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We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

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The key role of digital marketing

The main goal of the digital marketing strategy is the promotion of Internet resources operating in the areas of large, medium and small businesses. With the help of digital technologies, making your business product more popular is much easier than using only offline promotion channels. Let's take a look at a household example. Let's say you need to sell something. You can promote your product different ways. The first is to go around the neighbors and offer them something to buy, the second is to advertise in the newspaper, the third is to post an ad in a public place, the fourth is to post the same ad on the Internet. We have ranked these options in order of importance, from least influential to most productive. It is clear that if the neighbors buy something from you, then no one will know about your offer. As for the fourth option, it is the most productive. The best solution is to use all the options at once, or at least several.

What role does digital marketing play in business promotion?

Digital marketing allows maximum efficiency promote your product or service. This is due to the following features:

  • Wide audience reach. Millions of people use the internet interactive television have social media accounts. Digital marketing spreads the word about your offer across all of these channels.
  • Interactivity. Digital marketing allows you not only to advertise your products and services, but also to establish contact with the audience.
  • Possibility to define target audience and send a marketing campaign to it.
  • Easy to track analytics. You can test different approaches and find out what works and what doesn't, adjust your marketing campaign.

Here are the results that can be achieved with a digital marketing strategy:

  • increase the number of sales at minimal cost;
  • increasing the existing audience;
  • the possibility of a gradual return of investments invested in the project;
  • creation of inexpensive and at the same time effective solutions for promoting their goods and services.

    Digital Marketing Tools

Let's take a closer look at what tools are used to promote a business in digital marketing.

  • Local networks. A local area network is a set of interconnected computers. It can be created both within the framework of one enterprise, and within the whole microdistrict. The possibilities of local networks are quite extensive - in addition to exchanging files, their users can receive useful information, communicate with each other, etc. If the local network administrator sends certain information through it, then it will reach all users, as a result of which they will be considered a potential audience (buyers of goods, customers of services, etc.).
  • Cable and digital TV. At present, almost every cable network has its own information and advertising channel. It can disseminate relevant information. Also, if you have certain equipment, you can use such technology as a "creeping line".
  • interactive monitors. Today they are available in the metro and many chain stores. Another opportunity to promote goods and services.
  • Mobile applications. In the case of high-quality development, they can be used to exchange files, communicate, distribute useful information, etc. That is, in fact, here the same possibilities as in local networks.
  • Social networks. One of the most effective ways to promote goods and services among an audience selected according to certain criteria.
  • Email promotion. It consists in sending letters with offers of goods and services to certain users. It is important to compose such a letter correctly so that it does not fall into spam.
  • - website promotion in search engines.
  • Infographics. Users receive a description of complex specific information in an accessible and understandable form: drawings, graphs, diagrams.

You can hire a full-time marketer to work through these channels. But there are also those who provide their services in the field of Internet marketing.

It is now the 21st century in the yard, and many are aware of this more than ever, thanks to the emergence of various modern technologies and their products. The Internet is so developed that it is present in almost every home. Everywhere you look, you can hear different digital terms and definitions everywhere. Moreover, such technologies are constantly developing at a rapid pace. You can see that everything that surrounds us is now digital. And all this can be summed up in one word - digital. What is digital, why do we need it and what is special about it?

At present, almost all household and other appliances are produced using digital technology. What can I say, even television has already switched to digital! It even becomes a little scary, what will happen in 15-20 years?

A bit of physics

Through our organs, we perceive all the information of the world around us in different ways:

  • We can see everything around.
  • Hear and listen to the sound range of the world around us.
  • Feel the temperature and other external factors.

And all these are analog values ​​​​of different quantities. For example, in our room it can be light or even very bright, and in gloomy weather the lighting is dimmed. At night, there is almost total darkness.

The sound is similar - it can be of medium volume, which does not interfere with perception, or it can become simply deafening. Under other circumstances, it is slightly audible, or it is completely absent. Of course, the sound can be in another form. Actually, the translation of the word "digital" (digital) means "digital". But more on that later.

As for the temperature, every time we go outside, we first of all feel this characteristic: in summer, in the heat, as a rule, it is very hot - so that we start to sweat. The temperature difference can be vast, and there are a lot of values. In addition to such basic ones as "hot", "warm" and "cold", there are intermediate ones: "unbearable heat", "coolness", "frost" and so on.

Clarification of the digital nature

Analog values ​​take on any value, which cannot be said about digital ones. There are only two here:

  • "true";
  • "False".

