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As you know, people with a humanitarian mindset have good linguistic abilities and a philosophical outlook on many things. Such individuals prefer to work in a social environment, which is why they are ideal for humanitarian professions. Today we will consider the most popular and highly paid specialties of this category, and you, in turn, will be able to choose an occupation to your liking and begin to learn its basics.

What professions are suitable for the humanities?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the most demanded and highly paid humanitarian professions, which we have developed according to the statistics of Rosstat and the website for the first quarter of 2015. The range of salaries was taken in Moscow.

Salary range in Moscow

Highly paid professions Demanded professions (desc)
Interpreter (average salary 50-60 thousand rubles)Interpreter
Journalist (average salary 35-45 thousand rubles)teacher
Lawyer (average salary 35-40 thousand rubles)Doctor
Doctor (average salary 30-35 thousand rubles)Advocate
Teacher (average salary 30-35 thousand rubles)Tourism manager
Tourism manager (average salary 25-30 thousand rubles)Psychologist
Psychologist (average salary 25-30 thousand rubles)Journalist


The profession of a translator is one of the most demanded and highly paid today.

The profession of a translator is one of the most demanded and highly paid today. And this is not surprising, because in the modern world the borders between states are rapidly blurring, and the intensity of international relations is only increasing.

As statistics show, this profession is popular among both girls and boys. Basically, translators are engaged in organizing and conducting excursions to various cities for foreign citizens, translating fiction and technical literature, as well as accompanying Russian-speaking groups when traveling abroad.

In order to become a qualified translator, it is necessary to graduate from the Faculty of Philology (the curriculum must include at least one foreign language). A bachelor's degree will allow you to easily get a job in an international tourism corporation, a publishing house or a specialized translation agency.


Despite the fact that last year this profession was not very popular, now the need for medical workers has increased dramatically. Statistics show that there are more girls among doctors than boys.

This profession includes many specialties. The most popular are: surgeon, dentist, therapist, ophthalmologist and gastroenterologist. In addition to direct work with patients, doctors also keep documentation. Moreover, part of the working time is allocated for advanced training.

However, such a serious work also requires quite a long preparation, which is received at medical institutes. The training lasts 6 years, but even after its completion you will not have the right to work independently. The next 2 years you will have to practice in an internship under the supervision of an experienced colleague, but only then you will get the right to work independently.

The main place of work of doctors are specialized medical institutions(polyclinics, hospitals, trauma centers and emergency stations).


Psychology is another profession in demand today. Every year, millions of couples turn to psychologists, which makes this specialty more and more highly paid and prestigious. We can say with confidence that this profession is especially popular among girls. They make up the bulk of the workers.

Psychologists analyze the state of mind of a person, and also study the laws of behavior correction. This gives them the opportunity to help people by optimizing their activities. Employees of this specialty manage to get to know the inner world of “patients” thanks to the following:

  1. Psychological diagnostics. We are talking about various tests that help to reveal individual characteristics the psyche of people.
  2. Consulting. This is a confidential conversation between a client and a psychologist, which, first of all, is aimed at finding and implementing ways to solve problems.
  3. Psychological trainings. This term involves teaching the “patient” about communication, emotional control, and personal growth. Such group activities include psychological games and exercises, which are necessarily interspersed with discussions on the topic of what kind of experience they give to all participants.

To become a competent psychologist, you will need a bachelor's degree in psychology, as well as documents confirming that you have completed the relevant courses. Every year you have to pass exams for advanced training.


In Russia, the shortage of teachers has been felt for more than a year. Today it is very difficult for schools to find a qualified specialist. Perhaps if in the near future the government reviews wages teachers, this profession will become not only in demand, but also incredibly popular. Judging by the statistics, this specialty is chosen mainly by girls.

The main duty of any teacher is to conduct lessons, during which he not only provides the study of new information, but also repeats and reinforces the previously studied material, as well as evaluates and organizes the independent work of students. In addition, the teacher prepares for classes (a true professional should always have pre-prepared manuals, sets of individual tasks, etc.) and participates in school meetings. Along with schools, teachers work in lyceums, gymnasiums, technical schools and colleges.


A lawyer must know everything perfectly current laws

In simple terms, a lawyer is a consultant who specializes in providing legal assistance. In particular, he defends the interests of his clients in court. Traditionally, there are many more men in this profession than girls.

