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Fleets with a large number of rolling stock have to solve the problem of what fuel, where to refuel equipment and how to save money at the same time. Centralized refueling at ordinary gas stations, even if using fuel cards, is unprofitable: collusion, theft and underfilling are in the order of things in this case. Everyone understands this, however, most large fleets consider an agreement with fuel networks to be the best solution. “There are a lot of inconsistencies. For example, a road train left Central Russia for a remote region, and even at branded filling stations using cards, we observe a stable underfilling, - says Kirill Vodin, Deputy General Director of Vesta Transport Company LLC. “As a result, we even had to change the fuel company because of this, plus organize our own gas station on the territory of the vehicle fleet.”

Is it possible to organize fuel distribution directly on the territory of the enterprise? Until recently, this path was very difficult. In order to build your own gas station on the territory of the fleet and own this facility for legal grounds, it was required to go through many instances, to receive more than a dozen pages of permits. Only large car factories could afford this.

Everything changed in 2012, when gas stations were taken out of the control of Rostekhnadzor, which fundamentally changed the possibility of operating all types of gas stations. “Currently, the principle of arrangement and operation of container gas stations is regulated only by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but with one caveat: if the gas station is not located on the territory of a hazardous production facility (Rostekhnadzor is additionally involved here). Only the Ministry of Emergency Situations classifies different kinds stations in their main documents NPB 111-98 and the set of rules “Car filling stations. Fire safety requirements” dated July 1, 2014,” says Yuri Kolesnikov, CEO Association "Penzaspetsavtomash" (trademark Benza).

CONTAINER AND MODULAR filling stations

Today on Russian market many products that have different names, but in fact the functions performed are the same. These include container and mobile gas stations, fuel and refueling modules. Modular gas station is a station, the technological system of which is designed for refueling Vehicle only liquid motor fuel and is characterized by an above-ground location of the tank and the spacing of the fuel dispenser (TRK) and the fuel storage container. A container filling station (KAZS) differs from a modular one only in that the fuel dispenser is placed in a fuel storage container.

In fact, from the point of view of compliance with NPB 111-98, it is absolutely unimportant how the products are called, the main thing is that they be made as a single product. “Any design that meets these parameters and has all the necessary certificates for a single factory product should and will be classified by fire inspectors as a container gas station and nothing else,” says Yuri Kolesnikov. - It is only for the customer to choose, according to the factors of further operation, how the gas station should look - sewn into a container or left with an open tank, the norms do not regulate this.

With the withdrawal of gas stations from the register of hazardous production facilities by Rostekhnadzor in 2012, the situation with the installation and operation of gas stations has seriously changed in better side. Now, if a car company installs a gas filling station for its own needs on its territory and the installation does not require capital construction, the owner does not have to obtain any licenses and permits to operate the station. It is only required to comply with fire safety standards for gas stations. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the distance to various categories of objects and prepare a site with an entry and exit zone and install a fence that prevents vehicles from colliding with the gas filling station. Secondly, it is required to make a base for the gas station in the form of a road slab of certain dimensions and install it. Finally, thirdly, appoint those responsible for the implementation of fire prevention measures.

The main requirements for the placement of container refueling are: 25 meters away from buildings and structures and that there is no water supply under the equipment

In addition, it is necessary to carry out special technical requirements. For example, a gas filling station must have its own pump for receiving fuel from a fuel tanker with automatic shutdown when the tank is full (it is forbidden to pump fuel into the gas station using a fuel truck pump). A system for monitoring the interwall space of the tank with a warning about depressurization is required. Technological compartments must be fenced off from the tank with a non-combustible (metal) partition of the first type. If the tank, together with pipelines, is sewn into a container, automatic ventilation with gas sensors is required. All of the above design features are primarily controlled by inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Only State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mostransavto" can afford its own traditional filling station

Of the other specific requirements for the technological equipment of modular and container filling stations, we note the need for double-walled fuel storage tanks. At the same time, the total capacity of the containers of a container gas station should not exceed 40 m 3 when it is located on the territory of settlements and 60 m 3 - outside settlements.

