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Thinking about how to open own business? Do you find it difficult to decide on its content? Consider opening a baby food store. What is interesting about this business? Children are born, grow up and are born again, and always will be. Parents, even with a very small income, will not save on children, especially when it comes to their nutrition. There are not so many specialized stores, especially in residential areas. More often we see small departments in supermarkets.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:700,000 - 1,100,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: from 30 thousand
Situation in the industry:the market is saturated with supply
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

First steps in learning business

Before deciding to open a baby food store, you need to study the supply and demand in your locality. Next, you need to get acquainted with suppliers and analyze their offers. Careful study of competitors will also not be superfluous.

We analyze the market

To understand the situation, it is not enough to know approximately how many such stores there are in your city. You need to know exactly in which areas they are and what they offer the buyer. This is necessary in order not to "produce" the same outlets in the same area. The winner will definitely be an old, familiar store.

Once you have chosen the right area to open a baby food store, study the competitive landscape. Several aspects need to be analyzed:

  • what goods are sold;
  • How does a competitor price?
  • store design;
  • attendance;
  • what type of advertising attracts buyers.

At the same time, the results of such an analysis must be correlated with the prospect of long-term existence and further development of your business in this particular area from the point of view of the population living in it. If this is a young area with young residents, families where children will be born, then everything is in order. This store will be in demand.

Supplier selection

This moment is very important, especially from the point of view of the supply of quality products, because we are talking about baby food. Taking into account the fact that the maximum allowable margin for such a product cannot exceed 30%, it is best to contact the manufacturer. This will avoid intermediary cheating. However, this is not always possible, because the manufacturer may be far from your city and transportation costs will “eat up” all the profit from the sale. In a word, it is not always profitable.

Another disadvantage of working with a manufacturer is that they require you to purchase large quantities of goods, which you may not need.

The second option could be official regional representative of the manufacturer, which will become your link. This has a number of advantages:

  • possible deliveries for sale;
  • the manufacturer can provide free equipment for trading floor.

The question is whether there is such a representative in your locality and whether he will also put conditions on the purchase of large lots.

The third and most viable option is choosing a wholesale company, which represents different manufacturers, which significantly expands the ability to diversify the range.

We arrange business

Like any business, a baby food store requires official registration. There are two options - to register an individual entrepreneurship (IP) or a limited liability company (LLC). How to open a baby food store to save on taxes?

We open a store

How to open a baby food store from scratch? The process takes place in several stages.

Location selection

This has already been said a few words above. But there are still nuances that will directly affect the attendance of your store. It is advisable to open a baby food store where there will be a high traffic of your target audience - parents with small children.

Possible options:

  • the proximity of the children's clinic;
  • near kindergartens, playgrounds or parks where mothers walk with babies;
  • next to the dairy kitchen.

Selection of premises and organization of the trading floor

It makes no sense to rent a room more than 40-50 sq. m. For a trading floor for a baby food store, 30 squares are enough. The rest of the area should accommodate a bathroom, a staff room and a product warehouse.

Modern consumers, especially restless mothers, will definitely want to hold a jar in their hand and read the label. Therefore, it is better to place racks with goods in free access.

The main product is located on the most accessible places, the accompanying product is on the secondary ones.

Make a facelift by decorating the room with children's drawings with bright colors. It will be pleasant to buyers and children will like it.

Now many stores organize simple children's corners in the trading floor, where the child can be occupied while the mother chooses the goods. Equip it with a children's table with coloring books, pencils and just landscape sheets on which the child can draw. Either way, it will make a good impression on buyers.

Over time, you can hang a TV in the hall where cartoons will be shown. Then the children will definitely allow their parents to thoroughly examine the shelves with goods.


The selection of personnel in the baby food store should be approached responsibly. The ideal option would be employees who are already familiar with this branch of trade. For a store to be profitable, it must be open seven days a week on a schedule that customers can get into after their working day. This means that you will have to hire so many salespeople that they can work in shifts.

The seller is the face of the store, it largely depends on him whether your customers become permanent. First of all, they are consultants, so product knowledge is a must for them.

In addition, it is desirable to have a manager who would control the work of the staff, be responsible for deliveries and solve current organizational issues.

All sellers must have sanitary books, as this is a baby food store. If suddenly poisoning occurs with any product from your store, you cannot avoid trouble with the checking authorities, and your reputation will suffer so that it will take a long time to restore it.