To work in this field, you need to get a higher education. legal education. A lawyer must perfectly know all the laws in force, as well as be able to analyze various situations based on by-laws. Most often, these specialists work in law firms, provide legal advice, and the most successful ones work in private practice.

By the way, a lawyer can quickly retrain to another legal specialty and become, for example, a judge or a prosecutor.

Tourism manager

The work of a tourism manager appeared in the vastness of Russia relatively recently, so for the time being it is quite in demand. Managers arrange trips abroad for residents of their country, as well as the reception of foreign citizens. This profession is more common among girls.

The direct duty of any tourism manager is to talk with clients and consult on the choice of a particular tour. Then air tickets, hotels are booked, after which insurance and other necessary documents are issued.

To work in this area, you will need a higher humanitarian education (preferably a diploma in the specialty "Tourism"). A mandatory criterion for employment is knowledge of at least one foreign language.

Managers work in tour operators and travel agencies. True professionals in the future may open their own travel company and start organizing trips on your own.


The work of a journalist is in last place in terms of demand, but in the list of leaders in terms of salary. Journalists search for various information for broadcasts, reports and articles, prepare and edit materials from other media. Thus, these specialists need to be able to quickly “extract” news, make forecasts for the development of certain processes, and also analyze current problems.

Usually, journalists choose a specific area of ​​activity depending on personal preferences. Some devote themselves to political or business topics, and some to theater, sports or show business. It is also worth noting that this profession is more popular among girls.

To get a high-paying position, you will need a diploma in the specialty "Philology" or "Journalism". As for the working day of a journalist, it most often takes place not in office space, but is directly related to field trips to events, various events. This is where information gathering takes place. However, do not forget that later this very information will have to be carefully studied: check the facts, select the most interesting data and give a final assessment of what is happening. According to this principle, the most interesting and exciting publications and stories are built.

As you can see, the humanities can try their hand at absolutely different areas. However, in order to create an enabling environment for advanced training and other opportunities, you will need to have higher education, as well as the desire to work and develop in this specialty. We wish you good luck with your choice!

In our age of rapid progress and the active introduction of multimedia and digital technology, each person must keep up with the times and master all the innovations. However, one should not forget about the general development of the personality, which is impossible without the development of many knowledge and skills. It is for this that humanitarian professions are needed, thanks to which we can successfully develop and learn about the world around us.

So, each of us, from the school bench, masters that minimum general knowledge which are given to him in educational institution. This allows you to identify the main interests of each person, as well as help you decide on your profession in life, choosing what you like. Humanities professions are best suited for those who have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creativity, therefore, not only musicians, poets, singers, but also designers, historians, political scientists, journalists and psychologists are best of all.

If we take all the humanitarian professions, the list of which can be found in any applicant's guide, then we can conclude that there are a huge number of areas in which you can realize yourself by finding the most suitable profession. Among them, political scientists, journalists, managers and marketers, as well as journalists, stand out at the present time.

Despite the large number of ready-made specialists in the labor market, it should be noted that the need for such professions is constantly growing. At the same time, it is important to know that today not just a specialist with a diploma, but a truly competent person who has a lot of knowledge and extensive work experience is of particular value. Knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​will be a significant advantage, since many humanitarian professions imply knowledge of English and German. Linguists and philologists are also, by the way, in high demand on the labor market, so this profession can bring a considerable income, as well as help promote a specialist through the ranks.

In parallel, it should be noted that the choice of a profession in subjects can be started even in high school, since it is important for any person to decide on their future activities as early as possible. Indeed, having begun to deepen his knowledge on a certain topic from the school bench, a person will be able to gain the required number of them as early as possible, and, therefore, the chances of finding successful work will be high enough.

At the same time, in no case should you stop at one thing, expanding your horizons as much as possible, learning more and more new information. It is important to remember that today every job needs not just a person who mechanically performs any actions, but a truly active employee who will boldly introduce new methods and ways of working with the information received. That is why the humanitarian professions are very important in this respect, especially if a person does not have a craving for such exact sciences as mathematics, physics, chemistry.

In conclusion, we should say that today we live in a rapidly changing world, which provides tremendous opportunities for success. However, for this one should not only know many humanitarian professions, but also have practical knowledge to solve certain issues. That is why every self-respecting person should strive to achieve more, because this will give not only financial independence, but also respect among their relatives and friends.

