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The tourism industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing industries in the world economy. Tourism is one of the top three export industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry. Currently, tourism is the most profitable area of ​​the world economy. The following essential points form the basis for the development of the tourism industry:

  • -- Increasing the share of inbound tourism;
  • -- Reducing the disproportion between resource provision and the degree of its use;
  • -- Promotion of the national tourism product;
  • -- Governmental support domestic tourism.

The tourism industry functions as an intersectoral complex due to established links with almost all government departments and services. In particular, there are links with such structures as the legal (covers the legislative and regulatory framework, customs and consular services), financial and economic (taxation and insurance systems, financial relations), personnel (training for tourism, Scientific research etc.). State support is to stimulate the needs of the population in tourism services. A manifestation of the effectiveness of the state tourism policy is the profitability of the tourism industry and its contribution to the national economy.

Research of problems and peculiarities of market development tourism services under influence various kinds factors are devoted to the scientific works of many domestic and foreign scientists. In their works, scientists pay attention to the methodology for the development and implementation of state and regional tourism policy, which determine the economic and organizational levers of the regulatory policy for tourism development. Prerequisites for the emergence and principles of functioning of enterprises of the recreational and tourist complex, classification of their forms and types, planning the financial and economic activities of enterprises in the tourism sector, forecasting the development of the regional market for tourism services, mechanism economic evaluation and regulation of the tourist attractiveness of the territory.

The study of published works on the problem of the development of the tourism services market allows us to conclude that the issue of the influence of factors in the tourism industry has not been studied enough, which negatively affects the development of tourism in general and makes the issue of solving this problem very relevant.

The development of tourism as a whole depends on a set of conditions: natural-geographical, historical-political, socio-economic, demographic, prevailing in society and the factors that determine them. Factors of development of the market of tourist services are usually divided into external and internal.

A factor in tourism is a moment, an essential circumstance of tourist practice.

External (exogenous) factors affect tourism through demographic and social changes; economic and financial development; political and legal regulation; technological changes; trade development; transport infrastructure and travel safety. External factors include the geographical location of the region, political relations between countries, the international division of labor, the level of prices in the international market and in different countries, etc.

The determining factors are internal factors in the development of the tourism services market. Among them are the natural and geographical features and climatic conditions of the country, the availability and quality of natural resources and the possibility of their convenient use, the economic situation in the country, the country's domestic policy, the political stability of the social system, the level of development of productive forces, the structure and level of welfare of the population, the possibility obtaining benefits and discounts for tourist services at the expense of the state and public organizations, enterprises and institutions, the state of development of tourism infrastructure, transport networks, the standard of living in society, the educational and cultural level of the population.

From the point of view of influence on tourism activities, all factors are divided into attraction factors (encourage travel - natural, cultural and social conditions in the country where tourist flows are formed) and demand differentiation factors (affect the choice of travel destination - tourism resources, infrastructure development , the level of socio-economic development of the country).

From the point of view of the mechanism of influence on the development of tourism, it is possible to determine objective factors that have already been formed by the historical development of society, and such that purposefully regulate tourism activities - the factors of the first group. The second includes state policy in tourism, the existence and content of tourism legislation, tourism education in society, etc.

The factors influencing the development of tourism are diverse and multifaceted. The presence of favorable factors leads to the leadership of individual regions and countries in world tourism, and vice versa, undesirable factors reduce the tourist flow.

The main factors influencing the development of tourism can be divided into two groups: static and dynamic.

Static ones have a value that does not change over time (natural climatic, geographical, cultural and historical factors). Dynamic factors include:

  • -- Demographic (general population growth, urbanization, i.e. an increase in the share of the urban population due to a decrease in the number of rural residents, a change in the age structure of the population (an increase in average life expectancy in many countries leads to the fact that more and more people have free time and means enabling them to travel abroad);
  • -- Social (the growth of the well-being of the population of developed countries actively participate in tourist exchange, an increase in the duration of paid holidays and a reduction in the duration working week, increase in the number of working women and increase in income per family (household), increase in the proportion of single people, trend towards later marriage and family formation, extremely rapid growth in the number of childless couples in the population, decrease in immigration, earlier retirement, increase in awareness tourist opportunities.)
  • -- Economic (they consist in changing the structure of consumption of goods and services in the direction of increasing the share of various services in the consumer basket of the population, including tourism);
  • -- Cultural (the growth of the cultural level of the population of many countries and, in this regard, the desire of people to get acquainted with foreign cultural values);
  • -- Scientific and technological progress (causes the rapid development of the material and technical base of the tourism industry, creates the necessary conditions for mass tourism);
  • -- International factors (mitigation of the international climate, the transition from confrontation between individual states to cooperation and mutual understanding, the processes of globalization, the solution of controversial international issues through the negotiation process.

