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“Law Faculty is me! Law school - that's us! law school is the best people countries!" - such a slogan was shouted out by students every year Faculty of Law Leningrad University (1982-1987 years of study) at the May and November demonstrations. The graduates were joking: one became the president of the country, others hold high positions in state authorities

    For meetings, graduates chose the St. Petersburg club restaurant Royal Beach on Krestovsky Island with its own beach on Malaya Nevka. As visitors write in the reviews on the restaurant website, “the most delicious mojito, the most delicious strawberry soup, the most the best place on Krestovsky Island.

    The place is quiet and peaceful: next to it is another restaurant with a pond where visitors fish for their meals, and Seaside Park with old trees. Actually, the restaurant itself burned down in 2010 right on the eve of the next meeting, that year we had to urgently change the place of the party - they left for the K2 state residence on Kamenny Island. But this year they returned back - they did not violate the tradition. The place is comfortable, isolated, easy to guard. Before the arrival of the main classmate, Dmitry Medvedev, the restaurant is cordoned off around the perimeter, security is everywhere - both on the road and in the park, and special boats ply along the bay. True, the guards are not allowed into the hall where the holiday takes place.

    It is necessary to protect not only the president, but many others: bankers, employees of Gazprom, heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutors and bailiffs, chairmen of courts, and so on.

    “Let them say whatever they want, but the release is stellar. Our team is the best. Is there even one course like this? asks Medvedev's classmate, St. Petersburg lawyer Yevgeny Kotov. He says that at least he is not in power, but he worries about his own: “It's like in football. I don’t play it, but I support Zenit. When you shake hands with fellow student Medvedev, as if you are greeting the whole world, Kotov shares.

    According to Olga Kryshtanovskaya from the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the “Medvedev court” includes 55 people close to the president, of which 20 are his classmates.

    Landing of the first echelon

    The first was Konstantin Chuichenko. Now he is an assistant to the president, and in the mid-80s he was a close friend of Medvedev. Classmates unanimously say that at that time Chuichenko seemed to be the leader in their pair, he also advanced along the Komsomol line. Chuichenko was the first from the course, back in the early 90s, to leave for Moscow, he is the only one who entered the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), although many wanted to. He had qualities valuable for intelligence: very good organizational skills and reliability, recalls one of former employees SVR. “We then knew that Kostya would fly high, somehow it was immediately clear,” says his classmate.

    In 2000, the young first deputy of the presidential administration and inexperienced chairman of the board of directors of OAO Gazprom, Medvedev, needed support. On whom to rely, if not on a friend?

    It was Chuichenko who became the harbinger of the change of power in Gazprom, he headed the legal department of the monopoly in April 2001, when it was led by the seemingly omnipotent Rem Vyakhirev. The one according to the stories former managers"Gazprom", was against the appointment of Chuichenko. But he had to give in, and Chuichenko got access to all legal documentation, including contracts. the first big deal which the new chief lawyer of Gazprom had to deal with was the establishment of control over the media assets of Vladimir Gusinsky. Then Chuichenko oversaw the return of the assets of Sibur, Itera, the failed merger of Gazprom and Rosneft, the purchase of Sibneft, Yukos gas assets, and was a co-director of Rosukrenergo. He coordinated all his steps with Medvedev, Chuichenko could often be found in his Gazprom reception room.

    A pair of Medvedev and Chuichenko, red-diploma friends, go on together through life, and Gazprom has become a transfer platform on the way to power for many “their own” – other classmates.

    Already in 2002, when Alexey Miller headed Gazprom, it became easier to bring in people. Chuichenko invited Valery Adamova, nee Ovchinnikova, to work as his deputy, she, after working for four years, moved to the chair of the first deputy chairman of the Moscow Arbitration Court, and in 2009 Medvedev approved his classmate as chairman of the Federal arbitration court Moscow district.

    It has already become a tradition that a lawyer at Gazprom is a full-time graduate of the Leningrad Faculty of Law in 1987. Chuichenko and Adamova are no longer there, now Adamova's university friend Vladimir Alisov is working in this field.

    Another classmate, Anton Ivanov, also had to work in a subsidiary of Gazprom, Gazprom Media, for six months, then he was appointed chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court.

    For six years, another confidant of Medvedev, Ilya Eliseev, has been working at Gazprombank. He leads supervisory board non-profit fund "Dar", which is building a famous residence in Plyos.

    “A kind, smart, but very lazy person,” classmates characterize Eliseev. They say that he rarely attends alumni reunions - too often, knowing his gentle nature, he was pestered with requests. It is inconvenient to ask Chuichenko and Medvedev, but Eliseev will listen and will not refuse. He did call one of them to Moscow: he recently invited a merry fellow and joker of the course, Alexei Chetvertkov, to work. Now he is engaged in development projects in one of Eliseev's companies.

    The centralized supplier of Gazprom's subsidiary, Gazprom Komplektatsiya, is also led by Medvedev's classmate, Igor Fedorov. He has been working in this company since 2003, and headed it in 2006. Fedorov is the only one of his classmates who is now a member of the board of the gas monopoly. Fedorov also needs his own man in his company, he called a classmate Viktor Ivanov to work. And he helped out, came to Moscow.

    Kryshtanovskaya calls Gazprom and related structures Medvedev's nest.

    Landing of the second echelon

    The entire so-called reserve of Medvedev was selected back in 2006. By that time, 10 of his friends and classmates had already taken key positions, says a person from the president's entourage. After 2006, the second echelon was pulled: this is when the first pulled the next. Sometimes Medvedev was not even aware of the appointments, says the source of Vedomosti, and sometimes he was completely against it. For example, Chuichenko brought Alisov to Gazprom and Medvedev was surprised by this choice, he recalls: although Medvedev was friends with Alisov, he did not think that he could cope with the difficult work in the Gazprom system.

    It is quite possible that the idea of ​​reforming the police came to Medvedev not without the help of fellow students, three of them think. There was a so-called police group on the course - these are those who acted in the direction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One of them, Valeriy Kozhokar, was recently appointed by Medvedev as Deputy Interior Minister and Head of the Interior Ministry's Investigation Department. In his youth, Cojocari was engaged in wrestling and was a purposeful guy, classmates recall.

    Another classmate, Tatyana Gerasimova, works as the first deputy of Kozhokar. “We affectionately called her “our general’s wife,” classmates say. “And she corrects us: the general’s wife is the general’s wife, and I am the general.”

    Another female general from Medvedev's course, Elena Leonenko, nee Klimenko, works as deputy chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia. “Klimenko was the brightest girl on the course - all the boys looked after her,” recalls one classmate. “This is a moot point,” the other boys disagree. But everyone remembers that everyone called her Klima and thanks to her mother, who worked in trade, it was always possible to get jeans or other shortages.

    Lieutenant General Dmitry Sergeev has been heading the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Yamalo-Nenets District for two years now. Classmates gossip that he is now the main contender for high positions in Moscow, he has more than once secluded himself with Medvedev for conversations at alumni meetings. “Actually, Dimka is simply an honest cop, they may not be taken,” they doubt. On the course, Sergeev was friends with Nikolai Vinnichenko, he, most likely, recommended him, classmates believe.

    Vinnichenko himself, having worked for four years as the chief bailiff of Russia, left for the Urals as a presidential plenipotentiary. But Federal Service handed over the bailiffs to reliable hands - to another classmate, Artur Parfenchikov.

    I did not forget Vinnichenko and another friend of his - Oleksandr Gutsan. He worked for a while as Vinnichenko's deputy when he was a bailiff, and now he works as a deputy prosecutor general of Russia. Gutsan enjoyed great respect on the course, acquaintances say, he was older than others, was the Komsomol organizer of the course and “generally very correct”, was a member of the university headquarters of the “Operational Komsomol detachment of the squad”.

