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How to help a child choose a profession?

Every jumper knows that the jump will be much better if you make a good run. Sooner or later, your child will grow up and choose his own path in life, choose his own way of getting his daily bread, that is, a profession.

However, in this matter, as in jumping, a good take-off is important, which will give the jump additional momentum and the right direction. The earlier the choice of the future profession is made by your child, the more time he has for a run, the more you can do in preparing him for the future. professional activity, to the labor jump.

However, it is also not worth making this choice too early, the price of a mistake is too high here. Not all talents, abilities and inclinations of a child can be revealed at once, often it takes a long time. And it will be very disappointing if the entire childhood of a child is devoted to the World of Music, and then it turns out that football is his real vocation.

Some children already know from a very young age what they will be when they grow up. Some rave about the sky or even space, others - distant countries, seas, oceans, others see themselves as commanders, others - doctors, teachers, policemen. Few of the children see themselves in the future as a clerk, accountant and lawyer; as a rule, they dream of heroic and romantic professions. Most kids want to be the person they watched the most recent cartoon or read the book about. After the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles they want to be a ninja, but then they watch the Harry Potter epic and they want to be wizards, etc.

All works, as the poet wrote, are good - choose according to your taste. However, it is very important to right choice. Like any choice, the choice of a future profession is carried out according to certain criteria and with certain restrictions. In my opinion, the most important criterion is getting moral satisfaction from professional activity. Further (and often along with this) is self-realization, that is, the disclosure in the work of talents, abilities and internal reserves of a person. And only then comes prestige, profitability, parental connections, dynastic and other considerations.

Of course, the accents can be placed in a different way. Each family has its own criteria. But remember that the wrong choice of criteria can lead to the wrong decision, which will cost your child dearly.

What should the chosen profession bring in the first place?

1. Interest in your business;
2. Moral satisfaction from the work performed;
3. Friendly, pleasant team;
4. High salary;
5. Good social package, working conditions, flexible schedule.

So, in the first place, by a wide margin, there is an interest in one's business. And this is quite expected, few people will agree to devote their lives and their time to what they are not interested in, even if it brings a good income. In second place is the return from your work - moral satisfaction. And this is also quite expected and understandable - interest should be encouraged by return, otherwise it quickly fades away. Moreover, it is interesting that the moral return is valued on average higher than the material one. In third place is a comfortable team, which emphasizes that a person is a social being, and it is important not only what and how he does it, it is also important with whom he does this business. Relations with other people, with colleagues play very important role for most of the survey participants. All of us, first of all, are people, and only then are the functional elements of a particular system. On the fourth and fifth place - the material return from work. Also quite the expected result. After all, as they say, you always want to eat, and if your favorite business does not bring income, you have to share it with something else, and in the end a person can simply be disappointed and change his favorite business to some other, also beloved, but still and profitable.
The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is looking for where the fish is.
But the disclosure of their own talents and abilities was in one of the last places. It shouldn't be like this. An important role in this matter should be played by parents, it is they who can contribute to the disclosure of the abilities of their child.

QUESTION TO STUDENTS: How often do you talk to your parents about choosing a profession?
(conversation with the class)
What are typical mistakes parents in choosing criteria?

