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    The organization of the work process is one of the main tasks of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. To automate work, it is recommended to install 1C enterprise 8: trade and warehouse. Thanks to such a program, all documents will be interconnected. Thus, it is possible to link invoices for receipt of goods with administrative documents. As a result, all data will be displayed in the statement.

    Application 1c enterprise 8 will minimize all errors that occur in the work. It should be noted that with the release new version, useful innovations are added to the program. Users can fully customize the application to suit their needs. To do this, just enable or disable options. It is recommended to get rid of the functionality intended for large organizations. After removing unnecessary components, the 1c enterprise 8 interface will become more intuitive, as there will be no unnecessary functions.

    System requirements 1C: Enterprise

    • Processor clock speed - 2.4 GHz;
    • RAM - 1 Gb;
    • HDD - 40 Gb;
    • Operating system - Windows XP and above (including server OS);
    • Architectural bit depth - x86-64 (support for AMD64 or EM64T is required).

    In addition to the basic requirements, for the correct operation of 1s trade and warehouse, you must have an SVGA video card and a USB port. As far as database server requirements are concerned, they are those of Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, or IBM DB2.

    Key Features

    • Support for components from earlier versions;
    • The ability to transfer documents to 1s accounting;
    • Work of several users in one base;
    • Ability to work with standard and non-standard configuration;
    • User account customization;
    • Customer relationship management;
    • Purchase and sale planning;
    • Accounting for 2 or more legal entities. persons;
    • Internet update.


    If we compare 1s trade and warehouse with products such as S-Market or BEST, we can highlight a number of advantages. First of all, the flexibility of the program should be noted. Unlike competitors, 1c is open, that is, programmers can easily add missing components or change existing ones.

    Program 1c: TiS allows you to closely interact with the accounting department. As for analogues, things are much more complicated there. In order for accounting to work correctly, you need to download all the necessary modules.

    Another advantage is the analysis of demand for goods. Of course, competitors have also implemented a similar function, but in order for it to correctly display information, you will have to work hard. Everything is clear in Trade and warehouse, and most importantly, the information is true.

    The program for warehouse and trade allows you to set up pricing. It doesn't matter how many price types there are. It is also worth considering that the purchase data is stored, and on their basis the retail price is formed.

    It is important to consider that everyone can download 1c enterprise, while it is better to download for free latest version product. The only thing worth remembering is that for full-fledged work, you still have to purchase a license.


    Unfortunately, the warehouse program has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the license. Please note that to work in the network version, you will have to pay for each workplace. Do not forget that the development of the eight will cost more.

    In an organization that uses less than 10 computers, 1C version 8 will be slower than TiS v.7.7. Do not forget about the support that is not provided for obsolete versions.

    Downloading 1c: trade and warehouse is not difficult, but only qualified personnel can work with the program. Therefore, you will have to spend money on training employees.

    How to download the program

    Before proceeding to download the program, you must purchase a license for 1s. This can be done on any site that distributes and maintains TiS. It is recommended to choose a company located in your region.

    It is not difficult to find the 1C: Warehouse program, but only the training version can be downloaded for free. It is also possible to get a thin client for free. To do this, it is recommended to visit the site "". As soon as the page loads, you should move the mouse cursor over the "1C" tab. In the menu that opens, you need to left-click on "1C: Enterprise 8. Thin Client".

    In the window that opens, select the product you are interested in. For warehouse accounting, any version presented can be used. It should be noted that on the same site you can buy a full-fledged product.

    To download the selected version, you need to click on the "Get the product for free" link. It is important to note that only one license will be obtained.

    The final step is to fill out a questionnaire. After that, a download link will appear.


    A user who downloads a free product should consider purchasing a license. Thus, it will be possible to get not only a full-fledged program, but also its support. If you are just starting to learn 1C, then it is recommended to download the training version.

