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The time when gas stations performed one function is long gone. Now they tend to be a whole complex, bringing together various services, such as a store with a wide range of goods, ranging from food to consumables for car, cafe, tire inflation and interior vacuuming and so on. However, the main thing is still refueling the car and the decisive factor in the choice is the quality of fuel, high level of service and convenient location.

For more than 20 years, Lukoil has not only increased the level of confidence in its products, but also strives for excellence in the market of services provided by filling stations. Each individual gas station today is able to satisfy all the basic needs of the driver and his "iron horse" on the road. Due to the fact that Lukoil gas stations are very common on the highway, spending time looking for quality goods and maintenance is no longer needed.

Benefits of refueling at Lukoil gas stations

One of the most developed and large networks There are more than 3,700 stations in Russian gas stations in the country and abroad. Almost any competitor can envy such prevalence. In each of the countries where gas stations are located, the client will be able to use the card, because each of them is equipped with special service terminals. On the Lukoil website, the addresses of gas stations can be found as Russian Federation, and in any country where they are located.

Another advantage is the reward program for its customers, whether individuals or legal entities, allowing them to save money from purchases at the company's branded stations and participate in.

Due to the high requirements for personnel and their qualifications, customers will be served on highest level, having received only pleasant impressions from the work of employees.

Find Lukoil gas stations on the map can be in the application or on the company's website.

Is the quality of gasoline at Lukoil gas stations?

For 5 years, the company has been producing fuel that, according to the technical regulations, meets the 5th quality level. This class of products has a positive effect on the operation of the car engine and differs from the rest in the lowest level of emissions of toxic substances into the environment due to the minimum sulfur content.

Lukoil is responsible for quality control of its own products, which is not limited to the manufacturing stage. Fuel is also tested during storage at oil depots and directly at the filling station. notes that the company has mobile laboratories to control the quality of gasoline.

Each appeal of citizens dissatisfied with fuel on hotline entails an internal check, which includes raids on specific addresses of gas stations Lukoil followed by sampling for analysis. So guaranteed high quality products.

What is a comprehensive service from Lukoil gas station?

Refueling at Lukoil gas stations has long been not associated with motorists exclusively with the purchase of gasoline or diesel fuel. This is also an opportunity to purchase the necessary goods, have a snack or drink a cup of hot or soft drink, relax after a long trip, and receive a service related to car maintenance. This is a kind of multifunctional center designed to ensure the comfort of a person on the road.

The reconstructed stations have full-fledged stores with a wide range of food and non-food products. Using the service of shops at gas stations saves the driver's time, because purchases can be made in parallel with refueling the car. Also, thanks to the large areas near the markets, there are cafes where everyone can sit on soft sofas and have a bite to eat and drink tea or coffee. The exact address of a gas station located nearby can be found on the Internet.

Servicing corporate clients

For its corporate clients, in addition to quality products and excellent service, the company offers a system of discounts and refunds to the account. Fuel card holders, which are legal entities, get the opportunity to correctly allocate funds for the purchase of fuel, regulate its consumption, and introduce all kinds of restrictions. That is, without actually refueling the car personally, to fully control this process without leaving the office, only by visiting the Lukoil website. Each enterprise can issue the required number of fuel cards, but for convenience, all of them will be managed with, in which the owner or manager can make the necessary changes or restrictions.

Official list of legal entities and government organizations cooperating with oil company very large. This once again confirms the quality of the services provided and the benefits of working with it.

What profitable offers from Lukoil Russia gas stations can regular customers use

Official Lukoil gas stations offer favorable terms of cooperation for their retail regular customers. makes it possible to participate in interesting promotions with valuable prizes, save on the purchase of fuel and consumables for the car, receive points for plastic card, which will later be spent on subsequent purchases at a gas station. To join the club, you need to do the following:

  • Get plastic at any gas station or special centers
  • Visit the Lukoil gas station website for registration. It is also possible by phone or by filling out a questionnaire at the points of its receipt.
  • If it was carried out by phone or by filling out a questionnaire at the card issuing centers, then you should enter the activation code in the terminal at the gas station
  • After that, you can use it, accumulate bonuses and participate in promotions and special offers.

The nearest gas station Lukoil: how to find it?

The prevalence of filling stations of this brand is quite large. Therefore, a Lukoil gas station near your home or work in major cities, as well as along the way in Russia there is always. For the convenience of customers, you can see Lukoil gas stations on the map, as well as take the opportunity to build a route to it, which will be very convenient if the driver is in an unfamiliar area. To do this, just go to official page company and select the "Network of gas stations" tab.

For people who prefer mobile gadgets, the company has developed the application "Gas Station Locator". By downloading it to your phone or tablet, the driver will receive useful information, without going to the site, will build the route of his trip and find out the approximate amount of gasoline needed, get acquainted with the presence of branded stations along the route.

For example, when entering the name of their city, residents of the capital will have access to a map of Moscow with all gas stations.

Each gas station is equipped with a user's corner, where each customer has the right to leave their feedback or suggestions for improving the work. Each feedback will be taken into account, because the motto of the stations in relation to their customers is goodwill and hospitality.