Or "1" and "0". This is the fundamental difference between any digital signal and an analog value. How is all this applied in practice? It's simple - the signal is recorded using digital variables, which are also referred to as Boolean variables. Understanding this will help you to know what digital is. Usually these are the cases where only two values ​​appear:

  • the answer to the question is "yes" or "no";
  • time of day - "day" or "night";
  • gender of a person - "M" or "F";
  • temperature sign - "plus" or "minus".

There can be many such cases, and digital signal transmission is based on this.

But what is sound, video and everything else in the form of numbers? In essence, it will be an analog signal, which is represented by a number of digital variables. Such a definition needs to be reinforced by an example, as discussed below.

digital example

Analyzing for example the digitization of the time of day, for each mode we will select our own combination of variables. At the same time, all 24 hours can be divided into 4 categories: morning, afternoon, evening, night. But, since only two values ​​are required, two groups should be distinguished. The first will include the values ​​"morning" and "day", which will correspond to daylight hours or "0"; in the second - "evening" and "night", which, respectively - dark time or "1". Such an example will more accurately understand what digital is.

Each group can be divided into more than two parts, which will determine everything as a whole day. So everything will look like this:

  • morning - light (0), part 1 (0);
  • day - light (0), part 2 (1);
  • evening - dark (1), part 1 (0);
  • night - dark (1), part 2 (1).

Now each of the 4 parameters will have its own value:

  • morning - 00.
  • days - 01.
  • pm - 10.
  • nights - 11.

That is, all 4 times of the day are described here by two digital variables, or otherwise - by 2 bits. In the digital world, a bit is a unit of measure for information. At the same time, everything is described here using almost any number of bits. 8 bits make up 1 byte. Further, there are prefixes kilo, mega, tera, etc.

digital marketing

Since the Internet is developing quite quickly, today it is used for various purposes. For some, this is a means for self-development, others draw inspiration here, others are simply looking for information. But there are those who wish to receive new profession with a decent salary. And here you can not do without a clear understanding of what digital is.

And on the expanses of the World Wide Web you can find such a phrase as Digital Marketing. What is it and what is meant by it? Before that, we considered Digital as the essence of the digital world, but it also refers to other things. Previously, there was such a thing as Internet marketing. And what is its essence, probably, many can guess. In a simple way, it is the promotion of any product and its sale to consumers. In this case, the Internet was used, and this gave certain advantages. First of all, the cost of goods has always been lower than in ordinary stores, due to cost savings.

Digital Marketing is the same set of ways to promote products, only with the involvement of digital technologies. Here, as a rule, such channels as television, radio, outdoor advertising are used. We can say that Internet marketing has reincarnated into a digital form.

At the very beginning, it was already explained about the term "digital" - what it is in simple words. Now let's look at a specific example of the most common tools of modern digital marketing.

Television in digital

Modern digital television has replaced analog technology and quickly gained universal recognition. Of course, he can be considered the brightest representative of Digital Marketing promotion. It is in every city and built using digital technology. How this is feasible at a technical level can be understood a little from the beginning of the article. AT this moment we are interested in something different.

This development of modern television, as well as social networks, provides digital marketing with vast opportunities. Who could have imagined that through the TV you can now not only go online, but also order any movie or buy a game? You can also check your email and find out how things are going on your page. social network.

What will happen next? Probably, in the near future we expect global changes. Perhaps no one will care about the question of what the word "digital" means, since such a term will be more common among the masses.

Interactive at its finest

Today in many stores you can find interactive screens or POS terminals - both together. Moreover, most of the monitors are concentrated on the street. Needless to say, such marketing tools are present in some subway cars! This promotion of digital media is somewhat similar to outdoor advertising, but surpasses it in many respects.

After some time, interactive tools can completely replace the already outdated promotional tools. And all for the reason that they allow you to interact more closely and more effectively with consumers. A striking example is the POS terminal. With it, you can make various purchases.

With all this, you can no longer stand in long lines, and the service is quite fast. In addition, they are developing more and more actively.

Digital Gadgets

We are talking about laptops, tablets, smartphones and other similar devices. At the same time, much attention is paid to the dissemination of advertising information through mobile phones. If you remember, then 15-20 years ago such a definition as a smartphone was a curiosity, not to mention the word "digital". Now, such gadgets are no longer surprising - they are filled with almost the entire market for mobile devices of different price categories.

And here not only primitive SMS messages are already used, but also more complex tools. These are special mobile applications from many famous companies, various messengers and more.

