved tasks of personnel management.

      Organizational change enterprise structures, as well as fundamentally new approach to the concept of the workplace, which entails the problems of monitoring and evaluating the activities of personnel.

      Changing the relationship between enterprises, incl. taking into account the participation of foreign companies.

      Termination of the existence of centralized methodological centers involved in the preparation of relevant materials on the problems of personnel management and personnel management. Now all issues of a methodological nature for personnel management are under the jurisdiction of the personnel services of individual enterprises, excluding regulatory materials for legislative purposes and individual materials at the industry level.

Thus, it can be stated that at present a unified approach has not yet been developed in relation to personnel management and personnel management.

Posted On May 19, 2018

Belyaeva V. A.

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Assoc. Miroshnichenko Y.V.

Kharkov Institute of Trade and Economics KNTEU, Ukraine

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that labor relations cover a wide range of problems related to the organization labor process, training and recruitment, the choice of the optimal wage system, the creation of social partnership relations at the enterprise.

Personnel management in an enterprise is a management that is a relatively autonomous and specific subsystem common system organization management; a set of interrelated processes of human activity management; a set of methods of influencing human behavior in the process of labor activity, as well as the process of interaction between the subject and the object of management.

The problems of personnel management have been studied from various points of view and quite a lot of works have been published on this topic. In particular, the problems of personnel management have been studied by many scientists. Among them: A. V. Aleksandrov, L. M. Gatovsky, A. G. Zhuravlev, I. N. Kirpa, G. A. Kovaleva, A. E. Kotlyar, N. V. Kochkina, V. P. Mazyrin, A. N. Neverovskaya, P. A. Papulov, L. N. Ponomarev. But the problem of personnel management is still at the stage of improving the management strategy, which does not answer modern goals enterprise development.

The purpose of this article is to study effective management personnel, as well as the development of methodological tools for improving the personnel management system, including the proposed models and management methods used at various levels.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are formulated:

1. Identify the main problems of improving the efficiency of personnel in the enterprise.

2. Conduct an analysis of existing personnel management systems and present the main directions, their improvement in order to adapt to modern approaches, methods and principles.

At the present stage of the study of work on personnel management, the following main problems in the field of personnel management can be distinguished: - a new (market) field of activity on the same theoretical and practical basis; - management strategy does not meet the modern goals of enterprise development, managers do not can use the potential of subordinates; - understanding of the role and place of personnel management in the business system does not correspond to the actual volume and nature of the tasks assigned; - inability of employers to accurately set the "specifications" of the required parameters of employees, from - lack of ability to analyze jobs and determine qualification requirements for jobs, lack of analysis of the labor market and calculations of labor costs; - mentality of the subject and object of management, lack of a sense of the market; - problems with the quality of professional - qualification training and retraining of personnel; - the action of anti-market forces (massive organized pre-st opnost and corruption with particular acuteness pose the problem of security and trust to the detriment of professionalism in the selection of personnel).

The process of forming an effective management system by human resourses on the modern enterprise shown in Fig.1.

Rice. 1. The process of forming an effective human resource management system in a modern enterprise.

The human resource management system will be effective, conducive to the favorable development of the business, if the right management is carried out. In order to successfully manage an organization and avoid problems in personnel management, it is necessary to follow the following principles:

1 Develop a decision-making process and apply adequate problem-solving methods.

2 Develop the ability to manage oneself, manage a group.

3 Be kind to the staff.

4 Motivate staff.

5 To develop the ability to subtly manipulate employees, to take into account their thoughts, beliefs, interests.

6 Meaningful recruitment and placement process.

Another optimal solution to the problems of managing the company's personnel may be to involve a hired top manager in the management, which includes in his work:

1. Result. This is the square of behavior.

2.Motivation. This is the square of psychology.

3. Team. This is the square of corporate spirit.

4. System.

5. Leadership.

Based on the results of the study of this problem, it can be concluded that the formation of an effective human resource management system has become one of the practical tasks, factors, and economic success.

Achieving these conditions will allow developing effective system human resource management in the organization.

Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, in the short term will be constantly in the focus of attention of management. In the future, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the content and working conditions will become more important than material interest.


