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How to open and register an IP on your own? What documents are required for registration individual entrepreneur? What form of taxation is better to choose?

Dear friends, my name is Alexander Berezhnov and I am glad to welcome you to this really important article.

You can open an IP on your own or use the capabilities of the Internet accounting "". I use it myself and recommend it to my business friends.

I myself opened the IP 3 times and I know all the subtleties of this procedure.

Most entrepreneurs, starting their own business, do not have large funds and try to open it with. So if you don't already have stable income, and opening an individual business for you is more of a “tick” procedure, I strongly do not recommend rushing into it.

Here we will analyze in detail how to register an individual entrepreneur and properly conduct business after receiving documents on assigning you the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Before I go directly to the essence of the question “How to open an IP”, I want to warn you:

“Before you officially register your activities by opening an IP, remember that this step imposes certain administrative and financial obligations on a person”

1. How to open an IP using a free online service

Filego will help an individual fill out forms quickly and without errors, select the right OKVED codes, tax system, choose a bank to open a current account, etc.

Let's start with the fact that the most convenient way to register an IP is electronic registration. You can prepare and fill out documents for opening an IP through free Internet service

This site will help an individual fill out forms quickly and without errors, select the necessary OKVED codes, taxation system, and choose a bank to open a current account.

In fact, you need to go through only 6 steps to register an IP:

  1. Complete form P21001. At this point, you must provide passport data individual.
  2. Select OKVED codes (All-Russian classifier of species economic activity) - one main and (if necessary) one or more additional ones.
  3. Decide on the taxation system. The site will automatically select a simplified taxation system (STS) for you.
  4. Open a current account. This section will list several banks that are most suitable for the initial stage of opening an IP.
  5. Prepare documents. Here you can choose the most convenient way to submit and receive documents and generate receipts for paying state bills. duties.
  6. Download the package of documents.

Prepared forms are downloaded as an archive in zip format.

After all the manipulations, you will need to pay the state fee and take the documents to the nearest Federal Tax Service (or MFC, if such a service is provided there) of your city. The registration period when submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service is 3 days (MFC - up to 7 days).

After successful registration of an individual entrepreneur, a message will be sent to your email address from the service stating that you have become an individual entrepreneur.

2. Who can become an individual entrepreneur

According to the legislation, a citizen can become an individual entrepreneur Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18.

It is important to note that can not be individual entrepreneurs state and municipal employees.

There are still some nuances in the legislation, but in practice they are quite rare, so I will not voice them here.

3. What documents are needed to open an IP and how to fill them out

If you decide to register an individual entrepreneur yourself, then you will need the following documents:

  1. Application form P21001.
  2. Receipt of payment of state duty for 800 rubles.
  3. TIN (individual taxpayer number)
  4. Applicant's passport (in this case, your passport)

You can significantly simplify the paperwork,

Using the Internet accounting service "".

3.1. Step-by-step instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur

1. Fill out the form Р21001


After filling out the application, it must be stitched and glued with a small piece of paper like a book, then write the number of sheets, the date and put your signature so that it goes on the application.

An example of firmware documents:

2. We pay the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles

3. We take the TIN and passport, make copies of them

4. We carry documents to the registration authority (tax, registration inspection)

5. We wait 5 days and come for ready documents about registration

In each region, the registration authority has its own name, so specify it, as well as its code, you will need it to fill out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

3.1.1. And now in more detail about each stage

If you do not yet have a TIN, be sure to get it from the tax office at your place of residence.

In order to start filling out the P21001 form, you need to decide on the types of activities that you plan to engage in.

The all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity will help you with this. (OKVED).

In the application in the form P21001 for registering an individual entrepreneur, tips are given on the correct filling in of the digital code by type of activity.

As an example, I will give my extract from the USRIP (Unified state register individual entrepreneurs).

You will receive an extract from the USRIP after registering an individual entrepreneur along with a certificate of registration.