The most important factors that determine the development of tourism abroad include:

  • -- Support from outside government agencies(the experience of different countries shows that the success of tourism development directly depends on how this industry is perceived at the state level, how much it enjoys state support);
  • -- Growth of public wealth;
  • -- Reduction of working hours;
  • -- Urbanization (concentration of the population in cities, separation from nature makes it necessary to spend free time outside the areas of permanent residence);
  • - The level of public consciousness.

According to Western experts, the main factors that determine the attractiveness of a tourist region are: the accessibility of the region, its nature and climate, the attitude of the local population to the visitor; infrastructure of the region, price level, condition retail; sports, recreational and educational opportunities; cultural and social characteristics. The latter factor, in turn, attracts tourists for the following reasons: work, national dress, architecture, crafts, history, language, religion, education, traditions, recreation, painting, music, gastronomy.

A combination of factors determines the emergence and nature of the behavioral characteristics of consumers of tourism services, which can be expressed by indicators such as:

  • -- Frequency of tourism;
  • -- Preferences in choosing a tourist center and the geography of tourism;
  • -- Form of organization of the tour, preferred;
  • -- Representation of the tourist about the price of the tour;
  • -- Representation of the trade mark of the travel agency;
  • -- Communicative behavior of the tourist;
  • -- The role of external stimuli in the process of making a decision to purchase a tour.

Another type of factors influencing the development of the tourism services market is personal-behavioral factors. It should be noted that among all the factors influencing the development of tourism, personal-behavioral factors play a leading role in the modern world. They consist of motives that provide consumers with the desire to travel, while meeting the requirements of the tourist. Analyzing the role psychological factors in the formation of the tourism services market, it has been proved that only a few tourists come again to those places where they have already been before, excluding cases of the presence of economic, medical-prophylactic or sentimental motives. As incomes rise, a person begins to give preference to psychological motives when choosing a new trip. The opinion about the quality of the consumed tourism product is formed some time after the trip, since before the trip the consumer can only model his expectations based on the available information. Therefore, the importance of the situation lies in the fact that the idea of ​​the product gives rise to certain expectations in the consumer, and if they are not justified by the real quality of the product, the consumer is easily disappointed in it. The purpose of tourism is the rational organization of consumer's free time. Accordingly, the development of tourism can be determined by the presence of two main points: free time and financial resources for its rational organization.

So, in our opinion, the development of tourism is influenced by both positive and negative factors related to the political, legislative, legal and socio-economic situation in the country and in the world. The positive factors in the development of the tourism services market include:

  • -- Stability and openness of politics and economy
  • -- Growth of public wealth and incomes of the population;
  • -- Reduction of working and increase of free time;
  • -- Development of transport, means of communication and information technologies;
  • -- Increasing urbanization;
  • -- Building an intellectual society;
  • -- Encouraging national and foreign investment in the development of the tourism industry;
  • -- Strengthening Russia's position in the world tourism market;
  • -- Simplification and harmonization of tax, currency, customs, border and other forms of regulation;
  • -- Promoting tourism for children, youth, the elderly, the disabled and low-income families through the provision of incentives;
  • -- Promoting the development of the priority tourism industry.

Negative factors in the development of the tourism services market include:

  • -- Tensions in international relations;
  • -- Instability of politics and closed economy;
  • -- Stagnation of the economy and falling welfare of the population;
  • -- Unsettled tourism resources;
  • -- Underdevelopment of the tourism industry;
  • -- Irrational use of cultural -- historical and religious heritage and environment;
  • -- Low income of the population and lack of free time;
  • -- Environmental pollution and environmental hazard;
  • -- Underestimation of the role of tourism in the intellectualization of society;
  • -- Lack of effective incentives for investment in the development of the tourism industry on a level and world standards;
  • -- Underestimation of the role of the tourism business in filling the budget.

These factors of influence on the development of tourism should determine the goals state regulation and priority areas for the development of tourism business.

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Methods for promoting a tourism product on the Internet 3

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Opportunities for using the Internet in the tourism sector 5

Chapter 2. Analysis of methods for promoting a tourism product on the Internet 8

Chapter 3. Use of methods for promoting a tourist product on the Internet by tourist enterprises of the Republic of Belarus 17

Conclusion 21

List of sources used 23

Index 24

Annex 1. 25

Appendix 2. 26

Internet resources in subject area research 29

Active site on the Internet 32

Graph of scientific interests 33

Master's thesis presentation 34

References for graduation work 37

Methods for promoting a tourist product on the Internet


At present, the Internet is the most powerful information technology system in the world. It is used for various branches of human activity, including the needs of the individual user.

