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All-Russian competition of presentations for schoolchildren

Each student of grades 1-11 can take part in the event by submitting a presentation or report with a presentation on

  • biology,
  • geography,
  • foreign language,
  • informatics,
  • stories,
  • local history,
  • mathematics,
  • music,
  • social science,
  • psychology,
  • technology,
  • physics,
  • ecology,
  • economy.

All the details about the event on the competition page and in the position.

The light of knowledge - autumn 2019

All-Russian competition research work for students in grades 1-11

Each student can take part in the event together with the teacher-head or individually.

The competition accepts research papers and projects on:

    • astronomy and astronautics,
    • biology,
    • geography,
    • art history,
    • foreign languages,
    • informatics,
    • stories,
    • local history,
    • literature,
    • mathematics and cryptography,
    • music,
    • the world around
    • political science,
    • psychology,
    • robotics;
    • Russian language,
    • sociology,
    • technology,
    • physics,
    • physical culture,
    • chemistry,
    • ecology,
    • economy.

You can find exhaustive information about the competition and the Olympiad on the page of the competition and in the Regulations.

Autumn landscapes - 2019

All-Russian competition of drawings and crafts, as well as a competition of readers for schoolchildren.

The event is open to all students in grades 1-11. We accept crafts and drawings on the autumn theme. Also, every schoolchild who is not indifferent to poetry can try his hand at the artistic recitation competition by choosing his favorite poem about autumn for reading.

We also opened this great event for teachers who can take part in the competition of drawings and crafts made by their own hands, as well as in the competition of master classes and scripts for autumn festive school holidays.

In total, the event provides 3 nominations for children and 4 nominations for teachers.

The interim results of the competition and the issuance of award documents are carried out weekly on Wednesdays.

The road to the city of Emerald

All-Russian creative competition for primary and secondary school students, as well as for teachers elementary school, literature teachers, librarians

Often our events are timed to coincide with certain anniversaries. For example, the name of this contest was inspired by the 80th anniversary of the release of Alexander Melentyevich Volkov's fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". But the theme of this year's competition is not limited to this work!

Our competition is a real celebration of children's books. Each student can submit a drawing based on their favorite work to the competition, make crafts, and we are waiting for young masters of the artistic word at the reader competition. Children can draw inspiration not only from poems, stories, stories of the school curriculum, but also go beyond these narrow limits. When preparing a work, you can refer to the works of classics, Soviet and Russian poets and writers, as well as to the work of foreign authors. Thus, your flight of fancy is limited only by the genre - children's and teenage literature.

Our holiday is also open to elementary school teachers, educators additional education, librarians, teachers of fine arts and technology. Teachers can submit their methodological developments, presentations, master classes, scripts extracurricular activities, illustrations and DIY crafts.

The competition is divided into two streams so as not to torment the participants with a long wait. The results of the first stream are summed up on October 25, 2019, and the results of the second stream will become known on December 12, 2019.

All the details about the competition are on the page and in the position.

Unknown Chosen One. 205 years since the birth of Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

All-Russian competition of reports and presentations, research papers and essays, artistic recitation and illustrations, as well as an Olympiad for students.

For a competition for students in grades 1-11, dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the birth of M.Yu. Lermontov, reports and research papers are accepted that tell about the life and creative path of the writer, as well as essays based on his works.

A reading competition and an illustration competition are open, and there is also a section with Olympiad tasks.

In total, the competition provides for 8 nominations and three Olympiad tests for students, as well as 14 nominations for teachers. At the same time, the nominations "Illustration" and " artistic reading» are open to all educators, regardless of the subject taught.

All details on the page of the competition and in the position.

Heroes of history 2019 / 2020

All-Russian competition-marathon for students in grades 1-11 and students, as well as for teachers and teachers.

The theme of the competition: the history of Russia and world history from ancient times to the present day.

Each student can submit a report, presentation, research work, an essay on a historical topic for the competition, as well as take part in an artistic recitation competition by reading a poem, an excerpt from a poem or a fragment of a prose work on a historical topic.

The competition is also open to teachers of history, literature, elementary school teachers, teachers of additional education and librarians, teachers of colleges and universities.

The competition is divided into 4 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Take part in the first stream of the competition and replenish your portfolio of achievements with a new diploma on September 21, 2019.

All the details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Also, each student can take part in the remote Olympiads of our project. You can always find the list of available events in the new section. We have prepared tasks for different age groups, both a first grader and a graduate will be able to find something for themselves. On the this moment six Olympiad tests are available in the Russian language, literature and art. This section is updated regularly, stay tuned.

To answer this question, let us turn to one of the main legislative acts that regulate the work in the field of education in general and the procedure for attesting teachers.

