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Currently, the profession of a welder is one of the most sought after in the construction industry. In conditions of shortage of working personnel, these specialists are in a special account, because welding work is required in almost every production, and there are very few young craftsmen. A welder is a working specialty and involves work in the welding industry. The specialist is engaged in the connection of metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines of various types, composition, purpose and level of complexity. The quality of work and welds depends on a professional welder. In his work, mistakes are not allowed that can lead to disastrous consequences.

History of the profession

All welders celebrate their holiday on the last Friday of May, on the eve of summer, when welding work is most intensive. This date has not been officially approved, but it already has a rather long history - it has been celebrated since the beginning of the 90s of the XX century. The very same profession of a welder appeared even earlier. The time of its occurrence can be considered 1802, when the Russian scientist Vasily Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, in which a high temperature is created between two carbon electrodes, allowing the metal to melt. Soon this discovery found practical application - this is how electric welding appeared.

How to get a profession

Do you want to become a welder? Then the first thing you need to do is find a way to get an appropriate education. The latter can be both secondary with subsequent training in courses, and secondary special. As a rule, professional colleges are engaged in the release of welders. Getting there won't be too difficult. In the course of studies in these institutions, you will acquire knowledge to the extent that will allow you to become a good welder.

A big role is played by how well you choose a place for your practice. Most often, beginners are taken as apprentices or assistants to more experienced masters. You should start looking for such a place during your studies.

Requirements for candidates

Required professional skills and knowledge:

  • knowledge of electrical engineering, metal melting technology;
  • knowledge of the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation;
  • knowledge of the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used;
  • knowledge of labor protection and safety instructions;
  • knowledge in physics and chemistry.

Personal qualities:

  • physical endurance, good eyesight;
  • dexterity, flexibility of movement of legs, arms, whole body;
  • patience;
  • diligence;
  • perseverance.

Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.


AT official duties welder includes:

  • manufacturing and production of quality products;
  • work according to the plan of technological preparation for the production of welding works;
  • planning of terms and volumes of work;
  • analysis of welding technology;
  • compliance with labor protection standards;
  • compliance with a strict welding regime;
  • drawing up orders for products, materials for further work;
  • maintaining all necessary documentation and accounting;
  • assistance in organizing work aimed at increasing the level of labor productivity;
  • possible participation in research work to improve technology or work methods.

Profession categories

Welder on contact (press) welding machines

Professional duties: welding on contact and spot products machines, units, structures, pipelines and tanks made of various steels, non-ferrous metals, alloys and other metal materials; friction welding of compound cutting tools.

Welder at diffusion-welding installations

Professional duties: welding on multi-chamber diffusion-welding installations of experimental, expensive, unique assemblies and parts made of metals and alloys in various combinations, subjected to special tests; welding in special furnaces of structures such as honeycomb panels with filler with an area of ​​more than 1.7 m²; performance of work on the saturation of metal materials with nitrogen in special equipment.

Welder at electron beam welding machines

Professional duties: electron-beam welding in vacuum of expensive components and parts made of special alloys; welding of complex assemblies and parts, welding of products with a limited degree of heating; welding of small-sized and miniature products; welding of products intended for operation under shock and vibration loads; maintenance of high-vacuum systems with automatic control or with a continuous production cycle; welding of metals and alloys in various combinations with metal thickness up to 0.8 mm; continuous monitoring of the pumping process according to instrument readings and control of the welding process; obtaining the optimal parameters of the electron beam and changing them in order to obtain the optimal cross section of the welds.

Thermite welder

Professional duties: thermite welding of parts of varying complexity; installation and alignment of the press, editing of surfaces to be welded, installation and coating of molds; stuffing of forms, excavation of models and drying of forms; preparation of a mixture for crucibles, their manufacture and firing; heating of the surfaces to be welded with a gasoline and a brazier; screening by hand or on a seeder and crushing on a crushing machine of thermite components, mixing them, packaging and stacking in portions; cutting of metal after welding; regulation of the ventilation unit; mechanism lubrication.

gas welder

Professional duties: gas welding of complex parts, mechanisms, structures and pipelines made of high-carbon, alloyed, special and corrosion-resistant steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under high pressure; cutting metal with a cutter; fusing hard alloys complex parts, assemblies, structures and mechanisms.