A very important point is the documentation for the gas station. There should be not only a certificate of conformity or a declaration Customs Union at gas stations, but also a passport with operating instructions. In addition, environmental and sanitary certificates are required. If the gas filling station is installed at a hazardous production facility, other permits may be required.

According to the documents and certificates, this should be exactly a station for distribution, refueling - a single product, and not a tank and other components separately, experts say. Otherwise, this kind of project will be classified as a fuel depot or as a traditional gas station. Then the enterprise is obliged to register these facilities with Rostekhnadzor and obtain a license for hazardous production. The so-called mini-gas stations with a single-wall tank and one fuel dispenser do not solve the issue of the legal operation of the gas station. They can only be used as a mobile mobile tank, where it is necessary to refuel equipment, often changing the location of the gas station. For example, during agricultural or road works.

Automatic distribution of fuel to drivers using smart cards is possible as an option


At the moment, it is possible to set up a fully automated non-operator remote control over the amount of fuel, its unauthorized discharge and automatic distribution to drivers using smart cards or chip keys at the gas filling station. “This is very convenient, since there is no need to receive an operator, and information will be sent online to the office via a wireless channel,” comments Svetlana Bykova, head of the motorcade of Vesta Transport Company LLC. - It is possible to set fuel limits for drivers or for a car for a day, a week or a month. It is also possible to control the exact data: who refueled and when, analyze the remaining fuel in the tanks, see the temperature, density of the fuel, the amount of commercial water, the amount of fuel delivered from the fuel truck to the gas station.”

Filling stations with such systems will make it possible to reduce to zero the theft of fuel by the organization's personnel and the shortage of fuel from unscrupulous suppliers of petroleum products. Automation systems are all approximately the same in terms of functionality, they differ only in various small nuances, equipment manufacturer and cost.

An electric pump with a meter in a closed case is convenient for refueling equipment in the field

If we talk about the complete automation of the supply of transport enterprises with fuel, then we should mention the project developed by the Volgaresurs company. The scheme includes the installation of an automatic mobile fuel filling station (AMTZS) at the enterprise, delivery of fuel by the supplier's transport, fuel quality checks at all stages in an accredited laboratory, maintenance by a single control center, transparent pricing. Drivers who refuel their own trucks are issued fuel cards. They can be both general - impersonal, and nominal. It is noteworthy that fuel cards can be limited in terms of the amount of fuel supplied. The limit is set either by the company providing services for refueling cars, or directly by the customer of the service - the trucking company. There is no access to fuel, except through a limited fuel card. At the same time, the AMTSS can be additionally equipped with a terminal that issues a check attached to waybill. Since the entire system is fully automated, the manager transport organization or a responsible person from the financial group receives a detailed report on the movement of fuel in a strictly defined form every day. The summary contains information about which car was refueled, how much fuel was dispensed, at what time refueling was made, and so on, up to a photo of the driver who used the fuel card. The accounting department of the auto enterprise compares the data from the report with internal documentation.

The main requirements for the placement of AMTSZ: 25 meters away from buildings and structures, and that no water supply should pass under the equipment. The base must be laid out with slabs, and fenders must be present to ensure safety. To connect electric power, it is necessary to organize a cable supply, designed for a power of at least 10 kW. The time spent by the refueling module on the territory of the customer is regulated solely by the contract for the lease of automatic fuel filling stations and the purchase of fuel. Standard production and installation time of the station is about 2.5 months. Having previously drawn up the terms of reference, the customer has the opportunity to specify all the options he needs. For example, in the presence of a mixed fleet of vehicles, the supplier may offer containers with a different number of sections. By agreement with the customer, the container can be divided into compartments of the required volume. For example, one will store diesel fuel, the other - gasoline.