    The head of the financial police of Kazakhstan, Kairat Kozhamzharov, comes to the meeting of the course with his FSE officers. “He was always very tough and principled, the fight against corruption is his forte,” friends recall. At meetings, Medvedev and Kozhamzharov will always find time to talk in private, they say, they have common topics: both are concerned about corruption.

    “I learned that Kozhamzharov studied with Medvedev only after he was appointed head of the financial police,” recalls disgraced Kazakh businessman Mukhtar Ablyazov. - Many people told me that he often mentioned his studies with Russian President. But most likely, Kozhamzharov made his career on his own.”

    Another classmate of Medvedev, on the contrary, claims that Kozhamzharov never advertised his stellar student connections. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, allegedly found out about them only when Kozhamzharov came three years ago to ask for time off for another meeting of classmates. “I need to meet with the president,” the official explained. "With which?" - Nazarbayev was dumbfounded.

    no ties

    Meetings of graduates of the entire course have become annual only since 2007. Before that, they met either in groups or on round dates - 10th anniversary, 15th anniversary. Previously, they collected money themselves, looked for a hotel or a restaurant, troublesome, classmates say. “For 20 years of graduation, in 2007, it was very sincere,” they recall. “We decided that we would meet more often and informally, without ties.”

    And things have become permanent. The Royal Beach restaurant posts photos from classmates' parties on its website as an advertisement. The company that is engaged in the design of this restaurant also did not fail to boast of this on the Internet. Famous artists and singers come to the evenings. A frequenter of parties is a pop artist and clown Yuri Galtsev, who entertains the Medvedev Reserve and Comedy Club.

    It is the artists that classmates blame for the fact that a video with a dancing president was posted on YouTube: “None of ours would have done this.” On it, Medvedev in a blue suit danced to Alena Apina's song "American Fight", the president was filmed from the side and from behind. The video was very popular. At first, Medvedev was very upset and was about to cancel the meetings, says a person from the president's entourage, but then changed his mind so as not to be convicted of weakness. Instead, an entry appeared on Medvedev's blog: "A video appeared on the network, as I lit a year ago at a meeting with the course." But this year, the guards were told to keep a closer eye on the filming.

    Chuichenko is considered the main manager of the meetings. He always arrives before Medvedev and personally checks everything. St. Petersburg lawyer Tatyana Lomova is responsible for gathering classmates and interacts with Chuichenko on all issues. At meetings of classmates, Chuichenko himself always sits at the same table with Medvedev and makes sure that the president is not pestered with strong requests.

    Classmates have not collected money for a long time. “They wouldn’t have collected for such holidays,” they say. Nobody knows exactly who is paying. “They finance ours, Moscow,” they wave their hands. According to one of the classmates, the holiday costs $30,000-50,000: “Celebrities, when they find out where they are invited, agree to symbolic money.”

The Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation has published a large investigation into the elite real estate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

So, the organization claims that Medvedev received a "palace on Rublyovka" as a gift from businessman Alisher Usmanov.

The FBK, in particular, claims that the Dar, Gradislava, and Sotsgosproekt funds act in the interests of Medvedev and de jure own property that actually belongs to the prime minister.

According to FBK, Vladimir Dyachenko manages Medvedev's "secret assets".

Navalny tied Dyachenko and Medvedev on orders for sneakers and shirts

As one of the evidence that it is Dyachenko who manages Medvedev's assets, Navalny points to the sneakers and shirt in which the prime minister appeared in public. From Medvedev's hacked mail, it became known that he allegedly uses the postal address for personal purchases on the Internet, orders were delivered by Dyachenko.

FBK found an order for sneakers Nike and shirts Fred Perry and Beam Plus in which the Prime Minister subsequently appeared in public.

“Medvedev chooses clothes himself, and orders delivery in the name of a trusted person - Vladimir Dyachenko. And this same Dyachenko is the director of the company that owns the Kursk lands and Anapa vineyards of Medvedev, ”Navalny believes.

“The controlling shares of the Mansurovo agricultural complex and the Skalisty Bereg vineyards in Anapa are registered with Dyachenko's company. The same person is engaged in the daily management of the Rublev estate in Znamenskoye, received as a gift from Alisher Usmanov,” the FBK continues.

FBK transferred the property of funds allegedly controlled by Medvedev

FBK, in particular, claims that the funds "Dar", "Gradislava", "Sotsgosproekt" act in the interests of Medvedev; they are registered property that actually belongs to the Prime Minister.

The organization claims that Medvedev - through the "Fund for Support of Socially Significant Projects" - received a "palace on Rublyovka" as a gift from businessman Alisher Usmanov. Navalny calls this gift a bribe.

Navalny also showed off a 240,000-square-meter estate in Mansurovo, Kursk Region, owned by Medvedev's classmate and business partner, Ilya Eliseev.

“This is a guest house for our employees. Dmitry Anatolyevich sometimes stops there when he arrives in Mansurovo, well, he needs to stop somewhere, do not drive him 60 km away to Kursk, to a hotel! You must see this residence - a one-story wooden building of superior comfort, ”Eliseeva is quoted by the FBK. These lands belong to the Mansurovo agricultural complex, among whose leaders is the prime minister's cousin Andrey Medvedev.

FBK also calls “a private residence built personally for Dmitry Medvedev”, a huge recreation center Psekhako in Krasnaya Polyana with a house with an area of ​​​​over 4 thousand square meters. The bath complex occupies a thousand square meters in the house. total cost complex - 7 billion rubles.

In addition, the Sotsgosproject Foundation owns the Rocky Coast company with a plot of 985,000 square meters in the Krasnodar Territory. There are vineyards in this area; there, according to FBK, tourists are not allowed. At the same time, a quote from an independent wine expert, Artur Sargsyan, is given.

“And here the exclusivity of this project becomes clear. The relief here is such that if you stand with your back to the sea, you can imagine yourself in Tuscany. Soft outlines of hills, on the slopes of which there are even rows of vineyards. Exceptionally beautiful! In short, the approach to the project is very serious. I think everything at the "Rocky Coast" will eventually be as it should," the sommelier believes.

The current director of the company, Andrey Skok, is said to have previously managed the Chateau de Talue winery in Gelendzhik, which is attributed to the agriculture minister's wife, Olga Tkacheva.

FBK showed the alleged winter residence of Medvedev in Krasnaya Polyana

Another organization, the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund, owns the Psekhako residence, which is included in the federal program of preparations for the Olympic Games in Sochi.

“There are several buildings on four hectares of protected land, including a residence with an area of ​​4,000 square meters. As in the story of Medvedev's Plesskaya dacha, at the stage of the Olympic construction, the lease of land was registered for the "Dar" fund. At the end of 2014, the property was donated to an unknown Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund.

The fund's supervisory board is headed by Ilya Eliseev, who also participates in the activities of other funds mentioned by Navalny.

“Dmitry Medvedev regularly visits this residence, as evidenced by the photos on his Instagram. He personally issues management, hiring and purchasing directions for the facility. He has been violating the law for at least three years by not declaring this property,” the authors of the investigation summarize.

Navalny: Medvedev's funds won twice in tenders for the purchase of land with shell competitors

Structures allegedly acting in the interests of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have twice won tenders for the purchase of land, FBK claims.

The authors of the investigation report that both cases occurred in the Krasnodar Territory. In the first case, the competition was won by the Nautilus company, owned by Dmitry Solovyov, one of the founders and director of the Svetlana Medvedeva Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI), and its only competitor was the Topgarden company, which is managed by Alexei Chetvertkov, director of Sotsgosproekt.

