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Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 130,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 31,875 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 208,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 7 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will make detailed business plan travel agency with calculations.

Service description

A travel agency provides services to the public. They include not only tours, hotel reservations, but also reservation of air tickets, insurance, visas, preparation of documents for obtaining a passport. Please note that the company will employ hired workers, the entrepreneur himself will not be engaged in the sale of the product. The travel agency will be small.

Market analysis

market today tourism services in Russia is growing very fast. Moreover, revenue almost every year increases more than the market itself, which indicates an increase in the quality of the services offered.

According to Business Stat, the overwhelming number of services is the provision of assistance to tourists going on vacation abroad. They are about 90%. Therefore, we can talk about a high concentration of competitors offering demand for these types of services.

If you look at the graph (data taken from the site Federal Service state statistics), we can say that annually the volume of the tourism market in Russia increases by more than 100 billion rubles. The number is pretty impressive.

What is the reason for such growth rates? First of all, the growth of the solvency of the population. Infrastructure development is an important factor tourism business. In addition, this market segment is very attractive for investors. Moreover, they invest not so much in travel agencies, but in those attributes that make it possible to provide services (construction of hotels, development of tours, air transportation, and much more).

The main service provided by travel agencies is the provision of air transportation of passengers (in terms of value). Almost a quarter falls on the search and reservation of hotels, hostels and so on.

I would like to note that today many people began to use a completely new service - online booking. The procedure goes through special booking sites and the so-called booking systems. This saves time for both the consumer and tour operators. By automating processes, profitability and profitability increase. With a minimum of costs, entrepreneurs receive quite good profits.

The main competitors will be large tour operators, widely known not only in individual cities, but also in the country as a whole. It will be quite difficult to fight them. It is worth thinking about possible cooperation. Today, there are many developed programs when a well-known travel agency helps small entities in this area. Not free, of course. As a rule, they take a certain percentage of the profits of the organization. In addition, they share ready-made tourist products. This option is one of the most suitable. First, you can start working right away. Secondly, no one will take away your independence, if you wish, you can always refuse to cooperate. Wherever you look - some pluses.

If we talk about potential consumers, then these will be people aged 20-50 years old with an average income or above average (provided that the organization will focus on foreign countries).

In connection with the situation in the country in 2015 and this year 2016, the emergence of sanctions from some countries, national unrest, today many people prefer local attractions to vacations abroad. This trend has developed relatively recently - literally this year. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the domestic direction. The hit of this summer was a holiday in Sochi. People with a lower level of income, as well as older people, go there. Perhaps it is worth focusing on building a business within the country and working with domestic businessmen in the field of tourism.

SWOT analysis

Any enterprise feels the impact of external factors. They can be positive or negative. External factors include:

  1. Threats
  • Possible changes in consumer preferences.
  • The impossibility of accurately predicting the situation in the future.
  • Difficulties in working with partners, possible failures in working with them.
  • Decrease in demand due to a sharp decline in purchasing power due to rising inflation.
  • Price fluctuations.
  • Change in the exchange rate.
  • The growth of competition.
  • The emergence of players in the market that can provide a better service.
  • Tightening the tax burden.
  • Oversaturation of this market segment.
  1. Capabilities
  • Increase in the quality of life of the population.
  • Increasing the influence of marketing, advertising.
  • An increase in purchasing power.

Before opening your own travel agency, you need to pay attention to internal factors. You can always work with them. These include:

  1. Weak sides
  • Lack of a customer base, as well as regular customers.
  • Lack of work experience.
  • The need for in-depth study of legislation, opportunities.
  • Necessary search for partners.
  1. Strengths
  • Wide range of services.
  • The presence of motivation among employees of the organization.
  • High level of qualification of employees.
  • Quality service.
  • The ability to check the effectiveness of the work of personnel due to their small number.

As a result, we can talk about the main areas of work:

  1. Development of new tourist programs.
  2. The need to search for foreign and domestic partners.
  3. Constant coaching of employees, advanced training, informing, because the situation is changing very quickly.

Opportunity Assessment

As a rule, in January-February there is a decline in demand for the services of travel agencies. At this time, it is worth thinking about providing cheaper services. Discounts, promotions, last-minute tours can help here.

The agency will work according to the following schedule:

Total: 40 hours per week, 176 hours per month.