Of course, the store needs accounting. For this, there is no need to introduce an accountant to the staff. There are many outsourcing companies that provide such services. Similarly, you can hire a house cleaner.

Store equipment

If you have entered into an agreement with the manufacturer or its regional representative, they can supply you with commercial equipment free of charge. If not, you need to purchase racks and refrigeration equipment if you plan to trade in perishable goods or goods with certain requirements for the temperature regime of its storage.

Needed for a baby food store cash machine purchased and registered in tax office properly.

Operational accounting of products will be kept in in electronic format, so the purchase of a computer is inevitable and software for goods accounting.

Before you open a baby food store, you need to decide on the assortment. An analysis of the goods available on the shelves of competitors will greatly help here. Perhaps you will be able to fill some niche that they have not penetrated yet.

Another way to determine the assortment, as well as the quantity of goods, is the path of experiment. Purchase goods from different manufacturers in small quantities. After a certain period of time, you yourself will see what a greater demand has formed and in what terms the goods are sold.

Subsequently, such an analysis will allow you to purchase goods in such quantities that they do not have time to expire. Parents approach him most seriously, and they will not take a product that expires even after two days, they will always prefer fresh.

As for the set of products, it can be as follows:

  • special children's drinking water;
  • dairy;
  • dry milk and dairy-free mixtures;
  • children's teas and juices;
  • dairy and dairy-free instant cereals;
  • vegetable, meat and fruit purees;
  • related products.

You can fill the baby food store with related products gradually. It is advisable to include in this list children's dishes, bottles for water or milk mixtures, diapers, baby wet wipes, in general, everything that prompts parental demand.

When receiving goods from the supplier, always check the certificate for it. In general, it's good to know what kind of product you're selling. You can spend some money and send samples from all batches to the laboratory of Rospotrebnadzor to determine the quality of the goods. First of all, whether the composition stated on the label corresponds to the contents of the jar or box.

So you will be calm that you are selling a quality and safe product. In any case, a certificate must be attached to each batch in order to avoid claims from the inspection authorities if they come with an inspection.

Information support and advertising

How to open a baby food store without advertising? Of course, you can, but it will unwind more slowly. There are several ways to promote and publicize your brainchild, and everyone should use them.

  • Internet advertising . It can be PR in social networks in urban areas. target groups. Now mothers are very willing to unite in communities in which they share useful information. You can post information about the opening of a new store on local bulletin boards.
  • Advertising through promoters. They can distribute leaflets about the opening of the store in places of mass gathering of parents with children, for example, in shopping and entertainment centers. But for this it is necessary to negotiate with their administration. Leaflets can also be placed on their information stands.
  • Don't be stingy with the opening of the store - announce it in advance and organize it holiday decoration, as well as discounts and promotions in honor of the opening.
  • Ask permission local authority authorities to post signs to store locations in your area.

After the first satisfied customers appear, you can already count on word of mouth. Rumors about your store will already spread spontaneously.

What to include in the calculation of investments

To open a baby food store, you also need to find start-up capital. If the business plan is drawn up correctly, taking into account all the conditions for its payback, you can safely take a business loan. But you also need to keep in mind that the payback of such stores averages from 1 to 1.5 years. The expenses include:

  • rental of premises;
  • renovation of the premises;
  • staff salaries;
  • advertising expenses;
  • communal payments;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • commodity stocks.

All expenses are fixed, except for the purchase of equipment and repairs. Therefore, it is advisable to calculate them for the year in order to have an idea of ​​​​the amount of funds that you have to invest. It is impossible to give specific figures, as they may be different for each city or region.

Business Outlook

How to open a baby food store and not burn out? If you correctly use our advice and analyze the situation well, this will not happen. Baby food is a product that will always be needed. Therefore, you can move from calculating expenses to calculating profits very soon. And thinking about where to spend the profits is much more pleasant than thinking about where to get money for a business!

There is no need to explain how popular baby food products are. If parents can still refuse to buy another toy for their child, then nutrition, especially for babies, is extremely scrupulous. Therefore, a business on this group of goods will always find its buyer. The question is how to organize it from scratch.

Before official steps

You need to prepare well before opening a baby food store, especially from scratch. First of all, it is necessary to study the competitive environment. Walk around the area where you plan to open your business, study competitors for:

  • range of goods;
  • principles of pricing policy formation;
  • location, design;
  • attendance;
  • advertising policy;
  • advantages, disadvantages.

