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On January 14, in the Slovo library (Chernomorskaya st., 38b), as part of the celebration of the Day of the Russian Press, a reader's conference dedicated to periodicals was held.

Russian Press Day is a professional holiday for people of various professions publishers, editors, journalists, printing industry workers, paper industry, distributors printed publications, all those whose daily work ensures one of the fundamental rights of Russian citizens the right to access information and freedom of speech.

At the conference, the children learned the history of the creation of periodicals, got acquainted with the first printed newspaper Vedomosti, which began to be published at the direction and with the personal participation of the Russian Tsar Peter I from 1703. A discussion was held about the benefits and role of periodicals in public life. A competition for the "Best Children's Magazine" from the library's funds was held for children and their parents. A modern interactive magazine for children of primary and secondary age was chosen by the majority of votes. school age"Class magazine". Each issue of this publication contains the latest information for children: from cartoons, computer games to scientific discoveries, sports, technology. The main feature of the magazine is constant interactive with the audience, answers to readers' questions, publication of letters, numerous and varied competitions. The magazine is accepted with approval by the parent audience and can be considered as a publication read jointly by parents and children.

On January 13, Russia celebrates the Day of the Russian Press. It was approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of December 28, 1991 No. 3043-1 “On the Day of the Russian Press”. The Decree says “Paying tribute to historical justice - the release of the first issue Russian newspaper"Vedomosti" in January 1703, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR decides: to declare January 13 the Day of the Russian Press.
On January 20, the thematic meeting "Newspaper and magazine world" was held in the service department of the central city library. The host introduced the 8th grade students of secondary school No. 2 to the history of the formation of a professional holiday and the development of printing in Russia and the world.
The history of newspaper business goes back to ancient China. About 1,300 years ago, the Chinese government published the News of the Capital newspaper. AT Ancient Rome there was a government newspaper "Events of the Day", which was distributed free of charge. In Venice in the 16th century, the government issued a newspaper called the Written News. The year of birth of newspaper periodicals of the Old World is considered to be 1605, when the first printed edition saw the light in Strasbourg. Lacking a clearly defined name and permanent authors, it enjoyed enormous popularity among the nobles.
The forerunner of the printed newspaper in Russia was the handwritten newspaper - "Vestovye letters, or Chimes". This newspaper existed from 1600 to 1702. "News - Chimes" was a handwritten report of embassies, article lists and translations from foreign newspapers.
The first Russian printed newspaper, Vedomosti, was organized on the basis of the decrees of Peter I in December 1702. Trial issues of Vedomosti were issued on December 16 and 17, but were not preserved in print, from January 13, 1703, Vedomosti began to appear more or less less regularly.
The newspaper was published in Moscow and St. Petersburg simultaneously. It was predominantly informational. In 1728, the publication of Vedomosti was transferred to the Academy of Sciences, the newspaper was published under the name Saint Petersburg Vedomosti. In 1917 the newspaper was closed.
It is noteworthy that on January 13, 1830, the first issue of A.A. Literaturnaya Gazeta was also published. Delvig, where A.S. Pushkin.
By 1914, more than three thousand periodicals were published in Russia, and as of January 1, 2009, more than 33 thousand printed publications were registered in Russia.
The guest of the meeting was the director-chief editor of the Dimitrovgrad newspaper "Dimitrovgrad" Dmitry V. Shikov. He spoke about the stages of creating a newspaper issue - from collecting information and placing material on a newspaper page to the release of the issue from the press. Also presented social projects and newspaper supplements. In conclusion, an overview of the book and newspaper exhibition "The World of Periodicals" was presented.

The first issue of the newspaper was called "Vedomosti about military and other affairs worthy of knowledge and memory that happened in the Moscow State and in other surrounding countries." The newspaper was published both in Moscow and St. Petersburg, while actually not having a permanent name - Vedomosti, Rossiyskiye Vedomosti, Vedomosti Moskovskie.

From January 1, 1870, by "highest command" it was allowed "to arrange, in the form of an experiment, the reception in post offices of subscriptions to periodicals - both Russian and foreign." In Russia, this was the first order to subscribe to periodicals. And by 1914, more than three thousand periodicals were published in Russia.

