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Internet access problems require their immediate solution. Otherwise, resource use world wide web will be difficult. Especially for this, the provider Rostelecom has provided many help phones where you can get help on many issues. What is the phone number of the Rostelecom operator and how to get through to technical support if there are communication problems?

Calling for phone issues

In order to call Rostelecom regarding the incorrect operation of the phone, you should use the number +7-495-727-49-77. Oral complaints about the quality of communication services are accepted at this number. Calls from Rostelecom numbers are free of charge, but if you call from a mobile phone, the call will be paid. Also, This number has an automatic caller. It allows you to clarify the balance, get a certificate on services, find out the codes of cities and countries. The room is open 24/7.

If you are not yet connected to Rostelecom, but want to use its services (in particular, connect home phone), then you can call 8-800-100-08-00. A free call to the operator will allow you to quickly apply for connection. You can call the specified number around the clock and seven days a week.

If you have any other questions about Rostelecom services, you can use the form feedback located on the official website of the operator. You can't expect an immediate response using the form, so don't use it as a form of emergency contact with an operator.

Cellular communication from Rostelecom started to fail or you just have service questions? Then you should know that not so long ago subscribers mobile communications Rostelecom were transferred to the Tele2 network. In this regard, for assistance with work cellular communication you need to call 611 - it has a technical support service for subscribers of this operator.

We solve problems with the Internet

How to call a Rostelecom operator from a home or mobile phone if there are problems with the Internet or digital TV? All subscribers know that these services in Moscow are provided under the Online brand. Technical support is here, so you need to write down or remember the following numbers:

  • 8-800-707-80-00;
  • 8-800-707-12-12.

The first phone is aimed at those who just want to use the services of Rostelecom and connect their home Internet or digital TV. Also This number connects home phones(work on IP-technology). By calling it, you will connect with the operator to receive background information and apply.

The next number, 8-800-707-12-12, is aimed at those who want to call Rostelecom about problems with the provision of communication services and digital interactive television. Calls from home and from mobile phones to this number are free of charge. By calling technical support, you can ask consultants questions regarding the problems that have arisen.

How to call a Rostelecom operator from other regions

All the above numbers are valid for Rostelecom subscribers located in Moscow. If the subscriber belongs to another service area, for example, to the Rostov region or Novosibirsk, he should go to the Rostelecom website, select the name of his region there and go to the "Support" section. It is here that they will be indicated all operator numbers valid in the selected region.

Recently, the number 8-800-100-0800 has become the same for all regions. Also in some regions there are special short numbers for calls from city phones.

If you use Rostelecom, hotline tech support will prove to be very helpful later on. It is so important to get prompt and timely help from specialists in order to solve all the problems that arise.

There are several reasons to contact the contact center specialists:

  1. No internet access.
  2. There was a problem with the TV.
  3. The home phone does not work.
  4. Low data rate.
  5. Unable to access some resources.
  6. Access problems.
  7. The router is not transmitting a signal.
  8. The settings are off.
  9. Unable to login to personal account.
  10. Can't connect individual services or change rates.
  11. It is not possible to make a payment at the moment.
  12. You need to request certain information.
  13. You need a specific service that you would like to receive through a contact center specialist.
  14. Other situations in which it is impossible to do without the help of an employee.

These are just a few reasons to call support. In fact, there may be even more of them, so when various problems arise, it is so important to quickly contact the specialists.

Rostelecom: hotline for individuals

If you need help from technical support, then for individuals there is a general number 8 800 100 08 00 . You can call it from anywhere in Russia, having received all the information of interest.

What information may be requested from you by a contact center employee:

  • Account number.
  • Address.
  • Personal data of the person for whom the contract was drawn up.
  • Codeword.

Therefore, before contacting technical support, it is worth clarifying the l / s number for it to be provided to a specialist. According to this parameter, further data verification is carried out, the whole procedure takes a minimum of time.

For legal entities

If your company uses Rostelecom, a technical support phone will be required when difficult situations arise. It is extremely important to promptly resolve the problems that have arisen so that they do not affect the further work of the organization.

Dial 8-800-301-02-60. After a while, a specialist will answer you, he will study the situation and provide assistance. You will be able to eliminate unpleasant phenomena and restrictions in the services provided, which adversely affect the functioning of the company.