You must determine how much demand covers supply, whether there are any scarce goods in this area, whether there are enough stores here in relation to real, potential parents, and other details. Based on this, you can determine the development plan for your baby food store.


The business does not require licensing, which makes things a little easier. But you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For this business, the organizational and legal form is not fundamental, so you can stop at individual entrepreneur- it is faster and easier to draw up, and then it will be easier to file reports. But with an LLC, in case of possible bankruptcy, you only risk authorized capital, and in case of individual entrepreneurs - with their personal property.

The store must obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service. It will be needed not only for the premises, but for the entire product. In addition, the staff who will work directly in the baby food store must have health books, regularly undergo medical examinations. To open a store, you will need another permit - from the fire department, which will certify that the premises are fireproof.


The choice of premises for a baby food store has its own characteristics. The ideal option is to open it around kindergarten, clinic, market, entertainment or shopping center, school, playground, dairy cuisine, etc. That is, where the maximum number of parents with small children passes per day. But this rule is suitable for large cities. For small ones, the opposite is true - it is best to open such a store in the city center. It is advisable to place it so that the entrance is from the street, the sign can be seen from afar. Provide a parking space near the entrance, and near the store - for strollers, children's bicycles.

As a rule, a baby food store is located on an area of ​​​​50 square meters. m., but in the early stages you can get by with 20 sq. m. The main part of the premises should be reserved for the trading floor, and the rest - for storage, household premises. The rental price depends on the city, urban area and other factors. You can focus on the price of 30-70 thousand rubles. per month.

Room decoration

Since this is a baby food store, it is advisable to design it accordingly. You can get by with cosmetic repairs, but do it using bright, pleasant colors according to the theme of the product. Remember that mothers with babies will often come to you. So that adults can safely choose a product, it is advisable for children to captivate with something. Provide a small children's corner with crayons, coloring books, and simple toys.

As for the trading floor, the goods must be grouped in accordance with its orientation - in the main place the main product, in the secondary - related. It is desirable that any unit has open access. It is important for buyers in this category to be able to take the products in their hands and independently study the label.


To open such an outlet, you need a little equipment. As a rule, these are racks and showcases. If you trade products that require a certain temperature regime, the business plan should include the purchase of refrigeration equipment. Be sure to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax office.


For your business to flourish, the store must be open all week, seven days a week. Therefore, it is necessary to hire several sellers for shift work. It is also desirable to provide staffing the position of a manager who will control their work, as well as resolve issues of supplies, orders and other organizational work. His salary is usually 25 thousand rubles. per month, and sellers - 15 thousand each. You also need an accountant, but it is not necessary to hire him full-time. In addition, these services can generally be outsourced.

Product range

The main rule to follow when you are going to open this kind of business is not to buy large quantities of goods. Remember that customers won't buy a product even if it expires in just a couple of days. Parents are sensitive about baby food and strive to buy the freshest products possible. Therefore, it is better to buy small batches of different goods and soon evaluate which one is more popular. Make sure that each product has an appropriate quality certificate.

As practice shows, it is justified to include in the procurement plan such goods:

  • purified water for children;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • dry mix;
  • porridge (both dairy and non-dairy);
  • vegetable and fruit purees;
  • crockery and other accessories.

Over time, you can supplement the assortment with diapers and various care products.

How to choose suppliers

This business relies heavily on reliable suppliers. There are two ways to get in touch with them. The most reliable, which will not make you doubt the quality of products, is working directly with manufacturers. Cooperation with them is also beneficial in that they can give commercial equipment for free, as well as provide deferred payments. But the problem is that often they ask to buy large quantities of goods. Moreover, it is not always small towns can boast of their own representation.

Therefore, it is permissible to cooperate with wholesale companies. The advantage of working with them is that you can immediately purchase goods from different manufacturers and fill your assortment. Whatever your plan for working with a supplier, always require certificates for every item in every shipment.

Please note that the markup on such a product is only 15-30%, so profit can be made by selling a large number of products, including related products.


Of course, it is important not only to open a store, but also to advertise it well. To get the most out of advertising campaign, you need to run it simultaneously in different directions: online and offline. On the Internet, you can post ads on free boards, on the site of the city forum, advertise on thematic sites, on social networks.