    Video review 1C: Trade and Warehouse

    Most software products are paid, and their prices are quite high. Nobody wants to pay for a "pig in a poke", so potential users want to make sure that the software suits them before buying. To do this, there are demo versions of the software that involve familiarization with the functionality without purchasing a license.

    The 1C company values ​​the reputation and opinion of customers, therefore, it offers customers to evaluate the functionality of the configuration before purchasing it. For this purpose, not only training versions are intended, but also demo online configurations. AT free access you can find the main systems, but by contacting support, you can get exactly the configuration that interests you.

    Online demo version 1C

    Opportunity to try out ready-made, customized software will allow you to evaluate the functionality of various configurations in a matter of days. In the case of 1C, all you need is a computer with Internet access - online service will provide a base with typical examples. Within two weeks, any user has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the software, create their own database and try to keep records in it. If you need help, you can contact the support of specialists who can always answer your question.

    The online service for demo configurations 1C 8.2 and 8.3 can work in two modes:

    1. Use of typical data in order to familiarize yourself with the functionality of a particular configuration;
    2. Loading or creating your own infobase in order to study the business processes of the system using your own data as an example. After the end of using the online configuration, you can pick up the completed database for free. Having bought a license for a suitable configuration, you can continue working in an already created infobase. Since the formats of the demo database and the full-function database are identical, there will be no problems with continuing to work in the unloaded database.

    Ability to run a demo version through a thin client

    To do this, you must have the latest version of the platform installed, but you do not need to install a configuration. The process of connecting to a demo database through a thin client does not differ from remote work in an ordinary IS posted on a web server. In free access, you can find links to hosted demo databases and connect to them using the following algorithm:

    Features of the demo version 1C

    Naturally, the bases for acquaintance provided free of charge cannot but have limitations. This is a kind of insurance against unscrupulous users who do not want to buy licenses. Their list is similar to the limitations of the educational versions of the platform:

    • The maximum number of records in object tables, tabular sections, reference details, database connections is limited. There is also a limitation on the debugging process and the amount of data;
    • The functioning of some features of 1C is not supported - the mechanism of distributed databases, authentication and others;
    • Reduced performance compared to the paid version of the platform;
    • Disabled interaction with the configuration store.

    Despite the limitations, the online demo version of 1C is quite functional. The likelihood of encountering restrictions while familiarizing yourself with the system on the platform version 8.2 or 8.3 is minimal.

    In order for the online connection to the 1C database to work correctly, you must use an up-to-date version of the browser and disable the pop-up blocker. Also in the settings you need to enable the use of temporary files (Cookies) and give permission for the JavaScript code to work.

    Many companies implementing 1C, in order to win over customers, provide them with the opportunity to test popular configurations for free. Usually, to provide access, you need to register on the site and send a request to the support email address. Experts will help you decide on the most suitable system and advise you on keeping records in 1C.

    In this section, you can get acquainted with popular versions of 1C programs online for free. Versions published in demo mode (demo versions) i.e. in a simplified form, the basic configuration functionality is provided.

    Attention For the application to work correctly, the pop-up blocker must be disabled in the browser. Your browser settings must allow JavaScript and Cookies. When entering the program password is not required.

    Quick navigation through the section:

    "1C:Document management 8"

    The program will be useful: individual entrepreneur, small businesses using the simplified tax system. Check whether it is convenient for you by running the demo version of the product.

    1C: Salary and personnel management 8

    Demo version
    1C: Payroll and personnel management 8

    Efficient Accounting, strategic planning, enterprise management. 1C:ZUP Designed for large enterprises with more than a hundred employees.

    It will be an impossible task for the HR department to carry out their accounting, training, qualification assessment and much more without this configuration.

    1C:Enterprise 8.2

    Demo version
    "1C:Enterprise 8.2"

    This infobase is not a complete applied solution, it cannot be used as a real working system.