Among teenagers, the word "humanist" is almost an insult. It is jokingly understood as philologists who cannot find work and eventually stand up for the “free cash desk”. In fact, journalists, teachers, lawyers and even economists are humanists - contrary to a common misconception, economics is a humanitarian science. Yes, and successful philologists find their place and build careers in positions with a salary of more than 2 thousand euros per month. Let's look at the top 15 most in-demand and highly paid professions.

What are the humanities professions?

Professions of a humanitarian profile are specialties related to a person and his life. They are based on the humanities, which are opposed to the exact ones. Professions in particular include linguistics, different kinds arts, the study of culture and jurisprudence. Humanitarians are teachers, linguists, actors, musicians, directors, managers and representatives of other professions whose activities are directly related to people or their livelihoods.

Humanitarians are always opposed to "techies", whose activities are related to the exact sciences. However, it is not worth comparing specialties according to the profile criterion.

Psychologists are convinced that the imposed stereotypes about the elitism of the humanitarian or technical direction only interfere with applicants. At the same time, it has been proved that school graduates often have a pronounced predisposition to a narrow range of specialties in the humanities or the exact profile. According to the teachers, it is worth choosing the direction to which the applicant has a "soul". Otherwise, graduating from an educational institution and making a successful career will be problematic.

List of humanitarian professions - TOP-15

We analyzed over 200 specialties and compared them according to three criteria: relevance, the average salary of a specialist with at least 1 year of work experience, and the number of vacancies in each region of Russia. Based on the results, TOP-15 specialties were determined. We present a list of humanitarian professions - the most popular and highly paid.

  1. Lawyer. Jurisprudence is still “in trend”; lawyers and civil law specialists dominate among specialties. The average salary in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 41 thousand rubles. Pros - a lot of vacancies and the opportunity career development. Cons - high competition both for admission to a university and for employment.
  2. Manager. The shortage of talented managers leads to the fact that state corporations are actively launching competitions to search for leaders among the “people”. Middle managers receive about 40,000 rubles in the regions, and 60,000 rubles in Moscow (average data). It is difficult to enter the budget due to high competition However, global career prospects open up for talented managers.
  3. Marketer. Experts unanimously repeat: in Russia there is an acute shortage of competent marketers who can see the market and create effective strategies for promoting products, brands, and people. The specialty of an Internet marketer specializing in working with websites and web products has become a separate cluster. The average salary of a marketer in the regions is 35 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 52 thousand rubles. Bonuses and percentages of sales are often added to these amounts.
  4. Designer. Web designers, interior and landscape designers are especially in demand. Fashion design is relevant, but there are very few vacancies. Salaries directly depend on specialization. So a web designer receives an average of 33 thousand rubles in the regions and 48 thousand rubles in Moscow. But a landscape designer has an average salary of 27 and 45 thousand rubles, respectively.
  5. Economist. The specialty is in demand in the banking sector and in all large commercial enterprises. Despite the talk about the need to reduce quotas for training lawyers and lawyers, there is still a shortage of high-class specialists. In the regions, economists who work in the banking sector, on average, receive 37 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 54 thousand rubles.
  6. teacher. Here we include school teachers, teachers at universities, private tutors and all professionals whose activities are related to pedagogy. Not the highest paid, but in demand profession. On average, in the regions, teachers receive 22 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 35 thousand rubles.
  7. PR specialist. As competition grows in each market segment, more and more companies need to promote the brand, products, services. A vacancy for a PR specialist is open in almost every large enterprise. The average salary in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 41 thousand rubles.
  8. Interpreter. The most popular languages ​​are English, German, Chinese, French and Spanish. The profession is especially in demand in companies working with foreign contractors, importing goods or attracting clients from other countries. Average salary since of English language in the regions 33 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 57 thousand rubles.
  9. Diplomat. Although the sphere of international relations is in a deep crisis, diplomacy has excellent prospects for development. If you manage to enter one of the prestigious universities, successfully complete your studies and not lose interest in the profession, the chance to build a successful career is extremely high. The average salary of a specialist in the field of international relations is 55 thousand rubles.
  10. Photographer. Most photographers, in addition to their main work, have additional income - they shoot weddings, birthdays, children's parties and a host of other events. A talented and responsible specialist with a good reputation will never be left without a job. The average salary in the regions is 25 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 41 thousand rubles. However, specialists in this field rarely live on their salary alone.
  11. Psychologist. With the development of confidence in psychology in society, this profession is becoming increasingly relevant. A special place is occupied by clinical, which are full-fledged doctors. However, most specialists work in consultations. The average salary of a psychologist is 26 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 42 thousand rubles.
  12. Journalist. Not the most "money", but extremely interesting profession. Even working in the regional media, he is constantly on the move, communicates with a mass of people, passes through himself enormous amounts of information. The average salary of an ordinary correspondent is 21 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 39 thousand rubles.
  13. copywriter. Specialist in the field of writing advertising texts. Many copywriters work remotely, some freelance. In fact, everything that is written on any website is prepared by a copywriter. Along with SMM and SEO, this area is one of the most popular humanitarian IT industries. The average salary of a copywriter in the regions is 27 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 40 thousand rubles.
  14. Video operator. Video operators are in high demand in television and advertising. Like photographers, they often have additional income in the form of filming various events. The salary of a specialist largely depends on his skills and the availability of his own equipment. On average, this is 30 thousand rubles in Russia and 47 thousand rubles in Moscow.
  15. Choreographer. Interesting, which does not lose its relevance. Great for people who want to connect their lives with dancing and pedagogy. The average salary of a choreographer in Russia is 21 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 34 thousand rubles.
Rating TOP-7 best online schools

