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The acquisition of goods is a process that obeys certain psychological stereotypes of customers. Some things are bought spontaneously (a sudden inner impulse plays a dominant role here), and some - only after a scrupulous analysis of the available information about the product.

Making plans

How to increase sales in retail store? This is a question that worries most store managers. Unfortunately, a miracle cure has not yet been invented that allows you to quickly and efficiently raise revenue to heaven. There are many challenges to overcome on the path to prosperity. And it's up to you to decide if you can do it.

Real steps

According to experts in this field, there are the following ways to increase sales:

Ensuring a stable flow of customers and frequency of purchases.

An increase in the average check, that is, the sale of goods for a large amount.

Which path is best to follow? How to increase sales in the most efficient way? To answer these questions, consider each method separately.

Increase in the number of buyers

To make as few mistakes as possible by deciding to stick to this plan, you need to be a competent marketer. Special knowledge will help answer the question of how to increase sales compared to the previous reporting period.

According to statistics retail, at least one in ten visitors will definitely buy something. Therefore, the more visitors, the more buyers. How to increase sales in a retail store?

The most effective options

  • Place all kinds of promotional materials on the so-called shopping trail next to the outlet. To do this, it is necessary to determine exactly where the customer flow passes near the store. Advertising materials are designed to make people remember the existence outlet and visit her.
  • Distribute promotional information of an information-stimulating nature. Decide which channel will be most suitable for disseminating information about your store - glossy magazines, radio, television, directories, Internet advertising, mailbox flyers, etc.
  • The most advantageous option is the so-called cross-events. They are joint promotions with other firms. The main goal is to attract as many customers as possible with the help of partner companies. As an example, the following event can be cited: a store that sells perfumery and cosmetic products distributes discount coupons on the territory of a nearby office center. The people who come to the store are the attracted customers of the partner. Another option is an event aimed at the exchange of flows. So, on the territory of a clothing store, customers are provided with bonuses for jewelry, and in a jewelry store - vice versa. Such cross-promotions allow you to increase sales in a retail store, spending a minimum amount of money for this purpose. This covers the most loyal audience.
  • Place ads at the boundaries of the outlet coverage. It is no secret that each store has its own reach of customers, that is, people who are ready to go or go there to purchase the necessary goods. For example, a grocery mini-market has a shopping area limited to a couple of residential buildings, since few people decide on a half-hour walk for matches or salt. If we consider a large store household appliances, then we can talk about the whole area. The “warmest” circle will be made up of buyers living closest to this outlet. The working coverage is average in "warmth" group, located a few stops from the store. This is where the bulk of potential buyers are concentrated. On the border of this particular circle, you should place an advertisement for a retail outlet. This option will allow step by step to expand the coverage of territories.

Increase in the number of purchases

Here in the first place is thoughtful work with the existing customer base. This entire array can be divided into regulars, the main mass and the so-called ballast. Let's consider these types in more detail:

Regulars are active and most loyal customers. The share of such clients should ideally be from 20 to 40% of the total audience.

The bulk. These people visit the store from time to time, they are capable of “treason” if, for example, a sale is held at another outlet.

- Ballast. Clients outside target audience shop, or visitors make up this layer.

If you are wondering how to increase sales in a retail store, you should work most closely with the second type of customer. Professionals know that it takes less money to retain customers than to attract new customers. It's time to launch a loyalty program, which is a system of events aimed at encouraging and retaining customers. An important pattern: 80% of profits are provided by 20% of buyers.

The loyalty program has several strategic goals:

Stimulation of constant appeals of buyers;

Increasing the amount and frequency of purchases;

Building a client database;

Formation of a solid reputation of the company in the eyes of customers;

Attracting new customers.

The mechanisms of cumulative discounts and bonuses work very effectively.

Increasing the conversion of the outlet

How to increase sales in a retail store, taking into account this indicator? First, we note that conversion refers to the ratio of buyers to visitors. It is quite natural to strive to ensure 100% conversion. However, even 50% will be acceptable.

There are two most common reasons for low conversion. This is unsatisfactory merchandising and unproductive work of the staff.

Increasing the average amount in a check

To increase this indicator, you can sell either an expensive product or more units of a cheap product. The second option is considered the simplest. What steps to take in this case?

Competent duplication of the most popular products at additional points, filling the checkout area with useful little things, laying out sets. Equally important is the constant work with the staff: trainings, seminars, lectures, etc.

Above is general information. Now let's look at how to apply the acquired knowledge in certain areas.

Simple tricks will help you understand how to increase wholesale sales or succeed in retail. Strive to ensure that every step you take is aimed at improving the quality of services and forming a good image of the company.

Florist business

How to increase sales of flowers? To do this, here are some examples of effective tricks:

  • Building a sales system. Did the client buy a bouquet? Excellent! Ask him what kind of ribbon is better to wrap the flowers with (at the same time, offer the most advantageous option for you), what toy he will choose for the bouquet (“They usually take a teddy bear with these flowers ...”), what kind of chocolate does the recipient prefer - black or white?
  • Formation of the client base. Try to get the contact details of each buyer. Run lotteries. For example, each person who bought a bouquet before a certain date gets a chance to win ten thousand rubles on account of buying flowers.
  • Stimulation of sellers. An employee who sells bouquets for a large amount receives, for example, a certificate for spa services. Holding such competitions regularly, you will think less and less about how to increase the sale of flowers: the employees will do everything for you.
  • Anticipating customer expectations. Very effective in this regard is the presentation of cute trinkets with purchases made. A successful example of one of the flower shops: on Valentine's Day, store employees launched butterflies, which delighted all customers.

Second hand

In order to succeed in this business, it is very important to choose the right location for the outlet. To sell used items, it is not necessary to rent space in elite business centers. A place in a residential area or near the market is quite suitable.

How to increase second-hand sales using an air freshener? In fact, this means of household chemicals can help in the formation of a positive image of the company. The fact is that all second-hand goods are disinfected with a special gas before being sent from Europe. Such chemicals have an extremely unpleasant odor. That's why a couple of spray cans of air freshener will come in handy. In addition, it is important to provide natural ventilation of the room.

For the last six years I have been selling myself and teaching others how to sell.

At one time, I was lucky to develop the sales department at IPS (Isaac Pintosevich Systems), close space checks in the Amazon Chamber of Commerce, and now I build sales in the LABA educational platform.

We sell our products in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany and the Baltic countries. This is a rather complex process that requires the coordinated work of the entire team.

What happened in those six years?

In the first week of work as a sales manager, I signed 3 contracts for a total of $23,000

Year held the first place in sales among thirty people

Personal record - 372% of the plan

For a year of work, he went from trainee to acting. head of the IPS sales department with thirty sales managers subordinate

Signed contracts with thirty unfamiliar clients in one day of the conference

Doubled the turnover of the LABA educational platform in the first month of operation

I am constantly learning, I have been trained by the best specialists: Belfort, Adizes, Cialdini, Ferrazi, Gandapas etc.