After 1917, the Day of the Russian Press was moved to May 5 - the day when the main Soviet newspaper Pravda was published - and renamed the Day of the Soviet Press. Only in 1991, by Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 3043-1 of December 28 “On the Day of the Russian Press”, the date of celebrating the Day of the Russian Press was returned to the historically correct one - January 13.

It is noteworthy that January 13, 1830 first issue published "Literary newspaper".

According to experts, as of January 1, 2009, more than 33,000 printed publications were registered in Russia, which is one and a half times more than was registered in 2000. More than half of the titles are newspapers, then magazines, and only a small part are other types of printed periodicals. Every day, on average, more than 20 million copies of various printed publications are distributed to subscribers.

Since 1997, traditionally on this day presentation of the award of the President of Russia in the field of mass media and grants to support young journalists' projects.

Exhibitions were opened in the reading room of the regional library, where periodicals from the library's collections are presented.

The exhibition "Monument of Russian History and Literature" is dedicated to the journal "Russian Archive".

Russian Archive is a monthly historical and literary magazine published in Moscow from 1863 to 1917. The journal was founded by the historian, archeographer, bibliographer P. I. Bartenev according to the plan of A. S. Khomyakov and was dedicated to a comprehensive study of the history of Russia.

The journal was called "a living picture of the past" because it contained mainly publications of unpublished memoirs, epistolary, literary and artistic and departmental documentary materials covering the cultural and political history of Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Preference was given to the eras of the reigns of Catherine the Great and Alexander I, a large number of materials of a literary and biographical nature were devoted to the life and work of A. S. Pushkin and the heyday of the noble literary and artistic culture.

The main body of the journal's materials was made up not only of archival research, but also of the rarest documents from family collections. According to the number of published sources, the Russian Archive ranks first among Russian historical journals. 43 rooms contain materials on the history of the Orenburg province.

During 1863 - 1872. The Russian Archive was published at the Chertkovo Library (now the State Public Historical Library), which at that time was headed by P. I. Bartenev.

Unfortunately, the regional library has an incomplete set of this original edition, out of 155 volumes there are only 25 vols. for 1889, 1896, 1897, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1910, 1915

But, in 2010, the Alfaret publishing house, which specializes in printing rare pre-revolutionary literature, carried out a reprint edition of the magazine. All 155 volumes were published. "Russian Archive" (of which 3 volumes were appendices that are today a bibliographic rarity: "Northern Flowers" and "Vigel's Notes").

The exclusive volumes are bound in leather with gold embossing on the top cover and spine, have a silk captal and a lace to match the main color scheme.

At the end of 2013, OUNB named after N.K. Krupskaya became the owner of all issues of the Russian Archive.

And now everyone, from first-year students to venerable scientists, can use them for both scientific and educational purposes.

The second exhibition "Journals - Anniversaries" tells about the variety of magazines celebrating their anniversaries this year:

"Niva"- a popular Russian weekly magazine of the mid-19th - early 20th century with applications celebrates its 145th anniversary.

It was published for 48 years, from the end of 1869 to September 1918 in the publishing house of A. F. Marx in St. Petersburg.

The most popular "thin" magazine for family reading in pre-revolutionary Russia (circulation reached 275,000 copies). It was aimed mainly at the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois reader. Published in the magazine literary works, historical, popular science and various anniversary essays, reproductions and engravings of paintings by contemporary artists. Materials of political and social content were given in a "well-intentioned" spirit and were accompanied by numerous illustrations - until the beginning of the 20th century, usually engravings, then photographic reviews. (In the library from 1905 to 1917, supplements to the journal from 1894 to 1916).

"Motherland"- Russian historical illustrated magazine. It began to be published 135 years ago - in 1879 in St. Petersburg as a literary and artistic magazine for family reading. After the revolution, it was closed, and only 25 years ago, in 1989, it appeared before the reader in an updated form.

Currently, the founders of the journal are the Government Russian Federation and Administration of the President. It is published with the support federal agency Russia for Press and Mass Communications.