Please note that in the extract from the USRIP, as well as in your application, the group, subgroup and type of activity are indicated with a digital code and the name of the activity itself.


If you do not hand over documents for registration in person, for example, by mail or someone does it for you, in this case you will need to notarize your signature on the application.

After you have filled out the application, pay a state fee of 800 rubles according to the details that you will be given at the registration authority, where you will also submit documents for registering an individual entrepreneur.

Congratulations! Now you are ready to register, but read the article to the end, and you will be able to avoid the mistakes that people make when registering IP for the first time.

4. Delivery of documents and pitfalls when opening an IP. Overview of taxation systems

Before registering an individual entrepreneur, I advise you to get advice from professional accountant on the choice of the taxation system on which you will work.

On the this moment There are 3 systems of taxation:

  1. Classical or general system of taxation (OSNO)
  2. Simplified taxation system ("Simplified")
  3. Single tax on imputed income (UTII)

4.1. Classical or general system of taxation (OSNO)

Here you will pay several types of taxes, including personal income tax (personal income tax) and VAT (value added tax)

4.2. Simplified taxation system ("Simplified")

There are two types of simplified taxation system today, and depending on which tax base you choose:

  • Type of tax base "Income". In this case, you will pay 6% of the total income (revenue)
  • Type of tax base "Income minus expenses (profit 15%)". Here you will pay 15% tax on the difference between income and expenses

4.3. Single tax on imputed income (UTII)

If your activity falls under the payment of UTII, then you will pay a fixed tax for a certain period, regardless of revenue and profit.


By default, a person who registers as an individual entrepreneur falls into general system of taxation (OSNO) .

If you are going to work under the simplified taxation system, then along with the submission of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you will need to submit an application for switching to a “simplified tax system”.

Application form for the transition to a simplified taxation system (Form No. 26.2-1).

If the activity that you plan to engage in falls under UTII, then from the moment you engage in it, you will need to apply for the transition to UTII in the UTII-2 form.

5. What to do after registering an individual entrepreneur

After you receive all the documents and issue an IP, you can make a seal of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you will need a certificate of PSRN IP and your TIN. Today, there are quite a lot of companies involved in the manufacture of seals and stamps, so it will not be difficult for you to make a seal.


By law, IP can work without printing. One of your handwritten signatures on any contracts and papers and the inscription "Without a seal" or B/P is enough.

Example of my print:

Pension Fund

Now, if you work independently (WITHOUT EMPLOYEES), the Pension Fund notify NO NEED! You register with the Pension Fund without a statement, that is, automatically.

If you plan to work with non-cash, that is, transfer and receive funds to your IP current account, you need to open it. Now in any bank it will not be difficult to do this. When choosing a bank, I advise you to focus primarily on the percentage of account maintenance.

By law, an individual entrepreneur has the right to work without a current account.

So you will need to open a RS if you plan to receive non-cash payments, especially if you provide services / sell goods to legal entities and other individual entrepreneurs.

Attention, this is very important!

Now it is NOT NECESSARY to submit a notice of opening a settlement account for an individual entrepreneur to the tax and Pension Fund!

If you plan to work with a cash register, then you will need to purchase it and register it with the tax office. Before doing this, I also advise you to consult with a good lawyer and accountant in order to make this procedure the most effective and less expensive.

After all the above actions, you can fully conduct business activities, most importantly, do not forget to report and pay taxes on time. A good accountant will help you with this, cooperation with which you need to take care of in advance.

You can keep accounts of your individual entrepreneur via the Internet using the appropriate capabilities of the "" service.

Dear reader, now you have all the necessary information on how to register an IP yourself and as you can see it is not so difficult.

Let's now analyze the nuances of IP.

6. Pros and cons of the legal form of "individual entrepreneurship". Rights and obligations of IP

From the moment of obtaining the certificate of OGRNIP (the main state registration number individual entrepreneur) you can engage in all types of entrepreneurial activity not prohibited by law. But there are exceptions.