Another personal record - sales of a product of a budget price category for $62,000 per month

I sold a lot, experimented with various schemes and made enough mistakes until he came up with the formula for the perfect sale. This formula can be used to increase the turnover of the ENTIRE sales department, not an individual manager.

Myths that are often found in novice sales managers.

A salesperson needs to be born

This is how most people think, especially those who are just starting their journey in this direction. In fact, selling is an accessible formula that anyone can master.

If you're juggling or driving a car for the first time, chances are you'll make mistakes at first.

But if you have good teachers, over time, you will learn to do it easily and with minimal mistakes. Sales are no exception!

Selling is vaping

You can hardly tell 97% of salespeople apart. These inept managers from the very beginning of the conversation are trying to tell as quickly as possible that they are the best, they have the best company, the best delivery, conditions, etc.

They do not know and do not try to find out what the client needs at all. With this approach, it is really vparivanie. What benefit does such a salesperson bring to the client and what is the probability that the client will buy your product and be satisfied?

Selling is bad

Every day we all sell something. Going to the cinema, what dish to eat for dinner, an idea for clients or management, services, etc.

When selling a quality service or product that can help the client, this cannot be bad. If you help a person, what's wrong with that?

In fact, selling high-quality, sought-after goods is prestigious, and most importantly, they pay very well for it.

Myths of Sales Executives or Business Owners

A good sales manager is easy to find

Now I'll probably upset you. Good sales managers don't look for work - work finds them. There are practically no good sales managers on the market. It's not enough to just post a job and sales geniuses will come to you.

A good sales manager has long since sold his competencies and of course has highly paid commissions. Not in your company.

Practice has shown that it is necessary to look for potential employees who are ready to learn and grow real “sales wolves” out of them. It is difficult, requires certain knowledge and effort. But it definitely works.

Sales managers will actively sell themselves, as they want to earn more

Alas, no matter how well-thought-out system of material motivation you have, it is not enough to keep the fuse of your employee at the highest level.

A sales manager is a person with his own inner beliefs, fears, interests and priorities. Only thanks to the right approach to the management of each employee, you will be able to keep your sales department at a high motivational level.

The most terrible myth that can destroy your sales team

Once everything is set up, everything works fine and it will always be so.

I think each of you at least once thought or hopes that this is possible.

The sales department is the link that should bring most of the finances to the company. And it should be constantly worked on and improved.

Once every three months, it is necessary to improve and revise the strategy in the sales department.

Set new bonuses for certain indicators, change teams or projects on which they worked, set plans for a month, three and six months.

Sales managers are storm troopers by nature and the usual routine affects them negatively - motivation is lost, indicators begin to fall, there are fewer satisfied customers.

Therefore, you must constantly keep your finger on the pulse of your sales team and, if it begins to weaken, take prompt action.

7 tips to increase the turnover of your sales force


The right people are the backbone of any sales force.

How often do you conduct interviews? How often do you manage to find a good sales manager?

Most companies conduct face-to-face interviews. This approach works in the selection of top management, but not for the sales department.

Competitive interviews are required. So you can save your time and, no less important, emphasize the value of the vacancy in the eyes of the applicant.

If your new employee not just passed the interview, but openly fought for his position with competitors, he will appreciate it much more.

One of the most important skills of a "salesperson" is purposefulness. Make the competition so that it can show this quality. The selection process should take place in several stages.

It is important that each stage is much more difficult - so you can understand how goal-oriented a potential employee is.


In many companies, in the first days of work, an employee in the sales department encounters such problems:

  • they do not know what and how to do, so they walk, drink coffee and interfere with other employees;
  • they try to sell before they have all the tools and just burn leads or, even worse, ruin your reputation.

You must have a clear system of adaptation. It is necessary to equip the employee with all the knowledge about the product and scripts for working with the client. This will allow you to get rid of the turnover and quickly introduce the manager to the position.


Surprisingly, most companies do not use essential tools for the work of the sales department, even though they are quite easy to master - CRM, IP-telephony, voice recording system, etc.

Implementing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) will help you see the picture of your relationship with each client. Here you can enter the client's phone number, his full name, position, city and many other data into the database.

With the help of such a system, it is convenient to keep track of invoices, prepayments and completed transactions - this will allow you to quickly respond to any changes in sales.

The introduction of such a system usually increases turnover by at least 15%. And cloud solutions do not require large budgets.

In the LABA educational platform, we write our own software, which meets all of our sales analytics needs. We will definitely devote a separate article to this product, it is worth it).


Many people know what scripts are (algorithms for talking with a client), but few people use them. Managers understand that such a toolkit increases sales in the company, but for some reason they give their managers the opportunity to improvise in a conversation with a client.

Improvisation is the worst case scenario in a conversation when a manager needs to understand the needs of the client and correctly explain all the benefits of the product.

The script needs to be developed, and this, believe me, is not the easiest task you have encountered. It constantly needs to be tightened up and tested in conversations - this is a permanent process.

However, the game is worth the candle - the introduction of such a tool can increase the manager's sales by 30% after the first month.

Don't forget the food book. This is your company's product catalog, which every manager should know by heart. Every detail and detail, every feature of your product. A seller who knows his product perfectly, customers consider a professional - this is an axiom.


At this point, it is important to note that your sales department should work automatically. How Swiss Watches- without interruption.

To do this, you need a technical specialist - administrator. This employee will monitor overdue tasks from managers, unloading potential customers. It is also his task to ensure that telephony accounts do not run out of money.

It is very important to constantly work with the customer base. The administrator of the sales department will be able to control clients that take a lot of time. At the same time, the result from such clients is zero.

Create a black pool where you will bring in customers who have not bought anything for a long time or a lot of contact with them.

We will talk about the possible reasons for the decline in sales in retail or wholesale store, how to solve the problem and how to increase the number of sales step by step.

When they fall financial results businesses, action must be taken quickly. How to increase sales? is the cornerstone of business.

There are several effective ways to increase sales and increase the profitability of the store. Qualitative analysis of activities will determine effective tools to stabilize the situation.

1. Features of wholesale and retail trade - the psychology of sales

Retail sales - piece sales of goods to the final consumer.

  • furniture stores;
  • women's clothing stores;
  • pharmacies;
  • markets;
  • crafts fairs, etc.

Wholesale trade is aimed at corporate buyers who purchase products in bulk. Most often they are intermediaries who are engaged in resale. In some cases, large parties are needed for the personal purposes of the enterprise.


Factory produces upholstered furniture- sofas, armchairs and ottomans. For the uninterrupted supply of upholstery material, the company concludes a supply contract with a wholesaler.

When drawing up a plan to increase profitability, the director wholesale enterprise not focused on the end user.