In the second case, the Dar fund won a tender against the Russian Broker company, which is also managed by Chetvertkov.

Thus, according to the FBK, Medvedev's structures received ownership of the site of the former rest home of the Presidential Administration near the village of Olginka and the site in the area of ​​the Utrish peninsula.

“Both times resorting to criminal schemes: fake competition at competitions was provided by controlled firms. The similarity of these stories, their connection with the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, the Office of the President, as well as with the fund of Medvedev's wife, allow us to assert that Dmitry Anatolyevich himself was the beneficiary of these transactions, ”the FBK concludes.

FBK: UK "Dar" received money from businessmen and on credit from Gazprombank

In his investigation, Navalny explains how the “Dar” fund received money to buy a dacha near Ples, houses on Rublyovka, a mountain residence and other real estate, as well as vineyards.

So, businessmen Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky donated 33 billion rubles to the fund. Alisher Usmanov "made a contribution with the estate - 5 billion rubles."

FBK also says that the Dar fund has Management Company"Orion", in the past - UK "Dar". In 2007, Gazprombank gave her a loan of 11 billion rubles - for two years, Dar became the bank's largest borrower. At the same time, Medvedev's main confidant, Ilya Eliseev, is the deputy chairman of the board of Gazprombank.

Structures of Bashneft, according to FBK, gave "Dar" a loan of 3 billion rubles; in total, the fund received 20 billion rubles in small loans from various organizations.

“In total, according to the documents, about 70 billion rubles are found,” Navalny says in the video.

FBK: Medvedev owns a million square meters of vineyards in Italian Tuscany

As follows from the FBK investigation, the Cyprus offshore Furcina Limited owns Ilya Eliseev - a member of the board of directors of Gazprombank, a fellow student, manager of all funds and the main confidant of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. According to the registry, in 2012 this offshore bought an Italian company Fattoria Dell Aiola S.r.l.

This company owns and operates its own vineyards and wine production in Tuscany, Italy. Thus, together with a company worth almost $ 10 million, the offshore got 1 million square meters (100 hectares) of Tuscan vineyards, olive groves and forests, as well as several thousand square meters of industrial premises and an old villa with 30 rooms.

The website of the winery indicates that in 2012 the company was bought out Russian entrepreneurs. You can also find the name of the chief manager there - this is Sergey Stupnitsky, director of the "Rocky Coast" - vineyards near Anapa.

FBK: the “Dar” fund bought the palace of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko in St. Petersburg, now there are elite apartments

In 2009, the mysterious company Zertum-invest acquired ownership of a historic house in St. Petersburg - the pink marble palace of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko on Gagarinskaya Street with an Italian Renaissance facade.

The only founder of the company was a certain Philip Polyansky, who did not disclose the names of the partners. A few months later it became known that the mansion had a co-owner - the "Dar" fund. According to FBK, the fund was headed by Polyansky for several years; he is a student of the previously mentioned Ilya Eliseev.

In 2016, after a long renovation, the building was commissioned: now it is an elite club house with 29 apartments; some apartments have car lifts. Dar owns six apartments, the market value of which is about a billion rubles.

Non-residential premises in the house are owned by FinconsultingK, which, according to FBK, financed the purchase of land for an estate in the Kursk region.

Navalny: Medvedev twice called the yachts “Fotinia” after the church name of his wife

The FBK found that structures allegedly associated with Medvedev were owned by different time there were two yachts, which were called "Photinia".

“Photinia is a church version of the name Svetlana. In Orthodoxy, the name Svetlana was considered forbidden for a long time and was changed to Photinia at baptism. So both yachts are named after Svetlana. An amazing coincidence,” says FBK founder Alexei Navalny.

The total cost of the yachts, according to Navalny, is $16 million. Both of them are issued by the company of Ilya Eliseev, who was repeatedly mentioned in the FBK investigation.

These are model yachts Princess 85MY and Princess 32M. The first, according to FBK, was photographed on the Volga at the alleged residence of Medvedev in Plyos. The second began to be used later.

“The start of operation of the yacht can be considered June 17, 2015. This is exactly one week from the moment of customs clearance. On this day, the yacht turned on AIS. From that moment to this day, the yacht sailed to Plyos four times: in July and September 2015, and also in July and September 2016. September visits coincide with Medvedev's birthday - he has it on September 14, and in July, apparently, the summer season is just opening for the prime minister, ”the FBK reports.

As evidence that it is Medvedev who uses the yacht, FBK cites a photo from the Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg, which was published on the Prime Minister's Instagram. From the angle, Navalny suggested that the picture was taken from the river, although navigation on the Neva is prohibited during the celebration.

“It can’t be that for one special yacht they make one special exception, right? let's watch the video from the event and we will immediately see a mysterious silhouette that catches the eye,” continues FBK.

At the 2:23:40 mark in the video, you can see the silhouette of a yacht, which, as suggested by the FBK, is the Fotinia owned by Medvedev.

Medvedev's press secretary refused to comment on the investigation of the "oppositional and convicted character"

The investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation about the “residences” of Dmitry Medvedev has a “pre-election character”, RBC quotes a comment from the press secretary of the Prime Minister Natalia Timakova.

“Navalny's material has a pronounced pre-election character, which he himself talks about at the end of the video,” Timakova said, unexpectedly mentioning Navalny's name. Traditionally, Russian officials try not to call the FBK founder by his first name. “It is pointless to comment on the propaganda attacks of the oppositional and convicted character, who said that he is already conducting some kind of election campaign and is fighting the authorities.”

FBK wrote to the Investigative Committee a statement against Medvedev and Usmanov about receiving and giving a bribe

Director of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Roman Rubanov sent a statement to the Investigative Committee against Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and businessman Alisher Usmanov, Vedomosti reports.

The statement alleges that in August 2010, Usmanov transferred a land plot in the village of Znamenskoye for 5 billion rubles to the Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects, allegedly associated with Medvedev.

“Since Usmanov’s entrepreneurial activity is significantly connected with government contracts, as well as with regulatory and non-normative legal acts adopted by Medvedev in relation to those affiliated with Usmanov legal entities, there are reasons to believe that the above transfer of real estate worth 5 billion rubles is a bribe,” the statement says.

Rubanov asks to open cases under articles 290 of the Criminal Code (taking a bribe) and 291 of the Criminal Code (giving a bribe). In another statement, the director of the FBK asked to initiate a case under article 169 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement) in connection with the activities of the Dar fund, which, according to the FBK, also acts in the interests of Medvedev.

The document states that the foundation has no right to dispose of property except for the purposes determined by its charters, for example, it cannot transfer it to third parties without compensation. Dar, according to FBK, in 2014 handed over to the Gradislava foundation a plot in Plyos, where, according to the foundation’s founder Alexei Navalny, Medvedev’s residence is located. It is also alleged that the building in the village of Esto-Sadok was handed over to the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund "Dar".

Rubanov explained to Vedomosti that he had submitted applications through the electronic reception of the Investigative Committee, they were assigned numbers 473586 and 473584. He sent similar applications to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Presidential Administration.

Alleged brother of Medvedev claims he "received no help or interference" from the prime minister

Seim-Agro CEO Andrei Medvedev commented to RBC on an investigation by the Anti-Corruption Fund, which claims that he, being the prime minister's cousin, is one of the leaders of the fund that owns the alleged residence of the head of government.

According to him, "he did not receive any help or interference from the said person [Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev]."

“If it were really so, like a true patriot of our state, I would be truly saddened. Such accusations are baseless. This is fiction and folklore,” he said.

"This is a purely personal question, I do not consider it necessary to answer it," Medvedev replied to a request to comment on his relationship with the prime minister.