Offline, the advertising campaign plan is implemented through the distribution of leaflets at schools, playgrounds, kindergartens. You can negotiate with the administration of trade and entertainment centers, toy stores to leave their leaflets or stands in them.

The advertising plan must include a bright and catchy sign on the store. It is worth making several signs that will direct passers-by to it. Definitely a grand opening outlet, system of discounts and promotions.

Income and expense plan

As practice shows, the business will pay off no earlier than in a year and a half. Much depends on the location of the store. For example, it is difficult to compete with shopping centers. They offer goods for more favorable prices, but you can lure buyers through unique offers.

On average, a store with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. m. The business plan should include the following costs:

  • rent - 360 thousand rubles. in year;
  • repair - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase commercial equipment- from 300 thousand rubles;
  • salary - from 70 thousand rubles. per month;
  • utility costs - from 5 thousand rubles. per month;
  • stock of goods - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - from 10 thousand rubles. per month.

In total, it will take more than a million rubles to open a business.

Baby food is a specialized product that is produced from the highest quality products in a certain way and in compliance with necessary technologies. The baby's body is especially vulnerable and therefore requires increased attention. Nutrition is the foundation of a child's health. From what the baby eats, it depends on how correctly his whole body is formed, bones are strengthened, the nervous system develops, etc.

Baby food is presented in several types and is suitable for different ages.

  1. Milk formulas are mother's milk substitutes that can be used even for newborns. The best of them should be enriched with vitamins and microelements necessary for proper development.
  2. Puree in jars is the most common type of baby food, it is introduced from 4 months. This puree is made from various vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, etc.), fruits (banana, apple, pear, etc.) with the addition of cottage cheese and meat (chicken, turkey, beef, etc.) . There are single-component and consisting of several products at once (for example, a berry salad or a turkey with vegetables). The packaging of such baby food is the safest, because. does not allow air or harmful substances to pass through and can be stored closed for a sufficiently long period. Another plus of food in jars is the preservation of nutrients.
  3. Kashi. Suitable for babies (4 months) and older children. Groats familiar to an adult (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.) are subject to special processing, after which the porridge is perfectly digested by the child's body, saturating it with useful substances.
  4. Juices. Suitable for children from 3 months old. Good manufacturers make them from natural fruits and berries and do not add sugar (in products for the smallest). Juice is an important part of any child's diet.

The choice of quality food for a child is very important point. For example, milk mixtures are used from birth if the mother is not able to breastfeed. Imagine that from the very first days your child eats a poor quality product. Unpleasant, right? Therefore, it is important to know what can and should be purchased, and what will harm the health of the baby. Our rating of baby food manufacturers will allow you to choose the best and most suitable brand for you.

The best domestic firms - manufacturers of baby food

4 Sami with a mustache

balanced composition, modern technologies production
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Recently, the Ivanovo Combine introduced a new brand of baby food "Themselves with a mustache." The plant manufactures high quality products using the most modern equipment. It offers food for babies from 4 months old. In the development of each individual product, trends in nutrition and dietetics were taken into account. Now the Sami with a Mustache assortment includes fruit juices (apple with melon, peach, etc.), fruit purees in standard glass jars, meat, fish and vegetable purees in non-spill packs, as well as ready-made cereals for babies with 6 months. The prices for the company's products are quite reasonable.

Buyers note the pleasant balanced taste of baby food. Convenient travel packaging is another argument in favor of Themselves with a mustache. Such nutrition helps to properly introduce complementary foods and support the healthy development of the baby. Another product difference is the perfect combination of price and quality. Main advantages: modern technologies, balanced composition, optimal cost, positive reviews, wide range, convenient packaging.

3 Nutricia

Best quality
Country: Netherlands (produced in Russia)
Average price: 280 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Nutricia is a global brand for the production of baby food from birth to three years. Specializes in the production of milk mixtures. It offers three product lines: Nutrilon, Baby and Baby. The first is distinguished by the presence of specialized products (for children with low weight, premature babies, those with digestive disorders, diet therapy, etc.). "Baby" is made with the addition of zinc, iron, prebiotics and without sugar. "Kid", like other products of the brand, does not contain preservatives and dyes and has an optimal cost. High quality products make Nutricia one of the most sought-after companies in the domestic market.


  • mixtures for newborns;
  • excellent composition;
  • presented goods for children with disabilities;
  • different price categories;
  • hypoallergenic products.


  • not detected.