Firstly , in many families there are no selection criteria at all. Some parents are simply too lazy or have no time to take care of the child at all, and they think about his professional orientation as the last thing. This leads to a random choice of profession.
Although sometimes this choice is successful.
Secondly , exist family traditions. For example, great-grandfather was a doctor, grandfather was a doctor, father was a doctor. Who else to be a son? The question is not even worth it. These are dynastic professions.
And again, sometimes this leads to success. From childhood, a child is immersed in the appropriate environment, communicates with representatives of his future profession, has advantages in the form of help and connections of parents, their experience and patronage.
Thirdly , often money or the prestige of the profession is brought to the fore.
“I don’t care where you work, as long as you earn a lot and provide for us, parents,”This is the position of many fathers and mothers.
Finally, many child-loving parents urge the child to find a job that does not strain much.
Wherever you work, just don't work!
In all these cases, the child may well find what he needs, and be quite successful and happy, but such cases are the exception rather than the rule. It's like winning the lottery - someone is lucky, but not everyone.
How do you know that the choice of profession is made correctly? It’s very simple: if a person goes to work as if it were a holiday, if the business “burns” in his hands, if he fully reveals himself in his business, realizes his hidden talents, quickly becomes a master in his field, feels a sense of satisfaction with his work, achieves success in your affairs. If the work is also his hobby at the same time, these are the signs of a successful choice of profession.
Accordingly, the choice of profession is made incorrectly if a person is exhausted at work, goes to work, like hard labor, dreams of lunch, the end of the working day, Friday, vacation .., often changes jobs (not the place of work, namely the job, specialization, direction activities), does not grow professionally and does not feel the need for it, has a variety of hobbies that occupy a much more significant place in his life than work.
Undoubtedly, it can happen that a person who has made the wrong choice will someday find what he likes. But this may happen too late, and it will be "excruciatingly painful for the aimless years spent."
The great painter Goya found his vocation in fine arts at a very respectable age, somewhere in the 40s. How much he could have done if he had found himself in painting in his youth!

So, prepare a child for a future profession , helping him make the right choice is one of the most important tasks for loving and far-sighted parents. This long-term work should include two main stages:

1. Revealing talent;
2. Development of talent.

At the first stage the actual choice of the future profession or at least the general direction (sports, science, culture, etc.) is made. At the second stage, purposeful preparation is already underway in a given direction - the necessary disciplines are studied in depth, the child is engaged in specialized circles, plays educational games, gets acquainted with the basics of his future business, gains useful contacts in his field, prepares for admission to specialized universities, the parent " throwing fishing rods "in possible locations work, other strategic moves are being made.

At the first stage, it is extremely important to try everything - after all, your child's talent may lie in the most unexpected area. Actually, both schools and universities are trying to do this, and this is the reason for such a motley variety of subjects studied, but here it is very important that there is a good mentor, teacher, lecturer. After all, a negative experience in some discipline, caused by intense communication with a teacher, can reinforce in a child a subconscious rejection of the discipline itself. After all, who knows, maybe it is in her that the main talent of the child lies? And so he can remain lying forever buried in the ground.

Therefore, if a child says that he does not like, say, mathematics, because he is a "bad teacher", then you should definitely try to introduce him to mathematics with the help of another good, talented teacher. And so on for each "problem" discipline: at least a little, but the child must try something "delicious" in every direction of human activity. If interest has arisen, you should try to develop it, but in no case should you do it by force, trying to justify the invested funds - this is one of the main mistakes in the professional orientation of the child. “We spent money, bought you a piano, so sit and play!”

The choice can be considered completed and proceed to the second stage when:
the child has a steady interest in a particular case;
the child has encouraging progress in the chosen area;
he is engaged in the chosen business with pleasure;
he does what he loves himself, without prodding from outside.

At the second stage preparation begins the purposeful development of the child in the chosen direction, but this does not mean that it is necessary to sharply limit all other interests. Everything can change, and more than once. But the emphasis is gradually, smoothly shifting to the chosen business, and all other areas are gradually receding into the background. It is possible that at first there will be two main directions. Few people are able to fully invest in two main areas at the same time. Almost always, one of the directions becomes the leading one, pushing all the others into the background, this is quite reasonable, and sooner or later a person has to make a choice which favorite business to give preference to, in this case the choice is especially difficult.

Now let's move on to the practice of talent development. First of all, these are educational games, choosing circles and courses, strategic investments (buying a piano, for example), choosing books, finding connections, making acquaintances, and much more.

What can be expressed parental support in talent development child?

I will briefly list the main, most popular methods:
1. Conversations about professions;
2. Registration in circles and sections;
3. Acquaintance with professions and professionals;
4. Strategic purchases;
5. Selection of literature, music, films;
6. Selection of a university and assistance in admission;
7. Selection of a workplace and assistance in obtaining it;
8. "Magic kick."

Now let's take a closer look at some of the methods.

Conversations about professionsis the simplest, cheapest and most popular method. It can be started from a very early age, when the child is just beginning to explore the world.