Due to the huge information capacity and high speed data exchange, the global computer network Internet has millions of users who have access to unique information.

The worldwide computer network Internet is developing so rapidly that every year the number of its subscribers and the volume information resources almost double. The tourism business does not remain aloof from this boom. Only since 2000, thousands of independent sections have appeared on the Internet - travel agencies, hotels, airlines, dozens of systems for booking tourist services. According to experts, by 2010, tours and related services worth about $160 billion will be sold via the Internet. Therefore, Belarusian tourism enterprises should introduce the Internet into their work as actively as possible. The Internet cannot be considered only as a competitor in business, the network can provide invaluable information assistance and add to the traditional a new channel for promoting tourism services - electronic.

Despite the special attention paid to the development of tourism in Belarus, studies on the problem of using the Internet in the tourism sector have not yet received sufficient distribution. Therefore, at present, it is relevant to study the potential of the global Internet for more efficient development of tourism.

The purpose of this study is to study the methods of promoting a tourist product on the Internet and analyze ways to enhance their use by Belarusian tourism enterprises.

To achieve this goal, the following main tasks are solved in the work:

Analyze the practical possibilities of using the Internet to promote a tourism product;

Describe the main methods of promoting a tourist product on the Internet;

Develop proposals for enhancing the use of this channel for promoting the tourism product.

The basis for writing the work was the materials of such Belarusian and foreign authors as Vasiliev G.A., Gulyaev V.G., Gurov F.N., Misk D., Harris G. and others.

Chapter 1. Possibilities of using the Internet in the tourism sector

Currently, tourism is a dynamically developing sector of the economy of the Republic of Belarus, the most important factor contributing to improving the quality of life of the population. It ensures the creation of new jobs. The funds invested by the state in this area not only provide direct income, but also indirectly affect the country's economy, contributing to the development of its infrastructure. In addition, international tourism strengthens interethnic contacts and attracts foreign investment.

Successful development of tourism is impossible without advertising and promotion of the tourism product. By promoting their tourism product, tourism enterprises achieve an increase in sales of their product, improve their image and change consumer habits in the right direction, which ensures sales growth in the long term.

Advertising materials reinforce the opinion of the tourist about the work of the tour operator, the quality of service of the carrier and the hotel. The consumer is satisfied when he receives confirmation that he made the right choice. This increases the likelihood of re-applying to a travel company.

As carriers of information to promote tourism products, enterprises in the tourism industry traditionally use periodicals, radio, and television. However, every year the Internet becomes more and more important as a carrier of tourist information.

The term "Internet" currently means:

    global computer network, a multi-level communication model for the implementation of interactive network procedures using interactive information multimedia tools;

    computer information environment for communicative interaction of individuals and legal entities;

    modern variety of mass media;

    market environment, electronic sphere of exchange, sale and advertising of goods and services in the World Wide Web environment using multimedia resources;

    means of communication between people.

The Internet opens up the following possibilities for the user:

Access to a gigantic information space containing almost all areas of human activity;

Quick and convenient access to various reference materials: catalogs, reference books, encyclopedias, etc.;

Using the possibility of distance learning, as well as various educational programs;

Possibility of access to a convenient and cheap communication system (e-mail, digital telephony, videophone, etc.);

New opportunities in the formation, promotion and sale of goods and services;

New effective marketing and advertising strategy;

Possibility of electronic presentation;

Participation in electronic fairs, exhibitions, exchanges, auctions, etc.;

Search system for the best options for choosing and booking services;

Entertainment function (music, movie, video, photo, animation);

Transfer of capital and the possibility of non-cash remote settlements;

Virtual office system;

Operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, etc.

Most of the above features of the Internet are currently used in the tourism sector. However, the following forms of using the global network are of particular interest to tourism organizations:

Communication and effective communications;

Marketing research;

Electronic presentation of the company and its tourism product;

Using the possibilities of electronic international and interregional tourism exhibitions, fairs;

Using the booking and reservation system;

Independent formation of the tour and the purchase of a tourist voucher;

Use of electronic catalogs of the tourist product by country and destination;

Obtaining regional information, operational weather forecast in various countries of the world, timetables for various types of transport;

Obtaining operational information on tariffs and prices for hotels, restaurants, various carriers and other travel services;

Using the Internet for mutual settlements;

Creation of a virtual tourist office, etc.