Online school to prepare for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Who are suitable professions of a humanitarian profile

Humanitarian specialties are most suitable for applicants who want to work in the field of law, economics, journalism and culture. A child's predisposition to these professions can be seen already at the age of 13-14 - then he can begin to reach for letters, and not for numbers. Psychologists note the following qualities in children and adolescents who are more suitable for humanitarian specialties:

  • sociability;
  • love for creativity;
  • active thinking;
  • mobility;
  • love of reading.

These qualities can be inherent in "techies". But if the exact sciences are hard for a child, then you should not blame him or the teachers for everything - perhaps he is a born “humanist”.

However, not all adolescents have any predisposition - it is expressed in no more than 30% of applicants who participated in the research.

Where to get an education? TOP-5 universities in Russia

From the educational institution in which the "humanities" will receive education, his future largely depends. Of course, come to the fore personal qualities, the pursuit of knowledge and internal discipline. However, it is no secret that employers employ graduates of some universities more willingly than others. We note the TOP-5 universities in Russia where you can get a liberal arts education - these educational institutions are leading in the rankings:

  1. MGIMO.
  2. Moscow State University Lomonosov.
  3. St. Petersburg State University.
  4. RGGU.
  5. GAUGN.

Most applicants will hardly be able to enter one of the listed educational institutions. But not always the university where you get an education determines its quality and career prospects.

Regardless of the region in which you plan to study and work, you should choose State University with a good reputation. Try to take care of finding information about the educational institution and the faculty you plan to enter in advance. Ideally, if you manage to get information about the graduates of the selected university - specify what percentage of them finds a job in their specialty, what average salary young professionals, what prospects they have in building a career. This will help you make an informed choice.

Humanitarian professions include hundreds of specialties in a variety of areas - from economics and law to directing and acting. When choosing, it is recommended to be guided not only by the potential salary of a novice specialist and prospects. Remember that in any industry you can earn a lot - the main thing is to get a position with an appropriate salary. Key criteria that should be followed when choosing a humanitarian specialty:

  • personal interest;
  • real information about the profession;
  • the relevance of the specialty in your region;
  • competition in the selected university;
  • employment prospects.

Among the "pitfalls" teachers often note that applicants do not have real information about the profession. So school graduates who want to get a profession of a journalist often do not see in it an opportunity to move in the highest circles, conduct independent investigations, receive a lot of information and be in the public eye - on TV, on radio, on the Internet. What they don't realize is that it's a pretty tough, stressful job that involves gnawing information, dealing with not-so-nice personalities, and striving to be number one for modest pay in the early years of a career.


Humanitarian professions include hundreds of specialties of various profiles. Among them are law, culture and art, linguistics and a host of other areas. Contrary to popular belief, many professionals have quite high salaries and remain in demand in the labor market. When choosing a specialty, one should be guided not only by personal aspirations and desires, but also by real ideas about the specialty.