At the “why-why” stage, parents simply tell who does what, what are the interesting moments in each profession, read Mayakovsky’s poems with the child. Then they begin to slightly place accents. For example: “Here, my uncle did not want to study, now he works as a loader ...”

Focusing on the child's inclinations, on the identified talents (during conversations and observing his behavior and play), there is a more detailed story about the professions that seemed interesting to him. In adolescence, you can sketch out options for life scenarios for each of interesting to the child professions: “Do you like music? Do you want to become a musician? To do this, you need to finish music school, then - the school and, finally, the conservatory. Although you can go the other way: you will engage in musical self-education and create your own musical group (or join someone else's). In any case, you will need to master musical theory and master some kind of instrument (strings, keyboards, brass or percussion).” Here you can also talk about great composers, musicians; recommend music, music books, movies, etc.

Mugs and sections - this is a more "advanced" stage in professional orientation. Thanks to circles and sections, the child learns the basics of professions, takes the first independent steps, communicates with friends of interest, receives experienced mentors ... How many magnificent, dizzying careers began with some kind of circle! Read biographies famous people: many actors started from the school drama club, great athletes - from the district section, etc. At first, you can enroll the child in several circles at once and change them, “like gloves”. So you can but try a lot.

At the age of 14-15, children begin to think about their place in society. And the choice of a profession for teenagers becomes a major issue. But they are not always psychologically ready for self-determination. And then an important role is played by parents who can direct the aspirations of the child in the right direction.

In adolescence, a person chooses his future profession

Importance of Choice

Surveys show that many high school students at the age of 15-16 do not yet know what they would like to do in the future. Only 15% of them see themselves in some business, another 15% do not think at all, and 70% do not know what to choose. It is important to convey to a teenager that everyone works in adulthood. And the profession determines the position of a person in society.

People spend many hours of their lives at work. And it brings not only income. First of all, work should develop the personal qualities of a person and not cause him discomfort. It is worth remembering that any occupation has an impact on personality.

It is necessary to make it clear to the son or daughter that a hobby and work are different concepts. Choosing a profession based on hobbies, you can make a mistake. After all, not all animal lovers will be ready to work as a veterinarian. Studying medicine is not for everyone. Or lovers of drawing will not always cope with the work of a fashion designer or designer.

It would be nice if you could attend open lectures in educational institution where the child plans to study. It is worth taking courses related to this matter. Then it will be easier to understand whether your hobby can be connected with your future profession. After all, sometimes a hobby still becomes a favorite job.

Difficulties in choosing a specialization

It is often difficult for a child to decide on a profession. This is directly related to one of the problems of modern teenagers - lack of independence. It develops even in the elementary grades, when parents do lessons with them, take them to tutors. It usually ends in high school, when a teenager protests against parental custody. But he cannot solve his problems on his own, because he does not know how. Required with early years teach children independence. Start by letting them work on their homework.

The main difficulty is the lack of career guidance methods at school. Abroad, from early childhood, they distinguish strengths person by doing a lot of tests. With their help, they determine in which direction the child should be developed. We don't have that. Therefore, the family should help with the choice of profession. Parents, observing children, determine their skills and inclinations. To develop them, you can send the child to the appropriate circle or section.

Currently, many professions are disappearing, and new ones are coming in their place. It is not always possible to find information about them. Therefore, the child hardly imagines what this or that specialization is. This makes it difficult to choose.

In the definition of a profession big role plays the motivation of the student. But it is not always correct. Often children listen to the opinions of others, which may be erroneous. And such a motive as the prestige of the future profession is a very relative concept.

It's important to know

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a specialization, you must consider:

  • skills;
  • favourite hobby;
  • area of ​​greatest interest;
  • desires and type of temperament.

After separating all hobbies from the desired specialty, it is worth analyzing the character traits of a teenager. After all, a calm person will not be able to work in active areas, and vice versa: it will be difficult for a shy person to cope with constant communication in work.

Children need to be prepared for the choice of specialty. To do this, perform the following steps.

To realize yourself in the most suitable field, it is worth considering the list of professions in demand. This will especially help if it is difficult to make a choice between several options. Of course, the child will give preference to a specialty that occupies a high place in the ranking. It is worth considering the area in which it will move if its popularity decreases over the years.

