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Indeed, it is no secret that any enterprise is constantly faced with the need to transport various commodity values However, driving staff is extremely expensive. In addition, vehicles are constantly in need of additional maintenance.

Features of the transport business

Consequently, many entrepreneurs quite reasonably decide to open their own transport company, which will provide freight transportation services. With such an investment of money, the business, in fact, can subsequently bring good profits. At the same time, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that a novice entrepreneur will certainly need:

  • availability of documentation confirming the registration of the entrepreneur;
  • availability of office space;
  • availability of carriers;
  • availability of qualified employees;
  • quality organization of advertising.

Stages of creating a transport company

1. As in any other form commercial activities, transport business it is impossible to start without having a well-developed business plan. It is necessary to calculate all the financial resources that the entrepreneur will have to invest in his own transport business. At the same time, it is imperative to take into account the occurrence of not only all constants, but also variable costs. In addition, it is necessary to carefully calculate the turnover of the future enterprise and its possible profits.

2. After that, you can safely proceed to registration. legal entity at the local tax office. It should be understood that there is always the possibility of registration individual entrepreneurship, however, in this case it is difficult to be sure that the search for regular customers who will use the services of freight transportation will be crowned with success. In addition, the most acceptable option is to choose a general taxation system. This is due to the fact that large manufacturers are interested in the return of value added tax, and this is possible only with a general tax system. Therefore, otherwise, finding customers for cargo transportation will be even more problematic.

3. Of course, office space is also required. At the same time, there are no specific and special requirements for such an office, so its choice is almost unlimited. You just need to be able to connect a landline phone, as well as use the worldwide Internet.

4. The business of freight transportation provides for the need to use road transport, which does not necessarily have to be owned by the enterprise. The fact is that not every novice entrepreneur can afford the purchase of expensive vehicles, as well as the maintenance of a staff of drivers and the additional costs associated with car maintenance. Therefore, it is advisable to use the services of third-party carriers. At the same time, it is extremely important that all necessary permits and registration documentation be available.

5. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of qualified employees who will perform the full range of office work. At the same time, specialists should be able to sell transport services, as well as be well versed in all the subtleties and nuances that are typical for the logistics industry. Of course, finding such employees is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, so you need to be prepared for the fact that their training will be required, which will provide advanced training for specialists.

6. Finally, high-quality advertising of your services is of great importance. Therefore, the entrepreneur will have to use all the possibilities of advertising. For example, you need to create your own website, with which transport company will talk about their services. In addition, you will have to put up ads, as well as publish advertisements in the media.


Starting a freight forwarding business is the right decision. But there is a danger: together with the high demand for this business and competition is growing. Doing this business from scratch is better for entrepreneurs with experience in the transport sector. They will only have to learn how to open a trucking company.

Demand for the freight forwarding business

Those who are not connected with logistics often ask the question, is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation? The volumes of imports and exports in the country are increasing every year, therefore, the demand for this type of activity is also increasing. Cargo transportation is an actual business, which entails the growth of numerous organizations involved in the provision of such services. Most often, such companies are founded by entrepreneurs, most of whose knowledge is logistics. There are departments that have mastered the transportation of goods, studied the documents and offer their own services. If there is a problem with a lack of cars, then the organization attracts cars from neighboring companies. Thus, a new department is created, offering customers a variety of different types transport and services.

Main types of enterprises

To answer the question - how to open a transport company from scratch, you need to deal with various types enterprises:

  • Companies that provide services to individuals.
  • Individual entrepreneur assisting legal parties.
  • Establishments transporting goods for industrial enterprises.
  • Companies that are engaged in the delivery of groupage cargo.
  • Enterprises engaged in the search for orders, intermediary firms.

Features of the transport organization

It should start with the fact that logistics involves the development of the optimal route, including all possible stops, breakdowns, interruptions. Logistics exists as an independent transport area. The advantage of this case is that its bankruptcy is almost unrealistic. Also, to organize a business from scratch, you do not need to invest a fortune. The business of trucking does not require a license. However, many unscrupulous companies have appeared that are not responsible for their actions. They also do not have permits. They often do not even know how to open a transport company. Logistics in the transport business has six key rules:

  1. Required cargo.
  2. Right place.
  3. The right time.
  4. Required amount.
  5. Appropriate quality.
  6. Minimum costs.

Logistics has its own approach to the organization of transport business. It:

  • More than 2 modes of transport.
  • Availability of a single through rate for transportation.
  • The interaction scheme is sequential-central.

Registration of a company and types of taxation

When asked where to start economic activity, there is only one answer - documents. You should register a company and decide on the taxation system. You should also decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise:

  • IP (individual entrepreneurship).
  • LLC (when several founders participate).

For individual entrepreneurs, a single tax on imputed income has been adopted. This tax is suitable for businesses cooperating with individuals and for those who work without VAT.

For LLC the best optiongeneral system taxation.