    The entire software part, from a practical point of view, is provided in a highly simplified form and is intended only to demonstrate the possibilities of using

    "1C: UNF" in a company that manufactures plastic windows

    Demo version
    "1C: Small business management 8"

    LLC "Windows - First Class" performs production and installation plastic windows, doors. The equipment of the enterprise allows to produce 10 - 15 products per shift. Production is made to order for private customers, dealers and legal entities. The total number of workers is 30 people.

    Since January 2011, the company has been using 1C: UNF to increase automation and operational accounting. At the beginning of 2011, initial balances were entered into the information base - (equipment and transport), materials, remnants of materials from unfinished work, settlements with buyers and suppliers, debts for wages etc., the starting balance has been formed.

    • Directory "Nomenclature" contains information about products, materials, goods, works, expenses (services of third parties)
    • Directory "Counterparties" contains information about suppliers, buyers and other counterparties of the enterprise

    "Veterok-Light" and "1C: UNF": simple accounting for a start-up company

    Demo version
    "1C: Small business management 8" for a start-up company

    With the development of the company and the increasing need for additional functions, all additional settings can be invoked with a single click of the mouse.

    If desired, you can include: retail and commission trade, budgeting, currency accounting, work with raw materials, safekeeping, EDS and encryption of documents and all the necessary for testing the capabilities of "1C: Small Company Management 8" .

    "1C: Management of a small company 8" at a furniture factory

    Demo version
    "1C: Management of a small company 8" at a furniture factory

    The reference book "Nomenclature" contains information about products, materials, works, types of works, technological operations and services, and also contains specifications for manufactured products.

    Directory "Counterparties" contains information about suppliers, buyers and other organizations with which the company interacts.

    The information base records and plans the working time of employees. Event scheduling and resource loading scheduling are used.

    Separation of access rights for users is not used, because in a small organization it is necessary to ensure the interchangeability of users.

    "1C:UNF" in the conditional company "Veterok", which is engaged in the sale, installation and maintenance of climate equipment (in particular, air conditioners)

    Demo version
    "1C: Management of a small company 8" sale, installation and maintenance of air conditioners

    Another ready-made 1C solution for automated operational management at small businesses. The program contains all the most simple but at the same time necessary to ensure automatic accounting, control, analysis and planning in the enterprise.

    The version has the most necessary functionality for easy "sharpening" for the features of the organization of management and accounting in small businesses. This will provide a quick start

    The program is not intended for accounting and tax accounting- for these purposes, you can use "1C: Accounting 8", into which the necessary information from the UNF is automatically transferred.

    Version not intended for accounting and tax accounting - instead, you can use "1C: Accounting 8", which receives the necessary data from the UNF.

    The program is designed to work in service, trade and manufacturing companies. In the UNF, you can keep records of two or more organizations - in one or in different information bases.

    Developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform. Thanks to its use, UNF has a user-friendly interface, good performance - speed, useful service functions.

    "1C: Travel Agency 8" - a solution based on "1C: UNF" for companies involved in the tourism business

    Demo version
    "1C: Management of a small company 8" "Travel agency"

    To get acquainted with the capabilities of the "Travel Agency" section, which expanded the capabilities of "1C: UNF", you need to select the "Travel Agency" icon on the "Partition Panel"

    Quick accounting of the company's activities is carried out as part of applications for three types of tours:

    • The agency sells package (foreign) tours on a commission basis
    • Composite tours are formed by the travel agency independently (acting as the consolidator of the tour). For example, selling a tour to Altai with the simultaneous purchase of railway tickets, insurance, etc. When compiling a list of services for a composite tour, the reference book " Additional services". With the help of the mechanism of compound tours, you can issue any one-time services: a ticket, a visa, a passport, etc.
    • Corporate tours (for individuals and legal entities)

    The program has the opportunity to get acquainted with management reports:

    • Show marginal income on closed orders, showing gross profit.
    • The funds available to the travel agency are in the "reports on the structure of funds" The task is to control the profitability of the enterprise and the ability to fulfill debt obligations to tour operators

    "1C:8 Beauty Salon" - Automation of a beauty salon, a new stage in business development.

