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Business plan

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We offer a pet store business plan that will help you start your own business and give the green light to a great undertaking, because pet owners are constantly purchasing the necessary products for their pets. You will be able to be among the leaders in the industry, selling only quality products designed for pets. The profitability of this undertaking is high, because the army of pet lovers is constantly replenished with new fans.

This pet supply store business plan will get you started. commercial enterprise without annoying mistakes, buy the necessary food for animals: dogs, cats, chinchillas, fish. Also, the assortment should contain related accessories, items, without which the maintenance of four-legged pets is unthinkable. For example, collars, various clothes for decorative dog breeds and others.

By studying the business plan for a store of goods and pet food, you can be sure that all calculations have been carefully checked, and you will definitely determine for yourself step by step further actions. A competent approach, combined with a passion for one's business, recruitment and a gradual expansion of the range of products, will surely make the outlet famous and popular among pet owners. You can also offer various creams, shampoos, even conditioners and balms for wool, special combs that allow you to keep your pet neat and well-groomed all the time, there are a lot of options.

The pet store belongs to the category outlets who will never be left without buyers. Love for smaller brothers does not dry out, and the owners of dogs, cats and other domestic animals are ready to spend huge sums, if only their pets live as comfortably as possible. The opening of a pet supplies outlet is unlikely to go unnoticed if you organize this process correctly.

Those who do not want problems with regulatory authorities in the process of trading should remember that a special license is required to sell feed, vitamins, and medicines. If the range of pet products will include live turtles, hamsters and parrots, then take care of the availability of a veterinary passport for each animal.

The minimum start-up capital required to open your own pet store is approximately $15,000-20,000. Payback business at the pet store usually does not exceed 2 years. This period may be reduced, or, conversely, increased, depending on how quickly the trade will be conducted. With an average monthly turnover of 130-150 thousand rubles, an entrepreneur can count on net profit in the amount of 30-35 thousand rubles per month.

Judging by the reviews of the business related to pet products, food and accessories for dogs and cats bring the maximum profit. But, forming the assortment of your store, you should remember about the high competition. Therefore, it makes sense, along with popular goods, to engage in the sale of accessories for aquariums, rare species of fish, and veterinary drugs. They are bought less often, but by doing so you attract customers to your store who could not find a similar product in other outlets.

An important point that significantly affects the success of a business is the location of the store. When planning to open your own business from scratch, you should think carefully about where your pet store will be located. One of the main conditions is the absence of competitors in the immediate vicinity. It is most profitable to open a pet store in a busy place, for example, not far from a bus stop. The area of ​​the store depends on what assortment you plan to offer the buyer. If at first you plan to limit yourself to food and basic accessories for dogs and cats, then a room of 15-20 sq.m is quite enough.

Organizing a pet supply store will not cause you serious problems if you follow your goal according to a clearly defined plan. Being prepared for possible risks, you can easily avoid them or minimize their negative impact. To do this, you need to rely on professional example a business plan for opening a pet store with ready-made calculations, which contains a detailed guide to action. You will find out how much money you need to open a small pet store and you will be able to complete everything necessary calculations. With the help of this document, you can easily independently compile a report on the activities of your company - a pet store, which will help you provide approximate guidelines for future development.

Keeping pets is sometimes very expensive for their owners. Buying food, vitamins, fillers for trays, collars and leashes, cages and houses - pet stores make good money on all these goods. But you are very much mistaken if you think that by deciding to open a pet supply store from scratch, you can automatically enroll yourself in the number successful businessmen. It is possible, of course, that this is exactly what will happen, but in order to achieve such a goal, you will first have to make a lot of effort.

Entrepreneurs planning to build a business selling pet products need to first choose the format of the outlet. It can be a large specialized store, a solid department in a supermarket or a modest stall in the market. The final choice depends on how much you are willing to invest at first.