Customer care- this is what distinguishes Lukoil from the mass of other filling networks.

Preparing for a vacation by the Black Sea and the trip itself to it by a private car raises many questions. Everyone, especially those who decide to go this way for the first time, is interested in the quality of the M4 highway. An important issue will be the location of gas stations, including Lukoil. If you prefer high-quality fuel and have constantly used the services of this company, then you will topical issue about where the Lukoil gas stations are located on the M4 highway. It is also important to show their advantages when considering this topic.

Highway M4 "Don"

Today, according to the reviews of most motorists and professional drivers, this is the highest quality and demanded. Its length from Moscow to Novorossiysk is 1589 kilometers. The route passes through 5 regions (Moscow, Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Rostov), ​​the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. The highway lives its own life, it has its own characteristics. Of course, if a person once walked this route on their own back and forth, then it will be much easier to overcome it again.

The track surface is made of asphalt concrete, its width is 7-9 meters. In some areas there is a dividing strip. The route carries the main load in terms of cargo traffic towards the Caucasus and Crimea in the summer season, since it is along it that a large number of cars and trucks move towards the Black Sea.

Modern Lukoil gas stations on the M4 highway create a certain comfort for drivers and passengers. Most drivers agree that despite its quality, the M4 cannot cope with the huge traffic load in the summer season. Hence the long traffic jams in which cars stand for hours. There are alternative sections of the road on the highway, they are paid and make it possible to unload the main highway, reduce the traffic flow.

Dangerous sections of the route

Despite the four-lane traffic with bumpers, there are sections of the road on the highway where it abruptly turns into a two-lane one, on which overtaking is prohibited. The driver has to “drag” along such a section, attaching himself to the tail of some trucker or, breaking all the rules, go to overtake. There is such a section of the road in the Lipetsk region. It is possible that at the next traffic police post you will be given a receipt for paying a fine.

It is worth noting that the M4 highway is literally crammed with traffic cameras. Especially a lot of them in the Voronezh region. Therefore, it is not worth the risk, you must strictly follow the rules traffic. The highway has dangerous sections with steep ascents and descents, such "surprises" are expected at 59, 97, 108, 115, 298, 346, 356, 386 km, and limited visibility on sections with sharp turns is expected at 25, 49, 94, 364 km.

Location of Lukoil gas stations

I would like to note right away that the location of Lukoil gas stations on the M4 highway is not uniform. For example, in the Lipetsk region, there are only 4 of them for the entire stretch of the route passing along it, but in the Rostov region you will have to deal with Lukoil gas stations quite often.

As a rule, they are located immediately on both sides of the track - left and right. In some areas, gas stations are located only on one side, but closer to the sea, Lukoil gas stations are already found every 12-15 kilometers and from two sides.

Gas station "Lukoil" on the M4 highway

The demand for the highway attracts many companies that will offer a product of a certain quality, which does not always meet generally accepted standards. The Lukoil company is a reliable and proven supplier of high-quality petroleum products. It is represented in the Krasnodar Territory, the Rostov Region by a subsidiary of Lukoil-Yugnefteprodukt.

Lukoil gas stations do not meet European standards, environmental safety and protection requirements environment. Petroleum products and machine oils also meet world standards.

In addition to existing gas stations, new ones are being built, which are carried out in a format that meets modern standards. At most stations, drivers and their passengers are provided with maximum convenience and comfort. Everything here is built with the care of visitors. Minimarkets will offer everything you need on the way, stations Maintenance help you fix any problem with your car. There is an opportunity to rest after a tiring journey, refresh yourself with hot pastries, drink coffee or aromatic tea.

Basic and additional services of the gas station "Lukoil"

Recently, a new gas station "Lukoil" was opened on the M4 highway. Its address is the village of Kushchevskaya, st. Transportnaya, 32. This is the 1195th kilometer of the Don highway. The gas station is part of a multifunctional complex service. In addition to it, there are service stations, a restaurant, a hotel, a shopping center.

The purpose of such a service is to provide high-quality fuels M-95 (EKTO plus), M-92 (EKTO), diesel fuel (EKTO diesel), packaged engine oils, technical chemistry products, products and goods, types of additional car repair services and other services needed on the road.

Modern control system

The new Lukoil, in contrast to the old-style gas stations, are equipped with the latest control systems for the supply and receipt of all types of fuel and the protection system of the station itself. Fuel dispensers of modern designs are installed, they perform safe, high-speed and accurate fuel supply. This will greatly increase the speed of refueling cars and save drivers time.

Reviews of Lukoil gas stations on the M4 highway are mostly positive, high quality of service, competent and qualified personnel have created a positive image of the company. The few negative reviews related to "under-filling" of fuel in gas tanks, but, as we indicated above, the company began to install new fuel-dispensing equipment that will help to avoid these deviations, making them practically impossible.

M4 highway and roadside service

Drivers driving on the M4 should have no problems with roadside services. Gas stations meet often, and the quality of service is getting better every year. Reconstruction and construction of new filling stations "Lukoil" on the M4 highway shows that this issue is extremely important for the company and it is receiving more and more attention. New types of services appear, including: cozy and modern cafes near gas stations, here you can buy hot pastries at any time of the day; holiday hotels; convenience stores that have significantly expanded their range of products and goods.

