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Managers are traditionally considered leaders in terms of salaries in Russia. According to the recruiting portal Superjob, offers for top managers - directors of organizations and heads of major business areas - start from 220-250 thousand rubles.

The upper bar is usually hidden behind the wording "by agreement". This means that the salary depends on the qualifications of the applicant and will be supplemented by a bonus system for achieving certain results.

In some positions, the earnings of managers are close to a million rubles.

In second place are highly qualified specialists in the field of IT. Recruiters assure that this direction is more promising. Development Specialist mobile applications, who has proven experience, can, after 3–4 years of work in the industry, qualify for a salary to which a manager grows in 10–12 years.

Also among the highest paid professionals are airline employees. Managers (for example, the technical director) are offered from 300 thousand rubles, the commander of the aircraft - from 350 to 470 thousand rubles or more, the head of the flight attendant service - from 150 thousand rubles. In addition, airlines usually pay employees annual performance-based bonuses.

Recently, Aeroflot introduced lump-sum payments for the employment of flight personnel: the aircraft commander receives 650 thousand rubles, the co-pilot - 350 thousand rubles.

The highest paid vacancies in July in Moscow

  1. Marketing Director / Head of Marketing at pharmaceutical company- up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. Financial director of a group of companies - from 260,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  3. Director of accounting, reporting and tax planning - up to 230,000 rubles.
  4. Head of the Procurement Department - from 200,000 to 350,000 rubles.
  5. Director of external logistics - from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  6. Lead Python / TeamLead developer - from 140,000 rubles.

Top 10 industries with the highest average earnings according to Rosstat

  1. Financial and insurance - 68,593 rubles ( average salary the highest paid workers in the industry - 253,668 rubles).
  2. Mining - 66,973 rubles (197,326 rubles).
  3. Fishing and fish farming - 64,425 rubles (266,058 rubles).
  4. Activities in the field of information and communication - 57,601 rubles (207,307 rubles).
  5. Scientific research and development - 57,516 rubles (176,438 rubles).
  6. Professional scientific and technical activities - 56,250 rubles (199,302 rubles).
  7. Production of coke and oil products; chemical substances and chemical products; medicines and materials used for medical purposes - 53,341 rubles (183,803 rubles).
  8. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 47,354 rubles (132,395 rubles).
  9. Construction - 45,941 rubles (139,270 rubles).
  10. Metallurgical production, finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment - 44,162 rubles (116,307 rubles).

Who has the best prospects

Good salaries can be received by both non-narrow (as, for example, pilots) and not the most experienced (as managers with long experience) specialists.

Superjob analyzed the offers of employers for employees with qualifications of at least an average level and work experience from one to three years.

Here is what the top 10 professions with the fastest growing salaries look like.

  1. Oracle Developer.
    Annual salary increase: 21%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–120,000 rubles.
  2. Foreign exchange specialist.
    Annual salary increase: 20%.
    Average earnings: 55,000–70,000 rubles.
  3. Chief designer.
    Annual salary increase: 19%.
  4. Head of software testing department.

    Average earnings: 120,000–165,000 rubles.
  5. Lawyer in international law.
    Annual salary increase: 18%.
    Average earnings: 80,000–120,000 rubles.
  6. Head of Internet projects.
    Annual salary increase: 17%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  7. Java programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 14%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–130,000 rubles.
  8. Tax Lawyer.
    Annual salary increase: 13%.
    Average earnings: 70,000–110,000 rubles.
  9. PHP programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 12%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–120,000 rubles.
  10. Systems Analyst.
    Annual salary increase: 11%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–140,000 rubles.

As for the prospects, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation found out that the most demanded employees today are skilled workers in the metalworking and engineering production, specialists high level from the sphere of science, culture, construction, transport (in particular, pilots) and lawyers.