Electric and gas welder

Professional duties: manual arc, plasma and gas welding of especially complex devices, parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under high pressure; cutting metal with a cutter; manual arc and gas-electric welding of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration; automatic welding of various structures from alloyed special steels, titanium and other alloys on automatic machines of a special design, multi-arc, multi-electrode automatic machines and automatic machines equipped with television, photoelectronic and other special devices, on automatic manipulators (robots); mechanized welding of apparatuses, assemblies, pipeline structures, building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, when performing welds in the ceiling position and on a vertical plane; welding of experimental structures from metals and alloys with limited weldability, as well as from titanium and titanium alloys; welding of complex structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld.

Ranks of welders

The ranks of welders are determined by professional qualities specialist and his skills.

1st category - plastic welder. Welding of plastic bags and plastic parts. The master is obliged to prepare blanks, dismantle and assemble elements for cooking.

2nd category - master of thermite welding. The duties of this specialist include the ability to use manual arc and plasma welding, as well as understand simple drawings.

3rd category - welder of the main and simplest types of welding. They are masters in the field of arc and manual welding.

4th category - specialist in manual arc and plasma welding. He works with parts of medium complexity. The duties of a master of this category include manual oxygen cutting of complex products.

5th category - a worker for welding complex assemblies and parts. This specialist is able to cook various kinds of elements not only under pressure, but also under the action of an electron beam. He can handle the welding of vacuum joints.

6th category - a specialist with a wide profile. Can work with any kind of oil and gas pipelines. This is a master of all trades in everything related to welding of any complexity. The specialist of the 6th category is a professional of the highest class.


Due to the fact that there are very few young welders today, even yesterday's college graduates large enterprises earn 500-600 USD. e. As for the more experienced workers of a high rank, their salary can reach up to 1,000 c.u. e. However, it should be noted that the level wages directly depends on the place of work and even for the execution of the same order you can get different money.

The lowest salary for a welder is in the housing and communal sector, and the most generous is in the oil and gas industry.

Profession myths

The five most enduring myths about welding

In one form or another, welders have to deal with interesting questions about their profession. While the welding industry is constantly evolving, there are at least five enduring myths about welding.

Myth 1. "Welding is a low-paid profession."

This myth is based on the general belief that all working professions are low paid. This statement is at odds with reality. For example, a highly qualified welder earns from 80,000 tenge per month.

It is possible that this opinion became widespread as early as the 1990s, when, thanks to the development of computer technology, new “office” professions began to appear and the prestige of blue-collar jobs fell sharply. Now the reverse process is underway, since any economy is based on production, and the shortage of working specialties negatively affects its development.

Myth 2. "A welder is a purely male profession."

The profession of a welder requires a lot of manual labor and is generally regarded as a purely male job. Approximately 4% of welders are women, and this figure is increasing every year. More and more women are finding welding as a form of entertainment or hobby. They annually win prizes at art welding competitions.

Myth 3. “Insufficient number of jobs or, conversely, there are no free niches in this profession.”

Such conflicting opinions are due to the fact that it is difficult to measure the need for welders in any specific numbers. This is due, firstly, to the uneven distribution of industry, that is, there is demand in some regions, but not in others. Secondly, employers often look for a welder with a certain specificity (argon arc welding, semi-automatic welding, pipeline welding, plastic pipe welding, etc.), and some, after completing their training, get a job immediately, while others cannot find anything.

Myth 4. "A welder is a monotonous profession."

To a person who is remotely familiar with welding, it seems that these are just sparks, splashes of metal and nothing more. In fact, a good welder must know materials science, the basics of physics and electricity, and understand the processes that occur in metal under the influence of heat and pressure. In addition, there are completely different welding methods (explosion welding, underwater welding, robotic welding) that require a completely different approach.

Myth 5. "This is a profession in which there is no career growth."

By improving your skills and having the appropriate certificates, you can achieve a lot. The more experience you have and the more responsible work you perform, the higher you are valued in the labor market. Having the highest rank, there is high perspective move to a managerial position or get a job in the quality control of welds (but additional training will be required).