At present, the global network as a means of advertising and promoting a tourism product is of increasing interest to tourism enterprises.

Promotion on the Internet is not much different from other methods of promotion - the same principles for compiling forms and types of advertising and information messages and their promotion based on the principles of consumer segmentation. Only the means and methods of implementation are significantly modified.

The main tasks of promotion on the Internet are similar to the tasks of conventional advertising - distribution, brand promotion, sale of a product or service.

Promotion on the Internet - an open notification of goods, services or ideas, which is carried out using the capabilities of the global network: individual sites, catalogs, search engines, periodicals, articles, ads, hyperlinks, banners, advertising pages, interactive videos, games, mailing through email, etc., to achieve a variety of purposes.

Thus, the promotion of a tourism product on the Internet is one of the most promising ways to promote the services of tourism enterprises, both in the domestic and international tourism markets using the latest original technologies, which allows you to effectively achieve your goals of information dissemination, brand promotion and increase in volumes. sales of goods and services.

Chapter 2. Analysis of methods for promoting a tourism product on the Internet

Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the effectiveness of direct advertising of tourism services in the media. The search for alternative forms of advertising leads tourism enterprises to the idea of ​​the need for their own presence on the World Wide Web.

The global Internet offers the following ways to promote a tourism product:

    promotion of the product through the creation of its own Internet site;

    online promotions;

    PR technologies;

    participation in international exhibitions and fairs on the Internet.

Most effective remedy in the formation, promotion and implementation of its tourist product - this is the discovery of its personal page or representation on the Internet. In Belarus, this method is widely used by travel companies. Today, more than 160 out of 300 travel agencies and tour operators in the city of Minsk have their own Web pages.

Creating your own Web page or a specialized server is the most effective method electronic advertising. The information placed on this page becomes available to everyone who uses the Internet. The costs of developing and maintaining it significantly depend on the amount of information and the way it is provided (only text, text and color photos, films, voiced commercials, etc.).

It is noteworthy that, unlike newspapers or other advertising media, the Internet provides an opportunity to obtain information about those who viewed it. It is possible to track from which country, at what time certain data on the advertising page are of interest, and make changes accordingly. Information can be provided in any language in Latin or Cyrillic and will be available at any time of the day or night to any user from any country. At the same time, the costs are significantly less than the costs of other types of advertising.

Creating a website on the Internet opens up the following opportunities for a tourist enterprise:

    For a tour operator, this is an exceptionally convenient channel of communication with agencies; for a travel agent, it is a quick way to reach customers.

    Creating a favorable image of the company or product / service.

    Ensuring the availability of information about a company or products for hundreds of millions of people, including those who are geographically remote.

    Implementation of all the possibilities of presenting information about the product: graphics, sound, animation, video and much more.

    Prompt response to the market situation: updating the price list data, information about the company or products, the announcement of new products.

    Selling products and services via the Internet - one virtual representation will allow you not to open new outlets.

The main requirement for a travel agency website is efficiency. Turning to the Internet in search of a ticket, the client must receive more information than through other media. Brief reference information is left on the tourist portals. Moving from the tourist portal to the site tourism enterprise, the client has the right to receive more detailed and up-to-date information. However, it is necessary to limit the amount of country-specific information. This data can be obtained from other specialized sites. On the website of a tourist company, first of all, information about specific offers is needed.

The site of a travel company should be attractive. Stylish design, large photos, flash animation, bright, catchy texts.

There must be a book of reviews of tourists (even if these tourists are virtual). The selection of tourists should be carried out according to socio-demographic characteristics, for example, for a beach holiday, you can put a short story of a mother with a child, for a distant exotic, the newlyweds' memories of their unforgettable honeymoon trip, etc. An additional advantage will be the placement on the site of a photo gallery with carefully selected photographs.

Own web-page allows you to emphasize the competitive advantages of your own tourism product in a hidden form through various sections, for example, "Frequently Asked Questions", or on the forum, comparing your tourism product with a competitor's product.

On such a site, a forum is very important, where administrators would promptly, fully and convincingly answer users' questions. Moreover, in order to revive the discussion, it is advisable for the site owners to organize discussions of interesting topics themselves.

It is desirable to reinforce the forum with news mailings and interesting discussions on the forum itself. After all, if a visitor asked a question that was of interest to him at a certain moment, he can later forget about it. A person can simply forget about the site he likes, get distracted by other things, etc. And with a mail notification of a response, firstly, he receives a reminder of the resource he visited, and secondly, he satisfies his interest, which can then materialize in the purchase of the tour.