Attention is paid to:

  1. Search for new counterparties - achieved through presentations, a recommendation channel, cold phone calls, personal sales, studying the psychology of buyers, etc.
  2. Development of relations with current partners - optimization of logistics, provision of discounts, feedback, etc.
  3. Increasing customer focus and developing the professional skills of salespeople - conducting trainings, mentoring, motivation, etc.

For retail manager the main objective- to interest and encourage the visitor of the representative office or the company's online store to make a purchase. To increase sales, you will need to analyze the current situation, identify weaknesses, development and implementation of measures to improve the situation.

2. Why retail sales are falling - possible reasons

It is difficult to take into account and predict economic, political, social and other factors influencing sales volumes. Even if they are obvious, it is often almost impossible to influence them.

But there are probable reasons for the decline in retail sales that need to be identified and addressed first.

Poor store location

Even when choosing a commercial premises for purchase or rent, you need to compare the location of the object and the specifics of the company's activities.


An entrepreneur decides to open a clothing store near a popular business center with the expectation of a large flow of customers. This idea is unsuccessful - visitors come for work, and not to update the wardrobe. It is better to move the outlet to a residential area, and open a stationery store near the business center.

You need to take into account the presence of competitors and their conditions, transport accessibility, ease of access, the population of the area and the daily number of people passing by. If the store is in the courtyard of a house with a barrier, then only customers living nearby will visit it.

Poor window display

If the buyer does not like the appearance of the store, then he will not enter it.

Showcase that will encourage the buyer to visit the outlet:

  • informative - the consumer understands what the store sells;
  • attractive in appearance - the design is bright and noticeable, but not flashy;
  • talks about current promotions - the data is necessarily relevant and truthful;
  • indicates a price category - an example of a product with an indication of its cost looks good.

If you want to know an objective opinion about the design of the store - ask the buyers themselves to evaluate this criterion through a survey or checklist.

Small assortment

If a competitor has a wider choice, then the buyer will go to him. Comparing the assortment of a similar outlet with your own will allow you to understand what is missing.

Another way to expand the product offer is to take into account the interests of a larger number of visitors. In a shoe store, it is good to have each model in unpopular sizes, and when selling food products, products for diabetics should be added to the assortment.

Poor quality of service

If the sellers are careless in their communication with the buyer, he will not want to return to the store. Service should be polite but not intrusive.

Trainings and seminars will teach the staff the basics of quality sales, while the secret shopper and feedback from users will help control the fulfillment of service requirements.

3. 7 simple tools to increase retail sales

When a manager sees that profitability is falling, he needs effective measures to stabilize the situation.

When developing measures to increase profitability, be sure to take into account the specifics of the company. But there are a number of universal methods that will raise profits from product sales.

Method 1. Competent merchandising

Clear and visual placement of goods in the store - simple and effective method increase sales immediately by tens of percent. But the products should be laid out not only conveniently for the visitor, but also beneficially for the seller.

Place the most profitable goods at the eye level of the consumer, and place promotional products in the checkout area - these are the main recommendations of specialists in efficient layout assortment.

Pay special attention appearance goods. The packaging should be neat and intact, and the thing should make you want to look at it closer.

Method 2: Companion offer

This technique is used by McDonald's - for each order it is proposed to try a pie or something else. Related products are available in every store.


In the furniture salon, the buyer purchases a sofa, upholstered with elite fabric. The consultant suggests taking a cleaning agent that will effectively remove the most popular types of dirt.

Some of the customers will agree to an additional purchase, someone will refuse it. But if you offer each buyer, then the average check will increase.

Method 3. Loyalty program

Discounts on discount cards and bonus points per purchase - powerful tools that increase sales. If the client chooses between two similar outlets, he will prefer the one in which he has privileges.

Use the method with caution. It happens that the return on the loyalty program does not cover the costs of using it. This happens if regular customers were given discount cards, but new customers did not appear. In this case bonus system subject to revision or cancellation.

Method 4. Promotions and sales

The goal is to motivate the client to purchase more than he originally planned. The tool is especially popular for increasing sales during a crisis or when you need to get rid of the old assortment.

There are several stock options:

SentenceCondition examplePossible Features
Promotion "2 + 1"If you buy 2 items, 1 more will be freeThe product with the lowest value on the check is given as a gift
Discount for one category or anotherRed clothes 2 days 10% cheaperIn addition to outerwear
Complete sale20% discount on the entire rangeException - items from the new collection
Action "Bring a friend"5% discount on referral from an existing clientMaximum 1,000 rubles
10% discount on birthdayAvailable 3 days before and 1 day after the eventDoes not apply to alcohol and confectionery

Method 5. Social networks

Representing your store on Instagram, Facebook and VK will significantly increase the number of users. They will learn from publics and groups about the assortment, promotions and discounts. To do this, the manager needs to fill the accounts with interesting content and relevant information.

An effective way to increase the return from a site or group on social networks is to announce a repost contest with a real prize.

The conditions are roughly as follows:

  1. The user shares a post with friends.
  2. The message is not deleted within a month.
  3. A winner is chosen at random.

It is better to offer a sold product or a service as a prize - the advantages and features of the offer indicated in the text of the repost will be read by a large number of users.

Method 6. Feedback

A selective call to customers, questionnaires, surveys in groups on social networks - these tools will allow you to identify what buyers lack. It is better to ask closed questions about the assortment, quality of service, accessibility and design of the store and any other aspects, but detailed answers should also be provided.

Proper use of the information received will not only increase sales, but also improve service.

Method 7. Marketing promotions

Distribution of leaflets, contests and sweepstakes, gifts for a purchase, an offer to try products for free - these and other events will increase customer interest and business profitability.

When conducting marketing research it is important to control their effectiveness. If the costs do not pay off, the customer acquisition policy should be reconsidered.

4. How to increase sales - step by step instructions

To determine which tools to apply first, follow three simple steps.

Step 1. Determine the specifics of trading

The problem of each store is unique.

The specifics of the activity depends on:

  • product categories - food or non-food products;
  • forms of enterprise - a network, a single outlet, mobile trade, etc.;
  • type of service - an online store, distribution through catalogs, placement of ads on Avito, a self-service point, vending machines, etc.

To understand the reasons for the decline in profits, it is necessary to determine the features of a particular outlet.

Step 2. Looking for weaknesses

It will be possible to determine which method is more effective and will increase sales after analyzing the reasons for their decline.


A customer enters a clothing store and immediately leaves it. There may be several reasons - an obsessive greeting, disinterest on the part of the staff, an unsuccessful display of goods, etc. The buyer will leave the online store sooner because of an incomprehensible menu or a repulsive interface.

Find out the reasons for customer dissatisfaction through surveys and questionnaires.

Step 3. We choose a method for solving the problem and implement it

After receiving answers to the first two questions, the way to increase sales will be clear.

You can get some more interesting ideas to increase sales from the following video:

5. Conclusion

If you correctly approach the issue of increasing sales, it will not be difficult to correct the situation.