Can a carrier make money at a gas station installed on its territory? Yes, there is such a possibility. For example, two convoys are based not far from each other. If on the territory of one of them there is an automatic fuel filling station, then the neighbor can refuel his cars there at an attractive price, but at the same time the owner of the automatic gas filling station will have his own profit from the sale of petroleum products. At the same time, not only company cars, but also personal cars of employees can be refueled at a low price, which will make the employer even more attractive.

Under such a scheme, the cost of the carrier for the installation of equipment is close to zero, since he acquires the service of refueling vehicles. At the same time, all operations for maintenance, repair of equipment, cleaning of the tank, and so on, are performed by the service provider. All responsibility for fuel quality also lies with the supplier. Everything that pays transport company, is the cost of supplied fuel. At the same time, equipment costs are included in the cost of a liter, and it is cheaper than at network gas stations. The only drawback of this solution is the long-term binding to one fuel company, and this does not suit all carriers.

In this material:

A gas station business plan will help you understand whether it will be profitable to open it and what difficulties you will face. First of all, you should decide on the start-up capital needed to open a gas station. Work in this area of ​​business involves the execution of a large number of permits, since this industry is recognized as dangerous at the legislative level. Registration of permits can take a long time and require significant financial investments.

Of course, the activities of the enterprise will be checked by the relevant government bodies so they can make sure that all rules and regulations are followed. Another characteristic feature of the business of selling fuel to the public is a large start-up capital and significant operating costs. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend purchasing a land plot and equipping it accordingly. The object will need to be equipped with an alarm system and hire security. When opening a gas station from scratch, you should be prepared for the fact that the project will take a lot of time to complete.

Choosing a project format

Of course, work in this field of activity requires a thoughtful approach. gas station business plan, finished example which is given below, is an essential part of the process of starting your own business. First you need to choose the format in which your company will operate. You can open a gas station under your own brand or purchase a franchise. A gas station can provide services for the sale of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Opening a gas station from scratch is not best idea for a budding entrepreneur. Opening such a business involves serious investments compared to working under the trademark of a well-known enterprise. In addition to an impressive start-up capital, you will face the need to develop your own client base and problems with the purchase of fuel. This means that you risk going bankrupt quickly. However, this format also has its advantages: you can organize the work of the gas station at your discretion, without adjusting it to the standards of a large company.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged to start their business by acquiring a franchise. Similar services are provided by major famous companies. Starting to work under the brand name of this company, you will not have problems with the supply of fuel and customer base. The disadvantages of this format are: the inability to act autonomously, the need for a monthly franchise payment.

Choosing a territory for a gas station

Before starting the construction of a filling complex, it is necessary to draw up the following documents: an agreement for the supply of fuel, an agreement for the removal of solid waste, an agreement on deratting. When opening your own business, you need to choose the territory on which the gas station will be located. Typically, such enterprises are built near highways and busy avenues. Convenient access roads should be provided to your gas station. The area of ​​the site depends on the scale of the project. An example is the opening of a gas station with tire fitting and a small cafe. On the territory, in addition to these main facilities, it is necessary to place fuel storage tanks, an administrative building and several gas stations. It is better to entrust the design and construction of production facilities to professionals.

After all the main facilities are built, it is necessary to start purchasing equipment.
In order for your gas station to start functioning, you will need the following equipment: tanks for storing fuel, a tank for pumping gasoline, gas stations, a tank for storm water. When opening a gas filling station, a slightly different list of equipment will be required. To implement such a project, a tie-in to the city gas pipeline will be required. It is mandatory to install a compressor to liquefy the gas. The opening of such stations is a costly business, so even in large cities they are available in small quantities.

In addition to the production line, you should also take care of the automation of work processes. To do this, you need to purchase a computer and install the appropriate software. It is necessary to equip a staff rest room, workplace cashier and bathroom. If you plan to supplement the gas station with a shop or a cafe, these premises will also have to be equipped.

The opening of the gas station will not be allowed without the installation of a fire alarm.