TOP-10 most promising specialties

Occupations overview

It is worth collecting as much information about the proposed profession as possible: the specifics of the job, where and how to study, income level, required skills, etc. Information can be found in scientific articles, the Internet. An overview of the specializations will give you a fair idea of ​​them. Will help determine if it is suitable for a teenager.

Articles about choosing professions

You can find a lot of materials that relate to this topic. They reveal quite well this question. From the works of psychologists, you can take note of valuable advice.

Help from a career counselor

If it is difficult to decide for yourself, you can contact a person who is professionally engaged in this matter. There are centers with paid or free services in which vocational guidance tests are carried out. Their results give detailed information about professions that are suitable for the child.

Internet tests

If there are no specialists in the district, you can try to choose a profession for the child using special sites. They developed two types of tests:

  1. help in choosing a specialty;
  2. helping you to navigate in the chosen specialty.

The first analyze the person. His personal qualities: character traits, inclinations, etc. The latter examine how the chosen case is suitable. The advantage of such tests is the receipt of free information.

Short career orientation test

Parents are the closest people who want only the best for their child. But sometimes their advice may not be the most efficient. After all, adults often try to realize their unfulfilled dreams through children. In order not to harm, you must adhere to some rules.

  1. Talk and listen as much as possible. It is worth encouraging a teenager to introspection. Ask a lot - what you like, what you are curious about, what you would like to learn, what is fashionable. What are its strengths, weaknesses. No need to impose your opinion. It is worth listening to his preferences. The discussion will help to see how the child understands the chosen profession and whether he is ready to work for its development.
  2. Avoid criticism. When discussing the choice of a child, it is necessary to find out why he chose this particular profession, what attracts him to it. Do not immediately discard his option. You can look at the situation from the side or put yourself in the place of a child. He does not have enough experience to really evaluate his choice. But part of the responsibility must be shifted to his shoulders. Let him make the choice under your guidance.
  3. Take into account the real abilities of your child. Often health problems do not allow to master a particular profession. These can be various diseases from flat feet to disability. But even children with disabilities can learn certain specialties. There are more than 100 types of them.
  4. Prepare your child as much as possible. Children get their first work experience in the family at an early age. They look up to their parents. They have the same attitude towards work. If a teenager has ideals, knows how to make decisions on his own, then it will be much easier for him to make a choice. Parents are responsible for developing these skills in children.


In such a difficult period of his life, the child should feel support and understanding from parents and others. Listening to yourself and analyzing your strengths, you can choose a worthy profession that will bring pleasure.

Moms, dads and other relatives! Let's agree right away - the site site will not tell you how to choose a profession for a child instead of him!

A maturing person must make this difficult choice himself, and the task of relatives is to HELP choose a profession, orient in the ocean of opportunities, show as many options as possible! This will be discussed in this article!

Of course, every child changes many “future professions” during childhood.

But there comes an age when the question "what do you want to be?" ceases to be a “duty joke” among grandparents, aunts and uncles, but becomes a very real problem. And the fact is that in the last couple of decades, the age of making a final decision on obtaining a particular specialty is rapidly decreasing!

If during the adolescence of us and our parents there was a quite typical situation when a teenager took final exams from school and only then began to seriously choose a university (or vocational school after the 9th grade), now this can only be afforded by a reckless triple student with parents - don't care...

As a rule, already from the 8th-9th grade, responsible mothers and fathers demand that their child decide (sometimes too openly palming off their own vision of resolving the issue).

The subjects that are needed for admission and successful passing of the Unified State Examination are crammed (the certificate must be good, because it affects admission!), All sorts of “non-core” interests and hobbies go into the background - after all, maximum efforts should be directed to the main thing, to admission!

It is difficult to blame parents for such help in choosing a profession - the bar is really quite high, successful admission requires good preparation, and there is simply not enough time to pay enough attention to all subjects and extracurricular hobbies without losing the quality of education.