Small and useful gadgets, like smart watches, fitness bracelets, virtual reality glasses and others, allow you to transfer the collected information to other devices.

digital art

This refers to any kind of art, where the main tool for creating any artistic work is not a person, but a computer. It can be almost anything:

  • music;
  • drawings;
  • animation;
  • video;
  • games;
  • Web sites.

The list can be endless. With each passing day, the line between traditional digital media art is gradually blurring and after some time may completely disappear. Therefore, it is possible that a new definition of digital will appear, which will already be relevant to almost any area of ​​human activity.

Digital agencies

But the existence of promotion tools in the digital world is impossible without the corresponding companies, called digital agencies. Their main task is to help promote the brand of their clients. That is to realize their own goals.

If the client wants to get famous, then the agency uses all means to ensure that as many people as possible know about the brand. To do this, each such company has a specific plan that they follow. Differences from other analogue organizations in the use of digital tools. Some of them have already been discussed above.

A professional digital agency employs talented employees who can offer the most unusual ideas to solve the assigned tasks. And the concept of "digital" is familiar to them like no one else. At the same time, they are constantly engaged in self-improvement and studying new methods, technologies and tools so that all this can be successfully applied to the advertising campaign of their clients.

Obvious disadvantages

There is nothing perfect in our world, and therefore even such a popular and powerful tool as digital marketing has its drawbacks. Here you can not set up only 2-3 tools and then work quietly without worries. No, you need to try different means.

Also, one-time use does not apply to digital marketing! It is necessary to constantly analyze the situation on the market and make the necessary changes. Also, don't expect quick results. You need to be prepared for the fact that success will have to wait for several days, or even weeks.

Digital Marketing - the benefits are obvious

Now it's time to move on to strengths this powerful advance. And these are 6 main and obvious advantages:

  • The brand will be known to a wide target audience.
  • Product quality information will be disseminated to potential clients very fast.
  • Through the development of digital technologies advertising company will literally (and good) be an eyesore to all consumers.
  • Per a short time the product will be known, it will be tried and spread among friends and acquaintances (word of mouth effect).
  • Digital marketing requires less money than conventional advertising.
  • The most significant advantage - there are opportunities for analysis. Based on it, further actions are adjusted.

All these advantages make Digital Marketing a profitable solution for most of the goals that modern entrepreneurs face today.


Like any technology, Digital Marketing is in constant development: from time to time, new tools appear to promote products among the target audience. Moreover, all rates are aimed specifically at interaction with the consumer, which significantly increases the chances of success in the sale of a particular product, service, work.

Now buyers can influence the formation of the necessary services and products. In addition, there is an opportunity to communicate with manufacturers directly and be noticed. Now even small company has every chance of successfully promoting its brand name on the market. Millions of potential customers will find out about the emergence of a new brand and will certainly want to try it.

Today, many people are familiar with the word "digital". Rebooting and other operations of digital devices will not be difficult for anyone. You just have to understand certain nuances. This article will help you.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

A digital agency is an organization that develops and promotes Internet resources in the media space. Their area of ​​activity is the promotion of Internet resources in all areas where digital media are used: social networks, the Internet, television, etc.

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

Digital agency - what is it and what does it do

Translated from English digital means "digital". This means that the digital agency works in .

The main areas in which digital agencies work:

  • Creation of sites and organization of their optimal functioning.
  • Promotion through digital media: radio, television.
  • SEO website promotion.
  • Promotion in online communities: publics in social networks, forums, thematic platforms.
  • Ensuring the participation of resource owners in forums, seminars, and profits. Some agencies conduct such events themselves.

Digital agency tools

A digital agency uses a variety of tools. The most common of these are:

  • Creation of local networks and dissemination of information through them. The network combines several devices that are usually close to each other. Users can get useful information, share files and messages.
  • Promotion through cable and digital TV channels. Most cable networks have their own information and advertising channel. Its resources can be used for digital promotion.
  • SEO promotion.
  • Organizing and ensuring the participation of the resource owner in seminars, forums and other professional events.
  • Use of terminals for advertising goods and services.
  • Infographics. The audience gets complex information in a simple and understandable format - in the form of illustrations, graphs, diagrams.

Digital agency clients - who are they?