Drawing up a contract for the supply of fuel is the most important part of the gas station business plan. Working under a franchise, you will always be provided with high-quality fuel of a well-known brand. Starting a business from scratch, you may find it difficult to find suppliers among oil refineries. You can enter into a contract for the supply of gasoline with an oil depot, so you can purchase fuel at a good discount.

Taking into account the provision of services around the clock, it will be necessary to organize the work of personnel in several shifts. The optimal schedule is considered to be in three days. The shift should include: a tanker operator, a cashier and a security guard. Additionally, you will need to hire a janitor, an accountant and a manager.

Calculation of business profitability

Let us give an example of calculating the costs of opening one gas station in major city. The acquisition of ownership of a plot within the city will cost you 25 million rubles, paperwork - 2 million rubles, construction of production facilities - 6.5 million rubles, purchase of equipment - 3 million rubles. Thus, the initial investment when opening a gas station will amount to 36.5 million rubles.

Now let's calculate the annual expenses: staff salaries - 5 million rubles, fuel purchases - 10 million rubles, taxes - 1.5 million rubles, operating expenses - 2 million rubles. The average annual revenue of filling stations is 25 million rubles, minus current expenses, we get net profit at 6.5 million rubles. Financial investments will pay off in 5-6 years.

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It is constantly growing, so the gas station business has become quite widespread. Gas stations are built by both large network companies and private owners, who are attracted by the high profitability of the fuel trade. If you are interested in joining this industry, you should consider a gas station business plan that will help you get information about the costs and all the features of this type of activity.

To open your gas station, you will need to foresee all possible difficulties.

Choosing a form of work

In the last 10 years, such a form of opening a new business as franchising has become very widespread. The idea is to rent or sell trademark. When it comes to gas stations, you buy the right to use the logo, branding, and sometimes a ready-made business model. In return, you give a sufficiently large amount or undertake to constantly transfer to the trademark holder a part of your income, which does not depend on the presence of profit. In addition, the corporation that provides you with the gas station brand requires certain standards and regulations to be followed.

The main advantage of franchising is the ease of opening a gas station. No need to order designer services, think about an attractive logo and a sonorous name - when they see a name known throughout the country, customers will call on you without much thought. If you are going to open a gas station under a foreign brand, you can get the following advantages:

  • A ready-made business model for refueling and supplying fuel from a trusted source;
  • Positive reputation since opening;
  • Consultations on any issues that arise during the opening and work.

Franchising will allow the use of an existing company

It has already been mentioned above about the additional costs of opening a gas station under a foreign trade mark - this is the main disadvantage of such a scheme. However, there is another drawback - your gas station will be constantly under close supervision, and in some cases - under the control of a manager appointed by the brand holder. Any deviation from the rules threatens with a fine, and in the most severe cases - deprivation of the franchise.

Therefore, such a model of operation of the gas station as a business under its own brand, completely independent of large corporations, is also popular. This option is cheaper and more convenient in terms of management, however, it is more difficult at the stage of the beginning and formation of the enterprise. But history knows many cases of successful opening of a whole network of gas stations - and in each of them it all started with just one small station. Therefore, it is up to you to decide exactly how to create the first gas station.


For all enterprises operating in the field, location is of great importance. The gas station should be located near a major transport interchange or a main highway. It is allowed to be located in the city, but you should choose not a quiet lane, but a major road that is on the way between business center and sleeping quarters. To find out how to open a gas station, you must also contact the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture, having coordinated with its specialists the planned location of the enterprise. There are strict restrictions - the distance from liquid fuel tanks to nearby buildings must be at least 30 meters, and from the gas compressor station - 100 meters.

Very important right choice site

It is advisable to buy a land for refueling, since there are many fraudulent schemes, thanks to which a highly profitable business built over many years is taken away from the owners. The average cost outside the city will be 80-200 thousand dollars, which depends on the specific area and the size of the area to be purchased. In the center of large cities, it is worth counting on an amount equal to several million dollars. If your choice when creating a gas station is to lease land, it is worth for 15-99 years, so as not to soon face the unpleasant news of a ban on continuing operations. The cost of renting land for refueling will be approximately equal to 500-1500 dollars per month.