Another way to attract repeat visitors is to organize various contests and quizzes. They can be carried out not only on the site itself, but also on other network sites with your potential audience.

After creating a web page, it must be placed so that it can be found by the largest number of Internet users, i.e. register in search engines.

It is also necessary to take a number of measures to promote the site itself. First, it is worth telling that the company has a website to friends, partners and customers. This can be done by sending an e-mail to your address book, and you can also send letters by regular mail.

Secondly, on business cards, company contracts and any forms, any papers that customers see, you need to write the address of your site. This is important, because at some point the client or partner will not be able to find the details, but will remember that he has an order form or price list that contains all the details, including the website address. And, of course, it is easier to read the address of the site from paper than to perceive it by ear.

Thirdly, in any advertising, text, graphics, advertising on the Internet or advertising in newspapers, you must indicate the address of the site. On the site, a potential client will receive much more information than from an advertisement. The main purpose of an advertisement is to attract attention, and not to give information, information should be given by the information channel that is placed in the advertisement - telephone, website address, e-mail.

The created site should work effectively. There is a system of indicators by which the company has the opportunity to determine whether the goals set for it are being achieved.

    The first indicator is website traffic, because every visitor is a potential client.

    Secondly, in order for the site to pay off faster and start making profit, its cost must be in line with the expected value. economic effect from creating a web page.

    Thirdly, information must be constantly added and updated on the site, only such a site can be popular and have a high rating in search engines.

The promotion of a tourist product in the market of tourist services is also carried out with the help of electronic advertising.

The most common and effective way of online advertising is banner advertising. A banner is a rectangular graphic image in GIF or JPG format. A feature of GIF banners is the ability to apply animation. The JPG format is used for making static banners. A common tool for creating banners are FLASH-technologies. They allow you to apply more complex animation and expand the informational content with minimal banner file sizes. The size of a banner is a very important indicator and should be taken into account when designing it, because. it should load quickly and not affect the performance of the advertising platform.