As for the profit, it can be good even if you decide to open a small department. According to experts' forecasts, the pet products market will continue to grow further. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the number of pets is also constantly increasing, in addition, the very attitude towards animals is changing. Most owners have long appreciated the convenience of feeding dogs and cats with dry food, and buying a warm suit for a dog or a cozy house for a beloved cat is no longer considered an unnecessary luxury.

Purchasing the right premises is the first step towards starting a business like a pet supply store. As a rule, small stalls are not particularly popular with buyers, since in this case there is no opportunity to carefully look at the goods. If a initial capital small, it is better to open a mini-format pet store, for which a room of 15-20 sq.m. will suffice. Moreover, the purchase in this case is more profitable than renting, since the prices for rented space can grow almost monthly.

Whether your start will be successful depends largely on where the outlet is located. It is best to open a pet food store and other pet products in a residential area. Important role in attracting customers, the appropriate window dressing of a pet store plays a role. Having come to the store once and being satisfied with the quality of the goods and prices, the buyer will not only definitely return to you, but also advise friends and acquaintances.

Most of the starter pet store assortment should be pet food - the most hot commodity. Do not forget about everyday accessories for pets - leashes and collars, cat litter, shampoos, combs, toys. How much the first purchase to the pet store will cost depends on the format of the outlet and your financial capabilities. If there is little money, at first focus on inexpensive, but high-quality goods, then gradually expanding the range. The ROI of the pet supply department is generally quite high, and the more items you sell each month, the more profit you make.

You can read about the details of such a business as pet supplies on special forums. But the reliability of such information should be questioned, which will not happen if you rely on a competent sample business plan for opening a pet store with ready-made calculations. After getting acquainted with a detailed description of the functioning of a pet supply store, you will be able to understand the various intricacies of this business, which will allow you to count on a stable profit.

AT major cities countries, many people have pets that are taken care of like family members. Therefore, the business idea of ​​​​creating a store for pets is quite relevant and, accordingly, profitable. The level of competition is also high, therefore, in order for the costs to be justified and the store to pay off as quickly as possible, an effective pet store business plan should be developed. An example of such planning is presented in our article.

Project Summary

A medium-sized pet store is located in a city with a population of up to 500,000 people. It can be placed in a separate room on the ground floor of a multi-storey building or in a shopping center. In addition, you can work in the format of an online pet store. In our case, the store is located in a separate building. The format of our pet shop is service, there are no animals here, only what is needed to care for them.

Assortment and price policy targeted at middle-income buyers. The advantages of the salon will be a fairly wide selection of offers and quality products.

Initially, it is necessary to conduct a superficial analysis of competitors, form an assortment of offers, make a brief SWOT analysis of risks and opportunities ( strengths potential pet salon).

Advantages and disadvantages

To start activities, it is necessary to analyze both the pros and cons of this project.

The advantages are:

  • The business is highly profitable.
  • Quite a large average check.
  • Long shelf life of the product.

Disadvantages, in turn:

  • The premise for the store is located in a passable place, the cost of which is high.
  • It is not a primary consumer product.
  • High level of competition.

Useful statistics:

  • Russia ranks second in the world in terms of the number of pets.
  • Number of pets in Russia: more than 30 million cats, more than 20 million dogs.
  • The largest number of cats and dogs live in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where there is also the highest demand for pet products.
  • On average, the markup on pet products is 50-60% for feed and litter, and 80-100% for other products.

The assortment of the store focuses on the following positions:

To draw up a business plan for a pet store with calculations, you need data on the choice of premises, costs for it, an estimate for equipment and wages for employees. In addition, we must not forget about the official registration of the enterprise.

Registration and registration

To exercise entrepreneurial activity within the territory of Russian Federation must be officially registered with the relevant authorities. To open a pet store, you can register as an individual entrepreneur.

When registering an individual entrepreneur, we select OKVED 52.48.31, 52.48.33 and 52.48.39, which include retail sale household chemicals for animals, feed and other products for animals.