If you buy a business plan for a gas station under a franchise agreement, you will most likely be offered one that will build a turnkey complex. This option attracts with a quick start of business and the absence of problems, however, it requires an overpayment equal to approximately 25% of the actual costs. However, even when opening a gas station on your own, you should not rely only on your own strength. You will have to study a lot of technical regulations and standards, as well as get an education in the field of design, which will take several years.

The best option is to use the services of a professional contractor who specializes in this type of construction. During the construction of the gas station, you will be provided with guarantees of quality and compliance of the result obtained with current standards and regulations. In addition, some contractors undertake to coordinate the launch of refueling in all instances, which will be discussed below.

The cost of implementing a refueling project depends on its parameters. The minimum price is set for a small gas station with an area of ​​30-50 square meters with two columns with an operator's seat located outside the window - it will cost 20-25 thousand dollars. If you want to place a small store (up to 100 square meters) on the territory of the gas station and install four columns, you should count on 30-50 thousand dollars. Large complexes with cafes, shops, additional premises for rent and car washes are estimated at approximately 100,000. When opening a gas station with the help of a franchise agreement, you don’t have to choose - the price and layout of the building are usually set by the owner of the trademark.

You can reduce costs by about $5,000 to $10,000 each by purchasing used equipment, but the durability of such a gas station will leave much to be desired. If you want to open a gas filling station equipped with a small operator's station, the cost of construction and installation of equipment will be approximately 12-15 thousand dollars. Methane CNG station with large tanks and professional system security costs approximately 100-120 thousand dollars, so such enterprises can be seen on Russian roads much less often than ordinary gas stations.


The sale of petroleum products is considered an excisable licensed type of business, so it’s definitely not possible to work on a simplified taxation system. Experts also recommend avoiding forms of private entrepreneurship without creating an organization. Ideal design option legal entity having the form LLC. This option is convenient due to the simplicity of keeping records and the safety of the founder's property - in case of bankruptcy, he is responsible only for his share, but not for personal property separated from the enterprise. Refueling can also be done as joint-stock company, if you plan to attract external investment, but in this case you will have to undergo an annual audit and hire a professional highly paid accountant.

It is best to register a legal entity

The enterprise is registered with the state registrar, as well as with the tax service and pension fund. You will also need to go through many other instances related to the type of business being registered. These include:

  • Rospotrebnadzor - it is required to provide plans of internal premises, the place of the cashier, indicate the method of calculation;
  • Fire supervision - indicate the availability of fire protection systems, as well as fire extinguishers and other equipment designed to extinguish the flame;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station - show the working conditions of the employees of the gas station, the place of storage of products when selling them;
  • GIBDD - plans for access roads and parking lots on the territory of the gas station.

Getting them all will be inexpensive - the entire design will cost approximately 5,000 rubles, provided that authorized capital the created legal entity will be the gas station itself. With all permissions, contact the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, which issues licenses for the sale of petroleum products. Such documents will be quite expensive - 300-400 dollars for the sale of gasoline with diesel and another 200 dollars for a propane-butane mixture. It will cost more to register a methane gas station - approximately $ 300.


Having figured out how much it costs to open a gas station, you need to arrange fuel purchases. Naturally, you need to take care of the quality of the fuel, because with dishonest work, your enterprise will quickly become notorious, which will force motorists to go around the gas station for several kilometers. This is difficult to do, but there are three common ways to ensure the supply of high-quality fuel.

The first is the purchase of your own fuel truck or gas truck, which will be sent for the goods when the tanks are empty at the gas station. Such an option requires considerable investment, since even a used car of this type will cost approximately $10,000. A new fuel tanker with a large tank capable of serving a large filling complex will cost 80-120 thousand dollars. In addition, it is necessary that the oil depot or oil refinery be within 100 kilometers - otherwise this method of delivery will simply be unprofitable.