The clients of digital agencies are the owners of Internet resources. However, the services of such agencies are not cheap, so those for whom the site is a source of business can turn to them. Owners of new, low-demand resources can start with one type of promotion, and then, if successful, use other options. Most often, their services should be contacted in the following situations:

  • Promoting your own product on a limited budget. In such cases, it is not possible to order expensive advertising on TV or radio, but you can conduct a marketing campaign.
  • The need for constant interaction with customers, customers.
  • The great importance of emotions in the implementation of trading.
  • Work with a narrow category of clients.
  • Sale of rare goods.

Thus, contacting a digital agency helps to optimize business using Internet technologies. However, you must first agree on your costs for such services and decide which of the areas are most important to you.

Digital Marketing is the marketing of goods and services that uses digital technologies to interact with consumers at all stages. Unlike Internet marketing, it uses not only the global network, but also offline channels: for example, POS terminals or smart electronic gadgets.

Different areas are relevant in marketing, but Digital is gaining particular popularity, as in segment b2c, and in b2b. It allows you to interact closely with consumers and cover a large part of the target audience, so it is highly effective. For example, it is actively used to promote brands Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, and their profits can be judged by the cost of flagship smartphones and the degree of fame of companies.

Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing tools include all activities that allow you to notify a large number of people or draw the attention of the target audience to the product or the company itself. They can be used on different channels. More often than not, several digital marketing tools work together.

  • SEO - search engine optimization, due to which you can increase the position of the site in the search results for certain queries.
  • Offline QR codes - they can be used to motivate you to install the application.
  • Contextual advertising - placement of advertisements on sites that correspond to the subject of your business.
  • Television advertising - expensive commercials that are broadcast throughout the country
  • Banner advertising - banners advertising your product/service/website, which are placed on the relevant thematic resources.
  • Radio advertising is just as expensive, but effective tool with a wide audience of listeners.
  • Viral advertising - advertising that is made popular by users themselves - for example, advertising with a large number of reposts.
  • Advertising windows - windows with advertising that pop up on a resource with a similar theme.
  • Email-mailing - sending letters to the database of addresses Email or based on your company's client addresses.
  • In-app advertisements are advertisements that are shown to users of games or other applications on mobile phones.
  • Targeted advertising - personalized advertisement The corresponding to the user's requests.
  • Native advertising - natural advertising materials on third-party resources, for example, a review of your product.
  • SMS-mailing - sending messages to a standard or target base of your customers.
  • Content marketing - attracting customers through the publication of interesting and useful content.

Digital marketing tools also include advertising of any other type - for example, videos in phone chargers or a beautiful banner on an interactive window in a store.

Digital Promotion Channels

World Wide Web (Internet).This channel includes all devices with Internet access - mobile phones, tablets, laptops, personal computers. On the Internet, they place ads in search results, on third-party sites, in teaser networks, and on social networks. These ads include videos, articles, posts, audio recordings, pictures, including infographics.

Digital television. Every year it is pushing analog TV out of the market more and more integrated with the Internet. The main promotion format is short videos with voice acting, which are broadcast during the so-called commercial breaks. There are also TV shops that sell goods and tickers, but they are rarely used.

Mobile devices. The most popular promotion channels in Digital Marketing are SMS messages, branded apps and WOW calls. Ads can also appear in third-party applications - for example, this is how games are often advertised.

Local networks. Most often, promotion is effective in local networks integrated with the Internet. Such networks include corporate networks of companies, networks of urban areas and other "associations".

smart gadgets. Most of them have access to the Internet via Wi-Fi. These devices include smart watches, smart scales, fitness bracelets and other gadgets. Advertising in them is not yet popular - most often they interact with users using branded applications.

interactive screens. These include digital advertising banners, screens of virtual fitting rooms in the store, POS-terminals, devices for charging smartphones and other devices. The main tool of this channel is promotional videos or promotional windows. They also use branded interactive screens.

digital art.It is any kind of art created or broadcast using digital technology. Artistic works include games, music, pictures and other works. The main method of advertising is branding: placing the company logo in a conspicuous place.

Examples of Digital Marketing

One of the most prominent examples of the use of digital marketing in brand promotion is advertising campaign McDonald's. The company constantly releases new videos on digital television, so it is known to all Russians with rare exceptions. For example, the motto “McDonald’s is what I love” has already firmly entrenched behind it. In addition to posting videos on the TV screen, the brand is actively conquering social networks - for example, it has its own groups, one of which iscommunity for workers. The mention of the brand can also be seen on interactive screens, on the Internet, and heard about it on the radio.