In addition, it is planned to obtain a license that gives the right to sell medical products for animals and birds in order to increase the profitability of the enterprise. For receipt required documents the entrepreneur will have to spend about 15 thousand rubles.

Room selection

The best option for opening a pet shop is to rent a small area in a busy area of ​​the city. A store of this format will require 15-20 square meters. m. It is recommended to conclude a lease immediately for a long term - at least 1 year with the possibility of redemption at open sale. In addition, it should immediately be borne in mind that the initial payment will be at least 2 months in advance. The cost of such premises small town will vary from 20-30 thousand rubles. You may have to make a small cosmetic repair, allocating about 10 thousand rubles for this.

On the communal payments every month it is necessary to allocate about 7-10 thousand rubles.

The room is selected on the first floor of an apartment building.

Equipment selection

The pet store will need furniture and equipment for displaying and storing pet products. It is possible to purchase used furniture in good condition to save costs.

Necessary furniture and equipment:

Name Price Quantity Sum
Rack 7 000 2 14 000
Showcase for feed 5 000 2 10 000
trays 500 5 2 500
Counter 2 000 1 6 000
Desktop 3 000 1 3 000
Salesman's chair 1 500 1 1 500
Cash machine 3 000 1 10 000
Scales 1 000 1 3 000
Additional expenses 13 000 1 15 000
Laptop for the work of the seller (administrator) 20 000 1 20 000
Technical inventory 5 000 5 000
Total 90 000

This is a major investment in pet store equipment that should be made in line with the store's inventory.


The number of employees in the first months of the store's operation can be minimal. You need 2 sales consultants (necessarily with a veterinary education, since medicines will be sold), a cleaner of the premises. The entrepreneur himself will buy goods for the store, keep accounts, promote and advertise.

We offer staffing according to the table:

It is important that sales assistants understand medicines, the qualities of pet food and other products.


In advance, it is necessary to make an approximate choice of goods and services of the store. The most popular positions are food and toilet fillers. However, they should not be limited to only them. The perfect combination of assortment: 40% - feed and fillers, 60% - accessories, shampoos and other products for animals.

Approximate range of purchases at the time of opening:

Product unit name Purchase amount Margin income (60%) and 100%
Animal food 300 000 180 000
Toilet fillers 80 000 48 000
Accessories for cats and dogs 50 000 50 000
Accessories for rodents and fish 30 000 30 000
Shampoos and gel 50 000 50 000
Medications 30 000 30 000
Grooming for cats and dogs 50 000 50 000
Ammunition (collars) 30 000 30 000
Furniture for cats 50 000 50 000
Cages for dogs and birds 50 000 50 000
Aquariums and their essentials 200 000 200 000
Total 920 000 786 000

Initially, you should make a purchase and cover the maximum assortment range in order to find out which items are in demand at your outlet and which are not.

Marketing and Advertising

To be able to keep a pet store in a niche and get growing profits, you must first analyze the target audience, find out the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. We found out in advance that there is a demand in the city for products for dogs, cats, parrots, guinea pigs and aquarium fish. We will build an assortment on them.

Name Sum
Shop sign 10 000
Decoration inside the animal store 10 000
Business cards with phone number and store address 10 000
Flyers to be handed out near the store 20 000
Budget for 10% discounts in the first week upon presentation of a flyer or coupon 10 000
Large banner with animals outside the store 5 000
Attracting buyers on local thematic forums 5 000
Total 70 000

In addition, monthly it will be necessary to spend at least 20 thousand rubles on advertising and brand promotion. (flyers in crowded places target audience, discounts and promotions, advertising on the Internet).

Settlement part

So, we calculate the potential profitability of the enterprise and its profitability. Let's start with the start-up cost estimate:

It is planned to allocate 1,185,000 rubles for the launch of the business, most of which will go to the purchase of goods. It is worth considering that with wholesalers you can agree on an installment payment for two months.