1. Personnel management / Ed. B.Yu. Serbinovsky and S.I. Samygin. M.: Prior, 2004. - 432 p.

2. Bustard V.V., Polovinko V.S. Personnel management of research and production organizations. - M.: Inform-Knowledge; Omsk, 2005. - from 12.

3. Davidenko, N. Development of leaders - the sail of talent management / N.Davidenko, V.Lyakh // Personnel management. - 2010. - No. 11. - P. 14-17.

4. Ovchinnikova T.I. The place of the personnel management service in the structure of the organization //Personnel of the enterprise// -2003 - №11. - P. 7-8.

5. "Personnel management". . // Official website of the journal. - Access mode


Uzakov Ruslan


The aim of the work is to identify the problems that the manager faces in the process of management activities and also find various solutions to these problems. This topic is relevant in modern production and in the economy as a whole, because managers who constantly improve their personal educational level and care about the level of qualification of the company's employees eventually grow into the most effective managers and the main potential of any developed state, and there are these educated people.

The success of any organization depends on the effectiveness of the joint work of the staff, its qualifications, vocational training and the level of education, as well as working conditions that contribute to or hinder, on the one hand, the satisfaction of the material needs of the employee, and, on the other hand, the highly efficient work of the organization as a whole. Human resources management is very complex and delicate matter and often over time the problems become more and more. After all, in order to lead, you need to have knowledge in various fields (management, psychology, strategic planning and so on). It is important to build a personnel management system at the enterprise that will help solve the problems of the company and get rid of some of the problems of personnel management.

Consider the ways and methods that are the main ones for regulating the process of managing an organization:

1. Financial incentives. Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration is given big role, but the constant increase in the level of wages does not contribute to both maintaining labor activity at the proper level, and the growth of labor productivity.

The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. In the end, there is a certain imposition or addiction to this type of exposure.

2. Improving the quality of the labor force. Sometimes, when setting certain goals, a company encounters a lack of experience and knowledge among employees, and then a decision is made on additional staff training. In order not to face this constantly, the company should form a personnel training system. First of all, in order to avoid the problem of personnel management already on initial stage, such work should only be entrusted to a true HR professional.

3. Improving the organization of labor. It contains: setting goals (a correctly set goal, by forming an orientation towards its achievement, serves as a motivating tool for an employee), expanding labor functions(increase in the number of operations performed by one employee), enrichment of labor (providing a person with such work that would enable growth, creativity, responsibility, inclusion in his duties of some planning and quality control functions of the main, and sometimes related products), study of time (if a person does not have enough time to do quality work, he will consider that it is not worth spending effort on it), improving working conditions (a new level of social maturity of the individual denies adverse working conditions), the pace of work (the manager should strive to reduce monotony semi-automated processes, giving workers the freedom to choose their pace).

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process. Enable the employee to make the decisions necessary to carry it out, i.e. there must be autonomy (within limits)

5. Not monetary incentive. All employees need a positive assessment of their work and count on it. Handing out congratulatory letters or simply approving employees can contribute to better performance. The productivity of those workers who strive for success can be increased by expanding the range of tasks performed or enriching them. Including employees in TQM programs has a positive effect on employees' commitment to their work. The use of flexible working hours is another motive that can increase staff productivity. Such a measure will only work if the individuals working flexible hours are trustworthy and accountable.

Summing up the above, it is required to say that people are the main resource of any enterprise, the quality of products, the level of service, the overall growth and development of the company depend on the personnel. Correcting the work of the staff is the first thing the head of the company should do.





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R.F. Khisamutdinov, O.E. Small

Actual problems of personnel management of state organizations

The article analyzes the psychological mistakes that managers make when working with personnel in state organization. In addition, other options for errors in team management are considered. Not a little important role the organization itself.

Problems of personnel management in the service sector

The structure of management development is proposed with the main task of increasing the effectiveness and quality promotion of management, but it also shows how management affects the organization.

Key words: leader, management, personnel, organization, development, methods, structure.