There will be 2 managers working in a travel agency.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. We register a company. It can be an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. OKVED codes:
  • 30.1 Organization of complex tourist services.
  • 30.2 Provision of excursion tickets, provision of accommodation, provision of vehicles.
  • 30.3 Provision of tourism information services.
  • 30.4 Provision of tourist excursion services.
  1. Mandatory no licensing required, it was canceled in 2007.
  2. If you work with a cashless payment, then.
  3. Corresponding the federal law says that travel agencies can use only USN, not UTII. The STS can be used in two formats: STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  4. Be sure to read the rules for the provision of tourist services. To do this, study Federal law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation".
  5. Pay special attention to the choice of a tour operator.
  6. Visit the official website federal agency tourism. There you can find all the current regulations, rules, requirements for travel agencies as well.
  7. Choose your insurance company responsibly. It must be a reliable company.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy:

In the tourism business, price is not always decisive. For many quality is more important hotels, and the organization of the whole trip as a whole.

We must not forget about the seasonality in this type of business. It is imperative to build a flexible pricing policy, create promotions, discounts, offer last-minute tours to customers. In a word, everything that can attract a client and make him cooperate with you.

Today, no business is possible without advertising. It causes not only recognition, but also the possibility of income growth. Like all other types of business, travel agencies use the services of various advertisers. The most effective are:

  • Newspaper advertising. It does not have to be thematic publications. As a rule, such information is placed in weekly newspapers with the largest coverage of readers.
  • Radio advertising. Naturally, agencies choose local radio stations. It is very important that the advertisement be catchy and catchy. The slogan is no less important - it must be memorable so that, if necessary, the listener can remember the name or even contact information.
  • Distribution of leaflets. This type of advertising is universal. It is best to hand out flyers in the city center and near the agency's office.
  • Creating your own website. Today, many people use the Internet, many of them do not want to visit offices. In such cases, a remote travel agent can assist the client with feedback.
  • Contextual advertising. In general, advertising on the Internet is very popular. It covers a huge number of people, attracts them. Bringing site pages to the top of the search results in potential clients even more.

When choosing a place for an office, it is worth considering the following options:

  • Room in the city center.
  • Area in the business center.
  • Hall rental in mall.
  • Office in a residential area of ​​the city.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

After the premises for rent are selected, it needs some minor repairs. As a rule, it includes the correction of minor bugs. If the work will take place in a shopping center, then repair costs will not be required in principle.

The room will need the following furniture: tables, chairs, cabinets, information desks, and so on. We must not forget about the convenience of the client. It is worth equipping a comfort zone for him - choose comfortable chairs, purchase hangers.

Office equipment: you will have to purchase 2 computers, one for each manager. You will need an MFP to print documents. You can get by with one.

Under software includes specialized programs.

The organization will have two operators. They will be engaged in working with clients, namely, advising them by phone, through the feedback system on the site, live. Managers will also select suitable tours, draw up documents, explain to clients their rights and obligations. In addition, employees will work with insurance companies.

organizational plan

Financial plan

Monthly income: 130,000 rubles.

Profit before tax: 37,500 rubles.

Tax: We calculate using the formula 15% of the difference between income and expenses (another option can be chosen). 37,500 * 0.15 \u003d 5,625 rubles.

Net profit: 37,500 - 5,625 = 31,875 rubles.

Profitability: 31,875/130,000 rubles = 24.52%.

Payback: 208,800/31,875 = 6.55. Therefore, the business will pay off in at least 7 months.


Consider the internal risks that arise for any entrepreneur working in the tourism business:

  1. Seasonality.

This factor is perhaps the most unpleasant for many businessmen. Sometimes they are not able to assess the scale of possible consequences. Some even forget to take this factor into account.

What can this lead to? A mismatch between expectations and reality. But this is not the worst. "Out of season" can bring big losses that will nullify all efforts. And here the constant hiring and dismissal of workers is not an option.

It is necessary to smooth the situation. For this, you can think about additional services. It is possible to create tours around the city. It is also worth expanding the range of countries as much as possible. Think about discounts special offers- too a good idea. In a word, everything new will attract customers without fail.

  1. The incompetence of the staff, the lack of skills to really sell the product.

If you believe the statistics, the decision of the client to buy a ticket half depends on the work of the travel agent. What qualities should a travel agency manager have? He must be able to communicate, be aware of the product being offered, be able to present it correctly and, of course, always remain polite and calm. Travel agents must love their job.

You can minimize these risks by selecting the right staff right away. True, this can take a long time. And after acceptance, the employee must improve skills. An entrepreneur should think about sending them to courses, even remote ones.