Career choice is one of the most important points in life. But, unfortunately, in our country it was customary to choose not what is to your heart, but where it is easier to enter. The result of such decisions was the usual saying: "We all work not by profession." It is very difficult to avoid an unpleasant mistake and not waste 5 years on studying an uninteresting specialty, but to acquire the necessary knowledge for further successful work. And if applicants, as a rule, do not take this issue too seriously, then their parents are seriously concerned.
In order not to be later offended for vain training, you need to take care of choosing a profession in advance. And here it is important to take into account a variety of points: how does a young person communicate with peers and older comrades, what interests him more, what area of ​​our life is more attractive? And you can certainly choose something suitable from a huge list of modern professions.
Try to figure out who your child might be. What specialty suits him best? Perhaps the results of our test will tell you in which direction to move in this matter. Good luck!

What professions are now the most demanded and highly paid? What to learn in order to never know the need for money, the HR director told the site portal logistics company V.I.G. Trans Natalia Zharova. She named the 6 most promising areas for mastering and shared 5 life hacks for a successful career.

Where to go to study? From year to year, graduates ask this question, thinking about their future profession.

It's great when you clearly understand and realize your purpose and faithfully follow this path, but, as a rule, it is difficult for a young student to decide on a profession. Here, parents come to his aid and most often make a decision for their child. It is difficult to say about the correctness of the decision, but most likely in a few years the graduate will not work according to his profession. It turns out that all these years have passed in vain?! And the graduate from the very beginning, through practice, masters new profession. It's all the strength, time, money and disgruntled parents.Here the emphasis is on the younger generation, because it is for them to make an important decision on their career path.

There is also a second category, specialists who have already mastered and occupied a niche, but want further development. They consciously choose a second specialty, thanks to which they develop further or master a new profession, which will most likely allow them to earn more.

Let's see: today higher education It's status and formality. That is, it will not particularly help in further development, but every employer requires it when applying for a job. Paradox. If we live in Russia, we will play by the rules of this country. You just need to get the most out of it all for yourself and learn from the mistakes of others. As the Latin proverb says, "Forewarned is forearmed."

What professions should you look into? Below is a list of professions that are most relevant now and are gaining momentum.

1. IT(programmers, developers, analysts, system administrators, etc.)

Let IT be in the first place. Today it is one of the most sought after and highly paid professions in the job market. One of the advantages is the ability to work remotely or earn extra money while having a permanent job. With progressive automation, an IT specialist will not be left without work.

2. Financiers

More money for those who work with them. Pledge successful development in the financial segment - this is an excellent education and work. As practice shows, it is easiest to become a general director from a financier.

predominance market relations makes itself felt and, of course, there is a growing need for advertising, sales and promotion. Only the lazy in our time does not sell or buy something. Marketers are so flexible employees that they learn while working, because new market trends are like waves on the sea, one after another. You have not had time to master something, as a new trend rolls up. And the marketer must quickly adapt and be aware. This is a 100% profession that will be relevant for many years. Today, this niche is just beginning to grow, so it’s worth trying to get rich here.

4. Medics

It is a great pleasure to present this profession in this list. I would like those students who feel their calling in this difficult task to come here. Progress does not stand still, medicine develops in step with the times. New interesting specialties appear, technologies develop. Choosing a profession medical worker, you should understand that a long and painstaking training awaits you.

5. Engineers

To be honest, the need for technical staff is huge. Demand exceeds supply. There is a shortage of skilled professionals in this area. The choice of directions is so wide that you can find something to your liking. Development is progressing by leaps and bounds, production is very relevant. An additional requirement is English language and you will be torn off with your hands for a good reward.

6. Agro-industry

Do not bypass such specialties that are directly related to development Agriculture. Now this niche is in a utopian state, but people are investing, buying out and renovating abandoned farms. Of course, it is important to have education and good knowledge.

In general, according to the logic below, there should be a list of professions where it would not be worthwhile to enter and waste your time. But, in fact, wherever you go and wherever you get an education - this does not give any guarantees for good or bad earnings. First of all, you are an expert. And your task is to become a cool and sought-after employee. Our country really needs good teachers, educators, locksmiths, actors, journalists and many, many more.

Please, if you do something, then do it well or not. The simplest thing is to blame everyone around for our problems, but we ourselves can make our career and determine the level of income.