Navalny's colleague told how the investigation into Medvedev's property was conducted

The co-author of the Anti-Corruption Foundation investigation into the alleged property of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in an interview with Meduza, told how the opposition came to the conclusion that the residences and yachts belong to the head of government.

“In Psekhako, using a drone, we photographed the chimneys of a country house in the mountains and compared them with those that Medvedev posts on his Instagram. These are the same pipes. Regarding the yacht - we found the geolocation of this yacht in the last two years. She went four times to Plyos, where Medvedev has a residence, and twice to the Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg. This is a holiday of graduates, a beautiful event, fireworks. Shipping is closed there at the moment. The only yacht for which an exception is made is the yacht "Fotinia", with which Medvedev took his photos and also posted them. All this is iron evidence,” says Alburov.

He noticed that important role a quadrocopter played in the investigation, from which FBK employees filmed the alleged residences of Medvedev. The investigation lasted six months, up to four people were involved in it, six more worked on “the website, video, graphics, music and other things.”

In addition, Alburov, that the foundation was “very helpful” in a pair of sneakers, according to which the FBK concluded that Medvedev was connected to Vladimir Dyachenko, who allegedly manages the assets of the prime minister.

FBK claims that funds allegedly associated with Medvedev in violation of the law do not submit reports

Funds that the Anti-Corruption Foundation suspects of managing the assets of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev are breaking the law by failing to file reports, Georgy Alburov, co-author of the FBK investigation, told Meduza in an interview.

When asked by a journalist about whether the FBK got acquainted with the documents of charitable organizations, Alburov replied:

“It's an interesting question in the sense that we don't know - they don't publish their accounts. They do not submit reports to the Ministry of Justice, as required by law. Our fund rents, but they don't. This is a direct violation of the law. They can be found on the website tax office, but it is difficult to draw correct conclusions from the information from there.

Regulations on the reporting of charitable foundations are spelled out in Article 19 of the Federal Law "On charitable activities and charitable organizations".

“For example, they [funds] put up a cadastral valuation for real estate, and the estate on Rublyovka, with a market value of two billion rubles, is valued much lower,” continues Alburov.

In his opinion, the FBK “gathered enough invoices” to answer the question “what does Medvedev have to do with it at all?”

“How many people are there in the world to whom [businessman] Alisher Usmanov gives estates, and even a real palace on Rublyovka? Not so much. Medvedev visited all these facilities and used them. We convincingly prove this,” the co-author of the investigation believes.

He also said that 80% of the schemes related to the alleged property of Medvedev were found in 20% of the time spent on the investigation - six months.

“It was more difficult with the rest - we went from one legal entity to another, we do not see any connection. Then people from one of our schemes suddenly found themselves connected to companies from a completely different part of the scheme. It began to become more complicated, confusing, but with each new discovery it was clear: all these people we are talking about are directly related to Dmitry Medvedev, ”he says.

United Russia called the investigation a "vain attempt" by Navalny to remind himself

The FBK's investigation of Dmitry Medvedev is a "futile attempt" by Alexei Navalny to remind himself of himself, about this, as "Rain", Yevgeny Revenko, deputy secretary of the United Russia General Council, told reporters.

“The party believes that commenting on the statements and opuses of a person whom the court has repeatedly recognized as a criminal is at least strange. It is well known that all the so-called investigations of this man ended in zilch, that is, nothing. This is all another and futile attempt to remind myself. Moreover, the results of the latest public opinion polls are a verdict for him,” Revenko is sure.

Eliseev, person involved in the FBK investigation: the “Dar” fund is not connected with Medvedev

The Dar charity fund, which received an elite house on Rublyovka as a gift from businessman Alisher Usmanov, has nothing to do with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, according to a message sent to Vedomosti by his classmate Ilya Eliseev.

“Recent information stuffing is an example of obvious political propaganda and has no real basis,” said Eliseev, who holds the post of chairman of the supervisory board of the Dar fund, the Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects (Sotsgosproekt), the Fund for Support of Winter Olympic Sports and Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI). Since its founding in 2008, the latter fund has been managed by the prime minister's wife, Svetlana Medvedeva.

"Commercial and not commercial organizations in which I act as a shareholder, founder or manager, are engaged in economic and other activities permitted by law in my interests or for charitable purposes. These legal entities are not connected with any of the politicians or civil servants,” Eliseev is sure.

Peskov called the FBK investigation "not the first example of Navalny's creativity"

The Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation's investigation into Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's luxury real estate "is not the first example of the work of this well-known convicted citizen," said presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. It is reported by TV channel "Rain".

“This is not the first example of the work of this famous convicted citizen. There is nothing to add to what was said by the press secretary of the prime minister, ”Rain quoted Peskov as saying.

The presidential press secretary noted that the Kremlin was not familiar with the FBK investigation about Medvedev in detail, but "we saw the media reports."

Ilya Eliseev told Kommersant about the Dar fund headed by him

Accusations against the head of government are probably the most serious accusations that can arise in a society in which the topic of corruption is discussed. In March 2017, such allegations were made by the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). Ilya Eliseev, the head of the Dar fund, mentioned in this FBK publication as the main character, in an interview with Kommersant tells how and why the fund’s structures work, what Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has to do with the fund, and why Dar considers FBK’s actions deliberate lies.

What is the "Dar" fund, which you head, what does it do and what does Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have to do with it?

Regional non-commercial projects The Gift has been around for over ten years. At the end of 2006, the founders formed the fund's capital in the amount of 34.4 billion rubles, defining the goals of the fund's activities, giving it a name and forming its management bodies. None of the officials had anything to do with the creation of the fund.

"Dar" was originally conceived by the founders as non-profit organization implementing projects in the interests of society and the state. I emphasize, because this is very important: as a non-profit organization. This is by no means charitable foundation in its classical sense.

- In FBK you are considered a leader home office the prime minister, the majordomo who manages his property?

What can I say to that? Serious people will not publish such nonsense: it's complete nonsense. I am not a subordinate of the Prime Minister, his “banker”, “supervisor”, etc. I am completely self-sufficient, independent, I do not need high-ranking patrons. Of course, we know each other very well, meet as much as possible, and wish each other happy birthdays. And although we are not friends with our families, I know Dmitry Anatolyevich's son and wife quite well. But, pardon me, well, now I have to justify myself for this?

- Why did you become the head of the fund?

I have been Chairman of the Fund's Supervisory Board since its inception in November 2006. I hope that this appointment was, how shall I put it, connected with my professional and personal qualities.

At the time when the "Dar" was created, the entire founding capital of the fund was placed on accounts and deposits in Gazprombank, where I have been deputy chairman of the board since 2005. I have experience in banking and legal work, which allows me to ensure the targeted spending of the fund's capital and exclude the abuse of its finances. By the way, the very 11 billion rubles that Gazprombank gave us as a loan and which caused such horror of the FBK are just a part of the same funds that the fund had previously placed in the same bank. It is probably superfluous, therefore, to say that these loans were repaid in time and in full, including all interest on them.

- Who is the owner of the fund, who invested in it and why?

The concept of a fund owner is not applicable to a non-profit foundation. Let's explain in more detail. The Foundation is the sole exclusive owner of its property. At the same time, the foundation itself cannot belong to anyone at all: neither to the founders of the foundation, nor to those who donate property to it, and even more so to its employees. A fund is not an object, but a subject of law, that is, a legal entity. Or, as lawyers say otherwise, a fund is a personified goal, equipped with the property necessary to achieve it.