But the problem is that even the most responsible student may well make a mistake in choosing a profession when he is 13-14 years old, and before starting a career on the chosen path, there is still a good ten years of study! And the situation is not uncommon - a child’s fleeting passion for some profession turns into the beginning of tedious preparation for that university, which subsequently turns out to be of no interest to him ...

How to solve this situation, in the average version? Perhaps, it is not necessary to think too early about how to help a child choose a profession.

It is worth giving him maximum opportunities to actively study subjects that are really interesting to him, also develop in his hobbies, try something new, etc. And a more specific decision can be postponed until the last school year - when it will be clear which direction the teenager is more interested in.

As a rule, no specific professional knowledge is needed for admission to universities (except for creative specialties), and any school subject for the sake of an exam can be improved during this last year.

How to help a child choose a future profession?

There are two aspects to helping a teenager choose a profession:

  • Provide all the opportunities for various hobbies, hobbies and interests - after all, one of them can become the basis for choosing a future profession! Listen to the child - what interests him, what would he like to try? This must be done from a very early age, as soon as the baby begins to show any abilities and inclinations! Indirectly, sections, circles, creative studios, tutors of school subjects and children's and youth camps (with teaching something or language practice), etc. can help to choose a profession for a child.
  • Show the teenager the professions that interest him as realistically as possible, talk about them. If possible, during the holidays you can arrange in the area of ​​​​interest to him. It's great if one of your friends is a representative of this profession, can sensibly tell about it. It is good if there is an opportunity to conduct an excursion to the enterprise (to a specific workplace)! Of course, reading articles, books and other materials about this profession, interviews with its prominent representatives, etc. will also help you choose a profession.

In addition, a good psychologist can help you choose a profession - there are many tests to determine which activity a particular person is more inclined to.

If a child dreams of getting an unusual profession ...

We have already said about this at the very beginning - the independent choice of a growing person cannot be condemned, and even more so - forbidden and demanded to choose some other university or faculty. This is his life, and he has every right to live it the way he wants! Your task is only to help a teenager choose a profession!

But still, the anxiety of parents for the future of their own child can be understood ... We hasten to console the mothers and fathers of future actors, painters, philosophers, etc.:

  • A person with a diploma in a creative specialty usually has much wider employment opportunities than what is written in the "crust". For example, artists-painters can make paintings in interiors, illustrate books and other printed materials, design websites, etc. Actors can be involved in holding mass events, hosting holidays, shows or TV programs ... That is, as a rule, there is always the opportunity to retrain a little after graduating from a university if it is difficult to find a job purely in your specialty.
  • There are "eternal" professions. These include, for example, those associated with manual labor - these are furniture makers, builders, seamstresses, etc. Masters with "golden hands" will always be in demand, these are people who are least affected by crises and unemployment.
  • Some professions have great potential in the future, but so far seem exotic. Perhaps the choice of your child will be promising in a few years, and he will be one of the first to be in demand in the employment market!
  • If a person is really passionate about his work, then he has a chance of success even when the professional niche is rather narrow!

Do you want to help your child choose a profession that he will really like? Give it a "trial year".

Let him enter the university of his dreams and study there for a year - during this time he will be able to understand whether the chosen profession is really close to him, whether it looks “from the inside” as it seemed before admission. And if it turns out that this is not his path, then try not to condemn and support the child when he wants to transfer or re-enter another university - plan B can be much more thoughtful!

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 5 minutes


What can you do, but a child who has just recently learned to walk grows up quickly. And now you won’t have time to blink an eye how soon he will have to choose his future profession, here he may need the help of his parents. Help can be of various kinds, but your participation in this process is important for the child.

At what age should you think?

Measure is important in everything. And from a young age, agitating a child to become a doctor is also not worth it. Yes, maybe this is your unfulfilled dream, but you should not impose it on a child. Yes, he is an extension of you, but he is already a completely different person and his preferences can be diametrically opposed.

Let your child try everything at an early age. Children should be sent to various kinds of circles, but if the child did not like the dances and they do not go well with him, do not force him to go there by force, this can develop hostility towards them for life. Contact with the child and be sure to talk to him about his failures, you may well help the baby with good advice, support him. At the stage of trial and error, he really needs you.