Monthly expenses

The general table of monthly expenses from the 2nd month looks like this:

As for income, when selling the first batch of goods, the proceeds will be 786,000 rubles. It will take at least 3 months to sell it completely. For the first month it is planned to earn 262,000 rubles.

Determine the amount to deduct tax:

262 000 – 120 000 = 142 000.

Determine tax:

142,000 x 0.15 = 21,300 rubles.

In accordance with the law, a taxpayer under the simplified system has the right to a tax deduction of the amount of UST for himself and store employees, but not more than 50% of the tax.

So, the tax amount, taking into account the deduction, will be 10,650 rubles per month.

Determine the net profit:

142,000 - 10,650 = 131,350 rubles per month.

The profitability of the store under good conditions will be 50-60%.


The pet shop is good business and with excellent profitability, subject to a competent entrepreneurial approach and cost optimization. In the future, you can make a page in in social networks and an online store where the goods will be presented. However, this option will be successful in the development of a chain of stores in the city and beyond. And for the period of sale of goods in one retail store the above promotional tools are sufficient. The main thing is to correctly perceive the information, monitor sales, the level of demand and customer reviews.

The surrounding world of wildlife is important for humans. For some, he is far outside the city, but for someone he directly entered life in the form of cats, dogs and other creatures. For some, it is just a hobby, while for others it has replaced human communication. The ability to interact with the animal world plays a significant role in raising a child.

The reasons for adopting a pet are varied. But along with the decision to have a living being, several of the same problems arise:

  • where to get;
  • what to feed;
  • how to care;
  • how to treat;
  • how to prevent harm to others.

Most of these problems are solved with the help of a pet store.

Pets are common. There are many owners of dogs and other living creatures in large cities. Opening a pet store in densely populated neighborhoods removes many of the worries from their owners. The business plan of such a store is proposed to be considered.

Distinctive features

First of all, you should identify the distinctive features of the pet store. The problems that it solves are already indicated above. You can rewrite them and systematize them in the form of goals (services provided):

Services for the purchase of animals

Direct sale of animals. As well as all kinds of services related to the change of owner: exchange, services for finding a new owner, services for finding a certain breed or animal, assistance in acquiring, moving, breeding, and so on.

Animal services

  • Animal food. Sale of feed, feed additives, vitamins, etc.
  • Animal care accessories. In addition to accessories for direct maintenance of animals, there may be devices associated with them: vacuum cleaners for cleaning wool, repellers, and so on.
  • Additional services. Feeding, temporary housing, consultations, training, home delivery services and more.

Animal treatment services

  • Sale of medicines and medical equipment for animals.
  • Consultations and an appointment with a veterinarian.

It is not necessary for a pet store to provide all of the listed services.. AT ready business The pet store plan will need to include selected targets. You can expand the range of services provided later as development progresses. However, in initial planning, it is a good idea to anticipate the potential for such development in advance.


For planning the services provided in the opened pet store, its location is very important.

There are two significant aspects:

  • requirements for the store, depending on the intended services, may differ significantly;
  • the area in which the store is planned must be analyzed for supply and demand.

The first aspect includes requirements for store equipment and its placement. If it is planned to sell animals directly in the store, then it must be suitably equipped and coordinated. Coordination is of particular importance if the store is planned to be located in a residential building. Most likely, in this case, there will be significant restrictions on the types of animals sold in the store.

The second aspect is the correct identification of supply and demand. The payback of the store will largely depend on this.

If this is a microdistrict of the city, then it makes sense to take a look: a place for walking animals, how many people walk with them, where are the nearest stores of a similar orientation, what services they provide, prices, and so on.

If this is a large shopping center, then it is somewhat more difficult to navigate: you will have to rely on the closest competitors and the patency of the point.

Download ready business plan pet shop, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.

What do you need to open

The documents:

  • registration individual entrepreneur(subject to a small pet store);
  • a package of standard documents when registering an individual entrepreneur;
  • a package of documents for work: lease agreements, agreements with suppliers, etc.;
  • veterinary license (if it is planned to sell medicines or provide animal treatment services);
  • documents for the import of animals (if you plan to import animals from abroad).