For example, an individual entrepreneur cannot engage in wholesale and retail alcohol, so if you decide to open a grocery store and sell alcohol there, you will have to register as a legal entity.

This limitation is the most common in practice. A complete list of activities that are prohibited for individual entrepreneurs can be downloaded below:

6.1. Pros and cons of the legal form of IP

Here I will touch on the main pros and cons of individual entrepreneurs, I hope that this will broaden your horizons and help you better understand yourself in the status of an individual entrepreneur.

6.1.1. Pros:

1. Ease of registration

It is quite easy to open an individual entrepreneur without even resorting to the help of third-party consulting firms.

I can say with confidence that if I now went to open an individual entrepreneur, then the whole procedure, taking into account the preparation of documents and standing in line for their submission to the tax office, would take me about 2-3 hours.

2. Relatively mild penalties

Individual entrepreneurs are practically not checked by regulatory authorities, there are much fewer requirements for them to comply with various standards and requirements when doing business. commercial activities. The most simple and few reporting. Accordingly, fines are on average 10 times less than for legal entities. I won't go into details here, just so you know:

From the point of view of doing business, IP is the most "sparing" form of doing business in all respects.

3. Great flexibility in operation

Also, from the advantages of such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur, one can single out the fact that all the proceeds belong to the individual entrepreneur, that is, in this case, to you. Accordingly, you can dispose of this money immediately after receiving it at your own discretion, unlike an LLC.

Also, an individual entrepreneur has the right to work without a seal, in which case he puts his signature on contracts and other documents and writes “B.P.”, which means “without a seal”.

An individual entrepreneur has the right not to have a bank account, working with cash. Then he might need cash machine or strict reporting forms (BSO), but this is the case if the individual entrepreneur works on a simplified or common system taxation.

If he works on an “imputed” basis, that is, he pays a single tax on imputed income (UTII) or operates on a “patent”, in this case he simply pockets the money he earns, paying a fixed tax and insurance contributions.

6.1.2. Minuses

1. The degree of responsibility for obligations

Very important!

According to the legislation, an individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with all his property.

This means that if you have debts as a result of doing business, then in this case, in judicial order your creditors have the right to take almost everything from you: a car, bank deposits, real estate (if it is not the only housing), other material assets.

The sole proprietor must pay insurance premiums to a pension fund, even if it does not operate or even operates at a loss.

For example, in 2013, the amount of mandatory insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs amounted to 35665 rubles .

That is, even if you don’t earn a penny, every month of the existence of your individual entrepreneur will cost you almost 3,000 rubles.

Do not forget that if you will conduct business, then add to this amount the taxes that you will have to pay.

2. Not being able to name your company

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur, as a subject economic activity in all official documents, he can write only his full name as a name.

For example: IP Ivanov N.V.

Unlike IP, legal entities, such as LLC, have a name.

For example: Society with limited liability"Pupkin and partners"

3. Image moment

It so happened that some companies do not work with individual entrepreneurs, although, in fact, the conduct of commercial activities of an individual entrepreneur and, for example, an LLC are no different.

You have decided to start your own business: you have an idea, a plan and agreements with investors. It would seem that it remains only to take and do. But the most unpleasant thing begins - paperwork. We have put together a checklist to help you. Follow the steps in order, and you will register an IP yourself.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship in 2019

  • free of charge if documents are submitted electronically, through the MFC or a notary;
  • 800 rubles, if you submit documents in person;
  • 1,000 -1,500 rubles - for a notary, if documents are submitted by mail or through a representative. When visiting the tax office in person, it is not necessary to certify the application with a notary.

Step 1: Choose a taxation system

Decide in advance how you will pay taxes in order to submit an application for choosing a taxation system along with the registration documents.