Financial sphere

If an entrepreneur is thinking about how to open a transport company from scratch and plans to start a long-term business, then he needs to open a bank account. Many customers will show a desire to pay for services by bank transfer. The total revenue of an individual entrepreneur or LLC consists of profit from freight traffic. If the question arises, is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation, then the answer is unequivocal - yes. Cargo transportation as a business is quite profitable. Average rates are from 25 to 40% of profit. Main items of expenditure:

  • Salary.
  • Taxes.
  • Spare parts.
  • The documents.
  • Purchase of fuels and lubricants.
  • General expenses.

Recruitment for the company

In order to stay on the market, an individual entrepreneur or LLC needs to be qualitatively organized personnel department. Quantity employees depends on the size of the car park. In any case, you need to start with the selection of the following employees:

  • Drivers. There should be more of them than cars. 3 people are required per car.
  • Mechanic. If an entrepreneur has more than six machines, then he will need at least 1 specialist.
  • Dispatchers. The control room needs exactly as many employees as there are cars in the fleet. The control room must be equipped with high-quality equipment, as this is one of the main jobs.
  • Accountant. It will be needed if there is a fleet of ten cars or more, if the company operates in the LLC format. This person will prepare all financial and reporting documents in a timely manner.

Dissemination of information about the company

After the IP is registered, documents are drawn up and staff is selected, it is necessary to take care of material support. Then you should form your permanent customer base and select suppliers. Initially, there may be distrust on the part of the customer, he will doubt the quality of the goods, the competence of the workers.

In order to appease the client, you need to provide him with as much information as possible about your institution, staff and services.

Prepare Required documents confirming the existence of the firm. We must not forget that advertising should not be in the foreground to start a business. It can greatly affect the budget of a newly created enterprise. At the same time, aggressive advertising can attract too many customers that a novice entrepreneur cannot serve. First you need to place ads about IP, LLC on information boards, in in social networks. With the increase own business and the range of consumers will increase. Thus, it will be possible to increase your advertising campaign.

When to start your own business

When starting a business from scratch, consider the time of year. For what? In order to correctly calculate their strength with an increase in the volume of work. The summer period is considered the quietest in order to organize cargo transportation. The autumn period is the busiest season. The trucking business is a very profitable niche, but it requires close attention from the entrepreneur. Organizing a transport business from scratch is not difficult, especially since you do not need an enterprise license. Therefore, you can use IP to start your own business. Logistics and its knowledge will help the entrepreneur organize the best route, rationally organize expenses. When registering an enterprise, a business entity receives all the necessary documents.

The transport business today is one of the fastest growing, the demand for services in this area always remains stable, but the competition with the risk is also high. Opening a transport company is easier if you have the appropriate experience.

Every year new carriers appear on the market, most often those who have separated from trade organizations logistics departments that have mastered the transportation of goods, the sale of which their company specialized in.

  • a P11001 application;
  • the decision to form an LLC;
  • (2 copies);
  • details of the bank where the account is opened;
  • minutes of the meeting or decision of the founder;
  • photocopies of passports.


  • authorized capital from 10,000 rubles, paid in money or property, at the time of registration, 50% of the amount must be paid, the balance is paid within the next 12 months;
  • state duty 4000 rubles;
  • printing from 600 rubles.

When processing documents, it must be taken into account that if there are errors, a refusal may follow and 4,000 thousand rubles will be lost. When choosing a form of taxation, it is necessary to take into account the types of transportation and the scale of the future company.

Types of taxation

When registering a company, you can choose from several taxation options:

  • - involves the payment of 6-15% of the total income of the company, minus expenses;
  • the general system involves the payment of all taxes, which can be ruinous for a small firm;
  • a single tax is applicable only if there are more than twenty cars in the fleet.
A single tax is considered the best option, all taxes must be paid on time and in full. To mandatory payments also includes deductions to the Pension Fund, the amount of which changes periodically.

Buying cars

Business begins with the purchase of a car, when choosing a transport, it is necessary to determine the goals and compare them with the means.

Used foreign-made vehicles are considered more convenient to use, but Russian ones are cheaper, although they break down more often. The choice of car also depends on the characteristics of the area; for transportation within the city, it is recommended to buy Gazelles, they consume less fuel and are economical in maintenance.

Isothermal vans or refrigerators are perfect for perishable products, for office moving and transportation of furniture you can’t do without Zil-Bychok, which will perfectly pass in yards where there is nowhere for a large truck to turn around.

It is worth noting that to provide the full range of services, an appropriate fleet of vehicles is required. With a deficit financial resources for the purchase of different types of transport, it is worth focusing on a single service, cooperating with other companies.

Expenses: the purchase of one car will cost 900,000 -1,100,000 rubles.

In the absence of funds to purchase vehicles for the first time, the company can engage in mediation, search for customers transportation. If there are regular orders, prices are kept low enough to stay afloat with virtually no cost.

Very often, transport companies cooperate with other enterprises using their transport. At first, there may be a certain amount of distrust, the client may have doubts about the quality of work, the safety of delivery of goods, etc. To remove doubts, it is recommended to provide complete information about suppliers, carrier, warehouse.