Equipment (depending on the set of intended services, it may differ significantly):

  • the premises plus the necessary reconstruction;
  • furniture, equipment plus specialized equipment (for pre-sale keeping of specific animals).

The business plan for opening a pet store also includes the calculation of the costs of attracting the necessary specialists. Sellers, veterinarians, dog breeders, couriers and others.

Not necessarily all specialists have to be hired for the whole day. Depending on the intensity and workload, it is possible to conclude contracts for the provision of services with third-party organizations, contracts for piece work.

Generally this type of business is characterized by the addition of services as it develops. So, for example, with the appearance of regular customers, there may be a demand for the delivery of food and accessories to the house on an ongoing basis.


A few words about competition in the zoo services market. According to experts, the competition in this business area is very tight. Many pet stores offer a range of services. Small retail outlets mainly specialize in the sale of food and accessories, rarely adding medicines to the range.

The greatest competition, traditionally, in Moscow. Several hundred outlets are estimated. Large regional centers are slightly inferior.

There are no exact statistics on the animal market. According to indirect data, there are about 1.5 million pets in Moscow, sales of dog and cat food throughout the country are estimated at 250 million dollars a year.

In addition to the competition of specialty stores, it must also be taken into account that in large shopping malls there were departments for the sale of goods for animals. BUT conventional food is sold everywhere, in almost any grocery store. Therefore, the pet store business plan with calculations should also take into account these features.

Ultimately, the success of a business depends on many factors. Mandatory Thoughtful marketing plan if it is a big selling point with a set of comprehensive services. Optimization of costs, search for opportunities to reduce the cost of supplies, and so on. Exclusive services can increase the attractiveness of the store, but the main profits usually come from traditional sales: food, accessories, medicines. Of course, if an exclusive store for the richest is not planned, but in this case it is necessary to carefully calculate the risk and have an adequate margin of financial security.

Profit and payback

At the end, we give a sample calculation for a small pet store selling feed and accessories. Sale of animals and Additional services not included.

Small room 20 sq.m. One seller, fill the store with goods under contracts and independent deliveries.


With an average check of 100 - 200 rubles. and 30 - 50 clients a day we get: 3 - 10 thousand rubles. in a day. Or about 90 - 300 tr per month.

The payback of such a point will be from six months to one and a half years.

This is a very small selling point. Usually entrepreneurs themselves work in such points. With an increase in the number of services, filling the store with goods, primarily animals, analysis and calculations become more complicated.

A business plan is drawn up to understand the process of activity. If a business plan is needed to receive external investment, we recommend ordering it from specialists, or working it out on your own in accordance with the recommendations for compiling business plans.

Russia ranks second after the United States in terms of the number of pets per capita. Every second family has a pet, from the usual cat or dog, to the exotic iguana or ermine. Each pet requires both regular meals and one-time expenses: a collar, toys, clothes. Therefore, opening a pet store in Russia is a very good idea. But for this you need to know some subtleties.

People are willing to spend a lot of money on their pets

The business of selling pet products, as well as the animals themselves, is "forever". People, at least in the near future, will not stop having pets and spending money on them. Here is some information on the cost of pets, which will later help us to compile pet store business plan. About 750 rubles are spent on keeping a guinea pig or a hamster. per year, for a cat - a little more than 9 thousand rubles. in year. Not the cheapest pleasure is to keep a turtle, it can take up to 5 thousand rubles. per month One of the most expensive animals to keep is a dog, it takes about 25 thousand rubles a year. But these are average numbers. And there are quite a lot of people who are ready to spend a lot of money on their pets, pamper them.

Pet business has many advantages:

  • The market for pet products is still growing and stagnation is not expected in the near future.
  • Recently, licensing for pet products has been abolished.
  • It is possible to open both a small kiosk and a large store.
  • Needs a small amount of staff.
  • The product is out of season, so you will have stable income throughout the year.