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  • The Internet, having appeared relatively recently, has already firmly entered life. modern man, taking part in all industries of its activity. Tourism has not been left behind, which has found new opportunities for its development on the Internet, and the very promising Internet influences tourism marketing more than any other technology since the invention of television. It has become an important method of promoting the tourism product.
    The main areas of application of the Internet in the field of tourism include:
    – Use of the Internet – mechanisms in the promotion of the tourist package and individual tourist products (for example, promotion of the company’s website, conducting targeted promotions, the work of travel electronic exchanges, etc.) ..
    — Development of electronic booking systems that allow real-time booking of a certain number of tours or individual tourist products by both travel agents and ordinary users - potential tourists.
    Global distribution or booking systems, which were originally “aristocratic fun” that required a separate connection, have been actively mastering the Internet for several years, which makes them accessible to any user.
    To have own system booking system, the operator can go one of two ways: either create it yourself thanks to in-house programmers, or buy (lease) an existing and working booking system from one of the software development companies.
    Companies engaged in booking through a global network, developing in the same direction - and this is quite logical. First, the development goes along the line of facilitating access at this stage, mainly through the active development of the Internet. Secondly, the booking systems themselves are constantly being improved, which is to simplify their use and introduce new features for the benefit of customers. In recent developments, a lot of attention is paid to helping the agent choose the route that is beneficial for his client.
    Existing Internet systems for booking tours or tourist products can be roughly divided into two categories: those requiring direct contact with the tour operator, who this system the reservation belongs to, and does not require such.
    The first category includes electronic booking systems that provide their user with the maximum information necessary for choosing a trip. It can be:
    — Data on proposed routes;
    — Information about the dates of the planned tours;
    – Information about the hotel base of the tours with a description of the hotels (directly in the booking system or through a link to the websites of the hotels themselves)
    – Information about the route and products provided on the tour (excursions, meals, schedule of the route);
    — Information on the cost of travel packages, indicating the amount of benefits and discounts (depending on the duration of the tour, the person departing, travel conditions, etc.)
    - Information about the availability of seats for future races.
    Thus, the Internet is a booking system that requires direct contact with the tour operator, designed to convey to the user the maximum information necessary for choosing a tour. After the user decides on the future tour (i.e. chooses the direction, route, terms, conditions, etc.), based on his own needs and financial capabilities, if there are places for this race, he sends an application to the name of the tour operator ( in electronic or facsimile form) indicating their own personal data and contact numbers (e-mail address). The employees of the tour operator who received this application, within a short time, undertake to confirm the stated conditions (or offer all possible alternatives to them) and contact the potential tourist.
    Having received confirmation from the tour operator, the person or agency that sent the application is obliged to pay the cost of the tour within the time specified in the confirmation, provide the documents necessary to comply with tourist formalities either at the office of the tour operator or at the office of an authorized regional agency and receive all the documentation necessary for the trip (vouchers , tickets, vouchers, insurance policies, visas, etc.). Similar booking systems are available on the websites of almost all leading tour operators in Ukraine. In our country, the lana scheme of work is the only way to use the Internet - booking tours to visa countries (because without personal contact between the tour operator's employees and the departing client, it is impossible to obtain an appropriate entry permit to visa countries for the Ukrainian state).
    The second category of Internet systems - booking tours does not require direct contact and coordination of user actions with the tour operator-owner of the booking system. This is achieved by the fact that the necessary package of documents for entry (usually a voucher that is presented for check-in, which has a special form and a serial number) is automatically sent to the user after the completion of the on-line booking procedure. However, the voucher loses its validity in case of late payment of the invoice, about which the user is also additionally informed by the administrator of the booking system. Due to the fact that there are no contacts (other than paying the bill) between the user of the booking system and the tour operator, this type of booking only applies to tours that do not require additional (other than payment) formalities (for example, visas).
    The use of on-line booking tools greatly facilitates the work of an agent (no lengthy “dialing” to the tour operator’s office is required for the necessary approvals, it is especially difficult to implement during peak seasons, it allows the travel agent to choose and offer the tourist those races for which there really are places left in the accommodation facilities) , and the tour operator (no working time required for telephone conversations and routine paperwork).
    Of course, the ability to work with booking tours in real time requires both the tour operator and the user to bear certain obligations and responsibilities, which are indicated in the contract, the signing of which precedes the user's access to the booking system.
    The obligations of the tour operator - the owner of the booking system are:
    ensuring the work of the user of the reservation system in compliance with his duties;
    – The tour operator cannot guarantee and be responsible for any actions of third parties or other unforeseen situations that prevent the use electronic system bookings through no fault of the tour operator itself (illegal actions of third parties, unauthorized access to electronic information, accidents and other damage to communication routes);
    – The tour operator is responsible for the information (such as: the correctness of the number of places indicated in the booking system, prices, schedule of arrivals, information about accommodation facilities, etc.), Booking provided in the electronic system, undertakes those from “moving out” with the documents necessary for resettlement (vouchers, coupons, vouchers, etc.)
    the tour operator does not guarantee and is not responsible: for the refusal of the tourist product to vacationers in the event that money is credited to pay for the cost of the corresponding vouchers to your account and account. The user shall reimburse all losses of the operator, including the costs associated with the possible resolution of the situation with such vacationers;
    – The operator undertakes to provide any consulting support to the user in case of any complications in the operation of the computer reservation system.
    On the other hand, the responsibilities of the user of the Internet booking system include:
    – Ensuring the confidentiality of the information received and the booking system, as well as taking measures to prevent unauthorized access to the booking system under the user's registration name and password;
    — Prevention of actions aimed at destruction, alteration, addition, distribution or damage computer system booking or the information that is stored in it;
    – Issuance of a voucher for settlement only after full payment of the corresponding application;
    – Providing vacationers with all the necessary information about the procedure for providing tourist products, as well as special conditions for the implementation of the tour;
    – Provide the tour operator with true information about the persons who arrive, necessary for resettlement and booking places in accommodation facilities (surnames, first names, patronymics of those who arrive, their passport numbers and lats of birth);
    – Timely (within the agreed number of banking days) make payment for the declared conditions of the tours, pay the monthly fee (for access to the booking system) in a timely manner, replenish the required deposit amount as a financial guarantee of the user’s work (if any).
    The rights of the tour operator - the owner of the on-line booking system include:
    the right to cancel the declared conditions of the tour in case of late payment by the user
    – The right to disable the user of the booking system in cases of repeated gross violations of the booking rules or in case of non-payment of the subscription fee;
    — The right to demand the payment of penalties by the user to cancel the booked vouchers during the "dead-Iine" - after the moment of possible refusal of the ox of the booked vouchers without incurring penalties.
    User rights include:
    – The right to claim a commission from the tour operator’s tours that are sold (unless otherwise agreed)
    — The right to demand an additional increase in the commission in case of large sales volumes of the tour operator's tours (usually the commission increases when the user reaches a certain number of sold tours / days)
    — Termination of the agreement on the use of the Internet — booking system on their own initiative;
    – The right to cancel the booked trips before the agreed deadline (“dead-line”).
    Thus, the introduction of electronic methods of booking tours and individual tourist products into the tourism industry indicates a significant delimitation of the functions and powers of a travel agent and a tour operator.
    The tour operator ceases to be an eternal consultant for travel agency employees (who do not have significant experience in selling one or another destination), giving out the maximum information necessary for trips to in electronic format, concentrating their efforts on promoting their own blocks of places using the Internet. The current functions of the tour operator's managers are reduced only to receiving information about persons who visit certain accommodation facilities, compiling lists of those entering and sending these lists to hotel employees or meeting parties. It is obvious that the function of confirming the stated conditions, which previously occupied the bulk of the working time of the tour operator's managers, is completely transferred to the administrator of the electronic booking system, which monitors the constant updating on the website of the availability of places in all proposed accommodation methods for all available arrivals.
    On the other hand, the function, typical for travel agencies, of coordinating the conditions of the tour, declared by the tourist, with the capabilities of the tour operator, after the introduction of electronic booking systems, is transformed into an agent's elementary access to this system, which presents the real state of sales at a certain point in time.
    There are two approaches of hotel management in on-line booking. The first is to encourage the consumer to book a room via the Internet (through the simplification of the on-line booking procedure, rather the confirmation of the reservation, the reduction in the cost of the hotel product declared via the Internet). The second approach is to maintain and update an attractive site where visitors can view the hotel's products and rates.
    In parallel with hotels, there have long been systems for booking tickets for regular and charter flights, which will facilitate not only the choice of a potential airline passenger, but also travel agents or tour operators who do not have their own blocks of seats on charter lines.
    The relevance of creating a "global" booking system is dictated by its advantages: any experienced Internet user is already well aware of the prices and offers of leading tour operators (often a tourist calls the agency and himself names the date of departure, prices, and hotels, as well as the name and contact numbers of the tour operator ), with the introduction of such a booking system, the client will be able to independently, without leaving the workplace, not only book a tour (in any direction) that interests him, but also pay, write out a ticket and a voucher for himself and calmly go on a trip without resorting to the services agencies. In any case, the ideas of creation global system tour bookings should be distributed only through licensed agencies (only travel companies should have access to such a system).
    However, the idea of ​​creating a global electronic system for booking tours on the Ukrainian Internet has not yet been successful, since there is a clash in the area of ​​distribution of responsibility between the WB owners and the tour operators themselves in case of providing a low-quality tourist product. Only in case of successful overcoming of this problem is it possible to create a unified Ukrainian system for booking tours will be a huge step towards the further development of the Ukrainian tourism business.