Now in Russia there are 5 systems of taxation. We recommend paying attention to the simplified tax system, UTII and the patent. They are designed specifically for small businesses to reduce the tax burden and simplify accounting.

Step 2: Determine your type of activity according to OKVED

In the documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate the code of activity according to the OKVED directory. Identify a few codes that you are or will be doing.

Step 3: Prepare documents for registering an individual entrepreneur in the tax

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following documents:

  • Passport with a photocopy or its notarized copy.
  • Application for state registration. If you send documents by mail or hand over through a representative, certify the application with a notary.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty 800 rubles.
  • Copy of TIN certificate. If it is not there, then the TIN will be assigned to you during the registration process.
  • Power of attorney for a representative, if someone will hand over documents for you.
  • Notification on the application of the simplified tax system, if you have chosen this system of taxation. Prepare two copies. One will be taken by the tax office, and the second will be marked with the acceptance of the application.

Step 4: Submit documents to the tax office, MFC or electronically

The second way to apply for registration as an entrepreneur is through the MFC (multifunctional center of public services). There are such centers in every region. Call the MFC in advance and check if they accept documents for registration. Not everyone does this. MFCs in Moscow accept documents only if there is a residence permit in the Basmanny district.

If it is not possible to come in person, send the documents to the tax office by mail in a valuable letter or submit through a representative by proxy. But before that, certify the application and a copy of the passport with a notary.

The tax office will give you a receipt on receipt of documents. Save it, you will need it when you pick up documents on registration of IP.


What to do after registering an IP

  • . For 7 lessons, he will help you figure out how, when and what reports to submit, how to draw up documents, how to properly receive money from clients.
  • Get a year in Elba as a gift - a web service that counts taxes and helps you submit reports via the Internet. For entrepreneurs without an accountant and accounting knowledge. We give young entrepreneurs who are under 3 months old, year of Premium service. This is the most complete tariff: it includes tax calculation and reporting for individual entrepreneurs and employees, preparation of documents for transactions, work with goods and accountant consultations.

Timely and correct reporting necessary condition for the success of any, both small and medium-sized businesses. So, what documents should an individual entrepreneur have? What reporting should be kept by him as an employer? In order to avoid problems, the most important thing is to know the correct answers to all these questions, as well as to be able to provide all the necessary data on time and in the correct format.

Starting a business

In comparison with the various difficulties of entrepreneurial activity, registration of an individual entrepreneur is a fairly simple and quick procedure. This implies strict adherence to the rules, under which a person who wants to become a businessman acquires his cherished status within 3 days. At first glance, it seems that the most difficult is over, and you can safely begin to engage in the chosen type of activity, but, of course, this is only the beginning. In parallel with the status of an individual entrepreneur, you assume responsibility for the literacy of reporting within the specified time frame, which must be drawn up within the specifics of your business.

What documents should an IP have? This question interests many. The list of necessary papers that an individual entrepreneur is obliged to maintain can be quite problematic to determine, since it depends on a number of factors, such as the scope of your business, the place of registration of the organization, working conditions, etc.

List of IP documents

Below is a list of documents that each individual entrepreneur must have:

Be that as it may, before preparing a complete list of all documents, you need to immediately clearly determine which method of taxation is most convenient for you, and whether your company plans to organize jobs.

Individual entrepreneur without employees and necessary documents

The most loyal way of doing business is as an individual entrepreneur without hiring employees. In such a situation, you yourself are the master of doing business. Against this background, you are not required to pay every month wages staff. Last but not least, there is no need for additional reporting. But still, it will not be possible to completely avoid responsibility to the state. After all, tax obligations will have to be met.

Once in entrepreneurial activity, you immediately face a choice: either to carry out your activities in a standard way, or to stop at one of the suitable tax regimes. Each of these options has its own reporting method. Consider what documents an individual entrepreneur should have under the standard tax regime.