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • high demand in the labor market;
  • enough high salaries experienced welders.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • difficult working conditions (sometimes you have to work in extreme conditions, at high altitude or under the influence of various meteorological factors);
  • a large load on vision due to the high brightness of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, an electric arc (the appearance of an electrophthalmia disease);
  • the presence of other occupational diseases due to inhalation of industrial dust (silicosis, pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma).


Medical contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, osteochondrosis);
  • mental ailments and disorders of the nervous system;
  • irritability;
  • allergic diseases;
  • severe visual and hearing impairments.


Career development:

  • 1st step- receiving vocational education;
  • 2nd step- acquisition of professional experience;
  • 3rd step- training;
  • 4th step- higher education.

Career Opportunities:

  • foreman;
  • technician;
  • engineer;
  • department head;
  • head of the enterprise;
  • researcher, designer, designer.

Interesting Welding Facts

It would seem that what could be curious in such a completely earthly and mundane process as metal welding? And yet you will be surprised how much interesting facts there is about metals, alloy and welding.

  • For example, did you know that the highest welding temperature is 5000 °C? Such monstrous heating is necessary for melting steels with a high level of heat resistance.
  • We are used to seeing welders on construction sites and thinking of welding as a rough process. However, there is also a way to create seams using ultrasound, electron beam, friction, gas flame, laser radiation and electric arc.
  • Welding is necessary both in everyday life and in such complex jobs as creating spaceships to launch satellites, ships, probes and other objects both into orbit and to distant stars. To make all this possible, special welding methods are used. For example, it is known that non-oxidized metals and alloys in outer space begin to stick together.
  • Welding is a long and painstaking task. An example of this is the colossal statue of the Motherland in Kyiv, which took more than 30 kilometers of welds to create. The total weight of the statue is 450 tons, consisting entirely of welded metal!
  • Today in Russia there is a statue dedicated to the welder, and this is not surprising, given that the first welding workshop appeared in Perm as early as 1883. In those distant times, an electric arc and a consumable electrode were already used to work on connecting or disconnecting two metal plates.
  • Speaking of colossal welded structures, one cannot fail to mention the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. This metal monster, as the Parisians themselves spoke unflatteringly about it in 1889, consists of 18038 parts from magnificent wrought iron and weighs 9441 tons. The height of the tower is 324 meters, so at the time of its installation, the Eiffel Tower was rightfully considered the tallest building in the world.
  • Speaking of iron, it is worth noting that this is one of the most common elements not only on Earth, but also in the Universe. For comparison, more iron is mined on the planet every year than gold has been mined in the entire history of mankind. Aluminum is the most widely used metal in soil.
  • Another curious fact, not only from the point of view of working with metals, but also from the point of view of medicine, is that in no case should you look at welding. Probably, everyone in childhood heard warnings from adults: “Do not look at welding, otherwise you will go blind.” And indeed it is. However, damage to the eyes is not caused by visible light or sparks, but by ultraviolet rays. They have a devastating effect on the retina. So if you look at welding for a long time, you can really get burned and partially or even completely lose your sight. Therefore, for safety reasons, never look at the welding process unless your eyes are protected by a special construction mask screen!

Notable welders

Benardos Nikolai Nikolaevich (1842-1905)- Russian inventor, one of the creators of electric arc welding of metals.

Slavyanov Nikolai Gavrilovich (1854-1897)- Inventor of electric arc welding of metals.

Borchaninov Luka Ivanovich (1837-1905)- a worker, one of the first welders in Russia, worked under the guidance of Slavyanov.

Paton Boris Evgenievich (born in 1918)- Soviet scientist in the field of metallurgy and welding. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

Kubasov Valery Nikolaevich (born in 1935)- Soviet cosmonaut, the first in the world to conduct welding work in space.