The tourism business is very volatile. People working in this area should be able to adapt to the situation, have time to respond to changes.

All these methods will help a businessman not to lose customers, and profits with them.

  1. Lack of profitability in specialization.

Before you open your business, you should study your competitors very carefully and in detail. You should not work in niches that are already overcrowded. It is worth differentiating from your competitors, choosing your specialization.

This approach will allow you to stay afloat and profit from your business.

The most significant external risks include the following:

  1. Problems in the work of tour operators.

Approach to the choice of a suitable tour operator must be very responsibly. Remember that in case of failure or cancellation of the trip, the client will not be satisfied with you, he is unlikely to want to contact you for help again. Therefore, it is worth choosing reliable partners who are constantly working to improve the quality of their services.

Such work will prevent the outflow of customers and, accordingly, profits.

  1. Wars, natural disasters.

Most of these circumstances are unlikely. Although due to recent events and unrest around the world, today they seem more than real.

It is important to understand here that such phenomena can cause completely different reactions among tourists. Although, of course, in most cases the flow of tourists to the restless country will decrease. Some may even return their tickets.

It is impossible to influence these risks. How can you minimize possible losses? Almost the only way is insurance. Moreover, it protects against losses more than reliably.

It is worth remembering that the tourism business is not as simple as it might seem. This is confirmed by statistics showing that every year dozens and even hundreds of agencies are simply closed due to failures in the tourism field. Therefore, it is very important to study all the existing risks and pursue a policy that will help prevent these risks and consequences from occurring.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

The marketing plan is part of the overall strategic planning of the travel agency.

For the successful implementation of the concept of marketing in life, the travel agency must develop an appropriate plan, which will become a guide to action and will be subject to mandatory execution. Without such a plan marketing work travel agencies, may lose the necessary landmarks.

A travel agency marketing plan has several goals:

determines the directions in which it should be built and developed marketing activities travel agencies (sales areas, types of tourism, sales volumes, etc.);

links marketing goals with the overall objectives of the travel agency;

obliges the travel agency to proceed from the real situation in the inbound tourism market;

helps to correlate marketing costs with the financial and material capabilities of the travel agency.

In order for the marketing plan to take into account as much as possible the current market conditions and the conditions of the socio-economic environment, it should be drawn up annually.

All marketing efforts should be aimed at creating strong and lasting preferences among current and potential customers. There are a number of main factors that influence the tourist demand and the tourist market. The demand for tourism, as well as for other products, is determined by the purchasing power of consumers - the availability of funds from the population and the desire to spend it on travel. The main factors are the change in buying behavior, income level of the population, belonging to a particular race, gender, education, occupation, opinions, fashion, time, customs, habits and traditions, lifestyle. This list does not include all of the many different factors that influence a holiday, but these are the main ones that tourism managers should look at when drawing up marketing plans.

The necessary prerequisites for the emergence of mass demand for tourism and its maintenance on high level are, an increase in free time and an increase in the welfare of society. The tendency to increase free time is an objective factor in the emergence and growth of demand for recreation.

Thanks to a thorough analysis of consumers in the process marketing research the company has developed a consumer profile that most fully satisfies the needs and corresponds to the purpose of the resort complex. On the basis of research, it can be argued that the demand for services travel company quite stable and will increase.

To promote your services, it is necessary to correctly and clearly carry out marketing activities, because advertising in tourism is one of the most important means of communication between the producer and consumer of tourism services.

to draw attention;

arouse interest;

convey information to the consumer and force him to act in a certain way.

2. Services, which, unlike traditional goods, do not have a constant quality, taste, usefulness, need the priority development of such advertising functions as information and propaganda.

3. The specifics of the tour. services implies the need to use visual aids that more fully reflect the objects of the tour. interest, therefore, here, as nowhere else, photographic materials, paintings, colorful art products are often used.


providing product information;

product image formation;

formation of the company's image;

adjustment of ideas about the activities of the company;


incentive to purchase a product;

increase in sales;

change in attitude to the product;



maintaining awareness and demand;

3. What is said at the beginning and at the end of the message is remembered better than what is said in the middle.

4. The material should be varied or unusual, then it will be remembered better.

5. Information is easier to remember and perceive if it does not contradict the usual concepts, beliefs or opinions.

6. It is necessary to take into account the spirit of the main trends in social life.

1. Press: newspapers, magazines, reference books, guides; special events: discount coupons, tear-off coupons.

3. TV and radio. Outdoor advertising: signboards, posters, drawn boards, light installations. Films: commercial distribution, non-commercial distribution, short films, films - "minutes", commercials, etc. Advertising at points of sale: window displays, in-store displays, advertising tablets, stickers.