The second is an agreement with the manufacturer or wholesale distributor of fuel to accompany each delivered batch by your forwarder. It will control the path from the oil storage tank, making sure there is no dilution, addition of additional components, and deterioration of the fuel quality in another way. This method involves adding to the cost of refueling the salary of the freight forwarder. In addition, not all wholesalers agree to such control of their activities.

If you buy a business plan for a gas station or a regular gas station from a franchise company, you can use a ready-made fuel supply scheme. The advantages of this method are the possibility of buying branded fuel, which is advertised throughout the country and is familiar to every motorist. In addition, the likelihood of deterioration in fuel quality will be practically minimal, since such fraud will harm not only the owner of the gas station, but also the brand holder.

Security issue

It is no secret that gas stations are very often robbed and become the object of other crimes. Therefore, during their construction, it is worth contacting security specialists who will talk about the basic principles of interior planning:

  • The cashier's place is separated from trading floor, equipped with a panic button;
  • The safe is equipped with a mechanism for self-destruction of internal contents;
  • Surveillance cameras and burglar alarms are located inside.

Don't skimp on security

In addition, at least one room should be equipped with an armored door that can only be closed from the inside - this will help keep your workers alive during an armed robbery.

It's best to put the gas station on guard professional agency This service has become very popular in recent years. You do not have to think about security issues - the agency's specialists will install security cameras, contact sensors and a "panic button" inside. At your enterprise, a security service car with the appropriate marking will periodically appear, which will already scare off unprofessional robbers. In addition, the gas station will be connected to a centralized control panel, which will provide an instant response to any manifestation of danger. Particularly large filling complexes with their own cafes require the constant presence of security - it is best not to hire your own employees, but to use the appropriate service of a professional agency.

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Mas Motors

Car filling station(gas station) is a set of equipment on the roadside, designed for refueling vehicles.

Gas station, with a competent approach, is very profitable business. Many who have invested their capital in this business today have a large profit. Gas stations will still be very relevant for a long time, since it is a product that is used by a large number of the population, because the number of transport is only increasing every year.

Types of gas stations and their equipment

The most common filling stations fill vehicles with traditional types of hydrocarbon fuels - gasoline and diesel fuel (petrol stations).

Less common are the Automotive Gas Filling Compressor Station (CNG) - refueling with compressed natural gas (CNG) and the Automotive Gas Filling Station (AGFS) - refueling with liquefied petroleum gas(LPG). There are also several types of hydrogen filling station.

Container filling station(KAZS) - a technological system of which is designed for refueling vehicles only with liquid motor fuel and is characterized by an above-ground arrangement of tanks and placement of fuel dispensers in a fuel storage container, made as a single factory product.

Stationary ones are equipped with lighting and lightning protection systems.

By location, road and city gas stations are distinguished. City residents are subject to more stringent security requirements, in particular, the permissible distances to residential buildings, schools, hospitals, and public buildings are strictly regulated.

At modern gas stations, service is often not limited to the sale of fuel. Often at such stations there is, less often - a snack bar, as well as an ATM, car wash, etc. In the USA, truck stops or travel centers are common in which the gas station itself is only part of the complex, which includes parking services for heavy truckers, recreation centers and leisure, and shopping.

In Russia, catering at gas stations to this day leaves much to be desired, since the assortment usually has nothing to do with traditional food.

What is more profitable - coffee or gasoline?

Briefly about coffee:

In the first half of 2016, Gaprom Neft (the fourth oil producing company in Russia) received 1 billion rubles from the sale of coffee at its own filling stations. revenue, said Alexander Krylov, director of regional sales of the company, in an interview with the Gazprom corporate magazine. The same amount - 1 billion rubles. – Gazprom Neft earned for the whole of 2015

Moreover, coffee should be really tasty and be either at the level or better than your competitors, as the client remembers this nuance.

Opening instructions

To open your gas station, you need to go through many instances, where you will need to collect everything Required documents and permissions. Practice says that at least 6 million rubles are needed to open your own gas station. Before you invest in this business, you need to be prepared for various difficulties that can happen in the process.