Providing Help Online

The main disadvantage of a standard technical support service is a long wait. In the evening, at maximum load, you can wait on the line for 10-20 minutes until a specialist answers. Therefore, more and more users are looking for a way to contact employees online.

You can go to the official website in your personal account, use the feedback form. Enter your number and question in it. A specialist will contact you shortly and provide assistance.

Another option is to download the My Rostelecom application. In it, you can get help from the technical support service in a separate chat. You will need:

  • Go to the official app store on the platform.
  • Find the program and install it.
  • Get authorized.
  • Go to the chat tab.
  • Enter your question.
  • Wait for the specialist to get in touch and his answer.

One advantage is that you do not have to wait for a response from an employee in the program. When he gets in touch, you can go to the application and read the message from technical support. This solution can significantly save the user's time. "My Rostelecom" provides many other useful functions. Subscribers of the company should download the program and evaluate its convenience.

Digital TV, home phone and internet from Russia's largest provider, Rostelecom, can malfunction for a variety of reasons. To deal with problems, a Rostelecom help desk was created, where experienced consultants work. It is they who provide subscribers with assistance in eliminating various difficulties. And from our review you will learn how to get through to the help desk of this operator.

Help Desk Rostelecom


Numbers for individuals

The operator Rostelecom has two main categories of users - individuals and corporate clients. They offer separate rates and services. Accordingly, there are two separate help desks for both categories. One call-center works for individuals, and the second - for legal entities and entrepreneurs.

For all subscribers who are individuals, there is a single Rostelecom help desk for connection issues and tariffs. Here you will not be provided technical support, but they will be happy to answer any other questions - you can ask them at 8-800-100-08-00. This number works in all regions of Russia, and not only in Moscow and the Moscow region. Most often, it is called by future customers who are just planning to become subscribers.

Now you have a Rostelecom phone number for inquiries, but in most cases we do not need inquiries, but technical support. There is one subtlety here - in the capital, Rostelecom services are offered under the OnLime brand, and this brand has its own phones to assist future and already established subscribers. Here are the numbers:

  • 8-800-707-80-00 - for connection questions;
  • 8-495-981-66-89 - for technical issues.

The first Rostelecom help desk number is intended for those who are just planning to use the provider's services. Here you can get advice on tariffs, clarify the coverage area, ask consultants about the connection procedure.

Any technical questions are asked by the second number of the Rostelecom help desk:

  • Internet does not work;
  • Decreased access speed
  • Digital television fails;
  • Some TV channels do not work;
  • Certain resources do not open;
  • Unable to use additional services;
  • "Personal account" does not work;
  • Broken subscriber equipment;
  • Home phone does not work, etc.

Besides, on the operator's website, in the "Help" section, you will find a Rostelecom guide on various issues. Here are answers to all the most popular questions, which allows you to do without the help of consultants.

Rooms for corporate clients

If you are a corporate client, the helpline numbers will be different for you. They do not consult individuals and do not answer their questions. Let's see what these numbers are:

  • 8-800-301-01-60 - here any questions are asked regarding the connection of services for corporate clients (these are Internet and IP-telephony);
  • 8-800-301-02-60 - Rostelecom's reference for already established business users. Here questions of a technical nature are asked;
  • 8-800-200-99-09 - connection questions for representatives of large businesses;
  • 8-800-200-30-00 - Rostelecom's technical help desk for large businesses.

Be sure to write down these phone numbers if you want to have constant access to help desks operator.

Calls to all phones presented in this review are completely free of charge - this applies to both individuals and corporate clients.

Rostelecom has recently come out on top in providing telephony, Internet and television services. In order to be able to use the necessary service, you must at least know about it.

Among the company's services broadband access on the Internet, television, which is provided on a paid basis. At the same time, the number of customers is growing every year. On the Russian market Rostelecom is recognized as one of the leaders. Among the users are not only ordinary citizens, but also corporate clients.

Agree, not every client can contact the office of the company in order to resolve all the issues that have arisen. That's what the free phone number was designed for.

8-800-1000-800 is the hotline number where you can get all the information, while you do not need to contact the office. The number can be dialed either in the format 8 800 100 0 800 or in the format 78001000800.