To ensure that business profitability does not decrease again, monitor business indicators constantly and promptly respond to their deterioration.

Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project! Webmaster Alexander is with you. What is the monthly turnover of your company? It doesn't matter if it's 1 million or 30 thousand per month - in any case, you will be interested in increasing sales.

What are the ways to increase sales now?

There are two main ways to increase company profits:

  1. increase in the number of customers (lead generation);
  2. an increase in the average check, i.e. either an increase in the cost of services, or the development of a system of additional sales.

Let's now examine each of them in more detail.

How to increase the number of clients?

All currently existing ways to increase the number of customers can be divided into two large subcategories:

  • increase in the number of customers due to manpower (increase in the number of managers);
  • increase in the number of customers through the introduction of new marketing technologies and advertising.

As for the increase in the number of managers, everything is clear: the more managers we hire, the more they make cold calls and the more sales our company will have. Let's talk about methods from the second category.

What technologies to use to increase profits?

We use the following powerful tools for ourselves and our clients:

  • landing page;
  • SEO optimization.

Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

SMM - promotion of your product in social networks

SMM is an abbreviation for English. SocialMediaMarketing means promoting a product through social networks. With a successful combination of social networks and selling sites, you can get good results. In the article, I told how my student managed to get orders for 200,000 rubles. in the first 10 days after the launch of her project.

Skillful project management based on social networks allows you to sell with a large average bill. In my experience, there are projects whose average bill is 100,000 rubles. At the same time, you need to clearly understand what kind of product you want to sell, and based on this, build your positioning in social networks.

If you are just starting to look at social networks, I recommend reading these two articles: and.

LandingPage - selling your product through one-page sites

Literally translated from English, this phrase means "landing page". This is what one-page sites are called. I have already talked about their potential in an article. In general, I can safely say that a competent launch advertising campaign in "Yandex-Direct" works wonders and brings impressive profits. I will show it on a "live" example.

Take a company that manufactures built-in wardrobes. Her average check is 45,000 rubles, of which 22,500 rubles. - net profit. The conversion of incoming calls into orders is 50%.

Stages of promotion

1) We create a landing page with a conversion of calls into orders of at least 5%.

Thus, for $250-400 we get about 100 clicks. 5 of them are converted into orders. With a conversion of 50%, we get 2.5 orders for $250–400. Considering that the profit from these orders will be 22,500 × 2.5 = 56,250 rubles, this direction can be considered very promising for business development.

The main problem at this stage is that it is almost impossible to create a landing page and set up Yandex-Direct on your own, and the cost of such services is quite high: an average of 100,000 rubles. for setting. You can, of course, find cheaper options, but you need to understand that professionals with smaller budgets simply do not work and you risk running into scammers. Nevertheless, this technology has one big “plus”: traffic from Yandex Direct is quite stable, and by setting everything up once, you will get an uninterrupted flow of customers for several years!

SEO - increase sales through SEO optimization.

Many people believe that after they create a website and fill a couple of pages on it, they will have an endless stream of clients. This is far from true! In Internet entrepreneurship, a webmaster (website creator) and an SEO specialist (promotion specialist) are two completely different different specialties. It often happens that the customer first goes not to the SEO specialist, but to the webmaster, which is fundamentally wrong! The fact is that the features of website promotion are largely different from the ideas of a webmaster about website building. And the work of a professional SEO specialist is much more expensive. For example, if the design and layout of the site together cost 100,000 rubles, then SEO optimization of the site may require from 200,000 to 1,000,000 rubles; it all depends on the complexity of the queries being promoted.

You can do SEO optimization yourself (how to do this is described in a series of articles) or turn to professionals.

Why do you need to do SEO-optimization of the resource?

The main reason is that competent website optimization allows you to generate the most stable traffic. If the site is well optimized, it will give customers more than one year. At the same time, large optimization costs are required only for initial stage. As a rule, in the first year the resource is gaining popularity and in the future it is only required to maintain the project at the proper level.

Now imagine that 1,000, 2,000, or maybe even 3,000 targeted customers visit your site. What turnover will your company get with a conversion of at least 3-4%? The answer to this question just explains why companies put such serious funds into the development of their sites. Perhaps you will start thinking about attracting new customers through the site.

If you have any questions, you can ask me in the section or send me a message "In contact with".

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that by introducing these three components into your business, you will significantly increase the profits of your company.

As a nice addition, I have prepared for you the 10 most effective psychological techniques that can be successfully used in Internet marketing and sales. I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that using these chips I managed to increase the sales of one of my clients several times. Namely, from zero to 53,000 baht per day. (The work was carried out in Taylada). See this video for more details:

How to increase sales: 10 psychological secrets

1. Overcoming "barrier to entry"

Very often people feel some doubts, they do not know exactly whether this product or service will suit them, whether they need to pay money for it. And if it doesn't fit, what should you do? There are many doubts and even more questions that fuel these doubts.
Therefore, a lot of companies offer their customers to use a product or service for free, but only for a limited period. If we talk about the IT sphere, then there are various demo and light versions that have reduced functionality, but can show what the program is capable of.
By giving a person the opportunity to use a product or service for free, you thereby dispel his doubts and increase the chances of a purchase. full version. As a rule, using the program for a month, a person understands that without it it will not be so convenient, not so comfortable, so he decides to buy.
The presentation of your proposal also plays a huge role here. Create a tasty phrase, a lure that will be hard to refuse. Something like this: “The first 30 days of using the program is absolutely free. Feel all the privileges of our service and, in the future, you will ask yourself why you didn’t use it before.” Of course, this is a quick copy and you should create something more catchy, something that will make a potential buyer take advantage of your free offer.

2. Strength beliefs

Scientists regularly conduct various studies that are based on the influence of belief on the behavior and decision of people. Not so long ago, an experiment was conducted during which people were told that according to all tests and studies, they belong to the number of "politically active voters." And, strange as it may seem, more than 20% of those who received such an installation increased their activity during the elections.
I would like to note that the volunteers for the study were chosen completely randomly, but their decisions and actions were influenced by this attitude, the fact that they are part of the group of “active voters”.
This psychological factor can be used in sales. You need to convince your customers that they are unique, that the product you offer is intended exclusively for a limited number of consumers, and it was “he”, your buyer, who got into this number of lucky ones.

3. Understand the types of buyers

Neuroeconomists distinguish three main types of buyers:
— economical;
- Spenders;
- Moderate spenders.

With spenders and moderate spenders, everything is clear, they already like to buy, not always paying attention to the need for this product and its price. But in order to force the “thrifty” to fork out, and there are a little more than a quarter of all buyers, there are several methods of influence.

Price change. In fact, the price remains the same, but it is broken down into parts that are already easier to perceive. This is how household appliances supermarkets operate in Ukraine now. If a plasma TV costs 12,000 hryvnias (48,000 rubles), then they offer to split the payment into 24 equal parts and pay a small amount every month. The truth is more attractive than laying out a lot of money at once. This method works and is very effective.