A less obvious use case for Digital Marketing is the Fiat app. Every time a new car was released, the brand wanted to convey the characteristics of the model to users. You can’t do this on TV - all the information will not fit in one video. Use printed editions not very effective Therefore, the brand created its own application, in which the user is interestingly told about the characteristics of the new model, as well as drawing prizes. True, now such an application is almost never used. More popular programs for diagnosing car ECUs.

Another interesting example of using a complex digital marketing tool is viral advertising from LG. When the company released a new vacuum cleaner, ads, which has gained more than 2,000,000 views on the well-known video hosting YouTube. The idea of ​​the video is that a vacuum cleaner can even pump out subcutaneous fat from a photo model. This idea is funny, unusual, bordering on delirium. Therefore, it interested users, and the video became viral. This is another plus for brand awareness and an increase in the number of vacuum cleaner buyers.

A good example of the successful use of digital marketing "from the past" is the Starbucks coffee shop. In 2009-2010, they began to lose the bulk of visitors, because they had not updated the concept for a long time. Coffee shop style has ceased to dictate premium value, so consumers have opted for cheaper locations. The company's management decided to launch the My Starbucks idea project. Users registered in it could offer their ideas for improving coffee houses and vote for the ideas of other users. The most popular proposals were brought to life, which made coffee houses popular again.

Do you have personal examples of good digital marketing? Describe them in the comments - share your success with others!

How is your company with internet marketing? I really hope all is well. And what about digital marketing? I'm sure you've thought about it. And there is a reason. What is it and what is the difference?

For me personally, some time ago there was not much difference between Internet marketing and digital marketing. It seems to be something close. But I have never been so deluded.

By bones

There are a lot of those who confuse digital marketing with Internet marketing, with e-commerce, or even think that this is the usual automation of business processes, just in digital form. Therefore, in order not to be ignorant, let's understand.

Digital marketing (aka digital marketing, aka digital marketing) means not so much attracting customers using the Internet, but using digital technologies to attract and.

Got it, right? Not a word that this will be done exclusively via the Internet. And, in principle, this is correct.

Because digital marketing can be used not only in the Internet environment, but also in the same radio, TV and even mobile technologies (that is, offline in fact).

For example, through advertising digital signs on the streets or in applications on mobile phone, even through the same sms or mms. Or do you remember those same QR codes that all of Asia is still going crazy about, but which “did not enter” Russia? Also an example of digital marketing only offline.

Easy proof that they "didn't come in". Here is a QR code for you, by clicking on which you will get a pretty interesting gift from U.S.

I bet that you thought “Aw, fuck it” or started installing a special application. As they say, here is your answer. The QR code didn't work for us. By the way, recently we argued for a long time with one big company that they don't need him on the ad.

Back to the past

For reference. The term itself was coined in the 1980s. Rather so. The approach itself was invented in 1985 by the SoftAd Group (I consider it the progenitor of digital marketing), and the term itself appeared 5 years later and since then digital marketing has begun to develop actively.

By the way, about SoftAd Group. They advertised in many publications with an appeal - the reader had to cut out the ad, put it in an envelope, and in return receive a multimedia disc with automotive content and the opportunity to sign up for exclusive test drives. But this is so, by the way.


Channels Digital marketing

Now let's talk about what channels you can use to promote digital marketing. Most likely, almost all of these channels are familiar to you:

  1. Display or ;
  2. search marketing;
  3. Video games;
  4. Video advertising;

But what will all this look like if the channels are broken down in more detail and clearly. I would say, call them the words that we hear and, of course, see daily:

  1. Social networks;
  2. Self-service terminals;
  3. Interactive screens;
  4. Web sites;
  5. Game consoles;
  6. Offline stores;
  7. Computers and tablets;
  8. Digital television;
  9. Smartphones;
  10. Local networks;
  11. Gadgets.

But the main feature of a digital business is not at all that it can be used online or offline.

And manageability and measurability. Well, really, it's pretty cool that we're thanks the latest technologies we can not predict and calculate advertising revenue, but measure the results and, based on them, change and eliminate problem areas.

Implementation examples

Usually when I ask what is digital business, they answer me - a business using digital technologies.


This is all good, but can you be more specific? Well, that's... sort of, that's internet marketing. Therefore, in this article there will be no such thing as this, as it were, but there will be concrete examples(you have already read the example about the QR code).

1. Digital TV

One of the brightest representatives of digital marketing. If you use it, you have noticed how much, for example, it has changed over the past year or two.

How could we have previously imagined that it would be possible to access the Internet from the TV, buy a game or access to a movie, check your mail or your page on a social network? I think it will be even more global.