"Rodina" is one of the most authoritative and widely read domestic historical publications; articles of the country's leading historians and promising young scientists from different regions are published on its pages. Regional Library keeps in its funds both pre-revolutionary publications (from 1911 to 1915) and modern ones since 1989.

The popular illustrated magazine celebrates 130 years this year "Nov", which was published twice a month from November 1, 1884 to 1898 in St. Petersburg. The journal presented a chronicle in a public form modern life, articles were published on issues of literature, science and art (in the library from 1884 to 1890).

At the beginning of the 20th century, among the huge number of different types of literary magazines, the "aesthetic" publications of artists and symbolist writers "World of Art", "Scales", "Apollo", "Golden Fleece" and others stood out.

In 2014, the magazines Libra (1904-1909) and Apollo (1909-1917) celebrate their anniversaries.

The inspirer and initiator of the creation of the journal of Moscow symbolists "Scales" became V.Ya. Bryusov. (In the library fund from 1904 to 1909)

"Scales" was published in 1904. The main subject of the magazine is the propaganda of the aesthetic ideas of creativity in general and the creativity of the Symbolists in particular. The type of the new edition was also thought out.

Volume - 6-7 printed sheets, the numbers included illustrations, sometimes in color. Printed on good paper, the magazine was very elegant both externally and internally. L. Bakst was engaged in artistic design. The drawings on the cover of the magazine are decorative, full of some mystery.

Symbolism was replaced by new schools, and this is reflected in the history of the last modernist magazine. "Apollo"(in the library from 1909 to 1917).

The first issue of Apollo was published in November 1909 in St. Petersburg. The organizer of the publication was the art critic S. Makovsky, the poet I. Annensky actively participated in the creation of "Apollo". Among the employees were both writers (K. Balmont, A. Blok, A. Bely, V. Bryusov), and artists, and theater figures (L. Bakst, M. Dobuzhinsky, V. Meyerhold, F. Komissarzhevsky).

The design of the new magazine was carried out by L. Bakst, A. Benois, M. Dobuzhinsky. The publication was published on 80-100 pages with black-and-white and color reproductions and included fiction, literary reviews under the headings "Letters on Russian Poetry", "Notes on Russian Fiction", "New Books", "Journals". Reviews of performances were published in the "Theatre" section. The remaining third was devoted to articles on aesthetics, the history of painting and theater, and art criticism. The magazine was modest, austere and cheap: the price of an issue was about a ruble.

"Worker"- oldest women's magazine in Russia. This is a monthly socio-political, literary and artistic magazine for women, published by the Pravda publishing house (Moscow). Founded on the initiative of V. I. Lenin, the 1st issue was published on February 23 (March 8), 1914 in St. Petersburg with a circulation of 12 thousand copies.

Rabotnitsa was the first mass legal Bolshevik magazine that aimed to protect the interests of the women's labor movement. In the creation of the "Worker" participated in different time were members of the editorial board of A. I. Ulyanova-Elizarova, N. K. Krupskaya, I. F. Armand, A. V. Artyukhina, V. M. Velichkin, F. I. Drabkina, A. M. Kollontai, P. F. Kudelli, Z. I. Lilina, L. R. Menzhinskaya, K. I. Nikolaeva, E. F. Rozmirovich, K. N. Samoilova, L. N. Stal, etc.

The exhibition presents issues for 1931 and 1958.

In May 2014, the oldest literary magazine "October" turns 90 years old. It began to appear in 1924 as an organ of the Moscow Association of Proletarian Writers. D. Furmanov, A. Serafimovich, A. Fadeev participated in its creation. Much of what was printed by October has become a recognized classic: poems and plays by V. Mayakovsky, poems by S. Yesenin, E. Bagritsky, M. Svetlov and A. Tvardovsky, Chapaev by D. Furmanov, Quiet Don by M. Sholokhov, School » A. Gaidar, stories by A. Platonov, Yu. Olesha, L. Dobychin and M. Zoshchenko, “Peter the Great” by A. Tolstoy, “Emelyan Pugachev” by V. Shishkov, “Two Captains” by V. Kaverin and “Son of the Regiment” V. Kataeva, “The Sad Detective” by V. Astafiev, “Heavy Sand” by A. Rybakov, “Requiem” by A. Akhmatova, “Life and Fate” by V. Grossman, “Suicide” by M. Aldanov, “Psalm” by F. Gorenstein. The magazine also opened for Russian readers the work of V. Kormer, S. Dovlatov, A. Zinoviev, L. Filatov and Sasha Sokolov. (In the library since 1924)