4. Direct mail advertising: catalogs, brochures, booklets, postcards, address lists; souvenir advertising: calendars, overprinted products, business gifts. This firm, like everyone else, uses the placement of advertising messages on television, in newspapers, as well as on the Internet.

Today the Internet is the most easy way receiving information from anywhere in the world. Now none travel company cannot do without the Internet. Weather, prices, descriptions of hotels, conditions for concluding contracts, documents required for obtaining a visa - all this can be found on the websites of various tourist campaigns. The Grand Tour is no exception. On his website, which is located at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The company places exactly the information that a tourist may need. That is, information about the company itself, about the tours that it offers, about the services that the company provides, and so on. This advertisement is for informational purposes only. Here is the formation of the image of the company and the adjustment of ideas about the activities of the company.

Rhythm of life modern people makes you think more and more about quality and pre-planned vacation. That is why the need for travel agencies is quite high, because many people prefer to entrust the organization of their holidays to professionals. The abolition of licensing of tourism services has provided more opportunities for organizing this type of business.

Despite the depreciation of the ruble, which began in 2014 and led to an increase in the price of tourist vouchers, it cannot be said that Russians have completely abandoned resort holidays. It's just that now people are choosing more affordable destinations, for example, vacations in Russia. So, according to the Federal Agency for Tourism, the domestic tourist flow in 2013 was 29 million trips, in 2014 - 40, in 2015 - 50. Thus, the annual increase is about 20%. Due to the closure in 2015-2016 of such accessible destinations as Turkey and Egypt, the demand for trips to Tunisia has tripled, as evidenced by the data of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

Thus, the activities of travel agencies directly depend on political and economic factors, but with the right business organization, it is always possible to find and develop profitable areas, as well as diversify them in order to level possible risks.

The amount of initial investment is 490,800 rubles.

The break-even point is in the third month.

Payback period - 8 months.

The average monthly profit is 96,050 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the market

The target audience of travel agencies is people aged 22-60 with an average and above average income. Can be broken target audience with according to the areas whose clients they become:

  • Families. As a rule, parents with children become consumers of family vacations. The main concept of their vacation is comfort for children, so you should offer the most proven destinations and hotels (for example, with children's animators in the hotel);
  • Couples without children. This category of clients chooses absolutely different types recreation: from calm and beach to extreme;
  • Youth companies. Such clients are most often suitable for entertaining holidays with the necessary infrastructure (nightclubs, bars, restaurants);
  • Pensioners prefer quiet travel, often turn to travel agencies for medical directions;
  • Corporate clients who visit other cities or countries for work.

In order to be competitive in the market, you need to understand why tourists come to you and try to provide them with the highest quality services.

SWOT analysis of a travel agency

Strengths of the project

Weaknesses of the project

  • Qualified and communicative staff;
  • Availability of a website, pages in social networks;
  • Ability to calculate using various forms payments;
  • Availability of customer reviews with the application of their travel photos on the website, in social networks and in the office;
  • Convenient work schedule;
  • Quality management of the client base;
  • Tour operators provide discounts to travel agencies, which means that the client receives benefits in monetary terms;
  • The travel agency has knowledge of the competitive environment of tour operators, therefore, from the many offers of tour operators, it can offer the client the most favorable travel conditions;
  • Saving the client's time by having knowledge about the specifics of the design required documents and experience in finding tours.
  • Difficulty in finding a truly qualified employee;
  • Availability negative reviews can spoil the impression of a travel agency;
  • The possibility of various accidents (air crashes, natural disasters) can reduce the demand for certain destinations.

Project Opportunities

Project Threats

  • Opportunity to diversify activities (for example, to move into the sector of corporate clients);
  • Interaction with the media for the recognition of your brand;
  • An agreement with the tour operator to place your contacts on the site in order to attract a client base;
  • The possibility of expanding the geography of activities.
  • Growth in the number of competitors in the market;
  • Price dumping by competitors;
  • Political and economic impact on business (growth of the foreign exchange rate, closure of destinations);
  • The threat of termination of the contract by the client, because of which the agency may incur certain costs.