Management must work in any state organization. But unfortunately, it is difficult to find an effective, experienced and high-quality specialist for this position. In addition to education, he must be able to use various techniques, be fluent in verbal communication during negotiations or assignments of duties. If we tend to what the nature of each person rewards, for example: charisma, charm, the ability to get along with people, then it is accordingly impossible not to use it, but we must not forget that in this case mistakes will occur much more often. This can lead to trouble in the state organization. Such problems are better prevented than solved. In order to get ahead of the problem, you need to understand what it is and start doing it when recruiting. So, let's look at a few management mistakes when managing a team:

1) There are a type of people who have the "excellent student" syndrome. Such a leader often becomes a rare employee. For the reason that he has a narrower specialty, he knows little of any subtleties and aspects, a number of mistakes can come from this.

2) The next problem may arise due to a certain distance between employees. Sometimes the team notices behind the leader how he tries to elevate his position and puts himself above each employee of the staff.

Such a problem can be called the “problem of the elder”.

3) "Inside man" is the next problem that occurs in the state organization. The function of managing a team can be opposing. Management may face rebuff from employees.

4) Sometimes managers expect talented employees who will immediately do all the work perfectly and without errors. But this should not be expected, now it is difficult to find such an employee in the labor market. The problem is called "waiting for a miracle."

5) "Money bag" - such a problem occurs due to the dissatisfaction of employees. A large difference in pay can resent the entire team.

6) The dismissal of employees is not always a positive aspect for managers. If the organization is unable to control staff turnover, then in this case, the use of personnel may not be of high quality. There are situations when managers refuse young employees because of their age and inexperience, although they can become valuable and irreplaceable employees. This problem is called “frame leak”.

These are the six main causes in the problem of poor leadership. According to statistics, about 71% of employees suffer because of the fault of the leader. And all because the bosses are not always able to competently and well manage the staff.

Although leadership may be bad from a psychological point of view, we must not forget about three main aspects:

Negative reputation of the organization
High chances of bankruptcy
Product quality leaves much to be desired

The error of many managements is that they attribute problems to temporary difficulties. Often management uses the wrong methods to increase efficiency. Such methods include strict discipline, increasing punishments, and much more. As a result, staff may leave the enterprise en masse due to ill-conceived actions of management.

Personnel Management. Problems and ways to solve them.

People are the main resource of any enterprise, the quality of products, the level of service, the overall growth and development of the company depend on the staff. Correcting the work of the staff is the first thing that the head of the company should do.

Personnel Management is a very complex and delicate matter and often over time the problems become more and more. After all, in order to lead, you need to have knowledge in a variety of areas (management, psychology, strategic planning, and so on). It is important to build a personnel management system at the enterprise that will help solve the problems of the company and get rid of some of the problems of personnel management. Management of human resources of the company is a set of measures for the creation and development of qualified personnel capable of achieving the goals of your business.

Now, regardless of the available domestic and foreign methods of personnel management, each individual company builds its strategy individually. In some firms, a large HR department is formed already at the initial stage, and technologies are applied, while in others, there may not be a definite system or management strategy for a long time.

An interesting fact is that in foreign companies personnel management is carried out with an emphasis on technological methods, and in Russian companies - mainly on the opinions and experience of managers. In other words, they prioritize personnel policy firms. The most important thing is to find the optimal balance, when a competent social program supports employees, satisfies them and motivates and a system of subordination and punishment, which sets the framework and deadlines for achieving the goals of the company.

To obtain the result, it is necessary to adhere to the tasks set at the enterprise and the interests of employees. But in reality it is very difficult. There are too many factors affecting the work of employees, and it is impossible to take into account all of them, on the other hand, significant resources are required for personnel management (HR department, outside consultations, and so on), so each company prioritizes according to its own capabilities.

The leader, who is concerned with achieving effective management of his subordinates, is faced with the task of creating such a working environment that will most effectively influence their labor motivation.

By a motivating work environment, we mean the whole context professional activity personnel of the organization, including both the characteristics of work tasks and the characteristics of the work situation, which affect the work motivation of employees.

Systematic consideration of the problem work motivation employees of the organization requires the following factors to be taken into account:

    individual characteristics of employees;

    features of the work performed;

    characteristics of the working situation in which labor activity takes place;

    identifying job satisfaction.