In conclusion, a few life hacks for successful career development:

Getting an education at a university, go to work (it doesn’t matter who - learn and learn about existing business models);

Learn two languages ​​(it's good that one of them is Chinese);

Master the computer (I highly recommend having a high level of knowledge);

You are studying business etiquette(this will be useful throughout life);

Choose a hobby for yourself (sometimes you can make good money on a hobby).

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Before deciding who to study for, you should figure out what is the most demanded profession in Russia and what professions will be in demand and promising in our country in the future. Today, lawyers or, for example, economists are considered the most prestigious and highly paid specialists, but, unfortunately, today the labor market is overflowing with these specialists.

According to Rostrud, the most demanded professions in Russia in 2015 are working specialties, agricultural workers and engineers.

So what professions should you pay attention to in the first place? This article provides a list of the most popular professions in Russia.

Web design

Today it is impossible to imagine a company that does not have its own website. This, at least, is not solid, but as a maximum, it does not allow it to develop rapidly. Today, not a single company can do without a website: neither large holdings, nor small firms, nor even private traders. There will always be a lot of work for programmers, 3d designers and web designers.

IT specialists

The development of the computer world is constantly gaining momentum - without it, nowhere. Quantity computer technology, users of the world "web" and a variety of opportunities every day only increases. After all, even people of retirement age enjoy personal computers for communication, part-time work and even to pay receipts. Literally ten years ago, this was even unimaginable! As a result, there is a growing demand for specialists in software, computer design and testing of new components. The most demanded professions in Russia in this area are programmers, system administrators, 1C programmers, engineers local networks, developers, etc.


Due to rising levels of pollution environment in some five to ten years, highly qualified ecologists will be in great demand. The use of nanotechnology is becoming more widespread and accessible, giving everything more work relevant professionals.

Management and marketing

It is no secret that the more experience and professionalism a businessman or manager has, the more profit the company will receive in the course of its life. The skills of good specialists today are highly paid. Representatives of such professions are highly valued. In addition, workers in this area - businessmen, advertising specialists, sales or purchasing managers and marketers - will be in demand for a long time to come.


Banking is a fairly fast growing area in which a large part of the population is involved. And despite the fact that today the labor market is oversaturated with specialists in this industry, professions in this area are still in great demand. The most demanded professions in Russia in this area are financiers, loan officers, accountants and financial analysts.

Tourism and hospitality

Every year the interest of citizens in tourism is only growing: day by day tourism is gaining momentum. Speaking about what is the most demanded profession in Russia for women, many sources say in unison: this is tourism and hotel business. Indeed, it is in this area that most of the representatives of the weaker sex are involved. The work is very interesting, varied, prestigious and highly paid. The most demanded professions in Russia for women are managers, administrators and receptionists.


Construction is a field of activity that will always be important. In addition, due to active development and due to a shortage of personnel, the professions of architects, engineers, and specialists in the construction trade will be in demand for a very long time. And wages will remain high enough.

Working specialties

Most school graduates choose professions in the economic sphere, so there is a certain shortage of workers in the field of blue-collar jobs. It follows that the demand for working specialties is growing rapidly. There is a large shortage of representatives of working professions on the labor market, and, whatever one may say, but people have always been and will need electricians, locksmiths, turners, fitters, blacksmiths, various craftsmen, etc.

Medicine and education

Specialists in the field of education and medicine are always needed - this is a fact. However, it should be noted that, unfortunately, such professions are characterized by very low wages relative to others, except, of course, paid institutions. However, there will always be work for the owners of such professions.

Translators and linguists

The development of international relations, the increased interest in Oriental languages ​​(as well as the widespread public opinion that knowing one language is not enough) will provide jobs for specialists in this industry for a very long time.


Recently, psychology has attracted more and more interest from both businessmen and ordinary citizens. The first with the help of various trainings want to rally the team, improve the level of managers and increase profits. And the people want to better understand themselves, other people and, with the help of all the same trainings, learn to raise their spirit and change themselves for the better. Therefore, psychologists, psychoanalysts and other specialists in psychology are becoming more in demand, and their work is well paid.