An important area of ​​your activity will be the analysis of competitors. As a rule, in million-plus cities with a population of up to 4 million people, there are about 300 travel agencies. As a business owner, it is important for you to highlight your competitive advantages and offer them to your target customers. The following are the competitive advantages of a travel agency:

  • Convenience of location (availability of transport interchange);
  • Providing discounts to customers;
  • A recognizable and proven brand (relevant in cases of franchising);
  • Flexible work schedule;
  • Free parking;
  • The friendliness and professionalism of your travel agents.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Any entrepreneurial activity you should start by registering government bodies. It is best to register as individual entrepreneur, taxation system - simplified, 6% of income. step by step plan to open a travel agency is as follows.

Search for premises and repair

It is desirable that the premises for the travel agency be located on the ground floor of a residential building and have a separate entrance or in an office center. The price per square meter is 500-1000 rubles. depending on the location. A big plus of a potential office will be the availability of free parking, because clients with an average income and above, as a rule, travel by car. For a beginner travel agency, 25 sq.m. will be quite enough to start. The basis of your business is a cozy and friendly atmosphere, so the importance of renovating and decorating your office cannot be underestimated. Cosmetic repairs will cost about 25 thousand rubles.

Purchase of necessary furniture and equipment

To ensure the comfortable life of your office, you need a cooler, a coffee table for brochures, a sofa for waiting clients, three tables and chairs for the work of two managers and a director, three computers, an MFP, a wardrobe, bedside tables, design items (globe, map, vases and flower pots).

Personnel search

In your type of business, professional employees decide, if not everything, then a lot. The travel agent not only specializes in finding and selecting tours, but is also an expert in the field of travel, identifying the needs of the tourist and offering the most suitable option. Often, clients become friends of agents, congratulate them on the holidays, consult, etc. Therefore, your task as a leader is to create a favorable atmosphere in the team. You can search for employees through specialized groups on social networks, as well as through paid sites that provide access to resumes. It is desirable to consider candidates with work experience. Wage travel agent consists of two components: fixed (15,000 rubles) + 3% of the cost of tours sold. Search for an accountant who will take over the responsibility for maintaining accounting your organization can be carried out through acquaintances, social networks or turn to outsourcing services.

Choice of tour operator

It is important to responsibly choose your tour operator partner with whom you will conclude an agency agreement. You can conclude contracts with several tour operators at the same time in order to satisfy as many tourist requests as possible in terms of accommodation level, departure dates, etc. When looking for potential partners, it is recommended to use the federal register, which lists all legally operating tour operators, as well as professional ratings, reviews in specialized Internet resources.

It is in our time, the time of progress and achievements, that the problem of rest has become extremely relevant.

It was in order to solve this problem that a project called Relayz was created. Probably, no one will doubt if we say that in recent years Russia has made a big step in the field of tourism services, but the problem of developing tourism in Russia still remains.

So, in this paper we consider:

  1. Current situation and brief information about the enterprise
  2. Characteristics of the business object
  3. Market research and analysis
  4. organizational plan
  5. Production plan
  6. marketing plan
  7. Potential risks
  8. Financial plan

Also in this business plan are considered ways to improve and gain experience, as well as interaction with firms, banks and other market participants.

Striving for the ideal of description, Relays developed two programs: the maximum program and the minimum program. According to the maximum program, an ideal variant of the development of our company was considered. The influence of investors and firms on the development of Relays was also considered.

It should be noted that when Relays enters the tourism business market, our company must face the problem of competition.

But Relays is designed in such a way that even in the face of an opposing market policy, Relays can successfully fight for the right in the tourism market by referring to several markets.

2. Description of the business, product or service

We choose the name "Relaese" for our travel company. I would like to note that the name "Relaese" is some derivative of the English "relaxation", i.e. from the word "relaxation" in this context, tourist vacation.

The main direction of the travel company "Relays" on initial stage its development is a small range of tourism services. In the future, it is expected to expand influence and participate in the global tourism business.

The main task of "Relays" is the qualitative satisfaction of consumer demand in the range of tourist services. The company "Relays" also does not aim only at activities in the tourism business. It also provides for private, business, and other transportation.

At the initial stage of development, the Relays company assumes the satisfaction of needs in the form of: vouchers, tours in Russia, etc. Services for accommodation of tourists in hotels, hotels, rest houses are also expected. The Relays company provides for the transportation of athletes across Russia, which will allow it to effectively resist competitors. The company pays special attention to skiing, which in recent years has become global in our country.