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, as amended on July 26, 2019

Article 77

"2. In order to identify and support individuals who have shown outstanding abilities, federal government bodies, organs state power subjects Russian Federation, organs local government, public and other organizations organized and carried out Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical culture events and sports events (hereinafter referred to as competitions), aimed at identifying and developing students' intellectual and creative abilities, ability to practice physical education and sports, interest in scientific (research) activities, creative activities, physical culture and sports activities, promotion of scientific knowledge, creative and sporting achievements.

Article 34. Basic rights of students and measures of their social support and stimulation

“22) development of their creative abilities and interests, including participation in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, reviews, sports events, sports events, including official sports competitions, and other public events.

The activities of the Open Palms project are carried out in accordance with the above law and are aimed at supporting and developing gifted children.

How can the active participation of children in Olympiads help a teacher in passing certification?

Consider a document titled "Methodology for Analyzing Results Information professional activity applicants qualification category(first or highest), carrying out educational activities on the position of "teacher", which is guided by the experts of the attestation commission of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Student Achievements

Criterion: individual educational achievements of students (results of participation in competitions, olympiads, competitions, scientific and practical conferences, intellectual marathons, projects on the subject (s) of education).
Each educational achievement is taken into account, subject to participation:
  • several students in one event ;
  • the same student in events of different levels;
  • the same student in multiple events.
When participating in face-to-face events held by organizations engaged in educational activities and education authorities
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level Level educational organization
Winner = 6 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 5 points

Winner = 5 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 4 points

Winner = 4 points Winner = 3 points Winner, prize-winner, laureate, nominee:

1 person or more = 1 point

When participating in face-to-face events hosted by third parties
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level
Winner = 5 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 4 points

Winner = 4 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 3 points

Winner = 3 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 2 points

Winner = 2 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 1 point

When participating in correspondence and distance events held by organizations engaged in educational activities and education authorities
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level

1-5 people = 4 points

More than 5 people = 5 points

Winner, laureate, diplomat:

1-5 people = 3 points

More than 5 people = 4 points

Winner, laureate, diplomat:

1-5 people = 2 points

More than 5 people = 3 points

Winner, laureate, diplomat:

1-5 people = 1 point

More than 5 people = 2 points

When participating in correspondence, remote events held by third parties
International level Federal level Regional level
Winner, laureate, diplomat:

1-5 people = 3 points

More than 5 people = 4 points

Winner, laureate, diplomat:

1-5 people = 2 points

More than 5 people = 3 points

Winner, laureate, diplomat:

1-5 people = 1 point

More than 5 people = 2 points

When evaluating the results of correspondence, remote events, it is necessary to study the regulation on holding a correspondence competition, olympiad, etc., located on the electronic resource of the event organizer. To do this, you must follow the direct electronic link indicated by the applicant in the column "Name of events". In the absence of this information, the AC specialist has the right not to take into account the results of the participation of students in correspondence and distance events.
  • The scores of each participant are not summed up, provided that the team of students wins.
  • The total number of points when evaluating the results of face-to-face events of any level should be no more than 15 points
  • When evaluating the results of face-to-face events at the level of an educational organization, a single mark (1 point) is given for any number of achievements (not a multiple of the number of achievements).
  • The total number of points when evaluating the results of correspondence and distance competitions of any level should be no more than 10 points

Of course, the teacher can get the highest score when passing certification for participating in a full-time competition. international level conducted by educational authorities. Slightly less valued are successes at such events at the federal level, etc. Unfortunately, professional competitions and there are not so many olympiads for schoolchildren of this level, and not every teacher or student can take part in them for many reasons: very strict selection conditions, a limitation on the number of participants, the inability to personally come to the competition site, etc.

At the same time, having prepared a student-winner of a federal-level distance competition, during certification, a teacher can receive the same number of points as his colleague with a student-winner of a city-level competition conducted by the Department of Education, or a colleague with a prize-winning student of a full-time federal-level competition. The victories of students at school competitions and olympiads, alas, are not highly valued at all.

  • The results of the events are stored on the project website in the "Results" section for at least 5 years after their completion (five years is the inter-certification period). Specify the link to the final table in the report when passing the certification, as well as on your personal or school website.
  • The position of the completed event is always placed on the page with the results. Any member of the attestation commission will be able to get acquainted with it.
  • Each teacher can apply for an unlimited number of students participating in the competition.
  • The same student can participate in different competitions.
  • Five or more students participating in competitions and olympiads should bring you 3 additional points during certification.