Monthly literary, artistic and socio-political magazine "Friendship of Peoples" was founded in March 1939. The initiator of the project was A.M. Bitter.

For many years, Friendship of Peoples has been acquainting readers with the works of writers of the Union republics translated into Russian, with the cultural life of the peoples of our vast country. Today, the magazine embraces and supports a single cultural space created over many decades by the efforts of artists and cultural figures from all countries that are part of the former Soviet Union. New works of writers and poets of Russia, countries of near and far abroad are published; topical essays and essays analyzing the most acute problems of our time - national, social, religious, cultural and moral; literary reviews and critical articles.

The first editor-in-chief of Friendship of Peoples was the writer P. Pavlenko. AT different years Friendship of Peoples was headed by V. Goltsev, B. Lavrenev, A. Surkov, V. Smirnov, S. Baruzdin, V Pietsukh. Since 1995, the prose writer and translator A. Ebanoidze has been the editor-in-chief.

After the collapse of the USSR, it continues to exist as a private publication. (In the library since 1950)

Literary and art magazine celebrates 45th anniversary of its foundation "Aurora", published monthly since June 1969 in Leningrad (in the library since 1970).

Everyone will be able to get acquainted with the exhibitions until the end of February during the library's opening hours.

it extracurricular activity, which is held on January 13 and introduces students to the day of the Russian press. This development indicates the year when this holiday began to be celebrated in Russia. Parvaya page - history the first newspapers in the world. 2 page - the history of newspapers in Russia. 3 page - a variety of newspapers and magazines. 4 - the first magazines. 5- magazines for children. 6 - how to subscribe to a newspaper or magazine.



Prepared by: Russian language and reading teacher SKOU Stanina Lyudmila Vasilievna.

Age of students: 10-15 years old.


1. Introduce the history of the first newspapers and magazines.

2.Expansion of horizons, correction of cognitive processes.

3. Raising a love of reading.

Equipment: computer screen,presentation, samples of newspapers and magazines.

Event progress.

What publications are printed in our country? (newspapers, magazines)

What names of newspapers and magazines do you know?

1 page. History of the first newspapers.

What were the first newspapers?

Where did the first newspapers appear? These questions will not be answered by everyone.

Julius Caesar also began to publish the Acts of the Senate, and then the Daily Public Acts of the People. Roman newspapers were clay tablets on which they wrote down the chronicle of events, i.e. told what was happening in the country.

First in the world printed newspaper became "Capital Bulletin", which began to appear inChina in 8th century (911). It contained decrees of the emperor and messages about the most important events. Newspapers were printed from boards on which they cuthieroglyphs , covered ink and did prints . This technology was extremely inconvenient, since the board quickly became unusable from frequent coating with paint.

Over the following centuries, little has changed in newspapers untilGermany in the 1450s Johannes Gutenberg did not invent printing press , which allowed allowed to multiplytext and images, without resorting to the services of scribes.

Newspapers began to acquire their modern look inXVI century . Then the very name "newspaper" came into use - by the name of a small Italian coin. gazetta , which was usually paid for a handwritten piece of news inVenice . It is believed that it was in this city that the first information collection bureaus were formed -news agencies - and the profession of "news writers" arose.

2 page. History of newspapers in Russia.

When did the first newspapers appear in Russia?

Before printed newspapers appeared in Russia, for a long time for the tsar and the boyars were periodic handwritten reviews of the German and Dutch press. They were calledchimes . On December 15, 1702, Peter I issued a decree according to which the chimes should be transferred to the Monastic order (it was in charge of the printing house) and printed for sale "to the world". Before publication, the chimes were edited. In several cases, Peter himself made changes, checked. From the first newspapers, published at the end of 1702, only handwritten copies have been preserved.