Over time, increasing its influence and gaining experience, it is expected to interact with foreign organizations and firms, which will satisfy the needs international tourism. Work at the international level involves not only transportation and accommodation Russian citizens abroad, conducting excursions, etc., but also the same analogue for foreigners.

Travel company "Relays" is only at the stage of development and correction of programs and goals. Which are planned to be used with the participation of the company in the tourism business. Calculations of various accounts and costs of Relays are also at the initial stage of development. But already on final stage development of strategies, activities, expected with the help of this business plan to objectively show investors all aspects of the firm.

At the initial stage of development, "Relays" involves the development of business in Russia. In the task at hand, it is necessary to have two programs. Maximum and minimum program. Moreover, the maximum program pursues some ideal goal. So, the maximum program for the Relays Firm is to enter the international arena of the tourism business. As well as successfully confronting competitors. But it must be added that the maximum program is not always feasible, it only describes some ideal goal of the Relay.

It is planned to locate the travel company "Relays" in the city of M. Moreover, this should always be the center of the city. Otherwise, competition becomes almost impossible for a newly developing company. In the future, it is planned to open Relays branches in Russia and abroad. The self-consciousness of people is built in such a way that if the object of their attention is “in the middle of nowhere”, then this does not inspire them with the slightest confidence. From here follows a simple rule, if your company is unknown to anyone, and it is just beginning to form and enter, for example, the same Magnitogorsk market should be located in densely populated areas and places of public attention.

3. Description of the market

AT this moment the size of the M. market is 10,062. The prospect for the development of the market is its expansion. The simplest way of development is interaction with more influential companies and commercial structures. As well as interaction with Banks and Investors by taking a loan and paying a percentage amount.

The second way is the location of the company's branches in various regions of Russia and abroad.

The season influences the demand for tourism products. For example, in winter, according to statistics, the number of consumers increases by 1.3 - 1.7 times. Therefore, for the most effective work Relays should clearly allocate the probability of demand at different times of the year. With the statistical planning of a firm, some costs can be eliminated, and so on.

The nature of the demand for Relays products is all seasonal. This is also one of distinguishing features our firm. The fact is that the field of activity of "Relays" is not aimed at only one component of the tourism business. On the contrary, "Relays" is trying to cover the entire scope of the tourism business. Therefore, during “quiet periods”, for example, in summer, you can increase the interest rate for business trips, etc.

Characteristics of Relay's competitors


1. week in y. e.

2. week in y. e.


Fiesta Oasis Paraiso

Costa Adeje Palace


Sol Elite Tenerife

Also, the greatest achievement of the company are bus tours in Europe.

Finland - Sweden - 315 USD

Visit to Paris - 370 USD

Visit to Europe - 270 USD

Germany - 320 c.u.

Poland Hungary - 210 USD

St. Petersburg, Moscow, Golden Ring.

Other firms have almost the same specifics and characteristics. The only difference between these firms and the Courier is the pricing policy.

These firms create some of the toughest competition for Relays due to their networking expertise and more.

Competitive advantages of Relays

Potential consumers Relayz products

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

In market conditions, the role of production management is sharply increasing. The activities of the managers of Relays in this area include those activities that result in the production of goods and services supplied by the organization to the external environment. System production activities"Relayz" should consist of three subsystems. The first subsystem performs productive work. The second is not directly related to production, but performs the necessary functions to ensure the first subsystem. The last subsystem (planning and control) provides information about the status of the entire system and work in progress.

The responsibilities of managers in this area can be divided into three main groups:

  • development and implementation of a common strategy and directions of production activities;
  • preparation and implementation of a system, including the development production process, location production capacity, designing the development of the enterprise, new products, development and implementation of standards and norms for the performance of work;
  • planning and control of the current functioning of the system.

It should also be noted that the manager always has to deal with large amounts of information. He must be able to think analytically, have the ability to perceive and evaluate new technologies. It is he who ultimately determines the success or failure of the entire system. Every business has complex working relationships. To optimize the activities of the company, it is necessary to ensure the effective management of these relationships. Important, in particular, is the engineering function, which ensures the design of new types of products, production facilities and processes. Engineers receive information from the production on the problems associated with the design of products, on the possibilities for improving them, etc.

Important information about any consumer complaints about the quality or delivery time of products. The marketing service receives information from the production about the availability of products and the possibilities of their timely production to meet consumer demand.

Compound necessary equipment for "Relays"

Our company needs office furniture. This is primarily tables, chairs and others. Others include computer equipment, telephones, and the firm's own equipment for transporting tourists.