    Internet network is global information system, while simultaneously functioning as a medium for mutual cooperation and communication of people, a way of world broadcasting and information transfer, as well as a strong tool for doing business. It is not easy to find any area of ​​human activity that does not require the use of the Internet. The Internet is an indispensable tool in tourism. Travel business has changed significantly in recent years due to the development of the use of computer and information technologies.

    The comprehensive use of Internet technologies is becoming one of the most urgent tasks in the tourism industry. Creation of systems for booking accommodation and transport, excursion and cultural and health services, package or individual tours, information about the availability of certain tours, places on flights, routes - this set of issues becomes very relevant for organizing the current and future activities of tourism enterprises.

    In the world, having a working website is becoming a sign professional work company and stability. The Internet has long been not only a means of communication, but also an area for serious commercial activities. Indeed, today every foreign organization has its own virtual office, its representative office on the Web. The total turnover of companies trading on the Internet reaches more than a billion dollars. Also in Russia, an increasing number of companies use the Internet to promote their goods and services, such demand is also needed by the tourism business.

    The main areas of use of the Internet in tourism:

    · marketing research;

    Familiarity with the tourism product;

    use of booking and reservation systems;

    individual selection and formation of the tour;

    · familiarization with electronic catalog tourism product by country and destination;

    · acquaintance with regional information, operational weather forecast in different countries, traffic schedules;

    Obtaining operational information about tariffs and prices of hotels, restaurants and carriers;

    Making payments on the Internet

    Online advertising is now one of the most popular and effective ways to promote goods and services. This can be explained by the fact that the number of network users is growing every day, and an increasing number of people receive the necessary information from the Internet. Regardless of whether we use the Internet for study, work or just to spend our free time, each of us daily faces Internet advertising on various websites.