The first surviving edition of this newspaper was published inMoscow 2 (13th of January 1703 (the anniversary of this date is celebrated asRussian Press Day ). The newspaper did not have a permanent name. However, in most variants of the title, the word "Vedomosti" is found. The newspaper did not have a permanent circulation (from 1-2 thousand to 30 copies). The frequency of its release depended on the work of the post office that delivered the foreign press, the degree of workload of the translators of the Ambassadorial order and free printing facilities. In addition to Moscow, individual issues of Vedomosti were also published in St. Petersburg. The first journalists were, firstly, Peter himself, as well as his officials. The first editor of Vedomosti was Fedor Polikarpov, director of the Printing House in Moscow, a literary educated man who wrote poetry. He prepared newspaper materials, processed translations from foreign press, which were supplied by officials of the Posolsky Prikaz, obtained news from other departments and offices, monitored the location of notes in the issue and kept proofreading. When Vedomosti was transferred to St. Petersburg, the director of the capital's printing house, Mikhail Abramov, began to deal with it. Yakov Sinyavich - clerk of one of the orders, the most famous of the first journalists in Russia, "reporter".

3 page. Variety of newspapers and magazines.

At first, this Vedomosti newspaper was published alone, after 100 years in 1860 28 newspapers were published, and almost 170 years after the publication of the first issue of Vedomosti, more precisely in January 1870, the first in the history of a trial subscription to Russian and foreign periodicals. People received newspapers at home. Only the rich could afford it. Already in 1914, more than three thousand different kinds of newspapers and magazines were being circulated in Russia.

At the beginning of 2005, Russian printed matter numbered over 46,000 titles, which exceeded the volume of periodicals in 2000 by almost 2.5 times. The bulk of the total volume published in modern Russia periodical publications, of course, are newspapers and magazines. They account for about 26 thousand newspapers and 16.5 thousand magazines.

4 page. First magazines.

What is a magazine?

Magazine ( fr. journal - diary, daily note, fromfr. jour - day, day) - printed periodic edition .

The first Russian magazine was the magazine "Notes" (1728-1742). It was published monthly in two languages ​​- German and Russian. Many of his articles were a continuation or addition to the information already published in St. Petersburg Vedomosti. In order for the reader to understand this connection, a link to the newspaper issue was printed in the margins. Later, the subject of publications in the journal expands and only partly turns out to be related to the content of the newspaper. The magazine was in demand. The journals of the Academy of Sciences played a special role. In 1755-1796. The Academy of Sciences was not only the center scientific development Russia, but also the center of cultural, literary and creative life. Therefore, it is not surprising that during these years she published several “thick” magazines. The “thick” magazine contained several printed pages.
An outstanding role in the formation of Russian journalism was played by M.V. Lomonosov. He worked hard in the journalistic field - as a translator and editor. Thanks to the activities of Lomonosov, the newspaper's texts are easy to read, they are distinguished by the clarity of the language and the construction of phrases. Lomonosov wrote a brilliant article "Reasoning about the duties of journalists." This is the first article about what a journalist should be like.

What is a journalist?

Here are Lomonosov's requirements for a journalist:

1) Competent - knowledgeable about which he writes very well.

2) Humble

3) Respectful of the opinions of others

4) Knowing the phrase "It's a shame to steal other people's thoughts."

Over time, private magazines began to appear, which were printed at the expense of wealthy people.

5 page. The first magazines for children.

Until the middle of the 17th century, children's literature did not exist. The first book written specifically for children was The World in Pictures by Jan Amos Comenius.
The first children's magazine in the world was the Lepzig Weekly Leaflet (1772-1774), published in Germany. Three years later, a special children's periodical- "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" - began to appear in Russia in Moscow.
The journal of the Russian educator N. Novikov "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" laid the foundation for domestic publications for the young reader. It was published as a weekly supplement to Moskovsky Vedomosti from 1785 to 1789. Children's magazine, according to the editor, was supposed to serve "for the heart and mind", to educate good citizens, with early years explain to young readers the laws of virtue. The publication had an encyclopedic character: scientific articles, conversations about natural phenomena, stories, fables, comedies, jokes were published on its pages. According to the founder, the magazine was supposed to "serve the heart and mind, educate good citizens" .

