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Wind generators are special electrical devices that are able to generate energy under the influence of wind force. The product is an asynchronous electric motor with an installed additional equipment. Due to the rotation of the blades, the generator shaft is set in motion, which activates the brushes and contributes to the generation of electricity.

In the domestic space, the topic of autonomous electrification is gaining quite a lot of popularity, so these generators will be in stable demand. Unlike an ordinary electric motor, a wind turbine is able to develop more power at a relatively lower speed. For the production of these products, you will need special stands and tools. It is also important to attract qualified specialists in the field of electronics.

A room for the assembly of generators.

For organization efficient enterprise for the manufacture of autonomous generators, a room is required. The average size of the area should be at least 400 squares, while the total space will have to be divided into a warehouse, production and assembly room.

Each department will have people working as well as Technical equipment. It is best to rent an industrial building, where there is a connection of all necessary communications, in particular water, electricity and heating. To save on rent, it is recommended to rent objects that are located outside the city limits, but no further than 25 km from the city, as in the future there may be problems with the delivery of raw materials and finished products. For example, when organizing a business in Moscow, the average cost per square meter is 8,400 rubles per year, taking into account the location of the facility in an industrial zone.

The total cost of renting space for organizing an enterprise: 400 (total area) x 8,400 = 3,360,000 rubles per line year. The calculated figures do not include tax expenses.

Tools and units for the production of generators.

Autonomous electrical generators are a fairly complex system that contains many electronic devices. These devices must be serviced and assembled to run the device. Therefore, the company will definitely need a set of serious tools and equipment. It is possible to purchase units through a dealer network, where the probability of buying a fake is minimal. By buying from an official manufacturer, you can completely avoid problems with the maintenance and repair of units.

Approximate list of working equipment:

Stand for settings and tests - 210,000 rubles;
- drilling machine - 31,000 rubles;
- a machine for winding coils - 52,000 rubles;
- contact tester (set of 10 pieces) - 45,000 rubles;
- machine for checking the device - 94,000 rubles;
- small tools - 12,000 rubles.

General approximate financial investments for the purchase industrial species units for further production: 210,000 + 31,000 + 52,000 + 45,000 + 94,000 + 12,000 = 444,000 rubles. Transportation, setup and other costs are not taken into account.

Attracting specialists to the enterprise.

Specialists are needed to organize an efficient conveyor production line. Without trained personnel with experience it is impossible to equip the enterprise. The staff can consist of 5 main specialties, in particular: engineer, electrician, CNC technician, assembler and loader. Each of the workers must have the appropriate experience and skills, as the speed of production depends on this.

General rates for wages:

Engineer (shop manager) - 63,000 rubles;
- electrician (5th category) - 52,000 rubles;
- a technician with CNC experience - 46,000 rubles;
- collector - 31,000 rubles;
- loader of finished products - 25,000 rubles.

All payroll calculations are carried out taking into account 1 month of work of specialists at the enterprise. The total costs of the enterprise: 63,000 + 52,000 + 46,000 + 31,000 + 25,000 = 217,000 rubles. For the entire production year of work in production: 217,000 x 12 = 2,604,000 rubles.

Correct and timely promotion of products will allow the business to adapt to the market as quickly as possible and get the first potential clients. To organize advertising with relatively low cost you can use the services of various companies. It is also quite realistic to arrange promotion on your own, using the Internet, the press, radio and the free distribution of leaflets. Approximate promotion and advertising costs this enterprise will amount to 450,000 rubles. Cost indicators may vary depending on the specific region where the enterprise for the production of autonomous generator systems is located.

Implementation of autonomous generators and the payback period of all investments.

You can sell ready-made autonomous generators on the domestic market to a domestic buyer or companies that install autonomous energy systems for the home.

The cost of one unit is about 45,000 rubles, while if you sell about 50 pieces in 1 month, then the total profit will be - 45,000 x 50 \u003d 2,250,000 rubles, and for the year \u003d 2,250,000 x 12 \u003d 27,000,000 rubles, which is quite beneficial for this area. With all costs, the payback period for active work will be - 6 - 7 months.