In accordance with the legislation on NCOs, funds under the management of non-profit foundations can be directed to the funds provided for by their charter. entrepreneurial activity both directly and through subsidiaries. The law allows for the possibility of making a profit by non-profit foundations (at the same time, of course, we pay income tax on a general basis - 20%). But it is strictly forbidden to distribute it between the founders in any form in the future: funds are obliged to reinvest it for statutory non-commercial purposes. This is the main feature of the fund as a legal entity, which just contributes to the preservation of its property over time. Even in the event of the complete liquidation of the fund, its assets under no circumstances will be transferred either to the founders of the fund, let alone to outsiders. individuals. For our funds, the law simply does not provide for such an opportunity.

To put it simply, a fund is the money transferred to it by the founders in order to achieve any goals, the people hired to achieve the goals, and the projects needed to achieve these goals. I have already talked about money. The person in charge of this fund is in front of you. What about projects? I'm ready to talk about them.

Is the information that Leonid Simanovsky and Leonid Mikhelson donated money to the fund true, and for what purpose were these donations made to the fund?

The charter of the foundation clearly states what the goals are. It is obvious that both the mentioned persons and other donors of the fund share our goals. And that is why they entrusted us with their funds. I meet with them from time to time to inform them about our projects.

- Does the Dar Foundation and a group of companies around it conduct business activities?

At the time of the establishment of the "Dar" fund, it was planned that about a third of the founding capital would be invested in commercial projects. At the expense of the received income, we financed non-commercial, planned-unprofitable projects, and also did charity work. In subsequent years, as the fund expanded its activities, other legal entities appeared in its perimeter. And non-commercial - the same funds, only specialized, for conducting individual projects. and more traditional economic structures. In most of them, I am also either the chairman or a member of the highest collegiate management bodies. But it's not even about formal titles: in any case, it is I who manage them and, therefore, I am responsible for the results of their activities.

No complex schemes needed. I have never made a secret of the fact that I manage the "Dar" fund and all its "perimeter".

- "Dar" is nevertheless engaged in charity?

Non-profit foundations may spend their funds on charitable purposes, although this is usually not their main task. So we have always been actively involved in charity work, and we plan to develop it in the future. For reference: the total costs of the "Dar" and all other organizations in its perimeter for charitable projects over ten years amounted to 11.4 billion rubles. without taking into account the content of the funds. I repeat: 11.4 billion. This is a lot of money. Well, forgive us for not yelling about it on every corner.

In this amount - 11.4 billion - I do not include any of our costs of maintaining funds for all ten years ( wage employees, office rent, transportation costs, utilities, taxes, and considerable ones), nor the costs of restoration or construction of such facilities as Milovka or Psekhako. And finally, I repeat once again: we are not a charitable organization. Non-commercial? Yes. Charity? No.

By the way, the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI) is also a non-profit organization, but it is actively involved in charity work. Detailed information about the activities of the foundation can be freely obtained on its website, so I will only mention some of its charitable projects: “The Light of a Radiant Angel”, “We Glorify the Fatherland!”, “Winter Tale”, “Give Me Life”, “A Little Miracle”, “Gift to school." Separately, I would single out the White Rose project, within the framework of which 15 medical diagnostic centers for women's health have been created and are already operating throughout Russia, and two more are under construction. This project is being implemented through the foundations of the same name established by us. However, if in the first 2–2.5 years we ourselves bore the main expenses, today this project is already able to exist at the expense of private benefactors (citizens and organizations), and we perform the functions of its coordination and financial control. Thanks to these centers, more than 130,000 women were able to undergo breast cancer screening in 2016 alone. For many of them, early diagnosis has saved lives.

- Are you the main person in the group of companies and funds, which is created around the "Dar"?

Undoubtedly. Of course, I do not do operational management. Considering that today there are more than a dozen different legal entities in the perimeter, there simply would not be enough time for this. Each of them has their own CEO, whom I either invited to work myself, or accepted the choice of my colleagues.

So from the point of view of the organizational hierarchy, I am not a top manager of any fund or its subsidiary business entity. But I participate in management through the highest collegiate bodies - supervisory boards or boards of directors.

- How are leaders selected in your structures?

The main criterion for selecting employees is human decency. Professionalism, sorry for the frankness, is only in second place. And believe me, I came to this understanding of priorities at the cost of great disappointments, conflicts and losses in the past. An honest person, interested in work, ready to learn, can be “made” into a good leader in two or three years. From a fraudster, even the most highly professional, acceptable leader will never work. So if you ever hear that I hired someone with a reputation as a swindler or a thief, know that I just went crazy.

Main question. Why are the Dar Foundation and companies within its perimeter building and reconstructing real estate objects, which are then visited by the first persons of the state?

One of the key priorities of our non-commercial activity is the restoration of historic buildings of cultural and historical value. We were one of many large donors for the restoration of the museum and park complex in Strelna. From 2007 to 2010, we transferred 1,728 million rubles to support it. Now few people remember, but in the early 1990s it was just ruins. Today it receives a huge number of tourists from many countries of the world. In my opinion, this is a very successful example of a public-private partnership, when a historical monument significant for the state and society was restored without attracting budgetary funds.

The example of Strelna inspired us to repeat a similar experience in another region of Russia. We considered dozens of different options, but in the end we chose the city of Plyos in the Ivanovo region. Why Ples? Go there at least once - and you will fall in love with this town yourself. I went there for the first time in 2008. And was amazed by its beauty. Although Plyos then and Plyos now are two big differences. Including thanks to the efforts of our funds.

To our deep regret (and this is probably our big flaw), all that people today know about our work in Plyos is the work to restore the Milovka estate, which is also the Chernev estate. Information about this project is deliberately distorted and politicized, and yet this is far from the only project we have implemented in Plyos. With our funds - 218 million rubles - the main city cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ of the 19th century, built in 1817, was restored. About 165 million rubles. we sent for the restoration of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ "Over Eternal Peace". This is a wooden temple of 1699, which was moved to Plyos in 1982 from the village of Bilyukovo, Ivanovo Region. We restored and equipped the city hospital for 32.5 million rubles. We built for 107 million rubles. Levitanovsky Cultural Center"Levitan Hall" - the Russian fashion festival "Plyos on the Volga. Linen Palette ”, this is the center of flax growing. The international film festival "Zerkalo" named after Andrei Tarkovsky is held there, and the Levitan Music Festival is held there. We also helped the Plyossky Museum-Reserve to acquire paintings and exhibits.

In total, over the past ten years, we have invested 1.184 billion rubles in the restoration and development of Plyos, its monuments and infrastructure.

- Nevertheless, in fact, the Chernev estate is a residence, at least in terms of the way it is used?

The decision that it will organize a representative residence of the highest class, capable of receiving the first persons of Russia and other states, was taken by us, generally speaking, not immediately.

Any architectural monument requires constant maintenance and care - this is generally the main problem. Restoring and then simply abandoning, forgetting, formally putting it on the balance sheet of some local institution is not an option. "Cut" more rooms and arrange a three-star hotel? Also wrong.

Therefore, we chose a different way for the Chernevs' estate to preserve it. Now it is a representative residence of the top level, which are few in Russia. In addition to Dmitry Medvedev, there are others famous people: big businessmen, politicians, prominent public figures.

FBK constantly calls this object a dacha. Well, if this is someone's dacha, then it's probably mine. Moreover, unlike the prime minister, I go there regularly due to official necessity and, unlike Dmitry Anatolyevich, I do not pay for my accommodation.

As a lawyer, I can only repeat once again: neither the Prime Minister nor members of his family have ever been and are neither owners nor other title holders of this property. How much clearer? All objects located on the territory of the estate belong to our two funds - "Dar" and "Gradislava" by right of ownership. The latter structure was specially created as an operational structure, and as the "Dar" fund completed the restoration or construction of individual buildings that make up the estate, they were transferred to the balance of the "Gradislava" fund. Here is such a "cunning" scheme.