Since 2016, regular competitions for schoolchildren have been opened on our website. These are the competition of research works "The Light of Knowledge" and the competition of reports and presentations "Open Palms". Fans of Russian and world history can always take part in the Heroes of History marathon. Literary competitions, reading competitions, and other creative events dedicated to significant dates are also regularly held. For example, in the 2018/2019 academic year, the competition “Beauty and Life Blows From Everywhere ...”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, the competition “Poet and Wise Man”, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, were successfully held . In autumn, we remembered our favorite childhood authors as part of creative competition"Learn good", and in the spring there was a competition of recitation for the Victory Day "Feast of Peace and Spring".

After analyzing the document that guides the attestation commissions, we can conclude that the remote (correspondence) competitions of the All-Russian level held by the portal are an appropriate addition or an optimal alternative to those few events held by the education authorities in your city or region.


  1. Competitions and Olympiads of the Open Palms project are remote, held by a third-party organization, therefore, according to the instructions of experts attestation commissions, should be taken into account when calculating points for certification of teachers.
  2. All events held have the status of federal, which is confirmed by the Media Certificate with the territory of distribution of the Russian Federation and other countries, issued by Roskomnadzor on February 16, 2016.
  3. We invite teachers and students to take part in competitions and olympiads of our project to replenish the portfolio and more confidently pass the certification.

© 2015-2018 Online publication for teachers, educators, schoolchildren and preschoolers "Open Palms" (IP Anisimov P.V.) All rights reserved.

Nomination: Recitation,
Age categories: 5-7, 8-11, 12-15, 16-19, 20-25

Start date for accepting works: 09/01/2017
Work evaluation start date: 12/13/2017
Date of publication of the results: 12/15/2017

The All-Russian Annual Competition of Readers "Lights of Russia" is a competitive competitive event in recitation (expressive reading).

As part of this Competition, participants are invited to read an excerpt from a poetic or prose work in Russian. The theme of the competition work is free, the participant chooses the work independently, at his discretion. The competitive work should not contain profanity, offend the dignity and human rights on national, religious or other grounds.

The competition is held among children, adolescents and young people aged 5 to 25 inclusive in the following age groups: 5-7 years; 8-11 years old; 12-15 years; 16-19 years old; 20-25 years old. Each group is evaluated separately, the best competitive works will be revealed in each group.
The Participant of the Contest must live on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Individuals and pupils of preschool educational and educational institutions, as well as institutions of additional education, institutions social sphere(specialized children's correctional educational institutions, orphanages, shelters, colonies, social rehabilitation centers, boarding schools, etc.), cultural institutions (museums, libraries, houses of culture, palaces of culture, circles, associations, etc.).

The competition is held remotely. Participants (their representatives, curators) submit to the Competition video recordings of their performances no longer than 5 minutes. Participants submit to the Competition works in in electronic format in video recording format (photo): MPEG, MP4, AVI, MOV, etc.

Entrants can submit entries in the following ways:
- by uploading yourself to Personal account on the Portal website (after registration on the Portal);
- send contest materials to email [email protected] site, when sending works by e-mail. The mail must be accompanied by a completed application form and a paid receipt of the registration fee.

The competition runs from September 1, 2017 to December 15, 2017.
Entries are accepted from September 1, 2017 to December 1, 2017 (according to the date of sending or uploading competitive materials).
Processing of applications and works, evaluation of works - from December 2, 2017 to December 14, 2017.
Publication of the results - December 15, 2017.

Participation in the Competition implies payment of an organizational fee in the amount of 200 (two hundred) rubles for each submitted competitive work. Details for transferring the registration fee:

Purpose of payment: Registration fee for participation in the competition "Lights of Russia"
TIN 7708815846 KPP 770801001 OGRN 1147746699528
account 40702810101030001311
Beneficiary's bank "SDM-Bank" (PJSC)
BIC 044525685 c/s 30101810845250000685

Each participant receives a personal diploma of the participant / winner (depending on the place taken according to the results of the final assessment)! All award materials are provided in electronic form for download. Each curator receives a personalized letter of thanks for the preparation of the participant/winner.

Evaluation of works is carried out by an expert commission (Editorial Council and an open pedagogical jury).

Based on the results of the evaluation, the best works will be identified. The best works are identified in the general mass, based on the average score of each work and the maximum average score for this event. Among the best works the titles of the Contest Winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) and Laureates will be distributed (according to the number of points scored).

When submitting 15 or more works from an institution (centrally, as part of the current competitive event), diplomas will be provided in printed form by the Russian Post (registered mail) at no additional cost. To receive printed diplomas after the event, please contact the Organizing Committee at [email protected] website, indicating the number of applications and the address of delivery of correspondence.

At the request of the participant who has not fulfilled this condition, the award document may be provided in hard copy as part of the provision additional services(the cost of the service is 100 rubles for each diploma, taking into account sending by Russian Post). Print versions Diplomas are provided and ordered only after the completion of the event.