What children's magazines do you know?

For a long time, such magazines as "Funny Pictures", "Murzilka" were published in Russia.

Today many educational, educational, entertaining and historical children's magazines are published.

Of the educational and educational ones, there is the magazine Phil, Svirelka and Svirel, Yellow Caterpillar, Good Night, Kids, GEOlyonok, Bus, Klepa, Cool Magazine, Sketch, Cucumber and many others.

All these modern magazines introduce children to geography, history, art and the world of literature in an interesting and accessible way. In them you can find fairy tales, stories, poems of both classics and modern authors. Each magazine has its own headings, reflecting a specific topic. The magazines also have an entertaining part with crossword puzzles, puzzles, contests, etc.

Children's magazine Sketchdesigned for children 6-12 years old and tells children about art, drawing lessons and aesthetic development. In it you will find stories about architecture, about the largest museums on the planet, about sculpture and painting, folk crafts, about theater and cinema.

Children's magazine Svirelka.

The magazine is about nature. Includes stories and poems about nature, pictures, puzzles, riddles, coloring books, baby book in tabs, crafts.

Children's magazine Svirel.

This magazine is a continuation of Svirelka. Various issues on nature, ecology are covered in the journal, stories and novels are published. In each issue, readers will find information about the reserve or national park.

Children's magazine Lazur.

The magazine is also designed for schoolchildren. It publishes stories and novels, news, articles about expeditions and travels, about the life of Orthodox saints, announcements of new books

QEOlenok. Aimed at children from 6 to 16 years old. Learning in a playful way by immersing yourself in the world of amazing discoveries. The headings of the magazine: Great names, What progress has come to, Question for backfilling, Far away, Neighbors on the planet, Picture-mystery, etc.

6 page. How do I subscribe to a newspaper or magazine?

What do you need to do to subscribe to a magazine or newspaper?

This can be done at any post office. You need to go to the postman, ask for a catalog of newspapers and magazines. You can get acquainted with the features of a newspaper or magazine not only by looking at the catalog, you can also look at the magazines themselves. After you have chosen. You say the name of a magazine or newspaper and the postman will subscribe, it won't take long. You pay for the subscription, you get a receipt. After that, you will be told when you will receive the first issue and the postman will bring it to your home. You can enjoy and plunge into the amazing and interesting world reading, learning new things.

It's good that there is a holiday -
Russian Print Day!
And everyone is honored
Who is a writer at heart?

And let the machines knock all night
And let the paint on the fingers -
Newspaper, book in a hurry to life.
... And this is the miracle of a fairy tale.


Extracurricular activity: "We meet New Year».

Prepared : teacher of Russian language and reading SKOU Stanina Lyudmila Vasilievna.

Age of students: 10-12 years old.


1. Get to know the traditions of the New Year holiday.

2. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere, aesthetic taste.

3. Correction of cognitive processes, development of coherent speech, vocabulary enrichment.

4. Raising collectivism, respect for each other.

Equipment : Christmas tree, toys, an envelope with the names of flowers, letters, drawings, Santa Claus's bag with souvenirs.

Event progress.

Teacher: Hello dear guests, hello guys. We have gathered with you in our family circle to celebrate the new year. I want to congratulate you all on the upcoming 2014 and wish you good luck and health. May the year bring you only good things.

Today we will communicate with you, play, tell poems, guess riddles, and everything will be dedicated to this amazing holiday, which is awaited not only by adults, but also by children.

Raise your hand, who is waiting for this holiday?

Why are you waiting for him? (answers of adults and children)

Where does the new year come from?

The verse “Where the New Year Comes From” is read by A.A.

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?