But he also has disadvantages:

  • Significant risks, especially when trading live goods.
  • Feed odor that may not be to the liking of all patrons and staff.
  • Problems in choosing an assortment of goods for sale associated with personal preferences. You may love dogs, but cat products will be more in demand in your city.
  • The need to coordinate discoveries with a large number of regulatory authorities. Moreover, the requirements in different cities may differ slightly.
  • Very high competition.

Room selection

It is better to choose a room that is spacious, ventilated, because the specific smell from the feed, and from the animals themselves, can be depressing (ventilation is best done with the help of air conditioners, and not with the help of open windows, because care must be taken that the animals do not catch a cold). It is considered ideal to rent 200 sq. meters, but if finances do not allow renting such areas, then you can start with 80 - 150 square meters. meters.

Practice has proven that sales are best in such pet stores, which are divided into thematic departments. It is desirable to divide the room into at least two parts. The first will be non-drug products: food, collars, toys, cages and aquariums, and the second: medicines.

It is clear that the larger the room, the more departments you can create on its premises. Stores consisting of only one department look very unpresentable and are the least popular among buyers.

It is recommended to choose a place either in the city center, where wealthier people live, or in a densely populated residential area, where there will be a lot of your potential clients. Ideally, if there are no competitors near your store and there is a place for parking.

Despite the rapid development of online commerce in recent years, it is better to create a zoo-oriented store first with a real one. And only then, after the business has confidently got on its feet, you can bring it to the network. The Internet can also be used to analyze the assortment and prices of competitors.

Staff needed for a pet shop

To your store better people after specialized colleges and universities, mainly veterinarians. People with pharmaceutical and medical education will also be suitable. Wages they will have to pay more, but the savings in this matter can lead to a bad “fame” about your store, and, as a result, a decrease in income.

After you have already formed a "backbone" of competent sales veterinarians, you can send newly recruited employees to them for. If you have several specialized departments, then it is desirable to prepare each person for specialized work in a particular department.

Pay special attention to the position of consultant in the drug department. You need to hire an expert in your field. Indeed, with improperly selected medicines, there is a danger that the client’s pet will be poisoned, then claims will be made against the store.

Items that can be sold in a pet store

Pet food comes first. This type of product is always in demand and will provide you with the minimum required income. As a rule, feed takes up to half of the entire assortment of the store. Feed packages up to 50 kg are very successful, because they allow the client to save a lot, but on the condition that your store has delivery.

Toilet fillers, pet hygiene products, chew toys for dogs, special toys for cats, collars, leashes are also very popular. They make up about a quarter of the range.

Another quarter is occupied by drugs and special feed for sick animals (for example, special feed for diabetics).

Living goods, which include: aquarium fish, parrots and other birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, can bring additional income to your store, but there are many problems with them. Firstly, this is the permission of various authorities: SES, veterinary service, etc. Fulfilling all their strict requirements is not easy, and paperwork can be costly. If you don't follow the rules, you may be fined. Secondly, you need to approach the maintenance of animals very responsibly, because they can die, which will bring you losses, and it will simply be sad for the staff.

If you are near a hippodrome or a riding school, then you are very lucky. A lot of equestrian goods are required, and proximity to the club will provide you with a constant stream of customers.

When compiling a list of goods to purchase after you have opened, you can apply a very interesting life hack - you need to listen carefully and record what customers are asking. If there is a shortage of some goods, purchase them.

Advertising and work with clients

Huge effort should be spent on. None, not even the best pet store business plan, won't work if you don't have buyers.Now there are a huge number of pet stores, so it doesn’t cost anything for a client to switch from you to a competitor. On the other hand, a person is inherently inert, so if the store is near his house, while you provide him good service and quality goods, then he will buy from you even at higher prices than from competitors. Make various discounts and promotions for your customers.


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