Where to begin? It is necessary to draw up a business plan (example at the bottom of the page), thanks to which you will be able to plan all the necessary expenses, it is desirable that you have an amount slightly larger than that indicated in the business plan. You take a good place, it can be a highway, highway or other where a large number of cars pass. Also, open a gas station away from competitors, this will allow you to avoid various troubles and allow you to gain more customers. Please note that the place must be located outside the residential area, the nearest house must be at least 40 meters away.

After the location has been chosen. Decide what kind of fuel you will trade. Contact responsible suppliers. It is desirable that the supplier is good, otherwise no one will refuel at your gas station. As a rule, all gas stations sell AI-98, AI-95, AI-92, AI-80, diesel fuel and gas, but gas, as a rule, is sold most often at individual gas stations. Do not forget that now, in addition to these brands, Euro-standards (Euro-2,... 5"). All these types of fuel are in demand, so you should have them at your gas station.

In addition, organize trade in various goods and cafes on the territory. You definitely need to make a toilet. Many large gas stations open on their territory or parking lot. It depends on your capital and chosen location.

For gas station openings the following documents are required:

  • License from the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. This license will allow you to store various types of fuel.
  • Permission from local authorities. As a rule, this permission is given for the use of a certain area in their territory.
  • Land lease agreement issued by local governments.

Do not forget that any gas station should have convenient entrances. The marking and organization of traffic at the gas station itself must be agreed with the road services and traffic police.

After you have received all the necessary permits and documents, you can begin construction. To do this, you need to find a company that will do this work. Purchase necessary equipment, namely, columns, fuel storage tanks, building materials and other elements necessary for work. Construction can last from 2 months to a year. Look how fast the construction is going on.

For work, you need to hire about 8 people, including:

  • the head of the gas station, who controls the work of the station and operators and has absolute knowledge software;
  • a repairman responsible for premises and equipment; it is desirable that he also understands software;
  • operators responsible for fuel supply, work with revenue, incl. handing it over to collectors.

Be sure to hire an electrician, which can be issued under the contract. At first, you can do without tankers.

It is important to educate these people and give them good salary that they faithfully perform their duties. Also for work you will need to hire:

  • Sellers-cashiers - 1-2 people.
  • Guards - 1-2 people.
  • Tankers - depending on the flow.

This number may vary based on your preferences and the total area of ​​your gas station. Security guards need special attention because they will protect your business from various encroachments, so it is better to work with a good security company that is responsible for its reputation.

Useful video:

By opening a filling station, provide your customers with good service and high-quality fuel, in this case you will get yourself a large number of customers and perhaps in the future, you will have to create a whole network of gas stations.

Gas station business plan

We present you a free ready-made example of a gas station business plan with all approximate calculations. But remember that this is just an example, as your case may be completely different.

If you decide to open a gas station, then in this example, just change the data for yourself.

  • How I opened a gas station // KP.RU - the story of the experiment of the Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Valery Butaev
  • Filling partnership. Part 1 . Part 2 // BUYBRAND Inform - about franchising in this area

Composing for gas stations detailed business plan, a novice businessman will have to take into account a number of important points. First of all, you need to decide on the type of project management. It can be a full-fledged complex with its own rules and regulations. It is somewhat easier to open a parking lot under the name of a popular brand (franchise).


This line of business allows you to work within the framework of franchising. In this case, the entrepreneur will be forced to accept the rules specific brand. For young businessmen, this decision will be the most profitable. Despite the fact that in this situation, the entrepreneur will have to pay significant amounts for the franchise annually (within 400 thousand rubles), the highest quality fuel will always be available. At the same time, the businessman will receive a gas filling business plan, fully thought out and calculated. He is also issued a full range of all documents necessary for cost-effective and successful activities.