He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
New Year is coming to us


Where does he come from? (not known from where)

This will be the year of which animal? (blue wooden horse)

Guys, without which not a single new year passes? (no tree)
- Agree, the Christmas tree is the most beautiful tree in the world. Where can I get a beautiful Christmas tree? (children's answers).

And what will our holiday be without a Christmas tree?

I have a magical task: if you complete it, then a miracle can happen. Shall we try? On the board is a Christmas tree made of cardboard. The student removes the cotton wool-snow and reads the verse.

The Christmas tree came to the children
Brought snow on the branches.
Need to warm the Christmas tree
Put on a new dress.
Stars shine brightly
Light bulbs are burning bright
Beads hang different -
Wonderful outfit!

We need to decorate this Christmas tree with toys while the melody sounds. A miracle will happen if you have time and the tree will be elegant and beautiful. Therefore, you not only have to hurry up, but also do it beautifully.

(A model of a Christmas tree made of cardboard hangs on the board, the guys should decorate the Christmas tree with prepared toys, rain and tinsel. All toys are attached to the Christmas tree with plasticine. The teacher himself will turn off the music when the guys complete the task)


Succeeded, well done! Is our Christmas tree beautiful and neat?

Here is the first miracle - such a wonderful Christmas tree came to us, which you yourself made, so if there is no Christmas tree at home, do not despair, make it yourself.
-Without whom, guys, the New Year is not a new year? (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden)

Chief on this holiday. of course, Santa Claus.

A student reads a poem. G.A.

We will not meet him in the spring,
He won't come in the summer
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.
He has a bright blush
Beard like white fur
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.
Happy New Year congratulations,
Will light a magnificent Christmas tree,
amusing kids,
Get up with us in a round dance.
We welcome him together
We are great friends...
But drink hot tea
This guest is not allowed!

Teacher: Where does Santa Claus live? (In Veliky Ustyug)

The student reads a verse by T.Yu.

There is a hut in the dense forest,
It has carvings with patterns,
And a fluffy bed
On which it is prickly to sleep:
Instead of fluff in that feather bed
Only snowflake stars
ice cover
Replaces duvet.
And Frost lives in a hut
And it's called Santa Claus.


For the second miracle to happen, riddles must be solved. If all of them are guessed, we will be able to see Santa Claus himself.

Faster than the wind I ride
"Tsok-tsok" I knock with hooves
And loudly "yoke-go" I shout.
Sit on your back - I'll ride! (horse)

Invisible carefully
He comes to me
And draws like an artist
He patterns on the window. (Freezing.)

Messed up the paths
Decorated the windows
Gave joy to children
And she rode on a sled. (Winter.)

white carrot
It has been growing all winter.
The sun warmed
I ate all the carrots. (Icicle.)

Blanket white
Not made by hand
Did not weave and did not crumble -
It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow.)

No planks, no axes
The bridge over the river is ready.
Bridge like blue glass
Slippery, fun, light. (Ice.)

In the new wall, in the round window
Broken glass during the day
Overnight - inserted. (Hole.)

What a beautiful girl

Dress up once a year? (Christmas tree.)

Bells are ringing (on a computer or Santa Claus has a bell in his hands). What? What are the sounds? Who is knocking on our door?

Pupil P.M. opens the door greets, takes Santa Claus by the hand and leads to the guys, reads a verse.

Santa Claus walking through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
Walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -
He dressed the Christmas trees in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them to the guys.

Silence in the meadows
Shining yellow moon.
All trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice sparkles on the pond
The New Year is coming!

Father Frost:

Hello guys, hello adults. Flying over your school, I heard how well you solve riddles and decided to go down to YOU. I really want to play with you and have fun. Shall we play?

Competition "What is this color?" You take out the name of the color from the envelope, read and say what happens in this color for the New Year ..

Green: tree, apple.

White snow.

Blue: wooden horse, dress.

Red: toy, Santa Claus outfit.

Pink: tinsel.

Yellow: New Year's rain.

Blue: flashlight.

Orange: snowman nose, tangerine, orange.

Purple: dress, toy. tinsel.