Returning to the future of Plyos, I am ready to promise its citizens that our funds will continue to invest in its development.

- Does Dar have other projects with a similar mission?

Yes. In addition to the buildings we restored in Plyos and Strelna, this is the Kushelev-Bezborodko mansion, located in the very center of St. Petersburg on the banks of the Neva, 300 meters from the Summer Garden.

I want to immediately disappoint everyone who will look for traces of the prime minister there. Neither he nor his family members have ever been there and do not own housing in this house. It's in its purest form commercial project my business partner Philip Polyansky, in which one of our structures acted as a co-investor. The company of Mr. Polyansky restored the famous historical mansion of the era of Paul I, creating on its basis the first and so far the only deluxe class club house in St. Petersburg with 29 apartments ranging from 60 to 460 square meters. m. We are just now starting sales. We bought this building not from the city and not from the state, but from private individuals in 2010. It underwent a very complex and expensive restoration, as a result of which our project was recognized the best project 2016-2017 in Europe in the Residential Renovation / Redevelopment category according to the European Property Awards - the largest and most prestigious real estate award.

- Do you follow the situation around the European University?

Here, taking this opportunity, I want to dispel another rumor: that we are allegedly interested in the neighboring building of the European University in St. Petersburg. This is complete nonsense! We are not planning any new projects in St. Petersburg. And, of course, under no circumstances do we build and will not build a business on the problems of our neighbors. I don't need to explain how much this university is needed by both the city and the country.

In addition to the three projects that I have already mentioned, we participated in the restoration, creation and support of a whole group of other historical objects. Let's list just a few of them. Voskresensky Novodevichy Convent in St. Petersburg, the temple-chapel of the Three Hierarchs in the Moscow region. Complex of the Moscow Patriarchy in Gelendzhik. Temple of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Moscow Sredny Sadovniki.

Both we and our founders want it to be so. They donated their money to the "Gift" for this, and we are working for this.

- What does the mansion on Rublyovka have to do with the goals of the work of the "Gift"?

Over the ten years of our work, the funds have acquired, I will not hide, a strong competence in working with real estate objects. In addition to historical real estate, we began to deal with modern objects. Regarding this mansion on Rublyovka, its previous owner, Alisher Usmanov, has already spoken in detail. I can only confirm that both we and, as far as I understand, our partners from the East-Invest group received compensation for the unrealized development project. This is part of our activity. We are engaged in work with real estate in order to have the means to fulfill our statutory goals and objectives. Well, you can’t exist only at the expense of sponsors, and the experience gained in the field of restoration and renovation was simply stupid not to use it. This is how we earn money for the same charity and for the reconstruction of historical sites.

- And who lives there now in this mansion?

Yes, the fact of the matter is that the entire time that we own this home ownership, it is almost completely mothballed, since we are looking for a buyer for it. Well, or maybe we will find some other options for its use, including, for example, by converting it into a luxe class hotel. Needless to say, no one has ever used this house, because today it is simply not suitable for living. By the way, we were greatly impressed and even inspired by the amount that FBK estimated this house for. If we can sell it at that price, we'd love to do it.

- The second modern object of "Dara" - the residence of Psekhako?

The Psekhako Reception House, located near Krasnaya Polyana, was built on the principle of all Olympic venues. The investor received the right at his own expense to build a facility that was used by the Sochi-2014 management during the Olympics, after which it again came at the disposal of the investor.

For the past three years, we have been trying to use it as an executive residence that is rented out. But they did not see great prospects in this. If we talk about the future of this facility, then taking into account the increased interest in Sochi as a center for winter sports, it is possible to convert this building into an apart-hotel. We have not made a final decision yet.

The owner of the Psekhako Reception House is the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund, which I manage as chairman of its supervisory board. Like the Gradislava fund, it was created specifically for the operation of this facility. As you can see, there is nothing mysterious in FBK's "schemes": this is a common business solution, where a technical customer, builder and operator rarely coincide in one person.

- Is work in agriculture also a way for Dara companies to earn money to fulfill its statutory goals?

To a large extent. Dara's investment in Agriculture and related industries was also one of the program targets. And for us, this is not only a way to earn money, because you can earn money in different ways, including, for example, organizing gambling in a casino. Agricultural business is a socially acceptable way of earning for us, which fully fits into the ideology of the fund.

At the beginning of our activity, we paid quite a lot of attention to alternative energy, mini-hydroelectric power plants, windmills for agricultural enterprises, biogas, and in general the study of how to create infrastructure for this market in Russia. As a result, we did not make large-scale investments in this area, although we worked on it very seriously.

In our perimeter - agro-complex "Mansurovo". There we have long term plans. Today it is one of the most modern agricultural enterprises of this profile in Russia. It occupies an area of ​​25 thousand hectares, of which 14.2 thousand hectares are grain crops, 6.8 thousand hectares are industrial crops. There are more than 3 thousand heads of large cattle for dairy production, there is a stud farm. Technological equipment dairy farm is one of the most modern in the country.

At the end of 2016, the company broke even, and at the end of this year, we expect to reach a good profit. For our country, high-tech agriculture has never been a strong industry. Using the example of Mansurovo, we are trying to break this stereotype, especially since in recent years there are very good prerequisites for this.

- Did Dmitry Medvedev visit you?

In my memory, he visited Mansurovo only a couple of times. Of course, the history of his ancestors connects him with this place. But any speculation on this subject, in my opinion, looks silly. If this is the land of his ancestors, then, well, he should never come there, so that no one would say anything bad about it?

Yes, and we ourselves in Mansurovo have nothing to be ashamed of. We have created almost 400 new jobs, not only for the people of Kursk, of whom we have a lot of employees, but also for the residents of the village itself. They built a temple in the name of the Holy Trinity. Finally, the school returned to Mansurovo, which before it was simply impossible to look at without tears. Can you imagine what a functioning, equipped, tidy school means for the village? This is the same line, on one side of which is depression and hopelessness, and on the other - a chance for the future.

Just don't think that I want to record everything good that has been done in Mansurovo as an asset. Both local and regional authorities did an excellent job there. But we started! After all, our agricultural complex has indeed become a lifeline for the village.

- Does Dar have other agricultural assets?

We also own a 10.5-hectare Seim-agro greenhouse complex on the outskirts of Kursk for year-round cultivation of fruits and vegetables. So far we are growing mainly cucumbers and tomatoes. The complex has already reached profitability and, at the expense of its own profit, will now complete the construction of the third phase of greenhouses, after which it will be possible to expand the range of vegetable products and salads. Also in Kursk, we are developing our own business for the production of ready-made greenhouses.

We consider the Rocky Coast vineyard in Anapa as an investment project with a long payback cycle. The land itself was purchased seven years ago, so the vine will be able to produce quality grapes only next year. For industrial production, we still have to build a winery, so we plan to release finished products no earlier than 2020. And today there is simply no “Rocky Coast” wine in nature. Let's see what will happen.

- The vineyard, I remember, was not alone.

Do you mean the Fattoria Della Aiola company that makes Chianti in Tuscany, Italy? This is not only a vineyard, there is also a small olive grove, and a winery - only 100 hectares. This is my own purely private investment, which has nothing to do with the activities of the funds. Let's be clear once and for all: the funds that I manage as a manager do not have any foreign assets at all and never have. But my business as a private individual, an entrepreneur, you can find in Italy and even outside of Europe.

In addition to the winery on the territory of Aiola, there is an old villa that needs major repairs, which has not been used in any way since the purchase of this company. In general, that is still a residence. If anyone can be found there, then only the ghosts of the late Renaissance.