2 Agusha

The widest range
Country Russia
Average price: 31 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Agusha is another domestic baby food company. Differs in the production of a large number of different goods good quality. Offers a choice of three lines of products: "The First Spoon" - food for babies 4 months of age, includes biokefir, cottage cheese, mashed rabbit, turkey, apples, etc., drinking water and juices; "Agusha" - nutrition from 6 months: viscous and liquid yogurt with different flavors, fruit cottage cheese, milk with vitamins and prebiotics, dry cereals, mashed potatoes in jars, fruit drinks and more; "I myself" - suitable for use by children over 2.5 years old and consists of two-layer cottage cheese, drinking yogurt and milkshakes. The manufacturer also offers milk formulas that are suitable for babies from birth.


  • a large selection of goods;
  • suitable for all ages;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • there are products for newborns;
  • low price.


  • not always a good one.

1 FrutoNanny

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 33 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most popular Russian manufacturers baby food. It is included in the middle price category, but due to the frequent holding of interesting promotions and special offers, products can be classified as inexpensive. It has a wide range of products: cereals of various textures with and without additives (pieces of fruit, milk, etc.); fruit, vegetable and meat purees in jars; juices, nectars and fruit drinks; dairy products, water. There is a special line of hypoallergenic products.


  • wide selection;
  • products for the first complementary foods (from 4 months);
  • optimal cost;
  • like children;
  • good taste qualities;
  • natural composition.


  • useful ingredients are not in all products;
  • no mixtures.

The best companies - manufacturers of baby food with impeccable quality

4 Humana

Natural composition, strict quality control
Country: Germany
Average price: 300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The German manufacturer Humana represents the highest quality products with a completely natural composition. Each product of the company consists of carefully selected ingredients for every age. Among them, DHA acid, which is responsible for the development of the brain and nerve cells, many vitamins (Omega 3, 6, B2, D, C) and others. As useful trace elements, the manufacturer uses iodine, calcium, fluoride, gluten. The range includes children's tea, mixture, cereals, medical nutrition and puddings. The cost of Humana products is quite high, but it is fully justified by the ideal quality.

Experts believe that Humana formulas are ideal nutrition for babies. Moreover, among the products you can find a specialized treated mixture for children with lactose intolerance or premature babies. At each stage of production, strict quality control is carried out, which allows you to get the best product in all respects. The composition does not add preservatives, dyes and other harmful substances. Main advantages: natural well-thought-out composition, even the needs of children of different ages, healthy desserts, healthy nutrition, excellent reviews. Disadvantages: high cost.

3 HiPP

Best Taste
Country: Germany
Average price: 67 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The German manufacturer with a long history guarantees the highest quality of its products. Baby food using special technology and natural ingredients provides parents with peace of mind and a pleasant taste for babies. HiPP produces powdered milk formulas for healthy children and diet food. They are enriched with vitamins and hypoallergenic. The range also includes fish, meat purees, cream texture soups and much more. Recently, vegetable and fruit purees, dairy desserts and bio-juices have been added to the product line. An important feature HIPP is the absence of sugar in the composition. Organic ingredients retain the most beneficial trace elements and support the healthy development of the baby.


  • there is everything for feeding children from birth to 3 years;
  • good taste qualities;
  • eat products for indigestion;
  • hypoallergenic products.


  • high price.

2 Semper

The best assortment
Country: Sweden
Average price: 78 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For more than 70 years, the Swedish company Semper has been producing premium baby food. Thanks to strict control and high requirements in manufacturing, the company's products meet all standards and are of excellent quality. The choice of mothers presents a large number of products adapted to each age individually. Powdered milk formulas are suitable for newborns, some of them are intended for use from 6 months. There are even specialized mixtures for constipation. To feed babies from 4 to 6 months, vegetable and fruit purees are offered in jars and soft packs, various cereals, juices and special children's tea with vitamins. Oatmeal and multigrain wellings (8-11 months) are unusual cereals with delicious natural additives that will make your baby's meal even more enjoyable. Meatballs, meat and fish purees are good choices to expand your child's diet.


  • adaptation to every age;
  • unique recipes;
  • big choice;
  • European quality.


  • high price;
  • in some products not quite a useful composition.