Brown: bear, chocolate.

Father Frost: Well done guys, well done.

Teacher: Santa Claus wait, why are you alone? Where is the Snow Maiden?

Father Frost:

For my granddaughter to come, you need to sing a song, she loves to sing songs. But she also has a love. What song is this guys?

A melody sounds. Children stand in a round dance and sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

At the end of the song, the door opens and the Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys (children say hello). Hello grandpa. Suitable and hugging grandfather .. I heard my favorite song and can not pass by resin. Are you having a holiday here?

Teacher: Yes, Snow Maiden, we were waiting for you and are very glad to see you. Have fun with us.

Snow Maiden: Let's play the game "What's the letter?".

The Snow Maiden offers a letter; the child names New Year's words with this letter.

(for example, K - carnival, puss in boots, b- beard, c- felt boots, branch, c- snowman, Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: Well done guys, you got the job done.

Let's please grandfather, do you know poems about him? (children's answers)

The verse is read by A.V.

Santa Claus for the New Year
Will definitely come.
Guys are waiting for him
Birds and animals.
And gifts are waiting for him -
After all, they are preparing for him
Jokes, games, fairy tales
And the Christmas tree is dancing.
Laughter pours over the forest,
Santa Claus is laughing!
Animals play with him
New Year's Eve!

Student B.D.

Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree -
He wasn't tired or cold
After all, fast sleds
They take him from a fairy tale.
From the snowy fairyland
And from an unknown side.

Teacher: The guys not only know poetry, but the game about D.M. Let's play.

Everyone gets up in a round dance. The game is held by V.R.

Like our Frost...
Like our Frost
Here's a beard

Here is such a beard - they all say together and show a beard
(Yes, yes, yes, such a beard) - the student says, the children show the beard.
Like our Frost

That's a red nose
Here is such a red nose - they all say together and show the tip of the nose.
(Yes, yes, yes, such a red nose) the student says, the children point to the tip of the nose
Like our Frost

These are the boots
These are boots - they all speak together and show their legs one by one
(Yes, yes, yes, these are boots) the student says, the children show their legs one by one.
Santa Claus, you are a hundred years old!
And you're naughty like a little one - threatens with a finger.

Father Frost : Yes, I like to play pranks. I have a favorite game called Freeze. Let's play. The children take the thread and walk in a circle, the grandfather goes inside the circle and tries to touch the hands of the children with a staff, and they must dodge. Raising or lowering your hands.. A fast melody sounds.

Teacher: Grandfather. The guys not only learned poems, they were very prepared and drew pictures. Here is our New Year's Eve. The teacher opens the board with pictures. The children will give these drawings to their parents, because on this day it is customary to give gifts and wish the best.

The student reads the verse. A.A.

Very soon New Year!
Santa Claus is coming to visit
Waiting for more Snowman;
The animals are busy so far:
Christmas trees are decorated together:
On green needles
Hang toys,
Serpentine, crackers.
Good Santa Claus
Brought everyone a present:
Misha - honey and pies,
And the fox - boots.
Squirrel - nuts,
Mushrooms, russula:

Father Frost : Yes. gifts are attention, this is care, this is the desire to please loved ones. I didn't come empty-handed either. I brought you souvenirs - this is a symbol of the year - a horse and angels - which will protect you in the new year. Come on, granddaughter. hand out, but it's time to go - the road.

The Snow Maiden distributes gifts-souvenirs.

Teacher: Thank you for coming, thank you for the hospitality. Goodbye!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

Teacher : The best parents in the world
We are in a hurry to congratulate you at this hour.
Our angels, our guardians
What could we do in life without you?!
We wish you boundless happiness,
Let the old grievances go away!
And more health, of course,
Live long, folks! Gifts, candles, the smell of spruce
And the scent of tangerines...
And everyone, of course,
Make a lot of wishes.
Under the chimes give
To each other you are words of love,
Dedicate to friends and family
Confessions lines and poems.
Happy New Year to you,
We wish to be together always
And God bless you with this happiness.
Save for years to come.

Children give drawings to their parents, congratulations on the holiday.


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