All at once. Here you need to offer the client to pay a little more, but to get maximum comfort and a package of services. This is what tour operators do when they offer All Inclusive tours. A person feels that this type of vacation will be more comfortable, safe and convenient, therefore, he may overpay for the services provided.

And the third method is very often used by paid online cinemas abroad. You can choose to pay per movie, or you can sign up for a monthly subscription to save money. As a rule, people make out for a month and it’s not a fact that this subscription pays off.
Of course, there are many more methods, but the essence of all is the same - to influence the perception of the price.

4. Become stronger, called upon its limitations

Often large companies they are afraid to admit their problems and shortcomings, which causes a storm of negativity and a flurry of emotions from users. Well, there is another side of the coin. Companies do not notice their shortcomings until the “thunder strikes”, and when it strikes, it may be too late.
Therefore, learn not just to recognize the shortcomings, but to use them for your own commercial purposes. you on email Have you ever received responses to comments about the work of a particular service? If yes, then be sure that such a company works in the right way, cares not only about its services and customers, but also about its reputation.
Also a very interesting move was chosen by a large printing company in Ukraine. On the main page of their website it is written that they are the number 2 company in Ukraine, and this fact haunts them. Therefore, they work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, have the lowest prices and optimal quality. And all in order for buyers to appreciate them and be able to name the best company in the country.

5. Tell me how act farther

The scientist has repeatedly focused on the fact that a person perceives even the most relevant information worse if it is not followed by a clear instruction for action. This effect is seen very clearly in sales. If you do not tell the client why he needs this or that product, then he is unlikely to buy it.
And if, when choosing a blender, you show what wonderful cocktails it can make, that you will pamper yourself and your family with fresh smoothies and delicious creamy soups every day, then the desire to buy this blender will increase significantly.

6. Nobody doesn't like to wait

A very important factor in online shopping is the delivery time of goods. Therefore, you must clearly outline when and what time the buyer will be able to receive the product he has chosen. This is very important on the eve of big holidays, when a delay of at least one day means that you will not receive money for the goods.
The largest online store of household appliances in Ukraine, when ordering goods, always calls the buyer back, specifies the day of delivery, address and even time. The courier arrives within an hour of the appointed time. Clarity and responsibility - this is what can distinguish you from many competitors.

7. Find a competitor

Try to create a competitor for yourself, even if it is virtual. Your offers, against the background of the opponent, should look more attractive and impressive. This will let the buyer know that you care about pricing policy, always try to make more profitable and relevant offers, always go one step ahead.
In the world of big brands, there are plenty of such confrontations - Apple and Samsung, who are fighting in the smartphone market. And what is the well-known couple of Pepsi and Coca Cola worth to everyone. You can watch their "battles" forever. These posters, videos, billboards with each other's jokes attract the attention of millions of buyers around the world. Surprisingly, both win in such a war, because attention is riveted to both brands.

8. Engage like-minded people

Very often, companies use this psychological move. They claim that when buying a product, part of the money will go to charity. According to surveys conducted in the United States, more than 60% of buyers were inspired to make a purchase in this store precisely by the fact that the proceeds from sales will go to those in need.
Such charity events are often held by McDonald's, but the most striking and spectacular was the action from TOMS Shoes. The meaning of the action was that when buying any pair of shoes, the other pair will go to the children. As a result, the company has sold millions of pairs of shoes around the world, and another million went to the kids.
Such promotions are also highlighted in the media, which will be an additional good advertisement for your business.

9. Proof of

Your site must have reviews about a particular product. Studies show that the buyer is more willing to make a choice when he sees hard facts. If 500 people have bought this product, left a bunch of comments and put good ratings, then the probability of buying will be much higher than that of a cheaper product with the same characteristics, but without reviews.
Motivate users to leave their reviews, and after some time this will significantly increase sales and improve conversion.

10. Surprise their clients

Don't be a standard and template business. Try to constantly surprise and delight your customers. A striking example is home appliances stores, which add a small bonus to a standard order in the form of some small equipment: speakers, headphones, a mouse for a computer, etc. The user does not expect this, and such a gift will be very pleasant. Believe me, he will tell dozens of friends about it, leave a flattering comment, and will also order from you more than once.

Imagine company N., which is engaged in the wholesale supply of X components for Y enterprises. On the market this company has been around for several years, there is a base of regular customers, profits, things are slowly going uphill ... Well, everything, in general, is more or less normal.
Now imagine the sales department of this company. A large bright room, tables, computers, telephones, printers ... Managers, of course, in business, already greasy suits, sit - spit at the ceiling, poison jokes ... Between passing a new level in a "standard" office toy, they process incoming requests from partners. Once upon a time former department sales, has turned from a machine actively pushing the market into a perverted semblance of customer service. Yes, of course, they have new customers, but from where???! In this regard, reputation helps and marketing policy companies, that is, our, so to speak, "merchants" work on the incoming flow and "do not blow into the mustache." Moreover, they receive quite good money for all this.

What led the department to such a “collapse” decrease in the efficiency of its functions?

And what can be done to optimize its performance?

The reason is simple. Managers in the process of “stuffing” the client base constantly increased the number of processed incoming requests. Accordingly, the time for searching became less and less. And one day the number of clients reached the maximum that the manager can handle. He works with them for a day, another, a month, six months and then BAM!!! “Wow: I just sit in the office, and work in progress wages go up... What happens next - but nothing: the merchant, step by step, begins to degrade ... He becomes lazy: making a couple of calls - now it's a whole problem for him, but holding a meeting - WHAT, WHAT MEETING: “the soldier is sleeping - the service is on” !! ! Such managers are dangerous because their IBI (imitation of violent activity) is very high, it already works at a professional level. As soon as the boss enters the hall, everyone immediately grabs their phones, starts counting something, writing, and even asking the head of the council: “Ivan Ivanovich, I just spoke with a client here, he asks for a two-week delay, to give or not? »
Heads of departments, intoxicated by the joy of reports arriving on time, do not even realize that every day they do not receive a huge amount of money, that competitors have long been ahead and are dividing the market in their own way.

What is the best way to deal with such a situation?

You will no longer be able to make them work as before, never and under no circumstances - this is 100%, if you want 1000%. Therefore, do not even waste your strength and nerves. Because they will sabotage in such a way, albeit “technically”, that it will not seem enough!
And be aware! They already have such friendly relations with clients that, if desired, they will take their entire accumulated base to competitors.
However (But fortunately), everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance! And the decision will not be long in coming!
With such a balance of power, it is necessary to simultaneously build a new commercial service, the old one will gradually develop into a customer service department - customer service.
You have a new organizational structure of the sales department, which clearly separates new customers from those who make systematic purchases. Some sell, others serve, the most logical sales model!
It is important to consider that the staff for customer service requires less qualified. Minimum program: knowledge of the product, market specifics, plus a computer. And this means that wages in this department will be much lower, so soon, your obese "comers" will be replaced by young girls with a pleasant appearance.