Erich Honecker (1912-1994)- Head of the German Democratic Republic (1971-1989), General Secretary of the SED and Chairman of the State Council of the GDR, worked as a welder in 1930 at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

The modern world is completely based on metal. Without it, it is impossible to build tall buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in everyday life, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal specialist connecting metal parts into complex structures using electric welding will always be needed. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

History of the profession: (the emergence of the profession, the history of the development of the profession) The time of the emergence of the profession of a welder can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it allows metals to be melted. From this discovery to its industrial applications a considerable period of time has passed. But decades later, the method of joining metals with an electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials.…

The social significance of the profession in society: (the meaning of the profession, the importance of the profession, the need for the profession, the demand for the profession) Welding works are used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, Agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

The mass nature and uniqueness of the profession: (requirements for the profession, prospects) A welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatuses, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

Risks of the profession: (pros and cons of the profession, features of the profession, difficulties of the profession) The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases. The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work in open construction sites in any weather, a large load on the eyesight due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

Where to get a profession: (professional training) You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools, colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

In recent years, there has been a shortage of workers with the profession of welder. Almost no production is complete without welding. Although this profession is not so popular among young people today, the need for good craftsmen is not decreasing either in our country or abroad.

A welder is a working specialty that is in demand in production. This type activity involves the connection of plastics and metals without any fasteners and parts. This profession requires high level responsibility, since the service life of all kinds of equipment, the stability and durability of building structures are directly related to the quality of the work performed by the welder. It is thanks to welding that metal elements will be reliably connected both in the manufacture of new structures or products, and in the repair of old elements.

The services of a welder are used not only in mechanical engineering or auto repair, but also on construction sites, in industry, in shipbuilding, in agriculture, in the construction of bridges and buildings. In the energy and oil refining industries, a welding master is also indispensable. It will not even be possible to make a grill grate without such a specialist.

The profession of a welder involves the following specializations:

  • craftsmen working on press, that is, resistance welding machines;
  • thermite cookers;
  • welders on diffusion-welding equipment;
  • workers on electron-beam welding installations;
  • electric welders;
  • gas welders.

The ranks of welders are determined by the professional qualities of a specialist and by his skill.

  • 1 category - plastic welder. Welding of plastic bags and plastic parts. The master is obliged to prepare blanks, dismantle and assemble elements for cooking.
  • 2 category - master of thermite welding. The duties of this specialist include the ability to use manual arc and plasma welding, as well as understand simple drawings.
  • 3rd category - welder of the main and simplest types of welding. They are masters in the field of arc and manual welding.
  • 4th category - specialist in manual arc and plasma welding. He works with parts of medium complexity. The duties of a master of this category include manual oxygen cutting of complex products.
  • 5th category - a worker for welding complex assemblies and parts. This specialist is able to cook various kinds of elements not only under pressure, but also under the action of an electron beam. He can handle the welding of vacuum joints.
  • 6th category - a specialist with a wide profile, can work with any type of work from oil and gas pipelines. This is a master of all trades in everything related to welding of any complexity. Specialist of the 6th category is a professional of the highest class.

You can’t do without the services of a welder not only during the construction of houses, but also during repair work in the premises. Welding specialists will replace radiators and heated towel rails, repair utilities, and perform work on the fire extinguishing system. You can’t do without such a master when replacing risers and sewers.

The profession of a welder is quite multifaceted. A specialist in this field should understand not only alloys and metals, but also electrical engineering, know the properties of gases and the principles of working with necessary equipment and aggregates.

Personal qualities

To work as a welder, you must have good physical training, since working with heavy metal structures is beyond the strength of a weak body. That is why there are almost no women in this profession. Various working conditions in cramped and dark spaces also require endurance from the craftsmen. Sometimes you have to weld in hard-to-reach places in uncomfortable positions, so in the profession of a welder, flexibility, good mobility of the whole body, especially the arms, will come in handy.

Monotonous work requires the masters to be able to concentrate, focus attention for a long period. And for this, first of all, you need excellent vision and light perception. Also, you can’t cope with the work of a welder without good hand-eye coordination.

A professional in his field is always distinguished by balance, patience and perseverance. No doubt he is a hard worker. And so that the hand does not tremble when welding any seam, the master must be mentally balanced.

Education (What do you need to know?)

There is an increase in modern society industrial production. Construction also does not stand still and every day its pace only increases. Therefore, today one cannot do without the profession of a welder.