Standard tax treatment

In cases where an entrepreneur opts for the standard tax regime, he must submit the following documents to the tax authorities within the specified period:

Declaration in the form of 3-NDFL:

  • submitted by April 30;
  • the transfer of tax at the end of the year is carried out before July 15;
  • filling and submission of the declaration is possible in paper and in in electronic format.

IP TIN is the main document, but what else does he need?

Declaration in the form of 4-NDFL:

  • presented if you had business income during the year;
  • is rented no later than 5 days after the end of the month when these incomes were received.

VAT declaration:

  • rented before the 25th day following the last quarter;
  • accepted for delivery only in the form of an electronic document;
  • tax payment is transferred every quarter.

VAT purchase book. We are talking about examples of reflecting entries in sales books and invoices, where codes of types of operations are marked.

The so-called book on accounting for business transactions, expenses and income - KUDiR.

The documents required for an individual entrepreneur depend on many nuances. The reporting tax regime is considered the easiest to understand. But it is not always profitable. To simplify the activities of small entrepreneurs, the legislation of the Russian Federation has introduced various tax regimes. Let's consider them below.


The most common and simplified of all regimes is the taxation system (STS), which replaces three taxes at once. The simplified tax system does not burden entrepreneurs with the need to pay accruals on property, VAT and personal income tax. Other taxes must be paid in the manner prescribed for individual entrepreneurs under the general tax regime.

The main documents that businessmen are required to maintain on the simplified tax system are the tax return and KUDiR.


This is a separately developed tax regime exclusively for those entrepreneurs who are associated with agricultural products. In the event that an individual entrepreneur is classified as a single tax on agriculture(ESHN), then he becomes obliged to keep the same documents as entrepreneurs under the simplified taxation system, namely the declaration and KUDiR.


If you choose the Unified Imputed Income Tax (UTI), regardless of the size of your earnings, you will pay the established 15% of imputed income. Having chosen this reporting system, from the general list of documents you need to submit:


Another type of taxation regime is the patent system (PSN). The patent value usually depends on the type of activity of the entrepreneur. But binding document the Book of Accounting for Income and a patent for a year for individual entrepreneurs always acts.

Detailed information about the various tax regimes for individual entrepreneurs can always be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, you need to go to a special section with information about tax documents, which every businessman who conducts business in Russia is required to submit.

Documents of an individual entrepreneur as an employer

When business is impossible without attracting additional work force, it becomes necessary to maintain additional documents. Hiring citizens to work entails additional responsibility and reporting.

Starting to practice own business, you fall under the constant control of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) and, of course, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (FTS).

Each of these bodies expects an individual entrepreneur who is an employer to submit a certain list of individual documents.

The Federal Tax Service requires data from individual entrepreneurs with employees in the form 2-NDFL before April 1 of the next year. In addition, the number of employees must be reported by January 20. In cases of business closure, information on the number of employees is submitted before the deregistration date.

Reporting in the 4-FSS format is sent to the Social Insurance Fund. Information is provided in paper form no later than the beginning of the second decade of the month. In addition, data transmission is possible electronically.

The Pension Fund of Russia requires an information document in the RSV-1 form. It must contain data on the whole enterprise and information individual accounting for each individual employee.

An extract from the USRIP for individual entrepreneurs is also one of the most important documents.

What personnel papers should an IP have?

Every entrepreneur as an employer must have the following personnel documents:

  • contract in two copies;
  • personal cards of their employees in the T-2 form;
  • staffing with a paid vacation schedule;
  • job description;
  • rules of conduct within the enterprise.

In addition, for the general compliance with the personnel system, the presence of such reporting documents as the staffing table, the time sheet for the time spent at work, the vacation schedule, the expense book, and the labor book is required.

In fact, the registration of a new employee for work in private business not so complicated procedure. The main thing is to carry out a complete document flow and properly maintain personnel records. And timely completion of all employment forms will give a chance to avoid unpleasant problems with supervisors. government bodies and by the employees themselves.