2. Adjust the motivation system of your salespeople.

A well-built motivation system is a very serious tool for increasing the efficiency of the sales department, and it doesn’t matter what kind of sales we are talking about b2b or b2c.
In one of the companies, there was such a case. Managers of the commercial department, in addition to bonuses from the first sale, received a small percentage of current payments, i.е. from those clients whom they brought a long time ago and now they are served by the client department. So, after a couple of years, this small percentage was enough to not receive a salary. About the fact that employees get money so easily, the manager found out by accident. Once he heard a conversation between an “experienced” businessman and a newcomer in a smoking room, who said: “You will work for two years, and then you will live on interest, from the current ones. The main thing is to be quiet: do not be late, submit reports on time, smile, there are “incoming” ones, we will share ... ".
Imagine how much money was wasted, horror.
If the "dogs" are full, what a hunt! (May sellers forgive me for such a comparison).
The motivation system is a powerful managerial lever! The main thing is to use it wisely.
Revising ratios and percentages is just as important as changing sales plans. Many companies work "the old fashioned way": the standard scheme is salary +%. But that doesn't work anymore, forget it!
If you want to keep sellers in good shape, if you want high intensity in their work, then take into account other indicators when calculating the salary: the number of calls (cold, repeated), the number of meetings, the number of contracts, conversions, average bill, average time "from a call to a contract", fulfillment of instructions within the framework of the project (to improve the quality of service, to study consumer demand, etc.).
Of course, the main principle of any motivation system is its transparency and ease of perception. But fortunately, today's opportunities allow us to make this calculation automatic and take into account dozens of employee performance indicators. For example, the easiest way is an Excel spreadsheet. The manager, filling out a daily report, can immediately see his results in the context of one day or week, how much he has completed, from the sales plan, what needs to be tightened up, where the norms have already been exceeded.

Check the relevance of your motivation system!

3. Set sales plans

Maybe someone will consider this method absurd, but believe me, there are many commercial organizations where there is no sales planning, and if there is, then only formally.
No sales plan = bankruptcy plan.
The planning process is nothing more than creating a virtual model of what is to happen. If you do not have a sales plan, then it will be very difficult for you to evaluate the effectiveness of work and measure the result, and without measurement, there is no management, in principle.

Let's take a look at the main stages of drawing up a sales plan:
1) Planning starts with an annual sales plan. Yes, exactly from the annual!
Without complicating things, you take the figures for the past year (100 million rubles), add to them the percentage of growth for the industry (10% = 110 million rubles) and add the percentage of growth that you would like to receive (10% = 121 million rubles) .
2) Next, you break down the plan into sales channels, according to your specifics, example:

  • Current dealers (40% = 48 million rubles)
  • Newly attracted dealers (20% = 24 million rubles)
  • Tenders and public procurement (10% = 12 million rubles)
  • One-time corporate orders (10 = 12 million rubles)
  • Own distribution network (20% = 24 million rubles)
  • Etc. (1 million rubles)

3) The next step: we break down these amounts by sales departments and for each manager personally. Current dealers - for customer service, new attracted - for the commercial department, then - the department corporate orders, directors of chain stores, etc.
4) Then you divide these figures into quarters and months, taking into account seasonality, the experience of the previous year, the range of goods, and so on.
Using this not tricky method, you can set sales plans for all departments for the whole year.
It is important to note one trick!

Ideally, a sales plan is drawn up, as it were, from two sides: from your employees, and directly from you. When they are agreed, something in between is born, and the manager perceives these figures as a document developed by himself, and therefore thinks more about how to implement it, and not how to explain why it cannot be performed.
Everyone has their own idea of ​​the future and everyone will think that his plan is "more correct". You, as a leader, will say that the market allows you to grow and you should use it! And managers, in turn, will fight back saying that their life is hard, the market is not rubber, there are a lot of competitors, and that Russia is not Europe.
Get ready for it!

4. Provide "total" knowledge of the product.

In fact, not all sales managers know the product they are selling well, no matter how strange it may sound. Every day, at meetings, a huge number of transactions are disrupted due to the incompetence of managers in matters of the specifics of the product. This is especially true for technological products. I think: for many, the situation is familiar when, during negotiations, a client asks a question that you did not expect to hear: “Please tell me the exact data on the heat transfer resistance coefficient of your concrete, since we will use it in the northern regions, for us it is extremely important… ". At this moment, your eye twitches and your leg cramps - what did he say? YOU take out the phone, with the words: “Now I will clarify”, - call the elder, and, not knowing how to formulate the question, hand over the phone to the client ...
Any buyer wants to work with professionals! Such a desire is justified at the level of human psychology - they trust professionals, and if there is trust, then there is a purchase.
First of all, the client should see the seller as an expert, an expert in his field, capable of solving any problem and knowing the answers to all possible questions.

Ignorance, or superficial possession of information about the product, puts the manager in a stupid position. The client forms an opinion about the company, communicating with a specific person, you will never be able to explain to the client that “it was a beginner, forgive him, now we will send a pro, wait”. No one will wait for you! But you can definitely eliminate such situations in a simple way:

Firstly, collect all possible customer questions related to product characteristics;
Secondly, of course, write down the answers;
Thirdly, conduct an attestation for knowledge of the product (those who did not pass are not allowed to negotiate);
Fourth, supplement the list with new issues that managers face during negotiations;
And finally, fifthly, in case of the slightest change in any characteristics or properties of the product, when adding a new product to the line - add new questions.

Thus, you will constantly form an updated "knowledge base" on technical specifications and product properties.
Conduct training in the form of "question-answer" - this is the simplest and most efficient model learning such material.
Naturally, it is impossible to foresee everything. Therefore, to reduce the risk of disruption of transactions, equip managers with tables, lists, photographs, any materials that will allow the manager to get out of an awkward situation when selling your product.

You sell nails. Have your manager carry these nails to the meeting, one of each. I don’t know the table with the characteristics of the metal from which they are made: torsional stress, bending, tension, what else is there. And in the car, let him have a hammer, a board, and all the same notorious nails, but only Chinese competitors. He does not believe that you have the best nails, let him try (pull it out of his hand).

But what to do if, nevertheless, a situation arises when you do not know what to answer ?!

Firstly, don't worry! Until you start to worry, you retain the status of an expert.
Secondly, clarify the question by repeating what the opponent said (writing down). So you show that you are listening carefully and gently indicate that you are not ready for such a question.
Thirdly, say that you haven’t been asked such a question for a long time, always with a smile, and looking straight into his eyes until he turns his eyes away. (“Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I was asked about this…”)
Fourth, turn your ignorance 180 degrees in your favor: appeal to the client's competence in this matter. Somehow: "... you rarely meet a true professional in our industry ...".
Fifth, ask permission to clarify the information. It is better to do it in this form: "... let me check this data with the brand manager, perhaps something has changed, it will take no more than a minute ...".
These recommendations will be enough for the "gaps" in the knowledge of the product to gradually disappear, and the emerging ones could not negatively affect the outcome of the meeting.