A person of a humanitarian warehouse is characterized by knowledge of the language of words and letters, the presence of good linguistic abilities, a philosophical outlook on things, a sociable and open character, a pleasant and friendly nature.

It is these people who feel most comfortable in the social environment, and the humanitarian professions will suit them the most. Currently, almost half of all school graduates associate their further studies with liberal arts universities.

The humanities, in contrast to the technical and natural sciences, belong to the social sciences.

These primarily include psychology, history, philology, political science, jurisprudence, journalism, linguistics and others.

For a long time, the subject of research by many scientists was society and the people in it. We learn our own history, biological nature, origins, languages ​​and customs. At the same time, a special place is given to psychology.

In the modern world, without an understanding of psychological patterns, it is impossible to engage in many types of activities in the field of science, production, medicine, trade, art, and teaching. Psychology education is in great demand today (See Cons of the Psychologist Profession). It is one of the leading humanities disciplines.

To another humanities refers to philosophy. Specialists in this field of activity deal with ideas, but not with specific images and emotions.

They associate their activities with various areas of philosophical, cultural, political science and religious studies. Some who prefer a deeper understanding of human nature master the technique of psychological analysis.

The list of humanitarian professions can be continued further. These include the profession of historian.

Historians delve into the past so that we can more fully and colorfully imagine the events of the past. The general trend testifies to the increased popularity of this specialty. They have high-quality knowledge of national history, foreign languages, the basics of international relations, political science, document management, archives, historical computer science, international relations, and jurisprudence.

Graduates of historical universities become scientists and teachers in higher schools, work in state structures, business sphere, mass media, PR service (See Professions related to history).

Among the prestigious humanitarian professions is. This profession promises money and power, attracting an increasing number of young people. Real political activity includes a diverse set of actions, organizing parties, participating in election campaigns and speaking in parliament, making government decisions, rallies and diplomatic negotiations, etc.

Most creative people The profession of a journalist is popular. This profession and the work associated with it is extremely in demand today. Numerous news agencies, editorial offices of magazines and newspapers, radio and television, publishing houses, online publications are in dire need of qualified personnel.

For a person who has a humanitarian temperament, it is common to speak the language of emotions, words and letters, as well as having good linguistic abilities, a sociable and friendly character, a pleasant and romantic nature.

Such people feel good in society and the social environment, and the humanitarian professions are created specifically for them. Nowadays, most school graduates associate their future lives with humanitarian professions. Because this is their element, love and the meaning of life.

Humanitarian professions and sciences, unlike others: natural or technical, can be attributed to the social sciences.

From the article, you will understand what are some popular professions that can be attributed to the economic and humanitarian profile. After all, we have been at work for half our lives, and it is important that the work is not only monetary, but also brings joy, is in demand now and in the future.

Most would like to know which areas are now the most in demand and monetary.

We will talk about five professions that can be distinguished from a thousand existing professions.

Profession: tourism manager

Win-win option - work in tourism. People travel more and more and travel agents help us with this. They also select the tour route, issue visas, book tickets and check into a hotel. Now travel agencies exist everywhere and there will be even more of them in the future. The travel industry needs operators to book tickets, managers and tour agents.

Profession - etiquette specialist

Business people do not adorn themselves with gold chains and crimson jackets for a long time, but they know perfectly well that the success of their business depends on how they behave, what they say, how they look. And they need advisors who can teach this. Now not only from such people, but also from service personnel require knowledge of etiquette. Therefore, a specialist in professional etiquette is simply necessary for such people.

Profession - brand manager

No one thought about why we argue with my husband to the last and try to defend the merits of the Bosch stove, we get not just hair dye, but only a certain brand. Our harmless madness is the result of the work of brand managers.

These people develop the habit of buyers to some trademark. Such specialists are needed by different enterprises and firms.

The list of humanitarian professions goes on and on.

Profession - politician

Among the prestigious highly paid humanitarian professions can be attributed - the profession of a politician. Yes! This profession can give a lot of money, power and attracts more and more young people. Modern political activity is built on a diverse set of actions, organization of parties, constant participation in the election campaign and charismatic speech in the audience, the ability to capture the attention of the public, requires decision-making, honoring in rallies and in negotiations with representatives of other countries, etc.

Try to find yourself and make right choice! And we will be happy for you and will always help!


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