When deciding to take up this direction, many young entrepreneurs ask themselves the question: how much will it cost to open a project? For an answer to this question it is recommended to do everything in detail necessary calculations. It is especially important to consider the following factors:

  • the cost of renting or acquiring a land plot;
  • distance from busy highways and highways;
  • availability of good access roads.

Investment calculations

It is not enough to think about how to open a gas station - it is much more important to draw up a business plan. The project will have to invest at least 5 million rubles. What should be reflected in this project? In order for the business to turn out to be really promising and profitable in the end, it is worth focusing on:

  • additional costs that will go to and obtaining numerous permits.

It is extremely important, when developing a business plan for gas stations in tables and figures, to foresee that the lease of the territory will cost about 100 thousand rubles. This amount is not for a whole year, but a payment for a month.

It is equally important to consider the regulations. A station located in populated areas should be located at least 30 meters from buildings and residential buildings. The first and most capacious point is the purchase of equipment. This step involves an investment of about 3-4 million rubles. You should buy at least 4 units of fuel dispensers with a central computer. You also need to purchase tanks. These include containers for:

  • storage and distribution of fuel;
  • storm system;
  • emergency fuel transfer.

Essential details

It is very important to take into account that for the successful operation of gas stations, care should be taken to have specialists in the staff for repair work. It is equally advisable to hire good gas station operators and find a reliable manager who is able to regulate the work of the entire team as efficiently as possible. At the same time, a line on the remuneration of employees must be included in the business plan of a promising gas station. About 100 thousand rubles a month should be allocated for this.

Other important points deserve special attention. You need to spend money to obtain a variety of permits and paperwork. If a novice entrepreneur decides to take advantage of a franchise, then he will have to spend about 300-400 thousand rubles. Opening your own gas station will cost a lot.

Don't forget about utilities Oh. Since the gas station covers a fairly large area, the costs for this item, as a rule, are at least 10,000 rubles per month.

Documentation and permissions

When organizing a business in this area, first of all, an entrepreneur will need to register. To do this, contact the IFTS. It is optimal to transfer your own project to a category individual entrepreneurship. It is also possible to successfully operate as an LLC. The second option would require young entrepreneur much more investments and time costs. But it is important to take into account that such an approach will make it possible to make transactions with both legal entities and individuals.

As for the first option, for such a gas station, a detailed business plan will be quite simple to draw up. The organization of IP in this area allows you to cooperate only with individuals.

In the process of registering a project, a young businessman will need:

  • remit payment ;
  • visit the Ministry of Fuel;
  • obtain a license document authorizing the storage of fuel and oil.

In addition, the entrepreneur must contact local authorities authorities to obtain a document authorizing the lease of land. Then it remains only to conclude a contract for the lease of the territory.

Payback of the project deserves special attention. As statistics show, filling stations with excellent cross-country ability will make it possible to release up to 30 tons of fuel every day. It is very important that the gas station is designed for sale:

  • AI-92 brand gasoline;
  • AI-98 brand gasoline;
  • AI-95 gasoline;
  • AI-76 brand gasoline;
  • diesel fuel.

Payback and profitability

Each type of fuel will certainly have its regular customers, especially if the products differ in quality. Given the cost of the goods, it will be easy to make calculations. It can be expected that it is easy to get about 20,000 rubles from gas stations daily. Therefore, the monthly income will be in the range of 600,000 rubles.

However, one should not assume that the entire amount received can be safely recorded as profit. From this income, you will need to deduct part of the money that will go to issue wages filling station employees. You will also need to take finance from the funds received to pay for utilities. Thus, the net balance will be approximately 450,000 rubles.

As practice shows, the profitability of such business projects reaches 60%. In order for the enterprise to fully pay for itself, it will be necessary to work actively for at least 2.5-3 years. The key disadvantage of such a business is significant financial investments. In addition, many young entrepreneurs are stopped by the need to collect a voluminous package of various documents.

To make the business more profitable and cost-effective, it is worth supplementing it with a tire fitting, mini-market, cafeteria or car wash.

How to Write a Business Plan: Video


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