Using the list above, you can always check whether all documents are available. It will also allow you to understand which of them are yet to be received. Experienced entrepreneurs note that you should even get a folder for yourself official documents individual entrepreneur. This will certainly become a very convenient tool in running your business and will allow you to control any situation, which will simplify interaction with government agencies. In addition, he will leave time for the implementation of his own innovations as a businessman. Here are the documents that an IP should have.

A person who decides to do business must not only know the laws, but also have a good idea of ​​what documents are needed to open their own business.

Documents for registration of IP

To register an individual as an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation at the place of registration and submit the following documents to the tax authority:

  • Application form R21001 about state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur. In the tax office, you can take the program "Taxpayer of Legal Entities", there is this application. The program is free. Or download the most latest version statements from the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. It is not worth signing the application in advance, this must be done in the presence of a tax inspector when submitting documents.
  • Receipt (original) for payment of the state fee for registration of IP. The form of the receipt itself can be taken at any branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation or downloaded from its official website. Details are taken from the tax office. The amount of the state duty is 800 rubles. If the selected type of activity falls under the taxation of the simplified tax system, then an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in the form No. 26.2-1 is also required.
  • A copy of the Russian passport, all pages.
  • A copy of the TIN, a copy of the certificate of assignment of the TIN (if any).

IP registration is carried out by the tax authorities in the locality, the registration in which is in the citizen's passport. If he is registered in one city, but lives in another, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur at the place of official registration. In this case, documents for registering an individual entrepreneur can be sent by mail with a valuable letter with notification; copies of documents and the application must first be certified by a notary.

IP documents after registration

After passing the registration procedure, the newly-made individual entrepreneur must be given the appropriate documents:

  • tax registration certificate (TIN);
  • Record sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

After receiving the above documents, a citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities and he may need to make a seal and open a bank account.

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Documents for making a seal

An individual entrepreneur is not required to register and certify the seal with the tax authority (this is not provided for by law), so the seal can be made in any company that does this. Accordingly, the list required documents depends on the requirements of the organization you apply to.

As a rule, you may need:

  • a copy of the main page of the passport;
  • copy of OGRNIP;
  • a copy of the TIN, if you plan to indicate the TIN on the seal.

Documents for opening an account

To open an account for an individual entrepreneur, you need to submit to the bank:

  • the passport;
  • an application for opening a current account and a questionnaire (forms of these documents will be issued at the bank);
  • a copy of the entry sheet from the USRIP;
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate;
  • a notification letter about the assigned statistics codes from Rosstat;
  • licenses (if any);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Record Sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • lease agreement for the premises (if the individual entrepreneur rents the premises for an office);

Also, keep in mind that the bank may require additional documents.

So, we examined the documents required when opening an IP. Now let's move on to the documents that an individual entrepreneur will need to conduct business.

What documents are needed for IP

We have compiled a list that includes all the basic documents that will be required for the work of an entrepreneur. According to the list, everyone can check whether he already has all the documents, and which ones still need to be received.

We recommend that each individual entrepreneur create a special folder for storing official documents. Then they will always be at hand, which will greatly facilitate communication with regulatory government agencies.

So, IP should always be kept with you:

  • Copies of all pages of the passport.
  • TIN - copies and original.
  • OGRNIP (original and copies).
  • IP details sheet. It must contain all the information about the individual entrepreneur: passport data (series, number, by whom and when issued, where registered), TIN, PSRNIP, if there is a current account - an indication of the correspondent account of the bank and its BIC, as well as all the data specified in the Certificate Goskomstat. Such a form is needed so that you can quickly send information to a supplier or customer. Done right once, this form saves a lot of time.
  • Insurance certificate of state pension insurance.
  • Application for registration of an individual entrepreneur as a UTII taxpayer with the tax authority at the place of business, if any.
  • Agreement on opening a settlement account in a bank.
  • Agreement on the use of the "Bank-Client" system, if the individual entrepreneur uses this system.
  • Certificate of registration with the FSS (if any).
  • Notification of the possibility of applying the USNO (if there is a USNO).
  • Extract from the EGRIP.
  • Certificates of amendments to the USRIP (if any), there may also be several of them.
  • Certificate of registration with the Pension Fund as an employer, if there are employees.
  • Certificate from the State Statistics Committee on codes.
  • A copy of the lease agreements for the premises where the IP operates.
  • A copy of the lease agreements for equipment used by the IP.
  • A copy of the title agreements for objects of entrepreneurial activity. For example, this may be a contract of sale for a room that an individual entrepreneur leases or subleases, a contract of sale and a copy of the title deed for a car that is rented out. If there are insurance policies for property, then copies of them.
  • Originals of all "Acts of inspections".
  • If a power of attorney was issued for the right to dispose and manage vehicle, then you need to have the original with a live signature of a trustee.

In addition to these documents, it is necessary to have personnel documents for individual entrepreneurs. They are needed by those who will use labor employees.

HR Documents

An entrepreneur with employees will need for personnel records (for each employee):

  • Personal card.
  • Employment contract or its approximate form.
  • The order of acceptance to work.
  • Job description.
  • Leave order. If the employee is transferred to another position, then the entrepreneur must have a transfer order.
  • Dismissal order.

For general HR documentation:

  • Time sheet.
  • Vacation schedule.
  • Staff schedule.
  • Movement accounting book work books, as well as their liners.
  • Income and expense book for accounting forms of strict reporting.

Having at hand the collected and correctly executed package of documents, an entrepreneur, if necessary, can quickly prepare, for example, documents for a passport, for obtaining a loan, or for submission to the tax office.

In addition, if documents are lost, fire or theft, having a folder with copies in the safe, you can quickly restore documents.

Documents for the liquidation of IP

If the entrepreneur decides to close the IP, he will need the following documents for this:

  • An application of the established form, which must be completed in strict accordance with the law, without blots, errors and corrections.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • A document that confirms the submission of all necessary data to the territorial authority pension fund (this document is not mandatory, the tax authority can inform the PF RF on its own).

Preparation of documents for self-registration of IP: Video

Starting your business, you need to go through the registration procedure. The article will tell you what you need to open an IP and start an activity.

Properly done registration will allow you to confidently start your business, become an entrepreneur.

How to apply for an IP - the first steps

To design, you need to carefully consider where to start. An important question is whether doing business attracts.

In order to do this for good level, you will need to almost completely change your life.

In addition, you need to decide on your own what kind of business activity is worth doing. To do this, you need to carefully analyze and draw up a real business plan for your future business activities from scratch. It is necessary, if possible, to know everything about the IP.

After the decision is made, it is necessary to proceed with the registration of an individual in order to open his own business. There are several possible forms business organization. Each of them has its own list of positive and negative sides.

Registration as an individual entrepreneur is the easiest solution for those who are just about to start their entrepreneurial career, create their own business.

It is also suitable for those who have a relatively small amount of activity. Individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to choose the most appropriate taxation system, which determines which taxes to pay. In some cases, her right choice can significantly simplify the procedure for entrepreneurial activity.

First you need to choose the most suitable registration method:

  1. This can be done by personally contacting the tax office.
  2. It is also possible to register online through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. The notary can act as a representative and make the registration.
  4. It is allowed to send documents for registration by mail.
  5. Another option is to pay for the registration service to a company that specializes in this, registers an individual entrepreneur.

After that, it is necessary to select the OKVED codes for the activity that is supposed to be engaged in. It can be one or a list of several codes. If a new direction is subsequently added, you will need to repeat the design and enter new codes into the documents.