To identify the satisfaction with the work of the personnel of organizations, it is necessary to conduct a study. Any research should begin with the formulation of goals. An ill-defined problem will not allow you to correctly determine the objectives of the study.

The simplest and most effective method is the questionnaire survey.

Most often, employees of organizations are dissatisfied for the following reasons:

The amount of wages. On average, 68% of the respondents note average satisfaction with the size of wages.

Prospects for professional and career growth. Surveys show that more than half of employees do not see growth prospects in this organization.

Awareness in the enterprise. 40% of employees noted the lack of information about the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

Working conditions.

Reliability of work, giving confidence in the future. The low level of this indicator is more likely associated with instability Russian market rather than specifically with organizations.

Work as a means to achieve success in life. More than half of the respondents indicated average satisfaction with this indicator. This is connected not only with the enterprise, but also with the low standard of living in Russia.

There are several ways to improve the effectiveness of workforce management. Based on the conducted research, they can be divided into five relatively independent areas:

1. Financial incentives. Wages are of the utmost importance for workers. Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration plays a large role, but a constant increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to both maintaining labor activity at the proper level and increasing labor productivity. The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. In the end, there is a certain imposition or addiction to this type of exposure. Unilateral impact on workers only monetary methods cannot lead to a lasting rise in labor productivity.

2. Improvement of working conditions. The most pressing problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions as one of the most important human needs increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that encourages work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain productivity of labor, and, consequently, the effectiveness of its management.

3. Improving the organization of labor. It contains: goal setting, expansion of labor functions, enrichment of labor, production rotation, application flexible schedules, improving working conditions, researching the time spent by an employee on work, the pace of work, strengthening feedback.

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process. One way to apply this method is to Western firms using a form of so-called "partnership" participation. Any person who comes to the firm knows that he has the opportunity to become its partner. But this opportunity is not given to him immediately. First, he must prove himself in business. However, practice career development in this firm provides that in order to achieve each next step job development a person must work at the previous one for at least 4-6 years. Partners usually become those who go through 3-4 stages in their development, that is, they grow up to the position of a fairly large manager. When a person receives an offer to become a partner, he already occupies a fairly high managerial position, which means he understands the seriousness of the company's development issues, has a good idea of ​​the market requirements, the competitive environment, the conditions for survival, and the like.

Becoming an owner, he is no longer inclined to extremist demands for maximizing dividends, if only because he expects that dividends will be a significant help to him even in the period when he retires. And for this, it is necessary for the company to live and develop steadily not only today, but also in the long term.

5. Non monetary incentives. This type stimulation includes:
- moral stimulation;
- free time stimulation;
- organizational stimulation.

Problems of personnel management

When determining what should be the ideal work for subordinates, one should not strive for excessive specificity and originality. All the same, it is rarely possible to take into account the difference in tastes and personal opinions of everyone, so the manager, as a rule, strives to increase integral productivity. If the manager takes into account the factors below, he has a chance to get confirmation of the maximum number of his subordinates.

The ideal job should:

Have a purpose, i.e. lead to a certain result;

Evaluated by colleagues as important and worthy of being done;

Enable the employee to make the decisions necessary to carry it out, i.e. there must be autonomy (within limits);

Provide feedback with an employee, evaluated depending on the effectiveness of his work;

To bring fair remuneration from the point of view of the employee.

Designed according to these principles, work provides inner satisfaction. This is a very powerful motivational factor that stimulates the high-quality performance of work, and also, according to the law of the rise of needs, stimulates to perform more complex work.


  1. Actual problems of personnel management and their possible solutions based on motivation.

  2. Personnel Management. How to be and what to do?


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Reflecting on the issues of the effectiveness of the sales force, we decided to turn to the owners and managers involved in personnel management in companies that have retail outlets to understand what are the main challenges in management and recruitment. After analyzing the results, we came to the following conclusions:

Actual problems of personnel management. Poll results.