1 Gerber

Excellent composition
Country: USA
Average price: 55 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The American manufacturer presents baby food from 6 months of age. High quality of production is provided with observance of technology and adherence to norms. Gerber's many years of experience make it possible to manufacture reliable baby food products. The range includes single-component and multi-component purees in fruit and vegetable jars, meat products, juices and desserts. The latter are represented by fruit cocktails in soft packaging, curd treats, etc. A child over 1 year old can get a healthy snack - a cereal bar or cookies.


  • eat products in soft packaging convenient for the child;
  • high quality;
  • good composition with vitamins;
  • a large selection of purees from one product.


  • high price;
  • children don't always like it.

The best firms - manufacturers of inexpensive baby food

4 diapers

Reliable manufacturer, wide range
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The main feature of the company "Spelenok" is the composition of the products. All ingredients here come from our own farm. Each component is full of vitamins and useful elements. The assortment includes a whole line of baby food: juices, purees, cereals and water. Important distinguishing feature this manufacturer - low price. At the same time, the quality of food is quite high. The composition of the product does not include salt, sugar and preservatives. Some products are hypoallergenic. Parents can purchase "Spelenok" food for a child from birth.

There is a choice of fruit and vegetable purees (pear with vitamin C, apple and cherry, broccoli, zucchini, etc.), with the addition of cottage cheese, milk porridge, a variety of juices, fruit drinks. Only natural healthy ingredients get to the table for kids. In production, specialists carefully monitor compliance with those. process and adhere to a special quality management system. Benefits: Wide range of nutrition, Quality ingredients from our own farm, Great value, Availability, Best reviews, Hypoallergenic products.

3 Babushkino Lukoshko

excellent quality
Country Russia
Average price: 44 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

"Babushkino Lukoshko" is distinguished by the presence of a fairly large selection of baby puree. It is presented both in jars and in soft packs. There are many options for mothers to choose from: one-component products; puree for the first meat (veal, horse meat, rabbit) and fish (cod and pink salmon with potatoes, salmon with vegetables) menu; cottage cheese with prunes, apricots, etc.; creamy and dairy with different fruits. The manufacturer also offers specialized children's herbal teas with amazing composition. And meatballs in meat broth are a surprisingly healthy and tasty treat for babies from 8 months.


  • natural composition;
  • a large selection of purees;
  • there are healthy teas;
  • low price.


  • not detected.

2 Darkness

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 39 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The domestic company offers baby food for babies from 6 months and is distinguished by the best price. The product range includes juices with pulp; meat and vegetable purees in jars of chicken, beef with rice and vegetables; biocurds with blueberries, strawberries, bananas, etc.; mashed turkey meat, veal with liver; bio yogurts with various flavors; special baby milk, etc. Kids love tasty delicacies from "Theme", and parents save money and are always calm about the health of their child.


  • low price;
  • availability;
  • pleasant taste.


  • jars in the form of canned food are not very convenient to use.

1 Heinz

Good value for money
Country: USA (produced in Russia, etc.)
Average price: 51 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The well-known food company occupies one of the leading positions in the production of baby food. It is distinguished by a wide selection of cereals: dairy-free, low-allergenic, drinkable and dry, fruit and milk, etc. The assortment includes mashed potatoes in jars of vegetables with meat, fish and fruits with cream. Baby cookies will be a healthy snack for babies from 5 months. Heinz offers parents a special vermicelli that is suitable for six-month-old children and has a light and fast way cooking. Fruit and cream puddings make a great dessert for any child.


  • low price;
  • range;
  • good taste.


  • no products for newborns;
  • not always natural composition.
  • 1 Benefits of a business with children
  • 2 How much does baby food cost
  • 3 Business idea how to open a baby food store
  • 4 Business plan baby store
    • 4.1 1. Market analysis
    • 4.2 2. Analysis target audience
    • 4.3 3. Preparation of the legal framework
    • 4.4 4. Assortment and markup for baby food and other product categories
    • 4.5 5. Search for suppliers
    • 4.6 6. Search for employees
    • 4.7 7. Marketing plan
    • 4.8 8. Financial plan
    • 4.9 9. Production plan

Opening a store focused on baby food is not difficult - it is more difficult to beat the competition with other sellers of children's goods. But if everything is done correctly, after reaching the payback, such a store can bring a decent income. We will analyze how to open a baby food store, how much investment you need and how quickly it will pay off.

Benefits of a business with children

The business, which is directly related to children's goods, is stable and promising. This niche is not subject to fluctuations, and prices for basic products only grow from year to year. The owner of a baby food store does not have to worry about possible crises: regardless of the season and other factors, there is no shortage of customers foreseen.