Documents can be drawn up not only by a citizen of the Russian Federation, but also by a foreigner. To do this, two more documents can be added to the package of documents:

  1. Notarized translation of a foreign passport.
  2. A copy of a temporary residence permit or a document stating that a permanent place of residence has been granted in the Russian Federation.

Consider: when submitting documents, you must obtain the appropriate receipt.

How much does it cost to register an IP

A state fee must be paid for state registration.

It is 800 rubles.

If it is decided to use the services of a third-party company for registration, then the price of its services will also become integral part total cost registration process.

What documents are needed to open a sole proprietorship

In order to proceed directly to registration, you need to prepare a set of necessary documents:

  1. The main document in the procedure under consideration is the application for state registration. It has a special shape. The document is called Statement P21001.
  2. A document confirming the payment of the fee - a receipt for the payment of 800 rubles.
  3. A copy of the main pages of the passport.
  4. Notice of transition to a simplified taxation system. Usually it is she who is chosen by individual entrepreneurs during registration. Usually you need to prepare 2 copies, but some tax authorities require another copy.
  5. Since it is allowed to issue through a trustee, an appropriate power of attorney must be issued to him.

How to fill out an application for registration of IP

You must carefully fill in the appropriate fields. It must be filled in with a ballpoint pen without corrections. The data must be entered in capital letters.

You need to know how to fill out the document correctly:

  1. Fill in your full name, TIN number, indicate your gender.
  2. Next, you should indicate the date and place of birth, the presence of citizenship.
  3. In the sixth section, the address of registration is put, in column 6.1 - the postal code, 6.2 - the code of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  4. The document code for the passport is 21. Its data is entered.
  5. Parts 11 and 12 - main and additional types entrepreneurial activity.
  6. It should be noted in what way it is planned to receive founding documents. Contact details are provided.

State duty for registration of IP

A state fee is provided for registration for opening an IP. Its cost is 800 rubles.

Where to apply for IP registration

There are several options for how this can be done:

  1. Registration in most cases takes place at the place of permanent residence. If it is not there, then you can do it in accordance with the temporary registration. It is quite possible that an entrepreneur lives and works far from his place of permanent residence.
  2. It is not always possible to go there and organize the right design. For such cases, it is possible to register an IP via the Internet. You can go to the website of the Federal Tax Service. In order to be able to register in this way, you will need to without fail arrange an electronic digital signature. In this case, scans of the documents required for registration will be sent electronically.
  3. Another option is to contact a notary so that he completes the registration via the Internet using the information he has electronic signature. He is the one who can do it in full accordance with the requirements of the law.
  4. There are firms that provide services for registering an individual entrepreneur. In particular, the set of services may include obtaining an electronic signature.

IP registration period

According to the legislation, the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur should last no more than three working days.

After their expiration, you need to arrive at tax office along with the previously issued receipt.

If the receipt of documents is not carried out by the entrepreneur himself, but by his representative, an appropriate power of attorney will be required.

Documents will be issued that confirm the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Receipt of documents - which confirms the status of IP

After completing the registration, two documents will be issued in hand:

  1. Sheet with a note from unified registry individual entrepreneurs on the form P60009.
  2. Certificate certifying registration with the tax office.

It is worth noting: Starting from 2017, the issuance of certificates of state registration of individual entrepreneurs has been discontinued. Those that have already been issued retain their legal effect still.

Assistance in opening a sole proprietorship

If the registration procedure looks too complicated and troublesome, it is possible to use the services of specialized companies to obtain documents that will do everything themselves.

On the one hand, this will make the registration procedure more expensive.

With another, people who are engaged in registration will do everything professionally, correctly and on time. There are especially many such firms in St. Petersburg and Moscow.


Registration of documents for the right of entrepreneurial activity of an individual entrepreneur is an important step in a person's life. He is embarking on a new type of activity, for which you need to be ready from A to Z. And there may be not only profits ahead, but also certain risks.

Properly executed registration documents are the creation of a reliable foundation for further activities.


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