    Demo version
    "1C: Retail 8. Beauty salon"

    "1C: 8 Beauty Salon" - there is a large client base, the list of services has expanded, new program loyalty, there is a recruitment of new masters and the administrator cannot cope with a large amount of diverse information, confusion begins, time and money are wasted. There is only one solution - to automate the business!


    The training kit "1C:Enterprise 8.3 Version for teaching programming" is available for free download on the official website of 1C

    Starting from 07/04/2014, the software product "1C: Enterprise 8.3 Version for programming training" is available for free download on the official website of the company "1C" .

    For those who are more comfortable and familiar with working with print media of documentation and methodological literature on paper, the "boxed" delivery of "1C: Enterprise 8. Version for teaching programming" at a price of 978 rubles, which includes books in paper form, is still on sale:

    • M. G. Radchenko, E. Yu. Khrustaleva "1C: Enterprise 8.2. Practical guide for the developer. Examples and typical techniques";
    • E. Yu. Khrustaleva "Introduction to the development mobile applications on the platform "1C:Enterprise 8"

    "1C:Enterprise 8. Version for teaching programming" contains the distribution kit of the educational version of the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform, a set of configurations for training, as well as documentation and teaching materials.

    Compared to previous releases, the new edition additionally includes the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 mobile platform, which allows you to create applications that run on mobile devices running Android or iOS operating systems.
    The educational version of the mobile platform has no restrictions on functionality, data volume and the launch of mobile applications, however, in the future, 1C reserves the right to introduce such restrictions.
    The educational version of the mobile platform cannot be used to build distributions of mobile applications intended for further publication and replication


    The distribution kit of the electronic version of the software product "1C:Enterprise 8.3 Version for teaching programming" includes the following materials:

    • recommendations for working with the program;
    • description of the architecture of the platform "1C:Enterprise 8";
    • distribution kit of the educational version of the platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3";
    • mobile platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3" NEW!
    • configurations:
      • demonstration configurations for the book by M. G. Radchenko, E. Yu. Khrustaleva "1C: Enterprise 8.3. A practical guide for a developer. Examples and typical techniques";

        "Accounting of the enterprise";

        "Control small firm"NEW!

      Mobile application "UNF" NEW!

    • documentation and teaching materials:
      • "1C:Enterprise 8.3. Developer's guide";

        "1C:Enterprise 8.3. Administrator's guide";

        book by M. G. Radchenko, E. Yu. Khrustaleva "1C: Enterprise 8.3. Practical guide for the developer. Examples and typical techniques";

        book by E. Yu. Khrustaleva "Introduction to the development of mobile applications on the platform" 1C:Enterprise 8 "

        developer glossary;

        1C:ITS methodological support materials for developers.

    Limitations of the educational version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform

    The training version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is a real-life 1C:Enterprise 8 platform with the following limitations:

    • use for real accounting is not allowed;
    • it is not allowed to use mobile applications intended for replication and distribution for assembly of distribution kits;
    • limited amount of data:
      • the maximum number of entries in the tables of accounts is 2000;

        the maximum number of entries in the main object tables is 2000;

        the number of records in the tabular parts of objects - 1000;

        number of records in recordsets - 2000;

        number of records from external data sources - 200;

    • work in the client-server variant is not supported;
    • operation of distributed infobases is not supported;
    • COM connection is not supported;
    • there is no possibility to use passwords and authentication operating system for users;
    • printing and saving spreadsheet documents are supported only in the "Configurator" mode;
    • copying the contents of more than one cell of a spreadsheet document in 1C:Enterprise mode is not supported;
    • the speed of the educational version is lower than that of the commercial version of "1C:Enterprise 8.";
    • work with the configuration repository is not supported;
    • the functionality associated with the delivery of the configuration is not available;
    • the number of simultaneous sessions with the infobase is limited to one session;
    • delimiter values ​​are set to the default values ​​for that delimiter type.