FBK’s “advertising” is on hand for my winery: sales of wines and spirits have grown significantly. Just these days, Verona hosts the 51st International Wine Salon Vinitali, the world's largest exhibition for wine industry professionals. I hope that there sales will shoot. Now I am seriously thinking about the export of our Chianti to Russia, but just a couple of years ago I could not even dream of it.

What else are you investing in?

I have a number of other investments and business projects of my own, including an experimental cheese production in Russia, a computer art studio, but this is a topic for a separate discussion. There is a personal business in both exploration and mining in Latin America.

- Is this your personal investment?

I understand the question. Yes, this is my investment - a person who has been in serious business since 2005.

- Why did the "Dar" never talk about its rather large-scale activity in public?

To be honest, I never thought that we should cover our activities in detail. But since there is a demand in society for greater openness of the Gift, it will not be difficult for us to meet these requirements.

Also, right now, I cannot allow a situation in which many media outlets are spreading obvious lies about the activities of our foundations and our business. Both the authors and all the distributors of tales about how we "work" in the interests of state and political figures will have to answer according to the law. This is the only correct and civilized way to protect reputation. We intend to apply to the courts with claims for protection business reputation to primary sources and a number of media outlets that spread false information about the Gift and its companies, although I understand that this may contribute to the political promotion of individual characters.

Why do you personally need these lawsuits?

Every patience has a limit. I see how in my country people try to pass off lies, insults, political manipulations as the norm of political struggle. I see how lofty ends begin to justify vile means. And the worst thing is that someone begins to believe in all this.

Politics is an activity in which there must be rules and boundaries, otherwise it becomes dangerous. Perhaps the world is changing and only political shows will be valued in the politics of the future, but this is already without me and not at my expense. For a very long time I did not want to get dirty in all this, I did not want to tell anything, I did not want to explain anything. And the mold kept growing and growing.

Exactly the same way, exactly one hundred years ago, the same chirpy people like me once already missed Russia. I don't want to repeat this mistake. I still have time to get better.

Interview prepared by Dmitry Butrin

Foundation for Regional Non-Commercial Projects "Dar"

The "Dar" Foundation was registered on November 3, 2006 with the aim of developing social infrastructure facilities in the field of education, science, culture, sports and education. The founder of the fund was a company with limited liability"Leviticus". The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Dara is Ilya Eliseev. The directorate of the fund is headed by General Director Viktor Davydov.

Eliseev Ilya Vladimirovich

Born December 19, 1965. Graduated from the Leningrad State University. A. A. Zhdanova (1987), postgraduate study at the same university (2001). In 1991-2003 he worked at the Department of Civil Law of the St. Petersburg state university while also working in private law practice.

Since 2003 - Vice-President, since 2004 - President of the Legal Center Association. In 2005, he was a senior lawyer at the law firm Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners (St. Petersburg). From 2005 to the present, member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprombank. Member of the National Association of Corporate Directors. Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Morion, CJSC Optic Fiber Systems, CJSC Agrocomplex Mansurovo. AT different years was a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom-Media Holding, OAO Gazprom-Media, OAO NTV Television Company, OAO TNT-Teleset, OAO NTV-Plus, OAO United Machine-Building Plants, PAO United Aircraft Building Corporation", JSC "Rocky Coast", JSC "Blagoveshchensk Valve Plant".

PhD in Law. Co-author of a textbook on civil law (edited by A. P. Sergeev and Yu. K. Tolstoy), co-author of a commentary on the Civil Code of Russia. Author of monographs and journal publications on civil and private international law. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education in 2001.

Eliseev also spoke about the work of "Gift". According to him, the fund for regional non-commercial projects was established in 2006 and none of the officials has anything to do with it. Eliseev also stressed that the "Dar" was originally conceived as a non-profit organization that implements projects in the interests of society and the state, and not "a charitable foundation in its classical sense." Eliseev called the restoration of historical buildings of cultural and historical value one of the key priorities of the foundation, and cited the restoration of the museum and park complex in Strelna as an example.

As Eliseev explained, the example of Strelna inspired the foundation to "repeat a similar experience in another region of Russia" - Plyos. “Why Plyos? Go there at least once, and you will fall in love with this town yourself,” said the head of the fund. According to him, the decision to use the Chernev estate in Plyos as a top-level representative residence was "the way to preserve it." In addition to Medvedev, other famous people also visit the estate, including big businessmen, politicians and public figures, Eliseev noted.

As for the mansion on Rublyovka, mentioned in the FBK investigation, Eliseev confirmed the words: the fund received the house as compensation for an "unrealized development project."

A vineyard in Tuscany, also attributed to the prime minister, was called by the head of the "Gift" "his own purely private investment", which has nothing to do with the activities of the foundations. He also mentioned that there is an old villa on the grounds of Aiola that needs renovation. overhaul. “If anyone can be found there, then only the ghosts of the late Renaissance,” said Eliseev.

At the same time, he confirmed that the fund received donations from Leonid Mikhelson and Leonid Simanovsky, as well as a loan of 11 billion rubles. at Gazprombank. However, the borrowed funds, the head of the Gift explained, were part of the founding capital of the fund, which was placed on accounts and deposits with Gazprombank, where Eliseev has been deputy chairman of the board since 2005.

Speaking about the charitable activities of his foundation, Eliseev singles out the White Rose project, within the framework of which 15 medical diagnostic centers for women's health have been created throughout Russia. According to the information on the project website, it was developed by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives in 2010 “on the initiative and under personal guidance President of the Foundation Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva.

Eliseev explains the long lack of response to the FBK investigation by “unwillingness to get dirty in all this.” “In exactly the same way, exactly one hundred years ago, the same chirpy people like me once already missed Russia. I don't want to repeat this mistake. I still have time, I will have time to improve,” he says.

On Tuesday, April 11, the main shareholder of USM Holdings, billionaire Alisher Usmanov, said that the founder of FBK, Alexei Navalny. According to him, the oppositionist "crossed the red line" in the case of "the latest stuffing of slander."

In the FBK investigation, which was released on March 2, 2017, in particular, it was alleged that the Sotsgosproekt fund, headed by Eliseev, received a land plot with a mansion in the village of Znamenskoye on Rublevskoye Highway worth 5 billion rubles as a gift from Usmanov.

A whole financial-industrial group has formed around Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The fact that Dmitry Medvedev's interests are served by the DAR Foundation for Regional Non-Commercial Projects is no secret. first wrote about this six years ago. However, over these six years the situation has changed: the seemingly non-profit DAR itself has gone commercial, and today the prime minister is no longer rich in DAR alone: ​​this fund became the ancestor of a whole network of interconnected firms, which undertook to unravel.

Formally - apart

Initially, the Milovka estate in Plyos, where the prime minister likes to relax, was restored by the DAR foundation. At that moment, the supervisory board of the fund was headed by Ilya Eliseev, Dmitry Medvedev's friend from the law faculty, and the former student of Eliseev, Philip Polyansky, was the general director of the DAR. Today Polyansky is formally in free flight: 70% of authorized capital"Zertum-Invest".

But for the first time, this company was registered at the same address as a number of other firms related to the DAR. And this is not the only thing that brings Zertum-Invest closer to the fund. In 2009, Polyansky's structure acquired the mansion of Count Kushelev-Bezborodko in the historical district of St. Petersburg. Then the businessman laid out 740 million rubles for the building, and now the proceeds from the sale of apartments in this club house alone can reach up to 2.5 billion rubles. True, these billions will go to not quite Polyansky. Five years ago, he ceded the house to the DAR fund, sort of like a non-profit.