But at the initial stage of development of Relays, only the first two points are needed. In the future, our company should acquire buses in its ownership, country houses recreation and others.

The company "Relays" is designed in such a way that at the initial stage of development it does not have equipment suppliers, all this is purchased by the company itself with great ease and saving money.

Environmental and technical safety of production

To create production safety, the following factors should be observed, firstly, the environmental factor associated with environmental pollution, but not only.

For the qualitative fulfillment of the needs of the consumer of tourist products, one should not offer the consumer places for recreation with an unstable ecological atmosphere. Also in the future it is necessary to organize the cleaning of the area visited by tourists.

The technical safety of production will consist in the strict implementation of the basic rules developed by Relays.

Opportunities to reduce direct and overhead costs

In order to reduce direct costs, it is possible to build or reconstruct an object only if necessary. Also, during reconstruction and construction, you can use normalized distribution costs as a way to reduce taxes.

To reduce overhead costs, you can reduce production maintenance costs by finding more profitable suppliers, materials, etc.

Maintenance system and service

Some firms offer more modest service, but at low prices. Others offer more services than competitors but charge a premium to cover higher costs.

Whatever it was, Relays must formulate the goals of its distribution system, which can guide the planning process.

Relays sets the following service standards:

  1. within seven days, fulfill at least 95% of the received requests for the supply of goods;
  2. fulfill orders with 99% accuracy;
  3. respond within three hours to inquiries about the status of their orders;
  4. to ensure that the quantity quality goods, did not exceed 1%.

Having developed a set of goods distribution goals, Relays proceeds to the formation of such a goods distribution system that will ensure the achievement of these goals with minimal costs. At the same time, decisions must be made on the following main issues:

  1. How should you work with customers? (order processing)
  2. Where should inventory be stored?
  3. What stock should always be on hand?
  4. How should the consumer be transported?

6. Organizational structure

For the Relays Firm, we choose linear structure management. The supreme body of the Relays Firm is general meeting founders, which considers financial and organizational issues related to the use of profits and the direction of development of this travel agency.

In accordance with the chosen organizational and legal form of the enterprise, Relays establishes the composition and structure of the enterprise's management bodies, guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the enterprise and entrepreneurial activity" and other regulatory and methodological documents.

When choosing the number of management personnel and specialists, as well as auxiliary workers, one should proceed from the expected volume of work performed by each of these categories of workers.

To ensure an acceptable level of overhead costs, it is necessary to strive for a rational reduction in the number of specialists and auxiliary workers. The composition of employees of these categories chosen by the Relays Company should ensure the unconditional manageability of the team and create conditions for the organization of highly productive labor of the main workers. They include the provision of reliable working equipment and tools, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and ensuring the timely delivery of technical documentation, equipment, materials, etc. to the workplace. in joint-stock companies of various types, the supreme management body is the meeting of shareholders, and between meetings - the board of joint-stock companies elected by them. The board hires a manager or head of the enterprise, who forms the management structure, recruits staff and organizes the work of the team. Considering that, by the condition, the enterprise is small and the estimated number of main workers usually does not exceed a few dozen people, it is advisable to limit ourselves to the following composition of specialists: the head of the enterprise, engineer-technologist, accountant-economist, technician, secretary.

The head of the enterprise provides general management of the team and takes on the solution of fundamental technical problems related to the selection of a portfolio of orders, the provision of design and technological documentation, the purchase of equipment and standard equipment, a complete set of materials, etc. He also leads the operational management of production. When solving these problems, the manager, if necessary, involves other specialists, entrusting them with the performance of specific tasks.

The process engineer solves all issues related to the correction of design and technological documentation and equipment, conducts work on safety engineering, purchases equipment and conducts other engineering issues, involving technicians for help.

The accountant-economist carries out accounting reports and technical and economic planning. He also attracts technicians to perform settlement work, draw up shipping documents, etc.

The secretary-clerk maintains internal and external correspondence, registration of personnel, timesheets, and also performs technical work as directed by the head of the enterprise.

With such a small number of specialists, it is necessary to ensure their interchangeability during vacations, illnesses and business trips, therefore, by order of the enterprise, the procedure for such replacement should be clearly specified. For example, in the absence of a manager, his duties are performed by a process engineer. During the absence of a process engineer, most of his duties are assigned to the technician and only some of the most complex functions - to the head of the enterprise. Likewise for other positions.