    Along with the tasks of studying, it is allowed to use the educational version of the platform for modifying and developing real applied solutions within the capabilities of this delivery. The configuration infobase formats of the educational and commercial versions do not differ; the complexity of configurations (applied solutions) in the educational version is unlimited. However, the ability to debug on real data is limited by data volume restrictions.

    Real operation of applied solutions can be carried out only on commercial versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system.


    On this page, you can choose one of the distribution options:

    • complete delivery of the software product "1C:Enterprise 8.3. Version for teaching programming"
    • separate distribution of the educational version of the platform + mobile platform

    Select the required distribution, then fill out the form and accept the terms of the License Agreement. A link to download the distribution kit will be sent to the address specified in the questionnaire.

    To update the educational version, you need to re-download full version product or distribution of the educational version of the platform.


    Information for users of educational versions is published on the page Support for users of this product who are independently learning to develop applied solutions is provided at the conference:

    Tags: 1c free download, 1c download free, 1c demo, 1c enterprise 8.3 demo, 1c accounting free download, 1c 8.3 demo, 1c enterprise 8.3 download

    In order to create favorable conditions for studying the software products of the 1C:Enterprise system, 1C has made available for free download a version for teaching programming in the 1C environment.

    The training kit includes a training version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, training configurations "Enterprise Accounting" and "1C:Management of our company" (1C:UNF), documentation, teaching materials and demo configurations.

    This solution makes self-study of 1C programs available to the widest range of users.

    The educational version allows you to get acquainted with many aspects of the 1C: Enterprise 8 software system. Master the work in standard configurations "1C: Enterprise Accounting" and "1C: UNF". Learn the techniques of configuring and programming in the 1C:Enterprise environment: creating and modifying metadata objects (directories, registers, documents, journals, enumerations, constants, etc.), setting up and developing an interface, writing software modules, creating mobile applications, etc.

    How to download the educational version of 1C:Enterprise 8 without registration and SMS

    To download click on the button below.

    On the software product page, click the link "Get the product for free" (see figure).

    In the questionnaire that opens, specify your full name and E-mail (other fields are optional), check the box "I accept the License Agreement" and click "Submit".

    In the application, you can safely indicate your working e-mail, then no spam and advertising will come from 1C, and if necessary, you can specify this e-mail again, because. no problem re-downloading the tutorial version.

    In just a few seconds (maximum a couple of minutes), an email will be sent to the email address specified in the questionnaire from " [email protected] " with subject line: " Link to download the product 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Version for learning programming"(see pic).

    Saving the archive file to your computer disk.

    In the directory with the unzipped files, find and run the file autoran.exe. In the installer window that opens, select what exactly needs to be installed.

    If it doesn't start autoran.exe, then you can start the installation of the technological platform and the necessary configurations using setup.exe manually from directories:

    • platform_8_3_8_1933- technological platform 1C: Enterprise version
    • mobile_8_3_8_58- mobile platform 1C:Enterprise version
    • accounting_3_0_35_27- "Enterprise Accounting" configuration version
    • smallbiz_1_6_5_28- configuration "Management of our company" version
    • money_2_0_19_2- configuration "Money" version

    If everything was done correctly, then as a result of installing the educational version of the 1C: Enterprise platform and the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration, the following platform should be displayed in the program help window: "1C:Enterprise 8.3, educational version" and Configuration: "Accounting of the enterprise (educational)".

    Please note that the download link sent to you will be valid for 5 days after you have filled out the form on the 1C website. If during this time the download failed, then it's okay, you can go back to the site and submit a request again, indicating your e-mail again, you will receive a second letter with a new link to download the educational version.

    If necessary, you can download only the educational version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform (with a mobile platform) without configurations and additional materials, the educational version of the previous edition of 1C v.8.2 ( with the configuration "Enterprise Accounting" rev.3.0 ( ), as well as a training version for Kazakhstan (also old version 1С v.8.2). To do this, follow the link and select the required distribution kit.