The demand for goods for children is absolutely at any time. If you choose the location of the point and the range of goods correctly, the baby food store will quickly reach payback and will be able to generate income for the owner within a few months after opening.

How much does baby food cost

The retail price of baby food depends on the product category, brand, manufacturer and other factors. Average retail prices now:

For milk mixtures - from 300 rubles

For dry mixes for making cereals - from 80 rubles

For vegetable and fruit purees - from 50 rubles

For meat purees - from 80 rubles

For juices for children - from 20 rubles

In this niche, you can set a margin on goods up to 100%, that is, the purchase price can be two times lower than the selling price.

Business idea how to open a baby food store

There are few specialized baby food stores. Usually these products are sold:

  • in children's departments of supermarkets;
  • in pharmacies;
  • in children's goods stores.

Even if your store specializes in food, it's wise to include other baby products as well, both food-related (plates, bibs, bottles, etc.) and non-food-related (clothes, toys). But keep in mind that this niche is highly competitive. In order for the business to be profitable, you need to carefully study the range and prices of all the surrounding stores with children's goods and the demand from your target audience. In order for the store to be profitable, you need to either attract customers with lower prices, or offer them in-demand products that competitors do not have, or Additional services(for example, home delivery).

You can also open an online store- in this case, you do not need to spend money on rent and repairs, but you will need a competent marketing strategy and advertising budget.

Children's store business plan

The business plan for a store with goods for children, like any other plan, should contain the following items:

1. Market analysis

Analyze your closest competitors. Where are their stores located? How much does location affect revenue generation? What are your competitors' product prices? Who is their target audience? Do they have a franchise, how successful is it? How much do your competitors earn approximately per month and how much do they spend on promoting their project? Based on the answers to these questions, you will be able to assess the prospects of your store, choose the best assortment and choose the right pricing policy.

2. Analysis of the target audience

If you open a business related to children in a residential area big city, Your target audience will be residents of the area who want to give their child the best from the first moments of his life. As a rule, you can put a high margin on such goods.

If you want to open a store with discounted or simply inexpensive goods, be guided by the needs of your target audience. In this case, it would be best to rent an inexpensive room and not put a high price tag on goods, since your potential buyer is not ready to overpay.

3. Preparation of the legal framework

To open a store with children's goods, you will need to create . Individual entrepreneurs also have obvious advantages - ease of registration (in 5 working days at the regional or city office of the federal tax service), low income tax (15 percent on net profit without additional payments) and business support that does not require special skills. If you would like to start a franchise, expand, or sell products that require a license (such as medicines, etc.), consider opening an LLC. Thus, you will get the opportunity to attract investors and sponsors to your business, you will be able to trade an unlimited number of goods and prepare the project for entering the medium business segment. When registering an LLC, taxes increase - you will have to pay about twice as much as an individual entrepreneur. The paperwork will also be significantly larger.

4. Assortment and margin for baby food and other product categories

For sale in a children's goods store, you will need to pick up a wide range of different products. Baby food must be presented - the mark-up for it on average in the market is one hundred percent, but at first you can reduce it in order to attract an audience. In addition, it makes sense to offer a variety of toys in the store, license-free sleep products and other useful devices that are in demand by parents. Additional products for parents will approximately double the revenue - stands with such products are always available in children's goods and food stores.

Treat the choice of assortment carefully - it is he who will attract or repel the first buyers. The assortment largely determines how quickly your store will reach full payback.

5. Search for suppliers

You can buy the products you need at wholesale warehouses throughout Russia or bring unique products from abroad. It is better to find regular large suppliers of goods, which are themselves a store with a wholesale warehouse, and purchase some of the assortment from them. You can find the best supplier either by reviews on thematic forums, or by personal acquaintance. Considering that the majority of entrepreneurs interested in starting their own business are not fully familiar with the specifics of their chosen field, good option there will be a search for suppliers through common bases and competitors. Finding out who supplies goods to your closest competitors is not difficult - this is written either on the official website of the stores, or in their declaration, which is posted on their website or on the portal of the federal tax service in the public domain.