I. Main problems in personnel management:

  1. Lack of staff motivation and difficulty in properly building a motivation system.
  2. Absence corporate culture in the company, personnel adaptation systems.
  3. Difficulties in recruitment.
  4. Lack of system/insufficient staff training both within the company and in the market as a whole.
  5. The unwillingness of the company's management to invest in long-term projects for the development of personnel: training, corporate construction, etc.

II. The main problems in recruitment:

  1. Lack of sales staff with a specific set of competencies, e.g. sales skills, customer service orientation, foreign language skills, etc.
  2. Low general education level, low quality standards for candidates at the sales staff level.
  3. Poor service from outside recruiting agencies, eg. providing false information, non-compliance with strict selection criteria, etc.

What solutions to the above problems do managers consider necessary and feasible to implement?

  • Select sales staff on your own, and middle and top management with the help of recruiting agencies and executive search companies.
  • Recruit sales staff without special qualifications and raise staff within the company.
  • Pay more attention to internal and external staff training.
  • Create training centers within the company, develop internal corporate textbooks and manuals for personnel at all levels.
  • Rely on line managers, heads of personnel services in solving operational issues of personnel management, broadcasting the values ​​of corporate culture.

So, we see that companies are experiencing significant difficulties in various areas of personnel management, as in basic level, and at a more advanced level of acceptance management decisions. Trading companies, being at an intermediate stage between capital accumulation and rapid growth, are forced to pay attention to personnel as the main resource of the enterprise. However, the opinion that personnel is an inexhaustible resource of a trading company is not always shared by managers.

We also found that due to the weak integration of retail trade companies, their leaders often have no idea how specific or, conversely, traditional are the problems in personnel management that they face. Often, problems in personnel management are considered in isolation from the market situation. Therefore, as in general, our conference, as well as the survey, is a good opportunity to understand the commonality of problems and their sources, and to find solutions through joint efforts.

The speakers who will follow us will shed light on the issues of recruitment, appraisal and staff training. We, answering the question of what practical knowledge we can give the conference participants, will focus on the following two aspects of personnel management:

  • how to start analyzing the environment for making decisions in human resource management
  • what are the ways to develop the system professional growth and the creation of a personnel reserve of a trading company, as one of the ways of motivation, (an aspect that the majority of survey participants put in first place)

So, how do they approach personnel management in international practice? From enterprise strategy to personnel selection.

Human resource management can only be effective if it is regarded as an integral part of overall process determining the company's strategy.

The problem of personnel selection for trade retail organizations.

When a company considers human resource management, and in particular, recruitment in conjunction with the development of the entire enterprise, the initial data are those changes in environment that have an impact on the enterprise and require a change in its strategy and tactics. The problems of personnel management, as one of the resources of the enterprise, arise along with the problems of managing finances, time, and other capital of the organization.

Let us consider the main problems that arise in the selection of personnel, in conjunction with external changes in the environment. Considering the fact that retail, as an industry, is called change management business by theorists and practitioners, this approach seems to us the most reasonable. It also provides an opportunity for managers involved in personnel management to start strategic analysis environment, which we identified above as the first step in planning personnel management. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the ever-accelerating pace of these changes.

Let us consider in more detail how external influences affect some aspects of personnel management, in particular, recruitment.

1. Technological changes

The development of e-commerce has led to the need to train existing staff and look for employees with new competencies that were not required anywhere 3 years ago.

2. Changes in consumer behavior

Increasing customer service requirements creates a need to constantly maintain the level of salespeople's qualifications, hiring new employees who no longer have basic, but developed customer service skills (customer service).

To adapt to the requirement of the mass consumer to have quality goods at low prices, retailers develop the concept of "Do it yourself" stores, as well as create networks of discounters. Here the role of personnel with good skills in control and planning of goods turnover, merchandising skills is increasing, while customer service skills in trading floor recede into the background.

3. Changes in the behavior of competitors

The rapid and extensive growth of retail chains is forcing companies to poach salespeople from each other, regardless of business ethics. The speed of growth and lack of planning created a situation where retail company does not have a reserve for the selection of personnel in other ways. In such conditions, the importance of motivating and stimulating sales personnel, as well as the role of the corporate culture of the enterprise, is increasing.