You can learn this profession in vocational colleges and schools, where students undergo a special vocational training both in theory and in practice. After 9 classes in such educational institutions will have to take 3 years. And having finished all 11 classes - only 2 years. Technical schools and colleges offer various specialties of welding fixture adjusters and masters of gas and electric welding.

In order for any welding work to take place with least risk, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions and be well aware of sanitary standards. Any mistakes or negligence of the welder endanger not only his health, but also the safety of others.

To improve the skills and increase the skill in the work of a welder, one should learn from more knowledgeable and professional colleagues, and at the same time attend advanced training courses. To learn new technologies and methods of welding, you need to constantly learn. And the more experience a young specialist gains, the faster he will be able to increase his rank, respectively, and the salary will increase significantly, sometimes reaching up to 100 thousand rubles.

Place of work and career

A specialist with a diploma in welding is in demand today more than ever. Manufacturing plants, construction, laboratories for new developments, factories - this is not a complete list of places where qualified welders are so needed. Wherever it is necessary to connect metal elements and structures, a welding master is required.

Few young specialists aspire to the housing and communal sector, since salaries here are not at all high. But having rich work experience and a high rank, you can find work in the oil and gas industry, where you will pay much more.

Having mastered the profession of a welder, there is no doubt that the job will always find you, as good specialists are needed not only in production, but also in everyday life. Therefore, a professional in this field will never be left without earnings.

Profession welder

The modern world is completely based on metal. Without it, it is impossible to build tall buildings, cars, ships. Metal is used everywhere: in everyday life, in industry, in construction. Therefore, a metal specialist connecting metal parts into complex structures using electric welding will always be needed. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

The time of the emergence of the profession of a welder can be considered 1802, when V. Petrov discovered the effect of an electric arc, when it occurs between two carbon electrodes, a high temperature is created. This temperature is so high that it allows metals to be melted. From the moment of this discovery to its industrial application, a considerable period of time has passed. But decades later, the method of joining metals with an electric arc method revolutionized various industries, construction and became a mass technology for joining materials.…

Welding is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

A welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatuses, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.
The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, a large load on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

Welding is the process of joining metals and plastics without the use of fasteners or fixtures.

A person closely involved in construction, engineering or repair is well aware of how much we all depend on welding, which is a fundamental part of the process of creating so many things that we see in everyday life, including cars, buildings, bridges and much more.

Welding allows you to securely join metal parts for repairs, making parts to replace damaged ones, and creating a variety of new products - from a meat grill to a sports car. It takes time to learn how to get a good, strong and clean seam with a welding machine.

Don't think that you can just take a torch and get the perfect seam the first time. The more time you spend hard practicing with a welding machine, the better results you will achieve. Once you master a welding machine, you will wonder how you managed without it until now.

If you are going to seriously get into welding and get the necessary skills practical work You'd better get special training.

Video Occupation Welder.

Personal qualities

The work of a welder is physically demanding and harmful to the eyes, so excellent health is a prerequisite for college applicants.

We especially note the patience of the welder. He has to work for a long time in closed, dark, cramped rooms in the same, uncomfortable position.

The welder is hardworking, he is characterized by perseverance, dexterity and flexibility of the movements of the arms, legs and the whole body. Ceiling seams in enclosed spaces require special skill. You can't call him otherwise than a virtuoso.

Education (What do you need to know?)

A welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatus, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences.

It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to.

A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used.

Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

Today, it is not enough for a welder to perform several, even complex, operations of the welding method he has mastered. He must understand the physical essence of the main processes occurring during welding, know the features of welding various structural materials, as well as the meaning and technological capabilities of other, both traditional and new, promising welding methods. Hence the need for continuous improvement of training, professional excellence welder workers.

Place of work and career

In the context of a general shortage of working personnel, the profession of a welder is on a special note: welding work is required in almost any production, and there are very few young craftsmen. Therefore, the salaries of welders are high.

Welding is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

Where to study?

Colleges and technical schools by specialty Speciality

Reception at the base
9 classes

Reception at the base
11 classes

Cost per year

Metal forming

3 g 10


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