Benefits of Call Center Service

By the hotline number you can find out a lot of different information, solve problems.
  • The customer support center operator is provided with any information that you need.
  • Thanks to a single phone number, multi-channel dial-ups were created, while on each line the client receives the information that he needs.
  • Calls received by employees from all over Russia are processed by support centers, of which there are a large number throughout the country.
  • In addition to a single number, in each region it is possible to get through to the operator of your city. It is enough just to decide on the city where it is easier for you to get through. So, for example, in the city of Voronezh you can call the number

What can be found on the hotline?

All that is required of you as a client of the company is to tell the employee your contract number, phone number or address at which you have any questions.

The call to the technical support number may be delayed if the queue is large.
  1. If you have problems with connecting to the Internet, you can contact the CPC and clarify the information. If there are no restrictions on the line, then the employee will diagnose the connection with you directly by phone and help resolve the issue.
  2. If there is a question about tariff plan(this applies to the Internet, television, landline phone), the employee will help you choose the tariff that suits you.
  3. Information is also provided on general issues: where the company's offices are located, what can be done in a given situation.
  4. In addition, customers are provided with assistance with the use of personal account, by activating or deactivating services independently without the help of employees.

Rostelecom support line problems

  • Slow Internet speed or its complete absence;
  • When viewing interactive television, there are problems with the image quality of the picture;
  • financial question- for what this or that amount was charged, whether the monthly fee is calculated correctly;
  • Problems that may occur on the equipment.

If a client has a question about any services provided by Rostelecom, he can always turn to the hotline for help, as it works around the clock.

It is unlikely that there is a person all over the world who uses the services of any telecom operator and has never encountered various kinds of problems. Breakdowns occur for everyone - infrequently, of course, but they do happen. For their prompt elimination and consultation on issues of concern to subscribers, technical support centers have been created. In this material, we will give recommendations to Rostelecom users - we will list all the numbers that you can contact in case of incorrect provision of services.

Rostelecom hotline phone

Where to call individuals

It should be said right away that technical support for Rostelecom users is carried out at different numbers. Only for calls from residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region, several numbers are allocated. Each of them has its own function: somewhere we can get only general information (often introductory) about the provider's services; employees of other call centers provide comprehensive advice and help to sort out a specific case of breakdown. By the way, there are separate telephone numbers for servicing private, that is, individuals, and legal entities.

For residents of the capital and the region, the process is complicated by the fact that Rostelecom exists in this territory under the name OnLime - the brand has its own hotline.

8-800-100-08-00 - Rostelecom's hotline, where technical support is provided for users in all regions of the Russian Federation. By calling here, you can get advice on how to connect a landline phone, Internet or set up digital TV and answers to other general questions. However, the employees of this line will not help in particular situations of breakdown or any malfunction. There are other services for this.

The issues of connecting Rostelecom services are dealt with by the number: 8-800-707-80-00. The operators will accept your application and also clarify whether there is a connection in your house, apartment or office. Please note that the employees of the line do not deal with problems related to the absence of the Internet for some reason.

To resolve such issues, please call 8-800-707-12-12. This will help you if:

  • the speed of the Internet connection has suddenly decreased;
  • the Internet does not work - finding out and eliminating the causes;
  • broken equipment;
  • impossibility or some difficulties of connection;
  • the connection is unstable and interrupted;
  • some TV channels disappeared;
  • bugs, glitches in the modem;
  • landline phone not working.

This is where you need to look for full-fledged, comprehensive technical support for Rostelecom subscribers.

Note: the specified number is intended to serve only users of services from the capital and the Moscow region. A complete list of telephone hotlines by region is available on the official website of Rostelecom.

Where to call legal entities

Rostelecom hotline for technical support legal entities: 8-800-200-3000. It is intended exclusively for corporate users of the provider's services. The issues of connecting various options are dealt with by the call center employees by phone 8-800-200-99-09. If you are interested in questions related to OnLime, you can get advice and support by calling: 8-800-301-01-30. Please note that this is the hotline of OnLime.

These are the basic telephone numbers of Rostelecom technical support. As you can see, several hotlines of a certain specialization and focus operate in parallel, which makes the process of providing assistance prompt and efficient. In order not to experience irritation once again when communicating with operators, be careful when dialing the hotline number.


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