The average salary of specialists should differ relatively little from the average salary of workers, but among a group of specialists, wage differences should correspond to the level of responsibility and the nature of the tasks performed.

According to the composition of auxiliary workers, the following list of specialties can be noted: a toolmaker, a repairman, a plumber, an electrician, a picker, a cleaner of industrial premises.

Given the small number of auxiliary workers, it is necessary to provide for their interchangeability. It is desirable to attract people who have related specialties.

Principles of remuneration:

When applying for a job at Relays, employees will enter into an agreement, which will indicate the salary:

  • Manager - 5000 rubles.
  • Administrator - 2300 rubles.
  • Accountant-economist - 3500 rubles.
  • Secretary-clerk - 2000 rubles.
  • Process engineer from 2500 rubles.
  • Toolmaker from 2100 rubles.
  • Locksmith-repairman from 2000 rubles.
  • Plumber - 1500 rubles.
  • Electrician - 1500 rubles.
  • Cleaner 700 rub.

The local administration is interested in the activities of our company, because. we create new jobs, we will serve orphans and disabled children for 25% of the price of the service. And also thanks to the system of discounts operating in our company, the poor part of the population can receive qualified services at a reduced price.

Personnel requirements

Location of the Relays premises

To organize the work of the company "Release" it is planned to purchase a four-room apartment (90 m2.). The apartment is located on the first floor of a three-story residential building.

The estimated cost of the apartment is 610,000 rubles.

Re-registration of the premises from residential to non-residential 82,950 rubles.

The apartment needs to be redecorated and renovated. total cost 252100 rub. The repair (reconstruction) of the apartment assumes:

  • Redevelopment - 150100 rubles;
  • Replacing the floor covering with linoleum - 12,700 rubles;
  • Sticking new wallpaper (washing) - 15300 rubles;
  • Replacement of plumbing (toilet, sinks, faucets, etc.) - 9800 rubles;
  • Extension of a reinforced concrete staircase from the side of the balcony - 15400 rubles;
  • Laying a brick path, enclosing with a fence - 6900 rubles;
  • Replacing an old door with a plastic one - 21,800 rubles;
  • Registration of a signboard with the name of a hairdressing salon and work schedule - 1900 rubles;
  • Other expenses - 18200 rubles.

Price repair work- 105000 rub.

Costs for utilities- 6270 rubles. (1 month), phone - 120 rubles. (1 month), electricity 1500 rubles. (1 month).

7. Financial plan

For financial calculations, the following initial data were taken:

Project start date: 26.02.2003

Duration: 2 years

The time period from the date on which the initial data is relevant to the project start date is 4 months.

Main currency of the project: rub.

Currency for settlements on the external market: $ US

Exchange rate at the start of the project: 1 $ US = 31.50 rubles.

Tax rates (by years), %

The remaining taxes are planned to be paid under the simplified system in advance monthly payments, which will reduce taxation.

Inflation (by years), % - rub.

Inflation object

direct costs

General costs


Real estate

Energy carriers

Inflation (by years), % - $ US

To finance the project, it is planned to take a preferential loan in the amount of 150,000 thousand rubles for a period of 12 months at 20% per annum from Credit Ural Bank OJSC. Interest payments on the loan are planned to be made on a monthly basis. Loan repayment in one amount, after 12 months from the date of validity of the loan agreement.

The loan funds are planned to be spent on the purchase of equipment, repair of the premises and the launch of production.



thousand roubles.

the date



KUB loan

Article title

Gross Sales

Losses and sales taxes

Net sales

Raw materials


piece wages

Other direct costs

Total direct costs


Taxes on income and assets

Operating costs

Trading costs

Administrative costs

Total fixed costs


Interest on loans

Other income

Other costs


income tax


Profit and loss statement (RUB)

Article title

Gross Sales

Losses and sales taxes

Net sales

Raw materials


piece wages

Other direct costs

Total direct costs


Taxes on income and assets

Operating costs

Trading costs

Administrative costs

Total fixed costs


Interest on loans

Total accounting costs

Other income

Other costs


income tax


Profit and loss statement (RUB)

Article title

Gross Sales

Losses and sales taxes

Net sales

Raw materials


piece wages

Other direct costs

Total direct costs


Taxes on income and assets

Operating costs

Trading costs

Administrative costs

Total fixed costs


Interest on loans

Total accounting costs

Other income

Other costs


income tax


Profit and loss statement (thousand rubles)

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