There are various lists: 100, 20, 10 or 5 most demanded professions in Russia. However, one should not think that all other specialties will "sink into oblivion". This article provides a list of the most sought-after professions today, however, attention should be paid to the fact that logisticians, chemists, physicists, and biotechnology and electronics specialists are also needed in the labor market.

In order to live well, without denying yourself anything, you need to earn a lot, and everyone knows this. However, for some reason, not every one of us feels financially free. And why do you think?

And in fact, there are several reasons for this, and one of them is low earnings, of course, relative to our needs.

Why relatively? Yes, because one is enough to receive 30,000 rubles a month and he will be satisfied with his income, while another is not enough even a month!

As for you, you decide for yourself how much you expect when you think about making money. This will determine which path you need to follow in order to receive this or that income.

To be honest, it is impossible to earn both 10,000 rubles and a month in the same way. The methods of obtaining income in each of the cases will be different.

What reasons prevent you from earning a lot?

Let's say that you are now earning very little by your standards and needs. But, of course, I would like to earn more. Therefore, in order to move towards this goal - to higher incomes, you need to try to understand yourself - is there any movement in this direction at all? So, let's start with the reasons that usually prevent us from earning more than others.

Reason #1

Lack of movement towards high incomes

Yes, the reason is banal and true! If you do not see your income level increasing from year to year, then you need to understand that you do not have any movement towards financial freedom.

As an example, you work for a company or an entrepreneur and he pays you every month fixed amount, not a penny more. So how, in this case, will you have a higher income, when in fact it turns out that paying your employer and raising wages just unprofitable.

From this we conclude that:

To receive high incomes, you need to move on your own (act!) and not wait for someone to put money in your wallet!

Reason #2

You don't work for yourself

Yes, yes, the entrepreneur for whom you work for hire or at any enterprise, which means that the owners of this enterprise, has already been completed the main objective- they work for themselves. But you don't, you don't want that.

And it is working for yourself that is one of the conditions that must be adhered to when we want high incomes.

As an example, you can look at examples that are not far away for yourself and compare yourself, and maybe some of your acquaintances, with the owner of the company where you work or your friend works. And based on this, find out who drives what brand of car, as an example.

And it turns out that in 99% of cases, the owners of firms and entrepreneurs have a more prestigious and solid car than the one who works for this entrepreneur or owner of the firm.

Hence the conclusion is:

You need to work for yourself, and not "for your uncle" and use the right ways to earn money for this - investing!

Reason #3

You do not have assets that bring a stable income

Very often you can see that a person does not work and is not employed anywhere, but lives for his own pleasure and is financially secure. How so? You ask. And this is all because this person owns certain assets that bring him stable income, and this income can be unlimited, because at the expense of assets you can earn both tens of thousands of rubles and millions monthly.

Just so you know, assets can be, for example, real estate that can be rented out, the same business or a share in a business that brings monthly profits, any investment capital that allows you to receive interest on the invested amount, and so on.

So the output is:

Grow your own assets - their volume. The larger the volume, the greater the monthly profit!

Reason #4

You do not have free capital to purchase an asset

One of the most common reasons that hinders, or rather, does not allow you to earn a lot, is the lack of good capital.

Naturally, money can and should be made into new money in order to get more. However, not everyone has a certain capital that can and would be logical to invest somewhere to generate income.

As an example, if we had 2 million rubles, we could invest this amount in business or real estate and receive profit from such investments. However, not everyone is so rich and can afford to buy any profitable assets.

From this we conclude that:

To earn good money, you first need to earn good start-up capital, which will need to be invested in assets that bring this very good income!

What if you don't? And if you don’t do this and don’t do it at least once, for example, without creating a business or buying real estate, then you will be doomed to live “only on one salary”, having no passive income from investments. Which, of course, is very bad for a person, constantly living "from paycheck to paycheck."

What professions bring good income?

Of course, having no assets, this does not mean that it is impossible to work well in any profession, not at all. After all, as an example, you can be a qualified accountant and earn very good money, at least above the average salary in the city or region.