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problems of personnel management in modern conditions

Kainova A.A. 3rd year student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State Agrarian University"

Russia, Ufa

Annotation: in this article we have given examples of management, identified the problems of personnel management, found out ways to solve them.

Key words: personnel, enterprises, labor collective, entrepreneurs, management, employees.

HR management has a huge impact on results economic activity enterprises. By expanding the number of their employees, enterprises expose themselves to a certain degree of risk. Will it be possible for a fairly long time to provide its employees with an appropriate level of remuneration. Some entrepreneurs prefer not to take risks and lose extra profit as a result.

Other businessmen take risks and benefit by expanding the scale of their business activities that increase profits.

To solve the problems that have arisen, it is necessary to understand the collective psychology.

As a rule, entrepreneurs are immersed in work, and they have little free time to do something else.

Many people work better not alone, but in a team, because there they can count on the support they need, friendly help, recognition and respect.

However, you have to pay for all this. As a member of any labor collective people are required to comply with certain collective norms and rules.

Any work collective has its own ideas about the products, its quality, and mutual assistance. If the members of the work team want to stay in the team and receive support from their colleagues, they must comply with certain rules and regulations. Otherwise, they will be expelled from this labor collective.

Managing the labor collective, it is necessary to make certain choices. Collective norms and rules do not always correspond to norms and rules. Relations with management are also often built on the basis of ideas existing in the workforce.

The work collective will have its own opinion on each issue: how to work, what should be understood by the word “flexibility”, what the quality of goods and services should be, how the working day should be structured, how to communicate with customers and what to do with competitors.

Perhaps the staff fully meets the requirements, and everyone works together, achieving maximum results in the business.

However, as practice shows, for most entrepreneurs, such a picture is a distant bright dream. They know what to strive for, but they just can't get it.

As a rule, there is a “great distance” between the own ideas of the work collective about the principles of enterprise management and the classical theory of management.

Entrepreneurs often form the wrong attitude towards their employees, associated with an underestimation of their role in the process. commercial activities. As a result, the entrepreneur is faced with a powerful and organized trade union. This is very typical for large enterprises.

It is not easy for an individual employee. On the one hand, he must support a good relationship with management, and, on the other hand, he needs to find a common language with colleagues at work.

As a rule, in the labor collective some people depend on others. The most serious punishment is the unwillingness to work together or the sending of an objectionable employee on frequent business trips. However, an objectionable employee can be “educated” in a different way, turning him, for example, into a “scapegoat”, an object of universal constant ridicule

As a result, this employee will have to put up with the conditions dictated by the rest of the workforce.

Of course, you can take a tough stance: issue local regulations and demand their unquestioning execution. However, as practice shows, for successful development business needs to make certain compromises in relations with the staff, to look for some kind of “golden mean”.

It is especially important for the head of a small business to be able to manage his subordinates, because, due to the specifics of a small business, he is inclined to be much more active in his own affairs than in organizing the work of his staff. The danger of this approach lies in the fact that they gradually suck in current affairs. As a result, so much time is spent on them that it is impossible to think about improving the work of your enterprise.

Many types of work are closely related and require the cooperation of all employees. A small business cannot afford not to have individual employees interact with each other to achieve a common business goal. The principle “one for all and all for one” is the best motto not only for large firms but also for small businesses. But you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to turn all your employees into a team of like-minded people. It just won't work. All this will become possible only on the basis of your close and regular interaction with your staff, establishing constant two-way communication.

All employees work to meet their specific needs. Moreover, these needs do not necessarily come down to wages alone. Not the least important for them may be a sense of satisfaction from the achieved goal, from communicating with their colleagues, from performing the necessary and important work.

Thus, the third task as the head of the labor collective is to create labor incentives for each of the employees. Success in business is a good motivator for most people, so high but realistic goals, regular reporting of business results, and various types of incentives can awaken activity and creative energy in your employees. Sensitively capturing the opinion and mood of the labor collective, managers must achieve the unity of their commercial goals and the goals of the labor collective. In this case, they will be able to awaken activity and creative energy in employees, which will become the key to the successful development of the enterprise.