By trying different types of mugs, you and your baby will be able to find what interests him the most. An occupation that he will do willingly and with great zeal. Try to continue his undertakings, develop them into a serious occupation. After all The main thing when choosing a profession is the opportunity to do what you enjoy. And you can prepare for your profession already from childhood.

If your child does not know at all and cannot imagine his future, but soon he will need to apply for admission, try with him to consider the advantages of certain professions, but not starting with material gain, but starting with the knowledge and skills of your child, with how he copes with certain activities, with his perseverance, with how he communicates with people. This will help, if not to choose a profession, then to direct the child in the right direction. You can also consider the most popular professions and see if your child has an interest in them.

At an early age, children often want to be those who are an example for them. It can be a school teacher, or a cartoon character or a favorite book.

What traits of character speak about this or that choice?

Any profession, even the most simple, requires certain skills from a person. You should pay attention to this. For example, concentration of attention is important for a corrector, an artist must have imaginative thinking. It is important to consider these factors. It is best for a child to choose a profession where he will be able to reveal his abilities as much as possible, where he will be able to realize himself to the maximum and achieve greatest success. If you help him with this, then in the future he will be grateful to you.

Today, high school students are offered to take a psychological test for career guidance. Such tests are compiled by several specialists at once: psychologists, teachers, personnel specialists. Based on the results of the tests, the child is offered a choice of several options for professions at once. This will help him make a choice in the right direction. He will be able to choose the profession to which the soul lies more and begin preparation for admission. Sign up for a course or tutor.

How can you help your child make the right decision?

First, introduce your child to your own profession. Indeed, often parents want their child to continue the profession of parents. But whether he wants it or not is another question. And good way figure it out, show him how dad or mom works, show his working day, all the charms and shortcomings of the profession.

Mistakes in choosing a profession

When choosing a profession, a child can make typical mistakes. Warn him of them.

  • Attitude to the choice of profession as a permanent one. This is not entirely correct, now people change their profession during their lives and more than once, or even change not quite their profession, but their qualifications. Your child will also face this in the future.
  • The prevailing opinion about the prestige of the profession. Popular professions tend to become obsolete after some time and may even become unclaimed, for various reasons. Including due to an overabundance of specialists in the market. You can always offer your child something related to popular profession if he wants nothing but this.
  • Fascination only with the external or any one side of the profession. It is important that the child has a complete understanding of the profession. Maybe he likes architects and the way their work looks from the outside, but from the inside this profession may not be so attractive.
  • The transfer of attitude towards a person representing a certain profession to the profession itself. Seeing how others treat a family friend who works as a photographer, for example, a child may want to be the same, but he does not quite realize that a family friend has such popularity because of personal qualities, and not his professionalism, even if he is good as specialist.
  • The inability and unwillingness of the child to understand their personal qualities. It’s hard, but it’s worth awakening in the child an interest in yourself and in your interests. Watch him from the side and, if possible, point out his abilities, what he does.
  • Ignorance of their physical abilities and shortcomings existing when choosing a profession. To understand himself, the child needs to develop and be busy with some business, where he could test his abilities.

The main thing is to be unobtrusive in these matters and not put pressure on the child, give him some freedom, but also point out the responsibility of his choice.

(5 votes : 4.6 out of 5 )

Childhood flies by like a dream. We have been adults for most of our adult lives. But have you ever thought about how successful our adulthood depends on how we "worked" in childhood?

How did you study at school, how many books did you manage to read, what crafts did you try yourself in? Did you manage to understand in time what you would like to do in life, and decide what profession we like and can do? Agree, a lot depends on the parents too. And every parent sooner or later faces the question: how to help their children in choosing a life path?

As a "cheat sheet" for solving this difficult task, we bring to your attention the reflections of the family and child psychologist Elena Gromova.

At what age should a child have at least an idea about a future profession, and when should parents sound the alarm and take some action so that the child thinks about his future?