At the same time, DAR, in addition to the northwestern one, has six more official branches in different corners countries: in the Far East, in Izhevsk, Tver, in the Urals, Baikal, the Caucasus. So Milovka in Plyos is just what is most known about.

Golovachev around

According to the documents, the founder of the DAR is the Levit company of the gas oligarch Leonid Mikhelson. However, Mikhelson, in an interview with Vedomosti, has already stated that he does not personally participate in the management of the fund. To do this, a management company of the DAR fund was created, later renamed Orion LLC. In 2008, the managing director of the DAR fund was headed by Olga Travina, the current founder of another fund - Social and Cultural Initiatives (FSKI), where the president is Svetlana Medvedeva. These structures were united by a common address and telephone number. Since 2014, businessman Vitaly Golovachev has been at the head of Orion. Prior to that, Golovachev was the general director of the Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund (FPZOVS). It was with this fund that two and a half years ago DAR re-registered the Psekhako reception house in Krasnaya Polyana, where Dmitry Medvedev stays during his visits to Sochi.

According to the documents, the sole founder of the FPZOVS is Meritage Management Company. Now this management company belongs to the same Vitaly Golovachev, but before him it was owned by Medvedev's classmate Alexei Dolgushevsky and one of the "daughters" of "Orion" - "Garant-Club", the founder of which was again Dolgushevsky. In 2010, when Dmitry Medvedev served as president, the Kremlin supply manager Vladimir Kozhin conceded to Garant-Club for building 20 hectares of state-owned forest on Rublyovka for 2.5% of the cadastral value. Vitaly Golovachev refused to communicate with

Cinema, wine, home...

Also, the name of Golovachev is found among the founders of Glavkino, one of the largest film and television concerns in the CIS, where the recent Viking was filmed. The first (and regular) client of the concern was Comedy Club Production, whose actors are not indifferent to the prime minister.

At the same time, Golovachev remains the sole founder of the Fund for the Support of Socially Significant State Projects (Sotsgosproekt). Formally, this is an independent office, but the branches of Orion and one of the subsidiaries of Sotsgosproekt (MC Strategy) have a common address in Privolzhsk, Ivanovo Region. Yes, and the head of the "Strategy" is the former general director of "Orion" Nikolai Bazlov.

Another classmate of Medvedev, Aleksey Chetvertkov, is in charge of the Sotsgosproekt.

At the university, they talked, but not more closely than usual, - recalls their mutual friend Viktor Lugovoy. - In the prosecutor's office, Alexei was an investigator for especially important cases, but he is a stubborn person. It cannot be bought. Therefore, there he never made himself a latifundium.

Another classmate of Medvedev, Aleksey Chetvertkov, is in charge of the Sotsgosproekt

But now Chetvertkov manages alien latifundia. Sotsgosproekt and its subsidiary Green Yard became the owners of a luxurious estate in the Rublev village of Znamenskoye.

Another of the "daughters" of the Sotsgosproekt - the Krasnodar "Rocky Coast" - is engaged in the production of wine. Through Techinpro, this company is connected with the Mansurovo agricultural complex (27 thousand hectares of land and more than 3 thousand heads of cattle). The ex-general director of the agricultural complex Natalya Kharitonova is a former student of Dmitry Medvedev. In addition to her, a classmate of the prime minister, Ilya Eliseev, who is associated with the DAR fund, and the official's cousin, Andrey Medvedev, appeared in the company's management.

"Kurskpromteplitsa", the fourth "daughter" of the Sotsgosproekt, is also associated with the name of Andrei Medvedev. He manages the Seim-Agro greenhouse complex, which he established jointly with Kurskpromteplitsa. And Natalya Kharitonova today heads the Research Center for Traditional Food Production Technologies. This center is located in the same building as the Volga branches of the Management Company "Strategy" and "Orion".

A former student of the prime minister, Natalya Kharitonova, harnessed herself ... to the management of an agricultural holding. And not only them

This is an accident, - explained Natalia. - It's just that in Privolzhsk there is only one decent building where you can stay.

But why Privolzhsk? It is in the Volga district of the Ivanovo region that the very Medvedev estate Milovka is located, which has its own livestock farm (see Interlocutor No. 4). However, Kharitonova assured that her current activities are not connected with the DAR fund.

To the village - "Gradislava"

The current holder of the Milovka estate, non-profit foundation contributing to the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage "Gradislava", received this property from the DAR as a gift (literally - under a donation agreement dated 02.11.2012). But he is independent from the DAR fund. Formally.

However, the founder of "Gradislava" Leonid Rubtsov simultaneously heads the "daughter" of the Social State Project "Green Yard". Mikhail Volkov, head and co-owner of Gradislava's subsidiary, Zavolzhskoye LLC, was the general director of the Russian Broker company, which was managed and owned by Natalia Kharitonova and Alexei Chetvertkov in different years. And the former boss of Gradislava, Andrei Zhmenya, through his work in the firms Rocky Coast and Stroystandart, is connected with the general director of Orion, Vitaly Golovachev, and the same Chetvertkov from Sotsgosproekt.

Milovka "Gradislava" received for free

The current general director of Gradislava, Ivan Karabinsky, positions himself on the Internet as the “head” of the DAR fund, although, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, he has never headed the DAR.

At the request of to explain who he actually works for, Ivan Karabinsky found it difficult to answer. And when asked about the possible affiliation between Gradislava and DAR, he offered to send him an official request by Russian Post. True, he immediately made a reservation that the answer does not guarantee:

I am not obliged to do this.

One Travin, two Travin

Another last name: when Orion was called the Criminal Code of the DAR fund, its co-founder in three already defunct companies (real estate managers Kaliningrad Sirius, Rostov REP No. 1 and Far Eastern REP No. 2) was a certain Alexei Travin.

Today, Alexei Travin owns another two dozen companies, some of which are part of the Kontur group of companies - this, as stated on the Kontur website, is "more than 10 private security companies throughout Russia, including Crimea." Before Travin, one of the private security companies of the group was owned by the already mentioned former student of Medvedev, Natalya Kharitonova.

Today, Alexei Travin’s companies receive millions of government orders from Gazprom, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... And in 2012, his Kontur even received special thanks for the “high professionalism and competence of employees” from ... the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives, among the founders of which today Olga Travina is listed. The acknowledgment was personally signed by FSCI President Svetlana Medvedeva and another founder of the fund, Dmitry Solovyov.

By the way, Solovyov also turned out to be the founder of the capital's Nautilus company (serves sea and river transport) - it is registered at the same address with Orion's "daughter" - "Garant Club", - belongs to Vitaly Golovachev's friend Nikolai Puchkov, and Stanislav manages it Osmolovsky, CEO of Rocky Coast, a subsidiary of Sotsgosproekt…

And so it can go on for a very long time - dozens of companies are connected with each other and with Dmitry Medvedev, but the prime minister seems to have nothing to do with all these intricacies. And in Milovka, which does not belong to him, an official rests on one salary. He has such a special gift.


25,412,391,000 rubles were the assets of the DAR fund itself at the beginning of last year (according to financial statements according to RAS). The assets of the entire group of companies are much more solid.

Who is connected to whom?

This informal business structure has at least a hundred various structures, most of which are linked by common managers, founders, phone numbers or addresses. "Stroitekhinvest", "Alter", "Basis-Direct" ... Among the areas of their activity - industrial production and agriculture, consulting and trading, security and hunting, cleaning and cargo transportation, construction and stock trading…


Other funds associated with the DAR

Foundation for the Preservation and Revival of the Historical and Cultural Heritage "Nevsky"

Fund "Amber Region"

St. Petersburg International Legal Forum Foundation

Foundation for the Promotion of the Development of National Resorts and Tourism Activities

National Maritime Program Support Fund


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