By 2020, Rosatom will build three wind farms in Russia using Dutch technology. At the end of January, the "daughter" of the state corporation, the United Thermal Power Company (OTEK), entered into a partnership agreement with the manufacturer of wind farms Lagerwey.
Wind power for the state corporation is one of the promising non-nuclear areas. In 2016, Rosatom won the tender for the construction of three wind farms in Russia with a total capacity of 610 MW. In order not to reinvent the wheel, the corporation's specialists analyzed the technologies available on the market and chose the best one. The partnership with Lagerwey implies the organization of the production of wind power plants in Russia and the transfer of critical technologies necessary for the construction of wind turbines. An important condition of the deal is the localization of the production of components for windmills at a level of at least 65%. During this year will be created joint venture with equal shares of participation, which will ensure the maximum interest of the foreign partner in the implementation of projects in Russia. The joint venture will be engaged in the production, assembly and installation of wind turbines, the formation and management of a supply chain, maintenance services, as well as the supply of wind turbines manufactured in Russia to the domestic and foreign markets.
As part of the project, three wind farms will be built in southern Russia: in the Republic of Adygea (Shovgenovsky, Giaginsky and Koshekhablsky districts) and in the Krasnodar Territory (Temryuksky district). “We are talking about creating a completely new industry in Russia,” said First Deputy CEO"Rosatom" Kirill Komarov. “The State Corporation sets itself the task of not only building wind power plants, but also creating a system of technical regulation, training, localizing the production of wind turbines, certification, and developing R&D.”


The volume of investments in the project is about 84 billion rubles. The amount of planned bank financing at the first stage of the project is 65 billion rubles. “We are now finishing the competition among banks that are ready to act as financial partners of Rosatom. The project is quite significant - it is about 1.3 billion euros in volume," Kirill Komarov told the RBC TV channel.
According to Igor Kotov, General Director of AEM Technologies, options for localizing the manufacture of components for wind turbines have already been worked out. At the foundry of the Petrozavodsk branch of AEM Technologies, it is planned to localize the production of blanks for hubs, nacelle frames and rotors. The main production will be located in Volgodonsk, at Atommash, which has all the necessary infrastructure, including its own berth. From Volgodonsk it is convenient to deliver installations to the south. In 2017, Atommash will organize production of modular towers and assembly of key elements and systems of wind turbines: nacelles, hubs, generators, cooling systems. “Here is Umatex Group ( Management Company division "Composite materials". - "SR") will place the production of the most complex element of the wind turbine - the blades," Igor Kotov specifies. The new facilities will make it possible to produce about 100 wind turbines with a total capacity of 250 MW per year.

Who will you hang out with

Founded in 1979, Lagerwey has almost 40 years of experience in the design, manufacture, operation, supply chain management and after sales support of wind turbines. The Dutch company, according to Rosatom experts, has developed the most promising technology for the construction of windmills with direct drive (without a gearbox). The share of such installations in the world has been growing in recent years, replacing other types, since direct-drive wind turbines are much cheaper to maintain. Lagerwey is both the owner of the technology and the developer technological solutions turbines, and a manufacturer of key components (except blades).


Partnership with Lagerwey will allow not only to localize the production of wind turbines as much as possible, but also to promote products manufactured in Russia in the international arena, according to Rosatom.
The prospects for the expansion of Lagerwey design units to the regions where Rosatom has a presence abroad were another factor in choosing a partner. The installation has not only standard technological characteristics(PVC, power curve, etc.) are on high level. The Lagerwey wind turbine is the lightest and most compact in its class, which greatly simplifies
logistics. And the modularity of the design makes it possible to supply units to countries with an undeveloped transport infrastructure.


Nuclear scientists can only envy the pace of development of wind energy in the world. According to the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), in the first half of last year, the world's wind generation capacity increased by 21 GW. For comparison: during this time only 5.3 GW of nuclear power was introduced. Two factors influence the development of the global renewable energy market. First, the cost of technologies in the sector has decreased so much that RES can compete with hydrocarbons. Secondly, environmental problems, in particular global warming, form the state policy towards RES, and the industry receives support in different countries.
In Russia, by 2024, the wind energy capacity may reach 3.6 GW, and the market turnover may reach 200 billion rubles. In less than 10 years, the potential demand for the construction of wind farms in our country, the production of wind turbines, components, operation and maintenance services will approach 400 billion rubles. Rosatom expects
in the next six to seven years to put on Russian market about 600 wind turbines with a total capacity of 1.6 GW.

Experts Russian Association The wind industry (RAWI) estimated the potential of the wind power equipment market in Russia at more than €6 billion. This is explained by the fact that by the next decade it is planned to commission wind farms with a capacity of up to 3.6 thousand MW, subject to the mandatory localization of equipment by 65% ​​in 2016. Such deadlines, according to the association, will push Russian manufacturers to the creation of foreign joint ventures. At the same time, RAWI hopes that there will be no obstacles to the transfer of Western technologies due to political events.

In 2013, the government limited the use of foreign equipment to ensure investment in Russian wind energy. According to the resolution, it is necessary to localize the production of wind turbines by 55% in 2015 and by 65% ​​in 2016-2020. During this period, it is planned to commission wind farms with a capacity of up to 3.6 thousand MW. As a result, the market for manufacturers of wind turbines and their components may now exceed €6 billion, according to RAWI.

“Since the modern wind energy market in Russia is only gaining momentum, there are no enterprises producing entirely megawatt-class wind turbines yet. But power engineering, shipbuilding, metalworking industrial enterprises Russia, thanks legal requirement high degree localization, there is a chance to reach new market with the production of components for global manufacturers of wind turbines,” said Igor Bryzgunov, President of the RAWI.