5. Form a "sales book" of the department.

What is a "book of sales"?
In any business, there is a difficulty in adapting newcomers to a new place. Now I'm not talking about the "acclimatization" of a beginner in a new team, but about his training in your technologies and principles of work. Of course have job descriptions, standards, regulations that fall on the head of an intern employee: “Study!!! I'll check it out!!!"
What do you think, is there such a knowledge base that will allow you to build a new link into the sales process in a few days (3-4 days)? Which will allow, within a few days, to test a beginner. Do you have time for probationary periods"? Can you wait until a newcomer "has an internship" after which there is a chance to hear: "Nah, this job is not for me"?
So here it is! Such a “litmus test” is the “sales book”.
Nothing stands still - everything evolves! Our business is developing, our customers are developing, the offered goods are being modernized, the approaches to work are changing. What was yesterday a unique selling proposition is today considered the norm in the industry. How to manage to adjust all these standards and regulations, how to respond to external changes with lightning speed?
Keep your business in shape you will allow the "sales book"!
Every day, our managers, performing their professional duties, gain invaluable experience: they find new solutions for effective sales, initiate changes in the sales system, open up new opportunities for concluding deals ... Where to accumulate this knowledge and findings? That's right - in the "book of sales."

The main advantage of the "sales book" is that you get a tool for organizing a self-developing sales department.
About principles:
There is no form or strict plan to create this document. This is its essence. Main principle- the document is "live". It is constantly changing, supplemented, both directly by the head and employees of the sales department. This form of experience exchange has a positive effect on the formation of team spirit in the company. All experience and knowledge is stored in one place: all techniques, all answers to questions, the best objection handling and effective speech modules - everything “that is acquired by overwork”.
About structure:
The Book of Sales is based on two sections:
1. Organization of the sales process
2. Principles and techniques of sales
In the first part, you indicate all the schemes of interaction with the client: who is the client for you, what does he look like, how to work with him, the client's path, what documents to fill out, where to place them, pricing principles, USP, customer loyalty incentive programs, etc. . In general, everything related to the sales process is contained in the first block.
The second block is devoted to the principles and technologies of sales used in your company. For example, cold calls. It describes in detail what they are and how to do them.
Section 3.14. "cold calls"
Description: "cold calls" - a tool to attract new customers to our company. "Cold" because the potential client is not waiting for our call, and did not consider the possibility of cooperation with us. Blah blah blah…
1. Greeting - presentation
Script: Hello, my name is….
2. Explain the purpose of the call
Script: With whom can I discuss...
3. …
4. …
In short, yes.

The main thing is that you describe in detail all the algorithms and specific scripts, preferably with an explanation: why we say it this way, what technique we use. To pass the awareness of the seller of what he is doing.
Writing a "sales book" is a very creative process. I have come across "sales books" in which both the organizational structure of the department and the description of business processes are built in, and standard forms reports. Such a construction of a “sales book” is, in fact, very convenient. I'm sure that, after some time, commercial organizations completely abandon the standards, regulations, instructions and other bureaucratic "pornography". Personally, in my business, I have already abolished many documents. The simpler, the better and more effective. After all, it's no secret to anyone that "everything ingenious is simple"! Is not it!?

6. Provide customer feedback.

How do you know what YOU are doing wrong? How to improve the work of the company so as to satisfy not only your needs, but also take into account the wishes of customers? How do I know: what makes my company better than others?
Ask your clients about this.
Many clients, in addition to cooperation with your company, have one or more suppliers, that is, they work with your competitors.
Clients, like no one else, know the state of affairs in the market. Who and what offers, in what terms and how they deliver, what will be new and when, and a lot of other information is circulating in the client environment.
“Feedback” is not only a way to find out how competitors behave, what they are doing and what they plan, but also a way to get ahead of them, that is, to use the information received when developing a USP.
Naturally, you should not ask: “Well, what are our competitors doing there? ". The “feedback” questionnaire should contain a question of the following nature: “What changes in the work of our company will allow us to count on an increase in the volume of purchases from your side? ", -something like this. It is possible in other words, but keeping the meaning - why do you work not only with us?
"Feedback" will help to learn about the affairs within the company: about minor problems that are not so significant, but create certain inconveniences in work.
For example:
If your warehouse opens an hour earlier, it will be convenient for 5 of your customers. Agree: it is worth paying extra for a storekeeper for an hour of work, if this is important for so many clients.

So, make a questionnaire for "feedback". Build questions in such a way that the answer is detailed ( open questions). Use assessment questions. The number of questions is not critical and depends on the number of customer contact points with your company.
1. What should be changed in the work of our company?
2. What additional products or services would you like to purchase from us?
3. Rate vocational training customer service on a 5-point scale.
4. Rate our work.
5. ….

If, when answering a question with an assessment, the client says: “Yes, everything is fine - a solid 4”, - specify: why not five.
Also an important point in the organization of "feedback" is a systematic approach. That is, it is not enough to call the client once a year, with the question: “How are you?”.

The effect of this tool will be noticeable only in two cases:
1. You will audit customer loyalty on an ongoing basis.
2. Based on the information received, decisions will be made and specific actions will be taken.
Designate a person responsible for feedback”, set aside a day for collecting information and compiling a report. Do not call too often, one call per month is enough. Conduct a flash survey (for example, questions related to employee suitability and work experience), and once a quarter do a detailed survey with suggestions and recommendations. Also consider the seasonality of your business if you are selling farms diesel fuel for combines, then in January, call with the question: “What will increase the volume of purchases? ' is a bit silly.
Implement "feedback" and use the information for its intended purpose.

7. Attract customers with cold calls

In b2b sales there is such a thing as "cold calls". This is nothing more than the main tool for active sales to attract customers. Many companies neglect this method of increasing profits, and for good reason. The skepticism is easily explained:
firstly, someone tried to introduce "cold calls" into their sales model, and having not received the desired effect, abandoned them forever;
secondly, the marketing policy of some companies allows them to attract a certain number of customers exclusively through advertising, and in principle this is enough for them. But most likely, I would like more!
In the first case, everything is clear: not knowing how to fly an aircraft, you should not sit at the helm. Illiterate "cold calls" can do more harm to the company than give any positive result.
In the second case, the situation is more complicated: things seem to be going well, the number of customers is growing, what else is needed for business development, but ... Imagine: the managers of the nearest competitor make 100 cold calls per day ... And what do you think: in whose favor will the market share be in another year?