It should be borne in mind that the timely delivery and safety of the cargo are very important for the client, all these nuances should be taken into account when drawing up the contract. The freight forwarder must always know what is happening with the car and cargo, inform the client in a timely manner.

In the future, it is possible to provide the service of processing documents for shipment, for this it is necessary to have the necessary number of expeditions in the places of departure of goods, knowledge of the legislation on the movement of transit and export goods is very important.

Room selection

Office space is required for placement of the dispatch service, before the final choice, it is worth considering several options.

Difficulties with finding premises depend on the region; when drawing up an agreement with the landlord, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the office will be indicated as legal address enterprises. In the absence of financial resources to rent a full-fledged room, you can rent an office in a call center; 20 sq. m.

Rental costs: 10-18 thousand rubles

Office equipment:

  • 2 tables;
  • 2 chairs;
  • 2 computers;
  • two telephone lines;
  • Printer;
  • scanner;
  • walkie-talkie for negotiations with drivers.

Equipment and furniture expenses: 40-60 thousand rubles


Opening a transport company from scratch involves the selection of the following categories of employees:

  • dispatcher (1 or 2 people);
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • marketer.


Requirements: when choosing personnel, it is recommended to pay attention to diction, they must have a good memory, be sociable and be able to think logically. Employees do not have to have similar work experience; if necessary, they can be trained in everything.

Functional: attracting clients, searching for applications, searching for transport, paperwork, coordinating the work of drivers, work is mainly carried out by phone.

  1. Salary (12000 -30000 thousand);
  2. Salary + % from sales (8000 + %);
  3. % from sales.

At the initial stage, the second and third options are most often used.

For bookkeeping, it is recommended to hire professional accountant, at the initial stage it can work on remote access. You can also contact a specialized company, the cost depends on the volume of services provided.

Expenses: from 6000 thousand


Advertising plays an important role in the beginning of activity, it is recommended to provide information about services gradually, because if the advertising works, the company may not have time to process all requests.

Marketing functionality: Mass mailing of ads, reviews, notes on websites and social networks. As the company develops, you can create your own website, publish ads in printed publications, distribute handouts at exhibitions.

For the first time from 2000 per week.


It is best to open a transport company in the summer, closer to autumn, when the demand for transport increases sharply. In this case, it is very important to calculate the time so as not to miss the profit and cope with the volume of work.

In the spring, it is not recommended to open a transport company, since in summer the demand for transportation drops sharply.


At first, many tasks will have to be performed independently; experience, knowledge of the law and a customer base will help to avoid trouble.

The main feature of cargo transportation is the need to constantly adapt to the needs of the client, defending the interests of the carrier and his own. When cooperating with unscrupulous carriers, there may be problems with the timing, it is recommended to agree on all conditions in advance in the contract.

The dispatcher in this case is an intermediary who solves all problems that arise between the client and the carrier.

How to open a transport company? Watch the video:

A transport company is the most profitable and reliable business. The demand for cargo transportation services is constantly growing, so it will bring high stable profits. Before opening a transport company from scratch, a novice entrepreneur should carefully study this area and learn all the nuances of this business.

Company types

Before you draw up a business plan for a transport company and proceed with its implementation, you must first determine the direction of activity.

There are several types of transport companies:

  • Organizations that deliver small loads within the same city;
  • Companies that deliver goods to warehouses, stores, etc. At the same time, they can transport goods both on the territory of our country and in the near abroad;
  • Groupage cargo transportation. For these purposes, road trains are used that carry out cargo transportation to different countries;
  • Companies that work with industrial enterprises. They transport different types of goods within the country. For this, dump trucks, tractors and other equipment are used;
  • intermediary firms. Since such organizations do not have their own transport, they are looking for a carrier company, processing all the necessary accompanying documents and financial component.

Activity registration

If you decide to open a cargo transportation company, first of all decide on the form of doing business. Most often, start-up entrepreneurs are registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

As far as the form of taxation is concerned, the most best option- this is ENVD. Its main advantage is that in this case you can connect up to 20 cars to work. For individual entrepreneur, the most profitable form of taxation is ZNDFL. Intermediaries, it is better to choose a simplified tax. Before you open a transport company and make a final decision on the form of doing business, carefully consider all the features of its future activities.

Another important point This bank account. This is especially true for those entrepreneurs who open a company for the long term. Many clients prefer to work by bank transfer, so without a bank account, you can lose large customers.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Some newcomers are trying to increase the profitability of the business at the stage of formation, through dumping, that is, they greatly reduce the prices for services. Of course, their demand immediately increases, since it is much more profitable for customers to work with a new company than with its competitors. But in this case, there is a significant increase financial costs and this may lead the company to bankruptcy.

To reduce the cost of transportation, the following actions should be taken:

  1. Replace light vehicles with heavy vehicles;
  2. Set limits on the purchase of fuels and lubricants;
  3. Do not send half-empty cars on a flight;
  4. Buy your own forklift to avoid downtime.

Clear control of spending money and competent organization of all business processes of a transport company will help you significantly reduce the cost of services. This will significantly increase the profitability of the business.


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