- I must say that thoughts about the future profession come to children quite often and change several times. Therefore, they should be given the opportunity to embrace whatever they want, and not be forced to go to those additional activities that the child has chosen. Some parents say: "Since you have chosen, let him go." But who said it? The child does not yet know himself, he only recognizes and cognizes himself, and he must try a lot in order to understand what he likes, what is close to him. If already by the 9th grade, when the child takes the GIA exams at school, and when there is already a choice: go to college, or go to the 10th grade to continue studying, he has not yet decided, then it’s worth considering where he still move on. Until the 8th grade and the beginning of the 9th, you can still calmly give him the opportunity to change his mind.

- My son is 10 years old, and he has been delirious with the profession of football almost since he started talking. Is it worth taking this seriously, or maybe you need to offer him some other options for professions, and not just a football player, there is something else interesting. I don't know please advise .

- I think that parents need to soberly assess the success of the child. If he has been practicing for a long time, and the coach says that the boy can really turn out to be a good football player in the future, and a career can develop, then maybe it’s already so early, but his future fate has been determined. If you see that everything is not so smooth, and there is a feeling of uncertainty that this is his way, then you still need to find some alternate paths, they will never interfere, and see what else the child is given, what the child is also interested in, besides football. Football, in extreme cases, can remain a hobby for life. If everything has narrowed down for a child on football, then there is a risk that when something goes wrong for him at some stage, this can become a serious stress in his life precisely in the case when there will be nowhere to retreat if there is nothing else.

When my daughter grew up and it was time to choose a profession, she found it difficult for a very long time. I would like to hear the advice of a psychologist - how to help a teenager decide on a future profession.

- I think that for a start it is worth determining what is still interesting for the girl, and what type of profession she considers herself to be, what she does better. In the traditional classification, several types of professions are distinguished: "man - nature", "man - technology", "man - sign system", "man - man" and "man - artistic image". There are still new trends in this matter: someone singles out the sixth type: "a person is self-realization." Traditionally there are five. Let me tell you a little more about them.

"Man-Nature". Naturally, such people like to interact with animate or inanimate nature, in general with nature. They like to spend time taking care of animals, they are interested in the world of plants, and here you can immediately understand that this person belongs to this type.

"Man-technology". Here everything also lies on the surface - this is a person who can quite easily interact with technology. For example, he can quickly fix something, understands all the mechanisms, they obey him and succumb to him.

"Man is a sign system". This is a person who is interested, who is good at interacting with the world of signs, information in the form of tables, numbers, drawings - everything that is connected with the designation, that is, with the transformation of information into a sign system. If a person is interested in this, then you can think about how to look for him a specialty in this direction.

"Man is man". This type refers to a person who likes to interact with people. He loves to communicate, easily makes contact, for him communication is very important in life. Therefore, he is most suitable for such professions that require communication with other people.

"Man is an Artistic Image". it creative people who are interested in drawing, singing, dancing - that is, not just doing something, but bringing something of their own. These include artists, actors, etc.

The sixth type, which is already being distinguished: "man - self-realization". This is a person for whom it is important to achieve some specific results, to show himself, to realize himself in something. These are athletes, politicians, fashion models - professions associated with the realization of oneself. Although it must be said that many professions interact with different types, and it cannot be said that any profession belongs to only one single type. And, nevertheless, it is important to understand exactly which at least two types you are more like, because this will already help you narrow the circle.

I would also say that there are people of the performing type and there are people of the creative type. It is easier for someone to carry out the finished task that was given to him. There are people who are performers, very good performers. They need a job where everything is predictable for them, there is a clear work schedule, daily routine, there are clear obligations, the amount of work. And there are those for whom, on the contrary, certain limits are very tight, and it is easier for them to work in some kind of creative mode, when they themselves can decide which day they should sleep in, and which one to work until 12 o'clock or until 2 o'clock in the morning . When they themselves determine approximate terms for themselves, they are freer, and this is very important for them. Each specific person must, first of all, honestly answer to himself the question: “I am more of a performer, or am I more of a creative person, what is more in me”? And then it will be clear, given this feature, which professional path is worth moving, and where it will be quite difficult.