So, in order to attract customers with the help of cold calls, you need to start making them! You ask how? In eight steps:

1. Divide the region in which you work into sectors: if you work for the whole of Russia - divide Russia, if you work for the whole world - cut the globe.
2. For each sector, assign a responsible manager (he may have several more managers subordinate to him, then they divide their sector into several more).
3. Each manager needs to collect all the contacts of potential clients in his sector, and all the necessary information about them.
4. Gather all contacts of your competitors in this sector and information on them.
5. Make a SWOT analysis of the market based on the information received, and develop offer for each sector.
6. Write a cold call script.
7. Assign a plan for the number of "cold calls" per month and per day.
8. Implement a daily report (Excel format is fine) on the results of calls.
In principle, this will be enough for your "cold calls" to work and begin to give positive results.
It should be noted that a systematic approach is essential when using this tool. The first calls will not be as successful as we would like, but everything comes with experience.

8. Structure the negotiation process.

Your manager returned from negotiations, and to the question: “Well, who are they working with now? ”, - replies guiltily: “I don’t know, I forgot to clarify.” How, in this case, you can build a profitable commercial offer - yes, no way. And calling back with a question: “I forgot to ask here ...” is at least stupid.
In general, “I forgot to ask”, “I forgot to clarify” is a widespread phenomenon among business managers. active sales. This is due not only to the qualifications of employees, and the lack of proper experience, but also to the notorious “ human factor". Serious workload, irregular schedule, high intensity, sales plan - all this affects the quality of negotiations. Especially if the meeting with the client falls in the evening, when the head is no longer “cooking” and you really want to go home, turn off the phone and go to bed.
I will tell you about myself easy way improve the efficiency of negotiations!
In order for negotiations to be easier, faster, and more effective, use a simple but extremely effective tool -
"questionnaire". What it is?
This is an A4 sheet with a list of questions to ask at the meeting.
How to compose it?
To begin with, it is necessary to write out, in the form of questions, the strategically important information that is necessary for compiling an effective commercial proposal:
What suppliers are you currently working with?
- what items does it buy, and in what volumes?
- priority dates?

In general, all information that, one way or another, will influence the formation of the proposal, should be indicated in the "questionnaire":

1. Then these questions must be arranged in the order “from simple to complex”. That is, it is not worth asking at the beginning of negotiations what level of capitalization of their investments when signing the contract, the client expects.
2. Start with simple questions, and better, in general, abstract, not related to the topic of negotiations. Complex questions that require argumentation should be placed in the middle, and towards the end of the list. End negotiations also with simple questions that require a positive answer.
3. Make space between questions to record the client's responses.
4. Try to make sure that your "questionnaire" has at least 10 questions. If their number is less, then there is a risk of missing important details, and besides, such a document will not look serious. The fact is that it is necessary to use this tool openly. That is, during negotiations, you put a "questionnaire" on the table in a beautiful, branded folder, and, without hesitation, use it for its intended purpose, while writing down the client's answers.
This tool will allow your managers to structure the negotiation process. Meetings will be held in the "channel" they set. Why they will easily control the course of negotiations, and their duration. Such a "questionnaire" shows the client that your employee is not an ordinary manager, but a well-trained professional, and he is here to solve the client's questions. The document lying on the table disciplines the opponent. The seller, on the other hand, feels confident at any “cost” of negotiations.

9. Check what your sellers are doing.

Look closely at your sales force. Are all managers now at their workplaces. Probably not. Someone is at a meeting, someone is on a business trip, someone is at lunch, and someone left on behalf of the accounting department ... or went to the stationery store for paper ... but you never know how many other things in the office that can be lost on an hour or even an hour and a half.
It is possible that some types of work indirectly affect the results of sellers: preparing a contract, mailing correspondence, preliminary calculations, booking a hotel or tickets. But if all this takes at least 20% of the seller's time from the main work, then you will lose at least the same amount in profit.
You pay the manager a salary - this is the amount that is the payment for everyday mandatory operations. You also pay a percentage of sales - this is the premium part for its immediate results. But in practice, you pay for his trips to the store, and long calculations of the cost of the first batch, and registration accompanying documents, and a lot for what else you pay, not even suspecting how much money is passing by.
But the most interesting thing is that the question: “Where have you been? ”, - they will answer you, with complete confidence in their eyes and voice: “So the paper is over, the delivery is long to wait, but urgently needed - so I ran away quickly ...” (1 hour). The congruence of what is happening will confuse anyone, but ...

In any case and under any circumstances - the SELLER MUST SELL!

If this is not the case, you are losing money. Even if the manager is the only one who can go for the ill-fated paper, let him go Chief Accountant Otherwise, he won't find a job in the future. By the way, from an accountant, especially the main one, you can hear the opposite: “This is not the task of accounting”, - remember, this is your accounting department, and YOU pay them, so what they will do is up to you to decide, this is so - by the way.
How to solve this problem?
First, you need to find out: how much "working time" the sellers spend "left". This is done with the help of working hours. Every day, managers must fill out a form in which they record everything, absolutely everything, the operations that they do during the day (the more detailed, the better). Opposite each operation, they put the start and end time of work on it. This must be done within a week, at least. Most likely, you will not wait for applause from your employees when you tell them about the innovation, this is normal. Explain that this is being done for their own good, and you just need to understand: are they overloaded, that the measure is forced and only for one week, in the end: “I am the leader, and it’s up to me to decide whether this is necessary or not.” Yes, and more, the data must be submitted daily. In the early days, literally stand over them, checking the filling.
This simple tool will allow you to seriously discipline managers - many unnecessary things will go away by themselves.
Secondly, according to the data obtained, it is necessary to divide the time spent directly on sales (cold calls, meetings, preparation for negotiations, repeated calls, presentations, etc.), and on operations that are not typical of positions. If you get more than 10% of the "left earnings" you need to take action. Which?
Everything that is not related to sales, and which was discussed a lot above, does not require special qualifications and deep knowledge. Accordingly, such work can be performed by an additional employee with a lower salary (usually a small salary).
For example, when making calculations, one manager spends 25% of his working time “left”. On average, one seller sells for 100,000 rubles per month, spending 75% of the allotted working time on this. So you don't get
approximately 33,000 rubles per month. This 25% can be outsourced to a personal assistant. Hire a secretary manager, or an administrator, or whatever you call him, for a minimum salary (15,000 rubles, for example, for a part-time student is not bad money), and this secretary can work for two, or even three managers: preparing documents, answering by e-mail, making simple calculations, agreeing on the time and place of the meeting, booking tickets, hotels, etc. She will do anything that robs the manager of precious capital - the time you pay for.
An assistant, for 15,000 rubles, will pay for itself in the first month, and your salespeople will like this form of work, when you can prepare papers for signing a contract without waiting for the end of the meeting.
By the way, more about the benefits of timekeeping of working hours. Pay attention to the amount of time spent on reporting, it should be no more than 15 minutes a day (if the reports are daily).


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