Many other professions can also be cited as an example, for example, from financial sphere activities, from the scope high technology and developments, from the construction industry and many other areas.

However, the point is not what profession you have and who you actually work out as. The point is how you treat your money, how you spend it and whether you do anything at all to increase it. Yes, if you didn't know, money tends to multiply! Well, try to increase your capital! If only because in this case no profession is already unimportant!

And what, in fact, should be done then? In short, to increase your capital, you need to invest!

What is investment?

Investments are such activities, the result of which is the increase of capital.

What do we offer you? As an example, let's say you have a monthly income of 30,000 rubles. So why not start thinking like an investor and multiply at least 5,000 rubles from this monthly income? We say that this must be done! Money should not just lie somewhere - they should bring you new income!

And now you imagine what will happen if you invest 5,000 rubles a month somewhere and receive new income in addition to this? And in a year or two from investments you will receive a completely different amount, several times higher than the one you invested earlier. Not bad right?

In addition, it is worth saying that every investor who invests and manages his capital correctly lives on one percent of his investments! And he doesn't need to work anywhere else to get some wages there! He just doesn't need it! He hates to even see it! Because, working as an investor, he receives an income that is several times higher than the average monthly salary of the same accountant in his city or region.

Therefore, as a result of all this, we can say that the most the best profession is an investor!

But the whole point in this profession is that they don’t teach you anywhere to be an investor! In this profession, you can only get some skills and primary knowledge on investing. And you can become an investor only by own will and aspiration to be!

Who earns the most and in what ways? Who are these people?

Method number 1

From owning a business.

Moreover, this business is not simple, but highly profitable, created in leading areas of activity. And to understand this, you just need to think about who owns such companies as Lukoil, Gazprom, Sberbank of Russia, VTB Bank, Rostelecom, Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, RusHydro and many other very liquid companies.

Even if you take more simple examples in the form of operators mobile communications and retailers such as M-Video and Svyaznoy, everything will become quite clear who gets big income. Of course, the owners or co-owners of these companies.

Method number 2

From your investment.

Yes, any business owner can also invest, but not in simple financial instruments, but in highly profitable projects. I hope you find the difference between a financial instrument and a whole project, the scale of which is very large, both in terms of volume and in terms of income received.

Thus, it can be said that the one who owns a business is often also an investor of various levels. And, having your own business, you also need to understand that the profession of an investor has already been obtained, because a person, when creating his own business, often always invests not only money, but also strength and time in the development of his business.

Hence it turns out that a businessman is already an investor by default, but he, of course, invests only in his business, without using any other financial instruments and does not consider other large-scale projects, at least until will make a good profit from his business.

Method number 3

Highly paid job as a webcam model

In this area of ​​earnings, many earn simply indecently high money! Just think about the earnings figures!

Top webcam models earn from 8,000 - 10,000 dollars per month and more!

Hence, people have good living conditions - buying excellent premium cars, spacious apartments in the country's capitals, frequent foreign trips and many other delights of life!

But keep in mind that for men, the entrance to webcams is open only if they work in tandem with their girlfriend or wife, and for the girls themselves, they can work with at least someone in a pair, even alone, since the income from working in webcams in any case will be will turn out to be high, which cannot be said about single male models (there is no particular popularity on them).

So, we hope that it became clear to you that:

What is webcam work?

Webcam work is just a great daily income without investment for girls at home!

How to become an investor?

It was not in vain that we said that you can be an investor of various levels. What level of investor you will be - only you yourself know and decide, based on your available capital and opportunities in general.

The bottom line here is that you can simply invest in any business and engage only in it, or you can use other publicly available financial instruments for this and also receive income from them. And you can work, so to speak, on a grand scale and invest in large-scale projects that are many times greater than any business - this is what large investors with billions of capital do.

It's all about how much capital you have and what you want to do in the field of investing, because investing is also work.

And to become an investor, you just need to take your capital, it can be either a couple of thousand rubles or a million rubles, and start investing your capital in any reliable project or business that, in your opinion, will bring you even more profit in the future.


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