6. Search for employees

The store needs a security guard, a cleaning lady (who may work from the shopping center where you rent the premises), two sales assistants. You yourself can act as a manager and director of the store. This will allow you to save on employee salaries and keep the situation inside your business under control. It is better to outsource accounting for the first six months - it will cost less than working with an accountant, and the quality will not change

7. Marketing plan

You need to write an advertising plan, also called a marketing plan. You can advertise your store both online and offline. Choose ads on city sites where your target audience is located, and in in social networks.

For websites, you will need to create banners (large pictures with a brief description of the product and a photo) and teasers (small pictures with a minimum amount of words and a small picture). For social networks, you will need to enable targeted advertising, which will select users from the core of your target audience and show the offer only to them. Create your own groups in the largest social networks and an Instagram page if you plan to expand your business.

Your website can become another tool for competent promotion. In the future, it will help you create an online store as well. This is goodidea for mums on maternity leave. Create a website, open sections with a forum and reviews. This will create an image of an honest company that is not afraid to receive criticism from potential clients. Also, the forum will allow you to focus on your Internet resource the entire target audience.

8. Financial plan

Create several tables showing all calculations - fixed and one-time expenses, estimated income, calculation financial indicators business. It will take from 50 thousand rubles to rent a room (a little more - if you rent a room not in mall, but in a residential building). It will be necessary to spend from one hundred thousand rubles on decorating the store (a one-time investment). Purchase of equipment will cost approximately 200 thousand rubles. Every month you will need to purchase new products and goods for sale - it will take up to three hundred thousand rubles when opening a small store. Don't forget to pay wages employees - for this it will be necessary to allocate from one hundred thousand rubles every month. Maintenance of cash desks and computers, outsourcing, obtaining licenses for the sale of medicines - about 30 thousand more per month. In this way will amount to at least 500,000 - 600,000 rubles. Business can pay off in 2-3 months.

The approximate profit after reaching the payback is from 500 thousand rubles per month. When you open an online store, it will double. Users will be able to pick up purchases directly in your physical store. Online stores also offer delivery services.

9. Production plan

In the production plan, they usually indicate how the room needs to be designed, where the electricity wires will pass, where the response system is located, and so on. The production plan will also allow you to make a list of all the purchases that you need to open your baby food store.

Specify how much the baby food you plan to purchase will cost, what other products you are going to focus on and how much you can mark up on them. Focus on data from competitors' stores, choosing the most suitable companies for your niche that sell the same products.

Today, the children's goods business is one of the most promising and profitable. If you are not afraid of competition and have studied the needs of your target audience well, open a baby food store and earn money.

For a business based on providing a variety of products for babies, one of the main products for trade is baby food. Its use covers a fairly large age period, which means that a constant demand for a variety of recipes is provided. The modern market represents a large number of sources for the acquisition necessary products: wholesale markets, directly manufacturers, . Of these three options, the last one is the most appropriate for several reasons:

  • buying on the market does not guarantee quality, and in the matter of baby food this is one of the most important criteria, since there is a responsibility for the health of the child;
  • at the same time, the acquisition through the manufacturer, firstly, requires access to it and the purchase of sufficiently large lots (otherwise, it may not be interested in cooperation). And secondly, the assortment will be significantly limited to just a few brands, which will negatively affect the number of consumers.

However, when choosing a supplier, you must also be guided by certain criteria.


It is worth trusting only trusted suppliers who have been on the market for quite a long time. This will serve as a guarantee of its reliability and consistency, and also allows you to count on stability and reasonable pricing. In addition, with a representative who has a good reputation for product quality, you can not worry about the result. Selling baby food is a business based on a fragile trust between seller and buyer. As soon as the slightest doubts appear on the part of young parents, one can safely count on a significant decrease in demand. Therefore, it is extremely important to always provide a product top level and valid retention periods.


It is important to was offered in the widest range both by species for different ages, and by manufacturers. By the way, both domestic and foreign manufacturers are in demand, which means that you can always offer the future buyer the product he needs at a reasonable price and from a well-known world brand. Diversity is, perhaps, one of the main points that allows you to cover the widest possible range of potential customers, which means that profits will grow proportionally.


Of course, when choosing a supplier, you need to carefully read the services they provide, discount programs and partnership agreements. This will save a certain part of the budget without sacrificing quality. It is also important that the company can deliver the ordered products in the required volume to the place of sale in a timely manner. To do this, it is better to find an organization with its own extensive fleet of vehicles, which allows you to count on the accuracy of arrival and the safety of the transported goods.


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