In addition, pay special attention to the style of staff management. The right style of work will be the basis of success in business. At the same time, one should not forget that in dealing with different employees and depending on the situation, it is necessary to behave differently. You need to have a fair amount of flexibility and not be afraid to use authoritarian methods of leadership if necessary, and the next day to appear before your employees in the guise of a democratic leader.

It is always necessary to keep in mind the solution of the triune task: the achievement of common commercial goals; transformation of all employees into a team of like-minded people; creation of labor incentives for each employee.

Success in business largely depends on how efficiently one's resources are used, including labor resources, that is, one's own personnel.

employee management small business


1. Kuznetsova A.R. IMPROVEMENT OF THE STAFF MOTIVATION SYSTEM // Ed. A.R. Kuznetsova, N.I. Zhuravlenko In the collection: Problems of economic, social and information development of modern society Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. - 2012. S. 188-190.

2. Kuznetsova A.R. // PROBLEMS OF STAFFING OF SKILLED STAFF IN AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS // Ed. A.R. Kuznetsova, N.I. Zhuravlenko In the collection: Problems of economic social and information development of modern society Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. - 2012. S. 291-293.

3. Kuznetsova A.R. // PROBLEMS OF HR MANAGEMENT IN RUSSIA // Ed. A.R. Kuznetsova, N.I. Zhuravlenko In the collection: Problems of economic social and information development of modern society Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. - 2012. S. 89-92.

4. Kuznetsova A.R. // UNEMPLOYMENT IN RUSSIA // Ed. A.R. Kuznetsova, N.I. Zhuravlenko In the collection: Problems of Economics and Management in the Agricultural Business of the Republic of Bashkortostan Klikich L.M., Galiev R.R. Ministry Agriculture RF; Faculty of Economics. - Ufa, 2010. S. 207-209.

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We analyzed data from 600 surveys we conducted between 2012 and 2014. We used information received from five million employees from more than 400 companies operating in different countries. After reviewing the data, four problems in personnel management, the same for all countries.

The article provides data only for Russia. Based on the results below, employees and CEOs have opposing views. Managers are confident that the company is doing everything right, while their subordinates feel and see the opposite on a daily basis.

Most the best workers- Entrepreneurial employees. They are full of new ideas, they are ready to work hard and take responsibility. But they are also the most dangerous - sooner or later they decide to work for themselves. At best, they will simply leave and create their own business, at worst, they will take your information, a pool of customers and become competitors.

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We called discrepancies challenges because they indicate directions for business development. The described problems of personnel management, among other things, have a negative impact on its involvement. Organizations with the highest scores on employee engagement and conditions for success are 4.5 times higher in profit growth than those with the lowest scores. AT successful companies staff turnover is lower by 54%.

Problem number 1. Cooperation

The vast majority of Russian leaders (81%) believe that forte their teams - the ability to work well in a team. However, 38% of employees say that their team does not receive support from other departments. Another 32% of respondents say that cooperation and the exchange of new ideas does not cause enthusiasm in the company. This HR problem will only get worse in the coming years as multi-generational employees and people who are accustomed to working remotely will enter the state.

An example of how to establish cooperation. Aujan Coca-Cola Saudi Arabia launches Day in the Life program. Employees work one day in a new role, and then share their observations and ideas with colleagues and the manager. Internship workers noted that it became easier for them to understand other teams and their tasks.

A similar experience is being implemented by the Russian company 220 Volt. Once a year, each employee finds himself in the role of an executor in another department. Accountants, lawyers, employees of service departments go on business trips to Retail Stores. The director of the company managed to work in the departments of franchising, logistics and in the contact center. By the way, every newcomer is required to work in the contact center for a week.

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    Problem number 2. Honesty and openness

    Only 46% of employees notice a clear connection between the results of work and the amount of payment, 47% are convinced that they receive unfair remuneration for their work. In addition, 41% complain about the lack of clarity about possible career paths, and 36% do not believe that their employer honestly communicates changes to staff.