2. Interactive screens

Example of an interactive screen

For example, I like these in KFC. When you approach them, poke, collect your order and immediately pay with a card.

And you don't have to stand in line. By the way, they are increasingly appearing in our lives. in cinemas, shopping malls and even subway cars.

3. Digital gadgets

Gadget example

Those trendy fitness bracelets that monitor your health: they count how much you have walked, how many calories you have eaten, and whether you are even slouching.

The principle of operation is very simple - they collect information and transmit it to other devices, for example, to your smartphone or computer.

4. Digital art

This is truly digital digital. When a work of art is created with the help of a computer (picture, video, game). Yes, why words, here's a video for an example. Great?

Cons are obvious

But as always, digital marketing also has unpleasant moments, because it does not happen perfect tool. In general, nothing is perfect. For example, such cons:

  • You can't do it "quickly". You cannot become a successful digital company in 2-3 weeks. For many, this takes years, months at best;
  • Digital marketing cannot be imagined from 2-3 tools that you have set up and they will work. No, you'll have to try this and that and that;
  • And the most important thing. In digital marketing, you can’t make everything start and not touch it again. Dispersion doesn't work here. You have to watch, analyze and edit.

Digital strategy

Of course, the article would be useless if I gave you a general theory and let go in peace. But we don't work that way.

Therefore, if you have long wanted to integrate digital into your marketing and business, then you need a strategy. I prepared a small step by step instructions what and how:

  1. Compose the goals of your business and the goals of digital integration (that is, why start all this? Not for fun, though);
  2. Define your target audience. It is the one for which you are planning to integrate your business with digital.

    Our excellent article will help you with this, how to determine;

  3. Formulate yours;
  4. Channels and tools. Here it is important to evaluate what you already have and use, and find those channels that are not involved;
  5. Think it over. Not even like that. And how will you convey it to your target audience;
  6. Sort the tasks by priority. I think there is no need to explain. Arrange tasks, performers, deadlines and, of course, determine advertising budgets for launching such a strategy;
  7. Think about how you will evaluate the intermediate results (the very ones);
  8. It seems to be all. But no! This is where the most important and most terrible thing arises - analysis.

    And as a consequence of it, an adjustment. Yes, that's what the digital business is all about.

    You need to constantly analyze it, correct it, eliminate problematic, non-working places and work on improving the strategy.

Snorted again? Okay, let's write on a specific company, which we will now come up with with you. So to speak, let's create an ideal company in the world, which you, dear colleague, will manage in these happy moments.

Let's pretend you are a store owner. building materials. Now let's write everything in detail:

  1. Goals. We need to increase sales of building materials with the help of a new educational mobile application.
  2. The target audience. People who are doing repairs in their new apartment for the first time (from scratch).
  3. Unique selling proposition s__________ Alas, you can’t come up with 5 minutes.
  4. Channels. People who come to the site or store receive promotional materials with a call to install the application using a special promo code.
  5. Content. Mobile app with ready-made construction stages, with ready-made tasks and a description that the client must take into account when building a dream apartment.
  6. Tasks. Create advertising materials with an appeal, create the main stages of construction, write educational articles (make a video), develop a mobile application.
  7. Intermediate results (assessment of meeting deadlines, volumes and other KPIs set)
  8. Analytics. Number of app downloads and number of app uses

Briefly about the main

Now I will say a seditious thought but ... Digital marketing this, of course, is cool, this is the future, but for most businesses (especially small ones) there is simply no need. At least for now.

The next couple of years. All these are frills and tricks, which, if they change the situation, will only be within 0.0001 percent.

The only thing that can be relevant within the framework of this topic is a fundamental change in your business. How, for example, antenna television has changed to Internet television.

Everything else, I repeat, chips, nothing more. The result of the fable: the strength is not in the beautiful interactive icons on the site. The power is in the right delivery.

P.S. Remember, I told you that QR codes didn't work in Russia? I remember one rather interesting story.

3 owners of a very famous fitness club (so yellow, with American roots) argued whether to use QR codes in advertising or not. The solution was born pretty quickly.

The test period is 2 weeks. With more than 300 people passing by this banner a day, how many people do you think became the owner of a brand new crispy five thousandth banknote?

One! One person for 2 weeks came to clarify whether this was a joke. As a result, he received 5,000 rubles, and the owners were confident that QR codes should not be used in advertising. However, that was over a year ago, so things may have changed. But I'm not sure.


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