In general, when choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account interests, abilities and personal qualities. It happens like this: there is an interest in something, but there are not enough abilities in this direction. Or the abilities are good, but there are no certain personal qualities that are needed specifically for this profession. For example, the profession of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - the child is interested, he can master it, but lacks endurance, endurance, self-control. And then the question arises: whether to choose this path if such a discrepancy is felt. If it is quite difficult with the choice, then it is worth looking for a fallback option. And there is a situation when a person so wants to follow this professional path that he is engaged in self-education, and he manages to develop some personal qualities in himself that were not there initially - in order to be in this profession.

- My name is Anya, I'm 15 years old, I don't know what profession I should choose. Help me please.

- Probably, here it is still worth seeking an individual consultation with a psychologist in order to understand what strengths there are. I do not believe that in one person it is so chosen that there is nothing to cling to - this cannot be. Here we can talk about the fact that something is not revealed in a person, because each of us is given some abilities, but not all of them are revealed. Probably, in this case, the girl was unlucky, and she didn’t see it - or her parents didn’t see it, didn’t help her see in herself what she can choose. Subjects on "three" - this is not an indicator that she can or cannot continue to study - there is always a chance, so the main thing is to understand yourself and find some clues: what do you like more, what is better.

- Advise where a 15-year-old teenager can apply on his own, where can he be helped with choosing a profession?

- Firstly, this is the school where he studied. Every school has people responsible for vocational guidance, so you need to approach the director, the head teacher, and ask about who is responsible for vocational guidance at school. Sometimes it is a psychologist who combines these two positions, sometimes a social pedagogue, sometimes just an individual specialist, or just a teacher who is responsible for career guidance. There are state-funded career guidance centers where you can get free diagnostics and professional advice. If you are unable to get paid service In order to decide on the choice of a profession, there are also free resources that you need to use. Now there are a lot of articles on the Internet on the topic of how to get to know yourself better, career guidance tests are posted.

My daughter is 17 years old, has been fond of dancing since childhood, sings, would like to become a “star”, but says that she does not have enough talent for this, and now she will be unhappy all her life, because she does not want to do anything else. He says: “Choose any profession for me, but at least a monetary one.” She studies well and has a chance to enter any university. What should I do - really choose a profession for her - take on such a huge responsibility or .... Please advise.

- Here I would ask myself: does the child really have no chance to succeed along this path, does the girl really have a lot of some kind of expectations, ambitions, but in fact, she doesn’t sing very well and dances so-so. And then, maybe, it is worth giving her the opportunity to find herself in something else, and leave everything else as a hobby.

If here, after all, we are talking about the fact that she is good at singing and dancing, but there is some kind of low self-esteem, uncertainty about whether she will succeed, then these are already personal problems that need to be addressed. If she is doing well, maybe she will solve these problems and move forward. And then - after all, you can become a "star" even if you have higher education. If a girl has already decided on some kind of artistic direction of dance, singing, maybe she should go to a musical direction, and if she is recognized there, they will take her, this will be a certain support for her, that she still succeeds, and the first step towards your dreams. But still, I would say that initially to achieve such success, to become a celebrity - this is still such an infantile request - in some way childish, normal for a teenager. If a person has always had only the task of becoming famous, and suddenly it really doesn’t work out, then the whole world collapses for him. We still need to build and sow something around our dream, so that we have something to rely on and something to live with.

I would not recommend mother to succumb to this feeling of her daughter: “what will, what is bondage - it doesn’t matter”, “choose for me, I will go to study where you say.” Responsibility for the choice is taken by a person - a teenager, in this case. And what she chooses for herself, what direction - she will go this way for many years. And it's very easy to put the blame on someone: "Well, you chose, you wanted to, and I, please, went." No, sorry, the choice is still made by the person who will follow this path and move forward. Therefore, mom needs to gain strength and patience in order to withstand this and not succumb to such provocations. And yet, it is imperative to support the daughter, because there is a feeling that the daughter lacks some kind of support at this moment, she is disappointed, because her dreams and thoughts that she will be famous do not come true.

In fact, having received a profession that corresponds to personal qualities, and is chosen taking into account interests and abilities, a person can always find where to apply it. And I would also say this: education does not end with a diploma - there are professions where you need to study, and study constantly. Therefore, it is always possible to retrain, to go the other way, if you know how and love to learn.

Transcription of the video plot from the cycle of programs "Mom's School"


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