    Electronic supplies 1C - 100% license! Buy as quickly as possible!

    Update and support for the educational version of 1C: Enterprise 8

    To update the educational version, you need to download it again.
    Support for users using the educational version of 1C: Enterprise 8 for self-training in configuring and developing application solutions is provided in the conference:
    Information for users of educational versions of 1C is published on the page:

    Delivery set "1C:Enterprise 8.3 Version for teaching programming"

    The electronic version of the software product "1C:Enterprise 8.3 Version for teaching programming" includes:

    • Distribution kit of the educational version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform (has limitations, see below);
    • Educational configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting" rev.3.0;
    • Training configuration "1C: Management of a small company" (the new name of the configuration is 1C: Management of OUR company - 1C: UNF);
    • Training configuration "1C:Money";
    • Mobile platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3" (for developing mobile applications);
    • Mobile application "UNF";
    • Documentation and methodological materials in in electronic format:
      • Description of the architecture of the platform "1C:Enterprise 8";
      • Recommendations for working with the program;
      • "1C:Enterprise 8.3. Developer's guide";
      • "1C:Enterprise 8.3. Administrator's guide";
      • Developer Glossary;
      • 1C:ITS methodological support materials for developers;
      • Book E. Yu. Khrustaleva "Introduction to the development of mobile applications on the platform" 1C:Enterprise 8 ";
      • The book by M. G. Radchenko, E. Yu. Khrustaleva "1C: Enterprise 8.3. A practical guide for a developer. Examples and typical techniques" + demo configurations for the book;
    Limitations of the educational version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform

    The educational version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform has a number of limitations compared to the commercial version:

    Legal restrictions:

    • the educational version of the 1C:Enterprise platform and educational configurations do not give the right to use them for real accounting;
    • the 1C mobile platform, which is part of the educational version, does not give the right to use the program for assembling distributions of mobile applications intended for replication and distribution.
    Technological limitations
    • Printing and saving documents in 1C:Enterprise user mode is not supported;
    • multi-user work is not supported, the number of simultaneous sessions with the infobase is limited to one session;
    • work in the client-server variant under the control of any DBMS is not supported;
    • operation of distributed infobases is not supported;
    • for versions of the learning platform below, work with the extension mechanism is not supported;
    • COM connection is not supported;
    • use of passwords and operating system authentication for users is not supported;
    • copying the contents of more than one cell of a spreadsheet document in 1C:Enterprise mode is not supported;
    • work with the configuration repository is not supported;
    • the performance of the educational version is lower than that of the commercial version of 1C:Enterprise 8;
    • the functionality associated with the delivery of the configuration is not available;
    • delimiter values ​​are set to the default values ​​for that delimiter type.
    Restrictions on the amount of information entered in documents, directories, charts of accounts, plans of types of characteristics and other object tables:
    • the maximum number of entries in the tables of accounts is 2000;
    • the maximum number of entries in the main object tables is 2000;
    • the number of records in the tabular parts of objects - 1000;
    • number of records in recordsets - 2000;
    • number of records from external data sources - 200;

    The actual operation of applied solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform can only be carried out on commercial versions of the system.

    Extension support

    Support for the configuration extension mechanism is implemented in the educational version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform starting from version

    Educational versions with books and CD

    For those who are more comfortable and accustomed to working with printed editions of documentation and methodological literature on paper, the usual options for supplying educational versions of 1C with books and distributions on CD are on sale.

    Additionally, the "boxed" version of "1C:Enterprise 8. Version for teaching programming" includes a registration form that allows you to register a software product in personal account on the ITS portal and download updates of the educational version of the 1C: Enterprise platform from the site technical support 1C as they are released and other privileges for users of registered software products.

    Educational version of the configuration 1C: Trade Management

    The training version of the configuration 1C: Trade Management rev. 11.3 (without the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform) can be downloaded separately from the link.
    The training version of the 1C: Trade Management rev. 11.4 configuration (without the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform) can be downloaded separately from


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