    Currently, there are already many types of Internet advertising, the most common are the following:

    · Website promotion in search engines

    Contextual advertising - in this type of placement of Internet advertising, which is based on the principle of matching the content of the advertising material to the context (content) of the Internet page on which this material is placed. At the same time, according to the content, the advertising material is a text-graphic ad or an advertising banner.

    o Directed to targeted visitors.


    o Not designed for long-term effect. Once cash flow dries up, stops and the influx of visitors to the site.

    Banner advertising headline) - as well as contextual, is one of the most common types of advertising on the Internet. Banner advertising is the most popular and effective system increasing attendance (traffic) of the Web site. This type advertising works by placing banners on the web pages of the network, namely, on thematic sites, in banner networks and mailing lists. The banner is represented by a graphic image of a given size, which sets out an advertising message. Banners vary in shape and size, some of them respond to mouse movement or have musical accompaniment. When clicking (clicking) on ​​the banner, the user is redirected to the advertiser's website. An important advantage of banner advertising is a large audience volume. Thanks to this factor, banner advertising has become so widespread.

    Often banners are placed on sites not by time, but by “impressions” or “clicks”. Thus, if you place a banner for 1000 impressions, then the advertising platform promises that 1000 people will see it (how many clicks on it depends on the content of the banner). If you place it for 100 clicks, then, accordingly, you get 100 visitors. The ratio of clicks to impressions, expressed as a percentage, is called CTR (Click to Ratio), and this is the main indicator of banner effectiveness.

    o Increasing brand awareness. Banners perform an image function, making trademark or company logo recognizable. A bright and original banner attracts the attention of visitors, forcing them to click on it and go to the advertiser's website.

    o The ad becomes valid immediately after the placement. Banner advertising -- fast way promotion of the site in order to increase the influx of visitors.

    o Manageability. Displaying banners can be limited by time and geographic area. Placement of banners on sites of similar subjects allows you to attract only target audience interested in making a purchase or ordering services.

    However, a serious drawback is the fact that spam often causes the most irritation among users and many delete it without even reading it.

    Website promotion in search engines

    Website promotion and promotion in search engines is not the easiest, but at the same time the most effective way to attract new customers. It consists in the fact that the site is registered in special directories, after which it is included in search engines. When a certain combination of words is requested, a link to this site is issued. However, the problem is that the site may appear on the first, sixth or one hundred and thirtieth page of a search engine. Most Internet users are only interested in the first few pages, and few even get to 50. For the effectiveness of advertising through search engines, it is assumed to buy direct links on the first web pages of search engines.

    Many employers often use search advertising, which is the display of text messages or banners on search engine result pages. To do this, you need to define a set of expressions, upon request of which advertising will be displayed. It is worth choosing these expressions meaningfully and seriously, because 50% of success depends on it advertising campaign. Search advertising is one of the most convenient and effective ways to promote goods and services on the Internet.

    Thus, with the existing variety of types of Internet advertising, the advertiser will choose the most optimal and effective way to present his services and goods to a potential buyer.

    Properly organized advertising company on the Internet, will allow the corporate site to interest the user. And if the user calls one of the contact numbers listed on the site, then, with proper management, the user will definitely use the products of this particular organization and become a client of the company.

    Thematic portal in the field of tourism and inline advertising

    Travel portals can be considered as online advertising platforms designed to promote sales of advertisers' services - tour operators and travel agencies. The source of income for portals can be both banner advertising and paid placement of information about travel agencies and their offers, as well as commissions received from the travel agency for the fact of ordering from the server. So, for example, the following scheme is implemented on the MegaTIS server: travel agencies pay for each request received from the server, or for each completed order. This activity is based on mutual trust. Each travel portal has its own clients, in general they are usually open for cooperation and some of them have quite extensive bases of travel agencies.

    One of the first travel portals was the 100 Roads resource. He has been active on the Web since 1996. The server was prepared and maintained by ArimSoft, which previously specialized in the development and sale of computer programs to automate the activities of travel agencies. To date, "100 roads" is one of the most interesting and popular tourist resources Runet. On the 100 Roads server, you can select a tour by setting three search criteria: price, country, type of tour (bus, outdoor activities, children's, ski, etc.). Having chosen a suitable tour from the list of tours offered by agencies, the client, by filling out the request form, can immediately order it or get more information about it. detailed information by mail. Now 2,800 Russian travel agencies are registered in the 100 Roads database.

    Inline advertising is a single line of advertising text at the beginning of an email, ending with a link. Payment for inline advertising is made according to the CPC principle (cost per click - cost per click), i.e., each mouse click on the link is paid. Most often, it will be placed at the top of a blog, website or forum, so that it does not look completely intrusive and matches the design.


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