According to the association, such enterprises as SSM-Tyazhmash LLC, Zenit-Khimmash LLC, Togliatti Transformator LLC, OJSC Kazan Motor Building Production Association"and LLC "Alfa-tech". At the same time, the RAWI emphasizes that the timing for the localization of equipment will push Russian companies to the creation of foreign joint ventures, and hope that the aggravation of Russia's political relations with the countries of the European Union and the United States will not be an obstacle.

“Of course, political events affect the markets. Communication with partners has somewhat slowed down, because this big energy, albeit renewable. Western partners are weighing their decisions, but the trend towards strengthening renewable energy is global, so we are optimistic about the development of this market in Russia. Wind power systems are not dual-use systems in any way. Therefore, we hope that there will be no obstacles to the transfer of such technologies by Western companies to a new high-potential market,” Mr. Bryzgunov believes.

It should be noted that the design of wind farms began in 2009, and sites for their construction in the amount of more than 2,500 MW are already ready. Among the developers: LLC VES, LLC Vetropark, CJSC VetroOGK, CJSC Windlife Arctic Power (Netherlands), LLC ALTEN, LLC VES-Mirny, LLC VES-Oktyabrsky, LLC VETROEN - YUG-G”, LLC “Wind Generation Company”, LLC “ComplexIndustriya”, LLC “Vent Rus”, LLC “Kurganskaya VES”, LLC “DVVES” and JSC “RusHydro”.

In 2013 ATS (Administrator trading system wholesale market electric power) conducted the first selection of renewable energy sources, as a result of which ComplexIndustriya will commission 105 MW of wind farms in the Astrakhan, Orenburg and Ulyanovsk regions in 2016-2017. Based on the results of the 2014 selection, ALTEN will launch the first stage of the Priyutnenskaya WPP with a capacity of 51 MW in the Republic of Kalmykia by 2015.

According to NP Market Council, contracts will be signed for selected projects that provide investors with guaranteed cost recovery for 15 years with a base yield of 14% per annum (the current yield depends on the yield of long-term federal loan bonds). Until 2020, the volume of investments in the development of renewable energy will amount to 561 billion rubles, said the head of the Ministry of Energy Alexander Novak.

The corporation plans to build wind farms in regions where strong winds often blow: in the North-West, the Far East, Siberia and the South of Russia.

Now, according to the corporation, Russia's share in the production of wind energy is negligible - there are separate wind power plants in the country, the productivity of the most powerful of which reaches about 5 MW per year. At the same time, wind energy production is constantly increasing all over the world. China is planning to increase the generation of energy from wind by 20 GW per year, the annual increase in Europe reaches about 10 GW, around 40 GW of wind energy generating capacities are commissioned annually around the world, which, roughly speaking, corresponds to the capacity of 40 nuclear power units.

The main problem in the production of windmills is generators, according to Rosatom. Suitable ones are not produced in Russia, and the installation of powerful foreign ones turns out to be economically inefficient due to their large weight and cost.

As explained to Izvestia by the head of the Rosatom project "Russian Superconductor", director of CJSC Science and Innovations Viktor Pantsirny, A breakthrough to the wind energy market will be helped by the development of a fundamentally new generator based on high-temperature superconductors.

“The new generator will have an advantage over existing energy sources due to the fact that it will weigh 4 times less than the devices currently used. It is much easier and cheaper to lift and mount at a height of 250 m a unit weighing 80 tons, and not 300, - explains Pantsirny.

The corporation is ready to pay 168 million rubles for the development of a prototype of such a device. According to the terms of reference, the sample power should be 1 MVA, frequency 150 rpm, and the superconducting elements of the generator should be cooled using a cryogenic system (at the same time, in addition to the generator, according to the terms of reference, researchers will have to invent an electric motor, a kinetic energy storage device and a test bench for all these products operating on high-temperature superconductors).

But industrial production the main element of the wind power mill - a light generator is still in doubt - there are no necessary high-temperature superconductors of suitable quality for the production of our own high-temperature superconductors. Rosatom has already bought the technology for the production of this material from the German company Bruker HTS for about 2 billion rubles. But the technology turned out to be imperfect. The production of ultra-temperature conductors needs to be improved and additional scientific research is needed. In generators, high-temperature superconductors, after working for about a month, begin to degrade. Until this problem is solved, it will not be possible to establish industrial production of competitive windmills.

As soon as the degradation problem is solved, Science and Innovations CJSC plans to start producing superconductors on an industrial scale. It is planned to introduce seven or eight production lines that will be able to produce up to 7 thousand km of superconductors per year. This will be enough to produce generators not only for the needs of the wind energy industry in Russia, but also for deliveries abroad, the developer expects.


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