All submitted works are published on the Portal's Youtube channel:

Yesterday, the main competition in prose recitation between schoolchildren of the capital aged 10 to 17 took place - the Moscow final of the competition for young readers "Live Classics"

Text and photo: Ksenia Kirsanova/Live Classics

For five hours in a row, fragments of various works were played in the concert hall of the Russian State Children's Library: there was both modern and classical literature. The guys made the jury and the audience either laugh out loud or barely hold back tears.

The jury members had a very difficult choice - out of 40 speakers, only three people had to be selected who would go to the May shift at the Artek International Children's Center in order to show their reading talent at the All-Russian final on May 15. This year, the children were evaluated by children's writers Marina Druzhinina and Elena Usacheva, actor Vladislav Shklyaev, editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta Maxim Zamshev, creator and editor-in-chief of Radio Book Egor Serov, editor of the Moscow edition of Komsomolskaya Pravda Elena Popova, and also poet and journalist Evgenia Korobkova.

The winners of past years always set trends: New Year's participants read fragments of those works that brought young reciters vouchers to the Black Sea. So this time, several contestants performed with the prose of Marina Tsvetaeva, because it was “her Pushkin” performed by Elizaveta Kochetkova who became the finalist of the Moscow stage - 2017.

A variety of authors and their texts sounded from the stage: Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "The Tale of Friendship and Non-Friendship", Evgeny Vodolazkin "Aviator", Anatoly Pristavkin "Photography", Victoria Tokareva "The Happiest Day", Grigory Gorin "Hedgehog", Imants Ziedonis “I tell you to sing”, Yuri Yakovlev “Violin”, Boris Ekimov “Speak Mom, Speak”, Andrei Zhvalevsky and Evgenia Pasternak “Time is always good”, Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov “Columbus approaches the shore” and others.

Yegor Serov, addressing the guys before the official summing up, noted that in this competition it is impossible to choose only the top three, because everyone who competed yesterday is the best. However, only three vouchers to the Artek ICC were received: Vasily Seregin, who read an excerpt from the work “The Old Man with a Hundred Ruble Ticket” by Konstantin Paustovsky, Fyodor Lysikov with the story of God and Oska from “Konduit and Shvambrania” by Lev Kassil and Dzhirgal Bembinov with a fragment from the "Summer of the Lord" by Ivan Shmelev. The guys will represent Moscow at the final, where they will fight for the opportunity to perform on Red Square on the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. But the very opportunity to go to the legendary camp for a shift is already a victory!

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Applications are being accepted for participation in the competition of young readers "Live Classics". Deadline January 25, 2018.

Organizer: The Living Classics Foundation under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, federal agency press and mass communications.

The competition of young readers "Live Classics" is the largest children's literary project in Russia.

During the first five years, more than 10 million children from 84 countries and 85 regions of the Russian Federation took part in it.

Participation in the competition is free. Collection of organizational and other fees from participants is unacceptable. The competition is held for all comers without pre-selection. Refusal of a student to participate in the school stage of the Contest, as well as forced involvement of a student in participation in the Contest are not allowed.

As part of the competition, participants aged 10 to 16 read aloud excerpts from their favorite prose works. The work must not be included in school curriculum on literature.

The organizers of the Competition are recommended to offer participants a choice of works by Russian writers of the 18th-20th centuries, works by contemporary Russian writers, works by foreign authors, works by regional authors. The final choice of the work must be made by the contestant himself.

Our official Vkontakte group:,.

The duration of each participant's speech is from 2 to 5 minutes. Exceeding the regulation is not allowed. During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, costumes can be used. The use of musical accompaniment, scenery and costumes does not count towards performance scores and is not a recommendation or advantage.

Each participant of the Competition performs independently and cannot resort to the help of other persons during the performance.

The competition is held in 5 stages: school, city and regional tours, and then the final in the international children's center"Artek" and the superfinal on Red Square in Moscow.

  • Each participant of the competition receives an electronic certificate of participation.
  • The winners of the regional stage are awarded with a diploma of the “Winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Competition for Young Readers “Live Classics”, a ticket to the ICC “Artek”, Goznak medals (awarded at the ICC “Artek”).
  • The winners of the All-Russian final of the competition are awarded with a diploma “Superfinalist of the competition for young readers “Live Classics”, gifts from the sponsors of the competition and the opportunity to perform on Red Square in Moscow.
  • Winners All-Russian competition are awarded with a diploma of the “Winner of the All-Russian Competition for Young Readers “Live Classics”, gifts from sponsors and vouchers for children's summer camps “Live Classics”.


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