    An example of how to be honest and open company. The management of the American investment bank UBS sent its employees a report on the results, both positive and negative, of the latest employee survey. The team liked such frankness. Employees noted that they had never received such open and honest information from the director. The head of the bank decided not to limit himself to the report. He personally led the “Working Together as a Team” project, appointed one top manager for each area, and set a deadline for each task to be completed in one hundred days. The project includes six areas.

  1. Big why. Why do employees want to work and stay with the company for a long time?
  2. Terribly smart approach to work. Actions in response to work-life balance issues identified in the survey.
  3. Culture of partnership. Bringing together disparate teams to build strong customer relationships.
  4. Advanced leadership. Development of inspiring leaders in the team who know how to lead people.
  5. Talent Company. How can a company stand out from the competition by offering employees outstanding opportunities for development and career advancement?
  6. Easy process for clients. Eliminate bureaucracy in customer service.

In the Russian IT company SoftBalance, employees have access to any information, including financial information, from the profit of a particular transaction to the salaries of managers and General Director. Doors to all rooms are transparent and open, only server rooms and ventilation rooms are closed with a key. One of the most viewed documents by staff is the income and expense statement. Employees see what the income of departments consists of, what are the expenses, operating and net profit. The employee understands how his work affects the success of the company.

Problem number 3. Culture of innovation

More than a third (39%) of respondents say that their company does not encourage new ways and methods of work. In addition, 31% of employees say that they do not have the opportunity to put their ideas into practice.

An example of how to develop a culture of innovation. American Insurance Company Aegon launched the "Client License" program. Each employee must work a week in one of the positions related to customer service. Then employees talk about their experience, offer ideas on how best to meet customer needs.

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Problem number 4. Performance

According to 47% of respondents, the number of staff in their division is not optimal, and 43% are sure that the company's structure is built irrationally.

An example of how to increase productivity. Luck Companies has issued iPads to warehouse workers and delivery drivers. Previously, warehouse employees did not know when and what to load into a truck until it drove into the loading area. Now truck drivers can contact warehouse workers in advance, and loaders have time to prepare materials for loading in time. Thanks to well-established automation, shop managers monitor the work of staff from a home computer. This fundamentally changed the balance of work and personal life and eliminated processing, burnout and loss of productivity.

In the Russian company Dodo Pizza, tablets are attached to walls or tables at key production points (the kitchen and the room where orders are taken and given out). At each production site, an interface is displayed on a tablet with the information needed at this stage. Only the actual completion of one operation (the "Finish" button is pressed) makes it possible to proceed with the next one. Thanks to this, employees do not take on several tasks at once, but qualitatively solve one after another.

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A “quiet” way to get employees involved

The Australian company Navy transferred the team to a four-day working week thanks to the daily "quiet hour" from lunch to the end of the working day. Without distractions, in silence, the staff worked a quarter more efficiently. Does the noise interfere with the work of employees Russian companies? Do they want a piece of time free from meetings and chatter? The HeadHunter portal, which interviewed 3 thousand people, helped to find out. Employees admit that they are used to noise, but dream of daily quiet hours for thoughtful work. At the same time, they do not believe that such an idea can be implemented in their company.

1. Feel free to enter "quiet time." 58% of respondents were in favor of a daily “quiet hour”. This idea is most popular among representatives of the production and sales of food products (66%), the media (65%), information technologies (62%).

2. Have a "quiet hour" in the afternoon. At this time, 42% of all employees and 50% of newcomers are working hard. People do not want to be distracted by meetings and calls. According to employees, the first hours of the morning are the most inconvenient time for “quiet time”.

3. Introduce "quiet time" for newcomers and old-timers. The need for silence depends on the length of service in the company. Silence is especially needed for beginners. After working for a year, employees begin to feel comfortable in noisy offices. But with an increase in seniority to three to six years, the need for silence becomes stronger than at the beginning of work in the company.

4. If you lead a women's team, then be sure to arrange a "quiet hour". Noise bothers women more than men. Therefore, they are stronger than men, want to get a "quiet hour" (46% vs. 35%). However, they may find it difficult to have daily quiet time - this option received more support among men (60% vs. 57%). In order not to fall victim to female logic, arrange an experiment with the regularity of "quiet time" and stop at the option that creates the most favorable atmosphere.

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