List of gas stations "Lukoil" on the M4 highway

In this article, we conducted a small analysis of driver reviews. Now, of course, we provide information about Lukoil gas stations on the M4 highway. Having got used to the comfort and quality of these gas stations in their city, on the M4 highway, most drivers do not want to give up their addictions. Therefore, we will try to give the exact coordinates of all such points located on the highway. Below is a list of Lukoil gas stations on the M4 highway. Where they are is also indicated.


Filling station, No.

side of the road

Nearby town

Moscow region

Barabanovo +150 m

Tula region

Lipetsk region

With. Khlevnoye +500

With. Khlevnoye +500

Voronezh region

With. Chertovitsy +700 m


With. Rogachevka

With. Medium Caviar

With. Medium Caviar

With. Shestakovo

Rostov region

X. Gray Voronets

X. Popovka

With. Dyachkino






Krasnodar region

Art. Kushchevskaya

Art. Oktyabrskaya +300 m

Art. Pavlovskaya +700 m

Art. Irklievskaya


Art. Dinskaya

Krasnodar city

Republic of Adygea

Krasnodar region


Hot key


Hot key

65. 1450

With. Arkhipo-Osipovka

66. 1467

Gelendzhik Novorossiysk-Dzhubga - 43 km +600 m



As you can see, the list is quite large. Every car enthusiast who is used to using the services of this gas station will be able not to change his habits.

Today it is very difficult for small businesses to break into the fuel business. The market has already been divided by major players such as Lukoil, TNK, Gazprom, Rosneft, etc.

But there is one loophole that businessmen willingly use - the use of a commercial concession (or franchising in a foreign way; we often use it as a franchise).

1. Photo of a gas station operating under a franchise

2. Photo of the gas station of the Lukoil company.

3. As you can see, it is no different from many Lukoil gas stations. The same name, the same flags, the same design, the same uniform for employees, etc.

4. Here is just one small nuance - we did not buy gasoline from Lukoil, but from -

Everything would be fine, but there are "wise men" who "cling" to famous brand and working under their sign, "dilute" the fuel. This, of course, is very rare, but the probability is quite high (remember what country we live in).

I'm not against the franchise. In order to purchase it, you must meet the strict requirements of the brand. For example, the cost of the Lukoil franchise is relatively low - the annual remuneration is from two hundred to four hundred thousand rubles for each gas station, depending on its location. But the re-equipment and improvement of gas stations to the standards of the company will cost a tidy sum.

Since the initial costs are quite high, there is a temptation to recapture them "quickly". For the fuel brought from the processing plant, there are no questions about its quality. But at the gas station itself, various "frauds" can occur - fuel dilution, an increase in the octane number due to additives, dirty filters, etc., which lead to quality issues. And, it seems to me that it is not always possible to fully control the quality of fuel at gas stations operating under a franchise.

How to determine which gas station is franchised

Firstly, the company's website contains a list of enterprises (gas stations) that work with OOO LUKOIL-Volganefteprodukt under a franchising agreement.

4. Look at this list and, when planning your trip, calculate which gas stations you will stop by.

Secondly, you can use the information system "AZS-Locator". There are also mobile versions for Android and Iphone.

5. Tomorrow I will family affairs I am planning a trip to Neftekamsk. Drive about 400 km.

6. On the way you will come across 20 filling stations of the Lukoil brand. Of which - 9 gas stations operating under a franchise.

7. Yesterday I poured 50 liters of diesel fuel in Cheboksary, on the way back I will refuel at a Lukoil gas station in Naberezhnye Chelny.

And if you are sailing on a boat along the Volga to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small town of Ples, I recommend refueling at.

Thirdly, you can look at the information stand hanging inside the gas station. It must contain the legal name of the company from whom the fuel was purchased. If the user works with Lukoil, then the passports should look the same.

8. Photo of the gas station of the Lukoil company.

9. Photo of a gas station operating under a franchise.

Fourth, the only sure way is by check. Typically, information about legal entity are not always posted at the information stand. Before refueling, you can take any of the checks lying around (there are special boxes for them, because most often drivers do not pick them up). If they are not there, then you can ask the person who just paid for the fuel to show you a check.

10. Or, for example, if there is a store at a gas station (and they usually have a single cash desk), then you can buy some inexpensive thing, such as a glass of coffee, after which, having received cash receipt, you will be able to see from whom you will purchase fuel.

11. This is how the check should look like when you refuel at a gas station owned by Lukoil.

The checks of any other well-known fuel brand look similar. It must contain the name company of the same name and his legal form.

And finally, fifthly. You can look at the gas station itself. A visual inspection (the presence of a mini-market, modern speakers, an outdoor toilet) can tell you a lot.

12. Photo of a gas station operating under a franchise.

13. Photo of the gas station of the Lukoil company.

At the dispensers of the gas stations of the Lukoil company, there cannot be cases where the automatic machines do not work and the fuel flows past the tank. Here you feel comfortable and safe. It's nice that filling stations are becoming, according to the concept of Rosavtodor,


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